Hairstyles for mother of the bride for short hair. Hairstyle of a young mother - haircut or long hair

A wedding is the most important event in life both for the heroes of the occasion - the bride and groom, and for beloved parents. At this solemn moment, they will be surrounded by the attention of the guests, the lenses of photo and video cameras will be directed at them. The appearance of the parents of the newlyweds speaks of their social and financial situation. Therefore, the mother of the bride should pay attention to her image and not forget about the hairstyle, which should be in harmony with the dress and be age-appropriate.

A properly chosen hairstyle for the mother of the bride can improve the shape of the face, hide minor flaws in appearance and age-related changes, visually reduce age. Properly done make-up neat styling will allow owners of hair of any length to look perfect on wedding photos and video.

Stylish styling

Haircut owners should Special attention devote to hair styling. The mother of the bride with healthy, well-groomed hair and a haircut is perfect for all kinds of stylish options hairstyles. Hair is curled into curls or, conversely, straightened with an iron. Several strands can be fixed with a beautiful elegant hairpin. It is not advisable to leave long hair completely loose, it is better to partially stab it from behind, we will consider this option later.

It has long been known that a properly selected hairstyle can both rejuvenate any woman and add age to her. And there are universal haircuts that unify age, such as a bob. There is an opinion that classic caret visually brings a woman of any age closer to 25-30 years. The so-called haircut "under the boy" makes almost all of its owners younger.

Classic - low beam

For medium and long hair good option will be a classic low beam. This graceful hairstyle always gives an image of elegance and style. In addition, it is practical, comfortable and can last throughout the celebration. Do not pull your hair tight, such styling is too boring, it will remind everyone of the resemblance to a school teacher, and also add a few extra years to you. low beam can be decorated with a single curl or several fantasy laid out curls. The main thing is that the festive hairstyle looks harmonious and fits the type of face.

Semi-loose hair

Another a win-win for hair middle length and long hair - when the strands are slightly combed to create additional volume, after which the upper part of the hair is pulled back, revealing the face, and fixed with varnish, while the lower part is usually curled with tongs. Such styling is chosen by many Hollywood stars.

french shell

A perfectly laid French shell with a twist, in the form of several curls, will adorn any woman. In this case, you can choose both a smooth shell and a variant with a curly top. Today, light negligence is in fashion, giving elegance and charm to a woman of any age.

Curly bun

Try putting your hair in a beautiful curly bun and decorate it with a small accessory. This hairstyle is most suitable for medium length hair, about shoulder length, but can be created on any type of hair, be it straight, curly or thin.

With elements of weaving

Great alternative french shell there will be neat hairstyles with crossed strands and decoration of an evening hairstyle with weaving. The main thing is that the styling is not very tight, otherwise it will add a few years to the age. Bet on natural beauty, it is not necessary to opt for a complex hairstyle.

If you still couldn’t decide on the styling, in this case, try contacting a stylist who will help you sort out this issue.

When choosing a hairstyle for the mother of the bride, a lot should be taken into account - the features of the figure and hair, the type and features of the face, outfit and makeup for the event. If the hairstyle is chosen correctly, you will feel comfortable and confident. The mother of the bride is one of the main actors at a wedding celebration, and a chic youthful woman next to the newlyweds will attract glances and delight with her appearance.

Motherhood is not only a great happiness, but also the reason why you have to sacrifice something. A smile on your baby's face can light up your life and fill it with the highest meaning, but now most of your time will be given to the child.

Many women at this stage completely forget about their own appearance; it is clear where to get it extra hour to paint your nails or do a thorough styling of long hair. That is why it is worth considering the option of a shorter haircut for mom.

In addition, after childbirth, hair may begin to fall out; do not panic, this is just a consequence of the change hormonal background and will soon pass. This is another reason why most new moms prefer short haircuts.

Haircut for a young mother: the main rule is ease of styling

Choosing from the whole variety of options, it is best to consider those women's haircutsthat will not require a long and complex styling. Below are a few ways to get beautiful hairstyle without daily winding on curlers or pulling with tongs.


Cascading haircut for mom is classic version, suitable for both thin and thicker hair, and the length for such a haircut can be almost any. In this case, the hair is cut not in a straight line, but in a falling “waterfall”, which is why this hairstyle is called a cascade. If the child is small and there is no time for styling, then the cascade will be a wonderful way to always look good without spending a lot of time. Just wash your hair and dry it with a hair dryer - they will fall in the right order. And so that the baby does not get tangled with handles in the hair, choose the average length of the haircut so that the hair can be collected in a ponytail.


At the same time, the length can be either shoulder-length or shorter, at your own discretion. However, in order for the hair to lay down correctly, sufficient qualifications of the master hairdresser are necessary. If the haircut for mom is done professionally, then there will be no problems with her styling.

