Ectopic pregnancy pain in right side. Why does the right side of pregnant women hurt? Pain in the side at different stages of pregnancy

Pregnancy is a wonderful time, but you know how unsettling it gets when pain or discomfort sets in. As a mom-to-be, you just can't ignore certain sensations, as this can lead to serious consequences. What to do if the right side hurts during pregnancy? First of all, don't panic. And then - to understand the causes of this condition and decide on treatment.

The main causes of pain

There may be several reasons why the right side hurts during pregnancy. The most common causes of pain include:

  • Appendicitis;

It is believed that in many women inflammation of the appendix occurs during pregnancy. If the pain in the abdomen does not subside and is accompanied by fever, urgently call an ambulance. It is categorically impossible to pull with this, and not only during pregnancy.

  • Ovarian cyst;

If you had such a disease even before pregnancy, then during pregnancy you will have to closely monitor your condition. Usually the cyst reacts sharply to the bearing of the baby. In this case, there is a false desire to go to the toilet. This is due to the fact that pain can radiate to the anus. The stomach itself hurts, and it is the right side, during the onset of unpleasant sensations it is tense.

  • Pancreatitis. During pregnancy, the right side of the lower abdomen can hurt even with an exacerbation of this disease. If you are faced with vomiting and loose stools, then most likely you have this particular problem. Vomiting can also be a companion of toxicosis. Read more about this in the article Vomiting during pregnancy >>>;
  • Some more organs are located in the abdomen, during problems with which the side hurts, these include the liver, kidneys, and part of the intestine. All this can react sharply to bearing a child, especially if you have noticed some problems with them before. Therefore, it is necessary to clarify what symptoms still occur when the side hurts.

Symptoms you are experiencing

The first thing you should do if you feel that your side hurts is to determine the nature of the sensations.

  1. Pain can be classified, so imagine what you associate discomfort with;
  2. Also try to be more specific about where the source of the pain is. This is due to the fact that each organ transmits signals to its own area. If you understand your body correctly, then the diagnosis can be made quickly and correctly. Therefore, conditionally divide the side into two parts: upper and lower. This will help to identify what exactly hurts.

What to do if it hurts in the upper abdomen

The following bodies are located in this area:

  • liver;
  • gallbladder;
  • upper part of the diaphragm;
  • part of the intestine.

Abdominal pain in the right side during pregnancy, localized in the upper part, may indicate problems with these organs.

If your pain is aching and has a constant character, then this may be due to diseases of the liver or intestines. In this case, you need to pay attention to the color of urine. If it is brownish, then there is a possibility that you have hepatitis. This is also indicated by a change in skin color. It will take on a reddish or yellowish tint.

Pregnancy in this case can proceed as usual, the signal is precisely the pain that occupied the side.

With a sharp pain that grabs and does not let go, you need to pay attention to the pancreas. It is the inflammation of this organ that manifests itself. If you have vomiting, you sweat profusely, then you need to pay attention to the removal of inflammation from the pancreas.

Pain in the lower abdomen. What are they talking about?

  1. In this area we have the bladder, kidneys, appendix. You have already read about the latter and understand that it is necessary to consult a doctor immediately;
  2. With pain that you can classify as pulling, you need to pay attention to the genitourinary system. If at the same time you began to go to the toilet more often, experiencing discomfort, then most likely you have cystitis;
  3. If the stomach hurts for a long time, while the sensations are sharp and difficult to endure, then two options are possible:
  • You have an inflammation of the appendix. Urgent removal required
  • You have experienced a ruptured cyst. This is accompanied by severe bleeding, fever. Probably, without surgical intervention, this is also indispensable. It is good that now even pregnancy is not a hindrance for operations.

What causes side pain during the 1st trimester

Unpleasant sensations can accompany you throughout your pregnancy. However, what causes pain in the right side in the early stages?

  1. Ectopic pregnancy. It can be identified already in the early stages with the help of ultrasound. Often it is this phenomenon that is to blame for the fact that your side hurts. Read the current article: How to determine an ectopic pregnancy?;
  2. Digestive system. And in order for you to be sure that you eat right, study our course Nutrition during pregnancy >>>;
  3. At the beginning of pregnancy, there is a huge hormonal restructuring of the body. We can say that all organs are slightly shocked by the upcoming changes (It is during this period that the greatest changes occur in the body. Which ones, read in the article 1 trimester of pregnancy >>>). Past, chronic diseases can make themselves felt. Often pain causes pancreatitis or gastritis, which decide to remind of their existence;
  4. Toxicosis. If you are forced to often experience nausea, get rid of what you eat, then you may experience discomfort in the costal region. In a simple way, you may feel that your right side hurts. This shouldn't scare you. Read more about toxicosis in the article Nausea during pregnancy >>>

