Vacuum face cleaning in the salon and at home. Devices for vacuum cleaning at home. What improvements can be realistically achieved

Time and other factors, such as polluted environment, unhealthy lifestyle, stress, medicines, significantly spoil the appearance, and this is especially noticeable on the face. To keep the youth and perfection of the skin for a long time, you will have to try hard. In pursuit of beauty, female representatives spend a lot of effort and money on effective care. However, not everyone knows that the main rule for maintaining skin health is regular cleansing. It is daily superficial - a variety of lotions, tonics, balms; deeper - scrub, peeling and hardware - cosmetic procedures. The latter type also includes vacuum cleaning of the face and pores.

What is vacuum cleaning?

The method under consideration is a kind of hardware procedure for cleansing the skin of the face and other parts of the body. It involves the use of a device with a special drainage tube that creates a vacuum. In contact with the skin surface, the device frees the pores from impurities. This approach helps to get rid of blackheads, comedones, sebaceous fat plugs. And also the vacuum has a lymphatic drainage effect, stimulating blood circulation, and, accordingly, improving the complexion. It enriches the skin with oxygen and nutrients. Regularly performing such cleaning, you can not only get rid of impurities, but also noticeably rejuvenate your face. The effect is visible immediately after the manipulation.

The cleaning process consists of several stages, the essence of which is described below, and takes a total of up to one and a half hours. The effect of the device itself can last 15-20 minutes.

An indication for this type of cosmetology is oily and problem skin, the presence of acne.

However, there are contraindications:

  • dryness of the skin;
  • proximity of blood vessels;
  • inflamed pores;
  • rosacea.

How often you have to do a vacuum reading depends on the type of skin. With oily - it is appropriate to carry it out once a month, with normal and combined - once every two months.

This cleaning is absolutely painless and safe. Therefore, it can be done not only in the salon, but even at home, observing all the rules and nuances.

The cost of one session in a cosmetology room varies from 800 to 1500 rubles. Having calculated the costs of high-quality facial cleansing cosmetics, we can conclude that such a procedure is profitable and advantageous.

Procedure Mechanism

Such cleaning is carried out in several stages:

  1. Preparation of the skin for manipulation consists in opening the pores. To do this, under a powerful stream of steam, a special device-vaporizer steams the skin. This technology has a contraindication in the form of lung diseases. The opening of the pores, in this case, is carried out by special creams.
  2. Disincrustation is a stage that is not carried out in all cases, but at the request of the client or as prescribed by the beautician. Its essence lies in the action of a low-power electric current, which literally dissolves fats and impurities that have entered the pores.
  3. Further direct impact and cleaning. The specialist touches the surface of the face with a vacuum tube, covering each part of it.
  4. At the end of the manipulation, in order to narrow the pores, a soothing and nourishing mask is applied, or infrared lamp radiation is applied. This phase is called darsonvalization: closing the pores and then saving the result.

There are two types of procedures: dry and wet. The difference of the second is the use of an auxiliary mask or cosmetic product that creates a detox effect, which ensures better results.

Vacuum facial cleaning at home

The procedure can also be used at home. The result is no worse than after salon manipulation, but all actions must be performed clearly according to the instructions.

The cosmetics market offers a large selection of vacuum devices that can be used at home without special skills and professional training. This is Super Cleaner from Gezatone ITC; and Panasonic EH2511; and adaptation of complex action Power Perfect Pore; and of course the most popular. You can find out the cost of the Spot Cleaner appart on the official website:

These devices are applicable for any age category (except for children). They run on conventional batteries, take up little space and are easy to transport. As a rule, the devices do not injure the skin, providing a minimally invasive intervention. In parallel, they have a lymphatic drainage and massage effect, and also have several modes of exposure intensity.

Using a home appliance, you must follow the same steps as in the salon version:

  1. Cleansing and preparation of the face is carried out with a scrub or soft peeling using a disinfectant solution.
  2. Steaming is carried out by phytopar from a decoction of herbs and fees.
  3. Further, the device itself is used according to the instructions attached to it.
  4. The process is completed by the treatment of the face with an alcohol-containing cosmetic product with a further narrowing of the pores using a special gel or lotion.
  5. For the last stage, an ice cube from a decoction of herbs is also suitable.

What to choose: ultrasound or vacuum?

Each type of facial cleansing has its advantages and disadvantages. Choosing the appropriate method, you need to be guided by the indications and contraindications that are characteristic of them. Reviews about these procedures are mostly positive.

Ultrasonic cleaning is much faster, it takes about 45 minutes, while the duration of the vacuum is about an hour and a half (90 minutes).

Ultrasonic cleaning is possible with dry skin, vacuum is not. However, the second has fewer contraindications.

Ultrasound often delivers uncomfortable and painful sensations, vacuum does not.

Both methods can be done at home.

The first option perfectly evens out skin tone, but does not cleanse pores so well.

Reviews of women about vacuum cleaning

To verify the effectiveness of the method, you can read the opinions of people about it. Most cosmetologists and representatives of the weaker sex say that the procedure gives a noticeable result: the skin looks fresh, well-groomed without visible black spots, redness and impurities.

Victoria, 38 years old: “I heard rave reviews about vacuum facial cleansing, so I chose it. Every month I began to visit the salon. The result is noticeable even after the first procedure, especially since my skin was not very contaminated. Later I learned that there are special portable vacuum devices. Bought Spot Cleaner. Now this process takes place at home, and my man is also “addicted” to such cleaning. Sometimes I help him put in order even his back. The main thing is to complete all the steps: preparation, steaming, direct cleaning and closing the pores with masks.

Marina, 25 years old: “Pregnancy brought with it skin problems, and as far as I understand, this happened due to hormonal changes, which provoked increased secretion of fat and excessive work of sebaceous secretions. I watched a lot of videos about home cleansing, and decided to use the vacuum procedure. She was quite satisfied. Now, for the purpose of prevention, I repeat the process every one and a half months. ”

Daria, 22 years old: “I saw in the enlarged photo what terrible black dots I have all over my face. I found out on the net how people deal with this problem. The forums are mostly filled with information about vacuum cleaning. Everyone had one opinion: this type of cosmetology is worth the money. The result is very pleased after the first application! The skin returned to normal, now I do a vacuum less often, once every two months, and I forgot about black dots. The pores became barely visible, even with a large increase in the photograph.

Summing up, we can say that this procedure is justifiably considered one of the most effective and safe among existing skin cleansing.

Photo result of vacuum cleaning of the face "before and after":

Vacuum face cleaning at home is considered an effective procedure that allows you to achieve a number of beneficial effects.

Thanks to its implementation, it is possible to cleanse the skin, improve its color, cope with black spots and acne.

Wherein it is important to strictly follow the instructions for this procedure. This will help avoid unwanted side effects.

If you periodically perform this procedure, after a while you can see a number of positive effects. So, vacuum cleaning of the face at home allows:

  • increase the tone and elasticity of the dermis;
  • get rid of small wrinkles;
  • improve complexion;
  • eliminate the keratinized layer of the dermis;
  • stimulate lymph flow;
  • reduce swelling;
  • even out the texture of the skin.

The main positive effect of this manipulation is the cleansing of pores from impurities. Of no small importance is the pronounced lymphatic drainage effect.

Vacuum cleaning allows gently eliminate black dots and cope with keratinized particles of the dermis. However, it will not be possible to completely eliminate comedones and pollution if the cause of their appearance lies in malnutrition or insufficient hygiene.

Device for vacuum cleaning of the face not only effectively cleanses the pores, but also saturates the dermis with oxygen by performing massaging movements. The device also stimulates the synthesis of collagen, which is responsible for skin elasticity.

The results are especially noticeable in the spring or winter season, when the body is deficient in vitamins, and the skin suffers from external factors.

Vacuum cleansing of the skin is carried out in such cases:

  • pronounced intradermal pollution;
  • intensive production of sebum;
  • decrease in the tone of the surface layers of the epithelium;
  • pore expansion;
  • small defects - in particular, scarring, acne marks or minor inflammation.

At the same time, it should be taken into account that This procedure has a number of contraindications.. It is not recommended to carry out in such situations:

Vacuum cleaners

The effectiveness and price of vacuum facial cleaning directly depend on the type of device used. Currently such devices are very popular.:

  • Gezatone vacuum facial cleansing apparatus - its cost is about 3000 rubles;
  • Panasonic EH2511 and EN2513 devices - will cost about 1,500 rubles;
  • device Power Perfect Pore MC0084 - its price is about 1000 rubles.

So, Gezatone device includes a cleaner and a massager equipped with three nozzles. It is used to cleanse the pores and perform peeling and massage of the dermis.

Panasonic vacuum facial cleaner It is considered a fairly powerful device that effectively copes with any pollution. It can operate in dry or wet mode.

To get started you need cleanse the skin of the remnants of decorative cosmetics, grease and dirt. For this purpose, you can use special gels or tonics.

At the same time, it is forbidden to use peels and scrubs, otherwise there is a risk of damage to the epidermis. It is important to consider that cleansing should be as delicate as possible.

