Dye blond hair in ashen without harm. How to get ash blonde hair color

Lovers often change hair color is now much easier to do than their mothers and grandmothers. After all, in the store you can buy any paint to repaint in the most trendy shade. For example, exquisite ashy hair color. Moreover, all the owners of hair of various silvery shades received these incredibly fashionable strands as a result of professional coloring. But in its natural form, the gray color does not look so bright as to attract the eye with extraordinary elegance and aristocracy.

According to experienced hair stylists, most women and girls who choose shades from the ashen palette for coloring strive for a radical transformation. For hair of this color, like no other tone, dictates the need for change. Both in clothing and make-up.

Features of ash-colored hair, photo

Correctly chosen hair color transforms a woman, emphasizing her unique personality. At the same time, a successful shade always improves the appearance so much that, having repainted, she will even look younger than her age.

However, those who wish to experiment with their appearance should be aware that gray hair, especially its shades of white, pink, purple or dark, cannot suit everyone equally well. So, in case of an unsuccessful choice, the photo shows that capricious gray emphasizes all the imperfections on the skin of the face (redness, rashes) or gives it an earthy tint. In general, if ashy hair does not suit you, everyone will see it.

At the same time, girls of the summer color type with blond hair and skin, gray or blue eyes, which shades of gray are very suitable for, should be able to choose the right tones of blush, lipstick for makeup.

A photo of a successful combination with ashy strands, if blush and lipstick will have a coral or pale pink gamut, and shades of pale blue, pink, light purple, gray. To make the image perfect, stylists advise considering that clothes of neutral colors are more suitable for iridescent silver hair, but with bright accents in the form of additions such as a turquoise scarf or a purple hat.

And hairdressers consider light waves or the most ordinary ponytail to be the best hair styling for all shades of gray. If you wish, you can see photos of other hairstyles with long and short hair.

Who suits ashy hair color, photo

Absolutely all shades of gray on the hair look like natural ones, and they are all classified into groups:

  • light (light);
  • medium (medium);
  • dark (dark).

That is, it can be light, medium or dark ash tone. And the well-known coloring techniques - balayazh, ombre, highlighting allow you to give, in fact, a gray color a special silvery zest.

Ash hair color more suitable for women with the type of appearance "Summer". They have light skin, light curls and eyes that are blue, green or light gray, as in the photo. And, conversely, girls and women with swarthy skin and chestnut, golden hair should refuse to dye gray, since the yellowish pigment of their natural color will show through the paint.

Also this tone undesirable for women of mature age due to the fact that he ages the face even more. A if gray hair has just appeared, then a great choice is a light brown tone with a silvery tint. Both in the photo and in life, this color looks very natural, and besides, it masks gray hair.

Girls with a cold color type of appearance are suitable for both light brown and dark shades of gray.. Because natural dark blond is an ideal basis for dyeing in dark ashy, which confirms the photo of the even color of the model's hair.

Looks especially impressive ash-blond color in beauties with an oriental type of appearance(dark skin).

Also good is golden, brown, black ash in the photo, where the girls have brown eyes of a deep dark shade.

Photo of brunettes with ashy shades of hair

The most popular shade preferred by brunettes is ash brown. It is well suited for girls and women with olive or pale skin. Brunettes with brown eyes are very light brown shade. Photos of hair after dyeing in this tone using the ombre technique, balayazh demonstrate their natural beauty. By the way, this shade does not require cardinal clarification.

Popular brown-ash shades for brunettes have names - frosty chestnut, cold chocolate, amethyst, and their differences can be seen in the photo.

In general, ash brown radiates warmth and looks great in any season, which is different from cool gray tones.

Ash hair photo

If you know that a certain gray tone from a rich palette of silver suits you exactly, then immediately go to an experienced master. At home, it will be difficult to get a dark ash shade, purple or pink on the strands due to some technological features of staining.

Photo of hair in dark ash shades

The dark ash shade is diverse. It includes:

  • ash brown;
  • ash-chestnut (close to dark tone).

Before dyeing strands in such tones, do a test to see if it suits you.

  1. Wear a gray (maybe dark blue) blouse.
  2. Take a look in the mirror.
  3. Pay attention to whether this face is aging, whether the dignity of your appearance is set off.

