Shugaring of the upper lip - reviews. Why does sugar make hair thinner? Preparing for a session

Shugaring: we prepare, we carry out the procedure on our own, we make pasta with our own hands.

Hair removal is a topic that begins to interest even teenagers and does not lose its relevance throughout the life of a woman. Moreover, it is worth noting that the issue of hair removal arose even before our era, but there is still no consensus on hair removal. Each method has its adherents and there are those who are categorically against this or that method. In this article, we will reveal the topic of shugaring, its advantages and disadvantages, teach you how to do it yourself at home, and also talk about where it is cheapest to buy material for work.

What is shugaring?

Sugaring comes from the English word sugar (sugar). This is a procedure for removing hair from all skin integuments with the help of a thick sugar paste prepared according to a special recipe. The procedure itself is as ancient as our world and was popular with the famous Cleopatra.

Do-it-yourself shugaring for beginners: preparation for the procedure, tips

So, it all starts with preparation for the procedure. You need to start preparing weeks before the start.

  • Stop shaving your hair. At the time of the first procedure, the length of the hair must be at least 0.5 cm, otherwise the necessary hair capture will not occur;
  • Once a week, scrub the areas of the skin that you plan to epilate, rub the area with a washcloth once a day for the last week. This is necessary in order to release as much hair as possible for perfect epilation;
  • Do not moisturize, cover with oil the skin areas that will be epilated in the last 3-4 days;
  • It is recommended to perform the epilation procedure in the first 3-4 days after the cessation of menstruation, thus, you will immediately set the necessary pace for subsequent procedures, and also minimize the pain of the procedure, since these days the skin is the least sensitive.

Also, to minimize soreness, consider:

  • Time of day: less painful in the evening;
  • Phases of the cycle of menstruation: choose the first days of the cycle;
  • Temperature of the remedy: too hot will burn, cold will work poorly and cause pain;
  • The presence of alcohol in the blood: know that you are afraid of pain - drink a glass of wine before the procedure;
  • Emotional mood. Be prepared and accept as a fact that the procedure can cause discomfort and it will be easier to go through it consciously.

How to buy sugaring paste on Aliexpress?

If you decide to carry out shugaring at home and not overpay money in beauty salons, we recommend that you look at the most popular Chinese website Aliexpress where you can buy not only paste, but also all the necessary components for successful shugaring both at home and in salon conditions.

Interested? Then follow this link and looking for everything you need for shugaring!

Sugaring: does it hurt for the first time and how to make sugaring painless?

It just so happened, due to our mentality, any self-care procedure is fraught with a lot of rumors and legends.

Needless to say about hair removal, and even more so the method, during the first procedure of which there is a painful sensation. You should not be afraid of this, because this is a completely insignificant discomfort after which within 25-30 days you will forget that you have hair growing on your legs or in the bikini area. What can we say about how to get rid of hair in the armpits for a whole month? Isn't that the dream of many women?

In order to make the sugaring procedure as painless as possible, schedule the procedure for the first days of the menstrual cycle in the evening. Turn on pleasant music, drink a glass of wine or any other favorite alcoholic drink, contact an experienced specialist for the first time, relax and expect an amazing transformation!

Are you surprised that this list does not include a word about pain relief? Indeed, such gels and sprays are widely advertised, but as statistics show, they are ineffective and expensive. But if you want to use such a remedy, 30 minutes before the procedure, drink any general pain reliever that you resort to during menstruation or painful situations. For example, ketanol, analgin, etc.

Shugaring - a deep bikini to yourself: a step-by-step technique

For a deep bikini procedure, it is best to first consult a specialist, and in subsequent cases, if you do not have excellent flexibility, the help of a second person will not hurt.

