When to cut your nails: does the lunar calendar help you create the perfect manicure? Nail cutting calendar

The Moon also plays an important role in nail care. There is a lunar calendar for nail care. The moon is a whole science. Knowing her energetic force, you can be healthy and beautiful, or you can...

Rules for nail care according to the lunar calendar

It is advisable to take care of your fingernails and toenails, trim them and file them on Capricorn days.

Nails trimmed during Capricorn days become harder and more resistant to impact. Special nail products are unnecessary in this case, because they are always aimed at combating the symptom, not the cause.

If you have ingrown nails, they need to be corrected or trimmed during the waxing Moon, otherwise they will grow back incorrectly. The exception is the correction nail bed. It is better to postpone this procedure for the period of the waning Moon (if possible, avoid the days of Pisces).

Also more effective during the waning Moon is the treatment of stubborn nail fungus and foot fungus. This disease is now, unfortunately, not uncommon. The same principle applies to warts. I know of many cases where young, apparently clean girls had flat warts on their feet. I also repeatedly witnessed their disappearance after treating them on the waning moon.

Strengthening nails according to the lunar calendar

What should they be? healthy nails? Hard, smooth, pink. What about the beautiful ones? Well maintained.

What to do if your nails often break, split, become rough, or lose natural color? This, by the way, may be the result of a violation metabolic process in the body, or some disease internal organs.

True, there are other reasons, external. Let's say working conditions. Chemical substances, resins, solvents... Or your hands are in water for a long time. Poor quality nail polish could also be the culprit.

If your nails have long lost their attractiveness, healthy looking, consult a dermatologist. It will help you get rid of unpleasant changes. If your nails look like concave “watch glasses” or your fingertips resemble “drumsticks,” the situation is more serious. Rush to see an internal medicine specialist.

Nail treatment recipes

  • fragile, brittle nails can be strengthened with warm baths vegetable oil, to which vitamin A, three drops of iodine or five drops of lemon juice are added. You can do them 1-2 times a week.
  • It is useful to tie your fingertips once or twice a week with cotton wool soaked in sunflower oil, and bandage them overnight.
  • Lemon juice should be regularly rubbed into both the nail plate and the skin around it. table vinegar, cranberry, black or red currant juice.
  • It’s good to do it once every two days warm baths from sea or table salt.
  • “Thimbles” made from beeswax. It must be preheated in a water bath, then the entire nails should be immersed in it. Wax “thimbles” will appear on your fingers, which must be preserved until the morning.
  • You will notice a positive effect if you start using it regularly special cream for nails. Your nails will become stronger and restore their color and shine.
  • Nails become stronger and grow faster if you eat foods rich in proteins, mineral salts, vitamins A and D, and gelatin. Gelatin can be added to jelly, jellied and dessert dishes, or simply added little by little to hot soup.
  • Special advice for those who smoke: yellowed nails “turn pale” when rubbed with a 3% solution of hydrogen peroxide, lemon juice. You can use mixtures: 1 part glycerin, 5 parts hydrogen peroxide, or: 1 part glycerin, 1.5 parts perhydrol, 4 parts distilled water. These are daily procedures. Alternatively, stubborn brown keratinized nail layers can be gently buffed away with a pumice stone. But first take a ten-minute soap-soda bath.
  • To strengthen breaking and peeling nails, first of all, you should increase the amount of protein in your diet, take 2 teaspoons of gelatin or fruit, fish, milk, meat jelly daily, and eat foods containing iron, calcium and vitamins.

When to treat an ingrown toenail according to the Moon

Let's consider what should be the treatment of a nail according to the Moon if it is ingrown. Trimming ingrown toenails is a must when the moon is young. If you do this when the Moon is flawed, they will begin to grow incorrectly again.

Exceptions to this rule occur only when the nail is completely removed: such surgery passes more successfully with a flawed Moon (just try not to do this under the sign of Pisces).

