Lightening using balayage technique. Video tutorial on hair coloring using the balayage technique. How to dye balayage hair at home for yourself

Over the many years of its existence, one of the popular hair coloring techniques has not lost its relevance; on the contrary, it has received a new life in various variations. Shatush, ombre and finally balayage. All three trends of recent years are somewhat similar to each other. Darkened roots, transitions and color stretching, look stylish, give the strands a fashionable naturalness and give the hairstyle dynamism.

Name "balayage" translated from French as “revenge”. Indeed, the work of a master with a brush when applying a coloring composition to the hair resembles broad strokes of a broom.

When dyeing balayage, the ends of the hair and strands are highlighted, starting from the middle. The composition is applied in the shape of the Latin letter V. First, the sides of the selected strand are painted over, and then its ends. Two or three shades are used, “flowing” into each other. Color transitions can be sharp or smooth, without clear boundaries.

Benefits of the balayage technique

Most modern fashionistas believe that traditional coloring is a thing of the past. Many people are bored with hair that looks like a wig, so coloring and lightening using several shades at once has been at the forefront of fashion trends for many years. Balayage has the following advantages: Suitable for owners of hair of any length;
Fits well into any image and style from extravagant to classic;
Gives hair visual volume and shine;
Well suited for fine and unruly hair;
Does not require frequent color correction, except when coloring is done on a short haircut;
Allows you to correct facial imperfections, for example, to hide a heavy chin or too wide cheekbones, overly rounded cheeks.

This technique also has disadvantages. Compared to traditional coloring or highlighting, balayage takes longer, and performing the procedure yourself at home will not be so easy.

Shatush, ombre, balayage - is there a difference?

The trends of the last few seasons, coloring techniques, and balayage, at first glance, are no different from each other. Each of them gives the hair a natural sun-bleached effect, and all have a contrast between roots and ends. To a layman's eye there is no difference. But a good specialist knows that these are not the same thing.

When dyeing balayage, the ends of the hair are also lightened. However, unlike the shatush technique, the composition is applied to the entire zone, that is, the lower part stands out more clearly. In this way, balayage is similar to ombre. However, the shades used in the first case are closer to the natural hair color. In addition, balayage uses vertical rather than horizontal coloring, resulting in more blurred shade transitions. Thus, we can say that balayage is a cross between shatush and ombre.

Video - what are the differences between balayage, ombre and shatush techniques

As already mentioned, balayage technology involves changing the color of only half of the hair. But this is a simplified diagram. In practice, there are several variations of coloring. The difference lies in the color transitions; they can be sharp or subtle. Only the ends of the hair or the strands are dyed almost completely. The choice of colors is also unlimited: these can be shades close to natural, or bright, almost contrasting.

Who is balayage suitable for?

Since the technology is considered gentle, experts recommend balayage to owners fine and porous hair. They are characterized by insufficient volume, lack of shine and fragility. Coloring can solve all three problems at once. The lucky owners of long, healthy and voluminous curls do not need to choose; any of the techniques will suit them perfectly: shatush, ombre or balayage. But on short haircuts, the latter option will look most advantageous.

It should be noted that balayage coloring is aimed primarily at giving expressiveness to the hairstyle. Therefore, it is better to decide in advance by making a suitable haircut or carving. On curled hair, balayage looks simply luxurious. Ladder haircuts of varying lengths are also well suited for this coloring technique.

Women with short hair can choose a classic bob with graduations and effectively emphasize individual strands near the face and at the back of the head. This technique will add visual volume to the hairstyle, in addition, the traditional classic will look more modern. By the way, this option is suitable not only for fans of elegant haircuts, but also for extraordinary people. Color will allow you to place the necessary accents.

Balayage for brown hair

Natural shades that do not differ too much from the natural color of hair look most organic on fair-haired beauties: golden, wheat, light amber, light brown. In this case, the transition looks as restrained as possible. For fans of more unconventional solutions, we can recommend:
✓ All shades of copper;
✓ Caramel;
✓ Light walnut;
✓ Coffee with milk;
✓ Silver-ash blonde.

