The plot for the opening season scenario. Scenario of the holiday "opening of the creative season of additional education"

Scenario of the musical and theatrical program for the Open Day of the Center for Children's Creativity "Give yourself a holiday"

Odnoburtseva Oksana Nikolaevna, music teacher.
Place of work: MOU secondary school No. 8 of the city of Atkarsk, Saratov region.

Goals and objectives:
- attraction of children from schools and kindergartens of the city for additional education at the Center for Children's Creativity (CTC),
- acquaintance of schoolchildren, preschoolers, their parents with creative circles, teams and leaders of the CDT,
- formation of a positive image of the CDT,
- creating a festive atmosphere and a joyful atmosphere for children.
Purpose of material: this scenario is designed for children of any age, as well as their parents, will be useful to the organizers and methodologists of the Children's Creativity Centers, head teachers for extracurricular activities, teachers of additional education.

Holiday progress:

How many days are good, different
Pass by in succession.
Create a holiday for your soul -
Sparkling, bright, young.
Give yourself inspiration
And know the best feelings
Great every moment
The life that is called art.
Enter the open doors
You are the center of our palace,
And believing in myself
Light up the heart with a holiday.
The musical and choreographic composition "We are Russians" is performed.

Presenter 1
Good afternoon dear friends!
Lead 2
Presenter 1
Today is indeed a good day, because the sun is shining kindly, your eyes are shining kindly, your faces are smiling kindly.
Lead 2
So let this meeting become a good start to one big common creative work that will bring inexhaustible energy, good mood and joy of communication to someone, and for someone it will be the meaning of all life, creative destiny.
Presenter 1
Opening the season, we called our program “Give yourself a holiday”, which means that for young viewers we will arrange a childhood holiday, and older people will be able to enjoy the holiday of the soul.
Lead 2
Open Day is a special holiday that takes place only once a year. That is why many are now seized by a quivering state of expectation and excitement.
Presenter 1
Today, along with old friends, we invite new friends to our walls who want to join our friendly united family in order to be creative here and develop their abilities.
Lead 2
We welcome newcomers and thank them for their willingness to befriend us.
The director of the Center for Children's Creativity congratulates you on the opening of the creative season ………………
Presenter 1
(The music sounds “A grasshopper sat in the grass”, one hears Voice:
“I see the Flower Meadow… I’m going to descend… Oh-yo-yo… it seems that the air in the balloon has cooled down… Don’t panic… Now I’ll jump with a parachute… Ay-yai-yai… Brothers, I’m falling….”
The sound of a bursting balloon is heard, a blow and everything subsides. Dunno enters the stage, drags a bunch of helium balloons behind him and attaches them to the stage.

Where did I get to?
Lead 2
You are at the Center for Children's Creativity, today we have an Open Doors Day.

Wonderful! Then:
Hello guys, boys and girls!
I greet you from the bottom of my heart, dear kids!
Comrades adults, and my greetings to you!
I don't have any more greetings.
However, why not? I once again say to everyone, to everyone: “Hello!”.
My name is Dunno - I am the most famous traveler, because I flew around the whole world in my balloon and even visited the moon.
Presenter 1
We at the Center are also great travelers and love to travel to different musical countries, while developing our abilities and talents.
Oh, how wonderful! I just have a lot of talent. I am an inventor and a dreamer, a writer and an inventor ...
Lead 2
And probably a little braggart!
Well… just a little bit… So! Decided! I'm staying here at the Children's Creativity Center. What team should I sign up for?
Presenter 1
Get ready for a new journey, in which you will see different creative teams, you can choose an activity to your liking and enroll in any circle.
And better in two!
Lead 2
Let's start our acquaintance with the SONG COUNTRY.
(backdrop falls - treble clef, notes)

Performance of the vocal ensemble.
Soloists performances.
Choir performance.
Lead 2
And now, we will show you the COUNTRY OF FOLK CULTURE.
(the backdrop is lowered in the Russian-folk style)

What is folk culture?
Presenter 1
This is wealth that is accumulated bit by bit by many generations of people.
Lead 2
In our Center there are teams where folk traditions are carefully preserved and multiplied. They are attended by guys who have the happiest gift to understand the beauty and sincerity, as well as the inexhaustible enthusiasm of folk art.
Performance of folk dance ensemble.
Performances by the Saratov Harmonica Ensemble.
Yes, an amazing instrument - the Saratov harmonica!
Presenter 1
And now, you will be even more surprised, because we are going to the East.