If the result does not please, do not color the curls with a dark shade of gray.

Looking at photos of models with silver hair, we can conclude that this color can be chosen by girls with olive skin, with light eyes. And also dark silver looks good in the photo if the source is light brown natural.

Beautiful photos of purple, white, pink hair

Professionals call an ashy shade a cold tone of light brown. But in order to get the desired silver, you need to correctly determine the original hair color and shade of the dye. To do this, the master has to select dyes for each type of base. Otherwise, you can get yellowness or gray hair.

Amethyst tones of varying intensity have been holding leading positions in sales for several years. They are characterized by versatility in the manifestation of warm and cold, dark and light, saturated and transparent shades.

And girls who want to stand out from the crowd choose such a paint. The difficulty lies only in the harmony of the purple hue with the individual characteristics of the female appearance. In addition, it is impossible to obtain the desired result with inept staining.

Therefore, if you want to recolor the curls into an unusually delicate purple-ash blond, as in the photo, entrust this work to a professional. Gray strands with a slight purple tint look beautiful in the photo. Photos of gray-violet hair with tints of blue highlights are also exquisite.

2. Photo of strands of ash-pink hair.

The fashion for cool tones is at its peak, so luxurious gray hair is often added with a little warm pink shades. For example, as in the photo of gray curls in combination with a pink pastel tone. The combination is also interesting: cold gray on pink strands. A popular trend is an ash color with a pink-peach tint (you can see it in the photo).

3. Photo of ash-white hair.

The ash-white color of the curls suits women with the "Spring" type of appearance - blue eyes, snow-white skin. Its difference from cold platinum is the absence of a brilliant luster. In addition, the ash blond belongs to the coldest shades and does not have the effect of yellowness, which is clearly visible in the photo.

Makeup in pastel colors is suitable for ash-white hair color: light pink blush and lipstick of the same tone. The eyes are emphasized with shadows and mascara in warm shades (golden brown).


Creating an ashy shade, and one that will be in harmony with the image of a girl or woman, is not an easy task. The fact is that the lack of experience in the technique of dyeing hair often presents an unexpected result, when instead of silver overflows, the curls become green, pink or purple. And in order for the strands to look healthy after dyeing the hair in wonderful silver, it is better to choose the paint on the recommendation of the stylist.

Ash hair color is sure to attract the attention of others as a refined and noble color. It is impossible not to pay attention to the girl, because from the outside she looks mysterious and elegant. This is not a simple color, but very playful and you should be careful with it, even professional stylists do not fully know all the intricacies of working with a similar color type, the main points come with experience.

In recent years, ashy color has become a real hit in hair coloring. In the natural representation, this color is almost impossible to find, most often it is the artificial application of dyes. If blondes have a shade of ashy, then, unlike the color obtained as a result of staining, it is not so expressive.

If you want to completely change your image and get effective hair coloring in ashy color, then enjoy the result, you need to use the recommendations and advice of experts.

Ash color or, as it is also called “ash”, is preferred by many girls and even women, it is fashionable and popular lately, adds aristocracy to the image, and naturalness to the hair, but it will not suit everyone, so do not try to quickly dye your hairline.

Particular attention should be paid to the various details of your appearance, this includes the wardrobe. Shades of ashy hair color are very moody, the skin becomes dull light and sometimes it is not always possible to achieve the result that you would like to get.

To the face, an ashy shade will be in different cases:

If the tone of the face is summer, the hair is lightened, light eyes, skin and, in general, the girl has a cold appearance;
- if there are any defects on the skin, then it is better not to choose an ashy color; it will highlight wrinkles, pigmentation, scars and acne. If you do not want your face to become like a mask of an aged woman, try to keep the skin perfectly smooth;
- when the curls are chestnut or with a touch of gold it is not always possible to achieve the desired result, the yellowness will constantly come out and in this case the ashy is diluted with light brown;
- swarthy girls can become like dolls.

You can select a narrow circle of women who are suitable for ash or ash brown hair color.

As a result of obtaining extravagant shades such as ash pink hair color and ash purple hair color, happy owners will radically change their image, while the appearance and wardrobe must match.

