Lubricants - the appointment and use of intimate gel lubricants. Lubricant gel for a comfortable relationship. Review

Intimate lubricant gel. What is it and why?

Fans of the Faberlic brand have long been fond of the Fairytale Lace series. And, if the purpose of the intimate hygiene gel, shower gel and body milk with aphrodisiacs does not cause any questions, then the mysterious "intimate lubricant gel" intrigues men and women really "not childishly." Rimma Korneeva is ready to reveal all his secrets...

Why did Faberlic make it?

Whatever they say, but those places that the ancients usually covered with a fig leaf are a very important part of the body, which also needs to be looked after. Let's skip personal hygiene.
A lubricant is a tool designed to accompany full sex. It can be compared to a thin seasoning for a dish, which gives the food a special piquancy. At the same time, the lubricant is not a means for solving serious medical problems. it will not solve the problem of erection or chronic thrush.

Lubricant can be used by everyone who is engaged in "this" - there are no contraindications. The exception is cases when the lubricant causes subjective discomfort in one of the partners. One of the pleasant properties of the lubricant is that it corrects minor inconveniences that can annoy both partners: one of the most frequent is increased dryness of the genitals. And if everything goes "as it should" from the very beginning and "as it should" ends, the lubricant can be used to enhance the sensations. Among other things, it reduces the risk of banal infections because it contains antiseptics and bactericidal additives.

How does it work?

The lubricant is applied to the genitals 5-10 minutes before the onset of intimacy. Usually both partners use it. If one is categorically against it, you don’t have to insist: anyway, the gel will get where it needs to be. By the way, a condom, a lubricant is not a hindrance. Moreover, in this case, it also acts as a moisturizer for the condom, reducing the discomfort of its use for those who experience this discomfort. The only amendment: under the condom, the cream should be applied a little earlier - about 15 minutes "before" the lubricant has time to be absorbed. You can use it all the time. Our development is a representative of a new generation of products made using microemulsion technologies. This means that the size of the gel particles does not exceed a few microns (in conventional creams it is several times larger). It is easy to guess that the smaller the particles, the easier it is for them to penetrate into the deeper layers of the skin through the skin barrier. And the faster comes a comfortable state for intimacy. Additional comfort is ensured by the fact that our lubricant does not require removal from the skin and mucous membranes after the end of sexual intercourse. The mysterious word "lubricant" means a very simple thing: "moisturizing", that is, "lubricating" the genitals. This definition, like all medical terms that came from Latin, is accepted in sexology.

What does a lubricant give a woman?

First of all, it moisturizes the mucous membranes, which a priori facilitates the process. We have already said that the cream-gel particles are absorbed instantly thanks to microemulsion technologies. That is, the active additives included in its composition begin to act immediately and cause swelling of the mucous membranes due to blood flow, increasing the size of the clitoris. All this: moisturizing, swelling, enlargement of the clitoris in the language of sexologists is included in the concept of female erection. If all these processes proceed normally, then this means that the excitement is on the rise and, most likely, will end exactly as it should - a full-fledged orgasm. Some women suffer from the fact that her sexual pace does not match the pace of her partner: he is "already" and she is "not yet." And (we omit the pathologies), if both cannot understand how to deal with this, you can call on a lubricant to help speed up the process of arousal if the woman "lags behind."

What does a lubricant give a man?

The scheme, in principle, is the same: the cream-gel moisturizes the mucous membrane, improves erection due to blood flow, respectively, increasing the size of "what you need." What active substances are included in the composition of the lubricant and for what? Ginseng extract in the formula of the product has a stimulating and tonic effect. Honey has antiseptic, antibacterial and wound-healing effects, softens and soothes the skin. Aquaftem saturates tissues with oxygen, stimulates blood circulation. Phenyl salicate provides stable blood filling of tissues and their tone. It has a bactericidal effect. Panthenol has a wound healing effect, promotes the healing of small cracks, damage, inflammation of the mucous membranes.

Hormones... After 35 years, women increasingly remember them, feeling irreversible changes in their body. Appearance is gradually changing, slightly, almost imperceptibly. However, the reflection in the mirror already betrays the age. And the point is not only in treacherous mimic wrinkles, but also in the psychological state. At this age, many suffer from a decrease in self-esteem, they no longer see themselves as an attractive, spectacular and ... desirable woman.

It is not surprising, because after 35 years, ladies often experience discomfort during sexual intercourse associated with dryness in the vagina. These phenomena are associated with a decrease in the amount of estrogen and progesterone produced by the ovaries in the body. These female "hormones of youth" are responsible for various processes. They affect the condition of the hair, skin, central nervous system. A decrease in estrogen leads to a decrease in the production of collagen cells, to dry skin and mucous membranes, insufficient lubrication (moisturizing) of the vagina. As a result, hormonal restructuring changes not only a woman's body and her emotional state, but sometimes family relationships as well.