Great! And how do we get there?
Lead 2
We have our own EASTERN COUNTRY in the Cultural Center.
(lower backdrop in oriental style)

Performance of the oriental dance ensemble.
Is it possible to get into a fairy tale in your Palace?
Presenter 1
Yes, sure. We invite you to the THEATER COUNTRY,
(theatrical backdrop falls)

Performance of the theater of puppets and masks.
Performance of plastic theater.
Dunno (Dunno comes out, preens)
Isn't it true that I have a beautiful suit?
Lead 2
Well, since Dunno spoke about beauty, then it's time to find yourself in a country where everyone is always beautiful. We are talking about DANCE COUNTRY.

(the festive backdrop is lowered)
Performances of contemporary pop dance ensembles.
Performance of the ballroom dance ensemble.
And now it will be a dizzying success.
Presenter 1
This Dunno represents the Breakdance team in this way.
And he is dizzying, because the guys are there, spinning on their heads.
Breakdancing team performance.
Attention! Attention! Hurry! Exclusive performance! Only today and only for you!
Presenter 1
Why are you screaming so much?
Beautiful dresses, gorgeous stage,
Huge success, show everyone!
Lead 2
I think I got it! It's just that our Dunno saw the girls of the Model-Dance School of Movements. Here he screams and stutters from excitement.
Does the Center have a School of Movements?
Presenter 1
Eat. In it, in addition to teaching dances of all styles and directions, they are also involved in body shaping techniques, including: Pilates, fitness, callanetics, yoga and body ballet.
Meet me on stage Model-Dance School of Movements.
I got it, I just got it...
Presenter 1
What did you understand?
The most interesting country is the Center for Children's Creativity. Here people are engaged in creativity and become happy from it.
Lead 2
So let a lot of people always gather in our Center for the spark of inspiration and let their mutual communication be sincere, smart and cheerful.
Presenter 1
May creative search and success accompany us all in the new season.
Lead 2
They say a good start is half done. Today we started well, gave ourselves a holiday.
Presenter 1
So let this holiday of creativity, the holiday of talent, the holiday of childhood always be with us.
The final musical and choreographic composition "Childhood Holiday" is performed.

Venue: RDK hall;
Date: 16.02.2013
Time: 14-00.

Music sounds, the curtain opens, on the stage is the lost Malvina and Vanellope von Cupcake. They look around in surprise.

Malvina. Oh, where am I, where did I go?

Vanellope. Where did it take me, what kind of country? Glitched again, right?

Malvina. Hello, who are you? And why are they dressed like that, what a bad taste in the style of clothing.

Vanellope. Be careful with comments. I'm the famous caramel country racer Vanelope von Cupcake, but who are you?

Malvina. I'm also a celebrity. This is the first time I hear about you. But I am the most famous girl with blue hair, and my name is Malvina.

Vanellope. What a bad trip to the hairdresser (laughs).

Malvina. It is immediately clear that he is a modern cartoon, illiterate and with a complete lack of taste.

Vanellope. But, but be careful on the turns, I can give in.

Malvina. What manners. Ugh.

Vanellope (mimicking). What manners fu.

Malvina. No, this is unbearable, we need to get out of here as soon as possible.

Vanellope. Okay, okay, where are we at. I don't like this place either.

Malvina. I don't know. I was in a very upset state, which I received from the news that our puppet theater was not profitable, it was given over to a nightclub, and we actors were dispersed. Oh how sad. After all, I can’t live without spectators, without a stage, without roles (crying).

Vanellope. Okay, don't cry, I love the audience too. Only others, they sit in the stands and get sick.

Malvina. What good is it when a viewer is sick.

Vanellope. Yes, they don’t really get sick, but for you, so that you come to the finish line first. Ah, how great it is.

Malvina. Sorry for my above rudeness, I see we have one very important thing in common. You and I are both famous. And our friends will definitely find us.

Vanellope. Yes, Ralph would have known what I was getting into again. Be sure to get me out of here and help you. (Both are sad)

The music sounds, the Club Fairy enters the stage

Fairy. Hello dear friends. I am very glad to welcome you to our holiday program. Today, our young artists will again delight you with their creativity.

Vanellope (turns to Malvina). Who is she talking to?

Malvina. I don't know, I'm shocked.

Fairy (notices Vanelope and Malvina and addresses them). Hello, who are you and what are you doing here?

Vanellope. I have a counter question, who are you and where are we now?

Malvina. Excuse her for being rude. She's just buggy. She is the heroine of the cartoon Ralph.

Vanellope. The main character and not that I'm not buggy.

Malvina. Do not interrupt. By some stupid accident, we ended up here, how exactly we don’t know how, by the way, and where we are at all. My name is Malvina.

Fairy. Everything is clear ... I remembered and I apologize to you very much.

Vanellope. What is clear, that I remembered. I don't understand anything.

