Birthday poster for a 6 year old girl. Happy birthday posters. Fun for young princes and princesses

Congratulations to my son for 6 years

Congratulations son
Happy birthday!
You just turned six.
In this joyful
Day wonderful
I wish you to be happy in fate.
You grow up baby
My son, remote,
Get smart and learn.
There will be hardships
If different,
Don't give up and hold on tight.
And now, my dear,
My pretty
I give this cake as a gift.
Let's drink tea
We'll talk to you
I give my soul to you.

Poem for a 6 year old boy

Responsibly so congratulate on the sixth anniversary,
After all, you are a schoolboy now without five minutes.
And you need to use all your eloquence,
Come true, so that all wishes from us.
Let your talents find application,
There will be no barriers and there will be no losses.
All you have to do is think of everything on your birthday,
It will come true, just believe!

Congratulations for 6 years

My friend, happy birthday!
You are six today!
Talents and skills
Don't count yours!
Everyone is happier, more fervent
We want to grow up.
Get ready to study
And help mom!

Congratulations to my son for 6 years

Son! You are six today
Waiting for school in September.
Friends-comrades can not be counted,
In the garden and in the yard.
How you have grown by the age of six!
You can do a lot
You are already reading books
Draw, sculpt, glue.
Children look with delight
How skilled you are!
Sonny! Grow up big
Good, kind, brave!

Congratulation 6 years old

Today is a holiday for everyone
The sound of children's laughter
Our baby is six years old
We wish you many victories
In study, in play, and in work
And you will overcome every adversity
May luck be on your way
A lot of interesting things are ahead of you
For little things you never be sad
And mom, dad cherish
You be successful in life
And don't forget your family!

Congratulations to son 6 years old

My dear person
It's been 6 years for you.
Happy birthday, happiness, affection,
Enjoy childhood fairy tale.
Let the fun bubbling
Under holy skies
So that you believe in a miracle for a century,
That will go with you everywhere.
I beg you
Take care of yourself forever.
Stay healthy, keep hope
And love warmly and tenderly.

In a few days your little one is 5 or 6 years old...

Let's arrange a fabulous princess ball for her and her friends birthday!

I offer you non-standard ideas for a scenario for a girl's children's birthday party with royal gifts and magical experiences for home and cafe.

Home ball of little princesses

Where does each ball begin? That's right, from making a list of invited guests.

Entrust the birthday girl to participate in the choice of friends whom she wants to invite to her holiday.

Let the royal invitation be bright and attractive for kids:

  • Colored A4 paper - no problem!
    Well, if you pick up pink shades.
  • The sheet is folded in half to form the silhouette of a postcard.
  • Then we cut out a funny crown from yellow or silver paper and stick it on colored paper.
  • Inside the card, write an original invitation to the little guests in the royal style.
  • You can also roll the invitation into a tube, decorate with “royal seals” or paper flowers.

Parents of invited children must be informed in advance about the upcoming masquerade. Then the girls will be dressed like fairy princesses in magnificent bright dresses, and the boys will be dressed in fairy costumes of princes and knights.

A bit of magic or how to decorate the room for the birthday of a five-year-old princess

Choose the color scheme that will reign in the room for the celebration. In accordance with the theme of little princesses, you should give preference to pink, purple, golden tones.

Now let's decorate the table!

Find a tablecloth in the color of the overall design - it will be wonderful.

Well, if it is large enough, with hanging ends. On them you can pin-tie bows of colorful fabric or tinsel.

Lay out bright stars from colored paper on an elegant tablecloth.

The glasses of young princes and princesses should look festive - decorate them with crown emblems using double-sided tape.

You can complement the decor of the room with homemade flowers attached to the walls.

Now look around: if your efforts have turned an ordinary city apartment into a fairy-tale castle of little princesses, and the table is bursting with sweets and other yummy things, then it’s time to dress up the birthday girl and meet the guests!

Welcoming important guests

To meet little princes and princesses at a festive celebration relies on playful curtsies.

Give the kids pre-prepared golden crowns. They can be made from brightly colored paper.

And it doesn't have to be golden or yellow - the little blue crown will also appeal to children.

Just be sure to think about how it will be attached to festive hairstyles: girls will be happy with jewelry with rubber bands or hairpins, boys will curiously look at each other's crowns attached with Velcro to the suit. Show your imagination in this!

And finally, the little guests enter the room and begin to congratulate the birthday girl. Imagine how touching and funny it will be when guests of "royal blood" say pleasant words of congratulations to their girlfriend.

And if at home they learn a rhyme in advance, then everyone will have fun!

It's time for the best part - gifts! And then for the sweet table ...

