Moonstone magical properties, zodiac sign. What does a moonstone look like?

The words "moonstone" hide the essence of this unique gem, including its delicate elusive nature and its perception. He is so fragile that he deserves only admiration, admiration and light touches.

It is no coincidence that tender feelings are associated with him, which he protects and cherishes with his strength. The outlines of the stone, its glow from the very depths, the fantastic beauty of overflows and blue highlights can only be seen in a dream.

History and origins

The mineral belongs to the class . The mineral was named by association with translucent bluish and silvery tints caused by structural features of thin transparent plates.

The mineral has several names:

  • jandarakand (Indian for "moonlight").
  • pearl spar

The stone is especially revered by worshipers of the moon.

It has several varieties:

  1. The name of one of the minerals () comes from the Canadian deposit of the same name, which is located near the Labrador Peninsula.
  2. The second mineral is called because of the golden tint "sun stone" (aventurine feldspar). Can be found in the Russian Federation, not far from Lake Baikal.
  3. Belomorite is a white, translucent gem with a bluish tint.

Moonstone is a rare mineral found in India, Mongolia, Burma, Sri Lanka.

Place of Birth

Minerals resembling moonstone are found in different parts of the Earth. Its best deposits include:

  1. India, where there is a noticeable decline in production in individual fields (Madras).
  2. Burma, which also has already developed deposits (Mogok).
  3. Sri Lanka, where the extraction of a real crystal is becoming a rarity (Dunbara).
  4. Not so long ago, the extraction of a gem (sanidine) was discovered in Mongolia.

In addition to these, there are many places where the mineral is mined. Russian deposits:

  • coast of the White Sea;
  • Olkhonsky and Slyudyansky districts of the Irkutsk region;
  • Naryn-Kunta (Baikal region);
  • Karamken and Mnogovershinnoe in Chukotka;
  • Inaglinsky mountain range (Siberia);
  • city ​​of Mokrusha (Urals).

Other deposits:

  • New and North Zealand;
  • Tanzania;
  • Madagascar;
  • Australia.

Physical properties

Moonstone is a potassium feldspar that has nothing to do with the Moon.

Physical propertiesTheir features
Density2.56–2.62 g/cm³
kinkUneven, stepped.
Dash colorWhite.
ColorLight gray, with a pale blue tint, colorless, yellow.

An optical effect occurs in the mineral, it weakly luminesces in X-rays. The lunar shimmer of the mineral is produced by transparent lamellar crystals.

Light yellow crystals are extremely rare. The highest quality gems are mined in Sri Lanka.

Medicinal properties

The healing stone protects from the negative effects of the moon. Mediums recommend wearing jewelry or just a small piece of jewelry for healing from certain diseases:

  1. For relief during epileptic seizures.
  2. People prone to outbursts of anger.
  3. From fear and insomnia.
  4. With diseases of the genitourinary system.
  5. Improves digestion.
  6. Promotes lymph circulation.
  7. Helps with childbirth.
  8. It has an effect on improving the work of the heart.

stone magic

In some nations, the magic stone moonstone is considered sacred, it is valued more than gold. He is given the status of harmony, therefore, in the form of a gift, he will bring happiness.

The gem gives the ability to look into the future, awakens tender feelings. A brooch with a gem is able to get rid of loneliness. It has the ability to attract love.

Creative people are recommended to meditate with a gem or wear a talisman:

  • artists;
  • writers;
  • musicians.

The gem is able to awaken the subconscious, reveal talent. A ring with decoration helps to increase tolerance for people and mercy, eliminates conflicts, and corrects feelings.

He gains special strength during the full moon. The glow is able to free from anger, relieve tension, awaken dreaminess, tenderness, softness. Magicians endow the crystal with protective properties:

  1. Strengthen the ability to astral travel.
  2. Master the ability to visualize.
  3. Quick release from illusions and depressions.
  4. Help in business development, establishing relationships with business partners.

Jewelry with a mineral

According to legend, a piece of the moon that fell to Earth brought with it its power, so people began to wear jewelry that protected their owners. In jewelry production, the gem began to be actively used at the beginning of the 20th century with the light hand of the trendsetter, French designer Rene Lalique.

The gem is very delicate and fragile. It is necessary to protect the jewelry from mechanical damage.. They shine with a soft glow from the very depths, shimmer with white and blue brilliance. It's hard to take your eyes off them. Various decorations are made from the mineral:

  • brooches;
  • rings;
  • earrings;
  • bracelets;
  • pendants;
  • necklace;
  • beads.