And now directly to the procedure:

  • Steam the body, so the procedure will be much easier or clean the skin against hair growth with a damp cloth, thereby removing dust and excess fat;
  • Dry thoroughly with a towel and work with powder, in the process also do not forget to add it to avoid sticking of the mass;
  • Rub into the skin with a pre-epilation skin care product. This is not required, but desirable;
  • Take a little paste, warm it up with your hands if necessary and apply to the skin against the hairline;
  • Work from top to bottom, so you can easily complete the task in a short time;
  • Do not overexpose the paste on the body, otherwise it will leak and you can remove it only with warm water, do not try to tear off the leaked paste, as this can injure the body;
  • Tear off the strip sharply along the hairline, if you feel pain - press down on the treated area with your hand to relieve pain;
  • For better adhesion, sprinkle the treated area with powder;
  • You can’t go through one area more than 3 times, if it didn’t work out this time to remove it with a paste, go through it with tweezers;
  • If necessary, give yourself time to rest, you should not speed up the procedure if you do it yourself, because you can devote as much time to yourself as you need;
  • After the procedure, it is necessary to wash the skin area with warm water or treat it with wet wipes;
  • After the procedure, apply a moisturizer, and if you suddenly find bruising - ointment so that the blood does not stagnate and the areas of irritation heal faster.

In the next few days, do not visit the pool, sauna and beach. Enjoy!

Video: Sugaring bikini in 5 minutes. Shugaring bikini video. Bikini depilation with Oasis paste

Video: Shugaring legs and arms

Video: Sugaring armpits

Video: Shugaring on the face of the antennae of the upper lip and chin

Video: Eyebrow Shugaring

Sugaring: care after the procedure

If you have sensitive skin, then after the first procedures, you may find redness, inflamed areas and even bruising on the skin. Do not worry, it is enough to prepare in advance and stock up on special tools that must be applied after shugaring.

  • Apply deodorants;
  • Smear the skin with non-special creams to avoid clogging of pores;
  • Visit the solarium, beach, sauna, play sports.
  • Allow the body to "breathe" and do not wear tight-fitting clothing;
  • Moisturize the skin.

Of course, many are interested in the effect after the procedure, but we recommend that you familiarize yourself not only with the photos before and after, but with the photos before, after the first procedure and after six months of shugaring. The skin becomes elastic, healthy, the hair is much smaller, they are thinner and lighter.

Sugaring - photo: before and after

Sugaring - photo: before and after

Sugaring - photo: before and after

Sugaring: pros and cons, contraindications and side effects

In the last century, the procedure temporarily gave way to other methods, but in recent years it has returned to the top of popularity again due to its qualities and advantages.

So, the benefits of shugaring:

  • The naturalness of the procedure is, accordingly, sugaring is hypoallergenic. The compositions of classic pastes include sugar, water and a stabilizer (for example, citric acid);
  • Does not irritate the skin and is suitable for people with sensitive skin;
  • Removes hair of any color and thickness;
  • If sugaring is the first type of hair removal in a teenager, the probability of reducing hair growth is up to 70%;
  • With each procedure, hair follicles are removed more easily and painlessly, and new hair grows in their place not earlier than after 3 weeks;
  • The frequency of the procedure is once every 3-4 weeks, which significantly saves time for self-care;
  • Comfort. A warm paste is applied to the body and does not cause discomfort. Also, the hair breaks out along the hair growth, which is less painful. The first procedure may cause discomfort and pain, but already at the third procedure you will feel comfortable;
  • Complex impact. Warm paste softens the skin and opens the pores, which makes the epilation process comfortable, in addition, the pores themselves are cleaned during the epilation process, and it also removes the dead layer of the epithelium, polishes and cares for the skin;
  • Possibility of self-preparation of pasta, as well as self-treatment of hair removal. And accordingly, the procedure is quite budgetary.

But where there are advantages, there are also disadvantages:

  • The duration of the procedure. In order to perform shugaring of the legs, bikini area and armpits, it will take about 1.5-2 hours;
  • The process of making pasta on its own is difficult to control the temperature and it is easy to spoil it by undercooking or overcooking on fire.

As well as contraindications:

  • Wounds, burns, herpes and other skin lesions - wait for complete healing and only after that you can carry out the procedure;
  • Chronic skin diseases: psoriasis, eczema, dermatitis and other diseases;
  • Infectious diseases of the skin. It is possible to resume only after you complete the full course of treatment and the doctor gives permission to depilate the hair in this area;
  • Varicose veins of 3-4 stages, thrombosis. Shugaring, like waxing, mechanical hair removal will provoke an exacerbation of the disease;
  • Diabetes. It has not been scientifically proven, but absorption of glucose through the skin is theoretically allowed, so it's not worth the risk;
  • Epilepsy. Any painful sensations can provoke a new attack;
  • Benign neoplasms. You can depilate but bypassing the neoplasm by a few centimeters;
  • Irritation, allergic reaction and other skin damage until complete recovery.