Fun for young princes and princesses

What is a children's holiday without competitions and fun entertainment?!

Children always love creativity, so in addition to the gifts already given, they can create their own gifts.

wish drawing

Give the kids sheets of drawing paper and felt-tip pens. Guests can draw any nice thing they want for the birthday girl.

The birthday girl chooses the best artist, who is rewarded with a prize.

If the child is shy to express himself, do not force him. You can ask him to leave a mark on paper with paints or circle the baby's hand.

Now it's time for the Mystery Pouch Contest!

It contains a variety of items, ranging from toys to children's socks, filled with plain crumpled paper.

Have the children stick the pen into the bag and, without pulling out the object, guess what it is.

If there are only soft toys in the bag, then you can invite the participants to guess the animal.

The competition called "royal statues" is very popular with children

Children dance to cheerful cheerful music. Suddenly the melody breaks off, and the children freeze in various funny poses. The main birthday princess walks and chooses the most interesting figurine.

You can compete to see who can stand still the longest. The contest continues until a winner is revealed. You can reward the winner with a sweet souvenir.

Royal Mail is a fun and exciting game for kids

It reminds everyone of the familiar “broken phone”. Children sit side by side in a chain. The first leader says a word or phrase in his ear. (Adults actively help their little ones!)

The word is transmitted, slightly changing, to the last child. Prizes are awarded to all members of the team if the word has reached the last player without change.

It’s good at home, but in a restaurant ... you can too

Let's try to figure out how to make the best Royal Birthday for a 5-6 year old daughter in a restaurant or cafe.

In order for this holiday to really surprise young guests, consider the following:

  • Not every institution is suitable for a children's celebration.
  • Well, if you find a children's cafe. But you can also choose a restaurant with a children's room.

But it must also meet certain conditions:

  • Since the slogan of the holiday is “little princesses”, the room should also be fabulous. The best thing for this theme is a room decorated in the form of a castle.
  • The room should be of sufficient size, especially if the number of small guests is impressive enough.
    After all, small children are very active and will not sit at the table for a long time. Young guests are much more interested in the entertainment program, for which space is needed.

Decorations will help to give the children's room a special magical charm.

  • Make a congratulatory newspaper. On it is a photo of the birthday girl, drawings and kind words.
    Place the poster in front of the festive table or at the entrance to the hall.
  • You can complement the magical atmosphere with garlands hung on the ceiling of the room. Multi-colored helium balloons will be just right for the theme.
  • It's good if the children's room of the restaurant has the opportunity to organize an impromptu throne. Bring a bright, shiny fabric with you and ask to drape it on a chair for the baby.

When the guests come to congratulate the birthday girl, she will meet them really like a king, towering on the throne.

In addition, the hall can be decorated with life-size puppets, which are easy to rent. It is advisable to choose fairy-tale characters - puppets of princes, pages or knights.

court entertainment

The contests, which are described below, are suitable both for the scenario of celebrating a girl's birthday at home, and in a restaurant and cafe.

The Queen's Treasure Contest is an exciting search game

For the competition you will need chocolate coins in foil or sweets in gold wrappers. They are placed in a chest or a decorated wicker basket.

One of the princesses is blindfolded, given a wooden spoon in her hand and untwisted. She must find the treasure and scoop it up with a spoon under the prompts of the guests “hot-cold”.

Guess the hero

Cards with the image of fairy princesses and characters of famous cartoons are laid out on the table. Cards are placed face down.

Each guest takes one and must guess the depicted character.

dress up the doll

There are several dolls on the floor, each of which must be dressed. There are a lot of outfits, and they are mixed up in color and size. The winner is the one who managed to collect the whole image and dress the doll first.

royal tower

Children need to build a tall tower of blocks. Give me a Lego-type constructor or any other constructor from which you can build a structure.

The winner is the owner of the highest tower for the princess.

Find a couple

Guests are given stars cut out of yellow cardboard. Children need to decorate them with felt-tip pens. The players are divided into pairs, each must draw their own pattern (dog, house, circle, sun) on two stars.

The images are then flipped and blended. Each guest tries his luck by trying to find paired stars at random.

If you liked my ideas, and moms and dads add a little of their imagination and fiction to them, then your daughter will be the happiest princess in the world on her birthday!

Wall newspaper- this is a special kind of "press", which is made by hand and is made in a single copy. For this, a single sheet of A1 size high-density paper (594 mm wide and 841 mm long) is mainly used, on which an image and text is printed using a printer or drawn by hand. There are various wall newspapers: school, holiday, news, humorous, student, army, etc. But there is also their special variety - a wall newspaper for a child's birthday.