Black Ash is more common and easier to achieve than any of the others in this group.

Ash blond hair color - how to get

Before you decide on an ash blonde color, it is important to get acquainted with the technology that will be used and how to choose the right shade. Undoubtedly, it is possible to make an ideal option, but it is not for nothing that it is called capricious, because as a result, everything can go wrong as planned.

The most beautiful coloring will turn out when you contact a real specialist, this is a more expedient option, but if you urgently need it, you can dye your blond hair in ashy color and do it yourself at home.

It should be understood that after examining various photos with examples of such staining, you should not expect exactly the same result. Everyone's appearance is different, so the shades are not always universal.

Most often, hair is dyed to match the color of the eyes, and the contrast is also observed with the tone of the skin. The curls are specific, beautifully shiny. Light brown hair color with an ashy tint is a delicate skilled work, when the necessary preparations are selected, and work with dyes is done skillfully.

Classic ashy is not always the first time you can get it, but balanced highlighting with ashy color on light brown hair will not keep you waiting. Only strict adherence to step-by-step procedures will help to please the client.

As with any coloring, there are certain nuances. To achieve the desired result will be based on the main color and condition of the hair. If the hair was previously dyed, then a wash is first performed, in some cases even more than once, especially if the hair is very dark.

The hardest part of the job is manipulating dark natural pigments. Light hair is painted over quickly, and when working with brown, chocolate shades, paints with a mixton are chosen. Independent incorrect coloring can give yellowish shades and even greenish ones, in this case it is better to bleach the hair first.

Ash tide must be maintained

If you managed to paint over, and the result was a cold ash tide, then this is not a reason to relax further, the hair also requires some care. It is important to leave them saturated and constantly use tinted cosmetics.

Shampoos and conditioners allow you to create a natural shine, and most importantly, constantly refresh your hair after washing your hair. Saturation and shine on the hair will be a long time.

Subsequently, lamination can be done, but it is carried out after two weeks, when the paint is strengthened. Repeated bleaching makes hair weak and dull.

How to care for ashy hair color and maintain it at home, see the following video material.

Dark ashy hair color - how to get

Dark hair color with ashy undertones is popular and looks natural. Most girls try to choose this color when they get bored of being blondes or redheads.

The shade is presented as a capricious color and is not suitable for every woman, therefore, before making a choice, consult with a specialist whether it suits you or not. And only then you can decide to dye your dark hair in ashy color. There are such appearances and images when the shade is simply contraindicated.

Highlighting on dark hair in ashy color is a suitable option for those who want to freshen up, and you can do it not from the roots, but from the middle of the length of the hair. Color is not found in its natural form, therefore, toning can only be obtained as a result of staining at home or in salons.

This original and rare shade is quite intense, beautiful and cold, suitable for both medium hair and short hair. Sometimes girls call it mouse, but in fact it will not spoil your appearance at all, and sometimes even transform it beyond recognition.

The stretch of hair color from dark to ashy is amazing, even dark roots are perfectly stained. If you look at the photos before and after, then the result will surely please you and you won’t want to change it to some other one.

The color is very popular and in demand, famous beauties and various stars achieve it, it is noble due to which such a stir is caused. If you watch the latest fashion shows, you will definitely see this exotic color paired with chic clothing.

Against the background of the usual hair colors, he is interesting and flirtatious. If we compare the dark color and ash shade and ash blond, the husk will be unsurpassed and original, while you will not see a gray tone that adds several years to a woman

Various shades of ashy color on dark hair

Chocolate brown - the result is impressive, the hair becomes saturated, and the shine transforms and revitalizes it, the hair will be chic and not gray at all. The shade is matte and looks harmonious with expressive facial features, you will definitely need makeup, otherwise you will get the effect of nondescriptness and a mouse image.

Medium blond is the most common color that is inherent in most women, but they are not always happy with it, since it does not have the same brightness and showiness as others, but when stained it will be a good solution. Medium blond is very beautiful, paints over gray hair and will suit owners of light brown eyes.

Light gray - it can also be called dark ash clarified, which is specific and ideal for white-skinned ladies. Among all, it is the most difficult to perform and capricious, but the finished result is worth it if the external image matches.