In conclusion, you need achieve narrowing of pores. In salon conditions, this is done through special masks or the use of darsonval.

At home, you can use lemon juice, which must be diluted with water. Also great lotion to narrow the pores.

It is very useful to wipe the skin with an ice cube, since this manipulation also effectively narrows the pores. Finally, the face is treated with a moisturizer that matches the skin type.

Vacuum cleaning is considered a fairly effective procedure., which significantly improves the condition of the dermis. To achieve impressive results, you need to choose the right device and strictly follow the recommendations for its use.

Manipulation refers to the salon type of procedures and is performed by exposing the skin to a special apparatus equipped with a nozzle. The principle of operation of the equipment is the reverse air circulation. Thus, the skin is not subjected to pressure, but is attracted to the device. At the same time, sebaceous blockages, comedones, plugs and impurities are actively eliminated from the pores.

Indications and contraindications


  • Intensive intradermal pollution;
  • Strengthened sebum separation;
  • Enlarged pores;
  • Reduced tone of the surface layers of the dermis;
  • Minor defects (acne marks, mild inflammation, scars).

Vacuum cleaning, like other hardware methods, has a number of contraindications. The procedure is not recommended for people who have the following problems:

  • Exacerbation of skin inflammation;
  • Infectious foci and the presence of infiltrates;
  • Acne and acne, localized in the deep layers of the dermis;
  • Telangiectasias;
  • Dermatoses of any etiology;
  • Dehydrated thinned skin, prone to the formation of hematomas and hyperemia;
  • Presence of rosacea.

The principle of manipulation in the cabin

The correct conduct of the salon procedure without fail includes several main stages.

  1. Cleansing. Disinfection and effective skin cleansing are essential components of any facial cleansing. During direct exposure to the skin, the integuments become defenseless and open to any pathogenic microorganisms. The deep layers need active protection, so cleansing is used with medicinal soaps, foams or gels based on an alcohol antiseptic.
  2. Vaporization. Even the most modernized device is not able to eliminate contaminants from tightened pores. Their maximum disclosure is carried out by irrigation with steam. "Hot" methods are aimed not only at expanding the pores, but also at dissolving the sebaceous secret in them. Some cosmetologists prefer to use various masks and fast acting lotions as an alternative to thermal treatment. The goal is the same for all means - the more the pores open, the deeper and more effective their cleansing will be.
  3. Disincrustation. This step involves the use of microcurrents acting on the skin. This step is optional and is used for patients whose pores are too narrow or deeply polluted. Read more about deincrustation and indications for it.
  4. Vacuum cleaning. The procedure itself is performed within 15-20 minutes, excluding preparatory measures, and refers to minimally invasive methods of exposure. The device for vacuum cleaning of the face moves along the skin along the circular axes of its surface, absorbing all the impurities from the surface and deep layers. Manipulations are absolutely painless, unlike the traditional one. During the session, the cosmetologist periodically treats the nozzle with a concentrated antiseptic. The process is gentle and minimally invasive, but requires regular repetition to keep the face clean.

The final stages are darsonvalization, light superficial peeling or the application of a cooling mask. Actions are necessary to close the pores, and therefore, to keep them clean for a long time.

If the patient has deep acne, the dermatocosmetologist prescribes preventive medicinal ointments that work on the principle of a “vacuum cleaner”. Gradually, they pull impurities to the upper layers, which makes it possible to easily clean the pores. The complexity of this therapy lies in the fact that a woman is not recommended to use cosmetics and wash her face with running water during treatment.

Home vacuum cleaning

Salon care, if desired, can be replaced with home care. The modern market segment of cosmetology equipment offers a large selection of devices for use at home. Among the many are:

  • products of the company Gezatone ITC - Super Cleaner Vacuum Cleaner and
  • Pore ​​cleaners Panasonic EH2511 Vacuum and its later model EH2513
  • Complex face massager Power Perfect Pore MC0084

The main characteristics of home cleaning machines:

  • The launch is made using standard finger batteries;
  • The equipment is equipped with a miniature vacuum nozzle;
  • Devices are suitable for use in all age categories, excluding children;
  • Allows you to cleanse the skin by using any means (in particular, wet cleaning);
  • Provides minimally invasive intervention and does not injure the skin;
  • Performs massage with lymphatic drainage effect;
  • It has compact dimensions and low weight;
  • Can be used in any convenient place;
  • It has several operating modes for different intensity of exposure;
  • Often sold in a set with several removable nozzles.

Vacuum cleaning at home takes place step by step, like a salon counterpart. In anticipation of its conduct, it is necessary to thoroughly cleanse the face using a disinfectant lotion and a soft scrub. The next step is steaming. The steam of herbal herbal decoction is best suited for this purpose. The minimum vaporization time should be 10 minutes. This is followed by cleaning using the device, and at the end the skin is treated with an alcohol-containing cosmetic product, a special gel to narrow the pores, or an ice cube with a frozen decoction of soothing herbs.

The frequency of a home or salon procedure should be at least once a month if the skin is heavily contaminated. In order to prevent soft vacuum cleaning is carried out every three months.


The result of cosmetic manipulation is noted immediately after its implementation and lasts for at least one month. After exposure, the following changes are noted:

  • Partial elimination of the stratum corneum;
  • Strengthening microcirculation and lymph outflow;
  • Elimination of blockages, traffic jams and comedones;
  • Stimulation of subcutaneous metabolism;
  • Normalization of secretion of sebaceous and sweat glands;
  • Alignment of natural texture;
  • Increased skin turgor;
  • Narrowing of pores;
  • Refreshing and moisturizing;
  • Gradual tightening of areas with ptosis.

Before the procedure
After the first session
Result after 3 cleanings

Vacuum or ultrasonic cleaning?

Many women for a long time can not decide on the option of facial cleansing. Today, in hardware cosmetology, vacuum and are most in demand. Their differences are insignificant, but any woman has the right to choose a more convenient way for herself.

  1. Full ultrasonic cleaning takes 45 minutes, vacuum lasts at least 90;
  2. Both options can be done at home;
  3. Ultrasonic cleaning is suitable for people with dry skin, vacuum cleaning is not recommended in this case;
  4. The vacuum procedure has fewer contraindications;
  5. Ultrasound cleaning causes intense pain in some patients;

Ultrasound cleaning is more suitable as a peeling to even out the tone. Due to its characteristics, the ultrasonic device cannot penetrate deep into the pores and effectively clean them from sebaceous plugs.

The skin is exactly the organ that can affect the state of our internal health, but sometimes even with excellent health, small pimples and black dots appear on the face, which are quite difficult to remove. In addition, the skin of the face performs a number of its functions, for this reason the face requires timely cleansing. Vacuum facial cleansing at home is considered very popular, and this procedure is also popular in beauty salons.

Vacuum facial cleaning at home is distinguished by its simplicity and minimal trauma to the skin, as well as ease of execution. Many women say that cleaning not only does not bring any injuries, but is completely painless, for this reason, girls try to use this method even at home, so as not to overpay for the procedure in the salon.

Properly performed cleaning will not only improve the health of the skin, but also make it look healthier, and you can also notice a reduction in wrinkles and an increase in the elasticity of the skin.

Advantages of vacuum cleaning

Probably, many girls are familiar with mechanical skin cleansing, that is, pimples and black spots are squeezed out with their hands, it is quite possible to clean at home, but here you have to prepare the skin for the procedure, and after cleaning, treat the face with special means.

Beauty salons also offer this cleansing today, for girls they clean the pores of everything superfluous, having previously prepared the skin for this, but this method does not give ideal results. In addition, it should be said that the method can injure the skin, after the procedure there are sores that heal for a long time.

Vacuum facial cleansing is an analogue of mechanical cleansing of the skin, but at the same time it is carried out not with hands, but with the help of a special device, the mechanism practically does not damage the skin on the face, and also does not cause pain at all, unlike manual cleaning.

To conduct this session, the cosmetologist needs to use a special device of small size, which can create a vacuum in its cavity. Thus, a small-diameter drainage tube is applied to the patient's face, and then the apparatus is turned on, which begins to draw out everything superfluous from the skin, like a vacuum cleaner. The device helps to easily get rid of even very serious dirt and black spots, and additionally massages the skin.

The duration of the procedure is usually no longer than twenty minutes, but if the pollution is very strong, then it may take a little more than the specified time, while twenty minutes will only last for the vacuum on the skin, and before that you will have to prepare the face. Also, after the cleaning itself, it is necessary to carry out restorative procedures to disinfect and relieve inflammation from the skin.

How is this cleaning done?

This procedure is carried out in the salon in several stages, but some girls prefer to use a vacuum at home, for this reason we will still describe the most correct cleaning option, and also describe what is needed for vacuum cleaning of the face.

First you need to prepare, at this stage it is worth cleansing the skin of all decorative cosmetics and impurities, if this happens at home, then you need to apply all face care products, while in the salon the beautician selects the most suitable lotions, cleansers and masks to remove all excess from the skin.

Vaporization . This is an additional cleansing step that is usually used only in the salon, but it is he who will clean the skin most effectively and deeply. Nevertheless, a girl can apply the method at home, at this stage you just need to steam your face with hot steam, warming cosmetics are used for this in the salon.

Deencrustation. Such treatment can only be done in the salon, as the beautician begins to use low-frequency current to open the pores to the maximum, this will make it easier to remove all unnecessary impurities. After such treatment, cleaning will be much faster and painless for a woman.

Cleaning. As soon as all other procedures are completed, the girl can proceed to the main procedure, a vacuum cleaning of the face is performed. For cleaning, an apparatus is used, which should have several nozzles, for home use a weaker device with one or two nozzles can be used, while in the cabin they use more serious devices that have more power and several types of nozzles.

Some nozzles are used for additional massage, others help get rid of wrinkles, and there are types of nozzles that are used only for cleaning oily skin. Usually, the beautician will apply each of the nozzles in turn to achieve the maximum effect from the procedure. During the procedure, the cosmetologist passes this nozzle over all problem areas, and the device draws out all the dirt and blackheads from the pores.

Peeling. Once the skin has been sufficiently cleansed, peeling can begin, which will cleanse the surface of the face of old skin cells, as well as make it younger and healthier. Light peeling can be done at home, for this they select the simplest and most gentle types of cosmetics, while in the salon the beautician will independently select the appropriate peeling that will cleanse the skin sufficiently, but will not cause injury.

Some devices allow you to do vacuum face peeling in conjunction with cleaning, but this procedure can only be done in the salon.

Recovery. When the procedure is completed, a nourishing mask is applied to the skin, it helps to saturate the skin with nutrients, and also significantly narrows enlarged pores. The whole session takes about two hours, for this reason it is worth preparing for a fairly long cleansing procedure.

Vacuum facial cleansing is a safe and painless procedure in which a special tube is used to draw out the contents from open pores using a vacuum. It allows you to remove black dots, dirt, sebaceous plugs. After the procedure, the skin acquires elasticity, metabolism is activated, blood circulation is accelerated, cells are better saturated with oxygen.

Main indications

Combination or oily skin. Cleansing has minimal physical impact, does not harm the dermis, cleanses the pores without damaging the sebaceous glands.

Black dots. Because of this defect, the skin does not absorb oxygen well, changes color and quickly becomes greasy. The vacuum tube allows you to treat areas that are inaccessible with other methods of cleaning: nose, chin, area above the upper lip.

Tuberosity. Vacuum cleaning eliminates this problem more effectively than the use of expensive cosmetic and medical products.

  • comedones;
  • clogged pores;
  • acne;
  • reduced skin elasticity;
  • age-related changes (wrinkles);
  • reduced turgor of subcutaneous tissue.

Contraindications to vacuum cleaning of the face are:

  • rosacea and dilated vessels in the upper layer of the dermis;
  • sensitivity and dry skin;
  • inflammation, acne, pustular neoplasms;
  • dermatitis and psoriasis;
  • pregnancy;
  • viral and infectious diseases;
  • acute chronic diseases.

How to prepare for the procedure

Before cleaning, the cosmetologist cleans the skin of makeup and impurities by rubbing it with a special lotion. Then, to open the pores, he treats problem areas of the body with a vaporizer or applies warming masks. At the end of the preparation, disincrustation is performed - a hardware impact with electric current to dissolve contaminants and fatty deposits, as well as to remove them from open pores.

Features of the procedure

The beautician cleans using a special device with several nozzles, the choice of which depends on the defect to be eliminated. To get rid of oily skin problems, the use of a beak-shaped tip is necessary. To smooth out wrinkles, you need to use a flat nozzle, to improve the outflow of lymph and the functioning of lymphatic vessels - a round one.

Under the influence of the device, a negative pressure is formed at the site of attachment of the nozzle to the body, due to which the problematic dermis is sucked into the nozzle and cleaned. Fat deposits that clog them are removed from the pores. It also significantly improves lymphatic drainage and blood flow, which helps to accelerate cell recovery, as well as effective and rapid renewal of the dermis. After the procedure, the tone and elasticity of the skin increases, it begins to look more attractive and young.

The last stage of cleaning involves closing the pores previously opened as a result of steaming. Since fat, toxins and pollution have already been eliminated, the cosmetologist remains to clean the skin from the epidermis that has exfoliated during the procedure. It is necessary to carry out peeling (exfoliation), and then apply a nourishing mask to narrow the pores.

The average duration of the procedure is 20-30 minutes, but if the cosmetologist performs additional manipulations, it can last more than an hour.