How to make a man want you crazy: follow this guide. Prayer for a man to miss you very much

Incredible Facts

How to turn a man's head and fall in love with him to the point of insanity? Surely every woman asked this question at least once in her life.

But the surest way is to make a man miss you madly. That's what psychologists say.

How to turn his head

"Absence makes the heart think," goes the old saying. And it is true. If you want the man you like to lose his head on you, first of all, make him miss you a lot. Let him feel that you are terribly missing.

He may be your husband or a friend you are madly in love with; he may be an ex-boyfriend you want to reunite with; or he is your new acquaintance with whom you want to build a strong relationship - in other words, if your goal is to be with this man, let him miss you well.

How to make a man miss you

There are several ways to do this. First of all, remember that you need to do it playfully, easily and beautifully.

So, no matter who the object of your sympathy is, follow this instruction of fifteen correct steps. Make him miss you!

1. Stop talking to him

When you miss someone, you will agree, it is difficult to voluntarily refuse to communicate with this person.

It is only natural that you have a need for daily communication, sometimes even hanging on the phone or chatting for hours.

But if you want a man to really miss you, you have to "leave". Do not call him, do not write messages, and even more so, do not overwhelm him with these messages on social networks.

Just disappear!

If you constantly appear in his life, it is quite reasonable and natural that he simply does not have time to miss you. Let a man understand that he misses you, let him feel that he feels bad without you.

Most likely, when you stop contacting him, calling or writing, the object of your sympathy will wonder where you are, and what is wrong with you, and why you suddenly disappeared.

So, the first rule - evaporate, stop contacting, disappear from his life. For women, this is a very difficult task, because they like to constantly communicate with men who are not indifferent to them.

It is much easier for a man to endure separation, but even despite this, most likely, if a woman is not indifferent to him, very soon he will miss her. Therefore, if you want to hook a man, be sure to try this tactic!

2. Make him wait

If you are like most women, then you have an irresistible desire to respond to his calls and SMS with lightning speed.

When your crush calls or sends you a text message, your first reaction is to respond immediately, especially if you've been waiting a long time for him to show up. This is the main mistake of most of the fair sex.

Do you really think that if you make him wait too long, he will evaporate or lose interest in you? This is definitely not true. And what is the result? You instantly respond to his message or call.

But at this moment, a man may have the feeling that you are just sitting at your phone, waiting for him to deign to remember you. And he guesses right!

Remember that men are inherently hunters, they like to woo a woman. By answering him at the speed of light, you simplify this very hunt. He just becomes uninterested. After all, you are easy prey for him.

Therefore, wait a break, take a walk, go shopping, meet your girlfriends, or just watch your favorite movie, and only then answer the call or message.

To some, these little games will seem too stupid, funny and funny, but such simple tricks really work, they make a man think about you and miss you. Therefore, patience will help you when it comes to answering a call or message as quickly as possible.

How to interest a man

3. Always end the conversation first

So, the man of your dreams called you, and after waiting for some time (see the second paragraph above), you finally answered him.

This is where Rule #2 comes into play: You should always be the first to end the conversation. Try to be the first to write "see you tomorrow", "good night" or other phrases that mean goodbye.

Make sure you're the first to hang up or send a good night text. The purpose of this trick is to make him want more.

As a rule, it is the inaccessibility of a woman that plays a key role in the fact that a man has a desire to possess her. Remember that by nature men are hunters, and everything that is difficult for them to reach automatically arouses their interest.

And although it is always very difficult to end the conversation first, because if you like a man, you want to communicate with him for as long as possible, do it by all means. Believe me, this is how you kindle his desire and make him want you more.

Most likely, the man will soon want to contact you again, and you will have another chance to chat, but the communication will already take place at the initiative of the man himself.

How to get a man's attention

To interest a man, a woman needs a light halo of mystery around her. Excessive activity on social networks quickly and surely destroys this mystery, making your life accessible to everyone.

Putting your personal life on public display has long ceased to be something strange and unusual.

But if you are too active on social networks, this may not play into your hands when it comes to relationships with a man.

The advice for modern girls would be: don't update your statuses too often, limit the number of photos you share, and, of course, try not to hang online 24 hours a day.

Many girls, after passing a test or quiz, share their results on Facebook. Should not be doing that. This can be a very annoying factor for all those who are currently online.

In addition, you do not need to communicate with your young man on social networks. If he posts a status or posts photos, don't comment or like them.

Try not to immediately view the messages that he throws at you. Maintain the image of a person who is too busy to constantly sit on social networks, and even more so, wait for a message from a man.

