Curly styling. Stylish styling for curly strands. Long hair styling

For owners of textured, thick or curly hair, this is something from the realm of fantasy, which is why many women prefer to do their styling in beauty salons and treat each visit as a religious rite. Still: if you have to use a hair dryer for so long that your hands are numb or you simply do not have enough special tools and skills to achieve the desired result, then it will be faster and easier to trust the professionals.

However, SalonSecret experts are sure that all owners of curly hair can style their hair perfectly without leaving home. We will tell you what means and “tools” in their opinion are needed for this.

Mizani stylist and consultant Rachel Hawkins, who has worked with curls of all stripes, shared tips to help you achieve the perfect blow-dry style without spending a lot of time and effort on it.

If you divide your hair into strands, things will go much faster. When styling in beauty salons, the stylist never spares time for this and only then proceeds to drying. When doing styling on our own, we most often just grab individual strands and hope for a miracle. And this approach is counterproductive!

If you secure each strand tightly with a clip or bobby pin, your hair will stay damp until it's time to dry. In addition, you will be more comfortable working with one strand at a time, and as a result, your hair will be less frizzy.

Of course, you have heard the statement that the comb is the worst enemy of curls. But Rachel strongly disagrees with this:

“To ensure that the styling product is evenly distributed and protects the hair, separate the hair into sections and apply the product sequentially to each section, combing in parallel, and be sure to use a product with a heat protectant so that the curls can return to their original state later. Otherwise, you can disrupt the natural structure of the hair.

Rachel Hawkins

By sticking to this method, you will work through all the hair and not miss a single strand. This is very important, because under the influence of high temperature, the texture of curls can change, and not for the better.

Not only protects against high temperatures, but also provides moisture to curly hair. But without thorough moisturizing, all you can expect is frizzy hair, and balls of rolled hair that look the least like desired curls. Therefore, everything you do should promote hydration and retain moisture inside the hair!

“Curly and textured hair needs more moisture than straight hair. Therefore, it is necessary to apply nourishing products to the hair, especially before using a hair dryer or straightener, because heat exposure can further dry out or even damage the hair.

Be sure to use a brush - and a good brush! If you have already decided to buy a quality hair dryer, do not spare the money for a good comb for styling. The right comb will create optimal tension in the hair while drying and help direct the airflow while straightening and smoothing the strands.

“For finer, tighter curls, opt for a natural boar bristle brush; for girls with slightly curly, medium-length curls, a ceramic brush will do.”

Rachel Hawkins

Be sure to pull your hair up while you do it to achieve maximum volume. Maintain good tension along the entire length of the strand, and after completely drying it, fix it with cold air. This will give your curls volume and elasticity.

It happens that the desired result is not achieved immediately, so do not be afraid to wet your hair again. Consider yourself starting with a clean slate.

“Once the curls start to dry out, it becomes difficult or almost impossible to style them, they immediately begin to frizz. Just spray your hair with water from a spray bottle and continue styling.

Rachel Hawkins

Top 5 Best Curly Hair Styling Products

In addition to a good brush and the right hair dryer, before styling curls, it is worth arming yourself with an arsenal of the best styling products.

What will help achieve the wow effect, we found out from Rachel Hawkins!

This cream is specially designed to retain maximum moisture in the porous structure of wavy strands. This effect is achieved with the help of natural minerals that successfully fight dry hair and make it manageable.

At the moment, many girls have beautiful curly and curly hair. A girl with curls on her head looks like an angel - many men like her. Curly hair is a true female wealth. Any girl with curly hair can style curly hair beautifully.

Styling on medium hair should be done very high quality

Styling on curly hair of medium length is difficult, but not in vain. At the moment, curly girls do various hairstyles. Masters make similar hairstyles for business ladies or housewives.

At the moment, medium lengths are very popular among girls, because medium curls practically do not get tangled like on women's hair with short hair.

This article talks about how to style curly fluffy hair - how to style curls, what styling products for curly hair a girl should use.