Golden haired ladies They can also use balayage dyeing to revive their hair color and give their hair extra volume. Of course, on light strands, the lightening will practically not be noticeable, so for those who want to slightly change the image, it is better to choose tones that are slightly darker than the natural shade. To add visual volume and shine, “platinum blonde” is suitable.

Balayage for brown hair - photo

Balayage for dark hair

Brunettes and brown-haired women prefer the balayage dyeing technology, since the results of the experiment are most noticeable on dark hair. In addition, you can create any look simply by choosing the appropriate color. Bold fashionistas will prefer brightness and contrast, elegant ladies will choose the effect of light sun highlights in their hair.

A romantic, gentle image can be created using coloring golden, honey, caramel shades. For brunettes, chocolate and coffee colors are suitable. On raven-colored hair, shades of gray with a silvery tint look especially noble.

Fans of bright style will prefer shades autumn foliage or Burgundy wine, old bronze. With a bright color you can shade the strands along almost the entire length, or simply emphasize the ends. In any case, the hairstyle will look non-trivial.

Balayage on dark hair - photo

Lovers of shocking They will prefer trendy looks, with the tips painted in neon colors. The palette here is huge: from lemon to ultramarine or sea wave. Undoubtedly, this option is more suitable for a young lady, emphasizing her youth and courage.

How to do balayage at home

There is nothing supernatural about balayage coloring; having some skills in coloring and lightening, you can cope with this task. But it will be difficult to dye your hair at the back yourself. Therefore, you will need the help of a second person. For staining you need to prepare:

1. Paint in suitable shades;
2. Brush for applying the composition;
3. Mixing containers;
4. A comb with a long tail;
5. Hair clips;
6. Protective gloves and negligee;
7. Thin cling film, pre-cut into large rectangles (15x30).

Let's start painting, following the following sequence:

1. Prepare everything you need, dilute the paint and cover your clothes with a peignoir;
2. Fix the bulk of the hair at the top, separating the “lower tier” in the temporal and occipital parts;
3. Divide the hair into separate strands, their width (2 - 4 cm) will depend on the thickness of the hair, the more hair, the larger the area that is processed at a time;
4. Apply paint of a lighter tone along the edges of the selected strand, shading it with short vertical strokes, moving from bottom to top, then coat the ends thickly;
5. Paint the middle with paint of an intermediate shade;
6. Cover the dyed strands with film to separate them from the next row of hair to be dyed;
7. Gradually process the entire mass of hair in this way.

Balayage at home video

For a smooth transition of color, providing the curls with a natural look, fair-haired young ladies are recommended to use two colors of paint, the first is 2 tones lighter than the base hair shade, and the second is four tones. The lightest one will go to the edge, and the darker one will go to the center.
If the natural color is not very expressive or you need to hide gray hair, dye your hair in a tone close to your natural shade (slightly darker or lighter), and after a few days do balayage according to the above scheme.

Every woman has a duty to herself to look stunning in any situation. A hairstyle that you can endlessly experiment with helps you create the desired look. For brave ladies, stylists offer balayage dyeing for dark hair.

Description of the method

The technique is one of the latest in hairdressing, but has already gained a following among fashionistas. Balayage is highlighting in an unusual way. The tips contrast with the main color.

This is a French name meaning "sweep away". It reflects the essence of the technique that gives curls natural beauty. I can use several shades at the same time to create a smooth transition.

The technique has other names - degradation, transverse coloring, two-tone coloring, . Suitable for hairstyles of any length, suitable for blondes and brunettes.

The dye solution is applied from the middle of the hair to its tip into separate strands. Due to the fact that the roots remain intact, the hairstyle will look neat and natural even after the roots grow out.

The technique involves horizontal strokes. Vertical movements are made only when painting the top layer with the tip of the brush.

Balayage is ideal for those ladies who do not like to visit the hair salon often. To maintain a well-groomed appearance, a few trips to the specialist a year are enough to update the color.