IN beauty salons Ingrown nails are sometimes “splinted”: some time after removing the ingrown part of the nail, when the inflammation stops, a soft bandage is applied to the side pouch, this can help the nail grow correctly. Everything at the right time

Recently, magical beliefs have become very popular. They are very closely related to the human body, especially those that relate to its beauty: hair, nails, etc. This article discusses the topic of cutting nails: on what days to cut nails so that it brings benefit and not harm. As well as financial and mental well-being.

Nail cutting according to Rempel

First, a little about the author. One of the most famous astrologers who compiles lunar calendars for cutting nails and hair is Alexander Rempel. The cycles he composes clearly describe all the nuances of haircuts and how each of them affects the human body. In his opinion, nails are considered a carrier of special human energy. Alexander Rempel's calendars help determine which days it is advisable to cut them and which days it is not recommended. Following the schedule will allow you to avoid disruptions in the vital processes of the body.

If you are wondering when you can cut your nails according to Rempel, then the astrologer recommends doing this procedure in the second quarter of the waxing moon and the third quarter of the waning moon. But it is not recommended - in the first quarter of the waxing moon and on the new moon.

Cutting nails according to Rempel should also be compared with the lunar calendar. When this is done on the right and necessary day, it has a positive effect on well-being and health.

Nail cutting by day of the week

Daily procedures depend not only on the cycles of the moon, but on the days of the week. On what days should you cut your nails so as not to harm your health and only bring benefits? Let's consider this issue further in the text. Human nails carry not only an aesthetic meaning, they protect the hands from various damages, so it is necessary to take special care to ensure their cleanliness. Nails also contain nerve endings. By their color and condition you can learn about a person’s health. There are a number of signs according to which you can cut your nails by day of the week. There are both favorable days for this, not really.

Monday. Many people associate this day with problems and consider it very difficult, but it is ideal for cutting nails. This helps to overcome accumulated problems over time. last week, survive stress.

Tuesday. If you often have a headache and have some problems with blood vessels, then this is the most suitable day for a manicure. It will also help protect your aura.

Wednesday. A haircut on this day will help improve relationships with others and loved ones. Will show Right way in business. Normalizes the nervous system.

Thursday. A very favorable day for cutting nails, it helps to develop self-confidence. Helps with liver function.

Friday is considered an unfavorable day for cutting nails, mainly for men, they can worsen their health, and for women it is a neutral day that will not affect anything.

Saturday. The best day to cut your nails. On this day, the body is completely cleansed, both spiritually and physically. House cleaning is also done on Saturday - this is the most favorable time for this. After a manicure, there is a great chance to meet your love.

Sunday not intended for cutting nails. This is the final day of the week, it should be spent resting. You should set yourself up for a fruitful day on this day. next week. Cutting your nails can ruin your plans.

What time to cut your nails

We found out what day you need to cut your nails, now let's decide on the time. There are also some points here, because it is advisable to do this in the morning or even early in the morning. There is such a sign that if you cut your nails after lunch or in the evening, you may have difficulty financially. In ancient times, in the absence of lighting, this procedure was performed exclusively during the day, since in dark time day you could cut yourself, and this led to the fact that the work was done poorly the next day, hence financial difficulties.

However, everyone decides for themselves whether to believe in omens or not. Some people manage to do manicures only in the evening, so the person decides for himself whether to remain with uncut nails or succumb to the influence of bad superstitions.

Haircut according to the lunar calendar

Cutting nails and hair according to the lunar calendar allows you to determine favorable days when you can visit the salon for these purposes, and when it is not recommended. In order not to lose vital energy and not lead to health problems, you need to choose favorable lunar days for cutting nails.

New Moon - this is, as is commonly believed, two days before the new moon itself and two after. During this phase, disorders are often observed in mental health person. Occasionally there is a loss vitality. Therefore, it is not recommended to cut your nails and hair during the new moon, otherwise this may lead to a loss of good energy and attract negativity.

Waxing Moon, first quarter. These days, the body accumulates useful energy, however, there is a decrease in immunity. It is not advisable to cut your nails these days, so as not to cause even greater weakening of the body.

