How to dye bleached hair ashy. Ash ombre for dark hair - choosing the right shades

Curls with silver tints will captivate not only because they are now in fashion. They have many advantages that cannot be ignored:

But cool shades also have serious disadvantages:

  1. poor compatibility with some wardrobe items. For example, gray strands will look bad with a chocolate-colored blouse. You will have to be careful when choosing cosmetics - do not overuse warm tones and bronzers.
  2. Need for special care. If you do not maintain the beauty of the cool tone of your curls, it will quickly lose its properties.
  3. Poor compatibility with some parts and appearance types. Some girls are highly discouraged from using dyes with a silver tint.

Take into account details of appearance in which cool hair tones are contraindicated:

  • dark color type. The combination of dark skin, dark eyes and eyebrows with ashen hair looks unnatural and visually increases age. It seems as if the strands are gray.
  • Warm color type. Tanned skin of a warm shade, golden brown or bright green eyes plus cold-toned strands are an unfortunate contrast.
  • Skin with pronounced imperfections. Hair dyes with a gray tint tend to highlight all imperfections.

Attention: Also, dyeing in gray tones is not recommended if the skin is very dark or reddish. In combination with ashen hair, it will take on a sickly and aesthetically unattractive appearance.

It turns out that ash tones suit a lady with a cold or neutral type of appearance. If you have blue, dark brown, gray or marsh green eyes, as well as fair, beautiful skin, you can safely look for a suitable shade variation.

Color spectrum

The palette of shades of dyes with a cold tint is wide. All tones related to it can be divided into two main categories, taking into account their aesthetic properties:

Ash tones are also classified as follows:

  • light. Platinum blonde and light ash brown are the most popular variations. Among young, brave girls, unnatural pastel colors (cream, pale pink, lilac) are popular.
  • Average. There are many ash-blond dyes, and they all belong to this group.
  • Dark. Depth varies from dark brown to black.

Watch the video on the topic:


Here are photos of options for tinting hair in ash shades:

How to prepare for tinting?

If your base color of strands is light brown or light without pronounced yellowness, tinting can be done without preparation. In other cases, you need to take the necessary measures so that the result does not disappoint.

Important: Light brown curls can be tinted without preliminary lightening only if you only want to give them an ashy tint. For a dramatic change, lightening is necessary.

The main task when painting before tinting is to obtain an even light tone without golden tints. If the original tone is red, golden or dark, manipulation is necessary, which involves the use of an acid wash or brightening powder.

One bleaching procedure may not be enough, so they must be repeated until a suitable base is obtained. The interval between lightening is at least three days. Otherwise, the condition of your hair will deteriorate sharply.

The tinting procedure can be carried out only a couple of weeks after washing. In fourteen days, you need to have time to saturate the strands with oils and other nutrients contained in balms and masks.

There are three types of products suitable for tinting:

If you are going to do the coloring yourself using professional cosmetics, consult the seller when purchasing it. He will tell you about proportions and help you choose tones.

Step-by-step tinting instructions

The tinting procedure is carried out in several stages:

  1. assessment of hair condition. They must be clean and dry.
  2. Preparation. Prepare everything you need in advance and put on a cape to protect your clothing.
  3. Adding dye to the container. If you don't know how much is needed, add a little at a time.
  4. Applying toner. Apply the composition from the container using a brush.
  5. Excerpt. Typically, the toner is kept for no more than fifteen minutes.
  6. Removing dye. Rinse your hair with plain water. Don't use shampoo. The result can be secured with a nourishing mask.

Important: The tinting procedure is complicated. If you are doing it for the first time, it is advisable to find an assistant.

997 03/11/2019 6 min.

Ash-blond hair is a real adornment for a woman. Such curls make the look soft, feminine and natural. You can achieve an ashy shade both in the salon and at home. Before you decide to change your image, you should understand whether this shade suits you. This is not difficult to do - study the features of your appearance and use the information below.

Who will be decorated with an ash-blond shade?

This shade turns a modest and homely girl into a gentle beauty. Ash curls will look most successful on girls whose appearance type is summer. They go well with blue or gray-green eyes, as well as clear and fair skin. The presence of acne, moles or blemishes on the face is undesirable - an ashen tint will only emphasize them.

There are a few other notes to keep in mind:

  • It is also not recommended for girls with natural brown hair to dye their hair. Red pigments in the structure are almost impossible to transform into. The structure may be damaged in this case;
  • dark skin contrasts strongly with light brown hair, so combining them is not recommended;

The ash shade looks most advantageous on perfectly white skin.

If you have red hair, then achieving a cool ash-blond shade is almost impossible. Numerous attempts to achieve the desired color will only ruin your curls and lead to split ends. Before you radically change your image, you should consider whether this is really the shade you want most. If you are 100% sure, then arm yourself with paint, the necessary tools and go ahead.