The gem is combined with many semi-precious, precious and ornamental stones:

The price of adularia and varieties fluctuate depending on the stone, framing. Jewelry with a stone can be bought from 200 rubles. For the same ring with a Labrador, you will have to pay 5-10 times more. Jewelers work very carefully with it because of its fragility. The owner should treat it with the same care so that the decoration retains its natural beauty for a long time.


A feature of the colors of the moonstone is the phenomenon of light flicker. Its cause is the internal structure of the mineral, which has the form of lamellae, thin stepped plates:

  1. The sun's rays, penetrating into the depths of the gem, are scattered as a result of refraction.
  2. As a result, interference occurs, a play of light that envelops the adularia with mystery and adoration.
  3. The interference causes whitish-blue reflections on the surface of the gem, called tides.

Adularescence is characteristic of plagioclase varieties:

  • albite;
  • oligoclase or belomorite.

Adularia is a white or transparent mineral with blue tints. Minerals processed shimmer with shimmering blue tints, a radiance similar to the moonlight. The incomprehensible splendor delights all who contemplate this perfection. In nature comes across:

  • white;
  • purple crystal;
  • shining from the depths with golden shimmers;
  • resembling a star.

These rare specimens were mined in India.

How to distinguish a fake?

There is less and less moonstone in nature, so it is becoming more expensive. Therefore, everything that is issued in a jewelry store for it may turn out to be a skillful synthetic imitation or a fake, which in India has long been learned to be made from matte tinted translucent glass.

The stone looks better than natural, it is brighter, more brilliant, but it lacks the energy, healing and magical properties of the original.

Synthetic jewelry is made by pressing crumbs of moonstone. Decorations with a uniform structure and smooth transitions are obtained. Jewelry is decorated with inserts from them:

  • rings;
  • pendants;
  • beads.

To buy an adularia instead of a synthetic analogue, you need to be able to distinguish it from a fake:

  1. You can buy natural stone from the manufacturer or foreign production. It's always expensive.
  2. In beads made from small crumbs (they are brought from Asia, they are cheap, but they are rare).
  3. The main difference between the original is transfusion. It can be seen when rotated in the originals at an angle of 12 degrees. The simulations look the same regardless of the tilt.
  4. The mineral is cold. If it warms up in a short time, it's fake.

In most cases, they fake a labrador or belomorite. These are the most common types of gem that are trying to fake.

Product Care

Mineral is a fragile material for jewelry, craftsmen perform it carefully. It must be stored separately to prevent accidental scratches and chips, mechanical damage.

With proper care, it will look like new for a long time. But, if while wearing the jewelry it has lost its luster and novelty, it can be returned by polishing and grinding.

Compatibility with zodiac signs

Adularia is the strongest crystal that has rich astrological properties, but they do not affect every sign of the Zodiac. Who is the crystal for? Preference is given to people born on the full moon. The stone will protect these people, bring them good luck, and will help in difficult situations.

Zodiac signCompatibility
ScorpionThe energy of the stone is ideal, which will help solve financial problems.
SagittariusIt is combined with the energy of the stone, with the help of which it will solve urgent problems.
VirginIt will help you gain wisdom and prudence.
ScalesFull compatibility of the mineral will help develop talents.
lionsIt will pacify ambitions and give peace and confidence.
CancerIt fits perfectly, the energy is native to the sign, it brings good luck in everything.
AriesIt is not recommended to use a stone, it gives them laziness, making them inert, passive.
AquariusIt is undesirable to resort to the power of the stone.
FishIt is better to do without the help of a stone.
TwinsThe stone will make the duality of the sign invisible, will help to be more prudent in making decisions.
CapricornNeutral ratio of energy to sign. Won't hurt.
TaurusAllows stress to be relieved. He will give peace.

The talisman will suit every sign, it will keep the owner, will help in any situation, provided it is worn correctly. You need to wear a crystal according to the phases of the moon. The amulet will have a positive positive effect on the owner at the time of the growth of the moon, as well as the full moon.

On the waning moon, it does not need to be worn, the stone can take the energy of the owner. Adularia with its versatility is able to help any sign in communication, study, career.