Light ashy hair color - how to get

Light ashy blond shade is no less popular; this is the trend of the 2018 seasons. Light blond hair color with an ashy tint is fashionable, it turns out a natural look that is suitable for different age categories of women, and will also look spectacular in men. Photos before and after staining will demonstrate a wonderful transformation.

Keep in mind that coloring, like any ashy, capricious, is not suitable for any representative of the beautiful half of humanity. If the color of the skin and eyes is not successfully combined with the hair, defects, acne, wrinkles will be revealed, expressiveness will be lost.

For blondes, dyeing your hair in a light blond ash color will be an ideal option, but it is better to consult first so that later the face does not look exhausted and tired.

It is better not to repaint the red color into light “ash”, since the yellow tint will still remain, and it will not be possible to completely remove it. Brunettes will be painted in several stages until the hair changes dramatically.
With the help of such coloring, you can hide gray hair in women over 40 years old and older, while the hairstyle will remain natural and not pretentious.

If you already have a golden hue, peach or olive, then it is best to focus on the dark shades of ashy.

Wear clothes from the wardrobe of dark colors and then you can immediately see how your face is refreshed, which means that this color will be perfect for you. The palette of ashy shades is so wide that everyone will find a suitable option for themselves.

Light brown shades are at the base, these are cold tones that are not famous for their brilliance, as they are very natural. On white hair, ash blond fits very well, as a result, the color can be called ash blond, you can also achieve a beautiful pearly ash shade.

How to achieve a good ashy shade

For brunettes, the hair is pre-lightened, this procedure is best done in a beauty salon. If you do California highlighting, you will get an original image, the curls will acquire volume and become natural, in this case you can make an ombre for short hair or for long hair.

The paint can be mixed, resulting in the desired palette. For saturation, manufacturers add the necessary components.

How to dye your hair ashy for men

Ash hair color became popular in the last century, subsequently this fashion spread not only to women, but also to men who prefer such coloring, to this day. This steel color is not only fashionable, but noble and causes deep interest among guys.

The hair is pre-lightened, this must be done about two weeks before you decide to dye it. Coloring hair in ashy color for men involves several sessions, unlike women's hair, they are more difficult to color.

We must not forget that the paint causes some damage to the hair, therefore, during washing, balms are used that can restore the correct structure of the hair. If you wonder who is suitable for ashy staining, then here, as in the case of women, the roots still have to be tinted.

If the hair has already been dyed before, the ends must be cut or grown before the hair is dyed. Another paint takes on all the pigment, and the shade can turn out to be unpredictable.

If the color is chestnut or light brown, it will be easier to work with hair, the simplest hair dye will do. If the tone differs by two or more, then clarification is required. As a working tool, you can also use a tinting shampoo, which contains a purple pigment, which will give the desired tone. Tinted shampoos are not suitable for fair-haired people, as you can get a bright and rich purple color.

A tinting shampoo is periodically used over the staining, which refreshes and saturates. There are specialized shampoos that do not wash out the paint, but complement it. If a man is blond, then it is better to choose ammonia-free paints that will provide the necessary care.

Regardless of the use of a particular tool, care must be taken and the instructions must be read beforehand. Time is maintained clearly, otherwise you will get a different color, not the one you were aiming for. If you have any doubts, you should contact the professionals.

The ash color is very beautiful, and the shades are so diverse that they will always be relevant. Before you decide to change the color, you need to experiment with a small strand, this will allow you to quickly choose the right tone.

Attractive gray color introduced a real revolution in hairdressing. The shades are ashen, gray, light brown and silver, bringing some zest to the image. It is impossible to say that a woman dyed ashy has no taste. By choosing a beautiful haircut and a combination with the right clothes, you can be in trend.

Care for ash-colored hair

Hair is often subjected to initial lightening, and only then ash paint is applied to them, while they are damaged and look thin. To return them to their original form, some care is required, a special mask is applied, and shampoos and balms for colored hair are purchased.

The strands are already injured, so you should not use irons and a hairdryer, it is enough to wear masks twice a week, the composition may contain various vegetable oils and moisturizers.