If the side hurts during the 2nd trimester

  • What happens to your body in the 2nd trimester of pregnancy? Your baby grows by stretching the walls of the uterus. Nearby organs feel discomfort from the fact that something is pressing on them. Therefore, problems arise that flow into the feeling that your side hurts;
  • One of the most common problems during this time is constipation. The uterus presses on the intestines, preventing the body from getting rid of feces. This, of course, is accompanied by unpleasant sensations. But you should not be afraid of this, it is absolutely normal. Pregnancy is often accompanied by constipation, this is a natural process, >>>;
  • A similar problem can occur with the genitourinary system. You run to the toilet more often, it always seems to you that it is time to visit the toilet again. All this may be accompanied by a feeling that your right side hurts, especially if the bladder is full. This is also a standard situation, familiar to everyone who has had a pregnancy, you should not worry about it.

If the side hurts during the 3rd trimester of pregnancy

  1. During this period, your baby is already big. He can make some movements. The child then nudges you with his elbow in the side, then starts kicking. While doing this, you may feel that your stomach hurts. Is it normal? Absolutely! This is a natural process that accompanies pregnancy. Very soon you will meet your little miracle, be patient;
  2. Also at this time, there may be problems with the digestive system or pancreas. From pressure, they feel discomfort, which is reflected in pain. The uterus, which has grown, can disrupt blood circulation in a number of organs, which entails your discomfort, you understand that your side periodically seems to be stretching.

What to do?

Surely, you are now worried about how to determine whether the pain you feel is natural. You have to listen to yourself, your feelings.

  • If the pains that you feel come rarely, are of a short duration, then most likely nothing terrible has happened, the pregnancy is going smoothly, your body is simply rebuilding. He has to change a lot, and here situations arise when the side hurts, unpleasant sensations appear. All this is normal;
  • You should be wary if the pain does not stop. If, in addition, they are accompanied by vomiting, diarrhea, high fever or fever, this is an alarm signal. Contact your doctor.

Important! Do not warm up, do not apply a heating pad to the source of pain!

It won't help if you don't know what exactly hurts you. And in some cases, this action will be harmful. Therefore, you should not take hot baths if your side hurts. And in general, warming up and pregnancy do not go well together.

Side pain prevention

  1. Set up nutrition. With irregular or improper food intake, your stomach and entire digestive system suffers. If earlier you could easily get by with fast food, now the body will react especially sharply to such a disgrace. How to eat properly is written in detail in the article Nutrition during pregnancy >>>;
  2. Rest. You have to give yourself the opportunity to relax;
  3. Get enough sleep. Don't forget quality sleep. After it, you will feel better;
  4. Be less nervous.

Seek medical attention if you experience anxiety symptoms or pain that does not go away for a long time. Be healthy!

During pregnancy, the female body is in a special state associated with changes in physical and hormonal levels. Often this is accompanied by discomfort, there are unpleasant sensations in the abdomen (tingling, pulling pain, etc.).

The reasons for this can be both the growth of the fetus, which compresses and displaces the nearby internal organs, and the symptoms of various pathologies, in which you need to immediately seek medical help.

These include severe or constant pain in the side during pregnancy, tk. due to the location in the abdomen of many internal organs, the causes of pain that have arisen can be very diverse.

Why does the right side hurt during pregnancy?

The abdomen is conventionally divided into four sectors:

  • Upper right
  • lower right
  • Top left
  • bottom left

To determine the cause that provoked pain in the side, it is necessary to establish its localization, how often the character appears (spasm, sharp or pulling).

Pain on the right under the ribs in front

The following organs are located here:

  • Right kidney
  • gallbladder
  • Intestines (partially)
  • Liver
  • Right side of diaphragm

Therefore, the following diseases can be the cause of pain:

  1. Cholecystitis. It is often accompanied by burning, severe or pulling pain. At the beginning of the disease, relief comes with a change in body position. To do this, it is enough to lie on your left side or take a knee-elbow position.
  2. Similar symptoms can occur without pathology of the liver, and be the result of pressure on the organs located at the top right of the abdominal cavity, the growing uterus.

  3. Gallstone disease. With this disease, the inner lining of the biliary tract is damaged, an inflammatory process develops, sometimes blockage of the duct, stagnation of bile. In this case, pain in the right hypochondrium begins to spread to the stomach.
  4. Pleurisy and right-sided pneumonia. With these diseases, the source of pain is located in, radiating pain to the right side. Additional symptoms are:
    • Fatigue
    • Cough
    • Temperature increase

Pain in the side under the ribs at the back

If the sides hurt during pregnancy from behind, in overwhelming cases this is due to kidney problems:

  • The presence of large stones and their movement
  • Pyelonephritis
  • Impaired fluid outflow

The nature of the pain:

  • cramping
  • Slightly pulling
  • stabbing
  • cutting
  • Acute
  • unbearable

Regardless of the nature of the pain and its intensity, if you find such symptoms, you should immediately consult a doctor, because. very often there is an aggravation of the situation and a deterioration in the condition of the pregnant woman.

