How to paint in ashy. Ash-brown hair: coloring features

Bold, bold, unusual and so beautiful - all these words, without a share of falsehood, can be devoted to the hair color that is popular today - the ash shade of hair. A girl with a silver "mane" (if the tone is chosen correctly) resembles a modern Snow Queen, who is beautiful in her coldness. But how to choose your ashy hair color.

Ash hair color is both neutral and bright. Cool, silver color creates an elegant look and never goes out of style.

Platinum shades were chosen not only by bold and daring fashionistas who are not afraid of increased general attention, but also by many famous celebrities and bloggers, because they are obliged to shock the public so that the level of popularity always remains at its best.

So if the heart requires a change in appearance, and you are ready for a cardinal step - choose silver coloring! Doing it yourself is not recommended! After all, it is important not only to perform each stage of coloring with high quality, but also to find that very perfect silver shimmer that will suit your color type and turn you into an exquisite beauty, and not into a freak girl.

Who suits ash shades

The basic pure tone of ash or silver is not suitable for every lady. Only fair-haired beauties with sky blue or gray eyes and porcelain skin can choose this particular shade without hesitation. At the same time, the skin must be perfect - that is, without defects (without pimples or redness, without age spots or scars, and without a single wrinkle). If you ignore this warning, the result will not please you at all, all the flaws will be so clearly emphasized that even professional makeup will not save the situation.

Who Should Avoid

Silver curls will not look very attractive on girls with a warm skin tone. A strong contrast between the coldness of the shade of the hair and the warmth of the shade of the face will play a cruel joke with its owner, because she will look more like an awkward doll, but not a style icon.

Owners of chestnut hair or with a golden undertone will also have to look for a shade close to the ashes. But silver will have to be abandoned, because the golden undertone will always show through the coldness of the ashes a little, and the end result will look more like, but not platinum.

Ash blond hair color (photo)

The ash-blond shade looks very noble. Strands in this color do not look as bold as silver hair, but they can refresh the image. The easiest way is to turn into ash-blond curls that were naturally blond, that is, the specialist will need to work with undertones that will provide an exquisite platinum sheen.

Strands of this color will look no less advantageous:

  • on natural blondes with a cold color type (such an Aryan type of appearance)
  • on fair-haired beauties of Slavic appearance with pronounced eyes
  • on fair-skinned brunettes with bright, deep, dark eyes
  • on swarthy girls with eyes of an unusual color
  • on green-eyed brown-haired women with porcelain skin

In fact, a real stylist can turn into an ash-blond beauty any girl who wishes such changes.

A lady with ash-blond hair looks very gentle, almost like a forest fairy. You will need to get used to the new airy look and forget about rock or vamp clothes.

Light blond ash hair color (photo)

Light blond hair with a silvery sheen is one of the most popular interpretations of the above color. This color will emphasize the beauty of young women with fair skin and green, gray or azure blue eyes. You should not try to repaint in this subtone for girls with freckles or blue-black curls, donated by nature.

Dark blond ashy hair color (photo)

Unlike light blond platinum, dark blond platinum tone is suitable for very young ladies, and for women "after 30", as it does not emphasize the first wrinkles. This is exactly the undertone that will refresh the boring image of a business woman, without adding frivolity to her, but emphasizing femininity. The ash tone on dark blond strands goes well with almost any style of clothing, besides, it is easier to achieve on dark curls, because you don’t have to lighten your hair hard.

Swarthy-skinned oriental beauties also should not ignore such an excellent color. If you have almond-shaped eyes, thick black lashes, and defined cheekbones, go for it! Dark skin will shine with health and freshness from the inside against the background of the new color of your hair. Even beauties with African roots can dare to experiment and repaint just like that.

Ash blonde - aristocratic chic

Ash blond, in fact, goes to a very small number of the fair sex. Only girls with perfect pearl-porcelain skin, bright eyes and thin facial contours should decide on such a drastic change of image. That is, only on girls with a doll-like appearance, he will look really chic.