This style of coloring has been practiced for more than 5 years and is still popular among world celebrities. But every year color ideas change. Previously, highlighting with soft color transitions was in fashion, now – with contrasting ones. Technology is constantly being improved and rises to a new level.

Who is this highlighting suitable for?

Balayage on dark curls will suit any beauty. This is the best option for brunettes who dream of turning into blondes. This coloring Lightens by 2 tones, while the crown remains untouched. This will allow you to decide how suitable the light shade is and allow you to get used to the new look. After the procedure, you can decide whether you really need to change radically.

Unusual highlighting popular among those with thin and weak hair. The transition from one color to another visually makes the hair more voluminous.

The play of colors softens the face, so stylists recommend it to girls with angular features do balayage. The image will become tender and fragile.

It is a mistake to believe that technology is only suitable for young people. It is suitable for ladies of any age. The main thing is to choose your own shade for the base and contrast.

Dye for brunettes and colors

Balayage looks great with long curly locks. They will play in the light, creating the illusion of a flowing hairstyle. The ideal basis for unusual highlighting is natural dark curls. It is this shade that allows the master to use his imagination to the maximum, experimenting with light and bright colors.

To do balayage on dull or gray hair, you will have to first paint or tint them to bring them closer to their natural shade. But on light hair the effect is not so noticeable.

There are many variations of the balayage technique, but they all come down to several coloring methods.

  • Gradient balayage. The ends are given an elegant shade so that the hairstyle looks natural and sophisticated. Looks more subdued compared to other types.
  • Lightening the face. The best option for those who doubt the chosen color. The master will work on the strands near the face very carefully and accurately. Painting will draw attention to the face, make it softer and hide skin defects. If you like the result, next time you can give your whole head to him for the experiment.
  • Photo balayage. The squeak of hairdressing fashion. The ends are lightened along the entire length by several tones. The master makes an imperceptible stretch of color.

Traditional balayage gives a light golden tone. But stylists advise extra-fashionable beauties to pay attention to bright red or copper options for locks.

The right color will help you create the desired image and highlight your strengths. You need to focus on the color type:

  • Spring– amber curls contrast with bronze roots.
  • Autumn– dark chestnut base with bright bronze curls.
  • Summer– pearly ends against an ash-colored background.
  • Winter– the roots are eggplant-colored, and the strands are burgundy-colored.

Thanks to the playful contrast, balayage turns out unique in each individual case.

Painted black

Black curls need to be protected with foil at the roots to get an even result. To do this, the paint should not end up on unnecessary strands. You can choose the length of the curl and density.

You can start with a few centimeters, gradually increasing the part to be lightened. Used for colored hair dye removing powder.

Straight and curly

The technique is equally applicable on straight and curly hair. On curls, balayage looks especially gentle, as the strands soften the transitions of tones. And if you straighten them, the look will be completely different - new.

If the coloring results in a very sharp border, curls will visually correct everything.

With bangs and fashionable hairstyles

For those with bangs, you will have to decide whether this part will be dyed. You can change the shade completely or partially on several thin strands. Besides, If you are not sure about the correct shade, you can try it on your bangs.

If highlighting is done on short curls, then it is better to also choose a suitable haircut. Ideal for balayage on dark hair, a graduated bob or bob, as in the photo below, is suitable. For medium and long curls, cascading haircuts are optimal.

Step-by-step execution technique

The balayage style transformation takes place in several stages:

  1. The ends are colored using the method chosen by the artist (blonding or chemical dyes). It depends on the length and condition of the hair.
  2. After washing off the dye, the roots are painted in the usual way.

An important point is the transition between shades. To make it smooth, the master combs the strands from top to bottom 15 minutes after applying the paint.

The procedure takes the same amount of time as standard highlighting. But will cost many times more, so you need more paint and hairdresser skill. Also, the cost is determined by the length of the hair.

It’s difficult to choose the optimal everyday makeup for brown eyes, but it’s possible! There are several photos with step-by-step techniques for performing excellent makeup.

