What hair color suits me. How to choose the right hair color, depending on the type of appearance

Experimenting with hair color is a fun and easy way to change your look. If you have long dreamed of creating a new look for yourself with blond hair, there are a lot of things to consider before diving into the alluring waves of a light shade. Blonde hair can be beautiful and even gorgeous. But beauty costs money. Blonde hair is a big responsibility that requires care and love. The process of transitioning to your chosen shade of blonde hair can be a big blow to your hair and wallet. The good news is that no matter what your skin tone is, there is always a shade of blonde hair that suits you. Well, if you are up to the challenge, read the article and start the process.


Consider your interests and personality

    Think about your daily life. With blond hair, you will have to change your lifestyle to a more careful one. For example, being a blonde, you can't jump into a pool. Blond hair will absorb chlorine and other elements, which will change its color to green. Also, blond hair, if washed in the shower, where the water is rich in copper or iron, can turn orange-red or green. It is also recommended to shampoo blonde hair every three days to keep it looking healthy and in the right tone.

    • If you just need to wash your hair daily, it will be difficult for you to be a blonde.
  1. Think about how blonde hair suits your personality. They say that blondes know how to have fun, but get ready for the fact that you will attract excessive attention to yourself. If you do decide to go for blonde hair, you will have to develop immunity to jokes about blondes. Such jokes are usually not harmful, they are just rude and tasteless. In addition to negative attention, blonde hair attracts positive attention as well, so be prepared to be stared at anyway.

    Ask a friend's opinion. If you're not entirely sure that you're ready for such a big hair color change, you can seek advice from family and friends. Tell them you want to go blonde and see how they react. If they are both in favor and seem inspired by your decision, then this may be a good sign for you. If they express concerns, please explain why.

    • Take their opinions and advice into account, but whatever they may say, do what makes you happy.
  2. See how you look with blonde hair using Photoshop. There are plenty of hairstyle sites out there that will let you upload a photo of yourself and experiment with hair colors so you can gauge your potential look before you take the plunge. You can also experiment with different colors and haircuts to match your look!

    Choosing the right tone for blonde hair

    1. Determine your skin tone. This is one of the best ways to choose the right shade of hair dye for you. If you choose the wrong shade, it may wash out. No matter how fair or dark your skin is, your skin tone falls into one of two main categories. Most people have either a warm or cool skin tone, with only a handful of people falling somewhere in between. Here are the best indicators of what skin tone you have:

      Choose the right tone for blonde hair. There are many different shades of blonde hair color, and once you have determined your skin tone, you can start choosing.

      Consider your natural hair color. If your natural hair color is more ashy or deep brown without a reddish undertone, you should look for cool shades of blonde hair dye. If your natural hair color has warm undertones, such as red or gold, you should choose warm shades of blonde hair color. Keep your natural hair color in mind and you will make your new blonde color look more natural.

      • To understand which shades prevail in your hair, take a closer look at them in sunlight.
    2. Consider how dark or light your skin color is. Your result will be better if you choose a paint color that provides a more striking contrast between your skin and hair color. The hardest part about choosing a paint color is finding one that both contrasts with your skin and complements it.

      • Don't choose a color that is almost the same tone as your skin.
    3. Try highlighting instead of coloring your entire hair. Highlighting is a great way to brighten up your face. When highlighting, you get the same effect as being completely blonde, but without much harm to the hair. What else is good about highlighting is that it is easier to care for it. As the roots grow back, it won't be as noticeable and you'll need to visit the salon less frequently. You can do both thin and thick strands if they are everywhere, or you can only frame the face.

    Maintain and care for blond hair

      Determine the degree of hair care that suits you. Blonde hair needs more care than other hair colors. Keep in mind that going more than two shades from your natural hair color to a darker or lighter hair color will require more maintenance. Once the roots start to grow back, you will need to see a specialist to make sure everything goes smoothly when you freshen up the paint. If leaving can be a problem for you, think again carefully about whether you should become a blonde.

      Make professional hair lightening and toning. Do not lighten or tone your hair at home. Lightening is a very harsh chemical process that destroys hair follicles. You'd be better off paying a salon professional to switch to a lighter hair color and take care of it afterwards. Of course, do-it-yourself painting will be cheaper, but it can create a real hair nightmare for you, which you yourself will not be able to handle later.