Dark eyebrows, cheeks turning pink with embarrassment, dark skin or transparent light eyes - these features of appearance will not “make friends” with a silvery blond. The only way out is to dilute it with a golden undertone, even girls with freckles and warm skin color can do this. Such a blond with a blue tint looks very unusual, but it will suit only fair-skinned green-eyed beauty.

Ash brown hair color (photo) - chic and "won't kill" your hair

Silver blond, as we have already found out, is not for everyone, but if you have always dreamed of such a mane, we recommend paying attention to ash-brown coloring.

Strands of this color “make friends” with dark eyes and pronounced dark eyebrows, and even with skin of a warm color type. Ash-brown curls will make the skin of the face visually fresher and rejuvenated, so that women after thirty can also safely choose just such a tone. Bright eye makeup, lips accentuated with pastel lipstick - and you are the queen of the evening.

It is not necessary to “silver” the strands along the entire length. Shatush or ombre coloring with darker roots and highlighted platinum brown tips is a great solution. This coloring will look gorgeous on both long curls and strands of medium length.

Dark ashy hair color (photo) - brown-eyed fit

Not every lady decides to wear dark ash on the strands. It makes the image quite tough and flashy, so owners of large facial contours and imperfect skin are advised to look for something more suitable for themselves. It will emphasize the depth of brown eyes, but gray or light blue eyes against a dark ashy background will look like translucent puddles.

Ash-pink curls - what modern dolls choose

For very young long-haired beauties, stylists recommend paying attention to platinum-pink coloring. It looks very interesting, adds to your image of childish naivety, playfulness and dreaminess. Which way of "transformation" is right for you - shatush, balayage and everyone's favorite ombre - you decide. The result will definitely be outstanding. Just be prepared for an increased level of attention from others, because you won’t be able to go unnoticed.

Paint - that's what you need to arm yourself with!

Professional paint is the best solution. It is recommended to choose several tones, and, having created such a “cocktail” from them, start coloring. This is the only way to really create the perfect undertone for each client individually, that is, to find the undertone that will be “friends” with the color type, and emphasize the beauty of the eye, and will not “throw” its owner a couple of years.

But if there is no opportunity to buy a professional product, we go to the store. Buy only quality products. It is best to study several sources on the Internet in advance and choose the paint that has already received positive reviews and recommendations for use from professional stylists.
Often, for each manufacturer, ashy paints are distinguished by a separate digit-number, so that it is easier to search for the desired tone. There is no generally accepted numbering, it is individual for each brand.

How to get platinum color?

For each client, stylists develop a unique coloring algorithm that will achieve the desired color. Sometimes, in order for the client to be completely satisfied with the result, it is necessary to apply paint to the hairs several times.

Turning dark strands into silver requires prior clarification. Only on the highlighted strands is a mixton of the right tones applied, so that the result does not give off yellowness, but has a noble pearl tint.

Lightening is best done in several stages, using a more gentle and oxide solution, give up a strong concentration so as not to “burn” the hairs. It is better to entrust clarification to a professional, because a friend or mother may simply not know how to work with this or that product, and a hairstyle with a yellowish or even greenish tint will not make you happy.

Exposure of clarifiers on curls depends on the base (initial) color, but you shouldn’t overexpose clarifiers, because they are able to turn living hair into crumbling straw.

The dried mane, dried with a hairdryer, is dyed with the selected paint and left to fix exactly for the time that the manufacturer recommends in the instructions.

Women love to change, add a riddle to their image. While some get rid of gray hair in all known ways, others want to acquire it with the same zeal. In nature, such strong, bright shades are almost never found, it can be purchased from coloring specialists.

We will help you choose the right shade of ashy hair to your taste, and tell you how the color change procedure goes.

What do you need to know?

Spring has come, the mood has changed, do you want changes?! Of course, a change of image will help us. Hair coloring radically changes the appearance, some neutral colors will not help us with this, but the ashy shade is what we need !!!