Basic haircuts for medium length curls: bob hairstyle with bangs, ladder, cascade and other options

At the moment, curly girls are more likely to make a bob haircut on their heads. So, the masters form such a hairstyle on medium curly hair - a similar haircut is done in a classic style. In a similar situation, the hairdresser creates curls on the female hair along 1 line.

Also, making a Bob haircut, the master covers the female with stylish curls - while he lengthens the front strands. Singer Rihanna has such a haircut. Bob make glamorous girls.

When styling the “Asymmetric Bob” hairstyle with the help of foam, the master forms laconic and cute curls on the female hair. If a woman has such a hairstyle, then her hairs do not get tangled, but lie in beautiful curls.

Haircut Kare for curly and fluffy hair of medium length

Women with medium curls also do Kare's hair - in the classic version.

In addition, masters form such a hairstyle on women's hair with thin curls. Such a haircut is voluminous, and unpretentious - when styling.

If a girl likes to constantly change her haircut, then curly hair styling is suitable for her, in which there will be 2 such elements - parting (diagonally) and asymmetrical bangs.

Women with thick wavy hair make a layered haircut. As a result, thanks to such a hairstyle, the girl becomes bright and sexy. Today, most curly women have milled and torn ends.

Depending on the type of face, masters form the following bob hairstyles on women's hair:

    if a woman has a triangular or square face, then the hairdresser makes a square on her to the chin;

    a girl with an oval face can style curly hair - make a bob hairstyle of any length.

In order for wavy curls to look beautiful, a woman must properly care for them. A girl with curly hair of medium length does not have problems in caring for her hair. Girls with any type of face make a haircut with medium curls on their heads.

With proper care for curls, the girl performs the following actions:

    when blood flow normalizes during washing, a woman massages her head skin;

    washes hair in 3 stages;

    after washing the hair, uses a balm that improves the condition of the curls;

    1 time per month at least cuts the ends of curls by 1 cm. After such a procedure, female hairs feel free;

    1 time in 7 days moisturizes the hair with various masks;

    uses a plastic comb with few teeth and a large comb;

    rarely straightens curly curls with a styler (iron). Such styling products for curly hair worsen the condition of the hair;

    uses shampoo, which consists of extracts of cornflower, malt, coconut oil, etc .;

    rarely dry your hair with a hair dryer, because a hair dryer dries and spoils beautiful curls;

    so that the curls do not stick out in opposite directions, a woman applies gel or mousse to her head;

    when cutting the hair ends, the girl makes a fillet, which makes wavy hair look well-groomed.

A girl with curls puts special products on her head for styling curly hair.

Care tips for curls

If a woman has wild curls, then she should not use varnish. In such a situation, the girl uses cosmetics that give a strong and extra strong fixation.

Also, a woman with medium curls should use a special shampoo for wavy hair. Such a shampoo softens curls - as a result, a woman combs her curls without difficulty.

In a similar situation, after applying the shampoo, the girl applies conditioner and balm to her head, which make the curly female hair strong and elastic.

With the correct styling of curls of medium length, the girl performs the following actions:


If a girl has a medium-length curly haircut, then she can do a large number of hairstyles. If a woman with curly hair learns how to properly care for her hair, then she will always have an irresistible appearance.

Curly girls often do not even suspect how lucky they are with their hair. Those with straight hair are jealous of their curls and think that curly hair is much easier to style than straight hair. In fact, caring for wavy hair is somewhat more difficult than straight hair. As for haircuts for curly beauties, you have to choose them with extreme caution. The same hairstyles may not suit the owners of short, medium and long curls.

What you need to know about wavy hair

Women's haircuts on wavy hair look great regardless of the age of their owners. Such hairstyles are worn by business ladies, and romantic natures, and mischievous girls. If you by nature have become a happy owner of wavy hair - appreciate it. The right haircut and styling will make your look unique and excitingly sexy.