Being so cold on your part may seem like a daunting task since he's so cute in that last Instagram photo, but try to follow this advice. So the likelihood that a young man will fall into your love networks increases significantly.

5. Choose a fragrance that will remind a man of you.

Have you ever caught yourself smelling something that reminds you of a particular person, place, or event?

It could be a light perfume scent that takes you back to a specific time in your life. This is because our sense of smell is inseparably linked with memory.

For this reason, smells will always be associated with various memories that our brain stores.

If you want a man to miss you, make him remember your scent. Perhaps you should decide on perfumery, choose "your" smell and be sure to wear this particular smell when you meet the object of your sympathy.

Be sure that a man will remember what aroma comes from you, and every time he smells it, your image will appear before his eyes.

It's also a good idea to spray some perfume near where he lives or his office. But you need to do this carefully and imperceptibly, so that in no case will he guess that you did it. Being obsessive in such a matter is absolutely useless.

6. Dilute relationships with mystery and surprises

Mysteriousness attracts, and your boyfriend is no exception.

If you want a man to miss you and miss you, wrap yourself in a halo of mystery. Although you can tell a lot about yourself, keep some secrets to yourself, do not give out all the information about yourself at once.

Is your goal to make a man yearn for you? Then you don't have to share your life story in one sitting.

Remember that guys don't want to know everything about you right away. They are attracted to girls - riddles that you want to solve. Nobody likes an open book. In fact, it is because of this that many men lose interest in the object of their sympathy.

In addition, it never hurts to surprise him with your spontaneity. Ask him to do something unexpected. Invite him to an unusual dinner or offer to try something completely new and interesting.

New adventures are always welcome. A man doesn't like being bored. You need to keep him in good shape, constantly interest him in something.

If he is interested in being around a girl, then he will definitely miss her when she is not around.

7. Throw him a little thing that reminds you of you.

It is quite natural that when you like a man, you want your image to flash in his head as often as possible.

There are some tricks, thanks to which you can periodically remind yourself. One of these tricks, for example, is a forgotten "accidentally" little thing. But it is thanks to some small detail that your man can remember you.

Surely you have ever cleaned a room and found something that instantly took you back in time to a certain situation. It's amazing how much power an ordinary tiny object has.

So the advice would be: bet on leaving a little memory of yourself. For example, "forget" in the back seat of his car or at his house your hairpin, scarf or other insignificant little thing, at the sight of which he will instantly remember your existence.

When he suddenly sees an earring, hair clip or your handkerchief, your image will immediately come to his mind, and he will want to see you even more than before.

However, do not overdo it: you should not, for example, leave your toothbrush or other items related to intimate hygiene. Such things will not add an aura of attraction to you, and on the contrary, they will undoubtedly cause him to panic.

How to get a guy interested

8. Always leave him wanting something more

Even if you get a taste of something tasty, you will always want another taste.

The same goes for the opposite sex. As mentioned above, by nature, men are hunters and desire to possess what they cannot easily get.

Therefore, if you immediately present to a man what he wants on a silver platter, he will quickly lose interest in you. Let him fight for you and know that you are not easy for him to get.

You, in turn, be a little flirtatious, flirt, communicate, but do not present everything on a silver platter to him at once.

For example, you definitely shouldn't let yourself be kissed on the first date, let alone a quickie.

Make him conquer and conquer you gradually, step by step. Let your love be his reward, not a thing that he can easily get at the snap of a finger.

Only in this way will he appreciate you both as a person and as a woman. If you complicate the path to your heart at least a little, believe me, this will only be a plus for you. A real man will be interested in conquering such a woman.

9. Don't always be too accessible to him.

Even when you have already got the heart of your man, you should not relax.

But you must admit, it is very difficult to miss a person who is in your field of vision 24 hours a day.

If you are constantly available to your man, believe me, even the strongest feelings can noticeably fade away. If he sees you, or you answer all his phone calls and messages with regular accuracy, he simply will not have time to get bored.

Instead of constantly spending all evenings and weekends together, take a break from each other. Go out sometimes with friends or girlfriends. Make time for yourself.

Thus, you will kill two birds with one stone: make a man bored, plus he realizes that in addition to him, you may have other hobbies and interests, which automatically makes a woman more attractive.

In addition, let your man have time for his own affairs.

Don't worry about him enjoying his free time for too long. At first, your man may like it, but eventually he will want to spend time with you. He will start to miss the girl he likes.

Give him some personal space and give yourself some personal time. This will make you look more confident in your boyfriend's eyes. So he will understand that you are not clinging to a man, but are a completely independent person.