Malvina. And I don't understand anything at all.
Fairy. You see, girls, I really need assistants to conduct the concert. I chose you. You Malvina is a very beautiful, well-mannered, and most importantly famous girl, and you Vanellope are just a star after the premiere of Ralph, and also with such an assertive character. I thought that we would make a great creative team of presenters.

Malvina. Thank you, but how did I end up here?

Vanellope. And I.

Fairy. Well, I couldn't handle the mail. You know, it is not so easy to send a telegram from our world to yours. So I resorted to magic, after all, I’m still a fairy, even if it’s a club one. But since I turn to my magical abilities less and less, I have failures there as well. I thought the magic didn't work and you'll never get back here. And even forgot about it.

Vanellope. Well, look at her, she forgot, and here we are racking our brains, that, as I really thought, it started to fail again, and along the way you are failing. I think you can send us home.

Fairy. Whatever it is, we’ll figure it out, in extreme cases we’ll turn to the fairy godmother, she flew into our world on vacation.

Malvina. And I don’t want to go back, how nice it is to stand on stage in front of the audience again.

Fairy. Oh, you chatted me, we need to start the concert. I will announce the first number, and you will carefully read the program of the concert. And suddenly it will.

Vanellope. We will succeed.

Fairy. No, it's not me that's the name of the scene that dear friends prepared for you guys from the theater studio of the amateur theater "Mask"
1. “What if it works out”

Malvina. You know fairy. In my opinion, you have not finalized the program of the concert.

Fairy. What do you mean.

Malvina. Well, how would you say that would not offend. It seems to me that you do not have an exact production line, beautiful poems before the numbers, high praise of the artists.

Fairy. You understand Malvin, each concert is different from each other, and here poetry and pathos are absolutely not appropriate. And I'm already beginning to doubt the correctness of my choice at the expense of you.

Vanellope. Yes, yes girls. Stop fighting. It seems to me that everything is going well with us. And you don’t be clever, Malvina, after all, we have a festive entertainment program, it’s better to figure out how we can cheer up the audience. Since you are so smart.

Fairy. While Malvina is thinking, the folk group "Poteshki" sings for you. They are very worried, we will support them with applause.

2. "Where have you been my black sheep"

Fairy (referring to Malvina). What an extraordinary thought up our clever.

Vanellope. I have a feeling she's up to something again.

Malvina. Excuse me. I did not want to offend you. I just love the holidays very much, when artists, spectators, presenters get together. And most importantly, they should be fun.

Vanellope. What's not fun for you right now?

Malvina. Funny. But I want it to be even more fun. Please tell me "All friends are in this room."

All together: Yes!

Malvina. In this hall, all friends: me, you, he, she.
Hug the neighbor on the right, hug the neighbor on the left
We are a family.
And so on with the words:
Pinch the neighbor on the right...
Caress the neighbor on the right...
Kiss the neighbor on the right...
Gradually, you can speed up the pace and come up with new actions.

Fairy. How cleverly you get Malvina. I really liked your game.

Vanellope. And I liked the idea of ​​playing all at once. I'll play the game next time.
(Roll out the screen for the performance)
Fairy. Great. And the guys from the Klyaksa theater group are rushing onto the stage. They prepared a wonderful, small performance "Flower - Semitsvetik". We meet.

3. "Flower - Semitsvetik"

Fairy. The guys in our House of Culture are just wonderful.

Malvina. Yes, they are wonderful. Thank you Fairy for choosing us as your assistants.

Vanellope. Yes, cool guys both on stage and in the hall. I wonder how you are doing here (addresses the audience). I will ask you a question, and you will answer me "That's it!" and perform the appropriate movement, just like we do.
How are you? - Like this! - Fist forward, thumbs up.
How are you going? - Like this! - movement that mimics walking.
How do you run? - Like this! - Run in place.
Do you sleep at night? - Like this - palms under the cheek.
How do you get up? - Like this - get up from the chairs, hands up, stretch.
Are you silent? “That’s it—finger to mouth.
Do you scream? “That’s it—everyone screams loudly and stamps their feet.
Gradually pick up the pace.

Fairy. Girls, I'm not mistaken in you. It's good that the magic failed and now you are with us.

Vanellope. If ever you ever need help, please use another shipping method, okay.

Malvina. Yes, yes, otherwise the appearance deteriorates from experiences and uncertainty.

Fairy. Well, I already understood everything. And I have a real surprise for you. On our stage, the smallest participants in the amateur performances of our House of Culture.

Malvina. Today they have a real debut, they are terribly worried, and this is not surprising, because the smallest members of the Marmeladki dance group are only 4 years old, and the oldest are 6 years old. You are the first dear friends to see the work of our rising stars and let's not skimp on applause support

Vanellope. Meet the Marmeladki dance group on stage.

4. this year "Marmalade" - "Snowflakes"

Vanellope. Yes, a beautiful song, but in our country there are none like it.