But do not make a decision hastily, there are several factors to consider.

Ash color is cold. Choosing, for example, its pearl shade, you turn yourself into a snow queen, take this into account when you decide to color, some ladies absolutely cannot wear this color.

Compatibility will directly depend on skin tone. Insidious ashen can make you an unhealthy old woman.

Finding the right shade

The ideal appearance for an ashy shade is women of the “summer type”. Blond strands, light gray or aqua eyes, pale skin. Such a combination, a highlight in appearance.

You do not need to repaint your hair in a more expressive color if your facial skin is far from ideal (scars, replenishment and pimples, age spots).

Ash hair will emphasize imperfections and make them more visible.

If your hair is from birth the color of chestnut, gold, you should not try to dye your hair ashen. No matter how hard you try to color the yellow pigment, it still won’t hide completely, which will eventually give a result close to a light brown tone.

You need to pass such tests on your hair only if it is vital for you. Numerous colorings will only kill the shine and attractiveness of your hair, think before you dye your hair, "is the game worth the candle."

So how do you get that color?

To dye your hair ashy, you need to know a few basics. If the idea is spontaneous, and this is the first painting, you don’t need to run to a girlfriend, we recommend that you turn to a good hairdresser (not all specialists are able to dye ashy). Go to someone you trust or have heard of.

Dark hair must first be lightened, and in order to avoid severe damage, carry out the lamination procedure.

You should not save on beauty, use only proven, high-quality materials in your experiments. They guarantee the result, the paint will not wash off immediately and your hair will remain in its original state, without significant damage to the structure. After all, ash-colored hair dye is far from a sparing solution.

There are times when the color is not what was promised, greenish or yellow, it depends on the original tone of the hair.

Remember, hair care after going to the hairdresser and changing the color must be appropriate in order to maintain silkiness, smoothness and a neat appearance. Nourishing masks must be done every 7-9 days, the hair should not dry out, otherwise you will not avoid broken, lifeless ends.

The variety of shades of ash is very rich (dark ash hair color, light ash hair color, ash brown hair color).

Let's take a few shades as an example.

ash blonde

The time for doll girls has passed, naturalness is in trend, so you can safely call ash-blond in demand. In our country, hair from birth is in most cases blond, but women love to change so much that they forget what they were originally. Moreover, the usual color always wants to give more brightness and saturation.

The course of action depends on what color you need to work with initially, the darker the strands, the more washes you need to make. The black pigment is the worst.

To combat dark colors, you need to use special pigmented paints, add mixton to the solution.

The only advantage of this color is that you can hide natural gray hair.

Dark Ash

No less popular shade, it amazes with its variations, this applies only to dark shades.

Take an easy test to determine if this color suits you: choose an outfit in dark blue or gray tones, stand in front of a mirror, evaluate your appearance.

Like? So this is your color. Did you not like the choice? Give up the idea of ​​repainting in this particular shade, it will not suit you.

Summing up

On the Internet, you can always look at photos of ashy hair color, discuss whether it suits you, and whether you really need it.

Remember that every coloring harms your natural hair beauty. Our article has revealed all the subtleties of this color, make a decision after reading.

Photo of ashy hair color

Recently, the ash-blond shade of hair has declared itself as a fashion trend. More and more celebrities are turning to this shade, almost all paint manufacturers offer it in their palette. Ash-blond hair color can give the image a unique zest, but it is worth considering the features of this difficult color.

The palette of ash-blond shades contains the following main categories:

  • Ash blonde: very light, almost white, shade with a deep cold tint.
  • Light blond: cold blond with deep overflow;

  • Blonde: natural shade;

  • Dark blond: gives hair a silvery sheen. Sometimes ash dark blond is called cold brown. However, a distinctive feature of the ashy is precisely the metallic silver or steel tint.

Who suits the shades

Ash tones are suitable for women belonging to the "Summer" color type. This color type implies cold shades of skin, hair and eyes. Representatives of the summer type have light, white skin, prone to pallor.

