How aroma lamps work. What is an aroma lamp: history and types. magical recipes for aroma lamps with oils

- aromatherapy - has in its arsenal the use of aroma lamps: vessels designed to create a certain smell in a limited space of a room. The use of aroma lamps is simple and available method aromatherapy.

An aroma lamp is a small vessel consisting of a container for water, under which there is a candle that heats the water with its flame. When using an aroma lamp, the container is filled with water, the chosen one (or a mixture of oils) is dropped into the water and the candle is lit. The number of drops of oil depends on the area of ​​the room: 5 square meters area take two drops of oil. The sensitivity of a person to the smell of this oil also affects the dosage, an individual approach is needed here.

Before lighting the aroma lamp, the room is ventilated, and then all doors and windows are closed. The candle flame slowly heats the water, the essential oil begins to evaporate, and the smell spreads around the room. Boiling water with oil should not be allowed, the temperature of the water in the aroma lamp should be 50-60˚, so a little cold water should be added to the container with water from time to time.

An aroma lamp with a lit candle must not be left unattended!

The duration of the first two sessions of aromatherapy using an aroma lamp is no longer than 20 minutes. Gradually, the time of the sessions increases, sometimes reaching up to three hours (at the discretion of the aromatherapist).

Types of aroma lamps
Aroma lamps are made from the most various materials and also come in a variety of shapes and sizes. Sometimes an aroma lamp, made by a master by hand, is a real work of art. When choosing an aroma lamp, you need to pay attention not so much to its beauty, but to the material from which the lamp is made. This material must not react with the essential oil. Therefore, it is better to use an aroma lamp made of porcelain, ceramics, glass. If you are attracted to metal aroma lamps, use a stainless steel lamp.

The size of the aroma lamp also matters. The water container should have a volume of at least 50 ml, and the distance from the candle wick to the bowl should be at least 10 cm. Such dimensions guarantee a slow and uniform heating of the water, and, therefore, a uniform distribution of the aroma throughout the room.

Oils for aroma lamps
With the help of an aroma lamp, you can remove nervous tension, relax, or, conversely, concentrate on an important matter. It is possible from a headache, to create an erotic atmosphere in the bedroom - it all depends on which essential oil will be chosen for the aromatherapy procedure. Oil blends are more commonly used.

Soothing blends: , bergamot, thyme;
rose, incense, sandalwood;
valerian, ylang-ylang, palmarosa, etc.
-Invigorating blend: juniper, mint, cinnamon, neroli.
-A peaceful sleep blend: neroli, sandalwood, frankincense.
- Performance Blend: Lemon, Bergamot, Clove, Marjoram, Leuzea, Pine.

When compiling mixtures of each oil, take 1-2 drops.

Few things can compare with lit candles, good music and a pleasant smell that wafts around the apartment... The perfect way conduct quiet evening Houses! But it is even better to use the beneficial properties of essential oils to solve specific problems: relaxation, elimination of microbes, stress relief, energy boost, etc. Aromatherapy at home is available to everyone - you just need to know how to choose and combine different oils for an aroma lamp. A few ideas from interesting recipes mixtures await you in this article.

Aroma lamps are one of the simplest and most beautiful ways bring in nice smell in a dwelling. They are usually inexpensive, and thanks to the sparkling candles inside, they make your room look even warmer and more inviting.

Using an essential oil burner is quite simple: fill a bowl with water, to which you then add a few drops of your favorite oil. essential oil or their mixture. Light a candle, put it under the bowl and enjoy the aroma! The correct dosage depends on the size of the room and how Strong smell you want to receive. It is considered comfortable to use 5 to 15 drops of essential oil at a time.

The only drawback of the aroma lamp is the need to ensure that it does not run out of water. If you buy a burner with a large, deep bowl as a precaution, you won't have to add water often, and you will significantly reduce the risk of burning it.

Moving on to our collection of amazing essential oil blend recipes for the oil burner, collected from home aromatherapy fans all over the internet!

TOP-4 mixtures of essential oils for aromatization of an apartment

Aromatherapy is great, but first let me introduce you to essential oils for the home, which will fill your home with delicious natural scents, uplift your mood and simply enrich your everyday life.

1. Warming essential oil blend in the spirit of Christmas

This spicy blend is perfect for whiling away cold winter evenings. Very cozy, homely and soothing, it also has antiviral and antibacterial properties. Here is a list of essential oils needed:

  • 4-6 drops of patchouli;
  • 2-4 drops of cinnamon;
  • 3-5 drops of orange;
  • 1-2 drops of cloves.