Cold ash color

How to achieve ash blonde hair

  1. The first thing you need to do is choose the right paint. You can do this from the photo on the packaging or look through the catalog of dyed strands;
  2. Before you dye your hair completely, do a test. To do this, just apply the dye to a separate strand. If your natural hair color is light brown, the result may be slightly darker than in the catalog. Try dyeing another strand, but before doing this, dilute the dye and three percent hydrogen oxide in the required proportion;
  3. If your hair has already been dyed before, it needs to be lightened. This also applies to dark and gray hair. In both cases, the result may surprise you;
  4. When testing a strand, it may not turn out the desired ashy shade, but rather a greenish one. To change this, add tones like purple and red to your paint.

If you have previously dyed your hair with henna, wait until your natural hair grows out. Otherwise, the synthetic dye will appear in spots on your hair, and you will never achieve the desired shade.

How to choose the right paint

The concentration of ammonia in all coloring agents is different. Hair reacts to this accordingly: instead of ashy hair, you may end up with hair with a greenish tint. This is especially true for blondes or girls with light brown hair. Speaking of which, consider the following points:

  1. When choosing paint, pay attention to the date of its manufacture. Expired dye will not only ruin your hair, but will also deprive you of half of your hair;
  2. The ammonia content is no less important when purchasing a coloring agent. If you want to dramatically change your hair color or hide gray hair, then you need ammonia in the dye. Products without this chemical element are suitable for women who want to maintain their existing hair color;
  3. There should be no damage or cracks on the paint package.

If you are interested in deep and long-lasting color, you can use time-tested brands. These include Casting Creme Gloss, L`Oreal, Revlon.

Hair dye

Dyeing technique

In order not to harm your hair, choose a brand of dye that you are sure of. You will also need gloves, a comb, a color brush, and a highlighter. Armed with the necessary tools, you can proceed directly to the process. is as follows:

  1. The first stage is lightening the curls. Dilute the mixture according to the instructions;
  2. The lightening agent should be applied to unwashed hair, as sebum prevents damage to the hair structure. First, the paint is applied to the entire length of the hair, with the exception of the roots. This is done in a ratio of 2 to 3. Leave the mixture on your hair for twenty minutes;
  3. The hair roots are lightened within 20 minutes, after which the entire mixture should be washed off with shampoo;
  4. Next, the hair coloring procedure is performed. This is done according to the instructions on the package.

Tint shampoo

If you need to lighten the ends of your hair

A radical change in image requires not only real action, but also courage. If you are not sure that you are ready to look different, then the right option for you is. This popular procedure is called ombre and is suitable for anyone who does not want drastic changes in their appearance.

The essence of ombre is a smooth transition from a dark shade to a lighter one. For best results, choose a shade that is one shade lighter than your natural shade.

The procedure is quite complicated and time-consuming. If you have the opportunity, consult a professional hairdresser. If you decide to dye the ends yourself, purchase paint and get down to business:

  1. To avoid staining your clothes, cover yourself with a towel. Put on plastic gloves and sit in a comfortable position in front of a large mirror;
  2. Divide dry and clean hair into 2 equal halves;
  3. Mix the paint ingredients in the required proportions;
  4. The dyeing kit should include a special brush. If you don't have one, you can use a comb. Its teeth should fit snugly against each other;
  5. Apply paint to a comb or brush. Apply dye evenly to hair on both sides.

If you have short hair, then coloring should begin closer to the roots. Long hair is dyed from the middle.

After applying the dye, you should leave it on your hair for half an hour to 50 minutes. For greater effect, wrap the strands in foil.


The components that make up the paint always have an effect on the hair. In most cases, it is negative: the hair structure is destroyed. This manifests itself in the fact that the scales on the surface of the hair do not fit tightly enough to each other, which is why the hair looks sloppy. To prevent this, follow a few simple recommendations:

  • try to wash your hair only with soft and cool water;

Washing head

  • synthetic paint can be replaced with natural paint. For example, basma or henna;
  • Hair coloring should be done no more than once a month. Perm immediately after the procedure is strictly prohibited - there is a high risk of drying out the hair;
  • During one lightening procedure it is permissible to change a maximum of 3 tones;
  • If you visit a sauna or bathhouse, try to protect your head from exposure to high temperatures. To do this, it is enough to purchase a special cap. A similar measure should be taken in relation to the pool - hair should be protected from chlorinated water;
  • Curling irons, curling irons and hair dryers are known for their aggressive temperatures, so it is better to avoid using them. If for some reason you cannot do this, purchase heat protectants and use them every time before straightening or curling;

Hair styling technique

  • It is unacceptable to comb your curls immediately after dyeing, as this can injure them. The same goes for combing wet hair.

Immediately after coloring, wash your hair using conditioner. Subsequently, rub nourishing creams into your hair designed to restore it. Products should not contain substances such as alcohol and various sulfates. It is also recommended to use capsules with biologically active substances (zinc and biotin).


For a clear example of dyeing hair ash-blond, see the video below.


Be aware of what harms your locks. Before you change your hair color, decide whether ash blonde really suits you. Perhaps you should choose a different shade.