As the name implies, the release of such a wall newspaper is timed to coincide with the most important children's holiday - a birthday. Of course, all the information in it, one way or another, should be devoted to the birthday man and all topics related to this significant event.

What, why and why?

Why do you need a wall newspaper? It performs several functions at once:

1) This is an interesting and accessible form of congratulations for a child.

2) This is a good way to show attention from parents, relatives and friends.

3) This will be a good souvenir for memory: later on, it will be interesting for a child (and especially an adult) to review old wall newspapers and immerse themselves in warm memories.

4) This is a fun entertainment - the very process of creating a wall newspaper brings a lot of positive emotions to all those who take part in it (the birthday person himself can be included in their number, if desired).

5) This is one of the elements of the festive decoration of the home: an appropriate color is created that affects the mood of the guests. In addition, it will be interesting for the invitees to familiarize themselves with the contents of the wall newspaper - this can even become one of the children's games during the celebration.

Instructions for beginner "newspapermen"

How to create your own wall newspaper? There is nothing difficult in this. You will need a sheet of paper, a collection of photographs, felt-tip pens or paints, pencils, a pen, a ruler, glue, push pins, paper clips, and adhesive tape. If you have a computer, printer, scanner and copier, they can also come in handy.

The creation process can be divided into stages:

1) First you need to figure out where the wall newspaper will be placed.

If in the case of traditional printed publications everything is clear (they are sold at newsstands or brought by the postman), then the situation is different with the wall newspaper: it must be placed on the wall. Actually, this is reflected in the title of this publication. It would be most logical to attach a wall newspaper to one of the free walls in the birthday room. If for some reason this does not work out, you can use a corridor for this purpose. Hanging a wall newspaper in the kitchen or bathroom is not worth it.

2) Allocate newspaper space.

Before starting the creative process, you need to draw up a clear plan: what information will be placed, in which part of the newspaper, how much free space to allocate for it. As a rule, at least three key blocks are created:

  • A congratulatory inscription (for example, “Happy birthday, Petya!” Or “Congratulations to Petunya on her 5th birthday!”). Usually it does not take up much space, but it should be clearly visible - large letters, bright colors.
  • A selection of photographs (both the birthday man himself, and friends, relatives, as well as drawings with any characters from fairy tales or cartoons). This is the most voluminous part of the wall newspaper - it occupies most of the free space.
  • Text block (it can be poems, birthday wishes, interesting news, etc.) You should not overload the newspaper with textual information, especially if readers are not yet in trouble with independent reading.

3) Prepare the layout.

When the plan of the newspaper is drawn up, you need to “make up” a trial version: lay out photographs on a sheet of A1 paper, try on letters from a congratulatory inscription, choose the font size for poems, choose the optimal color scheme, etc.

A ready-made template layout can be found on the Internet - in this case, you just need to print it out on a printer, and then, if necessary, paste photos or any applications. In a more advanced version (this will already turn out to be a real professional newspaper), the layout can be completely created on a computer using any graphic editor, then all that remains is to print it.

Here are examples and ideas for creating a wall newspaper:

4) Attach the newspaper to the wall.

The most solid and convenient option is to put the newspaper in a frame and place it on the wall. An easier way is to use buttons or tape (in this case, there is a risk of damaging the wallpaper or other home decor elements).

1) In order for the wall newspaper for the child’s birthday to be a success, it is desirable that it fits into the thematic direction of the holiday.

2) If children read with difficulty (or do not know how to read at all), one of the child's parents can read the newspaper.

3) The most popular version of the newspaper is a collage of photographs with captions. It can be a photo of a birthday person at different ages, friends and relatives with wishes, etc.

4) Using humor will always be a great way to spice up a homemade print. Jokes, funny poems, funny photos and pictures, as well as comments on them - great content for the newspaper!

The Supervillain wants to take the birthday boy with him. To prevent this from happening, the boys have to overcome evil in five different ways.


Creating a festive mood, developing positive qualities.


Posters of Spiderman, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Fixies, Lego Ninjago, magic symbols. Stretching congratulations in heroic style.


  • A note describing the appearance of the birthday boy;
  • Lego;
  • Threads;
  • Balloons;
  • Posters depicting earth, water and air, images of animals;
  • A basin of water, a glass of earth;
  • Cards with images of tools;
  • In the briefcase-assistant: adhesive tape (duct tape), plasticine (chewing gum), a hammer, a screwdriver, a needle and thread, a stapler; on the table: a leaky tube, detail, nail, screw, button, sheets of paper;
  • Festive cake.