Malvina. And in ours, but we also have very beautiful songs. For example: I don't need raspberries,
I'm not afraid of angina
I'm not afraid of anything at all.
If only Malvina,
If only Malvina,
If only Malvina
She adored me alone.

Vanellope. Oh yes, I see you have a fan?

Malvina. Yes, but he's such a whiner and crybaby that I don't love him back.

Fairy. And if you want with the help of my magic, I will make a real superhero out of him.

Vanellope. Yeah, and he'll fight the villains with the punching power of the verses.

Malvina. No, no magic needed. He has many good qualities. And generally forget about it, let's better watch our next musical number.

Fairy. The group "Confetti" sings for you

5. "Confetti"

Vanellope. You guys are wonderful Feya, you are lucky with your work.

Fairy. I know I just love them.

Malvina. And I love to dance.

Fairy. Unfortunately, Malvinochka choreographic groups are not with us today, but they will definitely participate at the next meeting.

Malvina. It's a pity, of course, but it doesn't matter. Look how many viewers we have.

Fairy. What do you mean.

Vanellope. Again she had some crazy idea.

Malvina. Not at all. There are children in the hall who love to dance. I will ask 10 guys to come on stage.
(Children get up)

Malvina. I ask you to stand facing the audience in one line. The music will now play. You repeat the dance movements exactly after me, except for one forbidden clapping over your head, in no case should this movement be repeated after me. Whoever repeats, decreases. It's clear. Go.

(The game “Forbidden Movement” is underway, awarding the winners, presenting consolation prizes to the participants in the game).

Malvina. Well, I told you that the guys will do a great job.

Fairy. Nobody doubted. And for you, dear friends, "Surprise" on our stage with the song "A fish in the sea"

6. "Surprise" - "And the fish in the sea"

Fairy. Girls, I lost sight of one important point and do not know how to fix it.

Vanellope. Nothing is impossible dear fairy, what a moment?

Fairy. You see, here, in February, it is customary to congratulate men, this month all women's attention is focused on them.

Malvina. Not too much for a man of a whole month, no, I'm definitely going home.

Fairy. No, you misunderstood me, we congratulate them on February 23rd. This is Defender of the Fatherland Day. A very beautiful and courageous holiday.

Vanellope. Stop. Today is only 16 or your calendar is running ahead.

Fairy. 16 of course, but only then I will not have the opportunity to congratulate so many wonderful men at once.

Malvina. This is where you should have started. Divorced here.

Fairy. Our dear men, on the eve of this wonderful holiday, let me congratulate you from the bottom of my heart. Wish you happiness, prosperity and good luck in everything.

Vanellope. And most importantly, never get into such ridiculous situations as we do.

Malvina. No, the main thing is love!

Fairy. Basically, whatever you want. But I can’t just congratulate you and not invite at least a few men to my stage. And for this I propose the following game. I have this bag in my hand. It contains things that are somehow connected with a man. I will ask a leading question. Whoever answers faster and more correctly, rises to our stage. Only men can participate in the game. So my first question.

1. This package contains the shoulder badges of the Russian army or navy, name them? (pagons)

2. Here lies the fruit that is called a combat grenade (Lemon)

3. And here is one of the elements of the sailor's uniform (Vest)

4. In my bag is Andersen's famous fairy tale about a resourceful soldier and three dogs (tinderbox)

Malvina. Well done, you showed your intelligence one hundred percent, and I still have one more spare question for everyone at once. You came to our holiday program with your soul mate. I mean wife, future wife or daughter. (Participant response). Great, I ask you to come up on stage to your gentlemen, beautiful ladies. Everything interesting is just beginning. We have small gifts, but I don’t want to give them away just like that, so I suggest dancing a little. Do you mind? (referring to participants). Each pair has the opportunity to draw out such a card that it will be written on it that you will perform. . Even if you do not know how to properly dance the dance that you will get. Don't bother. Just listen to music and dance.
Let's start in order. Couple (acquaintance, dance), etc.

(Presenting gifts)

Fairy. Thank you very much, you cheered everyone up, take your seats in the hall. And for you, a creative gift from the middle group "Mask" with the production of "Typel-Tapel". Meet.

7. "Typel - Tapel" - "Mask"

Fairy. We have a good concert, yes girls.

Vanellope. Yes, you need to stir up the same in your caramel country.

Malvina. You know, in our theater not a single program is complete without fireworks.

Fairy. You were joking. Where are we going to get such finances to buy fireworks, especially since we are indoors. And this is prohibited by fire safety equipment.

Malvina. That you make things complicated all the time. Salute can be made from our viewers, the main thing is that it would be fun and memorable.

Vanellope. God Malvina be merciful. You were going to blow up our viewers.