Recently, it has become fashionable to dye your hair ash-blond. Natural brown-haired women consider their color boring and unattractive. It is the cool shades of ash that give fair-haired beauties a rich tone of hair, making their appearance even more attractive. Let's figure out who suits ash-blond hair color and how to dye your curls at home.

Color Features

Naturalness is still in fashion this season. The ash-blond shade highlights it perfectly, since a similar color is often found in nature. He suggests a combination of light or dark brown hair with a grayish tint. Thanks to this, a charming appearance is created, with bewitching and intriguing notes. The image is gentle, sophisticated and unique.

Coloring can be done using various techniques. In most cases, ombre painting, balayage, and California highlighting are used, when several shades are used to create a harmonious image. Ideal for these techniques would be the interweaving of natural light brown hair with artificially colored hair. You will find ideas for harmonious and stylish coloring of light brown hair on our website.

The dark ash-blond color is somewhere between blonde and brown-haired. Unlike delicate blonde or bold chestnut, ash notes in the hairstyle give the image softness and laconicism. It is more suitable for confident business women and girls.

If you find it difficult to determine what shade your skin is, try the following manipulations. Arm yourself with colored paper. Choose from blue, pink, mustard or orange, as well as cream or gold. Position yourself near the mirror and place the sheets of paper one by one on your face. Is blue a color that suits you best? Then you belong to the Summer color type, and ash-blond will look best on you.

Popular shades

Colorists distinguish several options for ash-blond color. Almost all of them are suitable for women of the Summer and Winter color type with light eyes.

Light ash

This tone is also called ash blonde. It will help soften your facial features, make your image romantic and gentle. The color still remains relevant. With its help, many Hollywood beauties create a soft coquette image, which reveals a delicate blonde with a blue tint on the curls.

Natural ash blonde

The natural color gives off gray notes. Getting a similar shade is not so difficult, especially since almost every hair cosmetics manufacturer includes it in their palette of dyes. Another name for the color is “Russian ash”.


It looks very impressive because it gives off a pearlescent tint. Suitable for those with light brown or blonde hair. It combines well with other shades of blonde when highlighting. Read more about pearl hair color, who is suitable for it and how to get it, on our website.

Medium ash

The medium half-tone creates a muted greenish tint on the curls. It also includes a caramel-ash undertone, which reveals golden and gray notes on the hair.

Oddly enough, but This color is suitable even for girls with brown or brown eyes and even skin.

Dark ash

Declared semitone It will come in handy for girls with porcelain skin and charming light eyes. It will give your curls a beautiful silvery shine.

Ash beige

This color looks most harmonious on bright and cheerful girls. It will reveal itself especially interestingly during 3D highlighting, when the natural color is taken as a basis and individual strands are dyed ash beige.

Pure ash color

Looks especially beautiful on those with light blue eyes. Since there are no contrasts in the symbiosis of face and hair, the emphasis is placed on the beauty’s enchanting eyes. After coloring, they acquire depth and expressiveness.

Brown ash

The color is quite common in nature. It will look most harmonious on brown-eyed, brown-haired women. There are different names for this color:

  • frosty chestnut;
  • amethyst;
  • cold nut;
  • alder.

Some colorists do not classify this color as ash-brown, given that the gray tint on the brown base is weakly expressed.

Ash blonde with copper undertones

Since many owners of dark curls prefer to dye their hair copper, some manufacturers have introduced ash brown with a copper tint into their color palette. This color will look gorgeous on girls with olive skin and green or brown eyes.

Important point! Some girls confuse ash color with platinum blonde. Indeed, there are similarities between them. The difference comes down to the fact that the ash color has a more gray tint, while the platinum color gives a silvery tint.

How to get it at home

Getting this color is quite easy. If your curls have a lighter color, then in 2 coloring procedures with an interval of 3-4 weeks you will definitely achieve the desired result. Owners of dark or red hair will have to lighten their hair to achieve ashy notes and a light brown color.

To achieve a pronounced ashy shade, professionals recommend adding blue pigment to the emulsion when mixing the dye.

Permanent paints

Most popular cosmetic products in this category:

  • Essex by Estelle. The palette from a well-known domestic manufacturer includes medium blond brown with an ash tint, ash brown, dark blond ash and brown mother-of-pearl, arctic blond, graphite, metallic and simply mother-of-pearl.

  • Matrix Color Sync. The ash shade of this cosmetics brand comes in several colors: ash brown, dark and light ash blonde. The paint is mixed in equal proportions with the color activator. It is applied to the root zone and then immediately distributed over the entire length. Does not require long exposure - 20 minutes will be enough.

  • Syoss. Among the ashy shades you can choose fusion mocha, nut cocktail, metallic silver blonde, smoky mix and champagne cocktail. The declared dye very rarely causes allergic reactions and retains color fastness and shine for a month.

  • Palette. In the palette from Palette you can find ash blonde, cool medium blond, white gold and super ash blonde. Unfortunately, you will not find a pronounced ash brown hair.

