How to cut your own hair. Haircut technology "Kare", types of "Kare". The classic version of the caret with elongated front strands

Bob haircut today has gained a new popularity, which is only growing. This is understandable, the hair is not very long and not short, it is convenient to care for them and easy to style. If the square is slightly longer than the generally accepted one, just below the chin line, for example, to the shoulders, then there are more styling options. We offer several options for do-it-yourself hairstyles on a square at home, photos and their step-by-step description. From this variety, everyone will definitely find something interesting and useful for themselves.

The simplest hairstyles on a bob that you can do at home with your own hands (photo later in the article) will look stylish and modern, if you consider a few simple rules:

  1. Naturalness and simplicity of lines are in fashion today. Having created a slight negligence and a small volume on the hair, you can safely consider your hairstyle finished and modern.
  2. The curl should not be tight with even curls. If a curling iron is used, then you can give a wave to the curl and beautiful decoration ends of the hair, do not curl each strand evenly and neatly.
  3. Weaving is in trend today, but braids and plaits should not be tightly tightened, if a strand is knocked out, and the length of the bob hairstyle allows this, then this is even on hand, since slight negligence in the hairstyle is only welcome.
  4. Do not use too much styling and varnish, styling should be mobile, and the curls should be soft.

Having decided on the main directions, we will consider step by step some hairstyles on a square with our own hands at home with a photo.

Exquisite mess

The first option of laying requires a minimum of costs and time.

  1. Combed well clean, lightly wet hair you need to get them a little wet with foam to add volume to the hair and dry with a hair dryer with chaotic movements so that the hair lies down naturally as if blown by the wind.
  2. After the curls have dried, you can straighten some strands with your fingers and lay them as you can.
  3. Spray lightly with varnish.

The second option is also quite simple. If you are a little fed up with straight lines and smooth hair, you can create a light curl or wave on the strands.

  1. Wash your hair and dry your hair with a hairdryer using a large number foam.
  2. Use a curling iron to wind some strands from roots to ends, but do not keep the strands on the curling iron for a long time so that the curls are not pronounced.
  3. So go through all the hair, but if some strand was missed, then it's okay.
  4. Then, with your fingers, lightly tousle the hair, giving it volume and a little mess.
  5. Spray lightly with varnish.

If there is a special curling iron or iron to create a wave on the curls, then you can use it for hair with a bob haircut.

Pigtails tails and flagella

Do-it-yourself hairstyles on a square, which can be done at home using weaving, are good for children and adults (photo and description below).

The first hairstyle french braid. This elegant and romantic styling is good for young ladies of any age. How to make it:

  1. Weave the French braid in a circle, starting from the temple on one side, ending at the opposite temple.
  2. We separate the strand from the forehead on one side and dividing it into 3 parts, we begin weaving.
  3. You need to weave freely, after every 2 weaves we grab the strands from above and weave into the braid.
  4. We hide the tip of the braid inward under the weaving and fix it with an invisibility.

Another option with weaving around the head on a square:

  1. Comb your hair well.
  2. At the temple, from one edge, we separate a strand of hair and dividing it into 3 parts, we begin weaving.
  3. The pigtail should be weaved very freely, without tightening. We grab the strands from above and add to the braid for each weave. In addition, in each weave middle strand leave to hang down, with the total mass of hair.
  4. We continue weaving to the back of the head, fix the end of the braid with an invisible or beautiful hairpin.
  5. For fixing, you can lightly sprinkle with varnish.

Harnesses on the square - a good option hairstyles for school, which you can do with your own hands at home (photo and description below).

  1. For such a hairstyle, you need small hair clips - crabs.
  2. Comb your hair well and style it back.
  3. We divide into sections. The number of such partings depends on making and on the density of the hair.
  4. We twist the strands from each parting in turn into a tourniquet in several turns.
  5. We fix with a crab back to the total mass of hair.
  6. So we twist the flagella from the strands in each parting.
  7. Lay the ends of the hair at the back as you wish, you can randomly use foam or comb it evenly or twist it with a curling iron.