Optionally, you can also add 1 drop of ylang ylang to the recipe to bring a slight floral note to this mixture.

2. Floral scent blend for a light spring vibe

This aroma lamp blend of essential oils smells like a fresh field of flowers. You can use it to calm your nerves or relax in the bedroom before bed.

  • 8-10 drops of lavender;
  • 2 to 3 drops of palmarosa;
  • 2 to 3 drops of geranium.

3. Refreshing recipe for using the aroma lamp in summer

The use of these essential oils at home to aromatize an apartment will be most appropriate in hot weather. summer evenings. The mixture has a refreshing smell, helps to clear the head and at the same time takes care of the elimination of viruses and bacteria.

  • 4-6 drops of spearmint;
  • 3-5 drops peppermint;
  • 3-5 drops of palmarosa or citronella oil;
  • optional: 1 drop lemongrass

4. A rich blend of essential oils that men will love

Deep and rich different shades This essential oil blend is best for a quiet candlelit evening. Save your recipe:

  • 4 drops of lavender;
  • 2 drops of cedar;
  • 2 drops of orange or petitgrain;
  • 1 drop palmarosa or ylang ylang
  • optional: 1 drop vetiver

Aromatherapy at Home: Essential Oils to Uplift Your Mood

Are you sad, anxious, or just plain bored? Use the beneficial properties of essential oils to raise your urgency and get a charge of vivacity!

When treating depression and anxiety, light combinations of citrus and floral scents will help you. To start aromatherapy at home, try mixing 3 drops of clary sage, 1 drop of lemon, and 1 drop of lavender. Another option: 3 drops of grapefruit oil, 1 drop of jasmine oil and 1 drop of ylang ylang. Also in the decision emotional problems you will need a healing mixture that includes 2 drops of orange, bergamot, cypress and frankincense essential oils.

To soothe headache, use marjoram, thyme, peppermint, rosemary, and lavender in approximately equal parts.

A mixture of 3 drops of orange and 3 drops of peppermint is useful when you need to quickly lift your mood and recharge your batteries (for example, in the early morning). And to create a wonderful atmosphere for family or friendly gatherings, drop 3 drops of bergamot essential oil, 2 drops of geranium and 3 drops of lavender into the aroma lamp.

A super stimulating recipe for focus and energy: 8 drops grapefruit, 4 drops lavender, 4 drops lemon and 2 drops basil.

We select aphrozodiac essential oils for romance

To create the right mood for a romantic meeting at home, you will need the following aroma lamp oils: sandalwood(7-10 drops), vanilla (2 drops) and ylang-ylang (1 drop). The aroma of essential oils of black pepper, grapefruit and jasmine (2 drops of each) will also be quite promising for your partner.

Use the properties of essential oils to relieve stress

Most often, aromatherapy at home is required when a person often has to deal with stressful situations. How to use essential oils in this case?

A soothing mixture of 4 drops of chamomile, 3 drops of lavender, 2 drops of clary sage, 2 drops of geranium and 1 drop of ylang-ylang will help you quickly recover after a hard day.

Also, for overcoming stress, calming the mind and emotions, a relaxing mixture according to the recipe is great: 4 drops of lavender + 2 drops of cedar + 2 drops of orange + 1 drop of ylang-ylang.

You can try creating your own blend that contains your favorite scent plus the soothing power of lavender, clary sage, vetiver, chamomile, flowers, and citrus fruits of your choice.

Combination of scents of essential oils for immunity and fight against viruses

Home aromatherapy can successfully deal not only with psychological problems but also with diseases of the body. So, during the flu and cold season, it is recommended to use spicy and citrus oils for the aroma lamp, such as lemon, lime, mint, rosemary and eucalyptus. Mix 1 drop of them for prevention or already at the first symptoms of the disease. Another healing recipe: 4 drops regular mint, 4 drops peppermint, 4 drops citronella and 1 drop lemongrass

A mixture of 2 drops lemon, 2 drops orange, 1 drop clove, 1 drop eucalyptus, 1 drop cinnamon and 1 drop helps to defeat up to 99% of airborne bacteria. tea tree. And if you want to help your body overcome an infection quickly, then prepare a mixture of 20 drops of orange, 10 drops of eucalyptus, 10 drops of juniper, 10 drops of pine, 6 drops of basil, 6 drops of rosewood and 4 drops of ginger in advance, which you will gradually add to aroma lamp.