  • Garnier. Offers beauties the following ash shades: pearl ash, sandy beach, frosty chestnut, sparkling cold mocha, ash-silver blond, creamy pearly blonde, light ash and some others. The paint is applied to the ends and then combed along the entire length. Leave the emulsion for about 25–35 minutes.

  • Revlon Color Silk. It boasts a wide range of ashy shades. In the palette you can find medium ash brown, light ash, dark ash blonde, as well as medium, light and ultra-light ash blonde. The maximum holding time for the emulsion is 25 minutes, for gray hair - 30 minutes. In order to obtain a very light hair color, for example, ash blonde, it is recommended to increase the residence of the coloring composition on the head to 45 minutes. The paint foams slightly and is then washed off with warm water.

  • L'Oreal. L'Oreal paint is available in various series. For example, Excellence offers shade 7.1 “Ash Blonde”, and CASTING Creme Gloss 801 and 810 “Light Blonde Ash” and “Light Blonde Pearl”. The manufacturer’s arsenal also includes shades of Recital 8.1, 9.1 and 10.21 called “Copenhagen”, “Viking” and “Stockholm”. But unfortunately, according to users, although this paint is gentle, after a week or two it is almost completely washed off.

  • Concept. The ash line of this dye has several color options: ash blonde, platinum and light ash, shades of ash brown and even indigo of varying intensity. Hairdressers note that cosmetics do not mask gray hair, and in some cases they fall on the curls with loss of color.

  • Schwarzkopf Natural & Easy. The manufacturer offers girls the following variations of ash: pearlescent light ash and ash-blond opal of the Natural Easy series, as well as pure ash-blond opal of the Essential color line. According to some users, the dye does not cover gray hair and hair roots very well. But the professional dye Schwarzkopf Igora Royal will delight girls with a rich light brown ash “sandre”.

  • Indola. The shade of the Permanent Caring line 6.1 “Ash dark blond” and 6.2 “Dark blond ash golden” and 9.13 “Ultra light blond natural ash golden” reveals well on the hair. The Mixton palette offers a pure ash color, and the Blond Expert is an intense ash blonde. The cost of the dye is low - 200–300 rubles.

Important point! Before using coloring cosmetics, be sure to conduct a rapid test for allergic reactions. To do this, dilute a small amount of the composition and apply it to the skin of the elbow. If redness, itching, or swelling occurs, do not paint.

Dark-haired beauties who want to get an ash-blond color will have to dye it in 2 stages. First, a clarifier of 9–12% is purchased, depending on the thickness and saturation of the natural color. The curls are lightened. Painting directly with dye is carried out on the 2-3rd day after bleaching, so that the curls can rest.

Tinted balms and shampoos

To maintain an ashen color and even transform natural light-brown beauties, they use such tinting options:

  • shampoos and conditioners;
  • mousses;
  • tonics;
  • varnishes with silver-gray particles.

The declared cosmetics ensure that the artificial pigment is retained for a short period of time, since complete depigmentation occurs after only 3–4 rinses. It is forbidden to frequently use toning products, especially for weakened hair. Judge for yourself why you need an interesting color if you can ruin your curls.

Tonics, shampoos and conditioners are very easy to apply. One cap of the product is distributed on the hair, foamed and left for 20-30 minutes to activate the pigment. After this, the soft dye is washed off with plenty of water (make sure the water becomes clear!).

For example, quite inexpensive, but effective tonic from Rocolor "Tonic" will give your curls a luxurious pearl-ash color. And for light brown hair, you can use the 7.1 “Graphite” tint balm. Do you want your blonde locks to shine? Buy tone 9.21 “Ash Blonde” with a lamination effect.

Mousses and foams are generally easy to apply and rinse off well. Igora Expert mousse from Schwarzkopf shade 9.5-12 “Moonstone” provides curls with an unsurpassed mysterious gray color. Unfortunately, it does not stay on the hair for long (3-4 washes), but it really tones perfectly.

For girls who want to create an original look for just one day, we recommend using metallic colored varnish. It will dye your curls ashy, creating the image of a real Snow Queen. The most popular brands are Jofrika, Lee Stafford and Kryolan.

Ammonia-free dyes

Today there are many ammonia-free dyes on the market. They have both their pros and cons. The advantage is the minimal impact on the curls, after which in most cases there is no need for restoration. Among the disadvantages are the high cost and minimal delay on the curls - no more than 1 month.

Interesting point: In the world of salon hairstyles, highlighting using ammonia-free paint began to be called mazhimesh. It is suitable for light brown and fair-haired girls. Lightening is carried out by only 2 tones. At the exit, a noble brown-haired brown with ashy notes will be waiting for you.

Natural remedies

It is very difficult to achieve an ashen color using natural dyes. The only thing for dark hair you can try is a combination of chamomile, honey and cinnamon.

To prepare you will need:

  • 100 g cinnamon;
  • 100 g honey;
  • 60 ml chamomile decoction.


