Test for two: will your relationship last? The perfect pair compatibility test

Classic compatibility tests are tests for two. However, in recent years, such questionnaires have been actively used in other situations. With their help, you can identify the similarities in the temperaments of friends and colleagues, understand why sometimes sympathy arises completely unexpectedly, and sometimes does not arise at all, how it is easier to get along with people and what prevents us from doing this. The tests collected here are absolutely free to pass, it will not take much time. And the result can be truly priceless.

Pair Compatibility Tests

Are you suitable for each other? Do you have a chance to be together? What are the prospects for your couple? What would your family life be like? Pass tests for couples and you will discover the reasons for failures in your personal life, you will take a fresh look at yourself and your partner. They help someone make the right choice, but for someone they become a real litmus test in a relationship.

Name Compatibility Tests

No less useful are tests that reveal name compatibility. As a rule, they contain additional questions about the zodiac sign, date of birth or conception. Knowing all this, psychologists and astrologers determine the characteristics of the psychotype and character. You can take such tests in order to find out how you influence each other, what can be expected from your union. By the way, you can use them to check friendships.

Boy and Girl Compatibility Tests

Do you like the guy? Will your girlfriend stay with you? Will your sex life be harmonious? Or is your incompatibility predetermined at the genetic level? These tests answer these questions. They do not solve the complex psychological problems of couples, but they are quite capable of becoming a reliable online assessment of relationships.

Are you suitable for each other?

Does it make sense to continue the relationship? Which one of you needs more love? What will you be like as a spouse? It's all in our compatibility test. Pass it, and your doubts will dissipate, giving way to confidence and cloudless happiness.

Do you have doubts about your husband's feelings? Worried about your wife's behavior? Is your marriage in jeopardy? By certain signs, you can not only find out the true feelings of your soul mate, but also understand what exactly is preventing your union. This test is a real lifesaver. None of his questions are random. Therefore, you need to pass the test carefully and thoughtfully.

Based on typical behavioral reactions, psychologists have created a unique test: it allows you to identify the compatibility of people and understand the prospects of their relationship. Do you trust your partner with your most secret thoughts? Is it easy for you to communicate? How often do you have misunderstandings? By answering these questions, you can more accurately assess the situation.

Do you annoy each other? Discussing sexual issues? Do you share your feelings with each other? Psychologists have formulated eight important questions. Each of them is aimed at identifying a specific problem in the relationship of the spouses. Take this test to get an expert opinion on your compatibility.

Do you think you are the perfect couple? This psychological couple compatibility test for two will help you not only understand whether you know each other well, but also help him figure out his feelings!

This compatibility test is surprisingly simple. It is divided into two parts - you answer the questions of the first part, your beloved answers the questions of the second. So let's get started! For each question, you must choose ONLY ONE answer - "a", "b" or "c".

First you!

1. What professional photo of yourself would you order for him as a gift?

a) where you dance with eroticism in a seductive outfit;

b) a portrait in a classical style;

c) where you look like a model from the cover of a fashionable glossy magazine - charming and incredibly sexy!

2. Where would you like to go with your loved one on a romantic trip?

a) of course, to Thailand!

b) to Paris - the city where love blooms!

c) to Venice.

3. Under what lighting would you prefer to give him love:

a) in the sensual reflection of candles;

b) in the dark;

c) under the soft and mysterious light of a lamp with a red shade.

4. Your clothing style can be called:

a) MEGAsexy!

b) elegantly refined and very feminine;

c) glamorous and fashionable.

5. When he invites you to a bar, you are most likely to order:

a) exotic cocktails;

b) red wine;

c) champagne.

6. Ideally, you would like to see yourself in the image:

a) sex is a symbol;

b) a sophisticated feminine secular lady;

c) a very sweet, touching and romantic heroine from a romantic fairy tale movie - after all, this is how you ideally imagine your life.

Did you answer questions? Well done, but that's not all! 🙂 Which letter prevails in your answers - “a”, “b”, maybe “c”?

If "a": your almost supernatural sex appeal makes you almost supernaturally attractive to members of the opposite sex. Think about it: do they really only want sex from you? Maybe you should not present yourself solely as an easily accessible erotic dish? Maybe you are a delicacy, but so far only for the body - but not for the soul, considers this test for your compatibility with the opposite sex.

If “b” prevails: you certainly have impeccable taste; you are a refined nature, loving elegance in everything - and relationships with men are no exception. However, there is also an element of arrogance in your sophistication, which can scare men away and create problems in your personal life. Just remember that angels in the flesh do not exist among both men and women - that is, you are not the owner of a halo with wings. In general, be simpler - and the love of the opposite sex will reach out to you!