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How to make at home

The technique requires a certain skill and accuracy, so it is recommended to contact a salon. You can experiment at home, in which case the result will depend only on you. For this you will need the following set:

  • foil;
  • fine-toothed comb;
  • dye;
  • clarifier;
  • hairpins and elastic bands;
  • brush or sponge;
  • film (optional);
  • cup for coloring composition;
  • gloves.

Staining is done in the following sequence:

  1. Prepare everything you need, throw a film over yourself so as not to stain your clothes.
  2. Secure the middle strands with clips/hairpins.
  3. Apply the lightening compound to the lower part of the selected strand, massage the ends with your hands so that the dye lies evenly. Wrap the painted part with foil.
  4. Similar manipulations are performed with all strands. It is better to apply the dye to thick hair with a sponge, and to dry hair with a brush.
  5. Record the right time. It depends on what result you want to get and on the original color. If the instructions require a lot of time, unroll the first colored curls earlier.
  6. After removing the foil, the brightener is washed off and the process is complete.

After lightening the strands, hairdressers still advise completely dyeing your hair in its usual shade. This will create intriguing highlights when the light plays.

You can learn the technique of dyeing balayage on dark hair by watching relevant video tutorials, for example this one:

Care after painting

Balayage does not require special care. It is enough to use a suitable shampoo labeled “for colored hair”, pay attention to moisturizers. Dyed strands will need additional nourishment.

It is recommended to use this technique no more than 4 times a year, eliminating the monthly trip to the master. If such a need arises, correct the strands with neat strokes.

The result of unusual highlighting lasts only as long as the hair roots grow quickly. And the frequency of visits to the master is determined by the brightness of the dyed strands.

The balayage technique makes it possible to realize any image you have in mind, length, color and structure do not matter. At the same time, the changes will not violate the original image, unless you want to completely destroy it. To get the desired effect, it is better to turn to professionals who will select the ideal shade and do everything according to the rules.

Ombre gradient coloring, which was at the top of the hairdressing Olympus in 2013-2014, was replaced by the balayage technique (French: Balayage Highlights - sweep, swipe) and in 2015 it became firmly entrenched in the fashion world.

Balayage hair coloring, which originated in France in the early 70s, is a two-tone coloring with a blurred horizontal line. Like ombre coloring, it is based on a blurred, barely noticeable color transition - from dark hair to lighter hair, as well as from natural color to bright, rich shades that allow you to create a stylish and fashionable look. However, this is where the similarities between these dyeing technologies end.

Balayage coloring

The difference between balayage and ombre techniques

There are several main differences between ombre and balayage techniques:

The balayage technique is based on working out individual strands, rather than gradually and softly lightening the ends of the hair, like ombre.
- balayage coloring is carried out without the use of foil;
- in the balayage technique, shades are mixed in a vertical direction, and ombre coloring involves a horizontal gradation of color;
- due to the color contrast, ombre looks impressive on dark hair, and balayage hair coloring favorably sets off the natural ashy tint of fair-haired girls.

Advantages of the balayage technique

The main advantages of the balayage technique:

Creating a stylish summer look with the most natural coloring result;
- allows you to lighten your hair a tone or two, which is ideal for those girls who have not yet decided on a radical change of image;
- enhances the effect of additional volume;
- Suitable for those with short hair.

Balayage at home

Is it possible to do balayage coloring at home? For a woman who, at any cost, decides to resort to independent coloring and create an unforgettable stylish image, nothing is impossible. Although dyeing balayage is a difficult task, if you have confidence in your abilities, precise proportions and strict adherence to instructions, it is quite doable. However, the first time the result may be different from the desired one, so it is better to first try the technique on a small strand of the occipital area.

Balayage hair coloring is done using tools and materials such as:

Comb with metal tail,
- a bowl for preparing the coloring composition,
- gloves,
- brush for hair coloring,
- blondorant,
- oxidant,
- hair clips,
- semi-permanent dye.

1. Using a comb with a metal tail, divide your head into the following sections: two upper-occipital, lower occipital, frontal, parietal and two temporolateral zones.