Application of stone

The mineral is used in jewelry production. Jewelry is made in the form of cabochons, supporting its delicate fragility. Processing protects it from mechanical damage. Jewelry is made from it:

  • rings;
  • necklace;
  • earrings.

Silver is considered the most advantageous frame, combined with the elusive gentle glow of the gem. The use of the gem has become traditional in the treatment of ailments with folk remedies. It is used by mediums, magicians, shamans, wizards.

It is very popular among women for its elusive charm, mysterious incomprehensibility and luxurious modesty of the gentle, smooth play of the natural perfection of the gem.

Moonstone - a mineral of love and moon people

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Many have probably heard about the existence of a moonstone, but not everyone knows that adularia is its second name. The history of this mineral is closely intertwined with ancient legends. He has extraordinary strength and extraordinary abilities.

Therefore, the magical properties of moonstone have been of interest to geologists, psychics, collectors and ordinary people for a very long time.

Mystical stone in history

For the first time they started talking about him in Persia, where for a long time he was considered the creation of the devil. According to some legends, the crystal is small pieces of the moon that fall from the sky.

The Indians believe that this gem appeared from the moonlight. Even today in India, it is considered a sacred mineral and given special importance to it. In Asian countries, it was considered a female crystal. All girls and women aspired to become its owners in order to always remain beautiful and young.

In the nineteenth century, stone began to be used in the manufacture of jewelry. It was a favorite with leading designers and casual artisans.

Love and magic

Adularia is considered a real love talisman. Thanks to him, a couple in love will be able to overcome adversity and obstacles, to maintain devoted feelings. Any romantic meeting will be unforgettable. If you put a crystal on a photo of a loved one, dates with him will become passionate and sensual. If the mineral fades, then such a relationship will not end well, and love will soon disappear.

Unmarried girls with his help find a soul mate and will never be rejected by a young man. For the best effect, it must be carried with you at all times.

magical properties

The energy of adularia has a great effect on doing business. The mineral will help to preserve and increase financial investments. Business partners will become supportive and loyal, and all transactions and negotiations will turn into a victory for the owner of the stone. To do this, businessmen are advised to wear a crystal as part of a ring or bracelet, as well as to carry out serious business when the moon is just beginning to grow.

The stone is used by sorcerers and clairvoyants as an attribute for their rituals. It enhances the gift of vision and divination. For this, the mineral is placed under the tongue. It is said that a person who finds an adularia may discover the ability to predict the future. If you leave it under the pillow in your photo, then at night you will have prophetic dreams.

Fraudsters and gamblers dreamed of possessing a moonstone because they attached great importance to it. He brought luck in any gambling. The one who had this unusual mineral with him always came out the winner.

The influence of the stone on the owner

The owner of the adularia is always protected from natural phenomena. Therefore, it is advised to take it on a long journey.

The stone awakens dreamy and tender feelings, eliminates unnecessary
illusions. It will help to remove tension and drive away depressive thoughts, put in order the psychological state.

The owner of this mineral will become eloquent and will be able to speak with particular persuasiveness. A poetic talent and a new visibility of ordinary things will wake up in him. For the full disclosure of creativity, it is recommended to wear a ring with this crystal.

healing gift

Adularia is famous for its miraculous healing properties. With its help, patients are cured of many ailments. Among them:

For the recovery of the patient, a piece of the mineral is placed on his photo. Pregnant women are advised to take adularia with them during the birth process so that everything goes without complications. The stone is also used to calm hyperactive children.

Who is Adularia suitable for?

This mineral is not advised to be worn by closed and too calm people who follow their desires. They will completely lose their vigilance and caution.

And those who have a strong character will be able to properly spend their vital energy. It is recommended to be used by speakers, actors, writers, professors and journalists, as well as anyone who often speaks in public.

Moonstone is suitable for a person born at midnight, especially on Monday, because it is ruled by the moon. The crystal will always provide assistance to those who need it and who ask for it. Therefore, you need to communicate with the mineral more often and listen to it.

The use of the adularia is closely related to the cycles of the moon. During her appearance in the sky, his strength begins to increase. And on the full moon, it reaches its maximum apogee. It is useful to illuminate the gem with moonlight, while holding it in your left hand. Such a ritual will allow a wish to come true. It is better if the crystal is framed in silver. This will enhance his miraculous abilities.

