Haircuts for little girls: children's bob. Fashionable children's haircuts for girls of different ages

This photo selection presents the best hairstyles for teenage girls, which are suitable for birthdays and for going to school. Some hairstyles have a non-standard (informal) look, but look cool. Age from 12 to 18 years is best period for experiments, changing styles and trying on new looks. Most people have never felt such freedom of expression as they did during adolescence.

We will give you several bright ideas simple teenage hairstyles for short, medium and long hair that are suitable for both school and everyday life.

Choosing hairstyles for teenage girls for every day

We know that you not only want to look cute, but also to attract the attention of boys and gain the approval of your peers. We are confident that you will cope with both tasks. The only thing you need to remember is that the individual style you come up with is most valued.

Also try to make your hairstyle highlight your physical assets. If you like to experiment, please note that some educational establishments have a number of rules about what a student looks like. Sometimes what you think is amazing can shock others.
And, of course, your hairstyle doesn't have to be very complicated. At school and other events, it is very difficult to constantly look after your hair. So it’s better to opt for a beautiful hairstyle that you can do yourself at home with a comb, hair dryer and a minimum of hair products.

There are also plenty of cute hair accessories available at stores near your home that will help you personalize your style. Below you will see the gallery simple hairstyles for teenage girls, both long, medium and short hair. All of these hairstyles are quite easy and simple, so they are suitable for every day. You can take note of some of these solutions to create your own unique style.

Cute and simple hairstyles for teenage girls

Hairstyles for teenagers should be cute and stylish, but easy to create. The beautiful hairstyles for girls below are examples of a teenage mix of styles, creativity and glamour. No matter what length your hair is, you will find some interesting ideas for yourself!

Youth is best time to grow long hair, as long as the diploma, work and children do not interfere. On days when you don't have time to wash your hair, or you just want to do something stylish with your hair, a side Dutch braid is the easiest way to go.

Compared to one massive braid, which has a more bohemian look, small Afro braids have a more casual look. Fans of this hairstyle include Kylie Jenner and Rita Ora. Afro braids are definitely one of the most popular hairstyles for girls this year.

If you need a flirty hairstyle for long hair for your school prom or other event, this is a worthy option. A flower wreath may seem a bit overkill for semi-formal events, so you can add a few buds to keep the look simple.

The French braid is so versatile that it can be worn indefinitely. But, if you start to get tired of the monotony, just try another weaving technique. A four-strand French braid with (or without) a ribbon adds texture with voluminous braiding and small knots.

Everything old is becoming fashionable again, for example the mid-sixties hippie hairstyle is now common at music festivals. Soft waves and a floral crown look quite cute, but you can style it with a modern messy braid.

A ponytail is great for school on those days when you overslept or just aren't in the mood. Familiar image The tail can be changed by a funny braid. It is best to do it at night, and in the morning just get up and go about your business.

Sometimes you have to attend events with many adults: grandparent's birthday party, wedding, etc. At such times, it is best to stick to classic and not very complicated hairstyles. A braided chignon will add texture to a regular hairstyle.

If you have waist-length hair, it’s difficult to create a beautiful hairstyle - it’s too massive, and ponytail insanely long and heavy. The wreath braid is one of the best and beautiful hairstyles for girls with long hair because it keeps your hair contained without it looking bulky.

The messy French braid is cute and easy, but keeps the hair securely tied up. This hairstyle is great for long hair that needs a little more volume and texture. This style is suitable for different types hair and face types. Add to standard french braid waterfall technique as shown here.

Those who have thin and long hair can use this option when creating a hairstyle to make the hair look thicker. Braids around the face add texture and make the hair look fuller. If you find that your bun isn't as big as you wanted, try adding the ends of your braids inside to give it a more perfect shape donut

One of the most classic hairstyles For girls it's a small side bun because it's easy to do and looks good on anyone. Some girls may find this hairstyle too boring. They can add careless braid and layering to lift the hairstyle and make it more casual.

Consider it an intermediate step between the standard hairstyle and the Indian hairstyle. The good thing about braids is that you can undo them at any time when you want to change your look. Balance out your hairstyle by wearing something that isn't too flashy.

The best way to show off your beautiful hair is with a twist or a braid, but why not combine the two? Although this hairstyle seems simple, it is actually quite complex, so it is best to visit a stylist who specializes in weaves.