Fight germs and allergies spring-summer period a simple mixture "for healthy breathing”, containing 2-3 drops of essential oils of lavender, lemon and peppermint.

Aromas of essential oils for relaxation and sleep

The use of essential oils at home does not end there. Aromatherapy can also be used to healthy sleep, relaxation and meditation. We offer you several recipes for aroma lamp mixtures that will help create a relaxing atmosphere in the apartment.

  • 4 drops of cedar wood + 3 drops of lavender;
  • 2 drops each of lavender, marjoram, orange and chamomile;
  • 3 drops each of grapefruit, bergamot and lime, 2 drops of ginger and 1 drop of sandalwood;
  • 8-10 drops of lavender + 2-3 drops of palmarosa + 2-3 drops of geranium;
  • 2 drops each of bergamot, lavender, patchouli and ylang-ylang essential oils.

Finally: what essential oils repel insects?

How to use essential oils to scent an apartment and repel harmful insects at the same time? Try one of these two popular repellent mixes:

  • 1 drop each of lemongrass, tea tree, thyme, eucalyptus and rosemary;
  • 4-6 drops of mint + 3-5 drops of peppermint + 3-5 drops of citronella + 1 drop of lemongrass.

Do you want to fall asleep on the ocean today, find yourself on an alpine meadow tomorrow, and the day after tomorrow feel like walking among the resinous pines warmed by the sun? There is nothing easier. You don't even need to leave your house for this! Get an aroma lamp and your ocean breeze, fresh mountain breeze and intoxicating woody spirit - as well as hundreds of other favorite smells - will always be with you.

Even 10 years ago, which seemed an incredible curiosity, today aroma lamps have firmly taken their place in our houses and apartments. And there are many reasons for that.

  1. They successfully replace air fresheners. Moreover, if polymers, artificial fragrances and other unpleasant “chemistry” are regularly found in the composition of the latter (it is not for nothing that Rospotrebnadzor classifies air fresheners as low-hazard, but still not harmless substances), then good quality oil does not sin with this drawback.
  2. They do not limit your imagination. The same aerosol can releases a single fragrance, while oils can be combined in different proportions, creating the atmosphere of your home with your own hands.
  3. Many oils have antibacterial and antiviral effects, so they can serve as an excellent prophylactic against colds, especially during epidemics.
  4. The dancing light of a candle creates a special comfort, cleans the air from unpleasant odors, and in combination with your favorite aromas, it helps to relax, get rid of negative emotions and tune in to a positive mood. Connoisseurs of subtle matters, by the way, assure that the combination of flame and essential oils leads to harmony in the energy of the room.
  5. A stylish, tastefully selected aroma lamp can become a spectacular element of decor. Fortunately, their choice today is almost unlimited - after spending a little effort, you will definitely find exactly the one that fits perfectly into the interior of your home.

In short, you have at least 5 reasons to get a new cute and useful accessory for your home. But before you go to the store, it would not be bad to clearly imagine what exactly you want to find there. Aroma lamps are different:

  • according to the method of heating, they are divided into classical, electric and catalytic (flameless) combustion lamps;
  • by material - into glass, ceramic, stone, metal and combined (for example, combining glass and stone or metal);
  • in size - any, from very miniature to rather bulky and heavy.

At the same time, all models operate according to a single principle: a fragrant composition mixed on the basis of water or alcohol and essential oils is poured into a container specially designed for this and heated until the fragrant cocktail begins to evaporate and fills the air with pleasant aromas. The whole difference is in which mixture to use and how to heat it.

On average, an aroma lamp is able to refresh and disinfect the air in a room up to 20 m2 in size.

Subtleties of choice

If appearance the future new thing for the house is entirely determined by the individual preferences of its owners, then other characteristics - the material, the principle of operation, safety - need additional study. After all, you have to use this thing for many years, so you need to approach the selection process thoroughly.

Depending on the material

A good aroma lamp will have at least two advantages: a relatively light weight so that it can be easily moved from place to place, and an easy-to-clean water bowl. Most good choice in this regard, glass will become, as well as any ceramics from primitive clay to porcelain or its more weighty and expensive counterpart slip. The range of prices for such lamps is large, but rarely reaches sky-high heights, so you can easily find a model according to your wallet and taste.