Adularia and zodiac signs

Almost all signs of the zodiac can feel the magic of the moonstone:

Moonstone is one of the most beautiful ornamental stones. It is transparent, light blue in color with silver tints. Its radiance resembles the light of the moon, which is why it got its name. His beauty created an aura of mystery around him, and this is what attracts people to this day. If you need to find out the properties of a moonstone and who it suits, you can refer to the horoscope, because the compatibility of a stone with a zodiac sign is very important.

It is called selenite, adularia, pearl spar, algaurite and jandarakand or fisheye for the lightest variety.

The name translates as "radiance of the moon". The name “adularia” was given to the mineral in honor of the place of the first extraction - the Swiss mountain Adul, but it was first found in Persia.

So, the name "moonstone" is not the only one. It combines several different minerals under it: adularia is feldspar, belomorite, selenite, amazonite, albite and sanidine.

Due to the fact that moonstone has a huge palette of colors, any mineral with a silky surface is often called this. The following colors are possible:

The rarest of them is blue, the most common is milky yellow.

How to distinguish a fake

There are a number of signs by which you can understand whether a real mineral. You need to carefully examine it and check the list:

Use in traditional medicine

Since ancient times, adularia has been used in folk medicine. Tibetan healers identify the following ailments that they can cure:

It is also believed that it can normalize the psycho-emotional state and relieve nervous tension.

magical properties

Due to its unusual appearance, selenite has attracted the attention of magicians and mystics since ancient times. The magical properties of the moonstone are presumably related to its origin.

There are several legends about this:

In the Ancient East, the mineral was used for medical purposes, it was believed that it helps to preserve youth. In ancient India, as is clear from their version of origin, selenite was endowed with many magical properties.

Now in India it is used as a good luck charm, its use depends on the lunar phase.

In the West, it is believed: to find your love, you need to wear a mineral near your heart.

Some seers put adularia under their tongue at night to enhance their abilities.

In Hinduism, the stone is used to influence certain chakras.

He is credited with many miraculous properties. . It is believed to help:

You need to charge it in the rays of the full moon, carry it with you in the following days.

To develop creative abilities, you need to wear an adularia ring on your right hand, to improve your emotional state - on your right.

The moonstone is of great importance for magicians and healers. They use it for rituals and making talismans and amulets, while sculptors and craftsmen use it to decorate figurines and handicrafts. It is also used in feng shui for the northwest direction.

This crystal is quite fragile, usually in products it is framed with silver.

Selenite is mentioned not only in mystical treatises, but also in historical evidence. So, Alexander the Great wore a ring with this stone. Aristotle treated selenite with great respect and mentioned it in his writings.

Who is selenite suitable for?

It is believed that adularia is responsible for the energy of Yin, and therefore is suitable mainly for women.

It is also perfect for those born on the full moon and on Monday, regardless of the sign of the zodiac.

There are several opinions about who the selenite stone is suitable for. Its properties can both strengthen and weaken the features inherent in the signs of the zodiac.

Signs of the zodiac and the properties that the moonstone gives them:

It is best to wear the mineral on a full moon, charging it in the rays of the moon. On a decreasing, on the contrary, jewelry with it is better to put it in a box, otherwise, due to lack of energy, it can take it from the owner.

Cost per carat

The cost of this stone, like any other, is determined by several characteristics:

  • transparency;
  • variety;
  • color;
  • cut.

Usually it costs up to $20. A medium sized cabochon can be purchased for around $5 or less.

A rare "rainbow" stone, which is rare, can cost up to $100 per carat.

Stones from Sri Lanka of beautiful blue color can cost from 100 to 500 USD. per carat or more.

On average, jewelry with a stone in a non-precious frame can be purchased for 300-600 rubles. Moonstone is inexpensive and, at the same time, incredibly beautiful. He will always attract the eyes of people prone to esotericism, astrology and mystical stories.

Moonstone is a beautiful gem with a mysterious name. He is like a gift from the universe that fell from the moon to earth. Its amazing brilliance is comparable to the lunar glow, with the twinkling of stars.

Description of moonstone

All moon gems have not only an attractive external brilliance, but also enchant with their internal shimmering glow. Their brilliance can be compared to the golden lunar highlights. In terms of color, these minerals can also be different: milky, purple, white, or colorless. There are stones and light gray with a gentle and blue tint. Of great value are specimens with a pattern of the starry sky. Rarely there are also shades of "cat's eye" stones with a reflection effect.