Natural type dyes

To change the shade, you can use natural dyes, they improve the shape of the hair without disturbing the structure. Prepare a decoction of rhubarb, where you can take both stems and leaves, you can easily give your hair a shade of ashy color.

To get a pale ash chestnut, you need to mix cocoa, colorless henna and basma. When working with these components, do not overdo it with proportions, otherwise the result may turn out to be completely different. If the hair has been dyed with henna or basma for a month, chemical preparations are not used.

Choice of clothes and make-up

If you use decorative cosmetics, then it is better to choose light colors from a cold range of colors. If this is lipstick, then light pink or coral blush is chosen under it.

Among the clothes, yellow, gray and bright pink clothing options will be spectacular. It is also recommended to give priority to black, which can be harmoniously combined with previous colors.

Women love to change, add a riddle to their image. While some get rid of gray hair in all known ways, others want to acquire it with the same zeal.

In nature, such strong, bright shades are almost never found, it can be purchased from coloring specialists.

We will help you choose the right shade of ashy hair to your taste, and tell you how the color change procedure goes.

What do you need to know?

Spring has come, the mood has changed, do you want changes?! Of course, a change of image will help us. Hair coloring radically changes the appearance, some neutral colors will not help us with this, but the ashy shade is what we need !!!

But do not make a decision hastily, there are several factors to consider.

Ash color is cold. Choosing, for example, its pearl shade, you turn yourself into a snow queen, take this into account when you decide to color, some ladies absolutely cannot wear this color.

Compatibility will directly depend on skin tone. Insidious ashen can make you an unhealthy old woman.

Finding the right shade

The ideal appearance for an ashy shade is women of the “summer type”. Blond strands, light gray or aqua eyes, pale skin. Such a combination, a highlight in appearance.

You do not need to repaint your hair in a more expressive color if your facial skin is far from ideal (scars, replenishment and pimples, age spots).

Ash hair will emphasize imperfections and make them more visible.

If your hair is from birth the color of chestnut, gold, you should not try to dye your hair ashy. No matter how hard you try to color the yellow pigment, it still won’t hide completely, which will eventually give a result close to a light brown tone.

You need to pass such tests on your hair only if it is vital for you. Numerous colorings will only kill the shine and attractiveness of your hair, think before you dye your hair, "is the game worth the candle."

So how do you get that color?

To dye your hair ashy, you need to know a few basics. If the idea is spontaneous, and this is the first painting, you don’t need to run to your girlfriend, we recommend that you turn to a good hairdresser (not all specialists are able to dye ashy). Go to someone you trust or have heard of.

Dark hair must first be lightened, and in order to avoid severe damage, carry out the lamination procedure.

You should not save on beauty, use only proven, high-quality materials in your experiments. They guarantee the result, the paint will not wash off immediately and your hair will remain in its original state, without significant damage to the structure. After all, ash-colored hair dye is far from a sparing solution.

There are times when the color is not what was promised, greenish or yellow, it depends on the original tone of the hair.

Remember, hair care after going to the hairdresser and changing the color must be appropriate in order to maintain silkiness, smoothness and a neat appearance. Nourishing masks must be done every 7-9 days, the hair should not dry out, otherwise you will not avoid broken, lifeless ends.

The variety of shades of ash is very rich (dark ash hair color, light ash hair color, ash brown hair color).

Let's take a few shades as an example.

ash blonde

The time for doll girls has passed, naturalness is in trend, so you can safely call ash-blond in demand. In our country, hair from birth is in most cases blond, but women love to change so much that they forget what they were originally. Moreover, the usual color always wants to give more brightness and saturation.

The course of action depends on what color you need to work with initially, the darker the strands, the more washes you need to make. The black pigment is the worst.

To combat dark colors, you need to use special pigmented paints, add mixton to the solution.

The only advantage of this color is that you can hide natural gray hair.

Dark Ash

No less popular shade, it amazes with its variations, this applies only to dark shades.

Take an easy test to determine if this color suits you: choose an outfit in dark blue or gray tones, stand in front of a mirror, evaluate your appearance.

Like? So this is your color. Did you not like the choice? Give up the idea of ​​repainting in this particular shade, it will not suit you.

Summing up

On the Internet, you can always look at photos of ashy hair color, discuss whether it suits you, and whether you really need it.