If most of the answers are “in”: how difficult it is. Difficult - and launched. You are so sentimental that you try to build relationships exclusively from thin matters - which are too thin for men, and therefore are quickly torn. You came up with an ideal love, but such does not exist. Less than all these ah-sighs, hints and soul-searching - at least in the presence of a man you like, and you will definitely spark interest in him!

The next compatibility test, or rather, its second part, is for HIM! Call him to the monitor - Are you ready, sir? Then let's get started. As an answer to each of the six following questions, choose one of the options under the letter "a", "b" or "c", and then calculate which letter prevails among those chosen by you and read the verdict! 🙂

1. Which photo of your sweetheart would you mind getting?

a) where she is on water skis in a bright revealing swimsuit, well, or on the beach in a translucent sundress, worn directly on her naked body! (Mmm!)

b) where she sits astride a motorcycle in a baseball cap and frayed jeans;

c) her elegant portrait in evening dress.

2. Where would you like to spend a week or two of your vacation with her?

a) at the ski base;

b) on a deserted island;

c) at some aristocratic fashionable resort.

3. Under what lighting would you prefer to have sex with her?

a) in the romantic light of the moon;

c) in the dimmed light of a night lamp.

4. You dress up...

a) extravagant

b) sports. And convenient!

c) classical style.

5. Your favorite drink out of the following is…

a) real red wine from French cellars;

b) tequila;

6. What type of woman is most attractive to you?

a) charming and unpredictable;

b) selfish bitch;

c) very feminine, self-confident beauty.

Calculate which letter prevails in your answers?

If it's an "a": you are an adventurer in life, in which you prefer an active position. You like to be in the thick of things, where there must be pleasure and entertainment. Your character is the character of Casanova - a true connoisseur of women, you probably have a lot of them too! However, you have a chance to live many interesting years with one, if this woman is like you - energetic, relaxed, in love with experiments and life!

If it's a "b": Do you like "bad girls"? However, this is not your type - such love constantly involves you in various dubious enterprises, because you are very reckless in life, and therefore you constantly make problems for yourself - these are the results of this psychological test. You need a relationship with a pragmatic and sane life partner who would direct your craving for risk in a more peaceful and creative direction.

If it's "in": hello, dear Hippolyte from the film "The Irony of Fate, or Enjoy Your Bath!"! You look terribly like the guy who just passed this psychological test for two - exactly "terrible." This guy is just as TERRIBLY correct as you are, without even the most innocuous frivolity and even the smallest cockroaches in his head. However, as soon as this guy falls in love like a fool with a girl with them, all his terrible correctness will disappear somewhere, and a new and more interesting life will come to replace it.


Remember which letter prevails in the answers of each of you? Look for your couple's score in the interest match table, that is, look for which score your interests overlap. What score did the compatibility test give you two? The higher your score, the more successful you are!

If your score is too low, don't worry! It's just a psychological test. In this case, this paired compatibility test can only say that you complement each other - like two halves of one whole! Keep your love, and take care of your relationship like the apple of your eye. And accept the most sincere congratulations and be happy!

Special for women's magazine

Antipyretics for children are prescribed by a pediatrician. But there are emergency situations for fever when the child needs to be given medicine immediately. Then the parents take responsibility and use antipyretic drugs. What is allowed to give to infants? How can you bring down the temperature in older children? What medicines are the safest?

Give yourself 5 points for each “a” answer and 0 points for each “b” answer. It is desirable that the man and woman answer the questions independently of each other.

1. In your opinion, spouses should rest together?

a) Yes; b) No.

2. The purpose of marriage - children and their upbringing?

a) Yes; b) No.

3. Do children need to be taught to be independent as early as possible?

a) Yes; b) No.

4. Is it true that it is not necessary to tell each other about everything?

a) Yes; b) No.

5. Should children always obey their parents?

a) Yes; b) No.

6. Did peace and harmony reign in the family of your parents?

a) Yes; b) No.

7. Do you share the opinion that after marriage, spouses should not communicate with old acquaintances of the opposite sex?

a) Yes; b) No.

8. Do you like discos, parties, meeting friends?

a) Yes; b) No.

9. Should parents interfere as little as possible in the affairs of grown children?

a) Yes; b) No.

10. Understanding your partner at a glance is extremely important for you?

a) Yes; b) No.

11. In your opinion, children should understand from an early age how hard it is to get money?

a) Yes; b) No.

12. Can a husband and wife have "separate" acquaintances?

a) Yes; b) No.

13. Parents should be an ideal, a model for children?

a) Yes; b) No.

14. The main thing in marriage is material well-being?

a) Yes; b) No.

15. Do you have a good relationship with your mother (a question for a man); with father (a question for a girl)?

a) Yes; b) No.

16. Should children be brought up in strictness?

a) Yes; b) No.

Sum the scores and read the findings

If the difference between you and your partner is 25 points or less. Your union is likely to be successful. At least all the prerequisites for this are. We hope that you will be able to discover new qualities in each other, day by day coming closer and closer.

30-55 point difference. You may have problems because of some differences of opinion. But, as you know, a serious relationship is impossible without compromises. If you learn to give in, calmly listen to someone else's opinion, your relationship can be quite prosperous. But concessions must be reasonable.

A difference of 60 points or more- You probably have different ideas about life and family. You both have a lot to give up. Love is not only sighs on a bench and walks in the moonlight. Try to be more tolerant of each other.

Healthy intimate relationships

It's no secret that healthy intimate relationships are the key to a successful family life. Such relationships are built solely on mutual respect, in the first place. Freedom is the key to success in this area. The concept of "freedom" means the ability to be what you want, and not a single soul can dictate its will to you. The second important point is respect for human dignity. Very accurately defines a healthy intimate relationship Janet Voititz. Intimacy is such an environment, being in which we can confidently say:

  • I have the opportunity to be myself;
  • you have the opportunity to be yourself;
  • I can develop as a person and grow spiritually;
  • you can do the same;
  • we have all the conditions to grow together.

As you can see, the conditions are quite simple, but, unfortunately, not every family can boast that the above conditions are observed by them.

Compatibility tests

Intimate relationships, which at first glance seem very simple and understandable, are actually quite complex. And not every couple can figure it out on their own without resorting to the help of specialists. You can also independently pass the test + for pair compatibility. Intimate tests will help you understand yourself, you can use the result when choosing a partner, and there is also an opportunity to evaluate your sexual capabilities.

Intimate relationships are an important part of an adult's life, so if they don't work out, it can even destroy a couple. This is where the pair compatibility test will help. Because many are sure that it is enough to put on a short skirt and do bright makeup to become the standard of sexuality. In fact, sexuality is hidden deep inside us, and to get to it, you need a couple compatibility test.

Free online tests

To study yourself from the inside is an excellent opportunity for free tests for girls online. Such tests are usually compiled for a couple, and not separately for each person, because intimate life is two people. Only harmony, love and mutual respect can give happiness.

If you want to keep family ties or nascent relationships, take free tests for girls, with their help you can correct your not-so-successful relationship. We should not forget that it is better to identify the problem and start solving it at an early stage - the successful outcome of the case depends on this.

As practice shows, not all problems are on the surface, and some are hidden deep inside, and you can get to the bottom of them only by contacting a specialist for help or taking free tests for girls, which to some extent can help you understand yourself. Then your intimate relationship will reach a completely different level and will bring incredible pleasure.

Dedicated to International Family Day

Is there a perfect pair compatibility test? Is it possible to calculate compatibility in principle? Let's try to understand what testing can give and what it cannot give. You will also be offered a test that is close to ideal.

At least, it is compiled on the basis of spiritual knowledge that has not been used by specialists in psychological diagnostics before. You will be able to take a compatibility test, and determine not only the degree of compatibility of your couple, but also see what needs to be worked on to improve it.

Compatibility testing can show the commonality of your interests, preferences and attitudes. It's good when they match. But does this guarantee a happy married life? At the initial stage, these people will be euphoric from the fact that they will find a lot in common in each other, they will be interested together. But time will pass and it will turn out that it is not enough to have similarities, because in order to have a long-term relationship, work and diligence are needed to maintain balance in a couple. Wisdom is indispensable here.

Our world is created in such a way that everything is susceptible to decay. And plants, and material things created by people, and man himself. All this applies equally to phenomena and relations.

What does a gardener do so that his roses in the garden do not wither and please the eye from year to year? Yes, that's right, taking care of them. So why do we, people who seem to be not stupid, stop “watering” our relationships, taking care and monitoring them?

Therefore, there are no perfect compatibility tests. You can conduct a test to test the strength of relationships, love and a sense of responsibility to each other. Then such a test cannot be called a compatibility test, because it is about diagnosing relationships. In any case, such a test will not be a guarantee, because after a while everything can change.

For example, at the beginning of a relationship, under the influence of love hormones, a couple is ready to do anything for the sake of “love”. After a while, due to the fact that the "chemistry" ends, "love" bursts at the seams.

So what do I bring to your attention? These questions relate to life attitudes, and if you have them, the chances of happiness in a couple increase.

Pair Compatibility Test

This test contains 60 questions. You have to answer yes or no. The couple should answer. Separately, the man. And a woman. The more “yes” answers, the more chances for a strong and healthy union. That is, if a couple answered yes to the same question, they get a point. If both answered no, minus one point. If you answered yes-no or no-yes, points are not taken into account.

  1. The husband should be the head of the family
  2. Husband should earn more than his wife
  3. Money is not the most important thing in life
  4. The wife is not obliged to work, but is obliged to be a good housewife
  5. I prefer a joint vacation, not separately
  6. We eat to live, we don't live to eat.
  7. Happiness in marriage is the result of the work of the spouses, not luck
  8. The husband must provide for the family and pay the bills
  9. The family must have a common budget
  10. I prefer to have dinner at home with my family
  11. I love making gifts
  12. For the sake of my family, I'm ready to lose my job
  13. I respect women
  14. I respect elders
  15. I'm ready to stand up for the younger ones
  16. My home is my castle
  17. Spouses should not have friends of the opposite sex
  18. Falling in love is a game of hormones, someday it will pass
  19. Love is relationship work
  20. Problems arise when spouses do not want to give in to each other
  21. If I offend my partner, I will ask for forgiveness
  22. If the partner is wrong, I am ready (a) to give in for the sake of peace in the family
  23. I won't let someone ruin my marriage
  24. I don't like noisy companies
  25. I like to consult with my partner
  26. I lead a spiritual lifestyle (I believe in God, pray to him, donate, etc.)
  27. God gives family, wealth, children
  28. Before the wedding, it is important for me to receive a parental blessing.
  29. I have a good relationship with my mother
  30. I respect my father
  31. Partner's parents need to be respected and I do it
  32. I love taking care of children
  33. Children from my partner's previous marriages will be like family to me
  34. My kids don't need a nanny, they need a mom
  35. I will teach my child to be generous and selfless with friends
  36. I enjoy spending time with my child
  37. In education, the main thing is to set an example for the child with your behavior and attitude.
  38. You can not indulge children's whims
  39. I do not use abusive words, do not break down on loved ones
  40. If the child is guilty, I will give him a chance to correct himself.
  41. I do not accept physical punishment for children
  42. For me, sexual intimacy is not the most important thing in life.
  43. I will not force a partner if he does not want intimacy
  44. If the partner leaves, I will wait for him alone
  45. Dimensions don't matter
  46. For me, marital fidelity is sacred
  47. Moral treason is also treason
  48. I am not shy to speak frankly about my desires to a partner
  49. I do not and will not have secrets from my partner
  50. I am tolerant of other people's shortcomings
  51. If a person does not succeed, it is his fault, and not someone else.
  52. I like chaste women
  53. I like men who don't run after every skirt
  54. It is important for both a woman and a man to take care of their appearance.
  55. It is important for men to achieve something in life
  56. A wife should inspire her husband
  57. I want to live to a ripe old age with the same person
  58. I don't want to show my relationship in public

What did your couple compatibility test show?

50 to 60 points- congratulations! Initially, you have a predisposition to compatibility and long-term marriage. But you should not relax, look at the points that are not taken into account, look for other ways to strengthen relations.

40 to 50- alas, everything is not as beautiful as you would like it to be. Gaps needed to be corrected.

30 to 40- Compatibility at a level below average, requires serious work in pairs.

Below 30- do not despair, learning in the field of building relationships and applying this knowledge in practice will help you, work on yourself.

The author-compiler apologizes if your expectations were not met regarding the pair compatibility test. As you can see, it is not an entertainment plan, but appeals to the mind. In any case, you can consult with me in the comments or write a message to the Psychologist tab on the left of the article. I would be grateful for feedback.

Ludmila Ponomarenko

Classic compatibility tests are tests for two. However, in recent years, such questionnaires have been actively used in other situations. With their help, you can identify the similarities in the temperaments of friends and colleagues, understand why sometimes sympathy arises completely unexpectedly, and sometimes does not arise at all, how it is easier to get along with people and what prevents us from doing this. The tests collected here are absolutely free to pass, it will not take much time. And the result can be truly priceless.

Pair Compatibility Tests

Are you suitable for each other? Do you have a chance to be together? What are the prospects for your couple? What would your family life be like? Pass tests for couples and you will discover the reasons for failures in your personal life, you will take a fresh look at yourself and your partner. They help someone make the right choice, but for someone they become a real litmus test in a relationship.

Name Compatibility Tests

No less useful are tests that reveal name compatibility. As a rule, they contain additional questions about the zodiac sign, date of birth or conception. Knowing all this, psychologists and astrologers determine the characteristics of the psychotype and character. You can take such tests in order to find out how you influence each other, what can be expected from your union. By the way, you can use them to check friendships.

Boy and Girl Compatibility Tests

Do you like the guy? Will your girlfriend stay with you? Will your sex life be harmonious? Or is your incompatibility predetermined at the genetic level? These tests answer these questions. They do not solve the complex psychological problems of couples, but they are quite capable of becoming a reliable online assessment of relationships.

Are you suitable for each other?

Does it make sense to continue the relationship? Which one of you needs more love? What will you be like as a spouse? It's all in our compatibility test. Pass it, and your doubts will dissipate, giving way to confidence and cloudless happiness.

Do you have doubts about your husband's feelings? Worried about your wife's behavior? Is your marriage in jeopardy? By certain signs, you can not only find out the true feelings of your soul mate, but also understand what exactly is preventing your union. This test is a real lifesaver. None of his questions are random. Therefore, you need to pass the test carefully and thoughtfully.

Based on typical behavioral reactions, psychologists have created a unique test: it allows you to identify the compatibility of people and understand the prospects of their relationship. Do you trust your partner with your most secret thoughts? Is it easy for you to communicate? How often do you have misunderstandings? By answering these questions, you can more accurately assess the situation.

Do you annoy each other? Discussing sexual issues? Do you share your feelings with each other? Psychologists have formulated eight important questions. Each of them is aimed at identifying a specific problem in the relationship of the spouses. Take this test to get an expert opinion on your compatibility.

Test game for two lovers

Do you want to test your feelings? Take our test

Rules and conditions of the game - test

The lovers take turns answering the questions. If the answer is yes, then you can move on to the next question, and if the answer is negative, you skip the move. If you are not able to answer either "yes" or "no", then you skip the move twice. The game ends when one of the players answers all the questions.

To pass the test more honestly, answer on a separate piece of paper without showing each other the answers. Let one of you read the questions aloud, calling their numbers as well. Agree on how much time is allotted for the answer, for example, 30 seconds.

You can also play in pairs, but in this case, the girl and the boy must find a compromise answer.


1. Do you prefer to trust him (her) with only small annoyances? (yes, no) 2. Are lovers always a little crazy? (yes, no)3. If you didn’t like the gift of a friend (girlfriend), tell me about it? (yes, no)4. Is the secret of the stability of your couple lies in strong love? (yes, no)5. If a stranger meets you in a crowd, will he understand that you are in love? (yes, no)6. Are you the center of each other's interests? (yes, no)7. Is love best made in bed? (yes, no)8. Have most of your boyfriend's (girlfriend's) friends become your friends? (yes, no)9. Are you able to appreciate the irony and humor of your friend (girlfriend)? (yes, no)10. Do you go for little lies from time to time to avoid unnecessary conflicts? (yes, no)11. Do you listen to the advice of a friend (girlfriend) when buying things, clothes? (yes, no)12. Are you able to appreciate the small sacrifices of your friend (girlfriend)? (yes, no)13. Do you think that going on a separate vacation means to emphasize your independence? (yes, no)14. Do you think love alone is enough for happiness? (yes, no)15. For a woman, the hearth is the throne from which she rules the world. Is it so? (yes, no)16. The most important thing in life is understanding. Do you agree? (yes, no)17. Do you lose interest in your partner immediately after intercourse? (yes, no)18. Have you ever done things to your partner that you yourself would condemn if they happened to you? (yes, no)19. The life of a couple is a constant search for consent, and not upholding one's own rightness. What do you think? (yes, no)20. If your partner is criticized behind your back, will you stand up for him? (yes, no)21. Do you accept the idea that your partner has relationships with friends you don't know? (yes, no)22. Is your beloved (beloved) a part of yourself? (Not really)

Let's summarize:

1. You finished the game at the same time and all your answers matched. Your couple matches the classic models - Romeo and Juliet, Tristan and Isolde. It looks like you won the grand prize in the love lottery. But your happiness and harmony can become the object of envy.

2. At the finish line, you were separated by one or two points. You certainly love each other, but your views on love are different. Your love will know ups and downs. And some problems can be a test for a relationship. In general, life will correspond to the African proverb: love is like rain, and rare drops can stir up the river.

3. Difference at the finish line from three to five points. It seems that you do not have any special illusions of a sentimental plan. But in general, you are satisfied with the relationship, although the feeling of "seventh heaven has passed." Anyway, if you decide to break up, it will happen without drama.

4. The difference is more than five points. Conflicts are inevitable, and therefore it is better not to force them inside. Most likely, any dispute you have turns into a mutual demonstration of strength and a form of self-assertion. But do not forget that each of you has the right to relax. Tip: Bury the hatchet and take a break from your relationship. This manner of communication is also part of the relationship within the couple.

How well do you and your couple know each other?

What do you know about your girlfriend? What does your girlfriend know about you? With the help of our test, you will find out the frighteningly or, on the contrary, reassuringly accurate answer to these two questions.

This quiz is not only a great way to find out what you really know about each other, but also a great excuse to get to know each other better!

Even if you and your partner raised three children together (by the way, whose children are these?), It is not a fact that you know each other's habits well. And without this knowledge, relationships will never be as productive and happy as possible, says Dr. John Gottman, author of The Seven Principles That Make Marriages Work. From this book, we borrowed a test that we recommend that all couples pass.

How the test works

You will need five sheets of paper and two pencils. Okay, from one sheet - it's superfluous - make a paper boat. And pencils can be replaced with pens or, what the hell is not joking, with felt-tip pens. You will take the test one by one. One asks a question aloud, both silently write down the answer, without looking at each other's papers. For example, you ask a girl: “What am I most afraid of?” She writes down her answer: "Giant spiders with tentacles and light music." In the meantime, you write down your correct version: “Your mother.” And so you report on all twenty-five questions. Then flip the paper over and set it aside.

Take the next two pieces of paper and follow the same procedure, but with the girl as the defendant. She asks, "What am I most afraid of?" You silently write down: "Your mother." The girl silently writes: "My mother." And so on for all questions.

When you have finished interviewing each other, turn over the papers and compare the results (but first, of course, be horrified by the answers). Count the number of exact matches. Accurate in semantic meaning, and not in the form of a statement. For example, if you answered the question about your hobby “badminton”, and the girl answered “a ridiculous game with a net, rackets and such funny balls in skirts” - this is still a coincidence. It counts. For each correct answer - 1 point.


1. My favorite dessert
2. What is my shoe size?
3. What am I most afraid of?
4. How old is my mother?
5. What is my blood type?
6. What turns me on in sex?
7. Name two of my closest friends.
8. Do I have a hobby? Which?
9. What will I take out of the fire first, besides you, documents and pets?
10. My favorite movie
11. My worst childhood memory
12. What time of day do I like to have sex the most?
13. How do I like to spend my evenings?
14. How do I want to be buried?
15. A dish I can't live without
16. What gift would I like best?
17. What kind of food do I hate?
18. My favorite musical group
19. What kind of coffee do I prefer?
20. What circle did I attend as a child?
21. What literary genre do I like?
22. What do I want to do before I die?
23. What is your favorite weather?
24. Continue the phrase "You hate it when I..."
25. Do I have allergies?


How many points did you get?
You are very far apart

How often do you communicate? Perhaps you should break away from watching TV shows together and pay attention to each other. Although, with all due respect to Dr. Gottman, what can bring you closer than watching a series together? After all, what else do you need from a relationship?

Greetings, strong middle peasants!

You know just enough about each other to sleep peacefully and not embarrass yourself at a family dinner, confusing the girl’s mother with her great aunt. You certainly won't call you strangers. But you still have an amazing, full of discoveries, magical way of getting to know each other. Walk carefully.

Your relationship is enviable!

And surely your friends are doing this, once again watching how your girlfriend serves you creme brulee, although you have not even managed to say "cream" yet. But even in this realm of mutual understanding and harmony there is a subtle point: you need to monitor the protection of your personal space. In addition, you can periodically surprise your partner by throwing aside the crème brulee pan and demanding a Napoleon cake.

You are very, very, very close.

A similar degree of intimacy occurs in people who have lived together for more than a dozen years. Maybe you will stop shocking the nursing home already and combine legal marriage with your permanent grandmother? Obviously, you have every chance for a happy life until the grave.




Give yourself 5 points for each “a” answer and 0 points for each “b” answer. It is desirable that the man and woman answer the questions independently of each other.

1. In your opinion, spouses should rest together?

a) Yes; b) No.

2. The purpose of marriage - children and their upbringing?

a) Yes; b) No.

3. Do children need to be taught to be independent as early as possible?

a) Yes; b) No.

4. Is it true that it is not necessary to tell each other about everything?

a) Yes; b) No.

5. Should children always obey their parents?

a) Yes; b) No.

6. Did peace and harmony reign in the family of your parents?

a) Yes; b) No.

7. Do you share the opinion that after marriage, spouses should not communicate with old acquaintances of the opposite sex?

a) Yes; b) No.

8. Do you like discos, parties, meeting friends?

a) Yes; b) No.

9. Should parents interfere as little as possible in the affairs of grown children?

a) Yes; b) No.

10. Understanding your partner at a glance is extremely important for you?

a) Yes; b) No.

11. In your opinion, children should understand from an early age how hard it is to get money?

a) Yes; b) No.

12. Can a husband and wife have "separate" acquaintances?

a) Yes; b) No.

13. Parents should be an ideal, a model for children?

a) Yes; b) No.

14. The main thing in marriage is material well-being?

a) Yes; b) No.

15. Do you have a good relationship with your mother (a question for a man); with father (a question for a girl)?

a) Yes; b) No.

16. Should children be brought up in strictness?

a) Yes; b) No.

Sum the scores and read the findings

If the difference between you and your partner is 25 points or less. Your union is likely to be successful. At least all the prerequisites for this are. We hope that you will be able to discover new qualities in each other, day by day coming closer and closer.

30-55 point difference. You may have problems because of some differences of opinion. But, as you know, a serious relationship is impossible without compromises. If you learn to give in, calmly listen to someone else's opinion, your relationship can be quite prosperous. But concessions must be reasonable.

A difference of 60 points or more- You probably have different ideas about life and family. You both have a lot to give up. Love is not only sighs on a bench and walks in the moonlight. Try to be more tolerant of each other.

Test game for two lovers

Do you want to test your feelings? Take our test

Rules and conditions of the game - test

The lovers take turns answering the questions. If the answer is yes, then you can move on to the next question, and if the answer is negative, you skip the move. If you are not able to answer either "yes" or "no", then you skip the move twice. The game ends when one of the players answers all the questions.

To pass the test more honestly, answer on a separate piece of paper without showing each other the answers. Let one of you read the questions aloud, calling their numbers as well. Agree on how much time is allotted for the answer, for example, 30 seconds.

You can also play in pairs, but in this case, the girl and the boy must find a compromise answer.


1. Do you prefer to trust him (her) with only small annoyances? (yes, no) 2. Are lovers always a little crazy? (yes, no)3. If you didn’t like the gift of a friend (girlfriend), tell me about it? (yes, no)4. The secret of your couple's stability lies in strong love? (yes, no)5. If a stranger meets you in a crowd, will he understand that you are in love? (yes, no)6. Are you the center of each other's interests? (yes, no)7. Is love best made in bed? (yes, no)8. Have most of your boyfriend's (girlfriend's) friends become your friends? (yes, no)9. Are you able to appreciate the irony and humor of your friend (girlfriend)? (yes, no)10. Do you go for little lies from time to time to avoid unnecessary conflicts? (yes, no)11. Do you listen to the advice of a friend (girlfriend) when buying things, clothes? (yes, no)12. Are you able to appreciate the small sacrifices of your friend (girlfriend)? (yes, no)13. Do you think that going on a separate vacation means to emphasize your independence? (yes, no)14. Do you think love alone is enough for happiness? (yes, no)15. For a woman, the hearth is the throne from which she rules the world. Is it so? (yes, no)16. The most important thing in life is understanding. Do you agree? (yes, no)17. Do you lose interest in your partner immediately after intercourse? (yes, no)18. Have you ever done things to your partner that you yourself would condemn if they happened to you? (yes, no)19. The life of a couple is a constant search for consent, and not upholding one's own rightness. What do you think? (yes, no)20. If your partner is criticized behind your back, will you stand up for him? (yes, no)21. Do you accept the idea that your partner has relationships with friends you don't know? (yes, no)22. Is your beloved (beloved) a part of yourself? (Not really)

Let's summarize:

1. You finished the game at the same time and all your answers matched. Your couple matches the classic models - Romeo and Juliet, Tristan and Isolde. It looks like you won the grand prize in the love lottery. But your happiness and harmony can become the object of envy.

2. At the finish line, you were separated by one or two points. You certainly love each other, but your views on love are different. Your love will know ups and downs. And some problems can be a test for a relationship. In general, life will correspond to the African proverb: love is like rain, and rare drops can stir up the river.

3. Difference at the finish line from three to five points. It seems that you do not have any special illusions of a sentimental plan. But in general, you are satisfied with the relationship, although the feeling of "seventh heaven has passed." Anyway, if you decide to break up, it will happen without drama.

4. The difference is more than five points. Conflicts are inevitable, and therefore it is better not to force them inside. Most likely, any dispute you have turns into a mutual demonstration of strength and a form of self-assertion. But do not forget that each of you has the right to relax. Tip: Bury the hatchet and take a break from your relationship. This manner of communication is also part of the relationship within the couple.

How well do you and your couple know each other?

What do you know about your girlfriend? What does your girlfriend know about you? With the help of our test, you will find out the frighteningly or, on the contrary, reassuringly accurate answer to these two questions.

This quiz is not only a great way to find out what you really know about each other, but also a great excuse to get to know each other better!

Even if you and your partner raised three children together (by the way, whose children are these?), It is not a fact that you know each other's habits well. And without this knowledge, relationships will never be as productive and happy as possible, says Dr. John Gottman, author of The Seven Principles That Make Marriages Work. From this book, we borrowed a test that we recommend that all couples pass.

How the test works

You will need five sheets of paper and two pencils. Okay, from one sheet - it's superfluous - make a paper boat. And pencils can be replaced with pens or, what the hell is not joking, with felt-tip pens. You will take the test one by one. One asks a question aloud, both silently write down the answer, without looking at each other's papers. For example, you ask a girl: “What am I most afraid of?” She writes down her answer: "Giant spiders with tentacles and light music." In the meantime, you write down your correct version: “Your mother.” And so you report on all twenty-five questions. Then flip the paper over and set it aside.

Take the next two pieces of paper and follow the same procedure, but with the girl as the defendant. She asks, "What am I most afraid of?" You silently write down: "Your mother." The girl silently writes: "My mother." And so on for all questions.

When you have finished interviewing each other, turn over the papers and compare the results (but first, of course, be horrified by the answers). Count the number of exact matches. Accurate in semantic meaning, and not in the form of a statement. For example, if you answered the question about your hobby “badminton”, and the girl answered “a ridiculous game with a net, rackets and such funny balls in skirts” - this is still a coincidence. It counts. For each correct answer - 1 point.


1. My favorite dessert
2. What is my shoe size?
3. What am I most afraid of?
4. How old is my mother?
5. What is my blood type?
6. What turns me on in sex?
7. Name two of my closest friends.
8. Do I have a hobby? Which?
9. What will I take out of the fire first, besides you, documents and pets?
10. My favorite movie
11. My worst childhood memory
12. What time of day do I like to have sex the most?
13. How do I like to spend my evenings?
14. How do I want to be buried?
15. A dish I can't live without
16. What gift would I like best?
17. What kind of food do I hate?
18. My favorite musical group
19. What kind of coffee do I prefer?
20. What circle did I attend as a child?
21. What literary genre do I like?
22. What do I want to do before I die?
23. What is your favorite weather?
24. Continue the phrase "You hate it when I..."
25. Do I have allergies?


How many points did you get?
You are very far apart

How often do you communicate? Perhaps you should break away from watching TV shows together and pay attention to each other. Although, with all due respect to Dr. Gottman, what can bring you closer than watching a series together? After all, what else do you need from a relationship?

Greetings, strong middle peasants!

You know just enough about each other to sleep peacefully and not embarrass yourself at a family dinner, confusing the girl’s mother with her great aunt. You certainly won't call you strangers. But you still have an amazing, full of discoveries, magical way of getting to know each other. Walk carefully.

Your relationship is enviable!

And surely your friends are doing this, once again watching how your girlfriend serves you creme brulee, although you have not even managed to say "cream" yet. But even in this realm of mutual understanding and harmony there is a subtle point: you need to monitor the protection of your personal space. In addition, you can periodically surprise your partner by throwing aside the crème brulee pan and demanding a Napoleon cake.

You are very, very, very close.

A similar degree of intimacy occurs in people who have lived together for more than a dozen years. Maybe you will stop shocking the nursing home already and combine legal marriage with your permanent grandmother? Obviously, you have every chance for a happy life until the grave.

