How to strengthen nails with gel polish. Ways to strengthen weak and damaged nails

The dream of strong long nails for most girls can remain a dream if you do not take care of the nail plate and do not strengthen it, both inside and out.

Fragility can be due to various reasons:

  1. First of all, these are internal problems of the body, lack of calcium, vitamins.
  2. The use of household chemicals, hand washing, washing dishes, as well as working with the earth, various chemicals without gloves cannot but affect the state of the manicure.
  3. The attending physician will help to solve internal problems, you yourself will help to solve external problems, and modern materials will help to make the nail plate stronger and protect it from brittleness.

Achievements of the nail industry offer to pay attention to gel nail strengthening.

The gel is gradually replacing the popular build-up, as it is safe, does not thin the nails, the result looks natural.

Strengthening nails with gel
It is best to do this procedure in the salon, but if you wish, you can learn this yourself.

You will have to purchase some materials and practice on yourself or on someone close to you.

Strengthening is somewhat easier than building up, it costs less, since less consumables are required.


  • care is received not only by the plate, but also by the cuticle, as a result, trimmed manicure can be done less often,
  • the nail plate is leveled, it becomes thicker and stronger,
  • the procedure is cheaper than the classic extension,
  • can be done at home.

Strengthening will help exfoliating, brittle nails that lack vitamins.

Of course, it is better to solve the problem from the inside, and it is the gel that will help to prevent unpleasant consequences from the outside, which creates an elastic base, a kind of frame that can withstand household loads.

It is worth noting that it does not have special healing properties (if it is not a biogel), but it allows you to make the nail plate stronger. Any varnish, patterns, stickers, decorative elements can be applied on top.

The gel itself is removed with a special solvent (it takes about 15 minutes), correction is needed every two to three weeks, since the nails grow along with the gel and the difference becomes visually noticeable.

Many are interested in the question of how the build-up differs from the strengthening.

Building allows you to change the length and shape, and strengthening involves applying the gel to the entire surface of the nail without drastic changes.

The main feature of the composition is a certain plasticity, due to which the plate can move like a natural one.

Most women after removing extended nails note that natural nails become brittle, brittle, weak.

A special biogel can also help them recover, the action of which is aimed specifically at healing and treatment.

It is applied in a thin layer, so it does not need correction, but is simply removed like a gel polish. Such strengthening nails after gel will achieve good results after 3-4 applications.

gel nail strengthening step by step How to protect nails:

  1. The master performs hand disinfection, then gets to work.
  2. It begins with the preparation of the plate, it is buffed, the cuticle is removed so that the material lies flat.
  3. After that, they degrease, apply a primer - they quickly dry on their own.
  4. We cover the nails with a thin layer of the base and send it to the lamp for three minutes.
  5. After drying, the gel is applied, building the entire plate, thoroughly drying each nail under an ultraviolet lamp for three minutes. We remove stickiness from the surface.
  6. We trim and file the shape with a soft nail file, buff for smoothness. If necessary, a colored varnish is applied on top.

After 2-3 weeks, a correction will be required, as the gel will grow along with the plate. The master removes the old layer and applies a new one.

Many don't know how to do gel nails at home. This will require a therapeutic gel, such as biogel, nail files, a degreaser, an ultraviolet lamp.

If you strictly follow the instructions above, you can achieve good results.

You can also take care of your toenails in this way. Before the procedure, a pedicure is performed, and then they act according to the same algorithm.

The only difference is that patterns are less often made on the legs, preferring a one-tone color coating.

Biogel, unlike many others, was created specifically for medicinal purposes, and not to lengthen the plate, like regular gel or acrylic.

It is made from polymers, the same as in other nail materials.

There is no amazing composition with myths about which the Internet is full, the whole essence of the product is in a very gentle flexible structure that perfectly protects nails.

  1. The composition is well perceived by natural nails and effectively copes with its tasks.
  2. A safe remedy is allowed even for pregnant women who, fearing for the health of the child, often refuse manicure.
  3. Removes quickly and safely without damaging the plate.

If you want to grow natural nails, for example, for some kind of celebration - a wedding or vacation, this material will definitely help.