Guys really like it when the girl they're interested in doesn't just focus on guys.

Believe me, if you start using a similar strategy, he will soon show up and call you to chat.

10. Hang out with your friends, but share your happy moments with your man.

This advice may slightly contradict the previous one. But here the main thing is to catch a subtle nuance: when you spend time separately (for example, with friends), share funny or pleasant moments with your man.

It is very important that he knows and understands that you can be good, have fun without him.

After you spend some time away from your man, he will be pleased that you are having a good time without him, however, he will also become jealous.

This can be a great strategy if you want to make a potential partner fall in love with you even more and hook them.

Believe me, very soon he will miss you. If he sees how good you are having a good time, he will want to be part of your overall adventure.

Guys are amazing creatures. As soon as they see that the girls are having fun without them, they immediately become active.

Remember that men love with their eyes. The visual effect is very important for them. Show him something good and beautiful and you will see that he will immediately take the initiative. This will be his next step.

Many women do not dare to take the first step, thinking that a man should always be the first to approach, call and show signs of attention. It can also be difficult to know if he likes you or not. And it's just as hard to make him think all the time, get bored with just the traditional approach. How to make a man think about you from a distance, a conspiracy in this case will be an excellent assistant and addition to psychological techniques. After all, a man simply cannot resist the spell, wants to call, yearns, begins to worry and long for a meeting.

A man will not be able to resist after the rituals

Rituals require the observance of a number of rules.

How to make a man think about you constantly? You can make a guy miss you from a distance, so that he longingly remembers and thinks, experiences with the help of magical rituals. In order to awaken a guy’s strong love and maintain it, it is important to adhere to certain rules and recommendations that experts in the field of esotericism, magicians and sorcerers talk about:

  1. To achieve the desired result, all magical actions on the chosen one must be carried out in complete solitude.
  2. Rites should be performed on the growing moon. So love will grow in the heart of the beloved.
  3. Actions are performed at sunset or at sunrise.
  4. It is better to read conspiracies and spells near the open window.
  5. All words of magical texts must be pronounced clearly, distinctly.
  6. It is impossible for someone to perform the ritual instead of you, because when performing actions on dry land, your energy and the energy of your beloved guy are connected. Otherwise, the consequences can be unpredictable and unpleasant.
  7. After the rituals, you must be calm, not telling anyone about it. Also, do not be in constant excitement and waiting for a call, as this can push the result away. Calmness and self-confidence - that's the main thing.
  8. When the spell takes effect, you should not relax. Now your future relationship is in your hands. You need to show wisdom and constantly work to preserve love and increase it.

It is also very important to remember that any magical effect should not be carried out for the sake of interest. First you need to think carefully about everything and make sure that you really need it. Otherwise, the negative consequences will quickly make themselves felt.

Conspiracies that are fast

To make your loved one think about you, there are a large number of different spell options. When using them, it is important to sincerely believe in effectiveness. To conduct a strong conspiracy so that a guy always thinks about you, usually no specific attributes are required. Mentally imagine the image of a loved one, look him straight in the eye. Then draw in your imagination how invisible threads connect you. Lightly bite the tip of the tongue and whisper a plot:

“I will bite my tongue, I will call to myself the thoughts of the servant of God (name), I will call to myself. May it wish me at any time of the day, yearn for me, represent us together, dream, sincerely wish for meetings. May what I say come true. Amen".

The image of a loved one must be mentally imagined

Repeat the magic words three times, putting your love and positive energy into them. Soon the spoken conspiracies will begin to act. At the same time, experts say that the beloved guy has thoughts and feelings about the one who performed the ceremony. He also subconsciously begins to feel an invisible attachment (like threads in a conspiracy). Soon he will begin to look for meetings himself, will call, worry, care.

The following conspiracy is very effective for your lover to start missing you. To build relationships, a spell is cast for a loved one. You need to open a window or window. The rite on the wind acts very quickly. Sorcerers say that such words have great magical power, after a day the first actions on his part are observed.

So, you need to open the windows or at least a window, there should be a draft in the room. Then stand in a draft, read the following words:

“Among the sea-okiyana stands the beautiful island of Buyan. And the wind rules this island. He breaks all the stones, gradually destroys. Fly, wind-breeze, carry my feelings for my beloved. Let him feel the same. Sharpen the wound heart, catch up with sadness. Let his heart cry for me and sob with bitter tears. Let longing sharpen and attract him, longing for a meeting with me and waiting. And I will be so sweet to him, I will become such a person that I will not be able to eat, drink, think, or walk without desiring a meeting. Amen".