In second place are metal aroma lamps. They are reliable, durable, easily fit into the interiors, made in the most different styles, and are quite affordable, although they are inferior in this regard to cheaper ceramic counterparts. True, there is a risk that an unscrupulous manufacturer saved on material and used a metal that can react with the active substances of the oil, but avoiding this danger is simple: just purchase a metal lamp with a glass bowl.

Stone aroma lamps are less common than those made of ceramics and metal, but by no means because they are inferior to them in quality. Rather, on the contrary! A natural stone does not form harmful compounds with oils, warms up well, it is easy to keep clean ... Perhaps the only pronounced disadvantage of such lamps is their high price- first of all, because of not the cheap way production (most of the work is done manually). But how luxurious such a trinket will look on a table or shelf in your room! How mysteriously the light of a candle, hidden behind a through stone carving, will flicker! ..

According to the principle of work

If you are a staunch connoisseur of the classics, and the contemplation of an evenly burning flame has a calming effect on you, the choice should undoubtedly be stopped at the classic version of the aroma lamp. The water in it is heated with the help of special tablet candles, the stocks of which must be replenished regularly, but otherwise the lamp does not cause problems for the hostess. Unless it requires increased caution in operation, especially if you have small children and curious pets in your apartment - whatever one may say, but every time you use it, you will be dealing with open fire.

Catalytic lamps, reminiscent of a bottle of fine perfume, operate somewhat differently. They are a vessel with a fragrant liquid containing a certain amount of alcohol, a burner and a wick, due to the smoldering of which the evaporation of aromatic substances occurs. Be careful, it doesn’t cost anything to burn your fingers on the burner of a catalytic aroma lamp even after the flame itself has already been extinguished!

Electric aroma lamps will definitely appeal to lovers of technical innovations and those who are not allowed to enjoy their favorite smells in peace at the thought of a fire. Due to the absence of fire, it is extremely difficult to burn yourself on such a lamp, and the constant temperature of the bowl, which is provided by electric heating, makes the oil evaporate less intensively. It follows that you will have to buy new bottles with fragrant contents less often. In addition, many users claim that fragrances “sound” cleaner when they are not mixed with the subtle smell of a burning wick.

Electric aroma lamps can work from a socket, batteries, and even ... from a laptop. In the latter case, a miniature device is connected to the USB port of the computer, like a regular USB flash drive, and while you work, you are enveloped in a cloud of pleasant aroma.

To size

Do you think that it all depends on the wishes of the future owners? Not really. Be sure to make sure:

  • the volume of the water bowl was at least 30, and preferably 50 ml - so its contents will be heated evenly;
  • the bowl itself was located at a height of 7 to 10 cm from the bottom of the aroma lamp - otherwise it will either overheat from the proximity of the flame, or, conversely, will not reach desired temperature. The exception is high open structures in which ordinary decorative candles can be used.

How to use the aroma lamp?

It all depends on which model you chose.


  1. Ventilate the room well.
  2. Pour a few tablespoons of clean water into the bowl.
  3. Add your chosen essential oil. At first, 3-5 drops will suffice, although over time, by experience, you will be able to establish the optimal amount of fragrant additives for yourself.
  4. Light a candle and place it under the bottom of the bowl.
  5. Let the lamp burn out for 15-20 minutes and turn it off. Stretching the time of the first sessions to an hour or more, as the "old-timers" of aromatherapy do, is not worth it, otherwise you risk getting a migraine.
  6. Let the bowl cool so as not to burn your fingers, and wash it by carefully draining the rest of the scented water into the sink.

Don't let the liquid boil away completely. The author of these lines, for example, somehow left a candle in the lamp longer than it was supposed to and ended up with a glass bowl, disfigured by ingrained oily stains. And she got off lightly, because an empty container could crack in no time from contact with the flame.

Important! Do not leave a burning candle unattended and do not keep flammable objects near it. Even miniature "pills" in reliable foil cups can cause a fire.


  1. Ventilate the room.
  2. Fill the aroma lamp vessel with a fragrant mixture specially designed for this purpose.
  3. Insert the wick and let it soak in the liquid properly. It usually takes 20 minutes, but to be sure, it's better to wait half an hour.
  4. Place a burner on the neck of the vessel and light the wick.
  5. After 1.5–2 minutes, blow out the flame. The lamp will continue to work, turning the liquid filling it into fragrant fumes.
  6. After another 15–20 minutes, turn off the burner by covering it with a cap.