Another way to simplify styling is to cut your hair very short, as they say, “like a boy”.

Such a haircut is not only very easy to care for, but also visually rejuvenates a woman. At the same time, an elongated bang will perfectly correct an overly round or rectangular shape of the face, and for women with a narrow shape, it will be possible to choose an option with a short thin bang.

Of course, you need to choose, primarily based on the type of hair. The presented options are good precisely because they are universal and will look good on thick hair, and thinner ones. The shape of the face can also be any, as it can be perfectly adjusted with bangs or different lengths framing strands.

Do not feel sorry for the length of the hair; during maternity leave they will grow back. In addition, it is obvious that short, but well-groomed hair look better than long untidy strands, for which, moreover, a child will pull you. And short hair is much easier to care for.

Olga Ivanovskaya specially for the site I am a young mother

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One of the most exciting and significant events in the life of any family is a wedding. For parents wedding celebration becomes even more significant than for their children. They have to think through all the little details. solemn event, including your appearance, after all close attention will be riveted not only to the newlyweds, but also to their parents.
It is impossible to imagine how much the mother of the bride is worried before her daughter enters the wedding. adulthood. Being the main guest of the holiday, she needs to take care of looking no less beautiful than the bride.
In preparation for the celebration, it is necessary to discuss all the subtleties with the daughter. Being the main character upcoming holiday, she will tell you what style the outfit, hairstyle and makeup should be in.


The ideal option for mother and daughter is to visit the same specialist who can complete the image of the bride and her mother. He will make up and hair, adhering to the same style, emphasizing the close relationship between his daughter and mother.

When choosing a hairstyle, the mother of the bride should follow simple rules:
  • the hairstyle should not be ordinary, so that the photographs do not give the impression that the mother is just a casual observer of the ceremony.
  • the hairstyle should not be too pretentious, otherwise the mother will feel constrained and will not be able to fully enjoy an important event in her daughter's life.

The main condition that you need to focus on when creating a hairstyle for the mother of the bride is to emphasize beautiful features face, visually make the face younger and fresher.
A well-chosen hairstyle will improve the oval of the face, hide age features and imperfections in appearance, will reduce age.

  • loose straight hair
  • smooth hair with a beam
  • bouffant
  • braids, wreaths on the head
  • haircuts with unnatural hair colors
  • loose face hair that only goes young girls
  • owners of short hair it is more expedient to do good styling without too much pretentiousness
  • give up bright jewelry in hair, it is better to bet on earrings and a necklace
  • You should not do a hairstyle that you liked in your youth. Today they have moved into the category of retro and will only reveal the flaws of the figure.

When choosing an image for mom, you need to remember that smooth hair will add severity to the appearance, but they will also add elegance to the image. Light curls on the contrary will make a woman elegant age romantic and mysterious.

Stylish styling.

Usually mothers of brides rarely have long hair, since it is believed that long hair goes only to young girls, and adult women add extra years. It is true, because short haircuts significantly reduce age. If the mother of the bride has a short haircut, then with a choice of hairstyles special trouble will not be. For a woman with well-groomed, shiny hair fit various options stylish hairstyles.
Properly selected hairstyles can rejuvenate, or even add a couple of years of appearance. Universal haircut a square can bring a woman closer to 25-30 years.


One of the most beautiful and popular hairstyles today are curls. Fashion styling looks incredibly feminine and festive. This is a great hairstyle for the mother of the bride. Photos of celebrities from the red carpet is good example the fact that the stars choose her at any age, as she is suitable for any face shape and hair type.


A win-win hairstyle for the mother of the groom for a wedding for long hair and medium length hair is semi-loose hair. Such option is suitable mothers at any age. Top part the hair is removed back with a hairpin or elastic band, revealing the face, and the lower one remains loose. Hair can be curled with tongs and fixed with varnish to give it a festive look.

Collected hair.

The classic option is the hair collected at the back of the head or in another way - bundle. This hairstyle always looks elegant and stylish. Hair should not be tightly pulled together so as not to resemble a school teacher. Let it be light, with casually laid out curls. The main thing is that it fits the type of face and harmonizes with its image. Such styling is reliable and practical and will not cause inconvenience during the celebration.
Another hairstyle with collected hairclassic shell. This hairstyle lengthens the neck, gives grace, the woman becomes slimmer and taller. The shell is elegant and self-sufficient, therefore it does not require additional accessories.
Curled bundle. One of the types of beam. Only in this case, the hair must first be curled and removed in a weak bun. Such hairstyle goes all women and gives lightness and romance to the image.

An alternative option is a bun with a curl that has come out to the face. The hair is collected in a weak bun at the back of the head, and one small curl remains at the face. The curl can be curled, it can be short or long, high or low. The main thing is that the owner of the hairstyle feels comfortable. This hairstyle looks natural and at ease and suits almost everyone.