Many ladies after 35 avoid intimacy. Unwillingness, and as a result, inability to solve this problem often leads to sad results - family quarrels, parting with a loved one, the appearance of women's diseases, the development of depressive states.

Accounting for the needs of a partner is an important component of a harmonious relationship. Therefore, the complete refusal of a woman after 35-40 years of intimacy or a decrease in sexual activity negatively affects both her personal life and health. Such a passive solution to hormonal problems is not constructive.

To date, medicine has various effective means that can help a woman after 35 years and older ladies who have already entered the menopause period (48-52 years) to establish a normal intimate life. These include both hormonal drugs that compensate for the lack of estrogen in the body, and local agents - lubricants. This intimate lubricant gels designed to eliminate vaginal dryness at the time of intercourse. They are made on a water and fat basis. In recent years, experts agree that water-based lubricants provide the best effect and protect the female vagina from microtrauma during intercourse.

Lubricants Sexy Life - a spicy highlight of intimate relationships

A good example of water-based intimate lubricant gels are Sexy Life brand lubricants. This product was developed jointly with specialists from Switzerland.

Advanced European technologies and experience in the production of such funds made it possible to create lubricants, which not only improve the quality of sexual intercourse for both partners, but also have healing, protective properties. Part Sexy Life lubricants include vitamin E, allantoin and panthenol. These components have emollient, anti-inflammatory, moisturizing, regenerating effect on the mucous membrane of the vagina. In addition, due to the content of hypoallergenic flavoring components in lubricants, they have a positive effect on the emotional component of sexual intercourse.

The use of lubricants with various sweet "gastronomic" flavors, such as chocolate, cola, papaya, allows you to add a spicy zest to intimate relationships, to raise them to a whole new level.

Silicone intimate lubricant is a drug that improves the quality of sexual intercourse, sharpens the sensations and emotions of partners. When there is little secretion, the vagina becomes dry, even if the woman is aroused.

Dryness is caused by problems with the hormonal background, menopause, the recovery period after childbirth and other reasons. This causes discomfort, affects the sensations during frictions, makes sex painful. A woman cannot achieve a full orgasm.

There are many remedies to solve the problem of vaginal dryness - gels and lubricants based on silicone, oil and water. Each tool is useful in its own way, therefore, in order to figure out which intimate lubricant to choose, we will conduct a short review.

On a silicone basis, they remove vaginal dryness, increase a woman's arousal, and facilitate slipping.

  • Increased arousal of a woman;
  • Elimination of discomfort and discomfort;
  • Ease of use;
  • Safe composition.
  • Negatively affect sperm motility, can cause allergic reactions;
  • If you constantly use lubricant during sexual intercourse, a fungus may occur due to the parabens and glycerin that are part of it.

A great advantage of intimate lubricants is the safety of the composition. Manufacturers use wax on a natural or synthetic basis to make silicone lubricants for sex.

How the lubricant works

After applying a lubricant for intimate use, a woman feels warm, sexual desire gradually increases. The big advantage of gel lubrication is that it does not dry out for a long time, unlike water-based or oil-based products.

Silicone lubricants are well combined with condoms, do not stain bedding and underwear, and are easily washed off with water.

People prone to allergic reactions should apply the drug to any area of ​​​​the skin before use and wait 20 minutes. If the product does not cause irritation, then you can safely apply.

You can not use silicone lubricant for oral sex, only for vaginal and anal. If the gel enters the esophagus, it can lead to unpleasant consequences. In addition, do not allow the product to get into the eyes.

Myths and misconceptions

Some people think that the use of lubricants causes infertility, causes burns and is addictive. No, they do not cause infertility, and the chance of getting pregnant is reduced by only 11%. Intimate remedies do not affect the reproductive system, but simply affect the fluids secreted by the body.

Silicone lubricant gels do not protect against unwanted pregnancy!

Burning and irritation occurs when the drug is applied to damaged surfaces (cracks, wounds). The substance simply cannot cause chemical burns, its composition is safe. Drugs do not affect a woman's libido and a decrease in the amount of natural secretion.

How to choose a lubricant

Manufacturers produce several series of silicone grease, which can be used depending on the desires and needs of partners. Let's see what names can be found in pharmacies, online stores, as well as which intimate lubricant is better and choose the most worthy one.

Types of lubricants for intimacy.