Hair care is important. It is necessary to pay attention to the shampoos, balms and hair masks that you use. Since curly hair is quite thin and fluffy, it is necessary to choose only natural cosmetics, which do not contain aggressive components (in the compositions indicated as Sodium Laurel Sulfate, parabens, silicones) that penetrate into the deeper layers of the hair. The repeated winner of the natural cosmetics ratings is the Mulsan cosmetic brand. The range includes only safe products that represent comprehensive hair care. Extracts, oils, vitamins that are part of shampoos and masks strengthen and nourish curls from the roots, making them healthy in the shortest possible time. Products can only be purchased from the official store. Recommended to visit


The hair follicle (follicle) of a wavy hair is slightly different from the straight hair follicle - it has the shape of a comma. It is this “punctuation mark” that from time to time somewhat changes the direction of hair growth and they form large soft curls. Wavy hair tends to get oily at the roots and dry at the ends. Therefore, it is necessary to take care of such curls, adhering to special rules.

Don't confuse wavy hair with curly hair. In the latter, the follicle no longer looks like a comma, but a zigzag, which results in curls, not waves.

Rules for wavy hair

You should not make a short haircut if:

  • hair is not only wavy, but also very thin, soft and fluffy. A hairstyle on such hair is unlikely to hold volume;
  • hair is fluffy and sticks out in different directions in a humid room or in the rain.

You should not make bangs from wavy hair if:

  • your eyebrows are too thin. You can correct the situation by growing eyebrows wider;
  • your nose is wide or long. Bangs will further emphasize this flaw.

And a few more rules for wavy hair. It is forbidden:

  • brush while they are wet. This is fraught with hair loss and brittleness;
  • wash your hair every day. The tips of wavy curls are usually dry anyway;
  • rub your hair with a cloth after washing - they will become brittle. It is better to wrap your head in a towel and wait until they dry naturally;
  • to dry the waves of hair with a hairdryer, it is better to wait until they dry themselves. So the hair is moisturized and will not be too fluffy;
  • constantly use a curling iron or flat iron to straighten or style curls. Over time, from such heat treatment, the hair will become dull and lifeless. It is better to use curlers;
  • ignore the use of hair balm after washing. Curly hair usually has a fine structure and is therefore highly electrified;
  • cut the top layer of hair too short so as not to look like a poodle;
  • make thinning along the entire length of the hair - from this they will become even fluffier.

Which haircut suits

Women's haircuts for wavy hair are replete with variety. If you approach the hairstyle creatively, you can get a bright and unique image. But, in addition to provocative and avant-garde haircuts, there are also classics. She also has a lot of options for perky curls: romantic, mischievous, strict. How to choose the right option?

Given the shape of the face, you can choose the most advantageous hairstyle for wavy hair:

  • an oval face is more suitable for a haircut with an asymmetrical or even bang. It will also look good oblique ragged bangs. As for the length of the hair, then any will suit the oval shape;
  • chubby girls are recommended to choose a haircut with long bangs or no bangs at all;
  • owners of a narrow long face are best to do a medium-length haircut with straight thick bangs just below the eyebrows;
  • small faces will be decorated with lush hair with torn bangs or without bangs - so the face will appear larger.

How to determine the shape of the face - video

Haircuts for long wavy hair

The technique of cutting long and medium hair is almost the same. Modern masters of hairdressing offer several interesting options for long wavy hair, the most popular of which is the cascade.


The second name of the cascade is a layered haircut. What this hairstyle looks like can already be understood from the name - the hair flows over the head, like the waters of a waterfall. The basis of the cascade is a game with long and short strands. The method of gradual transition from short hair on top to long strands on the shoulders will look great at any length. This hairstyle is suitable for owners of fluffy and thick hair, as the curls lie neatly and obediently, creating a uniform ladder of curls of different lengths.

