Manicure in pastel colors gently mint color. Fashion trends when using mint varnish

Soft green - the discovery of the year! Collections popular designers filled with it pleasant shade slightly faded grass. The popularity of mint is increasing every day. Experts recommend using this color in wardrobe, accessories, and manicure. Mint manicure- the hit of the season! Mint - a delicate light green-blue shade. It is similar to the leaves of the plant of the same name not only externally. He borrowed a calming effect from the grass. Mint green color favorably affects nervous system. Mint kind universal color. It looks equally magical on the nails at any time of the year. In the cold - invigorates, warms. In warm - gives a feeling of coolness, refreshes. Mint manicure magically matches with various outfits. But the best option- black outfits, outfits of the same shade.

What do we need for mint manicure

  • Base;
  • Mint varnish;
  • Fixer;
  • Means/tools for manicure;

How to make a mint manicure

Mint manicure provides for the accuracy of hands, nails. Mint is a light tone, against its background, fingers with uncircumcised cuticles, burrs do not look neat. In this regard, bring the handles, nails in proper condition. Make sure that the skin on the hand is not rough. When roughness appears, add vitamins (A, E) to the diet, do a hand peeling. Enjoy nourishing creams. Do everything on a regular basis preventive actions allowing you to keep perfect condition pens, nails.

  1. At this stage, all preparatory procedures have been completed. Degrease your nails. Apply the base. Wait for complete drying.
  2. Apply mint polish in three steps. Mint manicure will turn out beautiful when applying varnish in three steps. First: brush in the middle. Second: with right side marigold. Third: on the left side of the marigold. Nails dyed in this way are neat. Wait for complete drying.
  3. Apply a fixer to prolong the life of the manicure.

Soft manicure in this design is elegant. When a white jacket is added to its design, the overall picture changes significantly.

Plain air drawings are suitable for this color. Snowflakes, peas, flowers, geometric figures, ornament. The painting looks perfect with the use of such colors: pink, sunny, purple. Smolny is suitable for creating a contrasting pattern. Snow will help create abstraction, figures, lines. An elegant, delicate pattern will be obtained using a mint base, with light green, herbal patterns.

For lovers of drawings on plates, we offer a fun solution - coloring nails different shades mint color. In this design, mint manicure will turn out to be very gentle. It will not take a lot of time resources. Arrange the tones in descending order of saturation. Same for both hands. Mint manicure created using the amber technique is unsurpassed! IN this case choose snow as the second color. The nails will turn out not defiant, at the same time bright.

When creating such a manicure, it is not necessary to place accents with lighting solutions. Attention to the nails will be attracted by varnishes with different textures. Highlight a couple of fingers with a glitter coating. Strassies are also suitable for decorating a pair of marigolds, or each. Here it is important to observe the measure. Manicure does not look very elegant with simultaneous use creamy finish and shimmery polish. Choose coatings with the same structure. It is desirable only mother-of-pearl or matte.

Mint manicure can be used for solemn events. The option will turn out brighter when using rhinestones, sparkles. Ribbons, stickers, sequins will also be appropriate. The decoration in the form of delicate lace is a great option for a wedding manicure. All nails do not have to be covered with shiny elements. Focus on 1-2 fingers. Get stylish and elegant.

Mint manicure - style and elegance. Don't neglect this color for casual/holiday nail art."

Excessive strength of the nail plates

Strong long nails are the places of every lady. But durable can be a problem. Mint manicure, created on clean nails, well-groomed hands- it's always excellent. But what to do when the density of nails is excessive? The plates may be too dense for fungal and other diseases. Specialized store shops are ready to offer a remedy for softening thickened nails. But they should not be used without prior consultation with a manicure master. Since with eczema the plates should be chosen with great care as a softening agent. After all, their individual components can aggravate the course of the disease, provoke its transition from remission to the acute phase. Mint manicure on thickened nails does not look too nice. Those who are not ready to risk using the first softening agent they come across can use traditional medicine. They are based on vinegar and castor oil. Castor oil can solve the lion's share cosmetic defects. This also applies to the problem of thickened nails. This tool is part of most products designed for the care of nails and hands. Use it as a mask for the plates. After its application, the nails will become more pliable, it will be easier to process them, to create a shape.