Sugaring: how long does the result last?

After the first procedure, the first single hairs may appear a week after the procedure. It depends on the cycle of hair growth (three growth cycles).

After the second or third procedure, the first hairs appear no earlier than after 23 weeks, and the procedure is carried out every 3-4 weeks.

How to cook, cook your own shugaring paste with citric acid, lemon, honey, vinegar, in the microwave: recipe

For those who decide to cook their own pasta, we recommend two recipes. The first is hypoallergenic and suitable for everyone.

  • 6 art. spoons of sugar
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of water
  • 2 teaspoons citric acid

Mix everything thoroughly and put in the microwave for 2 minutes. If the microwave is powerful - for 1 minute, take it out and if it is still light yellow, put it on for another 1 minute.

Remember, after cooking, the pasta has a light brown color. After it cools - the color of cognac.

And now the recipe with honey:

  • 250 gr. Sahara
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of honey
  • 1 st. a spoonful of water
  • 0.5 tsp vinegar

Mix and send in the microwave (2 minutes) or in a water bath until light brown. Leave to cool for 10-15 minutes, during which it should reach the color of cognac.

At what age can you do sugaring?

The first significant hairs begin to appear at the age of 9-10, and for many, much later. Accordingly, girls become uncomfortable, and mothers have a question - is it too early. There are no age-related contraindications to shugaring, on the contrary, if the first method of hair removal is shugaring, there is every chance to solve the problem until adulthood and only a small amount of whitish hair will grow.

How often should you do sugaring, how to do it in autumn and winter?

In the cold season, hair growth in some girls slows down significantly, and if the sugaring procedure is carried out for more than a year, many note that it is enough to do it once every two months. But the main factor is yourself. Do the procedure as soon as the hair begins to create discomfort.

Is it possible for pregnant women to do shugaring of a deep bikini?

If before pregnancy a woman constantly did shugaring and does not feel discomfort during the procedure, she can continue it. But if there is a threat of termination of pregnancy, the tone of the uterus is increased, etc. postpone the procedure until the end of pregnancy. After all, at this time, the bearing of a baby is the most important.

Shugaring: reviews

Mariana: the first time I was afraid to go for the procedure, they scared me with the pain of the procedure. But she survived it steadfastly, and the second time she set off without fear at all. Today I’ve been doing shugaring for more than two years now - I recommend it to everyone, the hair has become much less and they don’t irritate like that!

Inna: I've been doing sugaring for a few years now - everything is fine. This time I'm taking my daughter - we're getting used to taking care of ourselves.

Video: Shugaring. Paste for shugaring. We cook it right! THE RECIPE IS TESTED FOR YEARS!

The portal contains addresses and phone numbers of beauty salons where there is face sugaring, in particular the upper lip in Moscow. It is above the upper lip that unwanted vegetation of small length most often appears. Facial hair is easily removed with sugar paste, allowing the girl to not think about this small problem for about a month.

The tables, convenient for comparison, contain prices for shugaring of the upper lip and facial zone in Moscow, which will allow visitors to the portal to choose the best option in terms of cost. Reviews about face shugaring left by clients of beauty salons will also be useful.

The nuances of shugaring the facial zone

During the manipulations of the master, pain is almost completely absent - discomfort may occur during the first procedure, when the client is not yet completely mentally prepared.

On average, one session lasts up to an hour and a half. This is painstaking work that does not tolerate haste. When shugaring above the upper lip against hair growth, a small portion of the paste is carefully applied. A strip is attached and leveled from above, which the master sharply removes after 20-30 seconds.

After shugaring, it is better not to visit the solarium for several days and avoid exposure to bright sunlight, as this is fraught with burns and unwanted skin pigmentation. Sugar depilation of the face does not irritate the skin, so immediately after the procedure you can safely go for a walk. Sensitive skin owners may have to wait a bit until the redness subsides.

Painlessly get rid of unwanted hairs for women offers hair removal salon in Moscow "Epil Salon". With us you can do shugaring over the upper lip for a moderate fee and without unnecessary fears.