It will protect against delamination and breakage, will have a general strengthening effect. And if after building up the plate becomes weak, then after removing the biogel it will retain its strength.

The color scheme of this material is very diverse, so the manicure will definitely not be boring. You can safely choose between bright shades and French gel nail strengthening.

With a jacket, the master applies a colored or classic white stripe to the edge of the nail. This manicure looks elegant and is suitable for everyday wear and for special occasions.

You can safely do household chores - wash the dishes, do laundry, do the cleaning, the manicure will remain beautiful, and the nails will be intact.

To carry out the procedure at home, you will need the following materials and tools:

  • dehydrator,
  • base and top coat,
  • biogel itself,
  • nail files and buffs,
  • UV lamp,
  • brushes for applying material.
  1. We do a manicure, push back the cuticles.
  2. With the help of a buff, the gloss is removed from the surface. Apply dehydrate.
  3. Then we apply the base with an almost weightless layer, dry it in UV for two minutes. We apply the biogel - try to distribute it perfectly evenly, for this you can navigate by the glare - then you do not need to do filing. We send it to the lamp for three minutes.
  4. If it was necessary to carry out sawdust, then the nails are covered with a finish, dried and then the stickiness is removed.

VIDEO ABOUT BIOGEL with instructions

The cuticle is treated with oil. After that, you can immediately start doing household chores, without fear that the coating will be damaged.

Despite the traditional popularity of a long manicure, there are many lovers of short nails. They also need care, especially if the task is to grow them to a certain length.

To speed up regrowth or just make them stronger, they also resort to gel.

Due to the variety of color schemes, even the shortest manicure can be made bright and interesting.

The advantages of the procedure are obvious - gel strengthening of short nails improves their condition, restores the structure after extension, and accelerates regrowth.

The gel is not only a tool for modeling nails, but also for strengthening them. With it, you can create a barely noticeable hard layer on the nails, which protect them from deformation..

So that the use of the gel does not affect the nails in a negative way, need to know all the principles of strengthening this material. They are very simple, and the scheme requires little expense. Therefore, you can make the nail plate stronger at home.

Which nails need to be strengthened

You can strengthen the gel even the most ordinary nails that do not suffer from any problems. Gel im not at all won't hurt. On the contrary, it will make them better.

Nails need strengthening, which very thin and subject to natural damage. It is easy to distinguish them - they break quickly, and the upper overgrown edge bends well.

Gel reinforcement will relevant and for fairly hard nails that do not grow well. Ladies with this feature often cannot wait for the formation of a beautiful length, because for a long time even a strong nail plate is damaged.

Unscrupulous craftsmen often damage the nail plate when building up. Before applying the gel, they cut off too much of its surface, so after removing the gel, the nails seem almost transparent and brittle.

The process of removing nails can aggravate the situation in this case, if the manipulations are performed without taking into account the rules. Especially harmful nails removal of the gel at home, or rather tearing it off. This is fraught with severe damage, which can even lead to falling off of the nail plate and other injuries.

Attention! If the nails are not too badly damaged, that is, a certain length of the plate is present on all fingers, and it is not too thin, it is not only possible, but also desirable to cover the nails with gel. In no case do this if there are wounds in the areas where the nail plate should be.

Necessary materials and tools

Here is a list of materials and tools that may be useful for manipulation to strengthen nails:

  • device for drying helium textures ();
  • orange wood stick;
  • piece of cotton wool;
  • nail polish remover;
  • two types of nail files (hard for processing the upper edge and the softest for cleaning the surface of the plate);
  • a brush suitable for applying the gel;
  • primer;
  • base tool;
  • a couple of gels (colorless must be used);
  • finishing agent;
  • liquid to remove stickiness.

Basic rules for strengthening nails with gel

If you have stocked up with everything that was indicated above, you can proceed with the procedure. We wipe the nail plate well with a cotton swab soaked in nail polish remover. On nails must not be no traces of old varnish.

The wand needs to be slightly pushed back to free up a large area for coverage. To make the stage painless and even enjoyable, it is desirable pre-steam pens.