Moonstone in the culture of different countries

This mineral has become a real discovery for scientists. Its flickering is due to its internal structure. The whole secret is that the light, falling on it, passes through refraction and therefore scatters in the eye. Because of this unusual ability of the gem and because of its enchanting beauty, it has become often used to create jewelry. It is also widely used for decorating designer items.
Chroniclers from different countries described the history of the origin of the moonstone. Many myths and legends are associated with it. For example, ancient mythology believes that this mineral contains petrified moon rays. That is, it is part of the lunar surface, a gift and a messenger from heaven.

All moon gems have not only an attractive external brilliance, but also enchant with their internal shimmering glow.

In India, this stone was perceived as a symbol of passion and love, it was believed that it gives people the opportunity to see their future and helps them manage their destiny. The inhabitants of Greece believed that this crystal was a gift from the Hyperboreans. He disposed a person to revelations, gave the ability to see what is hidden from the ordinary eye.

Among the Chaldeans, the peoples living in southern Mesopotamia, priests used this gem in their mystical rites. They recited prayers and incantations while holding a moonstone under their tongues. This helped them realize what they wanted, their thoughts became prophetic.

Many beliefs are devoted to this mysterious mineral. It is believed that he absorbs lunar energy, as a result of which he acquires magical powers. You can even read a book about moonstone by W. Collins. She saw the light in 1868. Not all stones can boast that a whole book is dedicated to them.

The moonstone is perceived by people as the protagonist of mystical events, capable of influencing human destinies.

Moonstone deposits

High quality crystals come mainly from the island of Sri Lanka. But still, the main place of their extraction, which is known to the whole world, is located in India.

This mineral has become a real discovery for scientists.

This kind of moonstone, like adularia, is mined only in India and Burma. In our time, deposits of this stone have been discovered in Mongolia. Unique samples of this mineral are also found on the island of Labrador. And in Russia, deposits of this gem were discovered near St. Petersburg.

Healing properties of moonstone

If you want to “make friends” with the moon, protect yourself from all its negative manifestations, then this gem will help you with this. It relieves epilepsy attacks, gives calm and serene dreams, relieves irritability. Magicians and psychics recommend wearing a piece of raw natural moonstone as a piece of jewelry. Such decoration will have a beneficial effect on brain activity, namely on the pituitary gland. The mineral also works as a sedative, eliminates fears and anxiety. If you put this gem under your pillow at night, it will help you sleep. Also, many healers refer to its healing abilities as help with problems with the gastrointestinal and genitourinary systems. It helps with diseases of the cardiovascular organs, improving blood circulation.

This gem is recommended by lithotherapists to all women who are afraid of the upcoming birth. It will also help if the pregnancy proceeds with complications. Under the influence of this stone is the heart chakra.

The stone is part of the lunar surface, a gift and a messenger from heaven.

It is known that on bright moonlit nights this gem can “cry”, shed tears. On such nights, he is charged with special healing powers, so he can even replace the help of psychotherapists. Thanks to him, all the experiences and difficulties of life are much calmer and easier. Therefore, men can give rings with this stone to their beloved women, who are prone to excessive emotionality and anxiety. With such decoration, a woman will be more restrained and emotionally stable.

The magical properties of moonstone

This mineral is endowed with an unusual magical power. Its main ability is to attract love to its owner. Psychics say that he can help a lonely person find happiness in his personal life, meet his soul mate. To do this, they recommend wearing moonstone jewelry on the left side. This charming crystal is able to teach a person sincere love. It helps closed, closed and emotionally cold people become more open in their feelings, reveals true love in their hearts. For this, magicians recommend wearing a moonstone bracelet on the left hand. Also suitable for this purpose is a ring with this gem, which should also be worn on the finger of the left hand.

You can buy moonstone jewelry if you want to become more merciful and gentle. It will make you a more patient person, help you establish harmonious relationships with others and correct your sensuality.

If you wear moonstone products on your right hand, they will have a relaxing effect. They will help you to reveal your talents and abilities, reveal your imagination.

Who is moonstone suitable for?

Since ancient times, this mineral symbolizes harmony with nature. People valued it more than gold and treated it like a sacred stone, using it as a talisman. This gem is most suitable for creative people: musicians, poets, actors, art historians. It gives such people inspiration and makes it possible to see the world from the original side. Like a bracelet - a talisman, it creates an atmosphere of creative impulse and imagination for its owner.