I want to talk about what a lubricant is, how to use it, what it is actually needed for, and, as an example for an article, talk about Durex lubricants.

Lubricant is a special gel lubricant that improves friction and moisturizes surfaces.

The first application of lubricants, known to all, in the intimate sphere. Lubricants are often used as an additional lubricant during sexual intercourse. With its help, the surfaces are moistened and the sensations become more pleasant, the sensitivity is increased.

The second application of lubricants is like a gel for the skin, which is able to protect it from microbes. A film appears on the skin that protects the skin on the body.

There are many different types and types of lubricant. Some are applied like a roll-on deodorant, others are squeezed out with liquid from tubes. The consistency of the liquid is similar to ordinary liquid soap.

There are also many types of intimate lubricant. Some have a pleasant smell, others have a taste, some even have a color.

Lubricant from the manufacturer Durex is very famous for its quality, like all products of this brand. My boyfriend and I use exclusively the products of this company. The lubricant with the effect of cold is especially pleasant, it adds thrills.

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How often do women experience discomfort during sexual intercourse associated with dryness in the vagina? Statistics say that almost every second person faces this problem at different periods of their lives. Moreover, this is not always a problem for women of an older age period.

Starting to live sexually, every young woman feels that she is not always ready for sexual intercourse at the same time as her partner. The process of arousal in women takes much longer than in men and men do not always take care to bring it to the end, the result of this is trauma to the mucous membrane and pain during sexual life. Therefore, dryness in the vagina sometimes becomes a serious problem, and not experience and lack of information makes a girl a hostage to many complexes associated with her own inferiority. Gradually gaining experience, listening to the advice of friends and recommendations of men, girls begin to use a variety of products "suitable" for these purposes, such as cosmetic creams, petroleum jelly and even soap. What happens in this case with the already injured mucosa?

To fully perform its protective functions, the mucous membrane of the genital organs must be in an acidic environment, this provides a reliable barrier against many bacterial and viral agents circulating in the environment. When using creams and oils as a lubricant, the acidity level gradually decreases, which allows bacteria to freely multiply in the folds and cracks of the vaginal entrance. As a result, inflammatory processes of the genital organs develop, which, with a decrease in general immunity and sufficient virulence of the flora, can cause more serious problems associated with inflammation of the internal genital organs - the uterus and appendages. Faced with these problems, girls, often for the first time, turn to a gynecologist. And the endless process of treating "thrush", bacterial vaginitis and specific sexually transmitted infections begins, although the elementary use of moisturizers can restore the injured mucosa, which closes the entry gate for pathogens.

In addition, each of us knows that unprotected intercourse with a partner whom there is no reason to trust can lead to many problems, which are sometimes very difficult to solve. Condoms are used by all more or less caring about their health people. All men know that this reduces the sensitivity of the penis and are absolutely sure that women's sensations do not suffer in any way. However, statistics show that 30% of lube users are men. Their average age is 30-54 years old, they are usually well educated, they know that it is water-based products that do not react with latex, therefore, they cannot cause damage to the condom, in addition, latex, even the thinnest, has a higher friction force than the skin and during friction rubs even sufficiently moistened mucous membranes, which also leads to microtrauma.

Gynecologists recommend using moisturizers for women who use hormonal contraceptives for a long time. Vaginal dryness can also be caused by the use of the following groups of drugs: antihistamines, antidepressants, chemotherapy, drugs to lower blood pressure, drugs for the treatment of endometriosis and uterine fibroids. Unfortunately, women often do not pay attention to problems in their sexual life if they are concerned about some more serious symptoms that directly worsen their well-being. But sexologists say that a harmonious sex life can work wonders. Women who do not deny themselves sex live longer, in addition, such an important indicator as their quality of life significantly exceeds that of women who do not live sexually for whatever reason. A classic example is the premenopausal period. At this time, the ovaries stop producing enough estrogens, as a result of which the vaginal mucosa becomes thinner, drier and more vulnerable. The most intimate moments turn into torture, as a result, the husband moves to another room, and the woman puts an end to her flowering. Old age? No - just ignorance! At this age, a woman is full of strength, and despite the serious changes that take place in her body, she is able to give many more years of happiness to her family. And all the problems associated with soreness during intercourse are completely eliminated. It is enough to use vaginal moisturizers and hormonal preparations that your gynecologist has prescribed for you.

There are a sufficient number of vaginal moisturizers in our market. They are produced by both our and foreign pharmaceutical companies, and these products are sold in almost all major pharmacies. All lubricants undergo strict quality control, do not contain any additives, including aromatic ones, have a neutral environment, and are not toxic.