We take a nail file harder and remove irregularities and excess length. Soft file very carefully polish the area of ​​the nail plate.

On nails that are too thin or damaged as a result of building nails can't have a big impact. Apply a light layer of primer and dry naturally. We also thinly apply a base coat, but dry it under a lamp.

Now proceed to the gel coating without color. Try to apply the gel with a brush so as not to capture the skin and cuticle area. Desirable retreat around millimeter from the side edges and bottom. You need to apply a helium layer from the bottom to the top.

By the principle similar to the previous one, the second layer is made. Eat important point- if you haven’t painted over the area in some places, for example, near the sides, you don’t need to fill it with a second layer, as it will quickly come off.

This step is mandatory for those who want to color their nails. You need to take a colored gel and light layer cover the nails. If the gel is not thick, it is advisable to make two thin layers. Each of them is dried under ultraviolet light separately.

After the color gel, a light layer needs to be applied with a finish coat. It dries just like a gel. Last step - stickiness removal. The product should be applied to a cotton swab and wipe the nails.

We invite you to watch an informative video on how to strengthen your nails with gel:

Currently, a procedure such as strengthening natural nails with gel at home is very popular, the process of which is shown in the video, and the results are in the photo. Indeed, the cost of such a service in the salon is so high that not every girl can afford to perform it monthly. Namely, this is the term for updating the gel. However, many of those who have done it at least once are not ready to give it up.

general information

Why is the procedure for strengthening natural nails gel so popular? It is worth mentioning that there are two types of gel for strengthening. It differs in characteristics and effect on the nails.

  1. Biogel;
  2. Simple gel.

In terms of chemical composition, ordinary gel has almost the same composition that is used in gel nail extensions. It has almost all the same negative effect on the plates as extensions. Unless you have to cut your own plate so much.
Biogel is another substance. This strengthening gel for nails has a positive effect on them during wear.

Gel strengthening of natural nails has a major advantage. It prevents breaking and cracking of the nail due to mechanical damage. The gel creates a thick and durable layer on the surface of the plate, which protects the nail from scratches. Due to this layer, the nail does not bend even under strong enough pressure.

The coating itself is quite strong and stable. It stays on the nails for about three weeks, and sometimes more. However, as a result of the growth of the nail, the border between the gel and your own nail becomes visible, and therefore the coating has to be adjusted.

The gel layer is resistant to damage, scratches, rubbing. It retains its aesthetic functions until the last day of wearing. In the case of using a color coating, there is also no fading.

Preparation for application

It is enough just to strengthen your nails with gel at home. However, this requires some preparatory procedures. First of all, make sure that you are not allergic to the components of the procedure. Even if you have previously strengthened or built up nails, it is still better to conduct a small test for an allergic reaction before the procedure.

Check the sterility of your instruments. This is even more important if the procedure is performed by the master, since you do not know which client was before you. However, even if you are the only user of a manicure set, it is better to treat it with antiseptic agents or boil it. It is also important to treat your own hands and the hands of the master with an antiseptic if the procedure is performed in the salon.

Carrying out the procedure

The video below shows how to strengthen natural nails with gel. The whole process can be divided into several stages. The main ones are as follows.

This completes the strengthening of nails at home with gel, however, as in the photo, you can create one or another design. In any case, now your nails are reliably protected from external influences and mechanical damage. You will not break them even under heavy loads.

The benefits of biogel

As mentioned above, biogel brings nails much more benefits than ordinary gel. It helps to answer the question of how not only to strengthen nails at home with gel mechanically, but also to improve their health. It is often recommended to use the biogel after the removal of extended nails, when the own plates are brittle and weakened and need not only care, but also mechanical protection.

Biogel not only strengthens the nail, but also moisturizes the cuticle. It becomes softer and thinner, grows more slowly. As a result, you can cut manicures much less often, and your nails will look more well-groomed. The gel itself in this case is an ideal nutrient medium. The nail takes useful substances from it, which positively affect the condition of the plate.

At the same time, all the advantages of an ordinary gel are preserved. The plate after drawing becomes equal and smooth. Bases and coatings stay on it much longer. The nail thickens and becomes protected from breaking, cracking and damage.