Ash blond hair color is the perfect solution for women of the “Summer” color type

The condition of the skin is very important. Ash shades will favorably emphasize the smoothness and beauty of good skin, but mercilessly highlight imperfections in case of bumps, enlarged pores and wrinkles.

If the skin is prone to redness, then the redness will be emphasized, and the cheeks and forehead will acquire an earthy color. It is also worth refraining from giving the hair an ashy shade for women prone to bruising and bags under the eyes. A fashionable shade will show these flaws even brighter.

Gray or blue eyes are also a sign of the summer color type. Brown-eyed women should choose the shade individually. For the owners of the southern type of appearance, ashy shades can make the features harder and rougher.

Ash-blond hair color is a paint that gives elegance to gray-haired women, naturally masking gray hair. However, those who are aged, who have retained their natural hair color, should be careful about choosing ashy shades, as they can age.

In general, having dyed your hair in ashy shades, it must be borne in mind that cold colors should be preferred in the wardrobe. Warm shades of colors in clothes will bring unnecessary dissonance.

When you need to pre-lighten your hair

Preliminary lightening of hair is necessary to give an ash-blond shade to hair, the natural color of which is 3 tones darker than desired. Lightening is also necessary for brown-haired women and red-haired women of fashion, because without it, yellowness will appear on an ash-blond shade. The violet pigment contained in the dye can give the hair a greenish tint.

Coloring at home

Ash-blond hair color is very difficult to obtain when dyeing at home. Experts recommend contacting professional salons, where the hairdresser can properly mix different colors, especially when the original hair color is very different from the desired tone and shade.

In order not to get upset at the end of the procedure, it is recommended to first color a small strand in the ear area and see what happens as a result.

If the decision to dye your hair in an ash-blond color at home is made, you should adhere to the following algorithm:

The most popular paints for getting ash-blond shades of hair


Estelle paints are professional products used by craftsmen in salons. Differ in high durability. Often, in order to achieve the desired result, in addition to the main paint, it is necessary to apply tint correctors. Recommended for advanced users.

The palette of colors includes shades:

  1. Intensely ashy /1 and /11.
  2. Ash golden /13 and /116.
  3. Ash-pearl /18.
  4. Ash purple /61.

In this case, paints with number 9 before the slash indicate light blond. For example, paint 10/16 is called "Polar Ice", and 9/1 "Blonde Ash".


Ash-blond hair color - Garnier paint is a great choice for getting it. Garnier paints are widespread and very popular. The composition includes natural oils and reflective particles. This gives the hair a healthy shine and extra shine.

It is noted that, subject to the technology, the final color corresponds to that stated on the package. Garnier paints are designed for home use, so all the necessary components are always included in the kit.

In the Color Sensation palette, the following colors are intended for the ashy shade of hair:

  1. Ash-silver blond 910.
  2. Ultrablonde platinum 111.
  3. Pearl Ash Blonde - 7.12

Also in the Olia line is Ash Blonde Olia 1.


L'Oreal paints are rich in pigment and gentle on the hair. The French company produces both professional products and paints for home use. Home paints are produced under the L'Oreal Paris brand.

In the Casting Crème Gloss series, an ashy shade can be obtained with paints:

PRÉFÉRENCE paints give permanent coloring and offer:

Ash-blond hair color in perfect performance is difficult to obtain using paints for domestic use. They, as a rule, do not give the perfect icy ashy effect and rather give the hair delicate ash-beige or golden-ash shades, which, if stained unsuccessfully, cast yellow.

The L'Oreal professional line of paints is produced under the L'Oreal Professionel brand. In the numbering of the professional palette of this manufacturer, ashy shades go under the code.1. Under numbers.2, mother-of-pearl is produced.