Do not fill the lamp more than ¾ full, do not let the liquid evaporate to the limit and do not use foreign mixtures. Only those that are intended for aroma lamps, and flameless burning!


Through the efforts of manufacturers competing with each other, electric aroma lamps often have several built-in functions, so do not be too lazy to study the instructions that came with your purchase. It will allow you to avoid mistakes in working with a thin device and not be disappointed in the result.

Is it permissible to replace essential oil with perfume on occasion? If we are talking about a catalytic lamp, definitely not. But for her classic and electric products, exceptions are possible - for example, you can add a few drops of perfume to a bowl of water. self made created on the basis of the same natural oils. As for synthetic perfumery, its use in aroma lamps is not only undesirable, but even contraindicated.

How to wash?

…And is it worth it, because everything that you don’t scrape off its walls today will simply evaporate the next time you use the bowl? Alas, it will not evaporate, but rather burn, and besides, it will mix in an unpredictable way with a new portion of oils, spoiling your aromatherapy session, so you should wash the lamp very carefully. And at the same time follow a few mandatory rules:

  • do not start cleaning until the bowl has cooled down to abrupt change temperatures did not lead to the appearance of cracks on its surface;
  • use soft sponge and ordinary dishwashing liquid, and only in rare cases, when the walls are too dirty - baking soda;
  • if you can’t get rid of the smell of oils, rinse a clean bowl with a glass of water with a spoonful of vinegar diluted in it.

Do not forget to periodically wipe the lamp itself with a damp soft cloth to prevent dust from accumulating on it.

Recipes for fragrant compositions

Over time, every enthusiastic owner of an aroma lamp becomes bored with using this or that oil with an annoying smell, and he begins to make his own multi-component compositions. One bad thing: to collect quality bouquet from disparate aromas, you need to have either an excellent sense of smell or experience. If you don’t have one or the other yet, use ready-made recipes for odorous mixtures for any occasion.

PurposeEssential oilsQuantityPurposeEssential oilsQuantity
For a good moodcarnation1 dropFor sound sleep, option 1sandalwood2 drops
bergamot1 dropneroli2 drops
marjoram1 dropincense1 drop
pine1 dropFor sound sleep, option 2lavender4 drops
lemon1 dropchamomile4 drops
For relaxationfir5 dropsTonic Blendjuniper3 drops
juniper4 dropscedar2 drops
mint3 dropsmarjoram2 drops
From coldstea tree7 dropsTo create a playful moodjasmine4 drops
eucalyptus5 dropsrose4 drops
lavender1 dropsandalwood2 drops
To add a touch of romance to the atmosphereylang-ylang1 dropbergamot2 drops
sandalwood1 dropTo arouse desire in menginger3 drops
patchouli1 droppatchouli3 drops
rose1 dropbergamot3 drops
bergamot3 dropscinnamon2 drops

The benefits and harms of aromatic lamps

About the benefits of the fashionable passion for aromatherapy using special lamps, we talked enough at the beginning of this article. They allow you to create a pleasant atmosphere in the room, disinfect the air, relieve stress and most favorably affect both health and our mood.

However, even relatively harmless essential oils misuse can cause serious problems:

  • first of all, they often cause allergies, so start your sessions with caution;
  • fragrant vapors of some oils - fennel, rosemary, birch, sage, thyme and others - are strictly not recommended to be inhaled by epileptics and pregnant women in order to avoid unpleasant consequences for well-being;
  • and even the owner of iron health will not avoid complications if he is carried away by aromas beyond measure. For example, recent studies in Taiwan have shown that bergamot oil, which relieves fatigue, bad mood and insomnia, when inhaled for more than half an hour, causes an increase in blood pressure, headaches and disturbances in the work of the heart. This also applies to other smells, so know the measure.

Aroma lamp and aroma diffuser

Classical ceramic and stone bowls, evaporating oils due to the flame of a candle, are known to many. Electrical devices less common, but also in demand. But the aroma diffuser is a mystery to many. What is it and can this mysterious device be attributed to the glorious family of aroma lamps?

To begin with, there are three types of arab diffusers.

The first option looks like a bottle with a fragrant liquid. Open it, dip a few thin spears inside and ... that's it. Sticks made of rattan or bamboo will be soaked in the odorous mixture and fill the room with the chosen fragrance - the thicker you stick them into the bottle, the richer the atmosphere will be. There are virtually no precautions in handling such an aroma diffuser, you just have to pick it up appropriate place and make sure that the curious younger members of the family do not overturn the entire structure on themselves.