Waxing Moon, second quarter. There is a strengthening emotional health, physically a person becomes more active. These days it is advisable to carry out procedures to strengthen nails and hair. Massages will also have a good effect on the body.

Full moon. It is generally accepted that these days there is a waste of energy that has accumulated up to this time. Increased aggressiveness and irritability may occur. By the way, if you cut your hair these days, it will grow faster.

Waning Moon, third quarter. During this period it is spent a large number of vital important energy. There is still strength in the body, so any load is still easily tolerated. If you visit a salon for a manicure, it will change your nails for the better, they will stop peeling. The hair will gain shine and become stronger. Nails after cutting will grow slower during this period, so this is also worth taking into account.

Waning Moon, fourth quarter. These days there is a decrease in energy and vital forces, as well as a depletion of the immune system, so you can easily get sick during this period. It is not recommended to manipulate nails and hair. This is only permissible if you are the owner good health. But, all the same, it is recommended to transfer the procedure to another phase of the moon.

If you nevertheless decide to cut your nails according to Rempel or the lunar calendar, then you need to choose the right day based on the characteristics of your body.

Where to throw away cut nails

You need to be extremely careful with cut nails. You can’t leave them where they might not be picked up very well. good people. Hair and nails carry a charge of energy, and their use with malicious intent can cause great harm to a person. It is not advisable to throw them in the trash; they used to be burned, but nowadays it is recommended to flush them down the toilet.

Cutting a child's nails

There are several beliefs about when to start cutting nails of newborn babies. For the first time you can cut them only after the tenth day of life. There is also a sign that you cannot remove them with scissors, but rather bite them off or file them off. But this must be done extremely carefully so as not to injure the baby. The most better time for this it is early morning.

It is not advisable to cut nails when the child is sleeping, as this may attract bad energy, or, more trivially, can disrupt his sleep. It is recommended to do this procedure special tools, intended specifically for children's nails.

According to Rempel, cutting a child’s nails is done in the same way as an adult’s.

The Oracle considers cutting nails one of the most important rituals, so this procedure must be done on special days.

They contribute to financial profit, on eighths a manicure is done to improve well-being.

Elevenths should be done by those who strive to develop psychic abilities.

The thirteenth day is considered the best and most favorable - a haircut has a rejuvenating effect on the body.

The fourteenth day is considered suitable for improving the work environment. Nineteenths can attract good luck and success.

21 and 23 affect the general condition of the body.

But, nevertheless, the 26th and 27th are considered the best lunar days - a haircut brings family happiness and joy.

Cutting nails according to Rempel is an important and difficult ritual. The astrologer makes a calendar every month. Of course, it is not always possible to follow all the signs; sometimes there are only 3-4 have a nice day.

Nails should be cut exclusively by your own manicure set, do not tighten until they begin to peel off. It is recommended to make masks for nails and hands, both for moisturizing and for a rejuvenating effect.

Proper care of hands and nails gives a woman strength and life-giving energy, which has a beneficial effect on her well-being and energy field. However, cutting nails is not good days can negatively affect your well-being and have a detrimental effect on the condition of the nail plates in particular and on health in general. This is directly related to the phases of the Moon, which affect all living things on our planet. Therefore, you need to know on which days it is recommended to cut your nails in 2019, and on which days it is better to refrain from this procedure.


In January, the strength of the night star is often changeable. It changes gradually, depending on the phase of the moon. January is the most important month in terms of nail care, so the lunar calendar for this month should be studied most carefully.

Favorable days for cutting nails are:

  • January 3 and 4. These days the Moon is under the influence of Sagittarius. You can get the manicure of your dreams or just carefully trim your nails. Under the influence of Sagittarius nail plates become stronger and healthier;
  • January 10 and 11. Waxing Crescent. The area of ​​the luminary is in the zodiac Pisces. This is not only a good time to cut your nails, but you can also get rid of stress and negative emotions during the procedure;
  • January 15 and 16. These days, lunar energy is subject to the influence of the zodiac Taurus. This has a positive effect on the health and growth of nail plates. Therefore, it is recommended to trim and file your nails;
  • January 19 and 20- position of the Moon in Cancer. Suitable not only for cutting nails, but also for trimming cuticles;
  • January 23 and 24. Good days to visit nail salon. Thanks to the influence of the zodiac Virgo on the night star, you will easily be able to give your nails the shape that you have long dreamed of;
  • January 30 and 31. Descending lunar phase under the influence of Sagittarius. You can, however, cut your nails best procedures These days include strengthening baths and other cosmetic procedures aimed at improving the health of the nail plate.