  • Supervillain - host

Event progress

Leading: Hi guys! I know for sure that some of you have a birthday today! I just can't figure out which one! Let's try to guess!

"Trying" to determine the birthday man, but he fails.

Leading: Well, let's go the other way - deductive! Then they handed me a note describing the appearance of the birthday man. Let's guess!

Reads the contents of the note aloud: "Medium height, dark hair, big brown eyes with long eyelashes, thin lips ...".

Leading: Hooray! I figured out which one of you is the birthday boy! But until I'm sure, I won't point it out! Let's do this: I will call any action, and you, if the birthday boy likes it, clap, if you don't like it - stomp!

Plays a like-dislike game. After it points to the birthday boy.

Leading: So I found you, Seryozha (name of the birthday man)! You are the missing link that I lack to conquer the world! I am a supervillain! Will you fly with me into space? Will you be my successor? I'll teach you all sorts of bad things!

The birthday boy refuses.

Super Evil: Are you sure you can resist me? Can you defeat me?

The child answers.

Super Evil: Hmm, only 5 heroes can defeat me, and you are definitely not on their list! Let's see if you and your friends have all the necessary skills to defeat me!

The kids agree to be tested.

Super Evil: Only immediately an agreement - if I win, then I take the birthday boy with me! If you win, I will give you a beautiful and delicious cake with my own hands so that you can celebrate your birthday! Deal?

Hit with palms.

Super Evil: In last place in the top five of those who can handle me are Lego Ninjago! These toys are very smart and cunning. I remember that they were able to defeat me in the form of a snake. But will you be able to do it? Now let's check!

Holds contests using Lego parts:

  • "High Tower": You need to build a dungeon tower for villains from cubes so that it is high and stands for at least half a minute.
  • "Bridge over the river": To catch up with the villain, you need to cross to the other side, without a bridge this will not work. We need to build a bridge across the river as soon as possible.
  • "Powerful weapon": Of all the Lego parts, you need to choose only red ones and use them to build a weapon from which the Supervillain will be defeated.

Super Evil: Well, at this stage you have won, but I have not given up yet! The next hero is Spider-Man! Do you know this?

They answer that they know.

Super Evil: Then get ready for battle!

Super Evil: And in this image, I was not the strongest. But next time I'll definitely win! I'm sure! Because you can't turn into tough-shelled turtles! To defeat me, you need to plunge into the world of martial arts!

Conducts a combat master class, showing some simple tricks to the music. Children repeat after him.

After that, the test "Burn the balloon" is carried out.

A balloon is tied to the right leg of the guys. The task of the players is to burst someone else's balloon and try to save their own. The winner can be given a small souvenir.

Super Evil: How clever and brave you are! But with the following heroes of the magic circle, you definitely won’t be able to relate yourself! These are the Mages of Earth, Water and Air! What? Can you? To drive me away, you need to combine all these elements!

At this stage, competitions are held:

  • "Find the Element": The poster depicts earth, water and air. Children receive cards with pictures of various animals. Their task is to stick a card to the desired element. Fish, whale - water. Birds, flying insects - air. Animals are earth.
  • "Unification of the Elements": Children are given a basin of water, earth, a balloon. Their task is to make the ball sink. Children must guess that for this you need to fill the balloon with earth and tie it.

Super Evil: Well, you have passed one more test. But you definitely won’t become the last heroes! You will not be able to cope with me in the face of the last heroes! Do you know why? Because you are still children! And not every adult will cope with such tasks! I'm turning into a breakdown! Who's doing everything for us?

Children answer that Fixies!

Super Evil: That's it, and you can fix me - a malfunction? This is what we are going to check now!

First, Supervillain tests the children's knowledge of tools. He shows them a picture of the instrument, the children must say its name. Then he does tests. All the necessary tools are in the portfolio - helper.

Children need to fix the problem by choosing the necessary material or tool on their own:

  • Patch holes in the pipe - tape or electrical tape;
  • Glue the fallen off part - chewing gum or plasticine;
  • To hammer in a nail - a hammer;
  • Unscrew the screw - screwdriver;
  • Sew on a button - a needle and thread;
  • Fasten sheets of paper - stapler.

Super Evil: Guys, you are so smart and brave! So dexterous! Are you sure you don't want to come with me? I can take you all to my ship! Together we will destroy the earth! Well, how? Will we fly?

The children answer.

Super Evil: No, it's not! But you still think. I remember the terms of our deal. You win, so the cake is yours!

A cake is brought into the room. The birthday boy makes a wish, blows out the candles.

Super Evil: Well, if you don't want to come with me, then I'll fly alone! Hope we don't meet again! Farewell (runs away)!