The second option looks like a simple ceramic figurine, on which you need to spray the selected fragrance from time to time. The porous material will delay the evaporation of volatile substances and will retain the smell in the room for a long time.

The third version of the aroma diffuser is often called an aroma lamp, but not an ordinary one, but an ultrasonic one. Evaporation of the oil is achieved in it due to the action of ultrasonic waves, which break the liquid into tiny drops and throw it into the air as vapor clouds. Neither high temperatures, no fire hazard - some models do not even need to add water, which makes them convenient to use in cars. True, such devices easily fail, so you will have to handle them very carefully.

Video: do-it-yourself simple aroma lamp

Original air freshener, meditation aid, immune booster, personal antidepressant or just a tribute fashion trend… It does not matter what the aroma lamp will be for you personally, the main thing is that it fully meets your needs. Therefore, approach the choice with all seriousness, having studied in detail the advantages and disadvantages of each model - so you will definitely choose the best option for yourself and be satisfied with the purchase. Well, there it remains only to use it with pleasure, turning your apartment into blooming garden, then to the forest thicket, or to a confectionery or bakery with sweet fruit pies - depending on the mood.

Essential oils are an amazing tool that can be used to heal an illness, create an amazing atmosphere, fragrance, and purify the air in your home at the same time.

Different oils have different uses based on the properties of the plants they are extracted from. Without special knowledge and instructions, the world of ethers will seem a little confusing to you, but this is only at first.

A good way to learn and understand essential oil is to enjoy it gradually and long time. This opportunity is given by a special device - an aroma lamp. To use it, you do not need to study manuals for operation, it is arranged extremely simply.

The convenience of the aroma lamp is that it is used in any room, regardless of the purpose: in the office, at home, in kindergarten or store. The small, compact design is made from a variety of materials and colors.

The main rule is to ensure gradual heating with the help of a candle flame, a cup that is located above the burner. A small amount of water with essential oil added to it is poured into the recess above the candle. The recommended dose is 8 drops. But this is not so important, and in the process of use, you can choose the optimal and pleasant concentration for yourself.

The aroma lamp for essential oils should have such a bowl that the candle installed in it burns out before the water evaporates. Otherwise, overheating of the ether or boiling of water is possible, and this will instantly spoil the effect.

When purchasing a design, you must decide in advance how to use an aroma lamp for essential oils in your home. Perhaps the use of candles is not entirely suitable for you, and you will choose the electric version of the device. There is a great variety of models offered, choose something specific for the interior of the apartment or color scheme in the room is not difficult.

To use the aroma lamp and fully enjoy the amazing aroma, you just have to pour water into the bowl, add a few drops of the essential oil chosen for this purpose and light the candle. The heat will gently diffuse the fragrance and fill the room with it.

Using an aroma lamp - how does it work?

As the water in the lamp heats up, the ether molecules fill the room. When inhaled, they settle on the nasal mucosa. After that, an impulse is sent to the brain, the received information is processed and the reaction takes place: relaxation, excitement, suppression of anxiety, etc.

Due to the fact that the properties of essential oils for an aroma lamp can vary greatly, and sometimes create a synergistic effect, the choice of esters must be approached responsibly or have at least basic knowledge so as not to “overdo it” or get the opposite effect.

You can choose absolutely any combination, essential oils for an aroma lamp can be mixed with each other and get your own fragrance recipes that fully match your taste and character.

By placing fragrant ether in a lamp, two effects are achieved. The first is designed to create a certain atmosphere, that is, to obtain a favorable climate for those present in the room. The goal is the most prosperous background for relieving stress, anxiety and getting positive emotions.

The second effect is therapeutic, when, through essential oils, they want to provide therapeutic effect and accept preventive measures to reduce the likelihood of exacerbations.

When Essential Oils Can Help You

Evaporation of ether during research gave unexpected results. Aroma lamp oil, when dispersed in the air, affects the limbic system and is able to solve:

  1. Respiratory problems.
  2. Calm the nervous system.
  3. Treat throat infections.
  4. Reduce stress and anxiety.
  5. Eliminate colds.
  6. Relieve mental and physical fatigue.
Details of the use of a particular oil and recipes for use can be found in the section “ Therapeutic use oils”

Having shown interest, you will be able to independently choose the esters you need and create your own recipes. But first, it’s better to get acquainted with the basic compositions and feel their influence.