Malvina. Not at all. Now you will understand everything. I invite two people to the stage. One of you gets to play the matchbox, you are standing at the right side of the stage, close to the edge of the stage. You - the role of a match. Standing in the middle of the stage, the match will have to proudly walk to the box and, striking its head against the box, catch fire. But a match needs a light, there is a spectator in bright red clothes in the hall, you come up to us and you will play the role of a light. Now I invite four more viewers, you will be the wick. Line up in a line in the middle of the stage. Now I need a spectator, preferably a man, for the role of the gun. You are located at the left wings, the gun should say "bang" loudly. And finally, I invite 5 - 8 spectators in bright clothes. You squat in front of the stage in a circle and, after the signal of the gun, get up with the words “tili-tili”, while the audience applauds at this time. There are fireworks after the rehearsal. Now listen to me carefully and do what I will tell you about: “A proud match walks to the box and, striking its head against the box, lights up, appears, a light appears. A match with a spark walks to the wick. The flame runs along the wick to the cannon. The gun fires. Fireworks are lit to the applause of the audience.
Thank you very much for this wonderful salute and as a token of our gratitude, please accept small gifts.

Fairy. Great, well, we continue, our holiday concert is the most long-awaited number. Pavel Butakov on stage.

Vanellope. Thank you club fairy for inviting me here.

Malvina. And me. It was very nice to stand on your stage, look at the work of the guys, at the smiles of the audience. But every time it comes to an end. And it's time for us to go home.

Fairy. Or maybe you'll stay.

Vanellope. Are you Ralph probably off your feet in my search.

Malvina. And my friends are waiting for me.

Fairy. Well let's say goodbye to our viewers and go to the fairy godmother.

Vanellope. No, we won't say goodbye. Let's just say

All: See you soon.

(Curtain closes)

We thank Lizunova Natalia for the script

Details Created on 21.09.2018 20:25

09/16/18 The Palace of Culture Square hosted an Open Doors Day as part of the opening of the new creative season. On this day, the guests of the holiday were presented with the concert program "The Curtain Opens" with the participation of all the creative teams of the Palace of Culture.

Everyone at the Open Doors Day could not only get acquainted with the work of Balakovo artists, but also enroll in clubs and groups of the Palace of Culture, meet leaders and teachers, and get answers to their questions.

The creative teams of the Palace of Culture are one big close-knit family. And everyone in this family is talented. Both adults and children come to the DC. Everyone finds something to their liking. The recreation center offers a wide range of genre directions: vocal, choreographic, theatrical, circus art.

All spectators were greeted by the director of the MAUK "Palace of Culture" N.Yu. Koshkina She said that in the Palace of Culture there are 45 cultural and leisure formations - these are amateur art circles, interest clubs. They employ about 3,000 people. Of the 33 amateur art groups, 15 have the title of "People's Collective" of amateur art.

Talented people work in the Palace of Culture. Leaders of creative teams have the highest qualification category.

Among the employees of the Palace of Culture - 3 Honored Workers of Culture of the Russian Federation: 1. Mordovina Nina Nikolaevna - choreographer;

2. Masyakina Vera Nikolaevna - artistic director;

3. Lyudmila Vasilievna Kurochkina - choreographer;

A close-knit, hard-working team of creative employees and performers has formed in the MAUK "Palace of Culture". Their enormous potential makes it possible to solve the most complex problems, to prepare and present highly artistic programs to the audience, to promote the development of artistic taste and the organization of meaningful leisure for the population. The Palace celebrated its 50th anniversary, and on September 16, 2018, opened its 51st creative season.

And again, the creative teams tried to please and surprise their audience. Each team presented a bright performance - a visiting card. The department for work with children and youth, as well as the cultural and leisure department prepared entertainment and games for the audience. No one was bored at the party. Spectators sang, danced and played along with members of amateur art groups.

Children and adults appeared on the stage, but the main thing is that all participants in amateur performances performed for their audience with full dedication. The Palace of Culture is always ready to open its doors to you. The DK team expresses its gratitude to the beloved audience and is waiting for the Balakovo people not only at concerts, but also in creative teams.

Welcome to our big creative family!

Meet the creative teams of the Palace of Culture that performed at the Curtain Opens concert.

- pop-jazz vocal studio "Assol" (Head I. Saenko) - one of the best collectives of the Palace of Culture, which decorates concert programs with its bright performances and pleases the audience with its high skill and creativity.

- dance ensemble "Kaleidoscope". (Choreographer E. Gerba. Choreographer N. Miniyarova). The work of this group gives the audience a whole kaleidoscope of emotions. And as in a kaleidoscope one can observe rapidly changing various color patterns, so in the choreographic productions of the group there are various numbers with a deep meaning.