Remember that every coloring harms your natural hair beauty. Our article has revealed all the subtleties of this color, make a decision after reading.

Women love to experiment with their looks. The easiest way is to dye your hair. The whole image as a whole depends on the correctly chosen hair color.

The right shade of hair will make the skin of the face more even, the eyes will sparkle with a perky sparkle. However, it may well turn out that the new hair color will be beautiful in itself, however, it will indicate wrinkles on your skin, accentuate an imperfect complexion, and even throw a couple of years on top.

So, the choice is made. You want to dye your hair ashen. It should be said that girls with natural ashy hair are very rare. He will make you a sophisticated, romantic nature.

A stunningly beautiful and elegant hair color has not gone out of fashion for many years. The fact is that he endows his owner with aristocracy.

Who suits ash hair color

However, you need to know that ashy hair is not for everyone. This is a rather whimsical shade. It can indeed give the skin an unhealthy, earthy tone, as well as highlight other skin imperfections that were not previously evident.

It is believed that ash hair is ideal for girls of the summer color type, who have blond hair, blue or gray eyes, fair skin.

Makeup for girls with ashy hair

In this case, ashy hair will suit you, especially if you add notes of harmony using decorative cosmetics.

Your makeup should be done in light, cool shades. Blush and lipstick should be chosen in coral or pale pink tones, shades - pale blue, pink, light purple or gray.

For makeup, you can also use bright red lipstick, but it can make you look a bit vulgar, so it's best left for special occasions. If the face is too pale, then it can be revived with foundation and pink powder.

Ink and pencil for contouring is better to choose blue or gray. The makeup of the "snow queen" should not contain warm tones, as such cosmetics will make her look older. Ashy hair goes well with a wardrobe of pink, blue, yellow and gray outfits, a little muted contrast. Black is not the best choice. It will be useful to recall the image of Christina Aguilera and Paris Hilton, who perfectly combined light shades in the wardrobe with ashy hair color.

How to get ashy hair color

  • As a rule, in order to get an ashy color, your hair should initially be light enough. Few people have these, so most have to lighten by 2 - 4 tones. And only after the hair is lightened, it will be possible to use resistant paint or an ashy tonic.
  • To get ashy hair color, you need to purchase a lilac tonic. After applying it to the hair, it should not be washed off for at least 24 hours. In addition, this color must be constantly maintained, regularly updating it. As a rule, you need to refresh the color after 6-8 shampoos. To keep the color for a long period of time, you must use a balm and a special shampoo that holds the color.
  • When darker roots begin to show, they need to be lightened, and this is a difficult process. It is important to evenly color them, while not damaging the hair. It is better to carry out this procedure, after all, in a beauty salon. If you, nevertheless, decide to carry out this procedure yourself, then use an already proven clarifier. Apply it to the roots for 10-15 minutes, and then evenly distribute it along the entire length of the hair.

Masks for ashy hair

With such experiments on the hair, it is important to maintain the health of the hair, so it is necessary to use masks. The best masks for bleached hair- Redken and Kerastase Masquintense, they perfectly restore hair, thanks to the high concentration of protein in their composition.

Paints - ashy shades of hair

Ashy hair color - photo

Recently, the dark ash color of the hair is the undisputed trend of the fashion podium. It is quite popular among celebrities and fashion bloggers, it is extremely beautiful and comes in many different shades.

Today we are going to take a look at all the trendy shades of this season and who they are best suited for!

Ash-colored curls are literally associated with ashes. If you look closely at the color tone, you can see the gray color of the hair with black and silver notes. Of course, it is not difficult to guess that the ashy color can be attributed to the natural palette of colors. Although it is quite rare in nature, it does exist. The most common ash shades for Europeans are light blond, blond, dark blond or dark brown.

Who prefers steel color

Traditional bright colors include blond in an unnatural white color, as well as a burning brunette, but this does not mean at all that there are no other less catchy variations. Among them there are ashy hair, which can make a dramatic change in the image, turning a gray mouse into a real socialite. But it is important to remember that this shade is not suitable for every beauty. Of course, dark ash is unusual and extremely beautiful, but this does not mean that it suits every woman and girl. Do you want to focus on natural beauty? In this case, you need to wisely approach the issue of staining.