Thanks to this gem, all experiences and life's difficulties are much calmer and easier.

This mineral also helps all lovers. In order to strengthen love and keep it, it is given to your soulmate. It reliably protects the tender feelings of lovers.

Magicians and shamans use this gem in order to gain the ability to look into the future and enhance their magical abilities. It is believed that the mineral manifests its special power during the full moon. The owners of this gem become more gentle and dreamy. It helps a person to get rid of many shortcomings in character, for example, from excessive pride and self-confidence, thereby creating favorable conditions for meeting with his soulmate.

Moonstone and zodiac signs

Astrologers believe that this gem has the closest compatibility with such a zodiac sign as Cancer. He will bring them great luck and success in all matters. It will help to reveal the creative potential inherent in a person, fill life with harmony and meaning.

Magicians and shamans use this gem in order to gain the ability to look into the future.

Not all representatives of the zodiac constellations are suitable for this mineral. For some, it can even pose a danger, interfere with development, attract troubles and problems into their lives. These signs include representatives of the fire element. These are fire signs such as Aries, Sagittarius and Leo. Hence the question follows: is it possible to wear a moonstone for these signs, or is it better to avoid contact with it altogether? Astrologers cannot give an unambiguous answer to this question, since it is necessary to take into account the individual characteristics of a person: the day of his birth and the phase of the moon at the time of birth. Astrologers agree that the moonstone is suitable for all people, regardless of their zodiac sign, if they were born on Monday and on a full moon.

  • It is favorable to wear jewelry with a real moonstone for Pisces. This gem will teach them to manage their feelings, get rid of excessive amorousness and meet their true love. It will also give Pisces the strength to turn dreams into reality.
  • It is also useful for Scorpions to wear this gem in order to reveal their talents and abilities, as well as protect themselves from the intrigues of colleagues.
  • Almost all astrologers recommend wearing moonstone jewelry to Gemini. Representatives of this zodiac sign need it in order to be able to concentrate on the goal and not suffer from sudden mood swings.
  • Thanks to this mineral, Libra will be able to gain the energy of harmony and balance. It is favorable to conduct meditations with this stone.
  • Taurus, thanks to the moonstone, will acquire a more optimistic view of the world, get rid of stress and tension.

Can men wear moonstone?

Not only women can wear jewelry with this gem - he provides help and support to representatives of the strong half of humanity. To a greater extent, it suits Cancer men. He will help them smooth out their difficult character, protect them from envious people and enemies, give vitality and self-confidence, and improve health. Moreover, if the Cancer man is lonely, then this gem will attract the attention of women to him and add masculine charm. And if a man is married, then the moonstone will bring prosperity and peace to his family.

Moonstone price

Due to the popularity of this mineral, its fakes are often found on sale, which are only called moonstone. Their role is played by both jewelry and ornamental materials and glass. In order to avoid acquiring a fake and buy a real moonstone, you need to know its cost and imagine exactly how it should look. In order to have an idea of ​​its appearance, take a look at the photo of the moon rock. Since ancient times, the qualities to the moonstone, namely to the adularia, were as follows:

  1. it should have a blue luster, it should not have brownish and greenish tints;
  2. in color it should be with a blue, glassy sheen, translucent or slightly opaque.
  3. there should not be any inclusions on a real stone. At least they are not visible to the naked eye.

It is believed that the mineral manifests its special power during the full moon.

Its brilliance is called adularisence. The ideal option is a glossy blue color that is clearly visible from most viewing angles. If the visibility of the shine is limited, or there are a large number of cracks and inclusions in the stone, then its price becomes much lower.

Stones that are of premium quality are colorless, translucent. Their brilliance can be seen from any viewing angle. And their cost ranges from 1.5 to four thousand rubles, but the stone must weigh at least 20 carats.

Top quality gems have a colorless base. Their main difference from premium class stones is that their brilliance is brighter, visible from all sides, having a rich blue color. Such a mineral less than 20 carats will cost from 4 to 160 thousand rubles. To date, there is no information on technologies that allow obtaining a synthetic stone of the highest quality with the same composition as natural. It is known that its imitations are made in India.

Where to buy natural moonstone?