  1. Melt honey in a water bath and dissolve cinnamon in it.
  2. Pour one spoon of chamomile into a glass of water and simmer for 5 minutes.
  3. Combine honey with filtered broth.
  4. Distribute the mixture while still warm onto your curls.
  5. Cover your head with a plastic bag and wrap it in a terry towel.
  6. Wash off after 4 hours using shampoo.

Such coloring can lighten the curls by several tones, giving the hair light silvery notes.

Popular coloring techniques

In the world of hairdressing, there are many different color options. Monochromatic coloring began to be used infrequently, preferring vertical color stretching. 3D coloring is widely popular, when several shades close to each other are selected. This allows you to give your hair additional volume.


It involves stretching the color from roots to ends, using several halftones. This coloring looks especially harmonious on curled hair. As a rule, an ash blonde is used and the roots are left untouched.


  1. Mix the paint according to the manufacturer's instructions.
  2. Divide the hair into zones.
  3. Select individual strands.
  4. First paint the ends, wrapping them in foil.
  5. A lighter shade is applied to the middle part, leaving the roots with a natural color. Brush strokes are made lightly and carelessly so that the transitions are not distinct.
  6. After 40–50 minutes, the dye is washed off.
  7. Use a restorative balm.


Allows brown-haired women to create the most natural look. Various variations of ash are recommended for use. It is advisable to choose colors that are several tones different from the base.

Performing the procedure:

  1. The hair is divided into zones.
  2. They begin to select individual strands at the back of the head. They are combed and then dyed. All curls are dyed in a similar way, alternating strands with artificial ash dye with a natural color.
  3. The hair should dry naturally. Wrapping in foil and using a cellophane cap and a towel turban are inappropriate in this case.
  4. They wait a certain time.
  5. Wash off the pigment and apply a conditioner.


Involves the creation of contrasting transitions. This technique will look very chic on those with dark hair. Just imagine how interesting the combination of dark chocolate at the roots with ash blonde at the ends will look. It is better to carry out coloring in a salon so that the specialist can select the lightener as correctly as possible.


  1. Ponytails are tied at a level just below the ears.
  2. The ends are painted ashen, wrapped in foil and left to activate for 20 minutes.
  3. After this, the ponytails are untied and the area just above the fixation site is painted with the same color. Wait another 20 minutes.
  4. Unwrap the foil and rinse the entire head.

The result should be a contrasting coloring that is most suitable for extravagant and shocking individuals.

Monochrome coloring

Monochromatic dyeing in natural ash-blond looks luxurious. The color will suit those with light eyes and porcelain skin. Give your locks a unique twist by dyeing them ash blonde.

Full coloring procedure:

  1. Divide your curls into zones.
  2. First, dye the hair roots, and then use a fine-toothed comb to distribute the mixture over the entire length.
  3. For long hair you will need 3 tubes of standard dye.
  4. Hide your curls under a plastic bag and wrap them with a towel.
  5. Wait for the time specified by the manufacturer.
  6. Rinse off the paint and apply a color activator.

Highlighting "Salt and Pepper"

A stunning option for coloring curls for older women who want to disguise gray hair. This coloring is also suitable for business women with great willpower and a desire to win. It is a combination of dark light brown “graphite” with ultra-ashy blonde. It is performed using the usual highlighting technique using foil.

Cost of dyeing in a salon

The following factors influence the price of painting:

  • chosen technique;
  • need for washing;
  • restorative therapy;
  • curl length;
  • selected dye and brightener;
  • prestige of the salon.

On average, the cost of coloring using modern ombre, balayage, shatush and some others techniques varies between 2-4 thousand rubles. In private, the price for the procedure will be 1–1.5 thousand rubles cheaper than in the salon.

Remember, achieving an ashy shade is very difficult. To ensure that the curls are expressive and do not get a dirty color, it is advisable to entrust the coloring to professional hairdressing stylists.

Color care

For colored curls, especially if you had to resort to lightening, requires careful care. Stylists' recommendations:

  • You can wash your hair only two days after the coloring procedure;
  • regularly, at least once a week, make a restorative mask;
  • Dry your curls naturally;
  • It is forbidden to comb wet hair, because the likelihood of mechanical damage increases significantly;
  • protect your hair from ultraviolet rays, temperature changes and chlorinated pool water;
  • for combing, choose a brush with natural bristles;
  • To prevent curls from falling out, massage the scalp before bed;
  • To maintain color, apply a tinted shampoo or balm at least once every 2 weeks.

Natural light brown with an ashy tint is considered a noble color that brings sophistication and aristocracy to a woman’s image. But ashy shades are not suitable for every beauty. For girls of Asian appearance or those who belong to the Autumn color group, such a tone is contraindicated, because it will make their radiant facial features pale and sickly.

Ash is revealed most harmoniously on those with light eyes and porcelain skin. To make your hair look natural, it is recommended to color it using one of the highlighting techniques - balayage, ombre, shatush, mazhimesh, air touch, etc.

Useful videos

How to dye your hair ashy? How to paint without yellowing? How to choose hair dye? All these questions will be answered by Irina Gavrilova, an expert technologist from the M-Cosmetika company.