Professional Series:

  • In the Majiblond series of permanent professional dyes, ash blonde is represented by numbers 901, 901s and 911, and under numbers 921 and 921s shades are offered in shades of very light mother-of-pearl-ash blond and ultra-light pearl-ash blond;
  • In the line of professional ammonia-free paints Inoa, ash shades can be obtained with paints numbered 6.1-10.1;
  • The L’Oreal DIARICHESSE brand offers paint 9.01 Icy Milkshake and 10.12 Ash-Pearl Milkshake.


Igora Royal is produced by Schwarzkopf and belongs to professional dyes. You can buy paint of this brand only on the Internet or in beauty salons. Igora color palettes are presented under different names, the shade lines have their own numbering.

Ash paints are in the following lines:

  • Ultra-light blonde is line No. 10 - Igora Higllights. The paints of this line are intended for clarification. Ash shade goes under the numbers 10-1 and 10-2. The same line includes Ash Extra 10-11 and Ash Purple 10-19;
  • A light ash shade is presented in the Igora Vibrance line under the number 9.5-1.

Palette of other brands


Ash-blond shades can be obtained by staining with MATRIX Socolor Beauty Ultra Blond paint. The manufacturer promises lightening up to 5 tones at a time and, very importantly, claims that ashy shades appear without yellowness.

Matrix paints are intended for home use, but still belong to professional ones, therefore they require certain knowledge in coloring.


Prestige paint contains a vitamin complex and wheat protein. These components protect the hair, eliminate brittleness, and restore the skin.

Ash-blond shades are represented by such paint numbers as:

  • 209 light ash blonde;
  • 211 ash blonde.


The Swedish company Oriflame in the Color-Expert line of paints allows you to get ash-blond curls if you use color 8.1. The soft texture of the paint guarantees even distribution of paint on the hair and accurate staining of each strand. The paint perfectly paints over gray hair.


Ash-blond hair color: Londacolor paint offers a palette of products under the numbers 6/1, 7/1, 8/1, 9/1, 10/1, 12/1.
Paints can be mixed with each other, so if you have some experience at home, you can get a unique individual ashy shade.


SanoTint No. 15 paints contain natural ingredients, such as birch extract. The paints do not contain ammonia and therefore have a gentle effect on the hair, practically without damaging them. However, that is why it is possible to lighten hair by no more than 2 tones. An ash-blond shade can be obtained using C15 paint.

Photos before and after

With the help of an ash-blond shade, it is easy to perform many transformations:

  • An ordinary brown-haired woman in a mysterious diva with dark blond ashy hair. The new color will favorably emphasize porcelain skin.

  • The classic version of gray hair disguise - hair from an indefinite color gets a bright silver tint.
  • An ashy shade will be an unsuccessful result if it emphasizes bruises under the eyes and highlights wrinkles that are actually minor.
  • The ideal result for a business woman will be obtained if the ashy shade gives the features some sharpness, which, with the right choice of wardrobe, will become a sign of true elegance.

An ash-brown shade of hair can decorate a woman of any age, however, when choosing this color, you need to make sure that it fits all the parameters of appearance, choose the right paint and dye your hair, following the technology. Then the result will exceed all expectations.

Article formatting: Svetlana Ovsyanikova

Video on the topic: hair coloring in ash-blond color

Hair coloring in ash-blond color, photo:

Video instruction on the topic: “Hair toning. How to make an ash-blond color ":

To date, ash blond is the most popular and does not lose its relevance. It gives the image nobility and elegance.

If you are a blonde, then your hair will suit a variety of shades of blonde, from light blond to dark ash blonde. In general, light hair color can suit almost every woman, if you choose the right shade. In addition, light hair color always refreshes the face.

Ash blonde is the trendiest hair color in 2018?

Naturalness, natural hair color and fresh makeup are in fashion. Shades of ash blonde are also restrained and calm, close to natural. Ash blonde is the coldest shade. Good for girls with fair skin.

Also, the advantage of the ash blond is that it does not leave the effect of yellowness, and the cold tone emphasizes the beauty of the skin and eyes.