Benefits of the procedure

The cosmetic procedure of upper lip shugaring has many advantages compared to other methods of hair removal:

  1. Efficiency of carrying out and long-term effect. The achieved result lasts up to 3 weeks on average! The procedure takes only a few minutes.
  2. Low price. The cost of the compositions and materials used is minimal.
  3. Does not cause an allergic reaction and does not irritate the skin. Sugar paste is hypoallergenic and does not irritate the skin.
  4. Effective removal with sugaring even short hairs above the upper lip. After the applied mixture hardens, hairs of 3 mm in length are rigidly fixed in it, which makes it easy to remove them as a result of pulling off the caramel layer.
  5. Removal of dead skin cells. The procedure simultaneously helps to get rid of dead cells of the skin epithelium.

Prices for shugaring in our salon

Draw your attention to!

In our salon, sugar hair removal (sugaring) is done exclusively manually. The main advantage of this technique is the work by hands without the use of bandages or other auxiliary materials.

Photo Before and After




How to properly prepare

Before you visit the salon of cosmetology and SPA-procedures "Epil Salon" for shugaring over the upper lip, it is recommended to prepare:

  1. Do not use other epilation methods. This should not be done at least 7 days before you scheduled your session.
  2. 24 hours before the procedure:
    • you can not sunbathe in the sun and visit the solarium;
    • you need to stop using self-tanning;
    • cosmetic wrapping is not allowed.
  3. On the day of the procedure:
    • do not resort to cosmetics that further injure the skin (peeling and scrub);
    • avoid using moisturizer, lotion, perfume, and deodorants;
    • do not perform activities that cause a prolonged increase in body temperature and increased sweating (bath, sports, etc.).


Shugaring over the upper lip is performed step by step:

  • preparation of a sugar mixture (paste) and its heating to body temperature;
  • skin treatment with a special lotion;
  • uniform application in the direction against hair growth of a sticky-sweet composition on the treated skin surface;
  • applying a thin strip of cotton fabric to the skin of the upper lip, one end of it should be free;
  • after complete drying of the applied composition, the cotton strip is torn off in the direction of hair growth;
  • the remains of sugar paste are washed off with water;
  • hygienic treatment of the skin with a soothing lotion.

Care after epilation

When the shugaring of the hairs above the upper lip is successfully completed, it is worth following several recommendations from the cosmetologist:

  • from 6 to 12 hours it is undesirable to wet the treatment site;
  • a hot bath, a visit to the bathhouse, hard physical labor and intense sports are contraindicated for up to 3 days;
  • until the complete healing of skin lesions, you can not sunbathe and visit the solarium;
  • chlorinated pool water is also banned for 72 hours.


All the beautiful and very beautiful - peace and goodness!

I'll confess a little and "shine" the photographs, which, in principle, are not intended for public viewing. But without a photo, such eloquence does not have much meaning ...

Frankly, I came to the need to deal with the hairs above the upper lip by accident. Of course, I paid attention to the fact that especially dark, longish and very noticeable hairs grow at the corners of the lips ... I pulled out a couple of tweezers with tweezers and calmed down until I did a trial procedure in my favorite Alchemist spa in Korolyov (now it is Loruss-Spa).

The master (with a very light hand!) works on Arabia Professional.

The procedure takes only a few minutes: cleansing, degreasing, talc to remove excess moisture, sugar paste, mousse after depilation.

In the photo, I’m lying under a towel because on that merry day my legs were still bald + there was a hammam, massage and all other delights of relaxation. And so the master came even during a pedicure so as not to take up my time (I’ve only been a housewife for the last couple of months ...)

Undoubtedly, after such a procedure there are unpleasant consequences - the skin above the lip is tender and irritated from such exposure.

Rescue of the house immediately after - in the form of a cream / aftershave lotion for sensitive skin and the usual moisturizer. Yves Rocher's "Orange and Almond" nourishing lip balm also helped me - it is greasy, I smeared it not only on the upper lip, but also higher, almost to the nose.

For me, the consequences are manifested in the form of rashes (4-5 "pimples"), dryness (tightness) and slight peeling of the skin. Usually everything passes within 4-5 days. The first day I try not to climb anywhere - the procedure can still give out a clear reddening of the skin. As everything goes - for 2-3 months you can forget about visiting the salon again.

But if it “spreads” so that it’s scary to look at, this is a reason to change the master and (possibly) the means used!