Step-by-step hair coloring from dark to cool blond.

Suvorova Nadezhda

Ash hair color is the dream of many girls. But how can you achieve a pure silver tone if there is a yellow or orange tone constantly showing through? Ash blonde, light brown or chestnut looks noble, looks expensive and aristocratic. If you make every effort, you can achieve it at home.

Who suits ashy color?

First of all, decide whether an ashy glow on your hair suits you. If you belong to a warm color type, then forget about this idea. When combined with yellowish or beige skin, ash will add age and give a sickly appearance. Another problem for girls with a warm color type is that no matter how hard they try, the natural pigment will shine through and strongly contrast with the ashy one.

Girls with gray, blue or dark brown eyes and pale skin should try giving their hair an ash color. It will make them bright and feminine, giving the image a mysterious feel.

Light ash

Light ash hair color harmonizes with fair skin, blue or gray eyes. It is suitable for young girls and those who have developed. Light ash will hide this flaw, and the hair will look natural. Brunettes should avoid the shade, as it will give a tired and unhealthy look.

Paint with an ash mixton, which is indicated by the number one in second place, will help you achieve the desired result. Pure pigment has a blue-violet color, but when mixed with the base tone it gives an ashen color. Therefore, paints with such a mixton become purple when an oxidizing agent is added.

You can or buy ready-made. Remember that the light color is on the seventh and eighth levels, as indicated by the first number in the number on the package. That is, you need to buy 7.1 or 8.1 paint.

Dark ash

If you have blonde hair and want to be brighter and more attractive, dark ash is a great choice. It suits gray, blue, brown and light brown eyes. But before you change your image, do a test. Wear a blue or silver dress and look in the mirror in daylight. If your face has acquired an earthy tint, your eyes have become dull and skin imperfections have stood out, dark ashy is definitely not for you.

Please note that the ashy shade darkens the hair, so it is wise to choose a dye that is a shade lighter than natural.

Dye number 5.1 will help make your hair dark ashy. You will not have problems with changing the shade if your natural color is from light brown to dark brown. Those girls who have either done it before and have a red or orange base need to be careful. When mixed with ash pigment, the color will be green. Repeated lightening to white will help solve this problem.

Ash blonde

Many girls, having a natural ash-blond shade, do not understand how beautiful it is. They dye their hair brown-haired or blonde, and then try in vain to regain their former wealth. Ash color is finicky and requires proper attention.

On bleached hair, ashy washes off catastrophically quickly. Therefore, after lightening, wait 1-2 weeks for the hair to recover and regain its former elasticity. Do not dye your hair day after day, damaged curls will not retain the color, and constant exposure to the dye will only make the condition worse.

An ash-blond shade is given by paint number 6.1. But if your hair is bleached, choose a shade lighter. Between colorings, maintain shine with a tinted shampoo or toner. You need to choose them in professional cosmetics stores; manufacturers add restorative components to such products.

Ash blonde

Ash blonde without yellowness is the color that is most in demand among blondes. Before adding shade, . This helps achieve a clean white base that any paint will adhere to. If there is pigment left in the hair that gives off yellow or red, then an acid wash is recommended.

To get an ash blonde, you need to purchase dye with the number 9.1. As the roots grow, they will have to be lightened and tinted. This harms the hair and, in order not to do the procedure often, colorists advise using tinted shampoos and masks that maintain ashen color and restore hair.

But in pursuit of fashion, girls forget that ash blonde is not suitable for everyone. The shade goes well with fair to medium skin, but not tanned. The color of the eyes does not play a special role, since gray or blue with ash will look harmonious, and brown and black will become more expressive. Girls with problem skin should not dye their hair this blonde. Minor imperfections will become noticeable.

Ash chestnut

If you decide to dye your locks ash chestnut, be prepared for the fact that the shade will not always be visible. In dim light it will appear black, in the sun it will appear chocolate. Only artificial lighting will help you see the ashy shine. However, cold chestnut has remained popular for several years.

This color is ideal for girls with natural dark hair. It attracts attention and creates an aura of mystery. Natural chestnut, colored ash, is a bright and romantic shade. It also goes well with tanned skin, as opposed to lighter tones.

An ash chestnut is no easier to maintain than a light chestnut. If you take care of your hair incorrectly, the ashes will be washed into the red hair and will look ignoble.

It is difficult to find pure ash mixton in dark-colored household paints. It is usually combined with a red-violet pigment. This allows you to achieve a multifaceted shade. Look for paints numbered 5.15, 4.15, 4.01, 3.01.

Ash black

Black color also has several shades. It comes in black tulip, classic black and blue-black, otherwise called ash-black. It goes well with both tanned and fair skin. If you choose the right clothes and makeup, the color will look harmonious. The only criterion will remain only the cold color type of appearance.

Ash pigment adds depth and richness to the color. Unlike classic black, it looks natural and complements any eye color favorably. You can get the desired result without much effort even at home.