Pain in the right side

The cause of such pain may be digestive problems, pancreatitis or inflammation of the intestine.

Digestive disorders occur in almost all pregnant women and continue throughout the entire period of bearing a child. To eliminate it, it is recommended to eat fractionally and moderately, the menu should contain easily digestible foods, maintaining an active lifestyle.

If the right side hurts during pregnancy due to pancreatitis, constant pain sensations of a aching, pulling nature also occur in and under the ribs. Exacerbation occurs after eating salty, sour, fatty, fried foods or foods.

Inflammation of the intestine is associated with its defeat by fungi or bacteria. There is a loose stool, vomiting, nausea, body temperature rises. This condition requires medical attention.

Pain in the lower right side

On the right are part of the intestine, appendix, uterine appendages, fallopian tubes, ureter. If during pregnancy the right side hurts below (or in the groin), the reasons may be:

  • Indigestion
  • Bladder disease
  • Inflammation of the intestine
  • Volvulus
  • Inguinal hernia
  • Constipation
  • Peritonitis
  • Appendicitis
  • Inflammation of the ovary and fallopian tube
  • Cyst and ovarian cystomas, their rupture
  • Viral or bacterial infections (chlamydia, gonorrhea, trichomoniasis, etc.)

In addition to the above, at the beginning of pregnancy (at 3-8 weeks), the cause of aching, sudden, unbearable acute pain in the side may be an ectopic pregnancy.

Pain occurs due to stretching of the fallopian tube at the site of attachment of the fertilized egg, blood is released into the abdominal cavity, and against the background of a drop in the level of the hormone progesterone, scanty but prolonged uterine bleeding occurs.

In the early stages, such a pregnancy is no different from a normal uterine one: there is an increase and soreness of the mammary glands, nausea, drowsiness, etc. appear.

Side pain in trimesters

During the bearing of a child, the causes of discomfort in the sides or lower abdomen can also be natural factors, such as the rapid growth of the uterus, changes in hormonal levels, and fetal movement.

What to do if there is pain in the right side during pregnancy?

During this period, any pain may indicate the existence of various pathologies, sometimes very dangerous not only for the fetus, but also for the woman herself.

Therefore, when pain occurs in the abdomen, right or left side, it is better to play it safe and visit a doctor so that he can conduct the necessary diagnostics, identify the pathology and, if necessary, prescribe treatment.

Pregnancy is a rather difficult period, which can proceed both painfully and without any difficulties. From time to time, the resulting pain can mislead a woman, since this phenomenon can be not only a pathological symptom, but also the norm during pregnancy. Very often among pregnant women you can hear the main complaint - pain in the right side. Therefore, it is necessary to find out why such a common symptom occurs and what it warns about.

Before self-diagnosing an ailment, it is necessary to find out the exact symptoms and without fail contact a leading specialist. After all, the occurrence of pain can portend various serious diseases that threaten the fetus.

CauseBrief description of the problem
Stretching of the uterine musclesWith an increase in the term, the fetus grows, which leads to strong pressure on the uterus, especially on the muscles. The localization of pain is located precisely in the lower abdomen and with sudden movements increases significantly. The main thing is that such uncomfortable manifestations are considered the norm and do not pose a threat to health. Therefore, in such cases, it is recommended to pay more attention to rest and take warm baths.
Location of the fetusDepending on the position of the fetus, pain may occur either in the left side or in the right side, extending down the abdomen. Discomfort is felt only when the fetus begins to move. Also not a pathological cause of pain
AppendicitisThe main thing is to determine the nature and location of the pain and immediately consult a doctor. An alarming sign is acute prolonged pain. To eliminate this problem, surgical intervention is required, since the lack of action is fraught with suppuration. Therefore, having determined all the risks, surgical treatment is prescribed.
Ectopic pregnancyIn the early stages, pain in the lower abdomen on the right side may occur, which sometimes becomes a confirmation of an ectopic pregnancy. This happens when a fertilized egg attaches itself in the wrong place, i.e. in the fallopian tube. When the fetus grows, there is a strong pressure on the tube, which can lead to its rupture. Quite a dangerous phenomenon for women's health. Painful sensations can be similar to the signs of appendicitis, only the characteristic difference is manifested in bleeding. In case of manifestations of such pains, it is necessary to call an ambulance.
Pinched ureterThe occurrence of pain in the lower abdomen can occur due to the process of pinching due to the growth of the uterus
Stones in the kidneysThe sensation of renal colic causes pain in the lower back, which radiates to the inguinal region, the symptoms are complemented by problems with urination, as well as the appearance of bloody patches in the urine. This case requires urgent hospitalization.
Sexually transmitted infectionVarious pathological ailments that can be obtained through unprotected intercourse can provoke pain. In this case, a doctor's diagnosis is necessary, followed by emergency treatment.
Ovarian ruptureThe symptoms are very similar to an ectopic pregnancy. According to statistics, the pathology most often occurs with the right ovary, which causes severe pain in the lower abdomen. The phenomenon is accompanied by heavy bleeding, which often leads to anemia in a pregnant woman. The method of treatment will be determined by the amount of bleeding. With minor blood loss, medical therapy can be dispensed with.
Rupture of a cystSevere pain occurs suddenly and can even end in loss of consciousness. Additional symptoms: intestinal disorders, painful urination, high fever. Pathology is eliminated exclusively through surgical intervention

Attention! Pain can be of a different nature: cramping, pulling, sharp, sharp, pressing, tingling. All this may be evidence of some kind of deviation. Therefore, in order to maintain health, it is urgent to seek qualified help.

Pain depending on the duration of pregnancy

Since the fetus grows throughout the entire gestation period, pressure periodically arises on the internal organs, therefore, the resulting uncomfortable sensations are not a sign of pathological changes. Depending on the trimester, there will be pressure on different organs.

Trimester I

The beginning of pregnancy cannot but be characterized by toxicosis. As a result, regular vomiting causes the digestive system to stress. Also, toxicosis can lead to an exacerbation of chronic diseases of the duodenum or stomach. Therefore, during this period, there is often a significant deterioration in digestion. In addition, due to hormonal changes, diarrhea and bloating can occur.

Trimester II

At this stage of pregnancy, the uterus begins to increase significantly in size, which leads to strong pressure on all organs that are located in the abdominal cavity. Pain may be due to compression of the bowel, so the stool is difficult to pass and can lead to constipation and pain. Also, pressure is exerted on the bladder with subsequent squeezing of the ureters, as a result, this leads to the accumulation of urine.

In parallel, in this period, the fetus begins to move more and more actively in the uterine cavity. The movement can lead to blows to various organs in the abdominal cavity.

Trimester III

Pain at this stage of pregnancy occurs as a result of the rise of the uterine fundus, which leads to pressure on the liver, pancreas, and stomach. There is a slight effect on the internal organs, which leads to slight changes in their functioning. This process does not affect the health of a woman at all.

Phantom pain in the right iliac region of the abdomen

Oddly enough, but during pregnancy, so-called phantom pains can occur. In fact, the body is in perfect order, there are no pathological changes, but the pregnant woman has a far-fetched feeling of discomfort.

All this happens exclusively at the psychosomatic level, when the psyche affects the sensations of the body. The reasons for the occurrence of such conditions during the gestation period are very different:

  1. Unconscious desire to attract attention.
  2. Panic fear for the condition of the fetus.

By virtue of the maternal instinct, a woman will create all the most favorable conditions for the development of the fetus, therefore, if any pain occurs, the question will be disturbing, why did the pain appear, if everything was done correctly, is it a threat? This panic state can lead to phantom painful sensations. It may also be due to hormonal changes. In order to exclude all kinds of ailments, it is best to seek advice from a leading gynecologist, because the pain may be obvious.

What is the danger of pain?

Early pregnancy can be characterized by quite painful sensations in the right hypochondrium, extending down the abdomen. Such pain can be caused by a completely normal process - implantation of the fetus.

Sometimes pain in the right hypochondrium can persist for several days, and then intensify. In this case, pathological changes that threaten health cannot be ruled out. The most dangerous are:

  1. Miscarriage.
  2. Appendicitis.
  3. Ectopic pregnancy.
  4. Spontaneous abortion.
  5. Detachment of the placenta.
  6. Fallopian tube rupture.

It is almost impossible for a woman to diagnose an ectopic pregnancy in the early stages and prevent complex consequences. After all, a noticeable deterioration in the condition occurs in the sixth week of the term. The state of health is characterized by fainting and sharp pains in the lower abdomen, followed by bloody discharge. An ectopic pregnancy is a serious pathology that threatens the life of a woman and always leads to the death of the fetus.

Note! If an ectopic pregnancy is detected long before the onset of spotting or bleeding, then the woman may not have her fallopian tube removed.

What to do if the right hypochondrium hurts?

If during gestation the pain in the abdomen begins to disturb, namely in the right iliac region, then it is initially necessary to establish the nature of the pain. If the pregnant woman feels that the pain is expressed by a sharp sharp character, then this is a confirmation of problems with the bladder or appendages. When a similar pain radiates to the back, then pathologies with the kidneys are possible. The occurrence of such pain in the early stages warns of a possible infection, which is due to unprotected intercourse or is it an ectopic pregnancy. Aching pains speak of inflammatory processes of the pelvic organs. Sudden sharp pain can occur with exacerbations of appendicitis or rupture of the cyst.


If during pregnancy the right side hurts, then the presence of obstetric pathology is far from always the reason for this. Abdominal pain during pregnancy is also possible in a healthy woman, because natural processes occur in her body that provoke it.

However, the stomach on the right can also hurt as a result of the development of pathologies caused by disruption of the digestive or excretory system, with the threat of miscarriage.

When abdominal pain is not dangerous

Causes of natural pain in the lower abdomen:

  • a fertilized egg, attaching to the uterus on the right, can cause mild cramping pain in the lower abdomen on the same side;
  • during pregnancy, the uterus increases 25 times and, of course, the ligaments and muscles that hold it are stretched. With tension, the pregnant woman feels pain, especially on the side where the embryo is located;
  • after 20 weeks, the child begins to move, while he can touch the internal organs, which will cause pain.

The reasons why these pains occur are completely natural, they do not lead to serious violations of the body's functions and do not affect the child.

Why do pregnant women experience abdominal pain?

With the onset of pregnancy, hormones begin to be synthesized that change the functioning of almost all body systems. Digestive, nervous, cardiovascular system undergoes the greatest changes.

This leads to a recurrence of chronic pathologies, which can manifest as pain in the right hypochondrium. Pain syndrome is possible with increased gas formation or constipation, which is associated with a change in diet.

At an early stage, the greatest risk of developing obstetric pathologies

By the third month of pregnancy, the uterus enlarges and stretches, forcing the pelvic organs (bladder, ureter, intestines) to change their location. With pressure on the intestine, its motility is disturbed and the evacuation of feces is difficult, which leads to constipation. Compression of the ureter causes urinary retention in the kidneys.

After 6 months of gestation, the uterus already presses on the stomach, pancreas, gallbladder, diaphragm, which disrupts blood circulation in them. If there is a predisposition to any diseases, then this accelerates their development. After the 20th week of pregnancy, a woman already feels the baby move, sometimes the blows fall on the internal organs, which causes acute short-term pain.

The organs of the abdominal cavity are not only mechanically affected. During pregnancy, hormones are released that cause muscle tissue to relax. This is necessary so that the uterus can grow. At the same time, atony of other organs (for example, intestines or sphincter) is also noted, which can provoke the development of pathological processes.

During pregnancy, general immunity decreases, hormonal levels change dramatically, motor activity decreases, the amount of circulating blood increases, which increases the load on the cardiovascular system and liver. All these changes provoke relapses of chronic diseases or accelerate their development in case of a predisposition to them.

Pain, as a rule, is localized in the same place where the organ that causes it is located, but it happens that it radiates and is felt under the shoulder blade, in the lower back, in the region of the heart, in the perineum. In this case, it will be necessary to identify all the symptoms of the pathology (sometimes nausea, back pain and frequent urination are not perceived by patients as signs of the disease) and conduct a thorough examination.

Below right in the abdomen are the fallopian tubes, ureter, appendix, and the liver, gallbladder, pancreas, intestines are located a little higher. If the gestation period is not long, then it is likely that the pain is a sign of an ectopic pregnancy, miscarriage, or complications due to sexually transmitted diseases.

By the nature and localization of pain, it can be assumed which internal organs have ceased to perform their functions. But before carrying out therapy, it is required to confirm the diagnosis with the help of objective studies.

Diseases that cause abdominal pain

The stomach hurts badly on the right, if there are the following pathologies:

  • attachment of the embryo to the right fallopian tube;
  • appendicitis;
  • inflammation of the liver;
  • movement of stones, renal colic;
  • cyst rupture;
  • infectious diseases.

During pregnancy, most often, pathological pains in the abdomen on the right side occur with liver diseases, impaired digestive function, and also due to the development of appendicitis. If you know how the pathology manifests itself, then you can alleviate your condition and prevent the development of complications.

Liver disease

During pregnancy, the amount of circulating blood increases by about 1.5 liters, which increases the load on the liver. The body not only neutralizes the blood from toxins that have come from outside, but also cleanses it of excess hormones, vitamins, and mediators.

Since the immune system is weakened and relapses of chronic diseases occur, the woman is forced to undergo drug therapy. If the liver works in a stressful mode for a long time, then it may cease to cope with its function, and this will affect the gallbladder and intestines.

Sometimes pregnant women with a complaint of pain in the right side are diagnosed with viral hepatitis. This is due to the fact that due to a decrease in immunity, a “dormant” virus has been activated, or a woman becomes infected with it already being in position. Hepatitis B or C can be in the body for years and not manifest itself in any way, while pregnancy becomes a kind of catalyst.

With hepatitis A, pregnant women sometimes develop a condition that is similar to toxicosis, so it can be ignored by the patient for some time.

Hepatitis A does not pose a threat to either the mother or the fetus. It is spread through contaminated food or water. The virus enters the intestines, multiplies, and then is transferred with the blood to the liver. Hepatitis A does not go unnoticed by immune cells, so after a while there is a complete recovery.

Symptoms of the disease:

  • nausea, vomiting;
  • weakness;
  • subfebrile temperature;
  • nasal congestion, sore throat;
  • lack of appetite;
  • yellowing of the sclera, palms;
  • discoloration of urine and feces.

The incubation period of hepatitis B is 3-4 months, which means that the first symptoms, if any, will appear only 90 days after infection. The infection enters the body through biological fluids (sperm, blood).

Signs of the disease are nonspecific (nausea, vomiting, jaundice, pain in the right side under the ribs, irritability, itching). Pregnant women tolerate hepatitis much more difficult. In a severe form of the disease, liver failure can develop, in which there is very severe pain in the abdomen, lower back and right hypochondrium.

Inflammation of the liver can be caused not only by a virus, but also by drug therapy

Diseases of the digestive system

If it hurts in the lower right abdomen during pregnancy, then this suggests that inflammation of the pancreas or cholelithiasis has developed. At the same time, cramping pains are felt, which spread to the spine and are accompanied by vomiting, diarrhea.

In order to somewhat reduce the pain before the ambulance arrives, it is recommended to take a sitting position in which the baby will not squeeze the pancreas.

Stagnation of bile occurs due to the relaxation of the tissues of the organ (the same progesterone is to blame). Pain is felt in the right hypochondrium, spread under the right shoulder blade, to the right shoulder and collarbone, and nausea, vomiting, heartburn, and belching also occur.

During pregnancy, the likelihood of the formation of stones in the kidneys, gallbladder increases. This is due to a change in the hormonal background, a violation of water-salt metabolism.

Stones in the gallbladder prevent the timely outflow of secretions and cause pain on the right side of the abdomen, which radiates to the shoulder, shoulder blade, and neck. The development of the disease is indicated by bitterness in the mouth, nausea, diarrhea replacing constipation. When the stones come out, there is a strong stabbing pain.

Fetal movement can cause colic

Pain on the right side of the abdomen, appearing before or after eating, indicates a violation of the digestive system. If there is a duodenal ulcer, then pain is noted already three hours after the meal, the so-called hungry pains. Heaviness and discomfort is felt after fried or fatty foods with bile stasis, cholangitis, cholecystitis.

During pregnancy, taste preferences also change. A woman begins to eat certain foods in large quantities or consumes food that is incompatible with each other. This can lead to indigestion and cause abdominal pain.

Inflammation of the appendix

It is possible that pain in the lower abdomen on the right during pregnancy arose due to inflammation of the appendix. Acute appendicitis develops quite quickly and if you do not consult a doctor, then within 72 hours it may rupture and purulent masses will appear in the abdominal cavity, which threatens the life of not only the child, but also the mother. In pregnant women, inflammation of the appendix develops quite often.

There are two predisposing factors:

  • as a result of displacement of the uterus, the caecum changes its location, which can lead to impaired circulation of the process. This provokes swelling and inflammation of the appendix;
  • progesterone (“pregnancy hormone”) affects the smooth muscles of the intestine, which is why there is a violation of peristalsis and stagnation of feces. This can lead to blockage of the lumen between the appendix and the caecum, circulatory disorders and inflammation.

In the first hours of the disease, pain is felt throughout the abdomen, then it is localized in the region of the appendix, that is, in the right iliac region. The clinic depends on the location of the process. So, if the process is at the top, under the liver, then symptoms characteristic of gastritis appear, and if near the bladder, then signs of cystitis are observed.

The stronger the uterus presses on the appendix, the more discomfort will be felt, so the pregnant woman takes a forced position in order to alleviate her condition. In addition to acute pain, vomiting, indigestion, nausea, and fever may occur in the abdomen.

Diagnosis of appendicitis in pregnant women is somewhat difficult, since the appendix cannot always be seen on ultrasound.

Laparoscopy is performed to confirm the diagnosis. Appendicitis is removed during a strip operation or during laparoscopy. Taking antibiotics in the postoperative period is mandatory, as this reduces the risk of infection.