I have done 3 procedures since January 2016. Of course, the result largely depends on the master, but Aravia itself promises:

Subsequent hair removal procedures become less painful and will be needed less and less. Hair becomes thinner and lighter. Hair diameter is reduced by 50%. Does not injure living skin cells, removing only horny scales and hair

As for reducing pain, I disagree. Above the lip - always like the first time Unpleasant, a tear splashes, but everything is tolerable.

By the way, after the lip, the legs “hairless” without any special sensations ... But I didn’t repeat it, because. I can’t wait for regrowth, it’s easier for me to walk with a razor every 2-3 days.

I don't see thinner hair...

In any case, for myself, I don’t see any other ways to deal with unwanted vegetation above the upper lip (although, apart from me, no one really sees this bullshit)

And the price of the issue does not change much: in January 2015 it cost 200 rubles. (but I did it for free as an introductory procedure), in August 2016 - 250.

Beauty requires sacrifice, and most often these sacrifices are invisible. For example, hair on the female body is considered highly undesirable, and it will take time and money to get rid of it. Today, this can be done painlessly and quickly, and even choose the most appropriate method. Epilation of the limbs is performed more often, but sometimes the hairs are also disturbing on the face. In such cases, shugaring of the upper lip is considered relevant. Feedback on the procedure as a whole is very positive. Is it worth trying?

"Mustache" problem

Being a modern woman is the same job, moreover, around the clock and free of charge. The fair sex is forced to always be fully armed, to impress with beauty, grooming and sexuality. Aerobatics, when all the invested efforts are not visible to others. But here's the catch: in this case, female beauty is taken for granted. It begins to seem to men that ladies do not sweat, do not get tired and, of course, do not have hair in the wrong places. But this is not so.

In addition to the hairline on the limbs and in the bikini area, sometimes there are still problems with the antennae above the upper lip. For a macho, such a trend will not become something supernatural, but a girl with a mustache will not appear in a decent society. The thing is that a hormonal failure can occur in the human body, as a result of which male hormones will prevail over female ones. The reason for this is pregnancy, taking certain medications, or banal stress.

Sometimes a beautician will suggest a way out of the situation, who will find the cause of the problem and prescribe treatment. But in most cases, the mustache will have to be removed. What to use? Razor? Too harsh on the skin. It is recommended to try mustache shugaring.

When people look for ways to get rid of body hair, they are surprised by the variety of services offered in this area. In particular, what is mustache shugaring? The answer lies in the name. This is sugar hair removal, which allows you to overcome vegetation on any part of the epidermis. This procedure was actively used in the Ancient East, when women independently achieved skin smoothness using sugar paste syrup.

The technique for performing the procedure is not so complicated, provided that you have sugar at home, a couple of hours of free time and a separate room. Sugaring over the upper lip is good because it is gentle and painless. Agree, this is important when it comes to the face. It is better to start preparing the day before, after peeling the skin. A couple of weeks before the procedure, you will have to give up epilation, as the hair should grow at least 2 mm long. By the way, for waxing, this figure is at least 5 mm.

Classic variant

How to do sugaring over the upper lip? First, as in all cosmetic procedures, the skin is cleansed and degreased with a special lotion. Further, in order not to scratch the treated area and ensure direct contact of the hairs with sugar, talc is applied to the epilated area.

Classic sugar shugaring is carried out with an elastic ball that needs to be heated and distributed against hair growth. Next, the sugar paste should grab onto the hair, for which it needs to be lightly pressed. Even the thinnest hair is captured. Then you can roll the paste back into a ball, but with a “filling” in the form of removed hair. After the procedure, a cooling gel is applied to the skin.

How is sugar paste made?

What is this magical sugar ball made of? First of all, sugar! A standard dose will require about 10 tablespoons of sugar, 4 tablespoons of water, lemon juice, or half a teaspoon of citric acid. If you do shugaring of the upper lip at home, then you can combine the ingredients immediately in a saucepan, which is heated over low heat. Stir the mixture constantly so that the sugar does not caramelize and burn.

After boiling, you should wait until the mass acquires an appetizing shade of caramel, and turn off the fire. Everything about everything will take about 5 minutes. It is important not to overcook the mixture, otherwise the paste will not turn out. Cool it to room temperature and check for suitability. To do this, tear off a piece and knead in your hands. The paste should resemble plasticine, which rolls into a ball and does not stick to your hands.