Windows and vents must be open in the room

After the ceremony, he should like the girl, he himself will look for a meeting.

You can also use a photo or any thing of a young man you like. These items can be used in the ritual. A magical action is performed after sunset, always in private. Sit at the table, put in front of you a photo or thing of interest to the guy. To the right, light a candle, better consecrated. Looking directly at the photo or at the thing, say these words:

“I see an image dear to my heart, my heart is worried. I will give him my love, let him respond to me. Let the servant of God (name) not sleep, let his darling burn, and let his body languish with lust, let the thought rush to me. Amen".

After that, you need to extinguish the candle, put the photo under the pillow. Go to bed silently, without talking to anyone.

You have to go to sleep in silence, without talking to anyone.

Another effective rite is performed at dawn, in the early morning. Get up with the first rays of the sun, go outside barefoot, stand on the grass and read these words:

“Dewdrop to dewdrop, teardrop to teardrop. You are a dawn-lightning, please my heart, bring a haze to the darling of the servant of God (name). Come to him as a dew of a cold, salty tear on the heart of your beloved. As the Holy Mother of God mourns for her only-begotten son, let my beloved yearn. Let him not know peace and sleep without me.

Another powerful ritual is performed under the full moon. Open the window, look at the month and read the following text:

“I read magical texts on God's servant (name). Yes, he yearns for me, the white light and life does not see, does not know. I will bring longing and sadness strong. Let him curl around, please with any speeches, strong attention, make me happy and become happy himself.

After reading it, overshadow yourself with a cross, say:

"My wishes come true, as I say, from now on and forever."

Application of a needle, photo with a red thread

To make a man think about himself, you can use a red thread, a needle and a photo. Thread the needle, write your name and the guy's name on the back of the photo. Then plunge the needle into the heart in the photo, saying such secret speeches:

“Thread, needle, you help me, any of mine, desired, love me. I connect your heart with mine forever with a red thread. No one can separate me from my betrothed, anyone."

For the thing you love

For the ceremony, any thing of a beloved man is suitable.

To make a man very bored, you can perform a ritual using the things of the betrothed. Read on a thing after waking up, at lunchtime and in the evening:

“I go out into the light, a servant of God (name). There is no one more beautiful, there is no better. I will go to a clean, wide field and find 77 stone ovens in it. And on these stoves there are fiery cakes, love commotions. 77 ohs, 77 sighs, ahs and suffering, anxiety in broad daylight and late at night, impatience and love longing. Get up and go, find God's servant (dear name), lead me, God's servant (your name). I will take him prisoner, I will lure him, I will call him my betrothed. An hour, half an hour, minutes, seconds, mix everything up, throw yourself at the darling and heart of your beloved. Let the guy force himself to think only about me, do not forget, do not drink in food and drink. He misses and yearns, cries and grieves for me, the servant of God (his name), laments bitterly when he sees - he does not let go of himself. I will draw him to me, I will unite hearts and souls, bodies forever. Amen!"

The ceremony is held during the growing moon. The text is recommended to be learned by heart. If it doesn’t work out, read from a piece of paper, but without a hitch, clearly pronouncing each word.

Over the infusion of melissa

Melissa will need to prepare a decoction

To make a person think constantly, reach out to you, seek meetings, you can perform another rite. You will need lemon balm, from which a decoction is prepared. Cooking is done with the first rays of the sun. Ready to wash with a decoction, uttering a conspiracy:

“Spark of love, fly far. Fly to the one for whom my heart suffers. Occupy all his thoughts about me, settle in your soul and heart forever and ever. I will become the most beautiful and the best for him.

Ritual with a mirror

An effective conspiracy, so that the young man of interest yearns, is carried out using a mirror. You can take a small mirror. In the evening, after sunset, light a candle, put it in front of a mirror. Read these words, looking at your reflection:

“I will be the best, I will become more beautiful than everyone. Let the beloved know only me, look at me and revel in me, but never get drunk. So that he can remember, I remind him of myself. I will give him my heart and soul, in return I will receive his soul and heart. Let it be so".

Ritual for an apple

It is important to choose only good apples

How to make a man think about you from a distance by conspiracy? The ritual with the use of an apple is effective, helps quickly and does not require special attributes. To perform magical actions and remind a man of himself, you need a fresh, beautiful apple. Above it read the words:

“As the apple dries, so the servant of God (name) will be bored! Yes, he thinks only about me, lives by me, sleeps and eats with thoughts about me. With mental power I draw him to me, I speak of eternal love, melancholy and sad sadness.