Choosing a regular gel or biogel is a matter of taste. However, a simple gel provides only a mechanical strengthening of the nails, while under it the nails themselves do not breathe and cease to develop a natural protective layer. This can cause the new nail to grow back altered and deformed. But on the nails, such a gel lasts up to a whole month.

Biogel cannot boast of such durability. It remains on the nails for about two weeks, after this time its decorative qualities are significantly reduced - the coating becomes dull and cracks. But such a gel not only does not harm your own nails, but also strengthens them not only mechanically. This is achieved by including various useful substances in its composition.

Today neat natural short nails are in fashion. However, it is not always possible to achieve the desired goal - for many women, the nail plates are thin, brittle and weak. If you have the same problem, then it makes sense to find out how to strengthen gel nails under gel polish at home. This procedure will make the nail plates more dense and strong, which means that they will not break at the most unexpected moment. In addition, such strengthening at home will allow you to grow the desired length of nails over time and always have well-groomed hands. This procedure is performed in beauty salons, but if you have all the necessary tools, you can do it at home.

What nails need to be strengthened under gel polish?

This question is very important, since it is far from always possible to resort to this procedure. For example, if your nail plates are infected with a fungus, then applying a strengthening gel will only exacerbate the problem. It is known that artificial material prevents the flow of air to the nails, so the fungus can spread even more. Only healthy nails can be strengthened with gel formulations. Even if your nails are very short, it makes sense to perform a strengthening procedure. As they grow, they will not exfoliate and break.

What is required to strengthen nails with gel?

Strengthening nails with gel at home can be done using biogel or gel. What is their difference? Gel is the same material that is used for extensions. It is applied to the nail plate in three layers, and after drying it acquires strength. It is worth noting that it is rather difficult to remove it, and if you do this, the condition of the nails will worsen.

Biogel contains protein, vitamins, teak resin and other components. It does not contain harmful additives. Initially, it was used to strengthen the nail plates after removing the extension gel. Today, this material is preferred by more and more women who care not only about beauty, but also about the health of their nails.

Preparation for the procedure

Regardless of which material you decide to use, it is important to properly prepare for the firming procedure. What is needed for this:

Soft nail file with very fine abrasive;
Cuticle sticks;

First, the hands are treated with an antiseptic solution, so as not to subsequently infect the infection. Next, the cuticle is manipulated, moving it away with the help of an orange stick, and the free edges are processed with tweezers or a special machine. Then the nails are slightly filed with a finely abrasive nail file (this is necessary if you have chosen the gel composition as the strengthening material, which is intended for building). Use a brush to remove all the dust that has formed. Next, the nails are degreased. If biogel is chosen as a reinforcing material, then grinding is not needed, only a degreaser is used. If you did everything right, we move on.

How to strengthen nails with gel at home?

Now we proceed directly to the strengthening. At this stage, we need a foundation (base), the gel itself, a finish gel, a brush and a drying lamp (ultraviolet).

The base is applied as the first layer. When buying materials, you will be able to easily distinguish this material, as "Base" will be written on the jar. This layer is very thin, it dries under the lamp for 30 seconds.

The second layer is the most important, the main one, it is applied quite tightly, and dried for three minutes. It is important to correctly perform the technique of applying the main layer - they always start from the edge of the nail plate, gradually moving towards the cuticle (you need to leave a gap of at least one and a half millimeters to it). If suddenly the gel gets on the cuticle or skin framing the nail, quickly remove it with a cotton swab dipped in a degreasing solution. After drying, a thin layer is removed with a nail file and a buff, only in case of visible irregularities. After making adjustments, proceed to the next step.

The third layer is the finish gel. It is applied in a thin layer, dried for about 3 minutes (see the instructions for the material). Then you need to remove the sticky layer using a special remover without acetone, although sometimes this is not necessary.

Note for readers of "Popular about health." You can do all three steps with the gel composition from one can, simply by applying it in three steps. In the same way, nails are strengthened with biogel, in three stages. Similarly, the nails are strengthened with gel on the legs.

If your nails are naturally strong, should they be strengthened??