In its turn, unfavorable days for cutting nails are:

  • January 1st and 2nd. Due to the destructive influence of Scorpio, nails weaken and lose elasticity. In addition, after cutting your nails these days, you risk reducing vitality;
  • January 12, 13 and 14. Lunar energy is under the destructive influence of Aries for nails. Moreover, if you decide to cut your nails on one of these days, your character will also change in a negative direction;
  • January 17 and 18. The Moon in Gemini promotes nail splitting after cutting. After the procedure, symptoms of general malaise may appear;
  • January 21 and 22. Moon in Leo and moon eclipse- the most dangerous and undesirable day for cutting nails. If you decide to get a manicure, your nail plates will become thinner, and after the procedure you will become very sick;
  • January 27, 28 and 29. Moon in Scorpio. Nails become brittle and weak.

Neutral periods for cutting nails in 2019 are from the 5th to the 9th of the first month of winter. At this time, the lunar influence will in no way affect the condition of the nail plates.


February is a time of change and action. In 2019, in the second month of winter, you should take care of your health, but also not ignore issues of business and finance. As for cutting nails, according to the lunar calendar, the following dates are distinguished:

  • Favorable days are February 6-8, 11-13, 16 and 17. You can trim your manicure using a nail file or scissors. It's best to give preference neutral shades varnishes This will have a beneficial effect on corporate relations with management and employees at work;
  • Unfavorable days are February 1-3, 18, 19 and 28. The protective energy field will weaken significantly. This means that the likelihood of infection during cosmetic procedures increases, so trimming cuticles and cutting nails is strictly prohibited. On these days, it is best to give preference to paraffin and herbal baths for hands;
  • Neutral days are February 2, 4 and 25. Lunar energy is unstable, so it does not have any effect on the nails at all - neither positive nor negative. However, you still need to take all precautions when cutting your nails.

It is important to consider that on days unfavorable for cutting nails, it is quite possible to paint them. For this procedure (if cuticle trimming is not required) there are no restrictions according to the lunar calendar.


The first month of spring symbolizes the awakening of nature and the triumph of life. Nail care during this period is especially important, as this process will increase health and increase vitality. However, in March you should trim your nails according to the lunar calendar:

  • Favorable days are March 5-7, 10-12, 15 and 16. In addition to cutting nails, bold experiments in the variety of varnish colors and manicure shapes are encouraged. Bright varnishes will present a positive tone;
  • Unfavorable days are March 1, 2, 17, 18, 28 and 29. The probability increases allergic reaction on any component used during nail care procedures. In addition, negative lunar energy these days makes nails brittle and peeling. It is better to give preference to strengthening baths;
  • Neutral days are February 23 and 24. However, if you have financial problems, it is better to postpone the procedure to a more favorable time. Cutting your nails on the indicated dates contributes to unexpected expenses.

Important point! It is better not to carry out all manipulations with nails in March according to the lunar calendar yourself.

Trust an experienced specialist, since the energy of the March moon does not favor independent actions.


April is the month for active rest, new discoveries and joy of life. This month you should devote Special attention your appearance and, especially, your hands. According to the lunar calendar:

  • Favorable days for cutting nails are April 2, 3, 7, 8, 11, 12, 29 and 30. It is permissible not only to trim and file your nails, but also to experiment with your look using varnishes different shades and textures. The application of strengthening varnishes is also encouraged;
  • Unfavorable days are from April 13 to 15 and from April 24 to 26. During these periods, it is not recommended to cut your nails, because lunar energy is actually hostile towards cosmetic procedures. It is noteworthy that it is not even recommended to make strengthening baths and apply medicinal products for nail plates. Otherwise, your nails will begin to crumble and break.

