Beautiful and well-groomed hair. Beautiful and well-groomed hair at home. Poorly dyed hair

Good day to all!

I have been wanting to write a review about my hair care for a long time. And when I started writing, I realized that I would be writing it longer than I was going to, because I want to talk about a lot, and most importantly, there is something to tell.

The peculiarity of my hair is that by nature it is thick, thick and very heavy. I never dyed my hair with paint, although no, I tried it once, but I didn’t take the hair dye, although the color of my hair is wheat-blond.

I must say right away that I have never been an ardent fan of long hair. There was a period in my life when I cut my hair short.

Although in fairness it should be noted that at the moment I am growing my hair intentionally. My assistants in this matter are nicotinic acid and Esvitsin.

I will not describe each product that I use in hair care, you will read about it by clicking on the link, otherwise the review will turn out to be long and tedious.

To begin with, I will tell you the basics of hair care basics, without which various masks, balms and other delights will not make any sense:

1. Find a few shampoos that will suit your hair. I am not advocating that you abandon shampoos with SLS and switch to completely natural or close to them. For example, they do not suit me because of the structure of my hair. But finding exactly what suits you is extremely important. Indeed, in this case, the hair will be well washed, will not be greasy / dry, and ultimately will look attractive in appearance. Remember, what suits your girlfriend with a gorgeous mane may not suit you, and not only will it not help you grow the same hair, but also ruin your own. Why should there be multiple shampoos? To not get used to it. I think comments are unnecessary here.

2. Use thermal protection. Yes Yes. You heard right. In this review, I will not urge you to give up the hair dryer and other devices that we use in everyday life to look better and more beautiful. But using thermal protection is a must. It will not allow your hairs to overheat and protect them. In addition, now many thermal products have care properties.

3. After washing, apply balms, masks. This will greatly simplify the problem of combing your hair. This means less damage to your hair. It is also advisable to find a couple of suitable funds for yourself. Not necessarily the same brand as the shampoo, but definitely SUITABLE. One of my favorite balms.

4. Choose quality hair styling products. What is in contact with your hair and is on them for a long time (lacquer, wax, mousse, foam) must be of high quality.

5. Try not to pull your hair with elastic bands, hairpins, so as not to injure them.

6. Protect your hair from cold and heat. Wear hats in winter, panama hats or caps in summer. Sudden changes in temperature are detrimental to hair.

7. Wash your hair as often as you need. I think the advice that you need to wash your hair once a week is at least stupid. The only advice is to wash your hair with warm water and rinse with cool.

8. Cut your hair. Better on the growing moon. It is much more beautiful when you have an even cut to the shoulder blades than when hair hangs down to the waist with split ends more like hay.

I would like to say a few words about tips for cutting split ends at home. Do not do that. You are not a professional. Just because someone you haven't even seen told you the self-cutting technique doesn't mean you'll be just as good. If it works at all. Trust the professionals.

I really like the hot scissors haircut that I periodically wish in the salon. This procedure seals the ends of the hair, so that they need to be cut less often.

9. Use leave-in hair products. They will keep your hair in great shape, add shine, and prevent split ends. Ordinary vegetable oils, such as avocado oil, may well be suitable as leave-in products. Only you need to apply no more than 5 drops, or even less, depending on the length and structure of the hair.

10. Choose the right comb. Ideally, of course, wooden ones are better. And one more thing about combs. Wash them. The dirt that settles on the combs gets on the hair, making it dirty. I soak my brushes in soapy water for 1 hour every week. Then I wash and dry.

11. Try to dye your hair with good masters and high-quality paints. Thank God, the latter now not only dye their hair, but also take care of them.

12. Do a head massage. I really like the "Goosebump" massager, besides the fact that it massages the scalp, it also relaxes a lot.

Thanks to all of the above, I keep my hair in good condition.

Now let's talk about the care of folk remedies.

1. First of all, it is a scalp scrub. I do it once a week. Usually the next day after oil masks, to cleanse the scalp of any remaining oil particles, thus preventing the pores from clogging. For the scrub, I use baking soda or fine sea salt.

2. Once a week I do oil hair masks. I don't like mixing oils because I think it's a waste of time. I am not sophisticated and put any one oil I have on my hair. If I apply two oils to my hair at the same time, then one goes to the roots, and the second to the length.

