Roots red ends dark what to do. Tricks of home hair coloring

Every girl loves to experiment with her appearance. Some even visit clinics plastic surgery and cosmetology, wanting to change something in themselves. But in most cases, the choice falls on changing the color of curls - affordable and effective option transformation for each of us. However, does he always transform?

If focus fails...

Sometimes, after staining, a woman begins to bitterly regret what she has done, or even tries to avoid her own reflection. There are a great many colors for curls, and no one can try them all. Among them there are dyes of professional, luxury and household segments.

Household paints, as you know, cause the most severe damage to the health of curls, sometimes dramatically changing their structure. Yes, and professional dyes are not soft in terms of their impact on our curls.

And what to do if, after darkening, lightening or highlighting, we got something completely different from what we expected? Harm your hair again by trying to dye it the right shade? Not only are such procedures potentially dangerous, they are also ineffective. Colorists know that paint does not lighten paint, and therefore it is necessary to discolor already damaged strands with powder.

How to even out hair color if the roots are much darker or lighter than the entire length? This question is often asked by women who, after unsuccessful staining chose the most Right way- grow "native" color. Before them becomes the most difficult task - to look well-groomed and dignified in the process of slowly changing the shade. If you are also faced with this task, know that there are no unsolvable problems, and it is only important to knock on the right doors!

If your roots are darker...

For some reason, many women despair if they have been dyed blond for a long time, and now they had to grow a “native” shade. Really, dark roots on a contrastingly light or completely ash-white length, they look, to put it mildly, sloppy.

This can provoke a false perception among others that they have a groomed girl in front of them who does not have the desire or ability to take care of herself. However, for all their negative aspects, Now this situation is the most easily resolved.

Look at newfangled coloring- booking, California highlights, ombre, shatush ... They are all different, but they suggest the same effect - "trick" in dark roots. If you choose a good specialist and ask him to “tune in” the tone using any of these color options, you will not only get a leveling of contrast on your hair, but also a beautiful, fashionable, perfect image. And you can keep growing natural shade, because you will have to apply for a correction, in the worst case, once every three months.

How else to even out hair color if the roots are darker? If, after a kind of “mental trauma” as a result of unsuccessful staining, you have become an ardent opponent of any paints at all, we bring to your attention tinted shampoos.

They do not cause any harm to the hair, but they can quickly camouflage the difference between the shades of the roots and tips. Another bonus is that you can use them at home without resorting to the help of specialists. Just get a tonic, the color of which is as close as possible to the natural shade of your hair. Use it carefully following the instructions on the package. As a result, your roots will become a little brighter, and the tips will acquire the desired shade.

The only disadvantage of this procedure is the fragility of its effect. The tonic is quickly washed off, and therefore they will have to repeat the staining sessions again and again. It is also worth noting that if you paint the strands with paint after prolonged use of the tonic, the result may unpleasantly surprise, and even shock you.

It happened that as a result of staining in cold blond, women got green color, and when trying to tint in chestnut or chocolate - blue. Tinted shampoos and balms are only suitable for those who do not want and do not intend to use paint at all.

Ammonia-free paint is another worthy way out. It combines all the advantages of tonic and regular paint. Practically does not harm the hair for lack of the most aggressive components, and is also washed off, however, unlike the tint shampoo, gradually.

After 47 shampooing sessions, your hair color will be exactly the same as it was before dyeing. Since such paint is not capable of changing or destroying the pigment (natural and artificial), its use is considered the most relevant for those who want to return to their natural hair color, as they say, "lossless".

If your roots are lighter

No less common, but even more difficult option when the roots are lighter than the length of the hair. The point is to adapt dark curls under light much more difficult. Not only do the ends of the curls “reluctantly” lighten up in principle, but their structure is also violated. Hair can simply be burned if you lighten the dark ends with artificial black pigment. Moreover, you won’t achieve much results - your tips will become bright red or “rusty”, in best case- yellow, but not platinum white.

How to darken hair roots at home? How to even out hair color if their roots are lighter? A tinted shampoo or conditioner! Just apply it according to the instructions in the annotation and wait for a certain time period. Then rinse off any remaining product with water. Choose a shade that is 2-3 shades lighter than yours. dark tips. This eliminates the contrast between the shades along the entire length, and will help you grow your natural tone faster.

How can you even out the color at home if the tips are chocolate and the roots are light brown? Try toning with onion peel!