The best time for salon procedures is the period new moon and growing phase. This applies not only to cutting nails, but also

There are virtually no neutral days in the lunar calendar for April 2019. It is not recommended to cut your nails on April 20 and 21. However, if you need to gain strength to resist ill-wishers, you should sign up for a manicure on these days.


The last month of spring is characterized by stormy energy flows. May is the time for love and romantic relationships. Beautiful and well-groomed hands this month will give you confidence in yourself and your strengths. Regarding cutting nails in May, according to the lunar calendar, there are the following instructions:

  • Favorable days are May 1, 4, 5, 8-10, 26-28 and 31. The lunar position is the strongest, the energy of the luminary helps strengthen nails;
  • Unfavorable days - May 11, 12, 23-25. If you cut your nails on the indicated dates of the last spring month, you can bring trouble on yourself and alienate your loved one on an energetic level.

Special days in the lunar calendar are May 17 and 18. The moon is in a super strong position, and if you cut your nails at this time, you can easily cope with any adversity and problems in life.


The first month of summer is the best time to plan for the future. Meaning quality manicure during this period it is important, since well-groomed hands and nails attract good luck. According to the lunar calendar 2019:

  • Favorable days for cutting nails are June 1, 2, 5, 6, 23, 24, 28 and 29. You can also file the nail plates - this will make them stronger and more solid;
  • Unfavorable days are June 7, 8, 18 and 19. Cutting your nails will lead to problems on the personal front. However, you can take care of your hands using vitamin supplements.

During the period from the 13th to the 15th of the first summer month, it is also recommended to refrain from cutting your nails, as this procedure can cause an unexpected surge of negative emotions. However, these days are relatively neutral.


If you decide to update your manicure in June, keep in mind that this month you cannot cut your nails too short. This threatens a series of small but annoying losses. Therefore, it is recommended to use a nail file instead of scissors.

According to the lunar calendar there are:

  • Favorable days for cutting and filing nails are July 2, 3, 20-22, 25, 26, 30, 31. In addition, on these days, using green or gold varnish, you can attract wealth and financial well-being;
  • Unfavorable days - July 4, 5, 15-17. Cutting your nails can lead to general malaise, but massaging your hands and nourishing baths are very welcome.

The only days in July when you can get rid of long nails are the 4th and 5th. After trimming, coat your nail plates with clear polish.


If you choose the right day for a manicure at the end of summer, you can attract happiness and prosperity to your home. In order not to be mistaken in choosing the time to cut your nails, also refer to the 2019 lunar calendar:

  • Favorable days are from 16 to 18, as well as 21, 22, 23, 26 and 27 August. At the same time, any manipulations with the nail plates will be successful: from cutting to painting in extreme colors. Bright shades varnishes will help cope with uncertainty and melancholic mood, and a neat shape will protect against chaotic and negative thoughts;
  • Unfavorable days are August 1, 2, 11-13, 28 and 29. Lunar energy becomes aggressive, its effect is detrimental not only to nails, but also to a woman’s hair. These days it is recommended to consume as many vitamins as possible.

The remaining days of the outgoing summer are relatively neutral. The only exceptions are August 7 and 8, when the energy of the moon is too weak. Cutting nails when critically weak lunar influence may cause health problems.


September is a time to rethink life priorities. And, oddly enough, beautiful and well-groomed hands and in this case play important role in a woman's life. It is not recommended to grow too much in September long nails. The nail plates should be neat and short, and the color of the varnish should be warm.

According to the lunar calendar:

  • Favorable days for cutting nails are 13, 14, 18, 19, as well as the period from September 22 to 24. The influence of the moon will allow you to get a first-class manicure either from a professional or on your own at home;
  • Unfavorable days are September 8, 9, 25 and 26. The result of cutting and painting your nails becomes unpredictable, even if you get a manicure from a renowned master. Also, manipulation of the nail plates on these dates has a negative impact on a woman’s mood and well-being.