If your nails break very rarely and do not need to be restored, then you can do without strengthening procedures. In this case, it is advisable to use shellac (a mixture of gel and varnish), which in itself will give additional strength to the nails. It is also applied in three steps and lasts for about three weeks. One of its advantages is a large palette of colors. As a decorative coating, most women prefer to use it.

If you can’t imagine your life without a manicure, and frequent visits to beauty salons are unprofitable for you, try mastering the technique of strengthening nails at home. True, for this you will also have to spend money on acquiring all the tools and all kinds of means, but it's worth it. Over time, you will fill your hand, and your fingers will become an object of admiration!

Those who have used gel polish to cover their nails more than once have probably noticed that nails under such a coating practically do not break. Personally, I do not even remember such a case. Therefore, the statement that gel polish can be used to strengthen nails is fully justified.

However, not everything is so clear.

  • Firstly, gel polish does not have any therapeutic effect on the nails, so the effect of nail strengthening lasts only while wearing it. This can be used to grow your nails a little if they don't look very presentable right now.
  • Secondly, many complain that after removing the gel polish, the nails are not only strengthened, but on the contrary, they become thinner, brittle and look even worse. But here, rather, claims should not be about gel polish, but about the process of removing it: if you tear it off yourself, chipping it off with your nails, then it is likely that everything will be so. If you use it (by soaking in a special liquid or using it), then there can be no such problems.

Strengthening under gel polish is done using acrylic powder and biogel, the base can help a little with this, but the gel is used for slightly different purposes. Next, I will talk about the nuances of each of these options.

Strengthening nails with acrylic powder for gel polish

This is one of the simplest and most effective ways to strengthen the nail plate and increase the life of the gel polish. By itself, acrylic, even in extensions, is considered a stronger material than gel, and its ease of use under gel polish has made this strengthening method a favorite of many masters. With his help:

  • Increased coating strength
  • Due to its transparency, the powder does not affect the color of the coating,
  • The nail surface is leveled,
  • Cracks are prevented.

The method is as follows:

  1. Preparatory stage. It is no different from the usual preparation of nails when gel polish is applied: the cuticle is pushed back and removed, the natural gloss is removed from the nail plate and a degreasing agent or is applied.
  2. Then we apply a thin layer of the base and dry it in a lamp (usually it is 2 minutes for an ultraviolet lamp and 30 seconds for a led lamp).
  3. Now the second layer of the base is applied and, without drying, sprinkled with acrylic powder using a pusher or a fan brush. In this form, the nails are sent to dry in a lamp.
  4. Excess powder is shaken off with a dense brush. If the surface is not very smooth, it can be buffed a little.
  5. Another layer of base is applied, which is dried in a lamp. Then you can make a color coating and design, or you can leave your nails like this (in this case, at the 4th stage it is better to apply a top, not a base): they will look natural, with shine, and will not break.

This process is almost the same as using acrylic powder, except that it has different goals, which may cause slight discrepancies in the shaping process.

As such, acrylic powder does not have healing properties and is not able to strengthen the nail plate itself, so after removing such a coating, you should not hope that the nails will become stronger. The strengthening function here is rather responsible for a strong and durable coating that is resistant to mechanical stress, so you should not be confused here.

Strengthening nails with biogel under gel polish

Strengthening base under gel polish

The base, applied in several layers over the gel polish, can also make the nail coating more resistant. To do this, you can also use a thicker base, but apply it not in one thick layer, but in several thin ones.

Strengthening gel under gel polish

Strengthening nails with gel under gel polish as such is not practiced, although this question often arises. The fact is that acrylic powder is a much more durable material and it is much easier to work with it using the described technology than with gel. Laying out a base layer of gel to strengthen the nails and prolong the life of the gel polish can only be done when lengthening the nail bed is required, that is, it will be a kind of nail extension with gel polish. In any other case, it is recommended to use the methods described above.

Here I have analyzed all the options, if you have used any of these methods in practice, tell us about it in the comments, how effective it is, perhaps I do not have any information fully enough. Thank you for reading to the end, I won’t say goodbye for a long time, yet!

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