IN Lately any braids and plaits are a trend and owners of a square can afford this stylish design your hairstyle. The main thing to remember is that weaving should be free.

Retro style

Today it is fashionable to do styling, stylizing a hairstyle for any era, for example, the sixties or fifties. Hairstyles with a beautifully styled wave near the face are good here. A bob haircut allows you to make similar images.

Consider another styling option, it is very elegant, but at the same time simple in execution.

This option will be good for a square without bangs.

  1. We comb the curls, separate upper part and shift forward in time.
  2. We remove the lower mass of hair from the temples back, pinning on the back of the head with invisible overlaps, twist the ends down with a curling iron.
  3. Next, we comb the upper part of the hair at the roots and lower it back, on top of the stabbed strands.
  4. We curl the ends and lay them, twisting inward.

Such styling is suitable and for the evening.

Using hair accessories

From frequent use means for fixing and styling, thermal exposure of a hair dryer or curling iron, hair deteriorates and sometimes you need to give it a rest. But no one dares to go out into the street with an unfinished haircut. The way out of this situation will be stylish and fashionable accessories for hairstyles that are gaining popularity among fashionistas of all ages today.

Headbands, hairpins, wreaths and hair hoops are insanely popular in summer, with flowers made of fabric, leather, foamiran and ribbons. Small buds or voluminous, lush flowers adorn the heads of fashionistas for several seasons in a row. For a square, a hairpin is suitable - a crocodile decorated with flowers. She can stab the strands on the side of the temple on one or both sides, pin up the hair at the back, twisting the strands from the temples into a tourniquet.

It is fashionable to decorate a square with a floral wreath or a beaded headband by simply putting them on over the hair and leaving the curls loose.

Stylish and pretty fast way styling will be the next option using an elastic band - a rim. It is worn on the head like a hoop over the hair. All hair is gradually, curl by curl, twisted and slipped under the elastic band from above, as if twisting into a roller. This accessory can also be decorated with flowers or beads, even shells, or just be the same shade as the hair.

Kare is the most universal haircut which makes easy care behind the hair and allows you to roam your fantasies and carry out almost any variant of everyday and evening styling. The photos and videos in this article prove that it is possible to create almost any hairstyle on a bob with your own hands at home for girls and women for any occasion.

It is not difficult to make beautiful hairstyles on a bob in the salon, but with your own hands at home, focusing on photo lessons, you can create at least interesting images. Kare is a very practical hairstyle, but often many owners of short hair do not know how to style them.

Presumably the square was invented in Ancient Egypt, there such a haircut was done by women and men. Modern history the caret began in the 20s of the twentieth century, although the hairstyle is still relevant today, it is associated with this time. Despite the simplicity of hairstyles, hairdressers come up with more and more new modifications of haircuts and today you can find a lot of options:

  1. A straight bob is the basis for all other bob hairstyles. The length of the strands is the same everywhere, if desired, the length is made from the ears to the chin.
  2. Elongated - the hair is lengthened in front, and cut short enough in the back. Suitable for women with a wide jaw, long neck.
  3. A square on a leg is similar to an elongated square, but the hair on the back of the head is not cut, but shaved, and there is an elongation in front. Suitable for owners small features faces.
  4. Graduated caret - performed using the graduation method. Curls are made in it different lengths, one may be longer than the other. The hairstyle looks very airy. Suitable for chubby girls.
  5. The asymmetrical bob looks very futuristic. Hair attached geometric shapes with clear lines bold option looks very bewitching.

Hairstyle options largely depend on the type of haircut. With the help of styling, you can successfully correct the oval of the face, so you should approach the choice very thoroughly. But there are more and more types of caret and it is not easy to make a choice. After consulting with a hairdresser, you should choose the right one. certain type face hairstyle.