- Ensemble of folk dance "Smile". (Choreographer L. Kurochkina. Choreographers Evgenia Kurochkina, Daria Kumylganova) This team is 48 years old, its permanent leader is the Honored Worker of Culture of the Russian Federation L. Kurochkina. She dreams that "the audience behind each dance will feel the soul of the people, their customs, character." The team works at a high artistic level. A team of professional teachers gives their students all the best and most precious - creative skills, their hearts and, of course, work daily for the benefit of the future.

- circus studio "Youth". (Director A. Karbysheva) presents the viewer with beautiful, plastic numbers set to modern music. Performances performed by members of this group enchant the viewer .

- Ensemble of variety dance "Serpentine". (choreographer V. Zueva) recently celebrated its 35th anniversary. His modern dances and choreographic productions are always colorful and interesting. The permanent leader Valentina Zueva enjoys unquestioned authority and respect in her team. The choreographers in the ensemble are former graduates of the ensemble.

- Indian dance ensemble "Sanjukta" (choreographer Zh. Bystrovidova) The Indian dance team, whose leader was trained in India, and now introduces us to the beautiful culture of one of the most ancient countries in the world.

- Ensemble folk dance "Rainbow". (choreographer A. Chistyakova)

Their dances are so incendiary that the legs themselves dance.

- choir of the Russian song "Volga Dawns" (choirmaster I. Kulikova. Concertmaster I. Ryazanov) This team was born together with the Palace and has many years of experience. He carried his love for Russian song through the years and continues to delight his listeners with his soulful performance.

- choir of the Russian song "Joy" (Chorus master T. Krasovskaya. Accompanist G. Yangazov.) This choir also has many years of experience. Colorful stylized costumes and an extensive song repertoire make this group indispensable. Cheerfulness and optimism of the leader set an example for other people, energize all participants.

- Ensemble of folk dance "Joy" was created in 1972. The founder of the group and the leader is the Honored Worker of Culture of the Russian Federation Nina Klimchuk. Over the years of the ensemble's work, about three hundred productions have been staged: folk, stylized, story, game and patriotic dances.

The team always enjoy the constant attention of the viewer.

- vocal studio "April". (Conductor L. Lunina. Concertmaster A. Yangazov , who is the founder of the studio.) Now the team is led by his student L. Lunina. The band's repertoire includes songs on various topics: about Russia, about Balakovo, about love, about life….

C irkov collective "Romantic".(Director A. Bazarov. Choreographer O. Bazarova.) Founded in 1995. The performances of the members of the circus group are spectacular, dynamism, good technique and enjoy great success with the audience.

- theater of small forms "Full face". (Director A. Zakharova)

The Anfas team was founded in 1986. The director conducts lessons in acting, stage speech and plasticity with the members of the team. "Full face! -participants in many events of the Palace. The team consists of young and promising boys and girls.

- theater studio "Masks". (Director M. Pryadko)

The team starts the new season with a new leader and a new line-up. We look forward to many interesting creative works from them.

-theatrical studio "Impulse". (Head A. Ignatieva)

Not a single event takes place without the participation of this studio. The members are fast-moving, talented, bright and very sincere.

- vocal studio "Argo". This team is still young, but has already managed to establish itself as innovative and interesting. The head of the group Anahit Khachatryan, a talented and stylish singer herself, passes on her skills to her students.

- Ensemble of the Ukrainian song "Lyubystok". (Head V. Gorbenko.)

Keepers of traditions, from songs to differently embroidered costumes, they carry the soul of their people.

IN local studio "7 ocean" famous for its young, strong audience and participants in most concerts and thematic programs.

-talented vocalists whom the Balakovo audience loves and knows:

Ilya Bystrov Lusine Babayani Denis Korotkov .

In the Palace of Culture, you can discover your talent, become a star of vocals, choreography, try yourself in theatrical art. Those who are ready to be creative will have not only serious work, but also a bright, interesting life and new friends.