It will give a beautiful chestnut shade to curls, and at the same time soften sharp transitions. In addition, it does not harm your hair in any way - on the contrary, onion peel strengthens, smoothes and heals hair.

How to prepare a decoction:

  • Take 200 g of onion peel (it must be collected in advance);
  • Fill it with water so that it barely covers the surface of the husk;
  • Boil for half an hour over low heat;
  • Strain the resulting broth and cool;
  • Take the brush that you usually apply the paint to and spread the liquid over the entire length of the hair;
  • Comb the strands with a comb with frequent teeth (a round brush can also be used);
  • Pin your hair with a comb and cover your head with a plastic cap;
  • Withstand 1.5-2 hours;
  • Wash your head warm water with sulfate free shampoo.

You can experiment with the concentration of husks in the decoction to obtain a variety of shades.

After unsuccessful clarification or highlighting

If you have resorted to lightening your hair yourself, at home, you may have experienced an uneven distribution of the blond. The general shade of the hair can be light or yellow, and between the strands there are unpainted areas.

Or like this: the roots of the hair lightened perfectly, and the tips remained dark, acquiring only reddish tint. And how in these cases to even out the color of the hair after lightening?

IN Lately in the world of hairdressing, there was a revolution - in one fell swoop, the complete dyeing of curls was canceled. And now regrown roots are not a sign of unkemptness, but on the contrary, they risk becoming the trend of the next season. If you are a blonde who always follows the news of the world salon beauty, it's time for you to paint the roots in dark color.

What's happened

The effect of regrown roots gained its popularity thanks to the Coachella festival., which has been a leader among the fashion industry for several years. It was there that the coloring of blond with dark roots was first demonstrated. It looks like you forgot to visit the salon on time.

It is important to know. In terms of color, transitions between colors can be radical - for example, chestnut hair + ash blonde for the tips, or less noticeable - at the roots, the hair is darker by 1-2 tones from the main color.

This hairstyle is best for those who are tired of going to the stylists. Casual style fans will also be delighted, because some kind of negligence is created on the curls, which just appeals to extravagant personalities.

Pros and cons of technology

Hairstyle blonde with darkened tips:

  • provides lightness and gives volume to the hair;
  • does not require regular staining of the roots in case of matching a color close to natural;
  • allows you to grow curls desired length, while you spend a minimum of money on painting;
  • suitable for hair of any length, but sets off a short haircut as much as possible;
  • gives femininity and softness to ladies with rough features;
  • provides fresh notes to your image;
  • does not affect the structure of the hair so much, since it does not require lightening the zone at their base.

The only drawback of such coloring for naturally fair-haired girls can be considered its short duration. The fact is that hair grows about 7–12 mm in a month, which means that the contrast will soon be very noticeable.

Painting cost

How to make regrown roots? The first thing that immediately comes to mind is to go to a beauty salon, where the master will be able to choose the right shades and carry out the procedure. Thanks to the experience of the hairdresser and professional dye, the regrown roots of blondes will look as presentable as possible. Price salon procedure varies from 1200-5000 rubles.

You can also darken your hair roots at home. To do this, you will need a dye, the cost of which starts from 450 rubles.

Painting options

Thus, darkening the roots at the base of a blonde is not so difficult. You just need to arm yourself with a bag of dye and a fine-toothed comb, and also follow our practical recommendations step-by-step execution staining procedures.

But if you are afraid to spoil your hair, then feel free to sign up for a salon with a master. He will surely pick correct shade and will paint the roots in any technique you choose.

Useful videos

Root darkening.

How to darken the roots.

Fashionable hair color (dark roots, light ends) appeared relatively recently, but has become quite widespread. For more than 3 years, this hairstyle has been holding a leading position in hairdressing, called ombre staining. Distinctive feature such coloring is a smooth change from one shade to another.

Why Choose Ombre

The first to use this type of painting were stylists preparing models for major shows. Then their idea was adopted by the star masters, modifying the technique. Experts note several advantages of this method:

  • more natural coloring hair;
  • visual increase in volume due to a smooth color transition.

The ombre style will be a great solution for those who decide to change, but are afraid of drastic changes.

In this case, it remains possible to preserve the natural shade of the hair, the advantage of the hairstyle is the absence of any difficulties as the curls grow.

A smooth color change will look natural and spectacular even with the appearance of darker roots.