For the living room we're in long time, relax and communicate with relatives and friends, special essential oils are suitable. Need those that tune in positive emotions promote relaxation and communication. Pay attention to the oil of orange, geranium, rosemary, bergamot, petitgrain and lemon.

For an office or office where concentration and concentration are required, it is better to choose mint, black pepper, rosemary, eucalyptus.

For the bedroom, unobtrusive aromas are required, which, first of all, can soothe and relax. You will like to fall asleep with the ether of chamomile, lavender, neroli, rose, geranium, lemon balm.

For a child's room, the choice of essential oil is more carefully chosen to calm the baby, balance, increase body resistance and reduce anxiety, choose eucalyptus or sandalwood. Chamomile and geranium also do a great job.

For special occasions or treatments, there are proven recipes for aroma lamps with essential oils. During the onset of cold weather, it is necessary to give prevention and prevention colds Look out for tea tree oil. This is a unique ether that has mass useful properties and features. It can be mixed with eucalyptus, that is, each take 4 drops for an aroma lamp and install it in places where the family gathers or the sick person is located.

If such an "active" fragrance is not for you, you can consider a more "soft", but no less effective, when you take 2 drops of sandalwood, bergamot and sage.

People who suffer from high blood pressure (hypertension) should regularly monitor it, as it can provoke various problems with health: angina pectoris, stroke and thrombosis, as well as atherosclerosis. You can use lavender, marjoram, lemon balm and ylang-ylang to reduce pressure. Not allowed: hyssop, thyme, rosemary.

Ylang-ylang, a sensual essential oil that is natural, will help you tune in to a romantic mood and relaxation, prepare for an intimate meeting. Can use it in pure form or enhance with rose or geranium oil, in what proportion you decide to mix, just do not use more than 8-9 drops per session.

Using an aroma lamp is probably the most enjoyable use of essential oils. It is not comparable to synthetically scented fresheners that are installed or sprayed in the room. Beyond evaporation fragrant oil and improving the atmosphere in your home, you get an additional benefit as a therapeutic effect.

Remember to be careful when using a burner in a room with children and the elderly.

Aroma lamps are designed to diffuse various scents in a room. Such procedures help many people to relax, get rid of stress, improve mood and normalize sleep.

A few drops of essential oil should be added to the lamp so that a pleasant aroma subsequently spreads. Not everyone knows how to use the aroma lamp correctly. It is this topic that we will cover in today's article.

What are aroma lamps?

Aroma lamps help to create a certain smell in an apartment, office or salon.

There are two types:

  • classic non-electric lamp. The oil is heated by means of ordinary fire from a candle located at the bottom of the aroma lamp;
  • electric aroma lamp. The oil in such a device evaporates under the influence of an ultrasonic wave. Aquatic species work by the method of incandescent thread.

Prices for electric lamps are relatively higher than for non-electric ones. The most popular are classic options. Many types of such lamps are sold, made of various materials: stone, metal, glass, etc.

When choosing an aroma lamp, you need to take into account some of the nuances.

Ventilate the room well before lighting the scented lamp. Next, close all windows and doors.
Instructions for using the aroma lamp:

  1. Pour into container warm water and drop a mixture of essential oils into it.
  2. Put the candle in its place and light it.
  3. After the candle begins to burn out, extinguish it (of course, you can do it earlier).
  4. Wash the bowl with soapy water and leave to dry.

Due to the gradual heating of water and incandescence of oil, substances enter the air, filling it with a pleasant aroma.

Important: for every five square meters. meters of the room, it is necessary to apply no more than two drops of oil, diluted in two tbsp. spoons of water. Excessive concentration can provoke the development of allergies. The smell should be subtle and mild, not cause dizziness and nausea.

Compliance with safety when using an aroma lamp

Before you light an aroma lamp with oil, you need to know everything necessary measures security:

Remember that failure to follow safety rules can seriously harm you and your family members.

Choosing essential oils for aromatherapy

Choosing the right essential oil is very important. This is a very concentrated mixture, which reacts differently human body. For some, a certain type of oil affects like a panacea, while for others it causes discomfort in the form of headaches and weakness. To choose "your" oil, you first need to experiment and try different types of it. It is better to first familiarize yourself with the action of the most common.

Before you light an aroma lamp with a small, remember about fire safety. Enjoy fragrances without risk!