Volume styling.

Short hair cut like a boy can be styled in any way. The woman will look stylish and youthful. On short haircut you can make it big or medium perm, give volume at the roots, straighten, make a slanting bang or fold a few strands back.

Direct styling.

Hairstyles with weaving elements are preferred not only by brides, but also by their mothers. After all, such a hairstyle has a number of advantages: it looks cute, does not lose its appearance for many hours and goes to many. Starting from the level of the forehead, a weak braid is woven from a small strand and connected with the rest of the hair, then removed into a bun. Such a hairstyle will help to lose a couple of years and will cause admiration from others. Another hairstyle option for mom would be straight styling. Simplicity combined with elegance will not leave others indifferent!
The mother of the bride should not use hair accessories and glitter. It should be remembered that the hairstyle should be in harmony with the image of the mother of the bride, without attracting too much attention but at the same time be admired by others. The image should be stylish, solemn and restrained. Haircut and coloring should be done a week before wedding ceremony. The most big mistake many women leave everything for the last day. It is better to plan everything in advance so that there is time to correct the shortcomings.

New Years is a special time. On this night, people make wishes, strive to realize the old dreams of their loved ones, to make unusual festive interior rooms, perform some unthinkable culinary masterpieces, dress beautifully, make a stylish hairstyle.

There are enough unique images New Year's hairstyles. I draw your attention to the image from Gulia Khadullayeva, made for publication on the cover of the New Year's issue of the magazine "The Bride", Dagestan. It really is very New Year's Eve!

Real The Snow Queen from the project of the same name by the Vkontakte group is suitable for a bright platinum blonde. Here you should take care of additional "royal" jewelry and specific makeup.

However, such extravagant hairstyles require the help of professional stylists, which means an additional waste of time and money. Today we will talk about hairstyles that you can do yourself, without having special hairdressing abilities.

A young stylist from Croatia named Ucha offers a series of workshops with step by step photos in festive style.

Put your hair in elegant bun You can, using the technique of weaving braids as the basis. We tie the hair with a thin elastic band, divide it into several strands. We braid four not tight braids. We wrap the elastic band with a free strand of hair, fill all the pigtails for the newly created “winding”. For strength, the composition can be fixed with hairpins, decorated with beads, ribbons, flowers, lightly sprinkled with varnish.

With hair length below the shoulders, you can create an unusual evening hairstyle. To do this, we divide the hair into a common tail and a large strand in front. We twist the tail into a tourniquet and make a kind of bundle. We fix it with stealth or hairpins. We fasten the hairpin-limiter on the front part and twist the tight tourniquet again. Then figuratively lay this strand towards the main bundle-curl. We fix all the elements of the hairstyle with hairpins. Add decorations to taste.

A fairly easy hairstyle for medium length hair is shown in the following photo. To perform it, it is enough to make large strands, put on a soft fabric, fairly wide headband, transfer the entire mass of hair to one side, there may be an ornament on the other, and fix the curly strands of hair with invisibility, pressing some of them directly to the headband.

Next hairstyle fit both for the girl and for her mother. The difference will be only in the arrangement of decorations. We tie several tails, as shown in the photo, connect some of them and intertwine with each other, fix with a hairpin. On the example of a stylist, ordinary thin one-color elastic bands are used. For a little princess hairstyle, you can use small bows, flowers, colorful rubber bands, various ribbons, small toys, Christmas tinsel. For an older lady, stylish shiny accessories made in the form of curls and flowers, mini-apples with leaves, braid, lace, beads, glass beads are suitable.

A light and somewhat careless look can be created by slightly twisting the hair and wrapping it under the headband. This can be done in 20 minutes.

Ponytail and seashell can be a great combination in the coming year of the blue horse. To perform this hairstyle, we divide the hair into a side parting, so that the bangs are shifted to the side as much as possible. From the rest of the hair we make a ponytail and wrap it with a free strand of hair. From the front strand we make a sea shell. To do this, we tie it with an elastic band, give the direction to this part of the hairstyle, fix it, make a tight bundle of hair and twist the shell, fix it with invisibility.

Most likely, every woman in her life at least once did a shell hairstyle. In this case, it is necessary to make a pile, fix the hair with invisibility. Stylist Ucha suggests updating this traditional hairstyle with elastic headbands. The result is an image in the Greek style.

Based on the long "horse" tail, we make one more holiday hairstyle. We tie an additional elastic band. We braid a pigtail from the bottom of the tail. We wrap the free middle part in the form of a bundle. For strength, you can put a roller. Wrap the braid around the bun and secure with hairpins.