In addition, a pregnant woman is prescribed a special diet and bed rest, and after discharge from the hospital, she is registered, as the likelihood of premature birth or miscarriage increases. There are much more pathologies of the digestive system that can cause pain on the right side of the abdomen, we have indicated only the most common ones.

What to do if your stomach hurts?

To understand what causes pain, a woman is recommended to lie down. If the symptom is due to the growth of the uterus or the movement of the fetus, then the pain will subside. Do not worry if the pain appears periodically, it is not very pronounced and there are no other signs of pathology (fever, vomiting, stool disorders, frequent urination, jaundice, heaviness after eating).

The longer the gestation period, the more often physiological pains appear due to the pressure of the uterus on the organs and stretching of its muscles.

If the child hit the liver, then the pain appears dull, aching and lasts no longer than 15 minutes. To make it go faster, it is recommended to lie on your back to take deep breaths. Sharp prolonged pain in the lower abdomen on the right indicates a serious illness.

With appendicitis or apoplexy (rupture of a cyst), acute pain is felt and forces one to take a forced position of the body, and with inflammation of the pelvic organs, it is painful, tolerable. In any case, if a pregnant woman has pain in her right side that does not go away for more than half an hour, then you need to seek medical help and find out the cause of their occurrence.

You can not apply a heating pad to the stomach, as with inflammation this will only accelerate the development of infection. Even if the lower abdomen hurts slightly, then the obstetrician observing the pregnancy should know about it. Only a doctor can determine why a symptom has appeared and tell you how to eliminate it.

When the right side of the lower abdomen hurts during pregnancy, any woman, knowing the reasons, is able to take the right action.

A timely visit to a specialist will remove all questions.

The right side of the lower abdomen hurts during pregnancy: details about the causes

During pregnancy, one of the stressful periods physically and emotionally, a woman learns a whole range of various new feelings and sensations, unusual, painful and often unpleasant. What applies to them?

Unusual desires at the level of physical needs (for example, you really want to eat barbecue, herring, some exotic fruit, and even at night), tormenting toxicosis, severe edema, even infringement of the sciatic nerve.

The psyche becomes labile (mobile), emotions are unstable, quickly replacing one another. This affects the appearance of certain sensations, creates internal stress for the body.

One of these special sensations happens when the right side of the lower abdomen hurts during pregnancy, which always worries.

After all, with a desired pregnancy, the number one task is to bear a healthy child, and in case of a threat, to save it by any means.

Stretching of the uterus

It is very important to figure out what kind of pain in the right side, whether it threatens pregnancy or not. To do this, let's figure out what happens to the uterus after conception.

Until a woman becomes pregnant, her uterus is small in size and anatomically protected by the bones of the small pelvis, “attached” to it with special ligaments.

When conception occurs, the uterus begins to grow. In the first months, there is rarely localized pain.

And the connecting threads are stretched more strongly on the one hand, and less on the other. That is why a woman feels pain from the side where these ligaments are stretched.

It is safe for pregnant women. There is usually little pain.

There are some signs by which you can check this:

  1. The only pain is in the right side of the lower abdomen. It becomes strong with any movement.
  2. Put your hand on your stomach. A calm uterus means that everything is in order. If during pains in the right side it is tense, becomes hard, like a stone, then such pain becomes a sign of danger. During pregnancy, it is especially important to “listen” to your body, all internal sensations. If it is difficult to understand what is inside, it is better to go to the doctor. He will be able to give a professional assessment of the situation.
  3. If these pains do not occur periodically once every 15 minutes, then, as a rule, they are not associated with a threatened pregnancy.

How to behave when it hurts in the right side and is it connected only with a sprain? If you are sure of this, then sometimes it is enough just to start using abdominal breathing - breathing with your stomach.

When inhaling, we “inflate” the stomach with air, when exhaling, we “deflate”. You get a visible effect - relaxation, sedation. If this method is not enough, then you need to lie down and relax, listen to calm music.

It is important to switch your attention from the pain in the right side to some external object, to do the desired action that gives pleasure.

So, pain in the right side of the lower abdomen is safe, provided that it is characterized by moderation, rare manifestations, and in the absence of other painful signs.

But there are other causes of pain in the right side of the lower abdomen. They have signs of sudden appearance, increase, persistent pain, do not go away in a comfortable lying position, are accompanied by other symptoms.

Then the pain is associated with the threat of pregnancy. Let's consider these reasons.

Problems of the women's sphere

In the lower right part of the female body, there are such organs of the female sphere as the ovary with an appendage, part of the uterus, and the right fallopian tube.

Violations of them can lead to the fact that the right side of the lower abdomen will hurt during pregnancy. Let's look at these reasons.

Ectopic pregnancy

The common name is an ectopic pregnancy. At the beginning of pregnancy, there are pulling pains associated with stretching of the fallopian tube, then sharp cutting pains appear.