Then put the apple in the sun to dry. As it dries, so the beloved will love and dry more and more. It is important that the fruit you choose is not spoiled or wormy.

Consequences of magical actions

It must be remembered that, turning to magical powers in order to hurt someone, to make him suffer and suffer without you, it is necessary to take into account the mandatory negative consequences after the rituals performed. Especially dangerous is an instant conspiracy that acts faster. In this case, the boomerang from him is fast. It is important to understand that any magical intervention in the energy flows of a person and a violation of the natural course of events always entails irreversible changes in the fate of the one who performs the ritual and the one to whom these actions are directed.

The very first consequence of spells is disappointment. After all, very soon you begin to understand that his feelings are not sincere, that this is all just a consequence of the spell. This is fraught with strong disappointment, the relationship will not be at all the one that was previously dreamed of. But breaking the power of the spell will not be easy. If you want to break off a relationship, it can be life-threatening for a bewitched man, he will simply get bored, he can turn into an alcoholic or go crazy with his mind.

Another negative consequence for both the spellcaster and the one who performed the magic is problems with the organs of the reproductive system, the inability to have offspring. That is why it is very important to think before turning to magic.

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How to make yourself think? Every article on Matriarchy.Light answers this question in one way or another. But now, analyzing the letters that I receive, I decided to concretize some of the nuances.

So, 8 ways to do so to make him think of you . Adapt them to your situation and start blowing his mind.

To make him think of you, show you

To do this, you need to understand yourself well - know your strengths and skillfully flaunt them. What do you do better than others? What do you feel most confident about? Do you speak beautifully? Can you speak eloquently? Dance passionately? Sing your favorite song at karaoke so everyone gets goosebumps? From the realization of what your main feature is, it depends on where you take him on a date and how it will end for you.

What you do better than others will pop up in his memory when, in order to make you think about yourself more you will be out of sight.

Important! Having shown yourself in all its glory, be able to stop in time and demonstrate yourself from a different angle! Any talent, no matter how it manifests itself, depreciates when it is started to be imposed or when it is abused.

To understand how to make yourself think, it is useful to observe and note which manipulation he uses in seduction, and what do you “peck” the most.

Look for "hooks". Something that makes you think about him, even though you are aware that you are being manipulated. Then use these chips yourself. What could it be? It can be some words or even whole sentences that he repeats from time to time, or that you can’t get out of your head. It seems simple, but in fact, during skillful manipulation, the following happens: common sense is overshadowed by illusions, and feelings come to the fore. Feelings are good, provided that they bring you self-confidence, enjoyment of the current situation and a partner.

As soon as feelings associated with anxiety, fear of losing or self-doubt begin to overwhelm you, you must say “stop” to yourself and figure out what the reason is, who benefits from it, and also stop any initiative on your part.

If you were refused or ignored your offer, do not persuade or explain, but roll back a little - this is a tactical move, not an indication that you are actually retreating. Sometimes this alone is enough to make me think of you and play by your rules.

When we want something too much, but they don’t give it to us, we, since we have already declared our desire in plain text, continue to stubbornly stick to our line. The longer this goes on, the more our object balks, and the more you show that your happiness depends entirely on his yes. If pressed, you can of course make you think about yourself... to think how to get rid of you as soon as possible, do not behave like!

Blog Manipulation-Female pickup- —

When a girl is seriously interested in a man, she wants to do everything to win him over, arouse his keen interest and desire to develop and deepen relationships. But it is far from always easy, so many girls are worried about how to make a man think about himself and captivate his thoughts once and for all. There are different ways, so in search of your happiness, you should try them - at least one will surely work and the man will start thinking about you all the time. And regular thoughts about a girl are the first step towards a serious development of relationships and a close rapprochement of a couple.

What should a girl be like so that a man thinks only of her

A real girl in the eyes of different men can be very different in their ideas. Some like strong-willed and strong girls who are able to stand up for themselves and do extraordinary things, but other men are drawn to gentle and timid representatives of the beautiful half of humanity who need constant care and guardianship. It all depends on the nature of the man himself, his vital needs and even past relationships, because a man can subconsciously compare his object of adoration with the girl who was before. But still, there are several character traits and behavior of a girl that will make a man think only about her alone: Mysteriousness. Men are attracted to girls, in whom there is always something mysterious and unattainable, even after many years of relationship. They need to regularly feel like earners and conquerors, constantly conquer the girl and discover something new in her. Therefore, never open all the cards to your man, leave him the opportunity to think about what is hidden in your soul this time. You can leave hidden your habits, character traits, some of your dreams - let the man try to unravel them on his own. Optimism. Of course, men are always ready to help and support their girlfriend when she feels bad and she does not believe in good things. But the constant feeling of despondency from the girl will quickly tire the young man, because it will not be pleasant to spend days and nights with such a girl, she will always be in a bad mood. A man wants to see his soul mate radiant with happiness, cheerful and optimistic. In addition, such a girl, if necessary, will be able to support her man, which is also important. Care. Any man needs a caring girl nearby, in whom he can see a potential spouse and mother of his future children. Therefore, expressing sincere concern for a young man, you can make him think about you very often, because without your manifestation of feelings, he will very quickly begin to feel lonely. At the same time, care is well expressed even in small things: fixing his scarf, listening to problems at work, showing attention to his family or pet. And a prerequisite is that care must be natural and sincere, since men very well distinguish it from a false manifestation of care. Appearance. Of course, the appearance of the girl is also important. A beautiful hairstyle, neat clothes, a proud posture and a confident walk - all this attracts men like a magnet, they really like ladies who are confident in their attractiveness. Therefore, do not forget to take care of your appearance in order to please not only yourself, but also the man who cares about you. This does not mean that you need to buy expensive clothes and jewelry - a man will appreciate simple but beautiful clothes that fit well on your figure and emphasize all the advantages.

Ways to make you think

To charm a man and captivate his thoughts - such an idea at least once occurred to every girl who is not indifferent to a young man. There are different ways to captivate the thoughts of a man, they will differ depending on whether you met recently, or have known each other for a long time and communicate as friends. The differences are listed below, you should definitely familiarize yourself with them.

Conquer a young man if you just met

If you know each other recently, but this man has already definitely attracted your attention, you can conquer his thoughts with the three points listed above - mystery, care and optimism. In addition, do not forget that men love with their eyes, so you should always look well-groomed and beautiful. You should not resort to an open neckline and too short skirts, they rather awaken in a man thoughts about intimacy, but not about developing your relationship and the desire to get you as a girlfriend. A feeling of mild jealousy is also good as a way of charm - flirting with others or leaving a date for some reason will surely make a man worry if you have some other man who claims your hand and heart. This will spur the man to constantly think about you and take action in your regard.

Charm a guy if you've known each other for a long time, but communicate in a friendly way

But if you have been talking for a long time and everyone around you considers you friends, here it will be more difficult to captivate the thoughts of a man. First you need to get rid of the status of friends - for this you can slightly limit your time together, let the man know that you are simply not interested in friendly evenings. You can often start conversations with him that you dream of a strong relationship and a reliable man nearby. Then you need to gradually use methods that will help make a man think about you and miss you, while showing him that this man is interesting to you precisely as a second half, and not as a friend. It is worth making clear hints that you would like more in your communication, you can even try to invite him on a date with a hint. If you are not from a timid dozen, then you should talk frankly with a man and tell him about your warm feelings, which cannot be called friendship. It is worth asking a man to decide: does he want to continue your relationship as a love one, or is it better for you to stop communicating altogether, because it will be difficult to remain friends.

What you need to do to make a guy or a man miss you

In order for a young man to start missing a girl, you first need to interest him well in his own person, to hook him with something. You can also use cunning tricks that operate on a subconscious level. It is enough to train them for some time in a row so that in the future these ideas will work without your direct participation.

Options for women's tricks

    Men remember scents very well, associating them with something or someone specific. Therefore, when meeting a man, always at first use the same perfume, with a well-defined aroma. The main thing is that a man likes this smell - then, left alone, a man will think about a girl every time he feels a similar aroma somewhere. You can also leave your item scented with your scent at his house so that he smells you much more often. By the way, your things forgotten “accidentally” at his house will in any case be a great reminder of you. Find a common hobby with your man, it can be watching every movie released in the cinema, collecting or even fishing. Any joint hobby brings you together perfectly, and in the future a man will think about you every time he encounters this activity. Pleasant little things always delight a man and evoke the most tender feelings, even if he doesn’t look like romance at all. Leave pleasant notes with kind words in the pockets of his jacket, write him an SMS before going to bed or with good morning wishes. It will take just a couple of minutes, and a man will immediately have your image in front of his eyes and pleasant thoughts about you will warm his soul.

If you want a guy to think about you constantly and miss you, then a few simple psychological tips will come to the rescue. First of all, you need to create for the guy the image of an interesting interlocutor - men love it when a girl knows how to listen to them and support even those topics that, in principle, are not of interest to the female gender. Communicate with him on various topics and do not refuse categorically: if the topic is completely uninteresting, you can listen to the man, show your interest in at least a couple of sentences and then carefully translate the topic. In the future, when a man remains at least a day without such interesting and productive communication, he will involuntarily begin to miss you as an interesting companion with whom you can share any moments. Another great way to get bored is to be inaccessible to a guy. Men love to be conquerors, they don't want easy prey. Therefore, sometimes slip away from him, make him worry. You can sometimes refuse a meeting, citing business, or sneak out of a party in its midst. Then the man will puzzle over why you left, will look for new reasons to meet - and the more effort he spends on conquering the girl, the more he will eventually love and appreciate her, missing her every day. Do not forget about this a little trick, like a feeling of jealousy. Do not show a man that you are entirely in his power, give him reasons to be jealous of those around you. You should not openly flirt with another or openly correspond with an ex-boyfriend, this can cause too negative a reaction. But it’s quite possible to joke nicely in response to flirting from another man and behave a little secretly. Jealous, a man will constantly think and miss you, because he will be haunted by a sense of anxiety for your relationship. In addition, jealousy allows him to feel like a getter and conqueror - after all, he enters into a real fight for your heart, fighting with other rivals.

Magical conspiracies that will make you miss and yearn when you are not around

When simple female tricks give a weak or inconsistent effect, but you want to make a young man really miss and miss you a lot while you are not around, you can resort to the power of magical conspiracies. It is important to use only white magic, harmless - black conspiracies can harm a person, and if they are carried out by a person who is poorly versed in this, then you can completely harm yourself by mistake. White magic is based on the connection of a person with some object that has energy. As a rule, love conspiracies are carried out on the personal belongings of a loved one, or on common objects with strong energy - a mirror, scissors, etc. It's good if you have a photograph of a loved one or some object belonging to him (book, watch, scarf - anything). In this case, you can go out with this object in your hands on the street at exactly noon. Then read the following conspiracy in a whisper three times in a row:

“He would think about me, do not forget, do not drink in food and drink. He missed me, yearned, wept and grieved for me, God's Servant (name), lamented with bitter weeping, but as he would see, so that he would not let go of himself.

At the same time, the object should be firmly pressed to the heart. If there is no object from the young man, then a conspiracy with an ordinary mirror is well suited. To do this, you need to take a mirror and write the name of the guy on it with lipstick or a marker. Then before going to bed you need to repeat three times:

“I am reflected in the mirror surface, I appear to my beloved in a dream. (name of the man) sleep and rest, and see me in a dream.

The mirror must then be placed face down under the pillow in order for the magical effect to work in full. After one of these conspiracies, a man will soon begin to think about you every time you are not around. He will be drawn to see you for no reason and spend time together, because without this he will feel bad and he will begin to suffer. It is better to resort to magical conspiracies in extreme cases, when no other methods work anymore. Although if a man is indifferent to your beauty, care, optimism and, in principle, does not strive to be around, it is worth considering whether it would be better to turn your attention to other men who stealthily dream about you and try to win your heart.

The magical secret is simple in words and difficult to carry out. It sounds like this: to make a man think about you, he needs to like you. Well, how do you like a secret that is not a secret? What would you like to get a magic wand? You think about a man because you like him. And for a guy to think about you, he must also like you. This is not difficult to do, although it all depends on the situation. Some girls can easily achieve this result, but others will never be able to do this. And it's not only about them, but also about the guy they like.

Surely in your life there were guys who tried to please you, but their attempts were in vain. And why? Because this is not your type, it is not attractive to you and does not match the image of the ideal prince from fairy tales. The same can be the other way around. You're just not his type, period. But there are always ways that can make a guy think about you. Now I will share them with you.

Behavior is attractive and unattractive for men. Girls who run after men do not look attractive to them. Accordingly, they will not think about such girls. Moderately inaccessible girls look attractive in the eyes of a man. They challenge, and men want to achieve them. It is our nature to seek females. But being completely untouchable is a huge minus. The hard-to-reach people are even forbidden to touch themselves. No man will like it. Therefore, start adjusting your behavior and checking what works and what does not work for a particular individual.

Communicating and flirting with a man You can't make a man think about himself if you rarely cross paths with him and communicate little. Sometimes you need to spend a lot of time to achieve the desired result. You need to constantly communicate with a man, so much so that he is interested in you. This is almost the main secret of achieving the goal. But girls behave differently. They see that the man does not peck at them on the third try, and puff out their lips. Then they deliberately begin to ignore him in response. And that man may not even notice it.