We make a roller with the help of two elastic bands on the tail, fix it with invisible ones at the back, wrap it with the free part of the hair and fix it with hairpins. Here you can tie a braid or bow, insert a flower or other decoration.

Doing unusual braid on the side. To do this, we pin the strands soft waves. Then in lower part waves skip strands of hair, imitating braid weaving. We tie with an elastic band. We decorate. It turns out quite an original hairstyle!

With the help of special tongs or tucks, we make non-standard waves on the hair. We twist the total mass of hair at the back into a tight tourniquet and make a bun. That's all! Hairstyle is ready! It only remains to add stylish accessories to your liking.

We divide the hair into two even parts. We twist the strands inward, as indicated in the photo, and fasten with hairpins. We cross the strands and pass the rings inside, make an additional curl-bun. Add decorations.

Hairstyle in a free style "hippie" is obtained quite easily. To do this, you need to divide the hair into a U-shaped parting, start weaving the braid towards the face, then make a cross division into two parts and make an independent braid from each. We fasten these braids close to loose hair. You can add the resulting “wreath” with flowers, beads, tinsel, branches and leaves of plants.

Apply a fixative to pre-curled hair. We give the curls a direction to the side, we continue to twist them and fix them with hairpins. It turns out very stylish!

Hairstyle in the form of a bow. We share a long tail three rubber bands. This should be done alternately in order to be able to wind the rubber bands with free strands. Then we tilt the tail to the side and fix the resulting bow.

We make two cute hair loops as follows: we divide the hair into a straight row, leaving the front strands loose. We tie with two elastic bands, bend it with a loop, fix it. We make a decorative winding of the loops with the front free strands.

Doing lush styling in the form of a beam in two stages. We fix a curl from the bottom of the hair. We carefully fill the upper wavy part into this curl, while decoratively straightening the strands, giving them the desired direction. Spray with fixative.

Now you have the "secret knowledge" for the production of stylish hairstyles for the holiday. You can look beautiful and unusual by doing your own hair, while spending not so much time. By the way, if you take these hairstyles into service, you can easily and quickly create new hairstyle for any holiday or trip to visit, for this you should follow the instructions and change the decorations in accordance with the theme of the party. Happy Holidays!

In preparing the article, materials from the following sites were used:

A wedding is one of major events in life and not only for the newlyweds, but also for their parents. On this solemn day, they should look 100%, especially for the mother of the bride. She, as one of the most important and important people at the wedding, should pay special attention to her image, having thought it through the smallest details. The chosen hairstyle in this case will play an important role in shaping the overall style.

The hairstyle of the mother of the bride should be in harmony with the chosen outfit and suit her age. A correctly selected option will help hide possible facial imperfections, beautifully frame the oval of the face and visually “throw off” several years. age makeup And matching hairstyle will allow every mother not only to look luxurious, but also to feel like a real woman.

The classic version is a low bun of curls

If the mother of the bride has medium or long hair, then she may prefer styling from curls in the form of a bun. Such a sophisticated hairstyle can give any look a touch of elegance and grace. A low bun of curls will not change its appearance during long period time, throughout the celebration, it will look amazing. The bundle can be decorated with a beautiful comb decorated with hundreds of rhinestones, the color of which will be in harmony with the shade of the outfit or emphasize the beauty of the eyes.

Simple but effective styling

Owners of short or shaped haircuts should pay special attention to their styling. mother of the bride with healthy and beautiful hair can be done stylish styling using quality styling products. Strands can be curled into curls of various diameters or, on the contrary, straightened with a styler. Separate strands can be stabbed with a beautiful invisible or hairpin. No matter what kind of haircut you have, whether it's a bob or a long bob, you can style it neatly and fashionably.

Semi-loose curls

Many women prefer styling with a light bouffant top and curled flowing curls, and this is not surprising. After all, this hairstyle has become a real fashion hit among Hollywood stars.

Stylish French style shell

Carefully placed shell french style can be a great styling option for the mother of the bride. A few drop-down curls or beautiful hairpin can be a great addition to such a shell. Mothers of the bride can choose both a smooth shell and one consisting of small curls. Today, many people prefer careless options, because they are able to give any woman a little charm and sophistication.

With elements of weaving

Hairstyle with crossed strands - perfect option holiday styling for mature woman. Weaving should not be too tight, it is best to keep it natural and light.

We hope that our proposed hairstyles for mothers of brides will help you in your search. suitable option. But if you still cannot find what you like, then you should consult with professional stylist or a hairdresser.

Choosing holiday styling, each woman should be guided not only by her own preferences, but also take into account the features of her figure, the type of her hair, the features and oval of her face, as well as the outfit and makeup you have chosen. A well-chosen hairstyle will help the mother of the bride feel comfortable and confident in any, even the most unforeseen, situation.