“We create, we rejoice, we overcome!” - it was with such capacious words that the director Irina Vitalievna Trukhina described the work of the municipal institution "Center for Leisure, Youth Policy and Tourism". For more than 100 years, Kolchugins have been coming here for new impressions and good mood - this year the Palace of Culture opened its 109th creative season! A colorful event was dedicated to this event at the end of October. What awaits us in the new season? What novelties will the viewer see?
On Wednesday, October 26, the atmosphere of the holiday reigned in the Palace of Culture. From 17:00 in the lobby it was possible to listen to the play of the brass band conducted by Vladimir Yarovoy and VIA "Lira". At 6 pm, the audience gathered in the hall to watch the concert-performance "Autumn Waltz of Love", hosted by Yu. Gudnikova and R. Konnov. To our question about what this form of stage art is, artistic director Yulia Alexandrovna Gudnikova answered that it is an opportunity to combine the features of a performance and a concert into a single whole, thanks to which all individual numbers performed by different groups turn out to be connected by a common storyline. Tastefully decorated stage (burning candles, delicate colors) perfectly created the lyrical mood of golden autumn. The concert-performance dedicated to the opening of the new creative season is a kind of calling card, with the help of which the leading groups of the Palace of Culture renew their acquaintance with the audience and show him the best that they created last season. Therefore, on the stage, dance numbers alternated with songs of bards, and elements of the performance - with numbers of the artistic word. The concert was attended by such creative groups as "Allegro" and "Droplets", "Del Arte" and the trio "Emotional Conversation". Such performers as Alena Kirillova, Lyudmila Gerasimova were greeted with applause. Harmoniously intertwined with the presented performances was the implicit storyline of the concert performance, the main characters of which were He and She with their anxieties, hopes, dreams and, of course, with a happy ending. Magnificent costumes, music, poetry - all this created a very solemn and sincere atmosphere in the hall. At the end of the event, all the performers took the stage, and Irina Vitalievna Trukhina congratulated the audience and artists on the opening of the new creative season and promised that the future, 110th anniversary season would be solemnly celebrated. No age category of spectators will be forgotten. First of all, we decided to ask Irina Vitalievna about the teams that will take part in the program for the coming season. How many are there?
- Eleven teams with the title of "Exemplary" and "People's" are actively working. Their stage activities are theater and vocals, choreography and choir. In addition, the results of their creativity and amateur associations will be presented.- Are there any new teams that have recently joined the friendly creative family of the Palace of Culture?
- We do not have completely new teams that have not yet shown themselves, and we are not striving to increase their number, since we see it as our main task to retain those creative groups that work today and create optimal conditions for their full-fledged activities.- What teams of the Palace of Culture are the oldest, most honored and time-tested?
- An unconditional old-timer of our Palace of Culture is the People's Theater. For 90 years, its participants have delighted the audience with their art. The Youth Theater has existed for more than 40 years, and Allegro is celebrating its 33rd birthday.- At the beginning of the season, it is especially interesting to learn about the plans, ideas and dreams of creative teams that take an active part in the work of the Palace of Culture. We asked Irina Vitalievna about the new products that await the audience in the foreseeable future.
- Novelties will certainly. For example, large-scale creative work is already underway to prepare a musical performance, a fairy tale dedicated to the New Year. Ensembles "Kapelki", "Allegro" and other creative teams will take part in it. We will delight young viewers with an exciting scenario, costumes are already being prepared. In addition, new items from the Variety Theater are waiting for us. Its new leader A.I. Fakhrutdinov is currently busy reorganizing the activities and staff of the theater. There were new members and many new ideas. From now on, our priority is live music, so we are happy to unite, so to speak, under our wing, creative, musically gifted youth. Surely, in addition to interesting novelties, the viewer wants to see or participate in events that have become a good tradition of the Palace of Culture. Irina Vitalievna said a few words about them:
- It's not the first year and with constant success in the spring we hold graduation parties for little graduates of kindergartens, in which Bus of Childhood takes part. We pay great attention to acquainting our young guests with folk art, so we strive to regularly hold folklore holidays for them, such as "Autumn Gatherings" or "Maslenitsa". A lot of events are organized related to moral, patriotic education, anti-drug actions. An important role in these events is played by our film department, which complements them with film screenings. Periodically, he travels with cartoons to kindergartens. For adult viewers, we monthly invite artists from Moscow with a wide variety of repertoires. For example, in October we had an evening of chanson, in November we will have a group "Alyoshkina Love" led by Alexei Zardinov, the former soloist of the group "Doctor Schlager", whose repertoire includes many famous songs of the 70s -90s. After the concert, all spectators are invited to the disco of the 80s. In December, a concert of the surprisingly soulful group "Sadko" is expected.- And finally, I would like to hear about the long-term creative plans of the Palace of Culture. Do they exist? What are they?
- Indeed, there are many such plans, for the implementation of which we have been preparing for more than one year. I will say a few words about one of them. Next year we hope to open a museum dedicated to more than a century of creative life of our Palace of Culture. How many bright events have seen these walls, how many talented individuals have worked here! All this has been preserved in the form of posters, photographs, decorations, props, and historical documents. And the DK building itself is ready to tell a lot about itself. We will try to time this memorable event to coincide with the 110th anniversary of the Palace of Culture. In continuation of the conversation about the plans of the creative teams of the Palace of Culture, we decided to ask a few questions to the head of the Allegro Exemplary Choreographic Ensemble, Elena Nikolaevna Leontyeva. In this team, young dancers of three age categories are engaged: the younger group (6-9 years old), the middle group (9-12 years old) and the older group - guys over 13 years old. Their repertoire is exceptionally rich, these are pop and ballroom dances, jazz classical dance numbers, as well as numbers with theatricalization. - Elena Nikolaevna, at what events will Allegro perform in the season that has begun? Are there any solo events of the ensemble?
- Usually we take part in all major events of the Palace of Culture and now we have already begun active preparations for the New Year holidays. We almost never perform solo performances, but on October 17 we held the grand opening of our own creative season, where we performed with a solo concert, presenting a significantly updated repertoire. When asked about the novelties of the season, Elena Nikolaevna answered that it was a surprise, noting that the viewer would not be left without new interesting numbers. Particularly successful numbers, which the Allegro ensemble will delight the viewer in the current season, she considers the new program "Dance Podium", which brought the ensemble the title of laureates at the interregional festival-competition of variety dance "Bravo". Well, we congratulate all the creative teams of the Palace of Culture on the opening of the new season and wish them bright successes, interesting discoveries and loud applause! N. LUSHINA, photo by the author