      • You can easily burn your hair, make it orange or lose volume completely. For everything to go well, you should consider whether you can afford to use the services of a professional.
    1. Regularly work on the roots and touch up the tone of the hair. In order to keep your hair in the desired shade, and the roots do not stand out, you need to touch up the tone every 4-6 weeks. When the roots start to sprout, you need to lighten them and give them a tone so that they do not differ from the rest of the hair. You should also trim your hair, as blonde hair is more prone to split ends.

    2. Consider the time it will take you to become a blonde. An abrupt transition to blond hair is not recommended. Of course, it is natural to want to become a blonde right away, but it is very important to do everything in stages. Depending on how dark or damaged your hair is, your stylist will gradually lighten your hair with highlights, gradually increasing the area of ​​your colored hair over time. This will keep your hair from falling out.

      • Most stylists will not want to lighten all their hair at once, as they know how deadly it is for your hair.
      • Your stylist will most likely ask you about past hair dyes. It's important for a stylist to know how badly damaged your hair follicles are and how strong your hair is, so be honest.
    3. Plan your financial expenses. You have to go to the salon many times before you can show off one beautiful shade of blonde hair, and it all costs money. An excellent solution would be to plan out financial expenses in order to be prepared.

      • You can call salons and ask for their prices, but in principle, in order to give you an exact price, the stylist will have to check and inspect your hair to determine the next course of action for you personally.
      • When you discuss what you want and how you can achieve it, your stylist will have a good idea of ​​how much it will cost you to go blonde.
    4. Look for quality hair products. The chemicals that give you a beautiful blonde color also take a heavy toll on your hair follicles. To restore the necessary vitamins, minerals and moisture in the hair, you need to use quality products. This includes shampoos, conditioners, deep conditioners, heat protectants, and moisturizers. If you want to keep your hair healthy, buy quality products.

      • Ask your stylist what products they recommend for blonde hair.
      • It is very important to take care of the renewal of moisture and strength, which washes out the lightening. You may notice changes in the texture of your hair after you color your hair, and you may need to use additional products to restore shine, volume, and softness to your hair.
    • If you are drastically changing your hair color for the first time, contact a professional.
    • Go to the colorist and ask if the chosen shade of blond suits you.
    • Professionals will also be able to advise you on haircuts that will favorably emphasize your chosen hair color.


    • If you are going to swim in a pool that has chlorine in it with blonde colored hair, don't forget to shampoo after swimming to prevent your hair from turning green. Such a shampoo helps to neutralize the chemicals present in the water in such a pool.

Beautiful well-groomed hair emphasizes the unique female image.

It is good if the curls are naturally lush and there is no gray hair in them.

What should women with dull color or gray hair do?

Naturally, seek help from a stylist or hairdresser, who probably knows how to match the hair color to the face: to make a woman look young, stylish and attractive.

In addition to problems with color, hair coloring will help those women whose hair density leaves much to be desired.

But before you start coloring, you need to figure out which color is suitable for a particular type of face.

Hair color: should it be changed?

Natural hair color does not just look natural, this gift of nature blends perfectly with eye color, facial features. In addition, undyed hair (if healthy) shines, flowing in silk strands, gently falling over the shoulders. Such curls also indicate that everything is in order with the well-being of the woman herself. But that's not all: natural hair does not require the same protection as dyed hair. Recovery procedures, nutrition - these are the disadvantages that hair dyeing entails.

If your hair has turned gray and dyeing has become inevitable, you can never go wrong if you choose a dye color that matches your natural hair color. If you just want to change your image or change your life, starting with a hairstyle, seek help from a specialist who will accurately name colors and shades, tell you how to choose a hair color for your face.

Despite the fact that naturalness is always in fashion, but you feel uncomfortable in your color, you can safely change the color, the main thing is not to make a mistake with the choice, since the wrong tone can emphasize all the imperfections on the face, set off wrinkles and rashes.

How to choose a hair color for your face: general principles

When choosing a hair dye color, an important factor is the skin tone and its features. Blond and black are the favorite solutions of fashionistas, they are far from being for everyone and very often they can visually add several years, and this is not at all what women are striving for, so do not chase after fashion, but adequately sort out according to your color type and hair color. In order to make it easier to navigate in the richest palette of colors, specify who you are - winter, spring, summer or autumn. Based on this, you can safely make a choice in favor of a particular color.


Women of this type are characterized by cold contrast: skin tone can be either very light or very dark. The same applies to the color of the eyes, which can amaze with their burning (black, brown) and be deep cold (gray, blue).

Representatives of this color type can safely choose black, even light-skinned “winters” will look chic, painted in this way. Light brown, ashy shades look good. If you want to look extravagant, you can dilute black curls with bright strands, but in any case, remember that if you choose black, your facial skin should look perfect: it should not have age spots, rashes, freckles.

Taboo for "winter" - all variants of blond, warm golden tones.


The spring woman has light eyes (blue, green) and fair skin, however, she is a warm color type, with natural hair from light blond to brown. Ideal for coloring - dark red, golden, light brown. Natural hair color: whether it is brown or red, you can transform it by making strands a tone or two lighter than natural, thereby adding volume.

As for unwanted tones, it is blond, ashy, light red. Such options belong to cold colors, and they are not combined with a warm skin tone, making it nondescript.


Cold non-contrasting color type with light eyes and a cool skin tone. Most often, a summer woman is a brown-haired woman, but to make herself brighter, you can experiment with light tones up to blond. Light brown-haired is able to make any “summer mouse” bright.

You should not experiment with dark tones - they will age and make the look heavy and ineffective. If a woman is the owner of brown eyes - you should not lighten your curls - this is not the best option in which your eyes will look intimidating.


A warm contrasting color type, which is characterized by light or dark eyes, dark hair (to a brunette) and a brighter skin tone than spring.

All dark options are perfect for coloring hair: black, chestnut, dark blond, rich red. Copper, gold, light tones should not be considered as an option - they will look disadvantageous against the background of dark skin.

How to choose a hair color for your face: good options

Good color options for brown eyes

Women with dark eyes and swarthy skin will look good with strands dyed in dark tones: from dark blond to black.

Fair-skinned young ladies with dark eyes can play with bright colors, choosing red, chocolate and copper tones.

Amber and golden colors will make light brown eyes more expressive.

Good color options for green eyes

Green-eyed beauties are the brightest option that you can imagine. They can experiment with fiery shades, shine with gold and the entire red-red palette. If you are not ready for such experiments and want to look stylish, but restrained, chestnut is your option.

Muddy green, swampy eyes will blend perfectly with dark blond and brown hair.

Good options for blue eyes

Depending on the characteristics of the blue color of the eyes, you can consider different options for shades for the hair. If they have a cold gray or blue color, then the most appropriate would be to dye your hair light blond or ashy. Blue interspersed with brown, will harmoniously look in tandem with red strands, golden, caramel tones.

Bright rich blue eye tones go well with brown, so you should pay attention to light chestnut hair dye options.

Successful color options for the shape of the face

Everyone knows that light colors create volume, while dark ones reduce it. It is very important to remember this rule when choosing a hair color.

If you cannot decide how to choose a hair color for a round face, listen to the advice of experts who will say their unequivocal yes to dark tones: they will reduce the oval of the face by framing it with dark strands.

For thin women with a long oval face, it is best to dye their strands in light colors, and if you do everything with a short (or medium length) lush haircut, your face will become more rounded.

How to choose a hair color for your face: unsuccessful options

Young ladies with a round face should not look towards the colors of light colors, and even more so blond. This option will further expand their oval. A short voluminous haircut can further aggravate the situation.

Thin women should also beware: experts do not advise them to dye in dark colors, and even more so, you should not make the strands straight: if you are already a brunette, add volume to your hair.

Dark-skinned women with dark eyes should not take risks with warm tones: gold, caramel, copper.

Brown-eyed and fair-skinned ladies should be careful about ashy, graphite, pinkish tones.

Light-skinned and light-eyed Nordic young ladies should pass by counters with dark tones of colors, as they will visually make their delicate face much older.

A woman who wants to change her image and dye her hair a new color should definitely seek help from a stylist who knows exactly how to match the hair color to her face and not only maintain her natural attractiveness, but also make it even more impressive.

In addition to color, be sure to pay attention to the hairstyle with which this or that hair tone will look most advantageous, as any detail can add or take away the effect.

How do I know which hair color suits me? This question is asked by a considerable number of girls. Indeed, choosing the right hair color is fraught with certain difficulties. But there are a few rules that will help you choose the best new shade.

And we will immediately point out the first rule: you need to choose the right tone for your strands, taking into account your own shade and an absolutely natural image, i.e. without makeup.

Now let's talk about the rest of the rules that allow us to answer such a seemingly difficult question: “how can I determine which hair color suits me?”

For owners of light blonde

If the natural color is a light blonde, the face has a gentle blush on the cheeks, and there may be freckles, then warm light shades are suitable options. Such a palette ranges from wheat tones to intense honey, and if desired, the image can be supplemented with live strands of a golden hue.

At the same time, it is better to abandon the fiery red tones and try to exclude dark brown shades (the latter can visually make the girl older).

Ash tide

“But how do I know which hair color suits me best if I am a blonde with ashen hair?”

It's simple: it means that you can safely choose ashy shades. You can also try chestnut shades, and any: from the lightest to the darkest.

For a warm look

The warmest type of appearance is considered to be the one in which warm and at the same time contrasting shades prevail.

We are talking about brown-haired women, as well as dark blondes with a reddish tint of hair. The skin of such girls can be almost ivory, or maybe swarthy. The possibility of freckles is not excluded.

In such cases, the most suitable shades for hair will be red (medium and dark), as well as brown, which has a slightly reddish tint. But all cold shades will need to be abandoned, because because of them the skin will appear painfully pale.

And now for the brown-haired

Brown-haired women with dark brown sheen of hair and light or olive or swarthy skin should strive to emphasize the natural dark color. For these purposes, brown tones are used. Blue-black variations and blue-violet are also suitable.

But you should not lighten your hair, and it is also not recommended to use dark copper shades.


Of course, eye color also affects the choice of a suitable shade for hair. However, it is difficult to establish any uniform rules, since you need to evaluate the entire appearance of the girl in the aggregate. You can get a recommendation from some specialist from a beauty salon. Moreover, there is the possibility of passing special tests “how to determine which hair tone suits me”, which are available on the Web.

Useful video

When a woman decides to radically change her life, the first thing she goes to the hairdresser. The master can change the length of the hair, shape or color. An experienced specialist is able to determine the ideal shade for each girl at one glance, but how to determine the appropriate hair color on your own? To do this, you need to know your color type, color and take into account the color of the eyes and the natural shade of the hair. Further about everything in more detail.

natural hair color

Looking at yourself in the mirror, it is impossible to see natural hair, even if it has never been dyed. The fact is that their upper strands are always under the sun and burn out. Dark shades of hair gives moisture and dirt, so before you determine your hair color, you need to wash and dry your hair. After that, you need to select a control strand from the back of the head and look at it in sunlight.

This is how professional colorists work, determining the natural shade of curls. It is important not to use artificial lighting, as it can give the hair various additional shades.

skin tone

It is possible to determine the appropriate hair color from the photo only on the condition that the girl on it will be completely without makeup. This is necessary for the correct analysis of skin tone and undertone. There are 6 basic tones:

  • very light;
  • light;
  • average;
  • olive;
  • dark;
  • dark.

Skin belonging to any of the tones can be cold, warm or neutral, which is a subtone. It should also be remembered that African women may well have a cold undertone, and residents of northern countries - a warm one, everything is strictly individual. Before you determine your hair color, you need to pay attention to the shade of the veins on the back of your wrist.

A cool undertone is characterized by blue or purple veins. Such skin against the background of a white sheet of paper in sunlight can take on a bluish tint, while silver jewelry looks much more impressive on girls than gold ones.

Warm skin casts yellow against a white background in the sun. Veins at the same time have an olive or green color, and gold takes pride of place in the jewelry box.

Neutral undertone is very rare. The veins are blue-green, and gold and silver jewelry look equally good. In sunlight, the skin has a slight greenish tint.

eye color

With age, season or health condition, the skin can change its shades, but the eyes remain the same for life. You can almost accurately determine the hair color from a photo with a natural shade of the eyes.

Black eyes are found in African, Asian or Mediterranean women. Shades of dark chocolate or black will suit them. To add extravagance, you can add strands of red, copper or caramel color to the image.

Brown eyes suit all shades of brown, copper and red. You can turn into a blonde with such a shade of eyes only when using warm-colored paint. For owners of a light hazel shade, it is better not to use light colors, they will make the look faded.

Green eyes are the least common. Their owners face shades of milk chocolate, red, copper, gold, caramel and wheat. Contrasting black or ashy tones will spoil the image.

In gray-eyed beauties, a lot depends on skin tone. If it is warm, then soft shades of wheat and milk chocolate will do. Black color will age, but the owners of cold skin will suit perfectly and ashy, platinum or dark chestnut.

With blue eyes of any shade, the situation is similar. With skin, you should choose black or skin emphasizes the beauty of light honey, caramel, wheat or red shades.

Extremely rare lilac eyes are ideally combined with raven, ash or silver hair.

Appearance color type

Many girls ask the question: “How to determine which hair color suits me?” This largely depends on the conditional category, which is characterized by natural features of appearance. Each of the four color types is named after a specific time of the year.

The girl-"spring" is often decorated with freckles and quickly blushes in the sun. Her hair and skin are light, and her eyes are either blue or grey. Such beauties cannot dye their curls black, chocolate, cognac or chestnut, gentle pastel colors are needed. Shades of caramel, honey, walnut or sandalwood are ideal. If the skin is too light, then ashy tones will do, and gold will have to be abandoned.

The summer color type is characterized by pale or slightly olive skin, which turns cool brown in the sun. Hair has shades of light brown, light brown or ashy, and eyes are gray, blue or hazel. At the same time, a shade of wheat is suitable for light girls, and the Black Tulip paint is suitable for dark girls.

In "autumn" beauties or a golden hue, covered with an even bronze tan in the sun. Often there are freckles and moles, eyes of different shades of brown or green. Hair can be brown, copper or red, rarely light blonde. It is better to dye your hair in chestnut, cognac, copper or reddish shades. Cold black and ashy should be avoided.

A “winter” beauty with porcelain white skin and natural black hair can look equally good with any cold-colored hair colors.

The eyes of such girls are most often blue, gray or dark brown. The skin may be olive and the hair ashen, but very rarely. Warm tones for curls are not suitable at all.


Before you determine your hair color, you need to know your color. To do this, you should know exactly what colors to face a girl in ordinary life. If almost all everyday clothes and cosmetics are pastel colors, then the color is light or muted. Most often it is "spring" or "summer" and very rarely "winter". Light ladies will suit warm shades of blond, muted - "mouse" colors.

If bright clothes suit the face, and the color of the eyes contrasts with the iris, the color is bright. Most often these are the color types "autumn" and "winter". It is better for them to choose chestnut or chocolate tones.

When contrasting colors prevail in the wardrobe, then the color will be contrasting. For girls with dark skin, light shades of hair are suitable, and for owners of fair skin, dark curls.

Before choosing a color, remember that dark tones give the hair a visual volume. Red, platinum or blue-black shades will emphasize skin imperfections, but a well-chosen red tone will suit almost everyone.

Before determining their hair color, girls with freckles need to decide whether to hide them or emphasize them. Red and red colors will divert eyes from the pigmentation on the face, while golden or chestnut shades will emphasize it.

Paint selection

There is another recommendation on how to determine if a hair color is suitable. To do this, you just need to try it. You should choose a tint shampoo according to all the recommendations listed and color the curls with it. An unsatisfactory result will be washed off after a few days and will not change the appearance, and if the shade is completely satisfied, then you can safely fix it on your hair with paint.

Perfect option

If even after that you still have doubts about the choice of color, but you really want to change the image, you should choose the “ombre” staining technique. At the same time, the hair roots do not change by 5-7 cm and remain of a natural shade, and the rest of the length is dyed in the color you like with a gradual stretching of the color from closer to natural to light towards the tips. This effect allows you to get additional volume of curls, while maintaining a smooth transition.

Good day, dear readers! Olga Ramazanova, leading heading of beauty, is with you. Have you ever wondered why one color suits one person, and absolutely does not suit another?

The thing is that nature has created us completely different in skin tone, hair, eyes. However, there is a certain similarity in the appearance of people and they can be combined into conditional groups. In this article, I will introduce you to a very interesting topic - how to find out your color type.

Why do you need to know your color type?

The answer is very simple - so as not to make mistakes in choosing clothes, hair tone and even accessories. Knowing which color type a person belongs to, he can choose exactly what suits him. This knowledge will help you create your individual harmonious image. Agree, quite often you can see on the street, for example, a fair-haired girl with bright dark eyebrows or repainted in a bright red color. This imbalance is very striking. Remember that fashion is fashion, but you need to know your nature of beauty and present it correctly.

How to determine your appearance?

Most likely, you have already heard about the division of color types according to the names of the seasons: spring, summer, autumn and winter. There are other systems for determining the color type of a person, but this one is the most convenient (especially for makeup artists).

There are such concepts in coloring as cold and warm shades.

  • Cold ones are those in which there is a blue pigment: turquoise, lilac, fuchsia, burgundy, etc.
  • Warm ones have a yellow pigment: brown, gold, peach, herbal, etc.

To understand what kind of appearance I have, first you need to determine which shades prevail in appearance. Look carefully in the mirror and pay attention: is there a golden tint in the hair, what color are the eyes and freckles. The most important thing is to understand your skin tone. With a cold color type, the skin of the face has a slightly gray tone, and with a warm color type, it is yellowish.

I'll tell you one more secret. Look at the color of the veins on your wrist. If there is yellow pigment in the skin, then the veins will be green (blue vein and yellow skin give green). In this case, you can be sure that the color type is warm. If the skin tone is cold, then the veins will remain blue.

Cool color types include Winter and Summer. To warm - Spring and Autumn.

  • If you are the owner of bright eyes, dark hair and eyebrows, then the color type will be Winter or Autumn.
  • Spring and Summer are usually characterized by muted tones and soft transitions. Light brown, ashy or blond hair combined with pale skin gives a feeling of lightness.

Description of color types

I hope you have already figured out which color type you are. If there are still doubts, then I give a detailed description with recommendations on who suits what.

Winter is cold and bright. Often these are oriental girls with an exotic appearance. Their skin can be dark olive, pale porcelain, cold beige. Eye color is bright - brown, green, blue, etc. The lips are well-defined and have a rich color. Hair - black, chestnut, dark blond without red.

Such girls in clothes can make bright accents and not seem vulgar: red, purple, turquoise, a combination of black and white, pink and others. Makeup is also allowed to be saturated, although even without it, winter girls look amazing. Lipstick should be cold: red, burgundy, fuchsia, purple and almost all shades of pink. Eye makeup is also desirable to withstand in cold shades. Metal of such girls: silver, white gold.

Spring is warm and subdued. This type is quite rare, but more often they are European girls. They have soft and fair skin and may have freckles. The hair is golden, blond with a slight reddish tint. Eyebrows and hair color do not contrast with the tone of the face. The eyes are soft - blue, gray, green.

A spring girl needs to choose a wardrobe in her own color scheme. All gentle warm shades will do: yellow, mustard, grass color, peach, etc. It will create contrast and give freshness to the blue color. In makeup, the main thing is not to overdo it. Light tone, pastel shadows, brown mascara, warm lipstick and peach blush - all you need. Jewelry suitable from gold, wood and natural stones.

Summer is cold and subdued. Most often, this type is found among us - Slavs. The skin is light, porcelain or cold beige. The eyes are gray, green or blue - tender. Hair color is mostly light brown with a gray tint.

Clothing is suitable for soft light colors: tea rose, blue, purple, gray, etc. Make-up is also aged in such colors. Almost all shades of pink, cold red and berry are suitable for lipstick. Ink is better to use brown. The metal of summer girls is silver and white gold.

Autumn is warm and bright. These are fiery red beasts - pale-faced and with freckles. Hair rich red or brown with a golden hue. The eyes are very bright - green or blue.

The things of such girls should be bright colors: red, turquoise, yellow, blue, etc. As a rule, they do not need special makeup. It is enough to highlight the eyes with brown eyeliner and mascara, apply a transparent gloss and warm blush. You can not skimp on jewelry, almost everything suits such girls.

To better understand what clothes will emphasize your dignity and individual style, I recommend subscribing to a free course " 5 stylish lessons". The course is very high quality, with specific examples and a huge number of photos.

Excellent video about another classification of color types:

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