Photo gallery: cascade haircut options for long wavy hair

Long curls in a cascade haircut look like a waterfall Cascade is suitable for both holidays and everyday life Long bangs of a cascade haircut almost merges with wavy hair
Haircut cascade on long curly hair provides for parting on the side or in the middle


A ladder haircut is also called graduated. It is very similar to the cascade. The fundamental difference is only that the ladder has only stepped curls in front, while the cascade has hair cut all over the hair. Graduation looks good on straight hair. On wavy it is almost imperceptible.

Photo gallery: ladder haircut options for long wavy hair

Long curls in front of the ladder haircut are cut in steps Haircut ladder on curly long hair is almost invisible Long wavy hair with a ladder haircut looks like it is wound on curlers
Ladder may well be a festive hairstyle


Aurora can be recognized by the voluminous round crown, free spectacular bangs, smooth cascading transitions of waves on the back of the head. The length of this haircut can be any: reaching the shoulder blade or barely covering the back of the head. True, for the sake of a beautiful hairstyle, girls with long curls will have to sacrifice hair volume.

Photo gallery: Aurora haircut options for long wavy hair

Aurora haircut looks chic on long wavy hair Aurora haircut on long curly hair can do without bangs
aurora can be done on almost straight long hair


The rhapsody hairstyle combines a ladder and a cascade, but the tips are milled quite a bit. A haircut makes the hair visually thicker, so it is best suited for thin hair. Curly strands, thanks to this hairstyle, become more obedient.

Haircuts for medium length wavy hair

Medium length wavy hair has the largest selection of stylish haircuts. The hairdresser, creating a hairstyle, evaluates the type of curls, their quality, the figure of the client and the type of face. Usually, if the hair waves are large, the master advises to make a cascade or ladder, and small curls, as a rule, are cut asymmetrically. Also, bob and bob haircuts have been popular for medium hair for many years.


This haircut allows the girl to look different every day. Thanks to various styling methods, the caret will change and become either mischievous and perky, then romantic and gentle, then strict and aggressive. In any case, this haircut will emphasize the bright individual image of its owner. By the way, the caret is great for thin and sparse hair.

Kare as if created for medium wavy hair

The most fashionable option for a square for medium hair is a haircut with an asymmetrical bang. Girls with wavy hair can not even style it.


Bob looks great on medium length hair. It can be done with or without bangs, and the Bob haircut can also be with asymmetry. The classic Bob is a shortened nape and long side strands that reach to the chin. This type of haircut suits almost everyone. The length of the front hair somewhat elongates the face and makes its features more refined. Therefore, such a Bob is an excellent solution for women with a round or square face.

For an elongated face, there is an option with a long bang. As for the asymmetrical bangs, it is able to distract attention from any imperfections and helps to correct the features, making them smoother and more feminine.

Short wavy bangs look ugly and curly girls should avoid it.


The highlight of the female image can be a ladder haircut. It is not recommended to do graduation only for girls with a square face, because it will further emphasize the angularity of the forms. A haircut will help hide protruding ears, visually reduce the chin and hide large cheekbones. However, on wavy hair, graduation is almost imperceptible.


The cascade adds volume to the hair. Thanks to this property and its versatility, the hairstyle has become more and more in demand in recent years. Although the cascade is suitable for any length of hair, it looks most beneficial on medium hair. The best option for a cascading haircut is a multi-stage thinning, which starts from the level of the ears and ends at the tips.


The length of the Aurora haircut, which is also called Italian, can be with a low crown, or it can have a lush top. The front strands are shortened, which gives the image of perkyness, and the ends of all hair are profiled, which adds a hooligan touch.


For girls with wavy hair who have no time to do their hair every day, the shag haircut is perfect. Air waves of hair look great without styling. Moreover, such a haircut likes some mess and disheveledness. The best example of this is the hairstyle of the singer Rihanna.

Short haircuts

Many girls with wavy or curly hair prefer long tresses just for fear of looking funny with short hair. In fact, wavy short hair looks very feminine and fashionable, while they make a woman younger and emphasize her grace.