Not only expensive adularia refers to real moonstone. There are other varieties of it, which can be purchased in the form of a bracelet at a more affordable cost. These varieties also include Labrador and Belomorite. Labrador, like adularia, belongs to the feldspar family. It received its name in connection with its location. There are several varieties of this mineral:

  • with large spots and a rich blue glow - such a stone is called a bull's eye;
  • a gem with a greenish glow, called a lynx eye;
    spectrolite stone with iridescence in the form of the spectrum of the sun;
  • black stone with blue tints;
  • tavusite with iridescence of different colors, reminiscent of peacock feathers

Moonstone bracelet.

The price of a Labrador depends on the degree of manifestation of iridescence. So, a small stone can cost from 120 to 300 rubles per carat. The cost of the beads of their uncut Labrador is about one to two thousand rubles. If the labrador is polished, then it will cost from two to three thousand.

Belomorite also belongs to feldspars, namely, to a subspecies of oligoclases. It also got its name in connection with the place of its extraction, which is located on the coastal regions of the White Sea. This mineral is most often translucent, it can be completely transparent. It has a pearly sheen with a blue-yellowish or greenish glow. The cost of Belomorite, like the Labrador, depends on its size, color and degree of transparency. The average price for it varies from two to 60 thousand rubles. Large stones are more expensive.

Also, the cost of products with moonstone depends on the setting and decorations with other stones.
All varieties of moonstone are highly valued, because thanks to their radiance, beautiful jewelry is created from them. If you wish, you can buy a moonstone bracelet from balls of all varieties of the moon gem. Jewelry with this mineral will fill your life with harmony, love and prosperity.

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Moonstone (Adulyar) got its name due to its unique aesthetic characteristics. Its incredible radiance is similar to the brilliance of moonlight. Since ancient times, this bluish-silvery mineral has been of high value, since everyone knows about its extraordinary.

The magical power of adularia

Adularia is one of the strongest amulets and talismans. It has a beneficial effect on people suffering from their own explosive nature. The cold calming shine of adularia makes it possible to feel peace and tranquility.

The magical properties of Moonstone can be used to enhance the natural gift of clairvoyance. With its help, you can unlock the potential of any person, if the gift was laid down by nature. Adularia also allows you to concentrate, enhances the ability to analyze. Such a stone can be a good helper in a situation where you need to quickly make the right decision.

One of the most amazing magical properties of the mineral is its ability to connect its owner with invisible threads with the events of the past. For this reason, many archaeologists and historians choose Adular as an amulet.

The calming effect of the Moonstone relieves its owner of excessive self-confidence, anger and a tendency to evil deeds.

This mineral inexplicably helps restore love feelings and build relationships in the family. In order for this to happen, you need to always have an adularia with you, preferably in the form of a brooch. At the same time, the Moonstone is mostly responsible for platonic love, mutual respect and understanding in the family. If you make a personal talisman from this mineral, its power will help you cope with selfish aspirations and reach a compromise in any dispute. Lonely people should also make Adular their constant companion. It has been known since ancient times that its mysterious glow attracts love.

The magical properties of the moonstone help people of creative professions well, revealing their abilities. In order to get a powerful charge of inspiration and revive your imagination, you need to wear an adularia ring on your right hand.

Astrologers say that Adular will be an excellent assistant for Aquarius and Cancer, enhancing their natural talents.

Medicinal properties

The main area of ​​​​use of Moonstone in traditional medicine is the treatment of mental disorders. It wonderfully supports and restores the nervous system, allowing you to cope with the most serious diseases, including epilepsy.

In Tibetan medicine, adularia has found the widest application. It helps with diseases such as paralysis, dropsy, asthma, blood poisoning. In addition, this mineral stops the course of inflammatory processes, improves the functioning of the digestive system and saves from liver diseases.

The mineral helps women in labor, providing easy and quick childbirth. It is also able to restore reproductive function and balance the hormonal process in the body. Adularia is indicated for hyperactive children, as it enhances concentration and perseverance.

The healing properties of Moonstone help to cope with a variety of sleep disorders. Nightmares, insomnia and other disorders disappear with the constant wearing of adularia. In addition, this mineral is able to tune a person to a positive attitude, as well as touch the essence of the universe.

For people who are acutely experiencing the course of the lunar cycles and are not always able to control themselves, wearing an adularia is a must. It eliminates any kind of addiction, giving its owner a calm self-confidence.

Moonstone has found application in meditation practice. It helps to eliminate all unnecessary from the subconscious and focus on solving important issues. Adularia stimulates all the best that is in a person, suppressing the manifestations of negative emotions.