Nail art technique never ceases to amaze with new products. The gel used to model extended nails allows you to create liquid stones. Outwardly, they are very similar to emeralds, sapphires, rubies. We offer you to learn how to make liquid stones yourself, creating a mint manicure. Stones for plates are more often associated with rhinestones. But not always weighty rhinestones, natural minerals allow you to feel comfortable in Everyday life. It is also unpleasant that they are rapidly leaving their positions, especially in cases where they are fixed on natural nails. Casting / liquid stones - latest technology that uses gel extensions.

Advantages of technology:

  • Durability

    The technique is made using gel polish. In this regard, mint manicure can last up to a month. Terms depend on lifestyle, habits.

  • beauty

    Thoughtful design allows you to get aesthetic pleasure from the lovely shine on the plate. The color shimmers with all existing shades.

  • Ease of execution

    With a little training, each lady will be able to create a unique nail art. But if casting is not your forte, then in a specialized shop, purchase ready-made polymer stones. Liquid pebbles, in fact, are polymer particles created from a special varnish, gel. In addition to these tools, mint manicure requires the use of foil, UV lamps.

  • When creating a mint manicure with pebbles for the first time, first practice on one nail, it is easier to correct mistakes.
  • Such a manicure looks great on brides, in this case not ideal bright colors.
  • It is better to create pebbles on long nails. Extended nails look magical with such nail art.
  • It is not necessary to create pebbles on all nails. Decorate a couple of fingers. This can be limited.
  • More natural imitation a stone will turn out if you add a few grains of sand, a sprig of grass, sparkles to the gel.
  • Choose the color of the "stone" according to the color of the eyes: the color of the morning sky is suitable for blue eyes, brown eyes look great with deep amber.
  • If you don’t have a transfer nail foil in your arsenal of improvised tools, use a simple one, but cut the pattern out of it in advance.
  • Practice creating an imitation different stones: turquoise, sapphire, malachite. Mint manicure in this design will be unsurpassed.
  • foil gel is replaceable simple varnish, glue.

“Mint manicure using pink / sunny colors is a marigold decoration. Such nails at any time will create a great summer mood.

Mint in combination with pink looks very unusual, beautiful. When creating a mint manicure with pink, use coatings with the same structure. In this case, the design will be harmonious. Pick a soft pastel for mint. Hot pink looks out of place here. nail design in this color combination looks great with outfits of pink, grass, beige, snow, pitch gold colors. Mint manicure with the addition of pink is suitable for any length of nails.

Mint lacquer good choice for creating regular manicure, french, combined and other types of coverage. The color is appropriate for cold/hot seasons. A capable, soft tone will advantageously emphasize a tanned / swarthy coda. It is equally suitable for brunettes and blond beauties. Maximum effect mint manicure looks in combination with other colors, focusing on the tenderness, freshness of turquoise. Snow and mint varnishes allow you to create a magical jacket, original lunar, painted manicure.

Nail care at home

Mint manicure is a fresh, light manicure that does not suffer any shortcomings in beauty, well-groomed hands / nails. In this regard, we present you with several recipes for nail baths that can improve them in the shortest possible time. simple, effective remedy for nail care - baths. There are different in composition, purpose. Oil are designed to nourish the plates. Gives a natural shine. Use for a bath Castor oil. Warm it up a little and send the nails for 12 minutes. Then wipe with a tissue.

Bath benefits:

  • Moisturizing, preventing breakage.
  • Nutrition with microelements, vitamins. With stratified plates, add a little to the oil lemon juice. The positive effect is guaranteed.
  • Accelerates nail growth.
  • Baths should be done once or twice a week. If there are problems with the plates, increase the number of procedures. At the end of the procedure, lubricate the handles / nails with a nourishing cream.
  • Brittle, fragile plates will quickly be put in order by an oil bath with the addition of vitamin A, a few drops of estuary juice and iodine.
  • In the absence of time resources for baths, wipe the plates several times a day with a cotton swab dipped in oil. The oil must be warm.
  • Another tool that strengthens the plates is saline solution. For cooking, you need a large sea ​​salt. Dissolve a few tablespoons warm water. Small size container. Drop your nails. After a few minutes, wipe off with a soft towel.

Fashion designers around the world are actively using this delicate bluish-light green shade in their new collections. The juicy shade and nails of fashionistas did not bypass, because mint manicure has many advantages. It looks great with black and white pieces of clothing, as well as trendy mint-colored toilets. This shade of nails is relevant in both winter and summer. On the one hand, it refreshes, and on the other hand, it is able to warm and give strength. How to make a beautiful and fashionable manicure?

How to make a classic mint manicure?

Don't you like a manicure that is too bright and overloaded with patterns and glitter? Or the dress code at work does not allow fantasy to work in full, but you still want freshness and novelty in manicure? Then choose a classic mint manicure. In general, the mint shade is self-sufficient and does not require the obligatory company of a pattern or rhinestones.

He can independently refresh the nails, give them a luxurious and radiant look. Such a manicure will add femininity, tenderness and sensuality. In order for your nails to look bright, mint varnish should be applied in two layers.

If you are an adherent of the classics, but you want to revive the mint manicure a little, you can make it soft using the amber technique. The main thing is not to forget that pastel shades require the hostess of a manicure to groom not only nails, but also the skin of their hands.

Two tone mint manicure

In addition to the traditional jacket, mint manicure, the photo of which is presented in the article, has various variations. If use bright color varnish in combination with mint, you get a perky youth option. If you are planning an evening out, then combine mint with golden hues. It looks very interesting on the basis of mint color. It can be complemented with white, pink, lilac and any other delicate pastel tone of varnish. If you want the border between pastel varnishes to be traced, then separate the shades with stripes applied with golden or silver varnish or the smallest rhinestones.

Mint manicure with a pattern

Using drawings, you can come up with and bring to life any mint-colored manicure, the photos only confirm this. And yet, if the mint color is pastel, then you should not choose aggressive, but soft and gentle bases of the pattern. Openwork, lace images are best suited here. You can draw on your own or ask your master to draw dots, flowers, snowflakes, some geometric shapes, as well as ornaments and patterns on the nails. When you figured out the basis of the drawing, it's time to decide on the second color for the manicure. What shade will make an excellent duo of mint varnish?

  • White is this classic color will suit for decorating nails in any style, and mint manicure is no exception. White color suitable for creating absolutely any patterns.
  • Black - this color stands out very brightly and contrasts against a mint background. It should be used to create and patterns that require the most clear drawing.
  • Green - on a mint background, green will be slightly noticeable. This will create a discreet, but

All sorts of bright shades will enliven the mint. It is possible to use such tones to create a pattern of flowers on the nails.

Manicure multicolor mint

Multi-color nail design using a mint shade can add feminine tenderness or slightly aggressive audacity to your look. An interesting option nail design - coloring each nail with a mint color, but with decreasing brightness. Such work, most likely, can only be performed by a professional master in a nail design salon. Multi-color resources look very unusual on mint nails, but here you need to know the measure and not overdo it. A mint manicure with a pink tint looks very interesting (the brightness decreases from nail to nail).

Rhinestones and gel polish in mint shades manicure

Mint manicure allows the use of rhinestones and sparkles. This design is perfect for a party, holiday, date, but, however, it will look good in the office (subject to the reasonable use of jewelry on the nails). For the office, the most suitable option is to decorate only one nail on the hand with a small strazik. A mint-colored manicure looks very cute and gentle using small-sized rhinestones and complemented by delightful sparkles.

dreaming about beautiful manicure, but polish (even the highest quality) does not last long on your nails? Mint manicure can also be created using gel polish, which is on this moment a very popular destination for nail design studios. If you choose to cover your nails with gel, it will take about half an hour. Be sure to thoroughly dry each layer of manicure in special lamp, then it will look fresh and beautiful for two whole weeks.

Hit of the season - a combination of mint and pink shades on nails

Everyone has long known the fact that cold mint is very harmoniously combined with the warmth of pink in manicure. Why not take advantage of this fashionable combination and you? This manicure is universal: it is suitable for study, work, exams, and for a date, and for shopping. In order to make such a manicure, take a mint-colored varnish and two pink-colored varnishes (one regular, the second with sparkles). Cover your nails with mint-colored polish, and ring finger- pink. While the varnish has not had time to dry completely, carefully glue on the little finger and rhinestones for decorating nails. On middle finger you can stick round flat sequins. On the nail thumb stick thin strips of tape and cover it shiny varnish Pink colour. When the polish is dry, remove the tape. You will end up with a striped nail (pink sparkles and mint).

Manicure using a mint shade will make you not only modern and fashionable girl, but will also give you a unique charm, charm and trail of tenderness. The main thing - do not overload your image! If you choose a mint manicure, then you should not use this shade in makeup.

Mint shades won the hearts of fashionistas! This gentle shade light green, which slightly goes into blue, is found not only in clothes, but also in shoes, accessories and nail art. The uniqueness of the tone lies in its versatility - suitable for dinner parties and everyday life.

Mint marzipan nail polish "Liquid Sand"

Manufacturers of nail art technologies are constantly trying to innovate, one of these relative innovations will be texture varnish. "liquid sand". After drying, the nail is formed "candied" surface, i.e. it contains "sand" crystals. After drying, a semi-matte manicure is obtained, with a slight shimmer.

Coating "liquid sand" will be associated with some difficulties - a uniform distribution of crystals over the nail plate, therefore, a coating in several thick layers is recommended - three is best.

When covered with tops or topcoats, especially matt or glossy ones, the roughness is lost.

Among the disadvantages of varnish "liquid sand" one can distinguish the presence of rough nails that can cling, with the formation of chips and cracks. Due to the presence of shimmer in the mint marzipan color, its removal can be somewhat difficult. Moreover, crystals can injure the nail.

Reviews about varnish are contradictory.

Some young ladies speak extremely negatively about him:

  • instead of mint, the bottle is green, not devoid of charm, but green;
  • too thin brush, although this may have its advantages, but not when coated with textured varnishes;
  • sharp, unpleasant odor;
  • after drying, the nails resemble "sandpaper", but after ordinary household chores, become smoother, and wearing "sand" on the nail plates becomes more comfortable.

Others leave rave reviews - an interesting structure, deep and beautiful colour. Even despite the need to cover the nails in several layers, the varnish dries very quickly, a minimum of time will be spent on the entire manicure.

Ideas for manicure with mint varnish

Nail design with shades of mint will be good, even if it is done in a monochromatic range, but it has its own characteristics.

The mint color is included in the pastel range, and all varnishes in this group must be applied in at least two layers.

It can also be used when modeling nails with a French manicure, and this color is used as the main color substrate, or when modeling a free edge, combining mint varnish with uniform shades.

Mint manicure can also be combined with a multi-color palette - for example, a soft transition from one to another. You can achieve a particularly elegant result by decreasing the intensity of the tone from the beginning to the edge of the nail. Best of all, mint varnish is combined with white varnish.

Color combination with mint nail polish

Multi-colored manicure is gaining momentum in popularity, especially among young girls. Various options coating techniques can create bright, festive image, or they will allow you to do a manicure that will fit a young business lady.

For creating perfect image you need to know which tones will be in perfect harmony with each other, and which are not.

Therefore, every girl should use the rules of friendly shades:

  • monochrome coating - shades that are in the same color range, for example, green with blue, lettuce, turquoise;
  • contrasting combination - mint and black / white;
  • will look perfect with mint - gray, pink, navy blue, beige, brown and orange color.

Mint gel polish design

The use of mint gel polish implies uncomplicated drawings. It can be peas, snowflakes, stars, flowers or even geometric shapes.

For drawing can be used:

  • for flowers - yellow, pink, purple;
  • for contrasting drawings - black;
  • lines, figures - white.

If desired, colored foil for manicure, rhinestones, sparkles, etc. can be used.

Fruits, flowers, any plants can become a source of inspiration. Coating technique - as well as conventional gel varnish.

To achieve ideal results, it is necessary to select shades of green according to skin tone, otherwise the nails will resemble a swamp.

Suitable for medium to dark skin tones bright hues green, dark-colored varnishes look best on fair skin, creating a contrast effect.

Because green color- binding, manicure with such a coating is best combined with accessories or clothing.

To come up with a more fresh and inspiring shade than mint color on the nails is quite difficult. From the most delicate mint to the juiciest and richest shade of turquoise and azure - all this can be on your nails in the upcoming season in the form of a fashionable mint manicure of 2019-2020.

A stylish mint manicure will help to refresh the image, bring notes of elegance and romance, which can perfectly complement the bow. Also, a beautiful mint manicure will accentuate the bow, depending on the chosen shade of varnish - light and delicate or rich and spectacular mint.