The remaining days of September are neutral, only on September 3 and 4, take care of your nails with caution. Due to the changeable lunar energy, some problems may arise.


October is the month for success in career growth. Therefore, you cannot indulge in autumn melancholy and blues. And the lunar calendar will help you take care of your hands:

  • Favorable days for cutting nails are October 10, 11, 15, 16, 20 and 21. This time is suitable for giving the nail plates new form, as well as for experimenting with colors. Only acidic shades are inappropriate. In turn, pearlescent and pastel colors will help attract financial security and an increase in salary. It is recommended to trim and file nails to a neat oval shape;
  • Unfavorable days - October 5, 6, 22 and 23, the most controversial of the entire lunar calendar. The fact is that cutting nails even at this time makes the nail plates brittle and peeling, but this helps in overcoming financial difficulties. Therefore, decide for yourself what is your priority - money or healthy nails.

On October 1, 2, 28 and 29, lunar energy is unstable. Therefore, cutting your nails these days is recommended only for those who crave global changes in life. If you are satisfied with everything and want stability, it is better to postpone the procedure.


The last month of autumn is ideal for creating your own unique image. It is recommended to use deep matte shades polish and trim your nails regularly to give them beautiful shape. For getting best result use the lunar calendar data:

  • Favorable days for cutting nails are November 6-8, 11, 12, 16, 17. You can also experiment with style and colors. If you want to successfully climb the career ladder, it is recommended to give preference to shades of blue;
  • Unfavorable days - November 1-3, 18, 19, 29, 30. At this time, it is strictly forbidden to cut your nails, as this procedure can provoke financial collapse. It is better to devote other days to caring for your hands, and on these days to strengthen your immune system. It is recommended to drink herbal infusions.

Cutting your nails on November 24 and 25 will allow a woman to banish from her life forever annoying suitors. Rest November days lunar calendar are quite neutral.


December is the month of summing up the results of the outgoing year. In terms of manicure, any experiments with colors and shapes are acceptable during this period. The lunar calendar will tell you when exactly you can cut your nails:

  • Favorable days for updating manicure and pedicure are December 3-5, 8-10, 13, 14 and 31. It is permissible not only to cut nails, but also to straighten the cuticle. In addition, experiments in choosing the color of varnish are encouraged. It should be noted that in December bright colors will charge you with positivity, and pastel colors (especially soft pink) will attract good luck;
  • Unfavorable days are December 15, 16, 26 and 27. Lunar energy has a destructive effect on both a woman’s mood and health. These days you should not only refrain from cutting your nails, but also try not to experience too much stress. bright emotions- both positive and negative.

Every girl wants to look well-groomed and attractive. Self-care should be comprehensive and systematic, only in this case its results will be noticeable to everyone around. And in order for all measures to maintain your appearance at the proper level to be effective, you need to coordinate them with a cosmetologist, own needs and possibilities, as well as with the days of the month depending on the phase of the moon. Let's clarify when to cut your nails according to the lunar calendar?

In order to have healthy and shiny nails, you should choose the right day to cut them. Astrologers say that it is best to practice manicures on Monday, and on Friday and Sunday it is better not to conduct such classes.
In order to get especially strong nails, it is worth cutting them for the waning month, when the moon is in the house of such zodiac signs as Virgo, Aries, Libra or Cancer. And when the moon is in the constellation Gemini, it is advisable not to engage in such manipulation.

When to cut nails according to the lunar calendar, depending on the day of the week?

Monday is considered the day of the moon; cutting your nails on this day can be an excellent method of getting rid of depression.

On Tuesday, which is under the auspices of Mars, cutting your nails will help you acquire additional protective powers and the favor of the cosmos.

On Wednesday, by cutting your nails, you thereby get rid of the fuss and confusion in your head and in personal life. Also, such a procedure on this day of the week will help increase immunity and success in school or at work.

On Thursday, cutting your nails has a particularly beneficial effect on general condition body.

On Friday, this manipulation is not strongly indicated, because on this day there is a slowdown in vital processes in the body.