Strands should be chosen according to the “plate” or “zigzag” haircut.

2. Preparation of the dye. Depending on your base, mix the blondor with 1.8-3% oxidant. Take the amount of powder and oxidant so that it is enough for you to paint the lower and frontal occipital areas to the occipital protuberance.

3. Start balayage coloring from the center of the lower occipital area, separating the parietal area with clamps. Select a strand 4-5 cm wide; pull it back at a 45° angle and pinch it between two fingers. Apply the prepared composition onto the brush, removing excess paint. With a quick and precise movement of the hand, using the edge of the hand, draw a thin line along the edges of the strand up to 0.7 cm wide and up to 10 cm long, keeping a root margin of 1-2 cm. The width of the line is determined by the desired degree of lightening: the wider it is, the lighter the strands you will get as a result of coloring.

Remember that balayage hair coloring is done on dirty hair. The fat film will protect the scalp from the aggressive effects of chemicals.

4. Then place this strand on a spatula and apply a fairly thick layer of paint over the entire width of the strand, not reaching the roots by 6-8 cm. Depending on the desired effect, you can increase the indentation. Immediately begin blending the edges diagonally using a small sponge or finger. As a result, you should get an uncolored triangle, the top of which is directed towards the ends of the hair.

5. After all the strands up to the occipital protuberance have been processed in the same way, mix the lightening powder and an oxidizing agent with a higher percentage in the same bowl - from 3 to 6%. Use the same method to color the strands of the upper occipital area.

6. Color the next zones - temporolateral - using the same percentage of oxidizing agent.

7. Next, go to the parietal zone. To work on the strands of this zone, you will need a six or nine percent oxidizer - for hair levels 1-3, respectively. We do not recommend using a 12% oxidizer, even if you have Asian hair. With such an aggressive effect, the “cooked” protein can lead to a fixation of yellowness, which will be problematic to remove with subsequent tinting.

8. The exposure time usually takes 15-40 minutes, after which wash off the coloring composition.

9. Tint your hair to the desired shade using semi-permanent dye and 1.9-3% oxidizer.

Balayage technique from colorist Guy Tang

How to dye your hair yourself

Correctly performed balayage technique always leaves a mystery: whether the hair was dyed or faded under the dazzling rays of the summer sun.

Many women practice changing their hair color in a beauty salon. But most people prefer to dye their hair at home using home dyes. Unfortunately, sometimes such experiments lead to unsatisfactory results. To ensure that your hair coloring with home dyes does not disappoint, you need to avoid the following mistakes.

1. Assume that the packaging indicates the future color of your hair.

The final result will primarily depend on the original color of your curls, so it is advisable to rely on the shade palette that is available in the store or at least on the color chart, which is usually given on the back of the box.

2. Don't do an allergy test.

Many ladies needlessly ignore the manufacturers’ call to conduct an allergy test. Although an allergic reaction can manifest itself not only in itching or irritation, but even in hair loss. Be sure to test as recommended a day or two before coloring.

3. Do not pre-stain.

Perhaps this mistake is the main reason for disappointment in home dyes. You need to select an inconspicuous area of ​​hair (for example, at the back near the neck) and dye a small curl to understand what shade the hair will acquire after the procedure.

4. Do not protect skin and clothing during the dyeing process.

Paints leave permanent stains on textiles. Therefore, if you value your clothes, be sure to use a peignoir when dyeing. The stains the paint will leave on your skin will wash off in a few days, but you probably won't want to walk around with stains on your face or neck for a week. To protect your skin from paint stains, lubricate it along the hairline with Vaseline or any other greasy cream.

5. Increase the dyeing time.

Sometimes ladies, to increase the intensity of the final color, leave the dye on their hair longer than indicated in the instructions. This cannot be done! Such experiments can ruin your hair. If the final result does not seem rich enough to you, simply repeat the coloring after two to three weeks.