Unusually expressive ash curls look on young ladies with blue eyes and fair skin, and especially women with mature beauty. If you have cold features, this is also your shade, and for young ladies with imperfect facial skin, where there are scars, acne and pronounced wrinkles, it is advisable to choose another option for yourself, since the “ash” will only emphasize the flaws.

The best ally for a dark ash shade is smooth white skin. But it is important to take into account the fact that this color of hair, as a rule, adds age.

Who won't it suit?

If you can’t boast of perfect skin, you should know that ash color is not for you. Against its background, even the most inconspicuous scars, pimples will catch your eye, and the skin itself can acquire an undesirable and not too pleasant earthy shade. This color also emphasizes mimic wrinkles, and, naturally, adds age.

A good result will also not work with a “warm” type of appearance - these are green or brown eyes, red, chestnut or golden curls, pale or dark skin, but with freckles. The exception is ash-brown, in some cases it is able to blend harmoniously even with too dark skin, however, it is unusually capricious.

This steel color quite often adds a little extra age - if this bothers you, it is better to give preference to a different tone. It looks good in an original way on beauties with dark skin, but it is better to consult a professional stylist before coloring.

You should not dye red and golden hair ashes, because you still won’t be able to get the right shade, but there are great chances to ruin the curls.

Based on this, the warm-ash tint is not suitable for everyone, but if everything is done correctly, then you can look great. The owners of this chic shade are guaranteed the attention of others.

Shades of dark ash

If we are talking about fashionable tones of dark ash color of the hair, then in this case the leading position is occupied by a dark ash color, followed by dark blond and dark brown ash.

You will be surprised, however, there are many different options for painting in a dark blond color. This applies to both warm and cold shades of hair.

Especially stylists noted that the trend was the dark ash color of the hair with light brown notes. We propose to discuss these trends in more detail.

So beautiful, dark ash blond curls in their natural beauty are quite common. Hairdressers note that today many young ladies strive to get an ashy shade. After all, such an image looks extremely beautiful and elegant. Again, modern fashion beauties are increasingly chasing the fashion trends of alternative hair coloring. What does it mean?

First of all, we are talking about coloring curls with ashy tones. So, for example, if the natural light brown color lacks an ashy tint, then you can give it an alternative coloring. This does not mean that aggressive coloring compositions must be used. It will be enough to use tinted hair dyes and you can do it at home, the main thing to remember is that in no case should ash be applied to a blond, there is a risk of getting a green or purple tint to the strands.

Fashion advice! Steel-colored curls are ideal for girls with gray, blue or brown eyes, swarthy or light skin color.

Also today, procedures for highlighting hair with ashy strands are relevant. In particular, highlighting with steel ash shades looks organically paired with cold chocolate, blond, dark blond tone. Many beauties also prefer the shade of hair brown dark ash or chestnut. It looks extremely luxurious and stylish, is a harmony of cold and warm colors. This option is an excellent solution for light, dark and olive skin, blue, brown and green eyes.

Coloring composition dark ash color

Nowadays, the cosmetic industry produces a huge amount of hair dyes, which are divided into dye with ammonia, natural, and also tinting paint. Natural compositions of hair dyes help strengthen hair, but many of them are not able to achieve a beautiful pigment. Toning paints only give the curls a rich sheen, and dyes containing ammonia can radically change the color of the hair.

We tried to pick up more popular hair dyes with a dark ash tint.

  • L'Oreal Paris EXCELLENCE series number 5.15 color frosty chestnut
  • L'Oreal Paris CASTING CRÈME GLOSS series number 613 frosty gloss
  • L’Oreal Paris series SUBLIME MOUSSE number 600 color light chestnut pure
  • L'Oreal Paris EXCELLENCE series number 7.1 ash blonde

Getting the desired coloring result is actually very difficult, especially at home. Very often, absolutely unexpected green, purple and pink colors are obtained.

This is especially true for previously bleached strands or those that differ from natural tones (red, brown).

In this regard, it is better to entrust such an important task as painting the hair in ashy color to a professional.

It is also desirable to select the paint together with the stylist, since the wrong paint can ruin the whole look of healthy hair.