On Saturday, cutting your nails will help you get rid of various debts, prevent chronic diseases and find your soulmate.

On Sunday, nail cutting is not recommended.

What date should you cut your nails according to the lunar calendar?

In November 2016, it is best to cut your nails on the seventeenth, nineteenth, twenty-first to twenty-fourth, twenty-sixth and twenty-eighth.

Nail cutting days according to the lunar calendar in 2017

Optimal days in January: 14, 17-19, 21, 23-27.
Suitable days February: 13-16, 18, 20-23.
The best time to cut your nails is in March: 13-16, 18, 20-22, 27.
In April, this manipulation should be performed: 12-13, 15, 17-19, 22, 24-25.
Optimal days in May: 13, 15-17, 20, 22-24.
Better days June: 10, 12-15, 17, 19-21.
In July it is better to cut your nails: 10-13, 15, 17-18, 22.
In August, this procedure should be carried out: 8-10, 12, 14-15, 19.
In September it is recommended to cut your nails: 7, 9, 11, 14, 16, 18-19.
In October, it is best to perform this manipulation: 7-8, 11-12, 14, 16-18.
In November, the optimal days are: 8-9, 11, 13-16.
In December: 5-7, 9, 11-14, 16.

Nail cutting according to the lunar calendar in 2018

The best days of January: 3-4, 6, 8-11,13, 15-16.
In February you should cut your nails: 1, 3, 5-8, 10, 12-15.
And in March, this procedure should be performed: 3, 5-8, 10, 12-15.
In April, it is advisable to cut your nails: 2-5, 7, 9-12, 14.
The best days of May: 1-3, 5, 7-10, 12, 14, 30-31.
Optimal dates for June: 2, 4-7, 9, 11, 30.
In July, it is best to cut your nails: 2-5, 7, 9, 12, 28, 30-31.
And in August: 1-2, 4, 8-9, 27-30.
The best days to cut nails in September: 1, 5-8, 26-27, 29.
In October, it is best to carry out this procedure: 2-4, 6, 8, 25, 29-31.
Optimal November dates: 1, 3, 5-6, 26-29.
In December, it is best to cut your nails: 1, 3-6, 24-27, 29, 31.

Nail cutting in 2019

The best time to cut your nails in January is: 1-3, 5, 22-24, 28-31.
Optimal dates for February: 2, 4, 20-21, 23, 25-28.
In March, it is recommended to cut your nails: 2, 4-5, 23, 25-28, 30.
The best dates in April: 1-4, 20, 22-25, 27, 29-30.
In May, it is best to cut your nails: 1-2, 4, 20-23, 25, 27-30.
Optimal dates for June: 1, 18-20, 22, 24-27, 29.
In July, the best time to cut your nails is: 1-2, 18, 20, 22-25, 30-31.
And in August such a procedure should be carried out: 17, 19-22, 26-29.
The best days of September: 16-19, 23-26.
And the optimal dates for October are: 15-16, 21-24, 26.
The best time to cut your nails in November is: 16, 18-21, 23, 25.
And in December: 14, 16-19, 21, 23-25.

When is the best time to cut your nails in 2020?

In January, this procedure should be performed: 11, 13-16, 18, 20-23.
In February, the best time to cut your nails is: 10-13, 15, 17-20, 22.
The best days of March: 10-12, 14, 16-19, 21, 23.
Optimal days in April: 9, 11, 13-16, 18, 20-22.
The best time to cut your nails is in May: 9, 11-14, 16, 18-21.
In June, it is advisable to carry out such manipulation: 6, 8-11, 13, 15-18.
And in July: 6-9, 11, 13-15.
In August you should cut your nails: 4-6, 8, 10-12, 15, 17-18.
In September, it is advisable to perform the following procedure: 3, 5, 7-8, 12, 14-16.
The best time to cut nails in October: 3, 5, 10, 12-15.
In November, you should cut your nails: 2, 5, 7, 9-12, 14.
And in December the best dates for this are: 1-3, 5, 7-10, 12, 31.