The ponytail is great hairstyle for teenage girls, but boxer braids (two French braids) are quickly gaining popularity and can compete with (or complement) ponytails. Two styles come together in one fashionable hairstyle. It is best suited for medium to long hair.

Instead of outdated headbands, pull your hair back with two braids. Unlike many teenagers who only wear one braid, try doing two at once.

Dutch fish tail, collected in a disorderly bunch - this is great option for a weekend movie date or a hangout at mall with friends. When creating a fishtail, use 4 strands of hair instead of 3. Once you braid this pattern, you can make it a little messy.

A lace braid is somewhat similar to a French braid, but you only add new strands of hair on one side. This braid is perfect for teen hairstyles because it is easy to do and looks cool. This style is best suited for young ladies with long hair.

The hardest thing about finding a style for a teenager is not making the look too mature, but at the same time not making them feel like little girls. By using two lace Dutch braids woven into a five-piece braid, you'll create interesting patterns of color and texture, not to mention this hairstyle will make others take notice of you. It is better to wear something bright underneath.

The best way to add volume to a regular ponytail is to add texture. The curls provide volume, and a thin braid wrapped around the base of the ponytail is small but important detail. You can also add a small bud, just don't choose too big, if you have fine hair it might be too much.

Festival fashion is very popular among young girls and here is one of the best festival hairstyles for teenage girls. With colorful floral wreath and braids, a girl will feel like she's at Coachella, even if she's too young to go there.

Sometimes the best hairstyle is to simply add a cute accessory to tie your hair up. Long hair flows beautifully, decorated with a bow. Whether you're wearing braids or a ponytail, bows and other embellishments make styling your back-to-school hair easy.

One of today's cool hairstyles for girls it is a high knot. Very simple and suitable for young people, it rightfully remains the main one among teenage hairstyles.

Ideal for both school and events. This hairstyle is a combination of a 4-strand braid and a small bun. Nice hairstyle It doesn't have to be complicated for a girl, sometimes a traditional hairstyle works just fine. This hairstyle is also convenient, because when the hair becomes dirty, it looks even more attractive.

A fishtail looks amazing on long hair. It may take a few practice sessions before you get the perfect braid, but once you do it, you'll be proud of yourself.

Cute and sophisticated. This is an example of a great hairstyle for teenagers, suitable for any occasion. It will look good on medium to thick hair with bleached highlights. The longer your hair, the thicker the bun will be. Secure the bun with bobby pins and hairspray.

If you are tired of traditional hairstyles, this is a really cool alternative. This hairstyle requires a lot of time and effort, but if done correctly, this hairstyle will last all day, and possibly two. This hairstyle doesn't just look beautiful, it will help you keep your hair securely in place so it doesn't distract you from important tasks.

A little bit Queen Elsa, a little bit punk, this intricate Mohawk hairstyle is super cool. Add to it trendy today grey colour hair, and you will truly get unique image, which will be difficult to repeat.

There are many cute hairstyles for girls, often worn by older girls. The fishtail braid is one of them. When weaving it, a lot of hair remains at the bottom, giving the girl a more youthful look.

Every girl dreams of her prince on a white horse, and this hairstyle is perfect for young princesses. If you don't have natural curls, you can use a curling iron or curling iron.

Hairstyles for teens don't have to be difficult, although they may seem complicated at times. A flowy braid will take a few practices to create, but overall it's pretty easy to create. This is quite a popular hairstyle, especially in middle and high school.

Do you like to wear your hair down? Pin your bangs to keep your hair out of your face. Stop at the crown of your head and finish the braid with a loose knot. It looks good even on short and fine hair, which means this style will suit every girl. Plus it looks really cool.

32. Braid basket

This is another type of braid with openwork weaving, which looks much more complicated than it actually is. Watching the video tutorial will help you master how to weave such a braid, ideal for spring.

This hairstyle is similar to a traditional French braid, but it goes down diagonally. Add a flower or ribbon as detail. This hairstyle suits girls with long hair best. For more short hair, most likely, you will not be able to capture all the hair in a braid.

The fishtail wreath is absolutely stunning. Add small flowers or leaves in your hair (artificial or straight from the garden) - this will give your look a romantic touch.

If you don't have long hair, you have to always put the front strands behind your ears. To fix this problem, weave the headband. You can do this on one side only and secure the ends with bobby pins on your loose hair.

Braids adorn any girl, especially those with long hair. They are simply meant for weaving. French braids, inverted braids and fishtails are the most popular styles right now. Mackenzie Foy rocks a cute side fishtail with a center part and a side part on the back.

Deep waves like Amanda Steele's look cool on shoulder-length hair with bleached highlights 1-2 shades lighter than the base color. Create random waves using a curling iron with a large attachment.

Healthy long hair is stunningly beautiful. With a simple bohemian hairstyle like this, you won't lose face and will attract the attention of others. Pin a few thin braids close to your cheek on one side, turn all your hair in the same direction and secure your gorgeous mane with a few bobby pins.

Majority similar hairstyles for teens are always exciting, trendy and really cool, especially when you pair them with a dress, top or blouse that has an asymmetrical neckline. These gorgeous curls are curled, carelessly tossed to one side and secured with a thin braid.

Use cute, colorful girly accessories like the popular polka dot headbands or fun bows and you'll stand on new level effortless creation bright images. If you are beautiful curly hair, a fun detail like this will make your look even brighter and more attractive.

In our opinion good taste and style beyond age limits. Your hairstyle should reflect your good taste and that you follow fashion trends.

How to cut your hair? How to lay it? What to think of for tomorrow? These and other questions are well known to parents of girls.

As an answer we offer great material about haircuts, tricks and accessories. We will also take a closer look at hairstyles for girls for every day and for holidays. In general, with such guidance you can go into battle... that is, to school or kindergarten. And perhaps mothers will adapt some of this for themselves.

Children's haircuts for girls

Against the backdrop of the wave of adoration that has swept over girls with long hair, shorter haircuts seem forgotten. However, this does not mean that you should write off a graceful bob or fluffy bob. It is recommended to leave shoulder length for hair that holds its shape well.

If your hair always looks disheveled, you should think about a garcon with accentuated ends.

Simple, but at the same time stylish and flexible haircuts that maintain volume at the top of the head and reduce it at the back of the head are loved by girls of all ages.

Hairstyles for girls in kindergarten

And now it's time to talk about styling. Let's start with the most difficult category - preschool babies. There are many problems with hairstyles for girls in kindergarten:

  • the hair is still too thin to achieve volume;
  • It is difficult for a child to sit in one place for a long time and not turn his head;
  • The styling tends to fall apart during active games.

There are no universal solutions, but a few colored elastic bands on hand and 15 minutes to braid a few braids will save many families.

And little fashionistas also love to follow the example of their mothers. Therefore, calmly repeat the buns on their heads and do not forget about fashionable bows.

Actually, the bow is one of the most loyal friends until the baby grows up to the “serious” second grade. An alternative to Bantu is cute “ears” on a wire base.

Hairstyles for girls at kindergarten graduation don’t have to be complicated. Wrap the strands around the headband or simply hide it among your curls.

If time allows, you can choose more magnificent knots and strands.

Girls' hairstyles for prom kindergarten It is worth decorating with flowers, abandoning more complex decorations made of metal or ribbons. An exception may be imitation lace or a thin tiara.

Hairstyles for schoolgirls

Of particular interest are hairstyles for girls for 4th grade graduation. Not yet adults, but not quite babies anymore, young ladies usually order “something cool.” A crown made of braids with butterfly decoration, a large bun with decor, or a bun with a natural bow can become so cool.

In general, hairstyles for 10-year-old girls should assume that their owners still cannot sit still all day. So the hoop will come in handy more than once.

The older the girl gets, the simpler the styling becomes. Hairstyles for girls for school are usually not full of hairpins and do not surprise with intricacies. The best option is an asymmetrical accent in the form of three braids.

The boho school style is embodied by hairstyles with braids oriented diagonally (48, 53, 12).

And by February 14, the hairstyle can be made romantic by decorating it with hearts made of thin strands stretched to the side.

Braiding for girls

Today, weaving has completely moved from the category of symbols to artistic elements. Hairstyles with a ponytail or bun, which is continued by a voluminous braid, are very popular.

And also on the cutting edge of fashion are hairstyles with several braids connected by ribbons. The result is a stitch effect that will be an elegant highlight for a special event.

If we talk about simple “drawings”, then the undisputed leaders here are the “fishtail” and the “Danish braid”.

The third place is gradually being won by a twisted braid, which is made from several strands.

The combination of several types of pattern is also very important: it allows you to create a strict but effective image.

Finally, I would like to remember the good old mesh of braids, suitable both as a hairstyle for girls in 4th grade and for a dance performance in 9th grade. Strands from this design do not get out and do not interfere.

If time is limited, it is enough to braid 2-3 “paths”.

Easy hairstyles for girls

They are usually built on a side parting, which is complemented by braids, a bun or flashy jewelry. The styling will be filled with special charm thanks to the curls.

Ponytails are perfect hairstyles for girls in 5 minutes. We intercept the strands with elastic bands in several places and get a ready-made cute look. From such segments you can create a braid.

Don’t underestimate the possibilities of plaits, since they can also decorate short hairstyles for girls.

DIY holiday hairstyles for girls

Don’t quite understand how to weave or pin up strands correctly? Let's look at the component hairstyles for girls step by step.

Herringbone braid

For the base, we will need to braid a braid, for which we will need 3-6 transparent elastic bands (if you have green ones, those will do). Like many beautiful hairstyles for girls, this one does not require any special skills or knowledge.

We comb the hair smoothly, lift the top third and fasten it at the back of the head with an elastic band. Divide the resulting tail into an upper and lower bun. We, in turn, also divide them in half. Next, the scheme is as follows: we outline the upper halves with the lower halves, secure with an elastic band, stretch to the sides (you need to stretch immediately, and not when the braid is braided - otherwise the strands will be asymmetrically pulled). And so on - to the back of the head.

Remaining? We collect hair in a low ponytail. We pass it through the weaving so as to cover the bottom elastic band.

Now we need decor for our “Christmas tree”. It is better if there are more than 3 studs - this way they will not look random. They need to be pinned into the base of the “trunk”, that is, in the place that is fixed with an elastic band.

That's it, now the basis for a festive hairstyle for girls with long hair is ready.

Corrugated braids

An option for all those cases when you want something unusual, but have little time left to prepare. Such children's hairstyles for girls (the photo gives us an approximate estimate of the scope of work) will take about half an hour.

We divide the hair into a “toothed” parting.

We braid the braids on the sides: to do this, add hair at the temple to the strands of “teeth”; secure with an elastic band.

We temporarily set aside the central part. Now we process the weave and the ends below the elastic with a curling iron (if it’s more convenient for you, you can first make the strands corrugated and only then braid).

We bring the braids together at the back of the head, remove one of the elastic bands, and fix the braiding with the second. We wrap a loose strand around the structure so that nothing hurts the eyes.

Double “chain”

There are hairstyles for girls, photos and just the sight of which always evoke increased attention. “Chain” is one of them. What’s remarkable is that it won’t require much time.

We divide the hair into a middle parting and form two symmetrical ponytails on the sides. From the top of the ponytail we pick up two thin strands and tie them into a simple ordinary knot. We lay the hair in the direction of the second tail. After 4-6 cm we tie the strands into a knot again. We repeat until the ends can be hidden under an elastic band or pinned with a bobby pin.

We weave the same “chain” from the second tail. After this, we collect the loose hair into spiral strands and slightly stretch the “snails” to the sides. The tails are secured inside with bobby pins.

Please note that children's hairstyles for girls with long hair can be repeated for middle length- the chain will simply consist of two halves.

Waves like a princess

Often the most favorite children's hairstyles for girls are with curls spread over the shoulders. To do this styling, you will need to occupy your little fidget for at least half an hour, because you will have to sit motionless while you handle the curling iron.

We put dry hair up. We start the work from the lowest strands, winding them onto a curling iron in a spiral. As we already wrote, girls have thin hair, so there is a temptation to curl the entire layer, but you shouldn’t do this. Divide the layers into 3-4 parts.

Straighten the finished curls with your fingers. You shouldn't use a brush, even a soft one, as the curls can straighten out.

Your head is a little buzzing, isn't it? But it’s tempting to try weaving for girls, the photo of which you noticed a little earlier. Actually, this is why we collected so much material.

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Little fashionistas are puzzled appearance no less than adults, so they Moms should always have a strategic reserve of 10 hairstyles for girls. It is worth considering that events in life young ladies so many. After school lessons need time to walk around. Calm get-togethers with girlfriends can instantly turn into running around from rowdy boys. And at this age any young girl Already worried about his appearance.

Hairstyles for long hair for girls 10 years old

Long hair is the pride of the fairer sex early years. If mom and her little princess have luxurious hair, a diverse world of hairstyles for long hair opens up to them. The selection below is dedicated to girls 10 years and older:

Classic bun with overlay

Hairstyle for sophisticated natures. A big plus - the strands don’t get in the way active pursuits. It’s easy to create a bun; every mother has probably done it for herself more than once. The main thing is to have a special foam rubber circle in the form of a thick bagel, two simple elastic bands and decoration (ribbon, beautiful bandage):

  • We collect the strands in a ponytail.
  • We put the bagel over the elastic band.
  • Cover the overlay with strands.
  • We fix them with a second elastic band.
  • We wrap the remaining hair around the base of the donut and decorate it with a beautiful accessory.

If you slightly wet your head before starting the manipulations, your hairstyle will have a “business lady” effect. For a touch of sophistication, wear a simple headband.

Bully bun

Suitable for naughty girls. Moms who want to add lightness and flirtiness to their look can safely try on the hairstyle for themselves. You will need three erasers (two rough, one beautiful), accessories, pencil:

  • Shag the mop with light finger movements and make a tail
  • Use a pencil to add volume to your hair: you need to tuck it under the strands on your head and lift it slightly.
  • Comb the tail.
  • We twist it into an airy bagel and secure it with an elastic band.
  • We wrap the rest of the tail around the bun and tie it with a ribbon.
  • We decorate the hair with hairpins.

The more clutter there is on the head, the more correct the appearance will be.

Fishtail or four-strand braid

It will add chic to your look. Using different hairpins will help adapt your hairstyle to suit all ages:

  • We distribute the hair into two halves and clasp each part with our hands.
  • WITH right side We take a thin strand and apply it small, grabbing it with the fingers of our left hand. And vice versa.
  • At the same time, add volume to each curl by fluffing the hair a little.
  • Let's tie it up beautiful bow. For mom - just an elastic band.

The braid looks elegant on the side.


Good for what you can do classic version to the mother, and the modern one to the girl. Or vice versa. Prepare an elastic band, ribbons, hairpins:

  • We separate three strands at the top of the head and begin to braid them.
  • Take a long curl of hair and braid it on each side.
  • Then we capture short strand, we braid.
  • When the entire head is braided, decorate with an accessory.

The good thing about the spikelet is that it is very diverse. It is made across the head, and around, and ribbons are woven into it.


For girls we use several elastic bands and a pair for mom:

  • We fix the tail high.
  • Let's backcomb it.
  • We bandage it in three or four places, for mom in two - in the middle and at the end.

Volume tail

A light hairstyle to give a solid look. You need an elastic band and small hair clips:

  • Comb your hair, make a small backcomb at the top of the head.
  • Place the combed strands on top of each other.
  • We fix it in the tail in the middle.

On the sides you can add hairpins with stones

Low bun

This is a lifesaver for busy moms. Suitable for quiet events:

  • We tie a low ponytail, the main thing is that it is not tight.
  • We give the head “fluffiness”.
  • We pull the elastic band back and twist the tail along its axis around the elastic band. You will get tied flagella.
  • We comb the remaining hair and put it on flagella.

Ready. For a mother, the bun can be secured with hairpins, for a girl, it can be secured with hairpins.

Quick curls

Every little fashionista and mother will appreciate it. There are several options:

  • We braid three braids at night. If you want a lot of small waves, do more braids. We apply foam and sleep.
  • In the morning we unravel the braids and add volume.

Second option:

  • Create three ponytails.
  • We make tight bundles - twist until the flagella themselves curl into small bundles. Secure with an elastic band.
  • We're sleeping. In the morning we dissolve everything.

Image for festive event ready.

Medium ponytail with side braid

This hairstyle for a 10-year-old girl will be a source of delight for her friends! Mom, after practicing on her daughter, can easily build one for herself. All you need is one rubber band and a little patience:

  • We make a side spikelet. We take three curls just above the ear and begin to braid the hair.
  • We grab two curls on each side of the future spikelet and weave them into the hairstyle.
  • We braid the tail in the middle of the head and tie it with an elastic band.

Spiral braid

This braid does not require hairdressing skills, but looks very impressive. You will need a couple of rubber bands:

  • Let's tie it up high ponytail.
  • Divide the tail into two parts.
  • We wrap each one in flagella.
  • We twist each other.
  • We fix it with a beautiful hairpin.

This hairstyle can be added with volume. You need to comb the tail, in this case make the strands weak.

Every mother can remember what daily looks she creates for herself, and based on them, she can create a hairstyle for a girl 10 years old and older, decorating her with only the necessary accessories.

If your hair is short. Hairstyles for girls. 12 express options

But let's not forget that not all fashionistas have long braids. If your hair is short, 12 hairstyles for girls will always be at your fingertips:

  1. We buy multi-colored mascara. We paint several curls on each side.
  2. We stock up on small crabs and use them to secure the hair on the sides. A few crabs on each side - the hairstyle is ready.
  3. Very cute on short curls ponytails look. Make them three! Not standard and beautiful
  4. Option based on the previous one. Buy a lot of elastic bands and make 5-7 ponytails.
  5. Spikelet. Yes, this hairstyle is not only for long hair. You can cheat and not braid the braid to the end of your head, but take three strands at a time and secure them with a bow on top.
  6. Numerous hairpins will come to the rescue when there is no time, but you want to give the girl festive look. Gather hair at the sides and secure with bow clips. The hairstyle is ready.
  7. Small braid from bangs. If you don’t have time to braid a spikelet, take a strand of hair, make a regular braid, and tie it with an elastic band. Both cheerfully and quickly.
  8. Buy a lot of crabs with flowers. They can easily be used to make a headband by pinning small strands around the circumference of the head.
  9. Bandages are very helpful. Comb your hair and put on a headband.
  10. You can add some zest to your look by making a few small African braids on the sides of the head.
  11. Tie one high ponytail from top hair, secure with a bow. Leave the rest of your hair loose. The shorter the hair, the more charming the hairstyle will be.
  12. And the curls will look very cute. Secure the strands overnight with small strands, loosen them in the morning, and comb them. The perky “lamb” is ready!

Every mother should know: the more hairpins, elastic bands, headbands and other attributes her daughter has, the easier it is to do hairstyles for a 10-year-old girl yourself, without the help of specialists, and most importantly - quickly!

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Beautiful hairstyles for girls

When choosing an outfit for a holiday for a girl, you should immediately think about a hairstyle that will be in harmony with the overall appearance. To perform installation you can use different techniques and tricks, as well as decorative decorations. By mastering some of our tips, as well as using a little of your own imagination, you can style your hair differently every time.

Easy beautiful hairstyles for girls

It is worth remembering that beautiful hairstyles for girls are not always difficult to achieve. In this case, it is necessary to collect the hair so that it does not interfere with the girl having fun at the holiday, playing and running. At the same time, it will be useful for any mother to master hairstyles for girls in 5 minutes, so as not to waste time on creation.

The simplest option would be a regular “bow”. On our website there is detailed description bow hairstyles, we offer step by step photo. This hairstyle can be done on a girl of any age, if the hair length is sufficient for styling.

We also offer a simple weaving option that not only a mother, but also a growing girl can handle.

Step by step photo

Step 1. Hair is collected in a high ponytail and divided into two equal parts.

Step 2. Select a small strand of hair from the bottom right and intertwine it left side as shown in the photo.

Step 3. Do the same with the strand on the left side.

Step 4. Repeat weaving until you achieve desired result and secure the original braid with an elastic band.

We offer several more options for easy hairstyles.

Beautiful and original hairstyles for girls for long and medium hair

Every mother or grandmother wants her princess to be the most beautiful at the holiday. At the same time, not everyone can do complex and beautiful styling. We offer our own version of an original and simple hairstyle. It is quite doable on both long and medium-length hair.

Step-by-step execution

Step 1. Separate the hair at the back of the head as shown in the photo and secure it with an elastic band.

Step 2. Loose hair is divided into partings and also secured with elastic bands. You should get 7 small ponytails around the circumference of your head (3 on top, 2 on the sides and 2 on the bottom).

Step 3. Each ponytail is divided into two strands. Take one strand at a time from adjacent ponytails and connect them into bundles and secure with pins. All ponytails are processed this way.

Step 4. The remaining ends are connected into a common tail.

Step 5. A strand of hair from the common ponytail is folded in half and the remaining hair is wound around it with a plait.

Step 6. Secure the hairstyle with pins and decorate it with a bow.

Or this option, when the original ponytails turn into graceful braids.

Beautiful hairstyles for girls for short hair

Short haircuts fit perfectly, even if a girl’s hair barely reaches her shoulders, you can create a beautiful and delicate hairstyle.

Step-by-step execution with photos

Step 1. Divide the hair into a side parting and begin to weave a regular French braid in a circle, grabbing the spindles from different sides.

Step 2. Finish the braiding with a regular three-row braid, which is secured with an elastic band and placed in the center of the parting, pinned.

Step 3. Each weaving element can be beautifully decorated with elegant hairpins of one color range, which will be in harmony with the suit.

More options for beautiful styling for short hair.

This is how beautiful it turns out.

Beautiful hairstyles for girls 10 years old

At this age, girls still want to look like princesses, but they are gradually starting to look at the hairstyles older girls do. 10-year-old girls should choose their hairstyle more carefully, since they already feel more mature. Ideal option in in this case There will be pigtails for girls with an element of adult styling.

Hairstyle with beautiful braids for girls: step-by-step photos

Step 1. Divide the hair into 3 parts (as shown in the photo) and pin each with a clip so as not to interfere with your work.

Beautiful hairstyles for ballroom dancing for girls

This is a separate topic for discussion, since there is a special code regarding of this type styling In terms of convenience, hair should be collected carefully so as not to interfere during the dance. The hairstyle should suit the style of the suit and the shape of the face. But most importantly, the hairstyle must correspond to the category of dancers. It should be remembered that both Latin American and European programs are represented in the tournaments. The couple should choose a styling style that matches both directions and is in harmony with the images.

The simplest option is to make a bun and beautifully decorate your head with a composition of individual strands. Hair is washed several hours before the performance, dried, and a fixing gel is applied. Long hair (or medium-length curls) is collected in a ponytail and twisted into a rope. You can select several thin strands in advance, which can then be styled using varnish and fixing pins. Hairstyles for ballroom dancing for girls it is customary to decorate with rhinestones and beads. After styling, the girl should be asked to shake her head well to make sure that the hairstyle is securely assembled and will not fall apart during the dance routine.

If the girl's hair is short, she should comb it, apply gel and style it using decorative materials. For registration standard hairstyle takes at least 1.5 hours.

Boys' hairstyles are styled with gel. Most often, partners choose simple, neat male haircuts, and before the performance, the hair is combed smoothly back, parted or beautifully decorated with bangs.

Hairstyles for girls for the New Year

New Year's holidays are the time of fairy-tale princesses, fairies and other popular fairy tale characters. And girls, of course, want to be the most beautiful at the matinee at school or in kindergarten. Much depends on the choice of costume.

Beautiful ones suit little fairies updo hairstyles with curls or loose curls, decorated with sparkles or decorative snowflakes.

To go with the Little Red Riding Hood look, you can let your hair down or put it in ponytails.

The traditional image of the Snow Maiden is not complete without a beautiful braid, but if the girl’s hair is not too long, then it is better to leave it loose.

Malvina’s look is often not complete without a wig, but if the girl’s hair is thick and long enough, then you can make a “malvinka” hairstyle and make a “bow” from the remaining ponytail.

You can always come up with fashionable hairstyles for girls; we invite you to familiarize yourself with several interesting options below.

Beautiful hairstyles for girls: photos

Choosing a hairstyle for school is no less important than shaping festive styling. Both first-graders and teenagers want to have fashionable and beautiful hairstyles. At the same time, the hairstyle should be quite strict, comfortable and neat. This moment has important for younger schoolchildren. Many mothers will be interested in information and step-by-step instruction to modern, beautiful and interesting hairstyles for the school, which will be presented below in the article.

Hairstyles for young fashionistas

Dull ponytails and braids, expressionless and shapeless haircuts have long since become a thing of the past. Depending on the length of the curls, the child must find his own image, choose a beautiful hairstyle for school that the girl will feel comfortable with.

When choosing a hairstyle, you need to consult with your daughter; you cannot force her to wear a hairstyle that she does not like. In this way, trust can be maintained in the relationship between parents and children. It must be remembered that a child of 7 or 8 years old has his own ideas about beauty.

Short hair

First, you need to decide what kind of styling you can come up with for school. The most popular option is a bob with or without bangs. This option can be installed different ways, refresh with unexpected details.

Hairstyles for children 10 years old bob, how to decorate:

Medium length hair

Fashionable hairstyles for girls 10 years old can be created on medium-length hair. Braids are universal option. In addition to the various other methods that were described above, you can create several more interesting bob-based hairstyles.

How to make an inverted ponytail:

Original bun:

Haircuts for girls 10 years old with long curls are very diverse. There is room for mom's imagination here. From long curls can be formed beautiful hairstyle. For example, you can learn how to braid your hair in an unusual way using several methods. Thus, the mother will be able to use her daughter to create masterpieces for the young fashionista every day. Some hairstyles for long hair will not require much time from parents to complete. A girl of 8 or 10 years old can learn to weave the most basic braids herself. This way, the child will be able to style his hair himself in case of an emergency.

Twisted tail

This hairstyle for an 11 year old girl is ideal option. She can perform it with her own hands for school. It’s not difficult to do this installation, the necessary steps are:

French waterfall for a 9 year old girl

You can make this hairstyle for long hair as summer version. Or for a birthday, this hairstyle will look very beautiful. To prevent the ends from being cut off, they need to be cut in advance, because on loose hair, unkempt ends will be very noticeable. This hairstyle can also be done on a 12-year-old girl.


Unusual hairstyles from two tails

Any mother can create such a cool hairstyle; it looks not only beautiful, but also neat. Execution method:

Hairstyles for teenagers

How to get a beautiful hairstyle for school? Typically, high school girls choose the most daring looks for themselves, trying to play up even their daily hair styling. Fashionable short haircuts are more common. Parents do not always agree with the choice of hairstyle.

A mother’s task is to tell her daughter which hairstyle will suit her, and experiment with her. Teenage girls can do many hairstyles themselves. If the need arises, the mother should help her daughter and offer to braid an original braid. You can also tell your daughter what styling products she can use.

How to diversify a short haircut

The following hairstyles are especially popular:

  1. Bob-car with a short nape.
  2. Kare various lengths, with or without bangs.
  3. Asymmetrical or ultra-thin haircuts.

Many girls at 14 or 15 years old try to dye their hair or lighten it. Discouraging or prohibiting is almost ineffective, so the child must be offered a compromise. For example, you can opt for ombre at the ends, or emphasizing some strands or highlighting to minimize the harmful effects of dyes. To dye all hair, you should use only professional ammonia-free dyes. They will carefully color every hair and will not cause any particular harm to the child’s curls.

How to diversify styling

If a child of 10 years old has a bob haircut, then you can diversify it with a wide headband, a hoop with flowers, or beautiful bandages. It is also permissible to do small braids. If a girl has a fashionable short haircut, then it can be styled in different ways using foam, mousse or hairspray.

Every mother should explain to her daughter that styling using a hot curling iron or flat iron should be done as rarely as possible. Because curling irons, hair dryers or straightening irons dry out the hair very much. If your hair needs straightening or adding volume, then you need to use the best professional tools With ceramic surface. To produce a gentle curl, you need to use Velcro curlers or curlers.

Styling for medium and long hair

The following styling options are suitable for a schoolgirl, which will not take much time and are easy to implement:

  1. Tail.
  2. Scythe.
  3. Bun.

A girl can create these basic hairstyles for school on her own without the help of her parents in 5 minutes. You need to choose the following simple options styling, which will be given below:

Another hairstyle option:

  1. The girl needs to collect low or a fairly high ponytail.
  2. Using a corrugated curling iron, you need to create volume around the elastic band.

Beautiful ponytail hairstyle:

  1. It is necessary to use a curling iron attachment with a corrugated shape with narrow waves.
  2. Individual sections of hair strands need to be treated with hairspray.
  3. Thus, the hairstyle will last better and longer.
  4. Using this method you can create an original wavy pattern on your hair.

Creative braid for a 10 year old child

Girls are happy to wear original and fashionable braids. Except French variation V different options, the mermaid braid looks original. Such styling is suitable for any hair type, it perfectly hides insufficient thick hair. How to weave:

Hair bow

This unusual styling is appropriate not only for festive evening, but also for every day. This styling can be done in 15 minutes, but before that you need to practice a little. How to do a bow hairstyle:

If the child’s hair is not long enough to form a beautiful “bow,” then this is not a problem. You can get your hair done at occipital zone. A low hair bow looks stylish and elegant. If this hairstyle is done for school, then it can be decorated with a small flower or hairpins with beads at the end.

"Malvina" for teenagers

This installation method with soft waves or without them, suitable for every day. If you don’t have enough time, then you don’t need to create curls; Malvinka looks great on straight hair. Curls can be styled with or without bangs. Hairstyle method:

The second version of the hairstyle looks much softer and more romantic. But it’s just as easy to do. Narrow strands must be separated from each side at the temples and twisted into flagella. The resulting orders need to be collected with an elastic band. The junction should be wrapped with hair or decorated with a hairpin.

Another hairstyle option:

To perform the Malvina hairstyle, the strands must be clean. If the child has not had time to wash his hair, then it is advisable to make a high ponytail, then weave a braid out of it or twist a tourniquet. Another type is tall or low bun depending on the length of the curls.