Blonde girls have always been popular and attracted attention to their person. And there is hardly a man whose eyes would not stop at a beautiful blonde.

Fresh photos - blond ash (crystal pearl, purple-ash, platinum, cold blond)

Ash blondes will suit calm, pastel makeup. For the eyes, choose golden brown, warm shades. To give the face freshness and radiance, it is better to use pink or light pink blush. As for the lips, pink shades of lipstick are more suitable for ash blondes. Of course, you can use dark lipstick, but if you choose bright or dark lipstick, you need to take into account the complexion - it should be perfectly even and fresh.

Ash blonde- very light color with a grayish tint, natural and luxurious. This pastel, soft shade suits almost all girls (see photo below). You can do the ombre technique or highlighting, which is based on platinum color.

Cold ash blonde looks perfect on both long curls and short haircuts. This is a mesmerizing magnetic color that is impossible to resist. But to achieve this color at home is very difficult, so it would be better to trust a professional.

Shade platinum blonde- deep, lively and alluring color. Looks very impressive and beautiful. Suitable for women with pale or pale pink skin.

Crystal pearl shade- light, delicate and soft tone. It's a beautiful, expensive color. Shades of this color are completely different from light gold to golden pearl. The pearl shade makes the hair color sparkle and shine in a new way, it seems to revive them. Hair dyed in a pearl shade looks simply gorgeous.

Violet Ash Blonde- beautiful, delicate color with a slight silvery tint. This is a trendy youth color, bright and individual.

Hair dye "ash blond" - which one to choose?

Today there is a large selection of hair coloring products, from simple colors to professional ones, various in structure and components. It is best to use a paint cream, because it is they who carefully dye the hair, giving it the desired shade. Let's take a look at a few of the best.

For example professional paint Schwarzkopf Perfect Mousse (Schwarzkopf Mousse) with a high concentration of color pigments. This is ammonia-free paint, with a convenient configuration and smell.

Wella Wellaton (Vella) - resistant cream paint. The elements included in the composition protect the hair from external factors, ultraviolet rays. Ensures uniform and gentle coloring.

Garnier Olia (Garnish) - resistant ammonia-free cream paint, with a high content of nutrients. Colors well, while nourishing and protecting from damage. High quality care plus moisturizing.

Garnier Color Naturals is a long-lasting, nourishing hair color with a unique formula that softens and nourishes hair. Works well with gray hair.

How to dye your hair ash blonde at home?

  1. First you need to buy an ashy or purple tonic paint and the most gentle, gentle oxidizer with powder in order to bleach your hair.

(If you want to test the dye, then you need to apply a small amount of the product to a separate strand of hair and skin behind the ear).

2. We dilute the powder with an oxidizing agent and apply it to the curls, starting from the tips. Wash off and move on to the next step.

3. The next step is to apply paint to the roots of the hair, moving smoothly towards the tips (divide the strands into partings for this). It is advisable to apply the dye to dry, unwashed hair, because if you dye clean, washed hair, you can burn your scalp, especially for those who have sensitive skin or skin that is prone to allergies. If you chose not a paint but a tonic, just after washing your hair, apply a tint tonic and hold for a couple of minutes.

4. After dyeing your hair, we recommend using a shampoo specifically for colored hair, because ordinary shampoo washes away the dye and vitamins contained in the dye. (This applies to the first shampoo after coloring.)
Well, to keep the shine of the hair, after coloring, you can use a balm or conditioner.

Girls who are afraid to experiment with paints and dye themselves blond, but want to change something in themselves, can first try a tint balm (tonic) for hair.

Video how to dye your hair ash blonde

Hair dyeing in ashen blond: reviews

Feedback from Irishka 29 years old
«… I really love the color ash blond, and in general all shades of blond .. I have been using Estel High Blond de luxe / 101 paint for two years now. The paint itself is very delicate and has a pleasant aroma. (This dye is sold in special hairdressing stores. I think that girls who want ash blond will not regret it. The color is so neutral and cold, and the hair, by the way, is not dry and shiny. Quite affordable price and good quality…»

Fashion is constantly changing, so girls either buy different clothes, or lose weight, or go to the gym, or change their hair color. But no matter what, the color that will never lose its popularity is black.