6. Use hair dye to color eyebrows and eyelashes.

This is strictly prohibited! Shedding of eyelashes is far from the most unpleasant consequence; it is much worse if the paint gets into your eyes. In such a situation, vision problems will inevitably arise, which will require a visit to an ophthalmologist.

How to do balayage at home

Let's look at home coloring using the example of the now fashionable balayage coloring. The balayage technique at home is no different from the balayage technique in the salon. It is advisable, of course, that you have coloring experience, but with due diligence, balayage coloring at home will be successful.

How to do balayage at home step by step

First you need to prepare. The preparation is the same as for regular solid hair coloring (protection for hands, clothing, bowl and brush) plus cut pieces of foil to match the length of your hair. Below are photos and videos that will help you do your own balayage and avoid the common mistakes described above.

Balayage has been in fashion for several seasons now. This is a complex type of coloring that gives the hair an unusual, but at the same time quite natural look.

This is one of the main trends of recent years. The coloring is suitable for girls who do not want to change the color radically, but want to add something new to their image.

What kind of highlighting is this?

This painting technique allows you to create the effect of fading in the sun. It appeared in France several years ago. When performing it, the stylist runs a brush with paint over the hair, divided into strands.

Several tones are used to create smooth color transitions. Due to the highlighting of individual strands the hairstyle looks voluminous, impressive and natural.

Despite its apparent simplicity, this painting is not so easy to do. When performing it, the stylist acts as a real artist.

Ideally, you should find a good specialist for coloring. However, if you have some skill, you can do it at home.

No substrates or caps are needed when applying coloring compounds.. All necessary equipment - gloves, a brush, a flat spatula, some foil.

Advantages of this technique:

  • minor impact compared to full painting;
  • there will be no need to tint the growing ends; you need to update the color infrequently, once every 3 months or less;
  • gives the hairstyle pomp and volume;
  • This is an opportunity to update your image without making drastic changes.

This is a very versatile type of painting. It looks on hair of any color, both long and medium length or short, and is suitable for women of any age. This technique can be used to cover gray hair.

How to choose a paint shade

Eat two main options: leave the hair look natural, when the difference between the base tone and the lightest one does not exceed two tones, and make a sharp transition, creating a bright contrast. The difference will be 6-8 or more tones.

The main shades will be chestnut or eggplant, bronze and cognac. Hot brunettes can choose red or ginger color.

If you want to get an unusual and original result, you can use red, cherry, pink - they are also very popular.

It's better to choose platinum color, it will fit well golden blonde or ash.

But you can also do something more unusual by applying bright paint, such as pink, using this technique.

When painting, it is better to choose several shades of dye, so that you get a smooth transition from the dark base tone to the lightest one.

Coloring by length and structure, photo

For short, medium or long haircuts

Balayage will work with any of these hairstyles. The shorter the haircut, the more skill the stylist will need to apply the coloring composition correctly.

Another feature of this technique on short hairstyles is touch up will have to be done more often, ideally immediately after the roots grow. Indeed, in this case, balayage quickly loses its attractiveness.

When the coloring composition is often placed not over the entire area of ​​the head, but only in a certain area.

The result is a bright and original detail that effectively complements the image. Long curls, unlike short or medium ones, can be dyed yourself.. This technique looks best on long hairstyles.

One of the balayage options is to do smooth gradient from roots to tips, when the dark shade gradually turns into light. This method looks very beautiful, however, for the transformation you will have to contact a master.

For medium-length hairstyles, you can use techniques that are used when coloring both long and short hair.

On dark, light or red

The contrast margin is especially large for dark-haired girls. Brunettes can try to do balayage with a bright contrast: the roots can be left as is, or additionally darkened, and the ends can be made much lighter, 8-10 shades, or a completely different color.

This type of painting will make you look bright, the main thing is that the color transition should be smooth. The opposite option is to lighten the tone: this will allow simulate glare from the sun, and the strands will not look dyed.

For fair-haired girls the choice is not so great - they don’t have any reserve of 10 tones for lightening. Therefore, their main option is coloring, which creates a hairstyle look close to natural.