On meek curls, how they are laid is important. You can not do any hairstyles, but correct styling can decorate any Casual style. You can lay them down very quickly, you only need round comb and hair dryer. It is advised to use thermal hair protection.

After applying protection, the hair is dried with a hairdryer, while combing. You can give them any desired shape, to give volume, make a pile.

Styling with an iron is possible to obtain wavy curls:

  1. First you need to remove the strands from the top of the head, securing them with a hairpin. Curling starts from the bottom.
  2. Pinch the strand between the plates, make a half turn around the forceps so that the tip is directed to the face. Scroll the rectifier along its axis. Repeat this with all remaining hair.

After twisting, comb the hair for more airiness, but if you are satisfied with the result, this can be omitted.

If the hair is thick and naughty, it is better to take smaller strands. Fix the result with hairspray or clay.

Hairstyles for every day

It is convenient to make a ponytail in the morning, braid a pigtail, but it is quite difficult to do it on a short haircut. This does not mean that beautiful and simple hairstyles cannot be done on a square. There are many options for everyday look.

Looks great on short hair various weaving, it can be done on all types of squares. They are not difficult and fast to make, no matter how difficult it may seem at first. You will need an elastic band, a comb, small hairpins or invisible and a little skill. The whole installation consists of several stages:

  1. To begin, comb your hair and make a parting on the side.
  2. Then take a curl from the large side. Divide into three equal parts, weave a braid, weaving small strands into it.
  3. The end of the pigtail should be at the back of the head. Can be fastened with an elastic band or invisible.

The pigtail does not have to be perfect, negligence will add more charm. You can do the same on the other side of your head, or leave your hair loose and enjoy the end result. For greater durability, fix the weave with hairspray.

For this beautiful and simple hairstyle, you should wind your hair a little, but you should curl big curls to get beautiful waves. Then, leaving a couple of strands of hair on the sides, make a tail at the back of the head, and from it - a bun. To do this, twist the hair into a tourniquet, twist it around the elastic band and secure with hairpins.

The remaining strands need to be braided into two braids, uniting in place next to the beam. Fix the curls with stealth or a hairpin, sprinkle with varnish. The result is a hairstyle that can be worn to evening events or to work: the hair does not get in the way, and if you fix everything tightly, the styling will last all day.

Another option with weaving is to make a small pigtail on the side. It looks neat, it's easy to do - perfect option on every day. For such a hairstyle, you will need a pair of small elastic bands and an invisibility.

In several stages, creating an image will turn out without problems:

  1. Take a small strand and make a tail in the parietal part of the head, secure it with an elastic band. Before this, you can make a bouffant, then the hairstyle will have volume.
  2. Take a curl from the side of the head and, grabbing a small strand after the previous tail, make a tail, overlapping the existing tail. As a result, the tails should be at an angle to each other.
  3. After that, on the other hand, taking a strand of hair, you need to braid a small pigtail and thread its end under the second ponytail.

The resulting result must be fixed with hairpins or invisible, as well as styling.

Advice! You can spray the invisible hair with hairspray before attaching to the hair, so they will stick to the hair much stronger.

A very simple hairstyle, but it looks great, it is easy to do on any length of hair. You can make this hairstyle in a simplified version by making one twisted ponytail, not three.

First, gently make three lower ponytails, one in the middle and two with different sides. Secure them with elastic bands and thread the end of each ponytail into its middle, as shown in the photo. Can be decorated with a hairpin. All is ready!

Evening hairstyles on a square

On gala evening or an important event to make a beautiful hairstyle even on short hair possible at home.

Spectacular harnesses

The hairstyle looks like it was worked on for several hours with several hands, but it is very easy to do it yourself in a couple of minutes. It will take a lot of invisibility. To make spectacular harnesses:

  1. Curl your hair big waves in the direction away from the face.
  2. Starting from the center of the head, twist small strands of hair into bundles and fix them with invisibility.
  3. Do this until the hair remains only on the sides, twist them into a tourniquet and attach them to the back of the head with invisibility.