And recently, ash shades are also fashionable. Therefore, we will combine two relevant topics and answer the main question that worries most modern girls - how to make an ash-black hair color? Attention to the photo:

Who suits a dark ashy shade of hair?

Burning brunettes always attract the eyes of millions of men. Sexuality, independence, determination, self-confidence - that's what comes to mind when you see black-haired beauties.

But does this color suit everyone? The main thing to be guided by is the eyes and skin.

  • Firstly, black is suitable for either owners of dark skin, or, conversely, pale.
  • Secondly, it is desirable that there are no problem areas on the face, because. such a shade of hair will only emphasize them.
  • Thirdly, with green and brown eyes, clearly black will look much more advantageous.
  • And fourthly, the dark color will visually make the curls more voluminous.

It will look incomparable with gray-blue, marsh and brown eyes.

The main thing to remember when choosing such shades is that girls with a cold color type of appearance clearly win.

Combining black and ashy, you get a rather interesting play of colors. Photo:

Ash ombre on dark hair (with photo)

Those brunettes who are afraid to completely dye their curls in an ashy shade, but still want to experiment a little, can consider an ombre - a gradual transition from one color to another. In this case, by the way, a little less harm will be done to the hair.

Ombre on black hair in ashy color is suitable for girls whose hair length is below the shoulders.

This technique has a number of advantages:

  • With it, you can hide the gray hair that appears, often this problem occurs in young girls who, due to heredity or some other reasons, turned gray early.
  • The second reason is that the ombre will help mask the yellowish strands that can appear as a result of lightening the hair.

This coloring technique is perfect for ladies with a cold skin tone and gray-blue eyes, as well as girls with pale skin and green eyes. Photo:

Ash hair color with black roots is certainly a great option, but the most adventurous dark-haired ladies can try to completely change the color of their hair.

To get out of the black color, of course, it will take a lot of effort and time. It is better to contact the salon, because. professionals will do this job much more efficiently than amateurs. After all, no one needs suddenly appeared green or blue shades, and even more so spoiled curls in the form of a washcloth.

The main thing that will be required is patience and a certain amount of money (especially if the hair is long enough). Currently, qualified specialists are not cheap.

Step-by-step instructions for ashy painting

No matter how difficult it is to get out of dark hair color, it is still possible, especially if you have the initial skills in painting.

First you need to bleach your hair, this will help 20 percent peroxide, and then the usual bleaching color.

  1. Peroxide and bleaching powder are mixed in a ratio of 1: 1.
  2. The mass is thoroughly mixed to avoid the formation of lumps.

  1. Then it is evenly applied to the hair.

  1. A hat is put on the head.
  2. After an hour, the hair is washed and dried.

Then, after clarification, you must use the dye level 10 of the desired color.

  1. Now the same peroxide is mixed, but with paint in a ratio of 2: 1.

  1. Everything is stirred.
  2. Next, steps 3-5 from the previous paragraph are repeated.

To achieve a more pronounced ash color, a purple semi-permanent dye can be used. It is mixed with a conditioner so that an unwanted purple tint is not obtained.

After completing all the steps, a beautiful ashy color as in the photo is clearly provided.

Proper hair care with ashy effect

In order for the color to remain as long as possible, and also so that the condition of the hair after the stress in the form of dyeing does not deteriorate significantly, you need to properly care for the hair.

  • It is advisable to give preference to shampoos without sulfates.
  • Regular nourishing masks will return the hair to its former appearance.
  • The use of tint products: shampoos, balms, tonics.
  • It is better, of course, to reduce the use of all kinds of hair dryers, irons, at least for the first time, because. they dry out your hair a lot.

Do not be afraid of experiments (within reason, of course), life is one!

Photo selection: