Makeup for brown eyes for a woman over 50. Age makeup - the beauty secrets of mature women. Simple make up rules

Probably, you began to notice sometimes that the skin of the face is no longer as elastic as in youth. Barely noticeable wrinkles have become a little deeper, and the complexion is not as even as we would like. And sometimes the make-up that did not fail earlier does not hide age so much anymore. Thoughts of old age creep in ... Stop, this is not so - at 50, life is just beginning.

This is exactly the age when the children grew up, and therefore, there was a lot of free time for yourself. After all, we do not live in the Stone Age, there are many makeup technologies developed now. You just need to learn how to take care of your appearance in a new way. You will be convinced that the beauty has not faded away! This will happen much later - at 85, no better at 90, or when cosmetics cease to exist. So, we will learn how to do makeup for a woman 50 years old step by step right now!

What shows age the most?

Eyes. First of all, they talk about age, or rather, bags under the eyes, wrinkles and so on. It's not about that, it betrays age, or rather its absence. Admit it, have you ever met young women without such a lady, you can easily put on a dozen or two years, despite the fact that she is beautifully made up and looks spectacular, she looks tired. Have you met women who use the rules after 50 years old, who you can’t give even 30 years old? Have you thought about how they do it? They just love life, love themselves, so they always look perfect, despite their age.

So, for this, love yourself for who you are - with all the shortcomings known only to you, believe me. Rest more, go in for sports, always be cheerful and cheerful, the rest will be corrected by cosmetics. After all, the only thing that cannot be corrected with makeup is fatigue and a dejected look. Therefore, a bad mood is considered the main traitor of age. More optimism! Agreed? Then you can move on to the next question. How to do after 50 years at home?

Aligning the complexion

Whereas before it was possible to do without a layer of foundation and powder, now it is a must to create the perfect makeup for a woman in her 50s. Follow the suggested recommendations step by step to carefully hide small spots with a brownish tint that appear on the skin, they treacherously hint to others about age. Therefore, it would be better to apply a tinting cream before makeup.

If there are more serious problems with stains, apply a corrector to these places under the foundation. Sparsely, moderately, no special enthusiasm is needed, since there will be more powder at the end. Work with the brush most of the area around the eyes, corners of the mouth. By the way, choose warmer tones of the foundation, as cold shades shade wrinkles unfavorably, and sometimes even emphasize them. After application, distribute the rest of the foundation well, try to paint in a well-lit room. To control the qualitative distribution of the base, sit on the windowsill - nothing can replace daylight.

Highlight the eyes

Here it is important not to overdo it, it is enough to make the look open, clean. Your goal is not just to make up, remember this for sure. When you apply cosmetics in the eye area, the main task is to correct imperfections. You can be congratulated if they are absent, then you can safely paint as you please. But correction techniques are also used by young people, so do not take what was said about age. The goal is to lift the corners of the eyes, hide small wrinkles around them, visually lengthen the eyes, remove the overhanging eyelid. Try your hand at professional makeup. For a 50-year-old woman who follows all the steps step by step, this will not be difficult. Change your look for the better!

Try to use natural tones rather than colored ones whenever possible. You don’t need many colors, you can get shadows for every day in two, maximum four tones. It is desirable that the box contains shades of the same palette, for example, from light beige to dark brown, or from light gray to black.

Raise the corners - apply dark shadows to the outer corner and blend towards the eyebrows. Apply light shadows to the inner eyelid. A smooth transition wins a lot, so blend the two colors well with a small dense brush.

Do not use a pencil for clear lines, it can be shaded using the same shadows. To do this, draw lines in the form of arrows on the outer eyelid, and then, dipping the brush in the shadow, blend the pencil. This technique gives the eyes a mystery and makes them more expressive. can be reduced in the same way - draw a line with a soft brown pencil in the place where the crease should be, then blend from bottom to top.

Although it is not recommended for women over 50 to apply mascara thickly, sometimes it is plentiful application that wins. But everything is individual. If you are used to dyeing your eyelashes brightly all your life, and abruptly switch to a more modest make-up, it will look faded. People around you may feel that you are tired or sick. It is necessary to perform makeup for women after 50 years step by step, but taking into account their preferences, habits and characteristics.

Eyebrows with a house

“An ant lived in the world without eyelashes and without eyebrows” - sounds funny, right? A modern woman cannot do without beautiful arcs over her eyes, the days of Gioconda have passed. Firstly, it is now fashionable, and secondly, the curves are able to convey all sorts of emotions. The look becomes more mysterious, as if proud, or something. If you have always trusted the eyebrow correction to the masters of the salon - do not stop, keep it up! Most likely, you know the feeling when the eyebrows look perfect and it's nice to admire your reflection.

Now there is such a service as eyebrow tattooing, you can take a chance, it won’t be worse for sure, especially if your own and light. The main thing is to find an experienced craftsman and determine the correct form.

Coloring your eyebrows black is not recommended, unless you are a brunette, it is better to choose a dark brown or gray-black color. You will need a sharpened pencil. Start from the outer ponytail with dashed lines (imitating hairs), moving from the head to the edge. Blend a little (it looks like a small toothbrush).


The natural contour of the mouth sometimes loses its boundaries. It will make the lips expressive and correct the shortcomings the correct make-up for a woman of 50 years, performed step by step. Try not to use too provocative colors, of course, there are exceptions, for example, to maintain the image, etc., but not every day. Choose soft pinks, closer to natural colors. The contour pencil should be two tones darker than the lipstick from the same palette. Additionally, you can emphasize the color of lipstick with glitter. Most likely, everything is clear to you with lips, we paint as usual, but not defiantly.

Age makeup is a special art. It allows a woman to look beautiful and attractive, visually hiding age-related skin changes through the correct application of cosmetics. Makeup after 50, which is young, is different from the usual make-up and demonstrates the well-groomed woman.

Makeup for a woman 50 years old: what should be in a cosmetic bag?

Remedy number 1 in makeup for a woman 50 years old: drops for redness of the eyes and eyelids
Surprised? But it's logical! Red tears, burst blood vessels, yellowish white of the eye - all this inevitably worsens with age. That is why the must-have product in a cosmetic bag that precedes makeup for a 50-year-old woman is redness drops. Which drops to use, it is better to check with an ophthalmologist. Of course, it is definitely not worth abusing them. But if you need to look perfect or do a festive make-up for a 50-year-old woman, you can’t do without them.

Remedy #2: Foundation and/or Powder
Remember, there is no one universal, "magic" foundation that would be ideal for makeup for women after 50 years. Unfortunately, skin problems can worsen with age: dry skin becomes drier, oily skin becomes oilier, pores open, etc. Therefore, personally select your ideal foundation, but it is important that it be light in texture.

Day makeup for women 50 years old should be as natural as possible, and therefore give preference to BB cream. For oily skin (if the complexion is more uniform), you can limit yourself to powder only. How to apply makeup correctly? For powder, take a voluminous double-bristled brush, for cream - a wide, but flat one. The foundation can be applied with slightly damp fingers - so it will lie even thinner.

Remedy #3: How to Apply Makeup? Face without defects: corrector and concealer
Yes, today everyone uses these miracle remedies - from young to old, that is, from adolescence to adulthood - from 50 and older. But this is really a miracle, without which at this age one cannot do. You can learn how to apply makeup, in particular, concealer or corrector, from the photo below.

Apply it under the eyes with a triangle, you need to do this in the same way as applying the base for makeup - with a flat brush, sometimes it can be moistened with water beforehand. For redness, a greenish corrector is suitable (ideal for those ladies who have rosacea or spider veins), for "green" and blue veins under the eyes - on the contrary, pinkish or creamy beige.

Tool number 4 in the daytime makeup of women 50 years old: blush
What shades to choose? Just not with a reddish undertone! If you are white-skinned, take a matte delicate pink color, if you are a “warm” color type, then peach. If you want to hide redness, beige blush will do.

How to properly apply makeup on the face when it comes to blush? Only on the cheekbones. If you prefer cream blush, apply with your fingers. Can you feel the cheek bone under your skin? Then you are right on target. For dry substances, take a round soft brush.

Remedy #5: Eyeshadow or Eyebrow Pencil
Any make-up for a 50-year-old woman step by step, both daytime and evening, involves drawing eyebrows. Some prefer special mascara, but it is better to use shadows and a pencil - they will make your eyebrows more voluminous and at the same time will not be unnatural. Try not to pluck your eyebrows into a thread and in no case bring them down with one pencil line. The more natural the shape, the better. The more voluminous the eyebrow, the younger you will look. But you should not run it and leave it to “overgrow”, otherwise you will look unkempt.

Tool number 6: cosmetics for the face after 50 years - matte eye shadow
We moved on to the eyes, and they, as you know, are the mirror of the soul. Eye drops will help whiten the mucous membrane, but the eyelids above and below need to be corrected with shadows. And now we will learn how to properly apply makeup. Eyes after 40 years of age are characterized by dryness of the eyelids and an abundance of small “net” wrinkles. Matte shadows will help hide them.

For daytime makeup, choose natural tones that perfectly match your skin tone. When choosing shadows, be sure to try them on the skin - if there is no “dirty”, gray tint, then this color suits you. Try not to save on shadows: they should go on evenly, in a thin layer, and at the same time even out the color of the eyelids, not crumble or roll down during the day.

Properly selected eye shadow colors can significantly refresh the look of older women and make it younger. Proper light colors predominate, and dark ones are enough to indicate some accents. Eye color directly affects the shadow palette:

  • All shades of brown are suitable for brown eyes, but you should choose a cold undertone. Lilac, blue, lilac and pale green colors will also highlight brown eyes.
  • For gray and blue eyes, you need to choose a more yellowish palette: peach, sand, brown, plum shadows.
  • Green eyes can be emphasized by shades derived from red: lilac, pale pink, eggplant, etc.

Remedy #7: Eyeliner
Make-up, clothing for women 50 years old should be (well, very desirable) warm, calm tones. The same applies to the eyeliner with which we bring the lash line. Black with not too accurate application will look sloppy. Gray is “dirty”, but brown, chocolate, dark beige are just right!

For daytime makeup, you can bring only the upper eyelid, and for the evening, you should pay attention to the lower one. But do not bring the pencil line to the inner corner of the eye, it is better to start it from the middle and take it to the temple.

Tool number 8: how to properly apply makeup after 40 years - mascara
It happens that in women of mature age, the eyelashes are barely noticeable - they are short, rare and almost colorless. That's why it looks like they don't exist. And if so, the next tool in our cosmetic bag among all cosmetics for the face after 50 years will be mascara.

The lighter the eyes and skin, the less contrast the mascara should be - choose not black, but graphite, and brown will look especially soft and gentle. For those who like brighter makeup, you can try colored mascara, and believe me, it will not look wild. When in doubt, try plum, burgundy, navy blue, or dark green.

Remedy #9: Lipstick
Many photos of women 50 years old without makeup show us that lips, unfortunately, lose their natural pigmentation over time, their shade seems to fade, becomes paler. This can be compensated by lipsticks and tints (pigments) for the lips. At the same time, it is not recommended to use a lip contour pencil, well, except in cases where you apply dark or saturated colors so that they do not spread.

Well, it seems that's all. These 9 products are a must-have for a mature woman. Create your own "50+" cosmetic bag, you can even add some other favorite product there, without which you cannot imagine your makeup.

Simple make up rules

Age makeup needs a special approach to create an elegant and well-groomed look. It's no secret that skin loses elasticity with age. Wrinkles, age spots appear on it, the oval of the face loses its clarity and beauty. The modern cosmetic market offers a lot of cosmetics with which you can diversify the style and demonstrate the youthfulness of the skin of the face.

However, what is good for a young girl looks out of place on a woman over 50. In addition, skin care components are often included in the preparations. Therefore, cosmetics for different ages are different. Cosmetics for aging skin should be gentle so as not to accelerate the aging process.

When performing age-related makeup, it is worth taking naturalness as a basis: whatever the make-up for ladies over 50, the face should look natural, without the effect of a mask. For this, decorative cosmetics alone are not enough: careful and daily work on skin care is needed. It is her condition that will be the decisive factor: the better and younger the skin of the face looks, the more ideal the makeup will turn out.

With age, intense sunburn should be avoided, which dries the skin of the face, ages it and deprives the face of attractiveness.

Being beautiful and fashionable with age is more difficult, but this is a real task that every woman over 50 can cope with. Experienced makeup artists identify a number of rules for youthful makeup for middle-aged ladies:

  • careful preparation of the skin of the face and décolleté before makeup;
  • the use of a minimum of tinting agents;
  • face oval lifting;
  • a calm and muted color palette of cosmetics (refusal of blue, purple colors, giving the area around the eyes the appearance of bruises and red, making the eyes sick, tearful and swollen);
  • obligatory study of eyebrows (plucking, shaping in order to get rid of the effect of an impending eyelid);
  • shadows with a light satin shimmer are allowed, texture with mother-of-pearl and glitter is excluded: such shadows increase the severity of wrinkles (a drop of highlighter under the eyebrow is the maximum that you can afford);
  • exclusion of sharp accents (eyeliners, liners) from the cosmetic bag: if it is difficult to refuse them, it is worth replacing the black pencil, shadows and mascara with brown analogs;
  • the use of no more than two layers of mascara on the upper eyelashes, followed by combing the eyelashes (getting rid of the untidy effect of stuck together eyelashes);
  • one accent on the face (only eyes or exclusively lips);
  • taboo on poisonous and catchy tones of lipstick, as well as the greasy sheen of their texture;
  • the use of age-appropriate cosmetics, which, in addition to decorative, has a caring function;
  • the use of not only brushes and sponges, but also the fingertips (to even out the tone of the face).
    Taking into account the knowledge of the rules for performing age-related makeup, the make-up procedure on your own will not take much time.


Women's makeup, regardless of age, has several varieties:

  • day;
  • everyday;
  • evening;
  • festive;
  • professional.

The daily and daily make-up of a woman in middle age is considered to be neutral. In this case, a minimum of cosmetics is used in order to emphasize health: a smooth and toned facial skin is distinguished.

Evening and festive make-up allows the use of accents (pencil, more intense shadows and lipstick), without crossing the line of naturalness. Such an image is intended for a special occasion (wedding, anniversary), it allows some freedom in the choice of cosmetics, allowing shadows of medium and dark tones, black ink, pencil. This makeup should emphasize the sparkle of the eyes and attract all the attention to them.

Professional make-up is used for photo shoots. This is a special job of a makeup artist. This look is fundamentally different and aims to make a woman perfect for the camera. It uses special cosmetics marked HD, which creates a natural effect with any layer of application. This is a rich make-up that allows a woman to look her best.


To make the makeup perfect, you first need to prepare the skin. This includes the use of cleansers and a light moisturizer. The most important enemy on the road to success is not age spots or acne: it is skin aging. Sagging eyelids, nasolabial folds, cheeks with the effect of a "bulldog" - this is what cosmetics should distract attention from.

To compensate for age-related changes in the dermis, it is necessary that it be clean and even. To do this, women use cosmetic products with a lifting effect, soothing and moisturizing creams, masks. Skin care is the foundation of the basics at this age. You can prolong the beauty of the oval of the face with the help of a special corset, which is worn at night.

Make-up should not age, lightness and translucency of tones and layers of cosmetics are welcome. This will help create a sense of naturalness and natural female beauty. The step-by-step instruction consists of the following steps:

  • A day cream with a moisturizing effect is applied to clean skin, taking quite a bit of the product and distributing it in a thin, almost transparent layer until completely absorbed.
  • If the cream does not perform the function of the base, it is applied next, as soon as the cream is absorbed. If you skip this step, the durability of the makeup may suffer.
  • After the base, the face is tinted with a light fluid, then dark circles under the eyes are masked with the help of a corrector.
  • Use a powder brush to mattify the tone of the face, then with a touch of blush, give the skin a fresh, rested look.
  • The base under the shadows is a necessary condition for beautiful eyes. It is applied in a thin layer on the upper eyelid.
  • The correct number of shadows is no more than two (light and dark). First, the eyes are accentuated with a light tone (not lighter than the color of the skin), then the outer corner is shaded, hiding the sagging of the eyelids.
  • The lips should remain in the shadows, they must not be interrupted by the accent of the eyes. You should not outline them more than a natural contour: it is ugly and can disrupt the correct placement of accents.
  • If you do not pay attention to the eyebrows, you can spoil the whole makeup: with age, the eyebrows become thinner and lose their beautiful curve. The ends of the eyebrows should not go beyond the outer corners of the eyes; it is unacceptable that the shape be an senile arch.

Master classes

To make age-related makeup, you need to take into account the peculiarities of the color of the skin, eyes, hair. If brunettes have a more varied color palette at this age, it is advisable for blondes to stick to light and natural tones of cosmetics in order to look appropriate.

For brunettes

It is easier for dark-haired women to make perfect age-related makeup. What seems catchy on blondes looks more natural on brunettes. However, if the color of the shadows matches the color of the eyes, such makeup is doomed to failure. The eyelids will appear heavier, the look tired and dull.

When doing make-up, you need to remember: the color of the eyebrows of brunettes is always a tone lighter than the natural color of the hair. Be sure to stain the empty areas of the eyebrows, if the eyebrows are rare. Otherwise, the eyes will look sharp, and the overall image will be unfinished.