To make your hair ash-black, you need dye number 1.1. But it’s worth remembering that if you repaint it from a light color, it will be difficult to get rid of it. If you don’t maintain the shade, your hair will turn black in 1-2 weeks. The paint can be applied to any base, since level 1 covers all the results of previous stains.

If you decide to change your look, then do not forget about proper care. The best way to preserve the color and health of your curls is with a line of professional cosmetics for colored hair.

26 April 2014, 14:31

Every modern woman dreams of looking stylish and charming and becoming an object of admiration from the male half of the population. Hair, especially its healthy condition and color, plays an important role in this. The ash shade of curls appeared in fashion not so long ago, but has already established itself as an excellent option to radically change your appearance and become more impressive. Read on to learn how to dye bleached hair in chestnut, chocolate, and wheat colors, as well as how to choose a dye and dyeing method.

Initially, you should figure out whether this palette is suitable for external data. Please note the following:

  • Silver and ash suit only those who have beautiful, perfect porcelain facial skin, without various imperfections, since the shade tends to focus attention on these details.
  • For those who have blond blonde or platinum brown blonde, a cool shade of blonde, and eye color blue, gray, green and light blue, you can safely choose the ashen palette.
  • Dark-skinned blonde girls with bright eye colors can also experiment.
  • Blondes with light brown roots and blue eyes can tint their hair with a light brown tonic and achieve an interesting effect.

It is definitely important to remember that when changing your image, you need to think about your future clothing style, choosing a fashionable style. You will constantly have to do beautiful, sophisticated makeup that emphasizes the dignity of your face. Remove all unnecessary details and decorations, leave a few accentuating elements, for example, star-shaped earrings or bright roses on a jacket. Particular attention should be paid to hairstyle and styling, choosing fashionable and interesting options.

In what cases should you abandon the ash tone?

You should avoid these shades if your facial skin is prone to rashes, uneven tone, age spots and other imperfections. For those with a warm skin tone, it will create a sharp contrast with ashy hair, so it’s better to avoid it. Also, girls with large facial features will focus on this even more.

The too obvious presence of red hair requires careful choice of tone. In this case, you can go light brown for a brown-haired woman and use cool shades of brown-haired women. If the transition from red to light brown is undesirable for you, it is better to abandon the idea of ​​ash color.

For mature women, it is better to use dark blond ash paint, which looks a little stricter, adding presentability and usefulness to the appearance. In this case, it is better to make the light brown or blond darker.

Common ash shades for curls with photos

The trendy hair color is widely popular among celebrities, bloggers and fashionistas. Consider the most successful options to turn into a real beauty:

  1. Light brown with a golden honey tint - softens facial features, adds femininity and naturalness. Keep in mind that there is a big difference between brown and light brown, so be careful when choosing the tone.
  2. A beautiful dark blonde with cool platinum accents looks fresh and luxurious. Suitable for women who prefer classics.
  3. Blonde with a purple tint is a bold decision that requires a suitable style of clothing and beautiful, neat styling.
  4. Light brown with a pink tint looks playful, flirty, and is more relevant for young girls.
  5. Smooth transition from dark to light brown. First, the stretch marks are lightened, then you need to paint the blond light brown. You can use dark chocolate at the roots. Such a blonde with black roots will not be conspicuous and will look harmonious.

Both fair-haired and brunette, as well as women with a copper color, can try themselves in a pearl-ash look. To choose the option that will provide the right level of saturation, ideally highlight all the advantages of the face, and make bright accents on the curls - there is a little secret. You should select several pieces of fabric with the color that you think will suit you best. Place the cloth near your face, looking at yourself in the mirror and thus analyze all the pros and cons.

If you are a blondie, then before deciding to dye your hair gray, ash-blonde, beige or pastel milky, tint your bleached hair with the color you like. Tinting will allow you to achieve a platinum or caramel blonde for a while. In addition, it does not damage the hair so much.

Popular ash blonde hair

This cool steel shade has a silver tint, without gold flecks. Popular among girls due to its chic coloring, beautiful and expensive-looking, presentable. It will look good in combination with both dark and snow-white skin. The length of the hair does not matter, since such a bright accent of appearance will fit perfectly into any hairstyle and haircut.

Light ash hair color for a stylish look

Dyeing light brown with hints of ash, the color is fashionable and elegant, as evidenced by pictures of gray hair color. For brunettes with oriental appearance, it is better to avoid such trends, since it is difficult to achieve light brown hair. But blondes with light brown roots and blue eyes are simply created for this option. You can achieve a beige blonde with paint.

Aristocratic dark ash hair color

Such a noble tone is appropriate for classic clothing, as well as for women over 30. Appropriate for those whose dark brown natural color does not seem bright enough. The way out of the situation is to add a shiny and original dark steel tone.

Doll-like ash-pink and bright curls for young girls

Young girls with pink locks on their heads will never go unnoticed. This trend can be worn with a sporty style, or you can create a unique romantic, elegant style. Bright notes can be achieved by using light brown with a brown-violet combination. The hair in the pictures with a blue tint may also appeal to lovers of an extraordinary style.