The plaits should not be perfectly smooth and styled, the hairstyle should be lighter and more natural.

A voluminous hairstyle looks interesting on a holiday, it is not very suitable for everyday wear. It is done very simply:

  1. Comb the hair on the parietal part of the head.
  2. Braid the "Dragon" pigtail.
  3. Fasten with a rubber band.

You can hide the elastic if you comb the end of the pigtail after the elastic and fasten this hair with invisibility to the pigtail itself. Having fixed everything with the help of a latch, you can go to an appointment.

Evening romance

For an evening out, this hairstyle is perfect. It looks like it was made in the salon, but you can easily do it yourself. You will need an iron and a pair of invisibles:

  1. Curl hair in small strands, starting from the back of the head. You do not need to do a perm only in one direction, so the hair will be less voluminous and natural. It is best to beat the hair a little more and then fix it with varnish.
  2. After curling, you need to take a small strand from the temporal part of the head and wind it around your finger, secure it with an invisibility. Best of all, so that there is no noticeable invisibility, leave a small strand at the forehead or bangs.
  3. Do the same on the other side.

The result is pretty haircut and not just curled hair.

Hair care requires a lot of time and financial costs.

But they can be reduced if you dare do your own haircut, at home - do not let these words scare you.

Are you a successful busy woman and don't have time to book a haircut at a salon, or you simply don't trust your hairdresser with your hair? If you are not afraid of such experiments - you can cut your hair at home.

Some Tips For those who decide to do this:

  • To get started, buy hairdresser's scisors(usually, they are very expensive, so it’s better to choose an option that fits your pocket, the main thing is that they are always sharp).
  • Also for a haircut at home is necessary a thick comb and a few hairpins.
  • Decide on long hair before and after haircut. Can take a ruler.
  • Required for a haircut large mirror, to which you need to turn your back, as well as a mirror into which you will directly look.
  • To start ( first haircut) you can try the most simple hairstyle- the same length around the entire circumference of the head.
  • Before cutting hair - first need to be washed but not dried.
  • If you have blonde hair- cut them on a dark background so that all the nuances can be seen, if dark- on the contrary, on a light background.


  • do not use scissors for cutting for other purposes;
  • for the first time don't choose too complicated haircut;
  • in order to make a cascading haircut, you need to purchase thinning scissors;
  • cutting wet hair , keep in mind that when dried, they become a little shorter;
  • blunt scissors leave "split" ends.

Benefits of a home haircut:

  • This is a great way to save time and money;
  • You can also do exactly what you planned with your hair (if possible);
  • You have the opportunity to change your image at any convenient time.

Cons of a home haircut:

  • From the first time, not everything will turn out well;
  • Secondly, you will have to clean the hair in the room where the haircut was done;
  • This may take a long time.

As mentioned earlier, you need scissors. Ideally, take the usual (sharp) and thinning (but you can do without them even with a cascading haircut). Also a few hairpins (clips) or elastic bands.

  • Sit in front of a mirror and lay the tool out in front of you so that it is convenient to take it at any time.
  • If you're a little nervous start cutting from the bottom strands- they can be covered with upper strands, if suddenly something goes wrong.
  • Also, to make cleaning easier, you can spread the cloth on the floor. This will save a lot of time.

So, let's get straight to the haircut.

The most difficult haircut is a cascade

First you need to decide on the length all the "components" of the cascade. After that, you can immediately proceed to the haircut.

IN right hand(if you are left-handed, then to the left) we take scissors, to the left - a strand of hair. Choosing a strand, twist it into a tourniquet.

Needs to be cut very carefully, cutting off only the part of the hair that is on top. Then it is recommended to stab the strand so that it is more convenient to cut the rest of the hair.

But there is another exotic, but simple, like everyone else ingenious way to make a cascading haircut- collect hair in a regular ponytail ... on the forehead. After that, decide on the length and just cut straight.

