Holidays in November of the year. November holidays


November is the month that ends autumn. In addition to standard weekends (Saturdays and Sundays), it gives Russians who work a five-day week the opportunity to take a kind of mini-vacation - after all, this month on November 4th we celebrate national unity. The holiday of November 4 is still just “gaining momentum”; it is just over a decade old: we have been celebrating it since 2004. On this day, November 4, 400 years ago, Minin and Pozharsky, becoming the head of the people's militia, liberated Moscow from Polish invaders.

We have decided on National Unity Day. What else will November please us with? How long and how do we work and rest in November 2016?

Weekends and holidays in November 2016

In 2016, National Unity Day falls on Friday, and therefore we will rest for 3 whole days in a row - from Friday to Sunday. There will be no postponements, everything will go according to the calendar. Don't forget: on the eve of a long weekend, every person (except those who work on a rotational basis or in shifts) has the legal right to leave workplace a full hour earlier than usual. If the management of your company accidentally forgot about this fact, it is worth tactfully reminding them.

Amount of daysWorking time (hour)
CalendarworkersWeekends40 hours/week36 hours/week24 hours/week
30 21 9 167 150.2 99.8

In addition to the “mini-vacations”, in November Russians will have 6 usual Saturdays and Sundays free from work. And there will be 21 working days. Those who didn’t have enough National Unity Day can arrange a series of additional holidays. On the weekends in November, you can rightfully celebrate some more dates.

So, on November 5, everyone can join world day men. Since November 5th is Saturday, you can celebrate the important date on a grand scale, but better - without excessive abuse.

November 20 (this is Saturday) - congratulate all children, both small and large. You can give them gifts, take them to the cinema to see cartoons, or just play their favorite games. Communication with parents is the most important thing for a child, to whom parents are often unable to pay much attention because they are always busy. Make sure that the day dedicated to children is memorable for them for a long time!

November 27 (this is the last Sunday in November) is a holiday that recently came to Russia. It is called Mother's Day. This Sunday, we must wholeheartedly congratulate and thank our mothers, who managed to raise their children in the difficult conditions of Russian reality. Go visit them and give them a gift beautiful bouquet, and let this Sunday become the best day of November for your family!

November is a short month (only 30 days), but there are plenty of holidays. And even though only November 4 is an official holiday, you can turn almost any Saturday or Sunday into yours family celebration. As you can see, there are plenty of dates “with a reason”!

Last month autumn period is always marked by a sharp cold snap and the approach of the most popular holiday in the CIS - the New Year. How do we relax in November? IN given month On regular working days there is one officially designated holiday - National Unity Day on November 4th, which is officially considered a non-working day. All other rest days are traditional days off in standard working week.

Mon VT SR Thu PT SB Sun
31 1 2 3 4 5 6
7 8 9 10 11 12 13
14 15 16 17 18 19 20
21 22 23 24 25 26 27
28 29 30 1 2 3 4

November holidays 2016 official weekend calendar

- Weekends and holidays
- Working day

Weekends in November 2016

Weekends in November 2016: 4, 5, 6, 12, 13, 19, 20, 26, 27.

How many days off are there in November 2016? These are 9 days, 8 of which are the standard days of each week set aside for rest (Sundays and Saturdays) and one official holiday (Unity Day).

Working days in November 2016

How are we doing in November? Working days in a given month are: 1, 2, 3, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 28, 29, 30.

There are only 21 working days in November, which fall between Monday and Friday. But at the same time there are many interesting holidays, which are still not official holidays. For example, KVN Day, or Children's Day and many others.

Public holidays in November:

November 1st - All Saints' Day;
November 2nd - Men's Day (International);
November 4th is National Unity Day.
November 4th - UNESCO Day;
November 5th - Intelligence Day (military);
November 6th is the day of the bailiff;
November 7th - Day of Reconciliation and Harmony;
November 8th - KVN (World) Day;
November 10th - Police Day;

November 12th - Employee Day of Sberbank of the Russian Federation;
November 12th - Security Specialist Day
November 13th - Day of the Blind (International);
November 14th - Sociologist Day;
November 15th - Conscript Day (All-Russian);
November 17th - Student's Day (International);
November 17th - Day of Artillery and Missile Arms;
November 19th - Day of Glass Industry Workers;
November 20th - Children's Day (World);
November 21st - Tax Worker's Day of the Russian Federation;
November 27th - Marine Corps Day;
November 30th - Information Protection Day (International).

Holidays in November are represented by the 4th day - official holiday- Unity Day. Other memorable dates Unfortunately, they are not official. In November, adults and schoolchildren will also have the opportunity to take a break from school due to the holidays. This time can be devoted to trips to interesting places, spending time together and productive leisure.