It is possible to suspect an ectopic pregnancy with such pains when there is bloody vaginal discharge, small menstruation, and the second stripe is not clearly colored in the pregnancy test.

If the fallopian tube ruptures, there will be a sharp pain in the lower right, severe bleeding. The symptoms are similar to inflammation of the appendix, but there is no bleeding. Only an ambulance and an operation can save him.

You can avoid the severity of the condition if at the very beginning of the appearance, when it pulls in the right side and hurts, a transvaginal ultrasound is done.

It allows you to determine the presence or absence of an ectopic pregnancy, to avoid the removal of the right tube, provided that it is diagnosed before the onset of bleeding, bloody vaginal discharge.

Rupture of an ovarian cyst

There are symptoms similar to ectopic pregnancy, appendicitis.

They differ in different types of pain: dull, pulling, with rupture of the cyst - acute pain, localized from the bottom right, sometimes up to loss of consciousness.

The rupture of the cyst is also manifested by nausea, vomiting, fever and frequent urination. If a cyst has been identified on an ultrasound, it is usually simply observed.

In case of growth, it is removed. Pregnancy should not be harmful. If the right side hurts in the presence of a cyst, one can immediately assume its rupture. Then you need to quickly go to the hospital.

Rupture of the right ovary

Symptoms are similar to those of an ectopic pregnancy - very heavy bleeding with the same pain.

In accordance with their strength, a treatment option is prescribed - either drug therapy or surgery.

Diseases of organs not related to the female sphere

The right side is a fairly loose concept, because a fairly large number of organs are located there.

Therefore, such pain is sometimes called fuzzy, since it is impossible to immediately understand which organ it is associated with.

Diseases of organs not related to the female sphere, but important from the point of view of their influence during pregnancy, constitute the next group of sources.

In the lower right part of the body are the small and large intestines, appendix, part of the bladder, ureter. When the side hurts, this may indicate inflammatory diseases of the organs.

  1. Inflammation of the appendix. There are cutting, dull pains, concentrated at a specific point - the lower abdomen on the right. Although there are times when pain is felt on the left, it radiates to other areas of the abdominal cavity, lower back. Any sudden movements, even coughing, increase the pain. It is accompanied by nausea, high fever, vomiting. If the inflamed appendix is ​​removed in time, provided that there are no other threats, the pregnancy will be saved.
  2. Inflammation of the organs of the genitourinary system leads to the fact that during pregnancy various pains appear - dull, pulling, aching. This happens with cystitis. Aching pain on the right in the lower abdomen appears when the expanding uterus pinches the ureter. This will help diagnose the cause of the pain. To alleviate inflammatory processes, it is often advised to use chamomile infusion for douching.
  3. Intestinal obstruction, often referred to as volvulus. It hurts in the stomach, abdominal cavity, right side in its lower part. The pain is sharp, paroxysmal.

To understand that these are problems with the intestines, you need to know the main symptoms: impaired defecation, whitish coating on the tongue, dry mouth, bloating. Sometimes the gag reflex kicks in.

Among pregnant women, this disease is rare. But it is dangerous for a child and for a pregnant woman, it requires a quick appeal to a gastroenterologist.

There is a need to separately say about such pain as phantom (apparent) pain. Usually, when it comes to phantom pain, they mean painful feelings where some part or organ, such as a tooth, has been removed.

But in the case of pregnancy, everything is different. In a pregnant woman, this pain is of a psychosomatic nature and is aggravated by shifts in the hormonal sphere.

Due to an unusual condition during pregnancy, she constantly worries and herself “looks for” where it hurts.

It seems to her that there is a threat to the life of the child, so you need to exclude any pain, do not miss it, otherwise it will be too late. Some pregnant women want to attract attention, they do not have enough care.

They have pain in the right side can occur quite easily. The nature of such pain is revealed during the examination, when it turns out that the woman is physically healthy and there is no threat of pregnancy.

In general, when the pain is unbearable, acute and you immediately called an ambulance, you must take the following steps:

  • relax the abdominal muscles, while lying down;
  • use a variant of the fetal position - lie on your right side, bending your legs in order to reduce the intensity of pain;
  • do not use any methods of self-treatment that are advised in friendly conversations by neighbors, girlfriends, sharing their life experiences.

Do not use a warm heating pad in any case, do not drink painkillers, herbal infusions, so as not to aggravate the condition, do not lubricate the picture when the side hurts.

Information about why the right side of the abdomen hurts will allow a pregnant woman, a future mother, to feel armed with knowledge and turn on the instinct of self-preservation at the right time.

She will begin to listen and understand her body better, cope with emotions more easily and become “practical”, realizing that it is possible to prevent the development of diseases and avoid difficult situations.

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