Remember that sugar paste should be applied against hair growth, and removed - in the course of growth. This method prevents the hairs from breaking off during removal. So the skin is not injured, and therefore there will be no inflammation and irritation. New hairs begin to appear 3-4 weeks after the procedure.

Pros of the procedure

Why does sugaring of the upper lip enjoy the approval of customers? Reviews agree that this is the most painless and easiest way to remove excess hairs. In many ways, sugar hair removal is similar to another method - waxing (otherwise, wax-based hair removal). When compared with this technique, the advantages and disadvantages of shugaring are clearly manifested.

Firstly, sugaring paste has a water base, which is more pleasant and softer for the skin. Secondly, there are components in the sugar paste that lighten the hairs. Thirdly, if desired, pasta can be made at home from ingredients that are always at hand.

Thus, we can highlight the simplicity and convenience of the procedure, low cost and the possibility of using at home. According to the results of the procedure, it can be noted that the possibility of

Among the shortcomings

The disadvantages, first of all, can be attributed to the nuances of the conduct. So, each zone needs to be treated with a new piece of paste. Everything is logical here, because the removed hairs remain in the paste and during processing the sugar ball turns into hairy. After the procedure, you can not visit the solarium, swimming pool or gym for 12 hours. When bathing, you need to use a massage mitt to exfoliate the skin.

The procedure has contraindications for people suffering from diabetes. At risk are allergy sufferers who react to honey, citrus fruits and sugar. It is better not to perform shugaring for people with varicose veins, open wounds and fungal formations in the treatment areas, as well as for patients with epilepsy. The downside is the temporary nature of the procedure. Hair grows back, and for girls with thin and sensitive skin, such an action becomes a real test.

Preparation for the procedure

So, what is the most interesting for potential clients of a cosmetologist when sugaring the upper lip is on the agenda? Reviews, how much is enough and how to carry out the procedure cheaper?

Shugaring gives a temporary effect. After about three weeks, the hairs begin to grow back. True, they can become lighter due to the components in the paste. This is a bonus, as the short blonde hairs above the upper lip will be invisible. You can carry out the procedure in a more economical version at home. By the way, the result may well be worthy if you prepare for the procedure and do not "hack" in the process of cooking sugar paste. Feedback from experienced clients will help prepare your face for shugaring.

So, the delicate skin of the face easily lends itself to adverse influences from the outside. But the face is constantly in sight and the consequences of depilation should ideally be avoided. How to prepare for shugaring? Many people advise exfoliating your face every night to remove layers of dead cells and thereby open up the pores leading to the hair. If you perform such a cleansing within a week before the procedure, then the sugar paste will be able to penetrate to the very roots of the hair, and a smaller part of the rods will remain in the skin. This is an excellent prevention of ingrown hairs and irritations.

A couple of days before the procedure, carry out a light superficial peeling to clear the pores. A week before the X-moment, stop plucking your hair from your upper lip. This will be difficult if the hair grows quickly, and you constantly communicate with people, so it is better to plan the first time the procedure for a vacation period.

What pastes are best?

For those who are doing sugaring of the upper lip for the first time, the reviews of other girls will be a good help, since it is always more pleasant to learn from other people's mistakes. Based on various tips, you can decide on the technology of the procedure, the chosen paste and composition for shugaring. These same pastes differ in a number of indicators - density, viscosity and composition. The only thing they have in common is the sugar base. Obviously, the technology for removing the antennae can vary in detail.

At home, shugaring of the upper lip, reviews of which are positive, is done with dense mixtures. They are made from water and sugar, although factory-made pasta can also be used. Before application, the paste must be kneaded in the hands to avoid burns on the face. At the preparation stage, it is recommended to moisturize the skin with a cream and dry it. You can walk on the treated area with an ice cube or apply a compress from a decoction of chamomile. Both methods make hair removal easier. The paste should be warmed up a little, kneaded to the shape of a cake and covered with a small area above the upper lip. Further, the cake abruptly breaks off in the course of hair growth.

For salon

If you go to the salon, the procedure will seem somewhat different, with a less dense paste consistency, which will be used for shugaring the upper lip. The consequences will be even "prettier" than with the procedure at home. The consistency of the paste resembles honey, applied with a small spatula. The process can be painful, but the skin becomes silky, and the effect lasts for a month or longer.