Holiday script

"Creative Season Day"

(Everyone walks, everyone is busy with something).

W: What the hell are you doing? Can't you see what's been washed here?

B: I'm creating!

W: I don't ask what your name is, I tell you that you are trampling on the washed floor.

Q: You don’t understand, I have a thought, an idea, a concert, work is in full swing ...

W: They are still here and have decided to cook ...

Q: Do not cook, but create! A lot of thoughts and ideas appeared over the summer, so I say: the work is in full swing! And you call this work? Dances, songs, music - it's fun!

Q: It's work!

U: That's where everything rubs and rubs!

Q: Hello dear guests! We are glad to meet you! Ours is full againhome and reopens the doors of the Center for Further Education for All Children. The main goal of the center is to set the guys up for a positive, creative upsurge and to accept newcomers from different associations into our friendly family. For children who have crossed the threshold of the Children's Creativity Center for the first time, it becomes a second home, where they want to come, where they want to create, where they want to communicate and make friends.

Q: There are guys in our center - stars of different sizes and brightness. Some have already discovered themselves and therefore many see and know them.

Q: Others are just beginning to open up and are less noticeable. But all our stars are engaged in creativity.And there is no doubt that the creative season will be bright and successful!

NUMBER: "We are children of the 21st century"

Number: Kindergarten.

NUMBER: "Little children"
Q: Our children are in the classroom
And they dance, and draw, Sculpt.
Learn the language and sounds!
They come to us not for the sake of boredom,
B: And I'll tell everyone
Here not in a fairy tale - in reality
Both right and left
Queens walk freely
They lead the children. ok guys here

Attention! Attention! On the stage is the theater of the song "Seven Notes".

NUMBER: "Chizhik-Pyzhik"

NUMBER: "Rain Everywhere"

U: So, come in, come in, why are you standing there, I need to wash there ...

Q: What are you doing?

W: I'm creating!

Q: What are you doing?

W: Unlike some, I work!

V: I have a concert, everything is according to the program ...

U: In the end, you don’t know that age must be respected, but they stand, wait, suffer.

Q: Who are you? Cleaning woman? So, get out!

W: What?

Q: (frightened) I mean... get the marathon going!

U: I’m giving you a marathon now ... Oh, and you perform, perform (leave the stage)

Q: Meet the guests of our holiday kindergarten No. 1.

Number D/garden.

W: Nobody! (approaches the microphone) So say the artists, let's try. Attention! Attention!


GAME: "Orchestra"


W: No respect for a woman of blossoming age (leader exits)

Q: Oh, where is my script? Oh, I left him in the dressing room?

The cleaning lady comes out and sings a ditty.

B: Well, I beg you, please come back.

U: I appreciated my talent, so you!

Q: What a talent, you closed the script in the wardrobe. Please come back, open up!

T: Let me try...

Q: But I don't have anything tasty!?

W: I can treat you to something delicious myself (takes out seeds). Let's change!

B: Okay, agreed!

W: Changing the key to one ad.


W: Yes! (reads sheet) Wow! Attention! Attention! On the stage we invite the director of the CDO ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________



B: Look, you did a good job.

W: Hmm, yes! Professional.

B: Professional.

W: Well, that's what I'm talking about as a professional.

B: No, you say...

W: Start again! (leave)

On stage studio of pop-jazz vocals

W: Well, how do you like the artist?

Q: What artist, did you see yourself in the mirror? What kind?

W: It's not about beauty! And in her absence.

B: On stage

U: (coming out in normal clothes) And you noticed, no matter how we dragged out time ... Work goes on, work boils, creativity burns and new talents are born. Despite the weather season Autumn, in our institution SPRING.