My favorite oils are:

- burdock oil EVALAR with propolis extract, it helps to reduce hair loss, and also accelerates their growth;

I apply castor oil to the tips to prevent their section;

- sea buckthorn oil is one of my favorites, after it the hair becomes shiny;

Burdock oil EVALAR with ceramides and horsetail extract, which reduces hair loss and restores their structure.

- Coconut oil from Spivak prevents hair from losing protein, as a result of which the hair looks alive and healthy.

Why did I choose these oils?

When using burdock oil for hair, it improves their growth, strengthens weakened hair follicles, prevents hair loss, protects the tips from splitting and heals hair along its entire length, prevents dandruff, moisturizes and nourishes the scalp. Burdock oil is especially useful for dry, brittle and damaged hair. The beneficial properties of this product are explained by the fact that the biologically active components in its composition help restore metabolism in the scalp and hair follicles, increase capillary blood circulation in the scalp, which helps strengthen the hair shafts and accelerates natural hair growth.
Women have been using castor oil for hair for a long time and get a lasting positive effect. Applying castor oil to the hair roots will provide not only a healthy appearance of the hairstyle, but also deep nourishment of the hair roots, they will become thick, strong, shiny, without external damage. If you apply castor oil to the ends of your hair, they will not split.
Separately, I would like to highlight the role of sea buckthorn oil as an effective tool in the fight against hair loss, accelerating their growth, restoring the structure, as well as removing dandruff.

Coconut oil perfectly softens the hair and nourishes the scalp, helps to get rid of dandruff.

Of course, these are not the only oils that I use in hair care, but they are the ones I always have at home, as they suit my hair the most.

3. Rinse with herbs. I rinse with chamomile. In the summer I try to use fresh, in the winter I buy in filter bags and brew. Chamomile gives my hair shine and a beautiful wheaten tint.

Among my favorites is also rinsing with birch broth and nettle. I use them mainly in the summer, when there is fresh nettle and birch leaves. These rinses help me to strengthen my hair.

4. Aroma combing- This is one of the options that I use when applying essential oils. I just put a few drops on the comb and comb my hair for about five minutes. My favorite essential oils:

- lemon - perfectly moisturizes the hair, giving it a natural shine;

- lavender - gives hair a charming shine;

Orange - moisturizes the scalp, prevents dandruff, and also fights hair loss;

Cinnamon - I sometimes add it to shampoo to irritate the scalp, thereby increasing the flow of blood to the head. This method is good for those who want to grow their hair. CAREFULLY!!! The cinnamon is very strong.

- rosemary - Great for oily hair

5. Aloe. I rub it into the roots of my hair. Thanks to aloe, hair grows better, becomes strong, shiny, acquires incredible softness. I tried to use it in a mask with honey, but I did not like that the honey flows. And the effect is the same.

I want to note that I am not a fan of complex masks, where there are a lot of ingredients. But in fairness, it’s worth saying that I still test new masks on myself, I brush aside some immediately, and some become my assistants in maintaining the beauty of my hair. I don't like wrapping my head in a towel, because I think that whatever the hair needs will absorb itself. An exception is left by masks, where the main thing is the thermal effect, for example, pepper.

Separately, I would like to say a few words about nutrition, since what we eat directly is immediately reflected in our hair (skin, nails). Try to eat more protein and fiber foods. Drink special vitamins or just multivitamin complexes.
I also strongly advise fans of salon hair care to take a closer look at lamination. This procedure not only visually makes the hair beautiful, but also cares for them, and also protects them.

And now I will share with you the recipes of my favorite folk masks, which have proven their effectiveness.

Mask #1

1. 2 tablespoons lemon juice

2. 100 g of thick natural yogurt without sugar

3. 2 eggs

Apply for 40 minutes, then rinse with warm water and shampoo.

This mask will make the hair soft and shiny, the mask perfectly nourishes the hair and strengthens the roots.

Mask 2

1. 1-2 slices of rye bread (you can Borodino)

2. 1 st. l. cognac or pepper tincture

3. 1 tbsp. l. any vegetable oil

4. Boiling water so that the consistency is like that of 10% sour cream

Bread saturates the hair with B vitamins. The oil helps to easily wash the bread out of the hair. Cognac or pepper helps prevent oiliness at the roots.

This mask saved my hair from falling out during pregnancy and after childbirth. The course is 1 month every other day during the period of intensive loss. Then 1 month 1 time per week for consolidation and prevention.

Here is perhaps the main thing that I would like to tell you about my hair care. This review will be constantly updated as I am constantly looking for something new for my hair.

Beauty and happiness to you!

Dull, split, lifeless hair indicates both problems in the body and improper hair care. Therefore, in order to cope with these negative consequences, it is necessary to detect the cause in time and prevent its reappearance. After all, well-groomed hair is an essential attribute of female beauty.

Reasons for lack of healthy hair shine

The main reasons for the deterioration of the hair condition include:

  • psycho-emotional stress;
  • improper diet;
  • harmful effects of the environment.

Curls are the very first to react to stressful situations, so it is worth remembering that any nervous shock will not go unnoticed.

Eight hours of sleep improves the appearance of hair.

There is no special nutrition system for hair. However, a healthy and nutritious diet saturates the hair follicle from the inside. Daily consumption of animal protein, fruits, food gelatin helps to improve the condition of the hair. Vitamins of group B will have a positive effect.

If the hair has become dull, this may indicate a lack of such a rare vitamin H, which can improve the stratum corneum. Finding a sufficient amount of this element in food is problematic, so it is advised to use the pharmacy version once or twice a year. In addition, you should eat plenty of avocados, almonds, sesame seeds, pumpkin seeds and dairy products.

In the summer, a woman can lose her well-groomed appearance of her hair. This is because the curls are constantly exposed to active sunlight. Therefore, stylists do not recommend going out into the open sun without a hat. Another way to preserve the beauty of hair will be special sunscreens. Of course, not only in the summer you can harm the curls, but also in the winter. Therefore, in frosty, dank weather, you should wear a hat and hide the strands.

Washing curls

The first thing hair care begins with is washing them. Regular washing destroys natural moisture, thereby helping to reduce the natural shine. Therefore, such constancy is not suitable for everyone. So, women with very oily hair will benefit from washing their hair daily, but it is better for owners of dry hair to limit themselves to once every 5-6 days.

To keep your hair looking well-groomed, experts recommend washing your curls as needed. Shampoo must be properly selected and match the type of hair. The detergent should not be applied in a concentrated form, it is better to dilute it with a small amount of water. The resulting liquid can be safely applied to the hair roots. The ends and the entire length are not treated with soapy water. So these parts of the strands do not get dirty, but rather remain dry and once again they should not be exposed to shampoo. The shampoo is lathered at the roots and then washed off with warm water.

Do not use hot water while washing. Such a liquid contributes to the activation of the sebaceous glands and, as a result, the hair gets dirty faster. In addition, hot water dries out the scalp.

After washing off the shampoo, a balm is applied to slightly wrung out hair. It is important to remember that the agent is not applied to the roots. Since the balm will add oil to the hair and achieve the desired volume will not work. This tool is recommended to be distributed along the entire length, while paying special attention to the tips.

To obtain a natural shine, at the end of washing the hair, rinse it with cold water. When drying with a hair dryer, it is better to use a cold or medium temperature setting.

How to choose the right comb

To maintain well-groomed hair at home, you need to choose the right comb. Metal products should not be used. Since the teeth have roughness, which, when combed, cling to the curls and damage them. Hairdressers do not recommend the use of plastic combs. Prolonged use of such tools leads to dry hair and split ends. Currently, silicone combs are considered the best.

A good choice would be a comb made of wood. It is suitable for any type of hair: oily curls stop greasy, and dry ones stop breaking and splitting. In addition, the tree does not electrify the hair, does not allow them to crack and bristles in different directions.

A bristle comb will help you style any hairstyle. Experts recommend using a combination brush with natural and artificial teeth. However, if a woman's hair gets dirty too quickly, then it is better to use bristles made from natural materials. They are able to absorb excess oil and keep hair clean longer.

Combing rules

Improper use of a good comb does not guarantee smooth and well-groomed hair. Stylists advise taking care of curls in this way:

  1. It is necessary to choose a curl and start combing it from below.
  2. Then move on to the roots of the hair. This will help to untangle them more easily and prevent splitting.
  3. Combing increases blood flow to the scalp and improves the nutrition of the hair follicles, thereby making the hair well-groomed and beautiful.
  4. It is necessary to comb at least 2 times a day.

Be sure to keep the comb clean. Hair is removed from it daily, and washing is carried out 1-2 times a week with soapy water.

Masks for the health of the strands

If women are still concerned about the issue. how to make hair well-groomed, the answer is very simple - use masks without leaving home. There are two main groups of masks:

  • made on an industrial scale;
  • homemade from natural ingredients.

Some women prefer to combine different types of care. So once a week they use a purchased cosmetic product, and after a few days they apply a mask of personal preparation.

The most popular are masks with nourishing and moisturizing properties, and in second place are for colored and oily hair. Usually masks are applied to clean and towel-wrung hair. Then they are wrapped in a towel and left for 30 minutes. Wash off with warm water.

The best masks for restoring hair health

For complete care, masks with caring components are required that promote growth and improve the structure of the hair. The three best tools, according to users:

  1. Natura Siberica Sauna & Spa - is considered the best mask for restoring the beauty of hair. The main advantage of the product is its natural composition. It is completely free of harmful substances commonly added to hair care products. The main components include: wheat germ oil, which is responsible for restoring the hair structure, ginseng extract - nourishes the scalp, cloudberry seed oil gives shine and strength.
  2. To get well-groomed long hair, you can use the American-made mask Macadamia. A distinctive feature is a unique formula that penetrates deep into each hair. The result is visible after just a few applications, the hair becomes smooth, shiny and healthy. The mask has a pleasant apple scent.
  3. The mask of the famous cosmetic company L "Oreal Professionnel is very popular. It easily restores even the most damaged curls. Thanks to the unique Lipidium complex, it quickly affects the hair follicles and heals the strands.

This is a list of professional masks that provide maximum care and quick recovery.

Recipes for masks at home

Masks are the most affordable natural remedy that is easy to make on your own. A few recipes:

  1. Mask for volume. To do this, mix 3 tbsp. spoons of colorless henna and pour hot water, bring to the consistency of gruel and allow to cool. Then add 2 yolks, 3 large spoons of olive oil (almond, peach pits), 2 tbsp. spoons of cognac, a few drops of neroli. Apply to hair and hold for at least an hour. Then rinse with cool water (so that the yolk does not curl) and lather the curls with shampoo. The mask can be done no more than 2 times a month.
  2. Mask to enhance hair growth. In a bowl, mix 2 large spoons of mustard powder with hot water until the lumps dissolve. Then add one yolk, 2 small spoons of sugar and 3 large spoons of any natural oil. The resulting mass is applied to the scalp, avoiding the ends of the curls. It is necessary to keep from 15-60 minutes, until the burning sensation can be sustained. Wash off with room temperature water.
  3. Mask for hair shine. Well-groomed hair begins with the correct use of natural ingredients. In a separate container, mix 1 large spoonful of gelatin and 50 ml of hot water, stir until a homogeneous mass is obtained. Then add 1 large spoon of shampoo. The mixture is applied to the hair for a quarter of an hour, then washed off with warm water.

These are just a few recipes on how to easily restore beauty and health to your hair.


Well-groomed hair is the pride of every woman. To maintain their health, it is necessary to constantly use cosmetics, both home-made and mass-produced. A healthy lifestyle and normal exercise will also help.

To keep your hair beautiful and well-groomed every day, it does not hurt to know little tricks that will help keep your hair in excellent condition. If the hair is in order, then the woman feels more confident. Arm yourself with these techniques, and you will get rid of a lot of daily hassle with hair.

Use antistatic agents

The problem of electrified hair is familiar to many of us firsthand. The situation is aggravated in the cool season, when you have to hide your hair under hats. To avoid the unwanted effect after the cap, it is important to use nourishing hair masks and drink more water. Also pay attention to your comb: it should be made from natural materials. If possible, use a hair dryer with a special function - hair ionization. Before styling your hair, apply a heat-protective mask with an antistatic effect.

Get hair powder

There are various hair powders. So, to create splendor, it is enough to apply powder to the hair roots. And brightening powders can change hair color by 2 to 3 tones. There are also colored powders, with the help of which curls of different colors and tones are obtained. This is especially suitable for lovers of all kinds of colors and modern trends. The powder washes off well with water.

Take care of your comb

During the day, dirt and bacteria appear on the hair, which pass to the comb. Do not forget to periodically wash the brushes in shampoo and disinfect them.

Keep track of volume

To get voluminous curls, it is necessary to treat the hair with an iron at the roots and wind it, having previously applied a salt spray to the strands. At the end, the entire hairstyle must be fixed with varnish. This approach guarantees you volume for the whole day, even under adverse weather conditions.

Nourish your hair

In order for the hair to look healthy and shiny even in its natural state, it is important to take care of it constantly. To do this, use all possible options for nourishing the hair and caring for the scalp. Vitamins for hair and special masks, both factory-made and home-made with essential oils, kefir, yolk and medicinal herbs, will help.

Fight oily hair

If your hair is naturally oily, then it tends to get dirty very quickly. Try to cope with this problem by adding 5 to 6 drops of cedarwood oil to your shampoo. To regulate the work of the sebaceous glands, review your diet: give up smoked meats, hot spices, coffee.

Beautiful hair is not a matter of one minute. For such an effect, painstaking work on yourself will be required. If you take care of your scalp and hair constantly, it will become a good habit, which will result in a flawless hairstyle.

Each woman in one way or another takes care of his hair. Someone just shampoos them and dries them with a hairdryer, someone occasionally additionally uses professional masks, and someone every day makes every effort to make the strands look healthy and shiny.

Even if you don't like complex styling and can't afford expensive cosmetic care products, you need to look well-groomed and beautiful. The following tips will help you keep your hair attractive and neat.

What needs to be done to make hair look well-groomed?

1. Watch the ends. The tips are the main indicator of well-groomed hair. Surely you have seen girls and women whose hair looked untidy at the ends. This is due to dryness and brittleness. First of all, you should pay attention to the full hydration and nutrition of the ends. They should be smooth and even.

Even if you have a haircut ladder, all lines must be readable. To do this, you must visit regularly so that he updates your ends. This procedure is available to absolutely everyone, so you should not save on a professional if you really want to look great. Use professional and vegetable oils.

2. Use oils and sprays with a glitter effect. These cosmetic products do not give a special therapeutic effect, but visually make your hair healthy and beautiful. One bottle is enough for you for a long time, and you can fix your hair and add amazing shine to your strands at any time. Oils and sprays for adding shine to hair are quite easy to use and do not require special knowledge and skills. Apply one or two drops to the entire length of the hair, avoiding the root zone. Already after the first application, you will see the result and you can enjoy the well-groomed look of your hair.

If you can't maintain the shade, stop coloring.

Many women decide to change the shade hair and then can't support it. Sometimes it's laziness or not enough money to go to the hairdresser. If the strands are not tinted in a timely manner, they look unkempt and untidy. Just think in advance that now you will regularly need to visit a hairdresser in order to always look perfect. Assess your financial capabilities and weigh the pros and cons. Sometimes desire alone is not enough, and it is better to abandon the idea than not to suffer later because of your unsightly appearance.

3. Remember to protect your hair. If you protect your strands in a timely manner, it is likely that they will be well-groomed and healthy for a long time. If you go to the beach, be sure to apply a spray with a high level of SPF. If you want to make stylish styling, then pre-apply thermal protection. Every time before going to bed, it is important to protect the strands from damage, because we all rub our heads against the pillow, thereby disrupting the location of the hair scales.

Just make it a rule every time before bed plait a weak braid or wrap the strands with a ribbon, thereby creating a tail. You must remember that such simple rules will help you keep your hair well-groomed and neat, and you will look attractive enough early in the morning after waking up.

4. Keep your hair clean. Well-groomed hair is first of all clean hair. There is nothing difficult in once again washing the strands with shampoo. Immediately after washing, they look very soft and well-groomed, and it will be much easier for you to create styling. Keeping your hair clean should become a necessity for you, like brushing your teeth daily. So that you once again have a desire to wash your hair, use a fragrant shampoo that cheers you up. As soon as you see that the roots have lost their freshness, take a shower and clean your hair of impurities. It is especially important to do this in the summer, when the scalp sweats a lot, or if you often wear hats.

5. Remove protruding "fluff". This trouble is familiar to many, it's just that someone rarely encounters it, and someone more often. A protruding "fluff" spoils the overall look of the entire hairstyle, even if you have a stylish styling. What needs to be changed? Learn to tidy up and hide these short hairs. To do this, you will only need a simple hairspray and some skills.

After you have created certain hairstyle or just dry your hair and give it shape, use hairspray, which can be applied to a wooden comb with large wide teeth and comb through the strands in those places where there is that very “fluff”. Sometimes these hairs are only near the roots, and sometimes along the entire length. It all depends solely on how damaged your hair is or how fast it grows.

6. Change your diet. In many ways, your appearance depends on what you eat. If it is fresh fruits and vegetables, then your skin will be young and elastic, and your hair will become shiny and elastic. Fast food lovers should forget about burgers, fried potatoes and sodas. Your hair cannot look well-groomed if it does not get the necessary amount of vitamins and minerals. In nutrition, preference should be given to fish, meat and dairy products. After a certain amount of time, you will be able to notice how beautiful and well-groomed your hair has become.

7. Use quality combs. Some argue that combing your hair is harmful, but if you do it competently and accurately, you will only improve the condition of your strands. Buy a wooden comb with large wide teeth and use it exclusively on dry hair.

If you brush your hair, then they will immediately look neat and well-groomed, but in no case do not abuse this method. Do not pull the hairs, even if they have tangled areas. Also remember that in no case should you comb wet hair. You can apply one drop of essential oil behind the teeth to give the strands extra shine and a delicate aroma.

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Everyone would like their hair to always look perfect, but in life this is almost impossible. However, this does not mean that you need incredible luck for a beautiful result, it is enough to know a few simple secrets! Regular care and little tricks - and now the beauty of your hair is already conquering everyone around you! So, let's explore the most successful tips.

Long and fluffy ponytail

If you dream of growing your hair, but are tired of waiting, you start thinking about extensions. In fact, there is a much simpler and more affordable way to make hair visually longer. Use this trick to create a long ponytail - your curls will look much more spectacular! Just tie two tails one above the other, masking the lower one with the upper one - it will seem that you have a very voluminous and voluminous hairstyle. This is a very simple method, but the result is impressive!

Lush ponytail with a hairpin

Another easy way to make your hair more voluminous and attractive is to use a hairpin. Place it under the hair - and the tail will instantly become more expressive and dynamic. You will surely like this technique, because it can be used even when you do not have time to style your hair at all.

Combing before washing

This is an interesting grooming tip: Comb your hair before you wash it. If you have tangled strands, you can tear and damage the hairs. When they are wet, they are less elastic and easily damaged. To keep your hair healthy and beautiful, try to comb it before washing. Plus, it helps prevent blockage of pipes - a nice addition, isn't it? Never forget about combing, and your hair will look much more well-groomed and healthy.

Dandruff Prevention with Coconut Oil

The most common cause of dandruff is dry scalp. Studies have shown that using coconut oil to moisturize your skin helps prevent dandruff. Apply the oil to your skin before going to bed, and wash your hair in the morning. You will see the result in a few days - the skin will become more hydrated and smooth, peeling will disappear without a trace.

Curls without a curling iron

Hot styling devices are not the only way to get curls. If you want to create lush curls without damaging your hair, use drinking straws! Divide your hair into strands, wind it into straws and wait a few hours. The thinner the straws and the smaller the strands, the tighter the curls will be. This is a simple technique that will allow you to do without a curling iron!

Beach styling

Beach curls are not so easy to get if you do not know the secret way. Braid your hair into a fishtail before heading to bed, and in the morning all you need is a texture spray! You will get exactly the styling that you have always dreamed of, while you will not need to spend time on it at all!

Effective lightening

Lightening, creating the effect of slightly burnt hair, looks incredibly successful. It seems that getting such strands is not easy! However, if you are not ready to go to the hairdresser and use peroxide on your hair, there is a natural way. You just need to apply a mixture of lemon juice and honey on the strands - they will brighten in the sun. It is very simple and much less harmful to the hair than the usual coloring.

Home made air conditioner

If you love beautiful braids that don't fall out, you probably understand the importance of using a conditioner in a spray. If you run out of such a product, mix a regular conditioner with water and spray it on damp hair. The curls will turn out smoother and radiant, they will not fluff - you will get incredibly neat braids.

Hair without static electricity

Due to static electricity, the hair can be very frizzy. You can prevent this effect with a specialized spray, but there is a more affordable alternative that will give an impressive effect. Before combing your hair, rub the comb with fabric softener. This will allow you not only to get rid of static electricity, but also to keep the comb perfectly clean.