Comb your hair without removing the elastic to check if there is any uncut hair left. When you remove the rubber band - you will be pleasantly surprised how easy and fast they made such a complex haircut on their own at home.

How to cut the cascade at home? Watch the video tutorial:

How to cut your hair under the caret?

As with any haircut, wet hair and sharp scissors required. Choose the length of the square, and divide the hair into several main parts: temporal, occipital and crown zones.

We also select strands and, pulling a little, cut off the required length. But important to remember that it is undesirable to pull the hair strongly, because after drying they will still lie down as they grow.

You need to start cutting from the front., gradually moving towards the occipital and crown zone. Hair should be kept parallel to the floor, this will make it as easy as possible to make an even haircut.

After you've cut your hair, dry and style your hair. Firstly, because the bob requires styling and care, and secondly, it will help you notice the long lonely hairs that you missed when cutting.

Trimming the ends of the hair

Very important aspect care
behind the hair is cutting the ends of the hair. It is done to prevent split ends of the hair, as well as to ensure that they (hair) grow better.

The procedure is not difficult at all. does not require much time and effort. It will take much longer and more expensive to do this in the salon, where you still have to queue and waste your time.

Therefore, we bring to your attention a few tips how to trim the ends at home with a minimum of effort, moreover, with a huge time saving.

Grab a section of hair with two fingers of your left hand and pull it to the length you want to leave. All that remains behind the fingers just cut off sharp scissors.

If you have curly hair, then you need to pay a lot more attention to the length you want to cut. After all, you need to take into account that after the hair dries, they will become much shorter (you need to be especially careful with bangs).

Video tutorial on how to trim the ends of the hair itself, look at the video:

Most main advice in any case, whether it's a cascade, a bob, or just trimming a bang, it's not like cutting too long strands right away.

Haircut check

Everything is quite simple here - drying and styling. It is advisable not to use for the first time, no styling products, especially heavy ones (wax, varnish). If the hair is very naughty - use light mousses, they do not weigh down the hair and allow you to maintain natural volume.

After installation take a thick comb and thoroughly comb your hair. In this way, you will get rid of cut hair that is tangled, and you will also see (if any) strands of different lengths or simply missed hairs that can be easily cut pointwise.

If you are concerned, you can contact to a specialist for advice. We wish you success!

What could be more convenient for modern woman, how stylish short haircut ? Only it has stood the test of time and has not lost its relevance. In this article, we will tell you how to do square on the leg . There are about a dozen types of this hairstyle - from old models from the 60s before modern "bean" etc. So pick up a kind of caret " for yourself"rather difficult, but at the same time, exciting task. It should be remembered that classic straight variety looks especially good on thick hair, and for thin or rarer types, stepped, torn And asymmetric models.

Particular attention should be paid face type - after all this hairstyle emphasizes the cheekbones and nose; attracts to the face Special attention and makes it visually a little wider. There are many options here - so at first glance, a simple haircut will help you create a truly new and vivid image. As for the square on the leg itself, it’s practically universal model, perfectly emphasizing the line of the neck and suitable for both everyday bustle and going out.


— creative streak and desire to change;
- ordinary hairdressing scissors;
- thinning scissors;
- a spray bottle for water;
- hairpins;
- hair dryer.