Ash brown hair color

Light brown shades are always in trend, as they look natural and calm. The cool light brown color adds femininity and naturalness. Guarantees excellent taste, but does not look boring and ordinary if dyed beige blond. You can also tint the highlights light brown to diversify the chosen image.

Ashy brown shade

Brown tones in combination with ash are suitable for owners of a warm color type of appearance. The main thing is to avoid the presence of yellowness and gold inclusions so as not to create contrast. By the way, brown-violet blonde will make you a chic girl, brave and decisive, challenging dullness and routine.

What is dark brown ash hair color?

The dark palette is considered the most popular, as it will never remain unnoticed by others. A great result is guaranteed if you first consult with a stylist and choose exactly your option, which is in harmony with your appearance, eye color, and complexion.

Ash highlighting: who is suitable and its types

For those who are not ready to completely change their hair color, but want to refresh the shade a little, you can dye individual strands in a gentle mode.

  • Highlighting with a pink tint is suitable for bold, fashionable young ladies. Allows you to achieve a gentle and romantic effect. Especially if the girls are into anime and wear appropriate clothes.
  • Highlighting with gray color looks creative and unusual. Highlighting with a gray tint is suitable for those who want to be fashionable and extraordinary.
  • Platinum blonde highlights will allow you to look younger and refresh your monotonous color with bright, shining splashes.
  • Violet highlights, as well as lilac, red, lilac, and lavender are chosen by daring, creative girls who have long locks and are not afraid of increased attention.
  • Cold blonde highlighting is suitable for girls with cold skin types, it will emphasize well-groomed hair and allow you to create original hairstyles.
  • Highlighting for dark skin should be chosen with caution so as not to create an incongruous contrast. In this case, you can color it with the inclusion of honey shades or walnut color.
  • Highlighting under brown eyes looks harmonious if you use brown-ashy tones or other warm ones.

Pictures of girls with highlights perfectly demonstrate the luxury and elegance of the color, which looks different on different hairstyles.

Fashionable balayage coloring technique + pictures

In order for the hairstyle to look harmonious and natural, it must be done with special skill. This is especially true for ombre coloring, when it is important to create a visual smooth transition from one tone to another. Ombre with gray color looks bright and attractive, especially for women with cool skin tones and gray or blue eyes. Making a gray ombre is a multifaceted process that requires knowledge about color, so it’s difficult to do at home; it’s better to trust a master. This will eliminate the appearance of unwanted yellowness and mouse tail.

Ombre light brown with white involves a process where the tips have a Scandinavian white tone. The transition from light brown to blond closer to the roots implies a light blond blond, or a dark blond with a brown chocolate color stretch tone.

Cold ombre blonde is a blonde with a silvery tint. Gray balayage can be done by blondes with cool shades and ladies with dark shades of blonde.

How to paint with an ashy shade correctly?

Those with black hair will initially have to resort to bleaching. With the help of highlighting, those who want to change their color from black to gray can switch to light brown, while the hair is not as damaged as with bleaching. The process of turning from black to dark blond is quite labor-intensive. A quick and unsuccessful dyeing of hair blonde can lead to disastrous results, and your hair will begin to resemble straw. It will be difficult to correct the situation.

It’s a little easier to make light brown from red hair, but it’s important to avoid unwanted yellowness. How does a brown-haired man differ from a brunette? Red hair includes a brown tone. To achieve a dark blond tone, use a dark blond tonic.

Dyeing your hair in an ashy tone is done independently in several stages:

  • Purchase the necessary tools and materials with which the procedures will be carried out, namely: lightener, paint or tonic of the desired shade, gloves, a brush for applying the composition, a comb with fine teeth.
  • Bleaching dark hair. To do this, apply 2/3 of the product to unwashed hair, without touching the roots. After half an hour, distribute the remaining clarifier onto the roots. Next, after 20 minutes, rinse thoroughly with water and shampoo.
  • After successful bleaching, coloring is carried out. Apply the dye to dirty hair with a brush, carefully working each strand. After this, wrap your hair in polyethylene and wait 30-40 minutes, according to the instructions. Rinse your entire head well with shampoo.
  • Be sure to apply a moisturizing and restoring mask for colored hair to your hair after the procedure.

The modern beauty industry offers a huge number of hair dyes - natural, containing ammonia and tonics. Dyes radically change the appearance, and tinting gives a short-term effect. The best paint should be of high quality and have positive reviews from experts. In salon procedures, professional Estelle paint is used; Garnier, Ash, has proven itself well. They can be purchased for independent procedures to get a steely shade of curls.

Mist spray will add shine and vitality, and walnut shampoo will restore hair structure after damage.

Keep in mind that it is quite difficult to obtain guaranteed gray ash on your own; in many cases, a transfer of money and product may occur. To get an ashy hair color, it is better to contact a master colorist who knows the formulas of the ingredients and will create for you the look you have always dreamed of.