Therefore, get rid of such a reaction. You need to communicate no matter what. Then he will understand that you distinguish him from other guys, and he will feel his importance. And then you, having understood this, can proceed to the next step. You can make a guy jealous by turning his attention to another guy. The feeling of jealousy will definitely make the guy think about you. Such is human psychology and you can’t argue against it either.

He will think: “How is it, at first she talked to me, distinguished me from other guys, and then she went to another ... Oh, so ..”. Well, and so on. We are all owners. Some more and some less. This is what should be used. The method is not clean, but it works.

It is easy for us men to cause such a reaction. We just give gifts a few times, make compliments, we pester and you're done. Switching attention to another girl, she will certainly begin to be jealous.

Cause jealousy So you need to do this with a man. But you need to do this in such a way that he does not think that you are doing it on purpose. If he understands this, then his self-esteem will only grow, and your attractiveness will fall. Start flirting with the other guy casually and in a way that your target can see.

In order to make a man think about himself, it is necessary to evoke negative emotions. We used to think that you need to be perfect to attract the attention of a person you like: please him, take care of him, be kind and affectionate, fulfill all your whims, then the man will be yours. All this is nonsense. The girls who awakened the dark sides in me made me think about them all day long.

For example, they didn’t answer SMS, didn’t do what I needed, ignored me, made it clear that I was a complete zero. It certainly works, but don't go overboard with it. A person may be offended and mentally send you. Therefore, use the approach-distance method. What is the essence of this method?

First, you let the man know that you like him. You communicate with him, flirt, and something like that. Then you begin to deal coldly with him: you don’t want to communicate, avoid him, pretend that something is bothering you and you don’t care about him, don’t write to him, disappear for a week, and so on.

The guy will feel this, and he will begin to doubt his attractiveness. It's kind of a challenge. He will start thinking about how to woo you, how to get your attention. The approach-distance method is a very powerful tool that will make a man nervous and think about you.

A woman is a riddle For a man to think about a girl, she must be a riddle that you want to solve. Don't open up to him completely. To do this, you must have your own interests, about which he should know little. You should be worried not only about the presence of a man in your life. You must have your own goals and interests, which must be higher than men. Any man will not like that his woman puts her interests above himself. This behavior of a woman looks attractive to a man. He is not in the first place in her life and this looks like a challenge that will undoubtedly make her not only think about you, but also seek your favor.

The less you think about a man, the better for you. I'm not saying that you shouldn't think about the man you like at all. But if only he is in your head, then the chances of success are small. It will be very difficult for you to apply the advice that I gave you above. For example, he will write you an SMS, and you will immediately answer it instead of answering in 4-8 hours or even the next day. I remember texting a girl and she didn't answer me. I was uncomfortable and I began to think that something was wrong. The next day I wrote to her again, but again she did not answer. Later it turned out that she was roaming and could not write to me. These two days I thought about her. It was unpleasant that they stopped answering me, but then a lot of positive emotions from her answer.

You should be mindful of your appearance. All men peck at the appearance of the girl. If you look attractive on the outside, and other men turn their heads at the sight of you, then you can easily make any man think of you. These will be erotic fantasies in their heads, but not the point. External attractiveness and sexuality plus sociability will conquer any man. You don't even have to think of anything.

You have to stand out from other women. Your behavior should be very different from other women. If some women are never the first to approach a man to at least say hello to him, you can use this. Women love to blow the mind of guys, saying all sorts of nonsense. You also need not to do this. Do not forget to praise and admire men, we like it. This will set you apart from other women who think only of themselves.

Sex goddess And the last thing I want to advise you is to become a sex goddess. Many women (and men too) do not know how to do anything in bed. If you become the queen of sex, then not a single man will leave you, even if you take out his brain every day. By the way, the same thing is the opposite, if a guy is a wonderful lover, then a woman will not think about another guy. Sex is the key to keeping a man. "Keep" is not the right word. He will start running after you if you suddenly disappear for a couple of days, and you will not answer his calls and texts. You need to become an irreplaceable woman for him.

Finally, I want to remind you not to overdo it with these techniques. Everything should be used in moderation, otherwise you can only do harm. I warn you that these rules do not work for everyone. Sometimes a girl simply cannot please a man, no matter what methods she uses. After all, in order to achieve what you want, you just need to like the guy the way you are. This is the main secret for a guy to run after you. And my article “How to make a man think about you?” completed. Good luck on your personal front.