Today there are about 20 types of bob haircuts. Probably the most impressive hairstyle looks on short hair. The haircut emphasizes the grace of a woman’s neck, lends itself perfectly to styling and looks great on wavy hair. A short bob can be complemented with an elongated asymmetrical bang. Masters recommend doing such a haircut for both girls and ladies aged.


If you correctly lay a short cascade, then each hair will be in its place, smoothly passing from the crown to the temples like a waterfall. For women with wavy short hair, this hairstyle is just a godsend. You can not lay it, but just shake it with your hands. Then there will be no special splendor, but a torn boyish effect will appear.

Photo gallery: Haircut cascade for short wavy hair

A short cascade is suitable for women of any age A short cascade is enough just to shake it with your hands A short cascade emphasizes the cheekbones favorably
Short haircut cascade has been in trend for many years


Kare looks great on any length of hair, but on short hair it is perfection itself. A woman with a short bob looks like she's stepping off the cover of a magazine. Due to the fact that the hair is cut slightly below the ears or chin in one straight line, stylists have the opportunity to fantasize a little with the shape of the bangs. Depending on it, you can choose a square for any type of face. A short haircut emphasizes the woman's cheekbones and her neck, which makes her especially sexy. And it is also important that such a hairstyle can not be styled thanks to curly hair, which in itself already creates the volume of hair, and a professional master will give an interesting shape to the curls.


The multifaceted and original Bob-car is made today in a variety of stylish options. One of the most successful of them is the short version. The bangs of this haircut can be curly or even.

The most fashionable today is the classic symmetrical short bob. Its length is up to the lobes, the cut is clear and even, parting on the side or in the middle. Parting can be omitted if there is a creative mess on the head, which is done simply by hand with the help of mousse.


Many girls cut their long locks to make a trendy pixie haircut and look like a magical elf. This haircut provides layering, an open neck and ears. On the crown, the occipital zone and on the bangs, the hair is longer than in the temples and neck - there the strands are not cut off at all, but they are quite short. Pixies can be done asymmetrically, with a parting, or just to bring chaos to the head.

Pixie haircut loves short wavy hair


If you hear that someone has cut his hair like a boy, you should know that this haircut is called a garcon. It is very practical, comfortable and attractive. This hairstyle looks somewhat bold and extraordinary. Apparently, it is for this quality that many star ladies choose her. Together with boyish enthusiasm, the garcon brings girlish tenderness and vulnerability to the female image.

Haircut options without styling

The main thing that should be advised to those who do not want to constantly style their hair is to stop straightening their magnificent curls. Nature has given you volume and curls that girls with straight hair can only dream of.

To do without styling wavy hair, choose for yourself a cascade, ladder, shag, bob or garcon. All these haircuts, if done by a professional, do not need styling. It is enough to wash your hair and dry it without a hair dryer. Moreover, such haircuts without styling look like you just left the beauty salon. The most that may be required is to walk your palms with mousse over wavy curls - and the styling is ready!

Garcon without styling can only be worn by women with wavy hair

How to care for wavy hair

To make wavy hair look attractive, you must follow some care rules:

  • buy special shampoos designed for curly hair. And also, when choosing a shampoo, consider the type of your skin. Use hair care products with natural ingredients only;
  • wash your hair in two steps. After lathering the shampoo on your hair for the first time, rinse it immediately. The second time, abundant foam will already appear and it will be possible to do a head massage;
  • after washing your hair, be sure to apply the balm for 2-3 minutes and rinse. Hair will become obedient, comb well and stop electrifying;
  • do not wash your hair too often, especially since wavy hair is less dirty than straight hair, and the ends of curls are usually overdried;
  • Make nourishing hair masks at least once a week. Use castor oil, it is great for hair;
  • if there is a risk of getting caught in the rain, pre-treat the curls with a special spray conditioner;
  • try not to dry your hair with a hairdryer, it is better to wrap it with a towel and let it dry on its own;
  • buy a comb made of wood with rare teeth - the ends of the hair will not be split from it;
  • To fix waves and curls, use a special hair wax. Thanks to this tool, the hair will be in perfect condition all day long;
  • try not to use the curling iron often, so as not to spoil your magnificent curls. Remember, "shaggy" women are in fashion today;
  • if possible, cut your wavy hair with hot scissors. This procedure is a little more expensive, but then the ends of the hair do not split later.