Please note that a stylish and fashionable mint manicure is best done on short and medium nails. different forms. Masters also offer a mint manicure option for sharp nails, but already in combination with other shades of gel polish.

The fashionable tandem of 2019-2020 is a mint manicure with pink, fuchsia, yellow, gray, chocolate, white, gold, silver, black. It is these shades that can best reveal the beauty of mint manicure and make it more concise and effective in any look.

Pastel shades on nails always look beautiful and elegant, so if you decide on a trendy mint manicure, you definitely won’t go wrong! The trendy nail design with mint varnish is quite diverse and is demonstrated in classical techniques, And different variations with a stylish palette of colors in mint tones.

Actual french and moon manicure, reverse french and ombre, funny drawings and decorations will allow you to perform a fashionable mint manicure for every taste and for various events.

fashionable and stylish manicure With mint gel unique and perfect for spring, summer, and mint-themed manicure can be worn in any season, demonstrating a delicate and sophisticated nail design in a mint shade.

It is in this review that you can find the most wonderful and stylish ideas mint manicure in the most different styles and variations. Best photos examples that show the mint manicure of 2019-2020 are collected in the selection just below.

Magic matte mint manicure 2019-2020

Matte manicure in any of its performance is very gentle and sophisticated, attracting attention with its originality and originality. After all, the usual color of varnish in a matte version looks completely different and in a new way.

Therefore, be sure to take a closer look at our proposed mint manicure ideas in a matte version, fashionable and trendy in the 2019-2020 season.

Dilute a mint manicure with a pastel shade in pink color or decorate one or two fingers with a design with foil or glitter, which will make the mint-colored nail design more sophisticated and elegant.

Fashionable mint manicure of the season 2019-2020 with gold

Mint gel polish looks amazingly beautiful with golden decor: golden foil, stripes, wire, beads, shells.

Summer and sea mint manicure should be performed in a rich and brighter palette with thematic drawings and decorations in the form of a sea anchor and shells.

You can also use a golden shade of polish to complement a mint manicure. To do this, perform a mint manicure and use a manicure brush. To fulfill beautiful patterns on nails or resort to stamping.

In addition, no less beautiful mint manicure with gold lacquer in the form of stripes and graphic ornaments, which are concise and stylish.

Stylish mint manicure with black polish

Delicate pastel colors can be effectively complemented by contrasting dark shades. One of these can be black polish to complement the mint manicure of 2019-2020.

To do this, you need to make stylish drawings in the form of stripes and lines, geometric shapes, which conditionally divide the nail into sections, which can be done in black and mint.

A more familiar option is to make one finger with black lacquer and complement it with rhinestones, which is also a great example of a mint manicure with black lacquer.

Do not forget also about the jacket and moon manicure, which can be performed in black, using it to cover the "hole" or "smile".

Stunning Mint Ombre 2019-2020

Fashionable gradient manicure allows you to perform the most delightful variations of manicure in mint color, which will give tenderness and elegance to your hands.

Beautiful mint ombre manicure 2019-2020 is perfect for almost every look in the spring-summer season. It is best to create a gradient on two fingers, and leave the others with a monochrome mint finish.

You can also use pink shades for a mint ombre, or white and more saturated shades of green polish to complete a beautiful mint ombre manicure 2019-2020.

Exquisite mint manicure 2019-2020 with drawings

The design of mint manicure with drawings is quite unusual and original. After all, it allows you to create drawings in the style of "geometry", all kinds of patterns and ornaments, as well as funny images of animals.

An interesting mint manicure 2019-2020 is demonstrated in a variation of the pattern with hares, complemented by rhinestones and sparkles. This design in mint color will not leave any girl indifferent.

A romantic mint manicure will turn out when using images of flowers, lace and monograms on the nails, as well as mint manicure stickers with balloons, the Eiffel Tower and many more.

We invite you to look for yourself a beautiful mint manicure of 2019-2020, the ideas of which can be found in the selection below.

Luxurious mint manicure 2019-2020 with rhinestones: evening nail art

You can get the most beautiful and delightful manicure in mint-colored varnish using rhinestones and stones as decorations and decor for manicure.

It is the stones that can transform almost any manicure. And if you want a special nail design in mint color, then you definitely can’t do without pebbles and beads of different shapes, sizes and shades.

A beautiful mint manicure with rhinestones, experts offer to shade with light pastel shades, which will add elegance and sophistication to the evening manicure.

Especially beautiful is the evening mint manicure under evening dress in green, which will allow you to succinctly complement and complete the solemn image for a wedding, prom, birthday and other celebrations.

Our review shows inspiring nail design ideas in mint color and the most fashionable mint manicure of 2019-2020 in the photo examples more…

Beautiful mint manicure 2019-2020: mint manicure ideas - photo

Pastel tone between blue and green. Mint manicure has gained incredible popularity among most fashionistas. A cute shade has a positive effect on well-being and looks elegant on female fingers. A color that truly reveals the beauty of a girl. In our album you will find photos with examples of mint manicure design.

Delicate mint

The versatility of the shade allows you to use it at any time of the year. In summer it will give a feeling of coolness and freshness, and in winter it will warm with its comfort. It is self-sufficient in itself and can act as the protagonist without adding any embellishments, yet still create a gentle and feminine appearance. But also mint-colored nails harmonize well with the following shades:

  • black;
  • white;
  • pink;
  • grey;
  • pastel and nude;
  • violet;
  • fuchsia;
  • dark lilac;
  • brown;
  • denim;
  • yellow.

One of the most popular design options is to cover the nails in two contrasting tones. The perfect couple for mint it is pastel pink. Shades can be mixed as you like.

It can be a smooth or sharp gradient, where one tone flows into another. With a sharp ombre, it is recommended to cover the junction of colors with a special silver-colored foil. You can simply alternate the tones of nails, additionally decorating them with rhinestones. Anyway, mint pink manicure will look very feminine and luxurious. In addition, this combination is perfect for business style and casual style.


Design ideas are incredible a large number of. Mint varnish - perfect option to create a french. Pastel and muted, it looks nice on the fingers and can easily replace the camouflage backing. Walking away from classic version French manicure, you can add some golden sparkles to the tips. French manicure mint color looks perfect even in the photo.

Pistachio ice cream

Delicious design that uses only the sweetest and pastel shades:

  • mint;
  • pink;
  • lilac;
  • blue;
  • lactic;
  • citric.

They are perfectly combined with each other, so that each nail can be covered with a separate color.

Sea foam

Performing a manicure in mint tones, you can supplement it with various elements:

  • rhinestones;
  • broths;
  • melange (sugar);
  • metal inserts;
  • geometry;
  • drawings and patterns;
  • knitted;
  • peas;
  • glitter;
  • floristics.

Do not add too many rhinestones to such a design, pastel shade very light, and a large number of iridescent stones will only spoil it. It is recommended to glue a few small pieces at the cuticle so that they complement the elegant feminine image rather than overloading it.

The same rule applies to patterns and drawings, they should be in moderation. When making a mint-colored manicure, thin monograms or silhouettes are best done with white or black varnish. Geometry is at the peak of popularity this season, successful options become rectangles and squares. The main thing in creating a coating is to show your imagination by creating original design solutions.

light turquoise

A pleasant and elegant manicure that imitates a light turquoise stone can show off on any fingers. It seems to be bright, but calm at the same time. This design is quite interesting and many will like it. Imitation of a stone will ideally look on 2-3 fingers. No matter how intricate it looks on the hand, it is incredibly simple in execution.

On light turquoise, in addition to the characteristic black blotches, there are also dark and whitish areas around them. It is necessary to delicately transfer them to nail plate to make the mint-colored manicure look perfect.


  • Prepare nails for work, degrease and coat with base.
  • In order to make blotches, you need to mix the color of the dark areas on the palette: mix a drop of black gel polish into the main color.
  • With a thin brush, draw chaotic lines with a little pressure in those places where there will be dark blotches.
  • Dry the layer in the lamp.
  • For light blotches, mix a drop of top with a drop of white gel polish. The result should be a translucent white.
  • With a round cone brush, paint spots and streaks, slightly toning the entire coating.
  • Dry the layer and cover with a top coat.
  • With a thin brush, draw lines of inclusions in black, barely touching the surface. Somewhere you need to leave it thin, stretch it somewhere, duplicate it somewhere and intertwine with others.
  • In order to fix the mint manicure with gel polish, it is necessary to cover it with a layer of top.

Another way to create original mint nails can be seen in the video.