Age makeup of brunettes is performed as follows:

  • after a visual “lift” of the face with a foundation and powder, a base is applied under the shadows on the upper eyelids;
  • to make the eye color bright, a thin, dim line is drawn along the border of the upper eyelid, without drawing an arrow, but slightly raising the line at the outer corner upwards;
  • taking as a basis two tones of the same color, contrasting with the color of the eyes, first a light tone is applied, then (closer to the base of eyelash growth) a dark one, combining the colors according to the principle of the ombre effect;
    it is undesirable to paint the eyelids completely to the lower border of the eyebrows: this is not fashionable, and the view will be terrifying;
  • if after shading the makeup seems pale, you can slightly increase the accent of the outer corner with a pencil so that it does not stand out;
  • taking mascara, paint and comb the upper eyelashes, bringing them to perfection;
  • to hide wrinkles in the outer corner of the eye, in addition to shadows, you can slightly tint the lower eyelashes from below (exactly in the corner).
  • choosing a nude tone of lipstick to emphasize the eyes, it is applied to the center of the lips and shaded with a brush, slightly lifting the edges of the lips up.

For blondes

Blondes need to pay special attention to the choice of color and not oversaturate the image with cosmetics. After leveling the tone of the face, the eyes are accentuated:

  • shade of beige color cover the upper eyelid, not forgetting about shading;
  • if there are no dark spots under the eyes, you can slightly emphasize the lower eyelid with the same shade of shadow;
    darker tone accentuate the outer corner, smoothly connecting the two shades;
  • along the ciliary line of the moving eyelid, a contour is drawn with a pencil, then it is shaded;
  • using a flat brush, slightly highlight the border of the lower eyelid;
  • brown mascara in one or two layers on the upper lashes will complete the accent of the eyes.

A light dark contour will visually make the color of the eyes brighter. So that the makeup does not lose its beauty, you need to emphasize the line of the eyebrows from below with light shadows. The tone of the eyebrows of blondes should be slightly darker than the color of the hair. You should not paint your eyebrows brightly: it is enough to darken them by a tone or two. For daytime makeup, it is desirable to observe the natural color range of eye shadows and eyebrows: this will enhance the effect of naturalness.

Since the contour of the lips becomes blurred with age, a correction is needed: a pencil of the color of the chosen lipstick. The line should be clear, but invisible against the background of lipstick. The tone of lipstick should be chosen light, as close to natural as possible: it is this shade that will emphasize the beauty and charm of age-related makeup

Common mistakes to avoid

Often the created image does not match the intended one. The reason for unsuccessful makeup, when it does not look young, but ages a woman, is inept work with cosmetics. Makeup artists have identified mistakes that are quite common in age-related makeup:

  • dense and uneven layer of foundation (mask effect);
  • too light foundation (creating an accent on wrinkles and highlighting any, even minor imperfections of the skin of the face);
    an abundance of powder on the face (the effect of theatrical makeup);
  • applying powder to the cheeks and around the eyes (dry skin effect);
  • pink, red, orange or brown blush (Marfushi effect and visual aging of the face);
  • a thin line of eyebrows without filling them with shadows and drawing a shape;
  • liquid lipstick, lack of lip contour or too pronounced contour (untidiness);
  • mascara on the lower eyelashes (effect of "panda" and fatigue);
  • eyeliner arrows, especially on a fixed eyelid (the prerogative of the young, reducing the eyes).

Most women believe that 50 years of makeup is no longer necessary. But according to stylists, properly applied makeup can help a woman look 5-10 years younger. Age makeup is the right makeup. The flawlessness of her image will depend on how accurately a woman uses the techniques of makeup artists.

Women over 50 are recommended a special make-up that hides age-related imperfections, such as drooping eyelids, pronounced nasolabial folds, lowered corners of the mouth or eyebrows, age spots. Properly selected cosmetics will help to refresh the face, create an attractive youthful appearance and increase self-confidence. To achieve this, you need to know how to choose the necessary tools, how to do makeup for a woman of 50 years old step by step and learn how to do it yourself.

Simple make up rules for women over 50

The following rules will help to make a face correction:

  • foundation cover the neck, the open part of the neckline and earlobes;
  • make-up is applied to the hanging eyelids without closing the eyes;
  • the skin will be more elastic, smooth and cosmetics will lie more evenly if peeling is done 2 times a week;
  • the skin must be touched gently, without stretching it.

The make-up of a 60-year-old woman largely depends on the condition of her skin, but makeup artists advise it’s better to “do not smear”. The corrector should be used as little as possible. Be sure to work out the area near the inner corner of the eye (it is less covered with wrinkles). This technique makes the vision clear.

Many women over the age of 60 develop hair above their upper lip or chin as a result of age-related hormonal changes. Light and not long will hide the tonal base, and dark and too prominent must be removed with wax or depilatory cream, otherwise the makeup will not lie flat.

Rules for choosing high-quality cosmetics

At the age of 50, a woman should use high-quality cosmetics with natural ingredients. Cheap ones should be abandoned because of its inferior composition, which leads to drying of the skin and contributes to its aging. To do the right makeup, you must have the following:

  • foundation for foundation;
  • corrector - 2 tones lighter than foundation;
  • Foundation;
  • powder matte or with a slight satin sheen 2 shades;
  • eyebrow pencil;
  • a set of shadows;
  • mascara that lengthens the eyelashes, but does not create excess volume;
  • blush of gentle shades;
  • transparent lip gloss;
  • lipstick
  • blush brush;
  • sponges for applying cosmetics around the eyes and powder;
  • eyebrow brush.

Foundation is carefully selected. It is important that it has moisturizing properties and that its texture is light. A good product lays on the skin in a thin, even layer, giving it a smooth and toned look, evens out, but does not radically change its natural shade. When buying foundation and powder, it is advisable to use a test to see how natural they look on the skin.

To draw the curve of the eyebrows well, you need to choose a hard pencil. Additionally, it can be equipped with an applicator brush for shading. It does not need to be sharpened sharply. The color of the pencil can be darker than the color of the hair by no more than 2 tones.

To outline the contour of the lips, choose a pencil with a narrow lead, and if the lips are to be painted completely - with a wide one. It is better to choose products containing vitamins C, E and emollient oils. The pencil should match the lipstick. A woman after 50 will suit satin lipstick, semi-matte and matte with moisturizing ingredients. You can try to apply the latter without a contour pencil.

Types of age makeup

Women over 50 use the following types of makeup:

  • daily (everyday);
  • evening (holiday);
  • professional.

Everyday makeup is done with moderate use of cosmetics so as to look natural. Choose a lipstick color close to natural, mascara color - brown or gray. And to apply a blush, you just need to lightly touch your cheeks with a brush. The main thing in everyday makeup is to even out the tone of the face, and powder is not necessary. It is allowed to highlight one thing - either eyes or lips.

Bright colors are appropriate in the evening, although they also need to be used carefully. For eye makeup, makeup artists recommend shades of medium and dark tones, eggplant-colored mascara or dark emerald, which, unlike black, soften the look, and brighten the protein compared to brown. To look harmonious, when making up eyebrows, it is necessary to take into account the color of the hair, but even for brunettes they do not choose black paint.

If a woman has burst blood vessels in her eyes or a yellowish protein, you can contact an ophthalmologist who will select special drops that eliminate this deficiency. They are recommended to be used only in special cases.

Professional makeup is done for filming on camera. The flash emphasizes and turns even minor skin imperfections into gross flaws. Therefore, the base for makeup and tone is applied tightly, dark circles under the eyes are carefully masked and a lot of powder is used so that there are no glare on the image. Taking into account the fact that the flash "eats" up to half of the saturation of colors, makeup is made bright and expressive with the help of special cosmetics, and even for women over 60, thick false eyelashes and bright lipstick are acceptable.


Before applying makeup, it is necessary to cleanse the skin with a tonic and apply a thin layer of moisturizer to it. This is necessary for the durability of cosmetics. The base is applied to the entire face, the lower part of the chin and eyelids. Makeup instructions for women over 50 are developed step by step by experts. When the base cream is absorbed, you can proceed.

First you need to correct the skin tone:

  • apply a foundation, carefully working through all areas, including the area under the lower eyelids, blot your face so that there are no streaks left;
  • mask problem areas with concealer (pigment spots, dark circles under the eyes, redness, deep wrinkles), apply it on the nasolabial folds and the outer part of the eyes (toward the eyebrows);
  • powder.

Age makeup for a woman over 50 is not complete without eyebrow correction. It is necessary to lift their outer tips, to achieve a beautiful bend and volume. They do it like this:

  • first, with a pink and then with a brown pencil, the shape of the eyebrows is corrected, lowering or raising them in the center, and the tips are directed to the temples;
  • gel is applied.

Correction of the eyes comes down to visually enlarge them and lift all lines. They do it like this:

  • so that the pencil does not roll and does not blur, the upper eyelids are powdered;
  • draw an inter-ciliary arrow with a brown or black pencil, without going beyond the line of the eye, and shade it;
  • shadows of natural shades are applied along the contour of the eyelid and on 1/3 of its outer part, you can use 2 adjacent colors in the palette;
  • light shadows (but not white) are applied to the inner corner, shaded, connecting with a dark area;
  • upper and lower eyelashes are painted with 1 coat of mascara.

After that, you can glue light short eyelashes that will add density. To correct the oval, a woman after 50 years old should use peach or pink blush. They are applied to certain parts of the cheeks, depending on the shape of the face. The lifting effect is obtained using dark powder, darkening the following areas:

  • along the contour where the skin sags;
  • under the cheekbones and on the cheekbones at the level of the upper teeth;
  • under the chin;
  • on the neck.

Lips are painted last. First, outline the contour with a pencil, which is slightly darker than the natural color of the lips. The lower lip can be enlarged if outlined 1-2 mm below the natural contour.

Makeup for women 55 years old is done step by step in the same way. A beautiful make-up is obtained only on well-groomed skin. Therefore, proper daily care is important.

Useful secrets

You need to know how to make makeup permanent. Makeup artists share such secrets:

  • after applying a moisturizer, lightly pat on the face so that it is better absorbed, and blot the remnants with a napkin;
  • lipstick will not flow if you circle your lips with a pencil;
  • try to avoid getting the cream on the eyelashes, the mascara can crumble;
  • after 50 the skin is dry, so it must be moisturized;
  • only the moving part of the upper eyelids can be painted with a dark color;
  • make-up should be done in a relaxed atmosphere, without rushing.

If there are many wrinkles, the surface of the skin is leveled with a primer. With age, the skin becomes drier, so at the age of 55 it is better for a woman to use a silicone primer, on which a tone that does not have fatty components is applied.

Common mistakes to avoid

The main mistakes can be associated with both the incorrect use of suitable cosmetics and the use of unsuitable products. A woman over 55 should not make mistakes when doing makeup, because. the effect will be the opposite:

  • a large amount of foundation or powder does not mask wrinkles, but emphasizes them;
  • too bright and mother-of-pearl blush, as well as applied in an uneven layer, create an absurd image;
  • a thick layer of mascara on the eyelashes, especially the lower ones, makes the eyes tired;
  • eyeliner of the lower eyelids narrows the eyes;
  • clear arrows on the upper eyelid look messy due to sagging skin;
  • dark lipstick colors age;
  • liquid, creamy and wet-used baked shadows roll into folds and wrinkles, emphasizing them;
  • bright, white or shimmery eye shadows accentuate wrinkles around the eyes;
  • thinly plucked eyebrows, like those dyed black, give the face an unnatural expression.

Brushes need to be washed and cleaned frequently. If they are clogged with particles of powder or other structures, they do not glide easily over the skin, cosmetics lie unevenly, sloppy, and mixing pigments can lead to a dirty, dull coating.

Makeup at any age is designed to decorate a woman. With its help, you can both emphasize natural data and significantly correct imperfections. Speaking about age-related makeup, it should be mentioned that in addition to all other nuances that must be masked, attention must be paid to wrinkles, the presence of which has significant consequences for the final result of makeup as a whole.

By the age of 50, most women have pronounced wrinkles on their faces. Depending on the type of facial expressions, skin characteristics and lifestyle, the following areas are most noticeably subject to age-related changes:

  • corners of the eyes;
  • nasolabial folds;
  • face contour.

With age, the corners of the eyes are endowed with many small wrinkles, which are popularly called "crow's feet". They should not be confused with mimic ones, since, unlike wrinkles formed due to excessively mobile facial expressions, age-related ones are characterized by a weakening of skin tone and loss of its elasticity. Therefore, they will require a special approach.

Nasolabial folds are the worst enemy in makeup, as their appearance can significantly add age. In addition, most of the available methods of dealing with fine wrinkles in this situation will not be available, since the nasolabial folds are a rather deeply sunken skin irregularity, complemented by a lack of tone.

The concept of facial contour should be approached literally. With age, facial skin loses its elasticity and firmness. The consequence may be a certain change in the contour of the face due to the lack of tone. Outwardly, the flabbiness of the contour will present an additional difficulty, the correctness of the cut-off pattern will depend on the elimination of which.

Additionally, tips for choosing makeup after 50 should include the features of the condition of the skin itself. Changes such as enlarged pores, capillaries, veins, and so on are not uncommon, and certain measures should also be taken to mask them. So, the pores can be filled, like wrinkles.

Capillaries are not protruding, so their elimination is possible with the right choice of masking agent. Masking veins can be difficult as they are a bulge of intense color, but skillful make-up can shift the focus on virtues, leaving imperfections in the shadows.

Makeup basics for women over 50

In order to understand how to do makeup after 50 years at home, you also need knowledge about correcting the above age-related changes.
First of all, it should be clarified that makeup is not plastic, so the complete elimination of the effects of age-related changes is impossible. To combat wrinkles, makeup can use the following techniques: filling wrinkles and removing accents.

Filling Method

It consists in textured elimination of existing skin irregularities. This technique should be taken literally, since its use involves replenishment of volume, using various cosmetics. As a rule, the procedure takes place in several stages, in which different textures are felt, the combination of which gives the desired result.

Instructions on how to make beautiful makeup step by step after 50 years

So, in order to understand how to do makeup after 50 years, which could emphasize all your advantages and hide visible flaws, you should first assess the condition of the skin of the face and its features. Pay attention to skin type:

  • normal;
  • combined;
  • dry.

As a rule, after 50 years, the skin can change its type. Most of the fair sex in this age group, the skin is mixed. This definition will tell us which zone and what attention should be paid. So, excessively oily areas (as usual, they are represented by the “T” zone - forehead, nose, chin) may need to be scrubbed. The use of a light scrub will allow us to significantly cleanse the skin and even out its surface, which is a very important point for anti-aging makeup.

Important! Do not use harsh scrubs - they can severely injure the skin and then instead of a flat surface you will get swelling. An example of a scrub, the use of which is strictly prohibited before makeup, is a composition based on apricot kernels.

The next step is to moisturize. It is necessary to moisturize the entire face, without missing a single zone. This is important, since the degree of hydration will determine how evenly the tone will lie, as well as its viability during the wearing time.

Next - proceed to fill in the wrinkles. Depending on the arsenal at your disposal, you can make up a huge number of ways to fill them, however, in order to create greater relevance, the method available to the majority will be considered. For makeup you will need:

  • base under the tone;
  • dense texture foundation;
  • corrector;
  • powder;
  • highlighter;
  • sponge for application;
  • decorative cosmetics.

Russian stars without makeup

After 50 years, women especially carefully choose cosmetics and the way it is applied. After all, improper use of powder, foundation or shadows can lead to the fact that minor flaws on the face will be emphasized. In order to prevent this, you need to know how to do makeup after 50 years at home. After all, mastery of cosmetics will allow you to maintain youth and self-confidence.

1. Makeup base. At home, you need to moisturize your skin regularly. Indeed, at the age of 50+, it becomes less elastic. Therefore, before proceeding with the make-up, it is recommended to apply a special foundation or a regular moisturizer. In order for the product to be absorbed faster, the consistency should be applied with patting movements.
2. Particular attention should be paid to the eyebrows. If a woman after 40-50 years old does not know, then it is necessary to study the above tips. After all, if the arcs on the face are too thin, then it looks unnatural and not attractive. Experts recommend maintaining a natural shape. The color of the eyebrows should be combined with the shade of the hair.
3. A woman over 50 must use blush! It is recommended to choose pink or peach tones. They will allow you to visually rejuvenate the face, make it ruddy and “fresh”. The texture of the blush can be loose or creamy. The main thing is that they ideally "lay down" on the created tone.
4. When choosing lipstick, you should give preference to natural and light shades. Pink, beige, peach, light brown tones will perfectly decorate the created make-up. After all, dark lipsticks can visually make a face gloomy and gloomy.
5. Foundation or powder should be neutral in color. Too light colors can focus on wrinkles and folds of the skin. In any case, the tone of the cosmetic should be close to the natural color of the neck. This will avoid the effect of a mask on the face.

Step-by-step instructions for creating a beautiful and elegant makeup with a photo

At the first stage, you need to carry a special makeup product.
After 10 minutes, you can distribute the foundation over the skin. For ease of use, stylists recommend using a special fan-shaped brush.
In order to make wrinkles or acne marks invisible, you can apply concealer to problem areas.
In eye makeup, preference should be given to light and matte shades. Beige, gray, lilac and other tones will perfectly refresh a mature look. Makeup artists recommend using two shades of shadows. Light colors are applied in the corner of the eye and under the eyebrow. And dark shadows outline the outer area.
Care must be taken when using a pencil or eyeliner. Very often, after 40 years, a hanging eyelid is formed in women. And dark tones can visually aggravate the appearance. Therefore, it should be with the use of thin and smooth lines.
Blush is applied to the protruding part of the cheekbones. To do this, you can smile so that these places are clearly visible.
At the final stage, you should use lipstick or lip gloss.