Nails should only be cut when certain days weeks and on certain days of the lunar calendar. These rules should not be neglected, since they have existed for many years.

All people periodically trim their fingernails and toenails. However, some people do it on certain days, and some people don’t care what time to do their manicure. They trim their nails as needed.

This is not entirely correct. In fact, you only need to cut your nails on certain days. This has been the case since ancient times. Previously, people believed that nails and hair needed to be cut on certain days of the week and strictly according to the lunar calendar. Nowadays, these beliefs are still observed, but not everyone believes in them.

First, you should remember that nails need to be cut only when the moon is waning. This cannot be done when the moon is waxing. If you neglect this rule, you can lose a significant sum of money, go bankrupt and even lose your family, quarrel with close friends.

When the moon is waning, it is important to choose a specific day of the week and cut your nails during this period. It is known that cutting your nails on Monday is good for your health. If a person is constantly sick and cannot boast of excellent health, he needs to get a manicure on Monday.

Cutting your nails on Tuesday means sudden wealth. On this day, people who want to improve their financial situation should get a manicure. It is especially recommended to follow this rule for businessmen and people who have their own business. If a person lives in poverty, he has a real chance to improve his financial situation by cutting his nails on Tuesday.

Cut your nails on Wednesday good news. On this day, it is recommended to get a manicure for those who are waiting for news from a loved one or are simply looking forward to something.

Cutting your nails on Thursday is a sign of new clothes. Previously, people believed that cutting nails on Thursday meant acquiring new shoes. Modern interpreters believe that this can be not only shoes, but also clothing and even interior items. Some people admit that they constantly cut their nails on Thursday, waiting to buy some expensive items. They believe that compliance this rule will help them buy a car or even an apartment.

Cutting your nails on Friday means sorrow. Experts do not recommend getting a manicure on this day, as it is considered more than unfavorable.

Cutting your nails on Saturday means meeting someone who really loves or will be able to love in the future. This day is very favorable for manicure if a person is in search of his soulmate. Often young girls prefer to cut their nails on Saturday.

Cutting your nails on Sunday means meeting the unclean. It is believed that in this case devilry will be with the person throughout the next week. Experts do not recommend cutting your nails on this day.

It is important to understand that trimmed nails should not be stored or left in places where they could be found by other people. Nails can become powerful weapons in the hands of sorcerers and shamans. Previously, people burned their cut nails in a stove. Modern city dwellers prefer to flush them down the drain. This safety measure allows you to save yourself from exposure evil forces and witchcraft. Also, you should not leave it in in public places your hair. There is a popular belief that if a bird finds hair and makes a nest out of it, the person will have a very bad headache. Moreover, in some cases, dizziness can be very severe and cause a lot of discomfort.

People, cutting nails on the right days, they will always be healthy and rich. That's exactly what it says popular belief. Perhaps you should not neglect this rule, since it has existed for a very long time.

As the oracle says, cutting nails is an important and responsible task. Indeed, from this point of view, the nail plates are part of the skin, which reflects the entire state of the body. That is why it is necessary to carry out manicure procedures on strictly defined days.

5 lunar day suitable for manicure for those who experience financial difficulties. So how does your well-being depend on cutting your nails? It is on this day that the procedure contributes to material enrichment.

On the 8th lunar day, you need to get a manicure for those who want to contribute to their longevity and excellent well-being.

The 11th lunar day is ideal for those who seek to develop psychic abilities.

The oracle calls the 13th lunar day another favorable day when you can cut your nails. This will promote rejuvenation.

Career success will be facilitated by the procedure performed on the 14th lunar day.

Manicure procedures on the 19th lunar day will attract happiness and good luck.

Manicure done on the 21st and 23rd lunar days contributes to overall improvement appearance, rejuvenation.

More detailed calendar Nail cuttings that the oracle advises can be found on the Internet. But in general we can say that the 26th and 27th lunar days are the most favorable. A manicure on this day will not only improve the health of the body, it will also attract good luck and financial well-being, will bring joy to the house.