This coloring also looks very natural: if for owners of dark hair this is an opportunity to create bright contrasts, then fair-haired girls can create beautiful burnout effect.

Redheads girls can make their strands amber or chestnut.

On dyed, highlighted or bleached

Balayage can be done on both natural and dyed hair. In each of these cases, you need to choose appropriate shades for lightening. It is not used on bleached hair - there is simply nowhere to lighten it further.

Performing balayage itself does not require preliminary bleaching. It is not performed on highlighted curls - there is no point in interfering with these two techniques.

For straight or curly hair

This technique is suitable for girls with curly hair. Coloring will add volume to the curls and a little sunshine. True, in life it can be seen more often on straight hair - simply because it is more common.

On a square, cascade or bob

Balayage looks great in combination with a bob. This is the way to create gentle and romantic image. Cascading haircuts or bobs also work very well for balayage. Look at the photo to see what balayage looks like on a lengthened bob, graduated and straight.

With and without bangs

Balayage looks good on hairstyles with or without bangs. If you have bangs, you can pay extra attention to them by highlighting them and the strands around your face, or you can, on the contrary, leave them almost untouched, paying special attention to the sides.

When performing balayage on hairstyles without bangs, attention is also often paid to the front curls that frame the face.

Balayage is truly the most universal technique that will suit almost everyone. The main thing is you take the color and correctly apply the coloring compounds.

Painting technique: step-by-step instructions

The technique for dyeing hair in the balayage style depends on the length of the hair. Medium length hair coloring:

  • Comb your hair and divide it into several squares with the tip of the comb.
  • Gather your hair into ponytails.
  • Wrap strips of foil around the base of each tail.
  • Leave the coloring composition on for the required time and rinse off.

Long hair coloring:

  • Hair should be combed well and divided into strands.
  • Place a strip of foil under the ends of each of them.
  • Apply paint to each strand with a brush.
  • Leave for the required time and rinse.

Highlighting on short hairstyles:

  • Comb the strands along the entire length so that the ends are on top.
  • Fix with varnish.
  • Apply the coloring composition to the foil strips.
  • Apply foil to the curls so that it does not get on the roots.
  • Let the paint sit for the required time and wash off.

These methods can be called basic, but they are not the only ones- every true master has his own techniques for applying paint.

Using one of the proposed schemes, you can paint balayage on hairstyles of any length.

How to paint yourself

Balayage is a real art, and better this procedure should be entrusted to a real master. But you can try to make it yourself, using all your knowledge and skills, adding a little creativity.

The good thing about balayage is that it allows for an infinite number of variations, here no strict rules and even if you do the painting yourself, then everything can work out.

The only thing you need to keep an eye on is The dye should be applied so that smooth color transitions appear on the hair.

To do this, it is better to use several coloring compositions of different tones, applying them according to one of the three schemes described in the previous section.

List of everything what you need for painting:

  • dye;
  • several cups for coloring compositions;
  • fine-toothed comb;
  • foil;
  • hairpins;
  • sponge or brush for applying paint;
  • gloves to protect hands;
  • film to cover the shoulders.

Useful video lessons

You most likely won’t be able to dye your hair using balayage technology yourself (or it will be very difficult), but a friend can really help.

We offer several useful video tutorials. How to dye hair on a table:

Paint application technique from Brandon Martinez (video in English, but you can understand the essence even if you don’t know him):

How to color short hair:


Hair after the procedure require standard care. The difference is that, unlike full-on coloring, the harmful effects of balayage are much less. Hair is less damaged, making it easier to care for.

Use shampoo for colored hair and apply moisturizers. Colored hair could use some extra nourishment.

A repeat procedure is needed no earlier than three to four months later.. The brighter the color, the more often you will have to update it.

It also depends on the speed at which the roots grow. You shouldn’t apply makeup more often than four times a year; if the need arises, you can slightly correct the strands with neat strokes.

Well executed balayage will help you create a fashionable look, which will be no worse than those of popular “star” beauties. With this coloring, your hair will sparkle and sparkle with new colors.