The name of the month comes from “novem” (Latin) meaning “nine”, which is exactly how it was counted among the ancient Romans.

In Rus', November was called breast (as in Ukraine it is now December), given word came from the frozen earth in piles, not yet covered with snow, characteristic of this month.

In addition, the Slavs knew November under the names “brother”, “chicken coop” and “ice”.

Signs of November:

If there are mosquitoes this month, then the winter will not be cold;
The weather in November is identical to the weather in April;
If snow has already fallen at the beginning of November, it will be early spring

November holidays 2016 : we rest for 3 days.
Read more below

Try suddenly asking your friends what exactly we celebrate in November. The thoughtful answer “November holidays” is heard most often. Indeed, four renamings in twenty years can confuse anyone. The older generation often remembers the anniversary of the October Revolution (which was celebrated in November... once upon a time in an English special school, half the lesson was spent explaining this calendar confusion to foreign guests).

The correct name of the holiday - “National Unity Day” - does not immediately come to mind, and very few people are able to tell the story of the liberation of Moscow by the Minins and Pozharskys in 1612 from the Polish occupiers. But, regardless of the name, November holidays are always remembered in the plural; people have become accustomed to two holidays in November since 1927. But…
What a great time we had the year before last! Two days off, a day rescheduled, a holiday... four days off, three working days and again two days off... Alas, the weekend schedule for the November holidays of 2016 is a little sadder.

“National Unity Day” – the fourth of November – falls on a Friday in 2016. The total is:
October 31, November 1-2(Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday) – we work as usual,
the 3rd of November(Thursday) – the pre-holiday day shortened by an hour,
November 4- let's celebrate,
November 5-6– legal holidays; look at the calendar:

This is how November turned out. All possible transfers holidays, coinciding with the weekend, have already been exhausted.

In general, with these transfers it turns out interesting story. In 1992, when the new Labor Code of the Russian Federation was adopted, almost all holiday dates fell on Saturday and Sunday. Then Article 112 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation was adopted, which established the mandatory provision of additional days off for holidays that coincided with Saturday or Sunday. Every year, deputies approve the schedule of days off; and every time there are dissatisfied comments. It seems that the people's representatives have become tired of this after twenty years.
Last year, a group of deputies from Tatarstan took the initiative to cancel the postponement of holidays that coincided with weekends. The main argument is economic: during the holidays, owners of private enterprises and the country’s economy as a whole suffer significant losses. This is true, especially in January - almost half a month in the country is the “down season”.
The second argument the deputies cite is to increase the list of public holidays and public holidays. The argument is not very clear. Just look at the accountant’s calendar and we will see that in 1992 there were twenty public holidays, in 2014 there were nineteen. The list and dates of holidays have changed, but there is no quantitative difference.

However, compared with other countries, we still live very well. For comparison, in the Netherlands there are only six national holidays, in the USA there are ten, in Austria, England, France and Germany there are as many as 13 such days! Still, they don’t reach our 20 days. So maybe it would be nice to shrink a little?
It is not known whether deputies will accept the proposal to cancel the postponement of holidays that coincide with weekends, but we will be able to try on such a life in November 2016. A lonely day off on November 4 in the middle of the work week and no long November holidays. Shall we try?
Expert: Tatyana Panchenko

The production calendar of the Russian Federation answers the questions: how we work and how we rest in November 2016, how many days off there are this month, what public holidays are noted.

31 1 2 3 4 5 6
7 8 9 10 11 12 13
14 15 16 17 18 19 20
21 22 23 24 25 26 27
28 29 30 1 2 3 4

Weekends are marked in red non-working days
Orange designated pre-holiday days(with a reduced working day by one hour)

How we relax. November holidays

In November 2016, there are 9 days off and holidays in Russia: 4th, 5th, 6th, 12th, 13th, 19th, 20th, 26th and 27th of the month. On November 4, the country celebrates National Unity Day. This is a non-working holiday, according to Art. 112 Labor Code RF. In 2016, this holiday falls on a Friday, so Russians get a long weekend of 3 days - from the 4th to the 6th.

Thursday, November 3 is the pre-holiday day. The duration of work on this day is reduced by 1 hour.

Working time standards

In accordance with the labor calendar of the Russian Federation, in November 2016 there are 21 working days (including 1 pre-holiday day) and 9 weekends and holidays.

The working hours in a given month are:

  • with a 40-hour work week - 167 hours (21*8-1, where 21 is the number of working days, 8 is the duration of the work shift, 1 is a reduced work time on the pre-holiday November 3);
  • at 36 hours - 150.2 hours (21*7.2-1);
  • at 24-hour - 99.8 hours (21*4.8-1).