The easiest way to dye in ashen color is gray curls or naturally light.

It will be much more difficult for brunettes to achieve this shade, since at first they will need to lighten their hair, and only then proceed to dyeing.

It is important to remember the detrimental effects of staining after clarification. In this regard, it is important to use professional care balms and shampoos. It is recommended to make nourishing and moisturizing masks.

A huge role in this matter is played by the experience of a specialist, because it is he who will be able to achieve an ashy shade directly as the girl herself represents it.

To achieve a unique dark ash shade, you can use the popular 3D coloring technology. It involves mixing several colors during the procedure, so that the color turns out to be iridescent, multifaceted and original. For example, take a dark blond color, silver and dark ash. The result is a bright, rich and vibrant color.

An important point is also the correct choice of paint, as we have already said. Today, manufacturers are actively working on the creation of new types of dyes, therefore, the range of hair coloring compositions is rapidly expanding.

Conventionally, all dyes can be divided into three types:

  1. natural paint;
  2. Resistant cream paint with ammonia;
  3. Toning compositions.

Natural paints are created on the basis of vegetable natural components. They are able to have a beneficial effect on the condition of the hair, however, it will not work to get the necessary shade, especially with notes of silver.

Toning balms, paints, tonics endow hair color with saturation. They do not damage the structure of the hair and do not dry out the ends at all. But there is also a significant drawback - the result of toning is quickly washed off.

Good tinting balms that will give the hair notes of warmth can be found among domestic manufacturers: Tonic, Every Day, Irida. In addition, there are global brands "Estelle" and "Loreal", which produce tonic shampoos. You can use these products not only to give a shade, they help maintain the result of painting. It is enough to use the shampoo once a week, this will help the coloring effect last longer on the hair.

The most reliable way to change the original color of the hair to dark ash is permanent staining. Of course, resistant paint contains oxidizing agents and ammonia, which can adversely affect the structure when penetrating deep into the hairs. However, with proper use of the dye and additional care for the hair after dyeing, you can maintain a healthy state of hair.

Loreal paint is very popular and in demand, which has many options. "Cream Gloss Frosty Glyase" is an excellent option for gentle coloring of curls. This composition is applied very simply, includes many useful components, does not spoil the structure of the hairs.

Sublime Mousse Pure Light Chestnut is part of a range of soft-touch mousse texture formulations. It is easy to apply, it does not spread and it is washed off the skin with water.

The Loreal Excellence Creme collection contains ceramides and procreatins, which are able to create a protective layer on each hair. This helps to protect against the adverse effects of ultraviolet radiation and other harmful environmental factors. This collection provides such shades as frosty chestnut and ash-blond.

Estel De Luxe professional coloring composition in ash dark blond color contains a protective emulsion, vitamins, chitosan and plant extracts. In addition to persistent staining, curls become silky and shiny.

Whether it is worth dyeing your hair ashy is a personal matter for every girl, however, you should always monitor the health of your strands.

Features of painting in ashy color

Almost every girl is used to painting on her own - she applied the composition, washed off and that's it, the coloring is over. But with ashy tones this will not work, to achieve the desired shade, you will need to perform a series of procedures:

Dark hair will definitely need to be lightened.

The paint must be applied in the usual way or on individual strands - it all depends on the preferred painting technology.

If your hair has been dyed before, the hairdresser will pay special attention to the choice of paint, follow the process of color development.

Hair care after coloring

Ash-colored paints contain quite aggressive microcomponents that have an adverse effect on the structure of the hairs. To give the hairstyle a beautiful and healthy look, after painting it needs to be intensively looked after. Will come to the rescue:

  • Professional balms and shampoos.
  • Recovery masks. You can use homemade recipes, they are useful for hair, but they can change color, so their use is not advisable.
  • Restorative procedures in the salon.


Steel color is extremely beautiful, unusual and rather whimsical. To achieve it, you will have to try hard, and it is best to immediately contact the master. Its most popular and sought-after shades are chestnut-ash, dark ash and light brown. If you have clear skin, strict features and blue eyes, and you also have no fear of growing up for a few years, you can choose ash, such a beautiful and noble color!