Video: how to style curly hair in 10 minutes

Your curly flowing hair, of course, requires care. But how nice it is when people around you look at your hair. Be proud of your waves and always be charming!

Girls, whom nature has awarded with lush curls, often complain about naughty curls, because it is difficult for them to give a neat shape and an attractive appearance. In fact, each of you is able to independently make a beautiful hairstyle. To do this, it is enough to find out how styling of curly hair is done, what tools and tools are best used for this.

Curly strands require special care. Due to the specifics of their structure, the owners of such hair should take into account a number of nuances that will help to get the best result after styling:

To look neat, it is better not to cut the curls too short. Due to their own weight, long curls do not bulge and look more neat.

To shape the curls, it is better to use a comb with rare teeth. Do not use metal brushes as they easily damage the hair.

  • It is convenient to form neat curls with your hands.
  • Do not dry wet curls. Let them dry first. In general, the best option for such a hairstyle is drying naturally.
  • Try to use the straightening iron less often. Applying it, pre-apply a thermal protective spray or cream.
  • If done without a hair dryer, after applying the styling product, lightly massage the scalp, lifting the roots. This will add volume to the root zone.
  • To correct the shape of the curls after styling, apply a small amount of wax to them.
  • To avoid increased splendor, make a graduated haircut.
  • Be sure to wash your hair before styling. But do not use shampoos that contain sulfates or silicone.
  • Use specialized styling products for curly hair.

There are several different preparations that are suitable for the owners of such hair. Choose from any of the following:

  • styling cream for curly hair (texturing or light);
  • lotion conditioner;
  • spray;
  • mousse.

It is important that the preparation has a mark confirming that it is intended specifically for curly strands. Among the most popular proven products, it is necessary to highlight:

  • Curl Power spray from Curly Sexy Hair;
  • spray-gel Spray-Gel For Curls (Toni&Guy);
  • lotion-conditioner Londacare Curl Energizer;
  • Foam Design and Wella;
  • cream Bouncy Créme ISO;
  • Super-Natural Curl Shaping & Defining Cream (Alterna).

It is necessary to apply such drugs in a small amount. Otherwise, the hairstyle will look unnatural and look dirty.

Hairstyling for short curly hair

The easiest way to style a short naughty haircut is to use a hair dryer. With such a device, it will be possible to quickly give the desired shape and volume. Apply heat protectant and styling product first. Tilt your head down and dry with a hair dryer, directing the air flow to the roots. With the fingers of your free hand, make squeezing movements, forming curls. When the hair becomes dry, straighten up and correct the result with your fingers. Fix with varnish.

Another option is to use a special diffuser nozzle. It does not harm the curls and allows you to style them beautifully in a matter of minutes. After applying the mousse or cream, make circular motions, touching the “fingers” of the nozzle on the scalp. Treat the entire “mop” in this way. In the process, make sure that the strands are wound on the "fingers". The result will be a neat shape of the hairstyle, and the basal volume will appear.

For this length of curls, the above methods are also suitable. In addition, there is another effective way. It does not involve the use of a hair dryer or other appliances. Use a small amount of foam or cream. After washing, dry the curls and apply a styling preparation. Don't brush your hair. Massage the strands at the roots, lifting them up. Then with your hands, gently lay the curls, giving them the desired shape. Squeeze thin bundles in your palms. Finally, apply wax to selected areas. This will make the “mane” heavier and give a neater appearance.

Another option is to form bundles. Twist thick strands into flagella, winding them around your finger. Secure with clips or pins. After drying, remove the clips.

If you want to straighten curls, use an iron. Be sure to apply a heat protection spray. Just grab small bundles with the plates and run the heated device to the tips.

Hairstyling for long curly hair

The straightening method with an iron will also work for you. For a casual look, this method is suitable: collect the entire “mop” in a low ponytail. Smooth out loose curls with wax.

Another simple option is to braid a few braids in the evening. Unwind them in the morning and touch them up with your fingers. Apply varnish to fix. You can put accents by waxing selective strands.

For an excellent solution would be to create the effect of wet curls. To do this, apply mousse to wet strands. With squeezing movements of the fingers, form more pronounced curls. Wait until the hair dries naturally.

Here are some stylish and fashionable hairstyles that can be created using the above methods. Don't be afraid to experiment with looks. Use a variety of styling tools and appliances.

Curly hair styling - video

Watch this video tutorial. It shows in detail how such a procedure is performed on naughty curly strands.

Curly hair is a true gift of nature. However, their owners are faced with the problem of how to properly style naughty curls. In addition, such hair needs special care. As a rule, they are oily at the roots, very dry, split ends. Therefore, when styling, it is better to lift the hair roots slightly, and slightly weight the tips.

Curly curls styling

How to style curly curls

First, wash your hair with a mild shampoo, apply a moisturizing balm or hair conditioner, soak it on your head for 3-5 minutes. Without washing off the balm, comb the strands with a comb with rare teeth. This must be done very carefully so that the hair does not stray into knots, lumps and does not break.

After that, rinse the balm with water at room temperature. Bending your head down, shake your hair a little so that it takes the form of natural waves. Next, with your fingertips, break the hair into small strands, massaging them from to the tips from the roots.

Do not wrap your hair with a towel, it is better to put it under the strands on your shoulders and let them dry

After that, apply foam for styling wavy hair to the curls. Dry them approximately 80% using a blow dryer with a diffuser attachment. Of course, you can let your hair dry naturally, but using a hair dryer will make it faster. In addition, you get more volume.

Tilt your head down as you dry your hair. Then lift it up and straighten the strands around the face and on the crown, if they did not lie very beautifully. At the end of the styling, you can make the final touch - apply a little hair wax to the ends of the hair. This will make them heavier and shorten unruly hair, as well as better fix the hairstyle.

The whole installation process will take you about 10 minutes.

Styling curly hair without using a hair dryer

To style curly hair without a blow dryer, all you need is some foam, cream and hair wax. Wash your hair, then dry your hair a little with a towel. Then apply a small amount of styling foam to the strands. Do not comb your hair yet, otherwise it will look fluffy.

Massage the strands, slightly lifting them at the roots. This will give your hair extra volume. After that, squeeze each curl in the palm of your hand, forming it. When your hair is a little dry, apply some styling cream to your hair. At the end of the procedure, apply a small amount of wax to the ends of the strands. This will make them heavier and give the curls a well-groomed look.

Stylish hairstyle ideas for curly hair

Owners of wavy hair can afford to create a variety of hairstyles every day. For example, for everyday styling, you can collect hair in a low ponytail, and then smooth out with wax the strands that are knocking out of the general ensemble and sticking out. An option for lazy girls: in the evening, braid your hair in braids, and in the morning undo it and comb the strands. The result is natural and soft waves. Curly long hair can be braided. Such hairstyles look very impressive and bright.

If you do not have time for styling, hoops and ribbons are a great solution. It is best to put on a hoop on wet hair, while pulling it back. This will tame unruly curls and make your hair more neat.

As an evening option, you can create the effect of wet curls. To do this, apply the gel to wet hair, then let it dry. Curlers will help turn uneven curls into more uniform and large curls. There is no need to comb your hair after removing them. It is enough to walk on them with your fingertips.

It is desirable that the haircut is not too short, otherwise the hair will become very fluffy. It is better to opt for shoulder length. If you want to style unruly hair as simply and quickly as possible, you can make a haircut in a cascade. It is better to refuse the presence of a bang, otherwise you will have to spend an additional few minutes a day on straightening it, as well as styling it.

Don't skimp on styling your wayward curls. Use special gels, mousses, sprays, varnishes, etc.