  • A bob haircut is not only practical in terms of hair care, its creation will also not bring special trouble. To begin with, it should be noted that before cutting, the hair must be well moisturize . But from the ends should not drip ! It is best to wash your hair and then wring out the hair with a towel. Then comb them and divide them into four sections. To do this, simply run the sharp edge of the comb first horizontal , and then vertical stripes across the middle of the head. Pin up your hair in these areas.
  • Starting directly to the haircut, the clips on the back of the head must be removed. Let the two upper sectors remain stabbed. Make a cut for approximately ear level , remove the upper part of the hair again with a hairpin. lower part trim in the form of a cape. After that, carefully separate a layer of hair (about 1 cm in size) from the top section and cut it in much the same way, only a little shorter. Continue cutting in the same way until you reach the ear line. The back of the head can be profiled a little so that it is more round shape and did not stick out the "house". Don't forget in time moisturize drying strands with a sprayer.
  • From the hair remaining at the back of the head, separate the layer with a horizontal parting. Cut at the height you would like to have at the back - that's it main caret length. After that, continue to follow the same steps as with bottom hair - just separate 1 cm at a time and cut at the level of the previous ones. This time, try to accurately observe the length of the strands.
  • In fact, the largest and most difficult part of the work is done. Now, after you have cut your hair at the back of your head, you need to decorate the whiskey. To do this, release the hair on one side from the hairpin; separate a layer of 1-2 cm from their growth, fasten the rest again with a hairpin. Cut the hairs freed from the clip, lengthening or rounding from the side of the face. Then separate another row of hair and cut at the level of the previous one. go on so with all the remaining hair on both sides of the face; without forgetting that the caret line should be smooth - occipital zone smoothly move into the temporal.
  • After the haircut is over, you need to give it shape and volume - this will help you hair dryer And comb with round nozzles. Finally, it can be noted that the owners curly hair haircut "square on the leg" will look somewhat unusual - the strands can twist up and " jump up". So get ready for unexpected results!
  • Video:

I am an experimenter by nature. I love learning and learning new skills. In addition, there are many things that can be done without the help of specialists. For example, I myself do manicures, pedicures, dye my hair, do fitness and yoga without a trainer and a subscription to a fitness club, line and shorten trousers, alter clothes, and cut my husband and myself. Today, by the way, we will talk about the latter: how to cut a square on your own. Interesting? Then read and watch the video that I shot especially for you.

I like to do everything myself. There are so many benefits to this! Firstly, you do not depend on anyone: you do not need to adapt to the master, look for a new Gym if your old one has closed, choose the right salon if you are in a new city or country. Secondly, you can save a lot of money (all services of this kind are relatively expensive), and, most valuable, time (you do not need to sign up in advance, wait in line, go back and forth). Third, you can learn something new, and this is always interesting and useful for the brain, which constantly craves new knowledge.

Guided by this motivation, I decided to tell and, most importantly, show you by my own example how to make a haircut for myself. As I already wrote, I love experiments with appearance, so I had different hairstyles and all kinds of hair colors (if you don’t believe me, then check out my photo report about this theme:).

My regular readers know that relatively recently an important change took place in my life - I became a mother. Of course, this event had an impact on many aspects of my life. You can read about how my style has changed, I also wrote a separate article about mine. The birth of a child also affected my relationship with hair. I dyed from blonde to my native blond with highlights, as I simply did not have enough time to take care of blonde hair which are very demanding. And now I decided to go ahead and make a haircut that has never let me down - an elongated bob. Kare - perfect haircut for a new mother: short enough to easily create volume and make fast styling(young moms will appreciate this plus) and long enough to wear in a ponytail or bun if your child, like mine, is a hair maniac and loves your hair 🙂

How to choose a caret

Kare is a very versatile haircut. There are many variations, among which everyone will find something to their taste. I wrote about how to choose a caret and photo examples in, since this topic requires separate consideration.

What you need for a haircut

For a haircut, you only need three things:

In the video, I used such a comb made of natural wood for parting
this is my favorite, which will comb hair in any condition without pain 🙂

and those little hair clips

My choice

Among the large number various kinds For this haircut, I decided to choose an elongated bob without bangs, since this type, in my opinion, is the most variable and light: you don’t need to spend time styling bangs, hair can be worn both loose and in a ponytail or bun. And this is an important moment for me, since I constantly have to save myself from the encroachment of small hands on my hair.

And now to the heart of the matter! I invite you to watch my video on how to cut your bob yourself, and while watching, you can think about what you will spend the saved money and time on 🙂