Ombre technique has many advantages:

  1. Saved natural color, since either the top or Bottom part strands.
  2. Girls with a full or round face are given the opportunity to visually lengthen the shape of the face. One has only to lighten the strands framing the face, and the problem is solved.
  3. This method of staining allows you to forget about visiting the salon for at least six months, growing roots look quite natural.
  4. Hair is less injured, especially if only the tips of the curls are dyed.
  5. On strands middle length painting contributes to the creation of more expressive look. If you do not like the result, you can cut the colored ends, while leaving the desired length of hair.
  6. Using classic variation hair color changes only a few tones.

Varieties of painting

TO classical method refers to hair coloring in 2 tones, in which the horizontal line of color change is blurred, and the shade of the curls smoothly changes to another along the entire length. The change in shade can start from the temporal region or cheekbones, depending on the stylist's idea. Most of all, this painting suits brunettes, but it will look no less chic on redheads. Most often, colors close to natural are used, shades of brown and light brown are in demand.

Light roots combined with clarified ends- a popular coloring method among women different ages. To perform such coloring, apply to the hair light paint, and their ends are discolored. This option is more suitable for fair-haired girls, for example, with light brown curls.

Overgrown bronde is an option that is popular among those who do not want to permanently dye their hair. At the same time, the area at the roots is painted in a darker shade, close to the natural color of the strands, and the remaining curls are processed by bronding in a more light shades.

This method of painting is suitable for dark-haired and girls with light brown curls.

Separating the roots and hair ends with a stripe is a bold coloring variation. In this case, the roots and ends of the strands are dyed in the same tone, separated by a wide horizontal strip that has a different color and blurred borders.

A color option is a variation that involves painting in different tones chosen by the client. This hairstyle is more suitable for creative personalities, extreme women who want to attract attention. Often similar hairstyle can be found at parties and discotheques. In everyday life, such painting looks too bold and extravagant, so you should think carefully before creating such a style.

Ombre for blonde hair

Not all techniques are suitable for fair-haired women. It is better to give preference to the following variations:

  1. The classic method - the roots are left in a natural color, and the tips are dyed in lighter tones, creating the effect of burnt curls.
  2. The effect of regrown roots - the border of the change of dark tones with lighter ones starts from the temporal region or cheekbones.
  3. Painting bangs is an option that can be performed in conjunction with coloring the curls that frame the face.
  4. Triple ombre - separation by a strip of roots and ends of strands dyed in 1 tone. Blurred borders of the strip give the hair a more natural look.
  5. Color - leave a choice on bright and contrasting shades, coloring not only the tips, but also the roots of the curls.
  6. The reverse - the roots are made somewhat lighter than the tips, while the transition can be not only smooth, but also sharp.

Ombre dependence on the shape of the face

Before you decide on staining, you must first choose more suitable shade, which will visually correct the shortcomings. It is important to consider the following points:

  • girls with square face it is important to know that lighter shades make it sophisticated, and dark tones make heavier;
  • triangular faces are more suitable for warm tones;
  • for visually stretching the face with a chubby one, it is better to paint the roots in a darker color, and make the tips lighter;
  • if the face is elongated, then it is better to lighten the ombre by several tones compared to the natural color;
  • for those who have a diamond-shaped face, it is worth dyeing the locks framing the face to soften the cheekbones;
  • trapezoidal, expanded at the bottom of the face needs clarification of the roots.

Performing an ombre at home

You can apply a similar staining technology at home, performing all the steps in stages:

  1. First you need to lighten the strands. For convenience, the hair should be divided into several partings, depending on the density, fastened with a hairpin. Dilute the oxidizing agent with the powder in equal amounts and apply the resulting mass to the separated curls. Through certain period indicated on the package, rinse with warm water.
  2. If desired, you can tint curls. After combing wet curls, they must be divided into parts. Having prepared the tinting composition, you should apply it to the separated strands in the back of the head, laid on the foil, then cover with a second piece of foil. Similar actions must be performed with the rest of the lower strands. After that, in a similar way, it is required to process the curls on the front of the head.

The choice of tinting composition should be done based on your own preferences:

  • if you want to extend the period of staining, then get a better resistant paint;
  • temporary dye will last much less time, gradually discoloring after washing.

After dyeing, you should not use shampoos to wash your hair, among the components of which there are sulfates that accelerate the process of washing out the paint.

It is necessary to use various formulations enriched with vitamins. They prevent hair loss and drying, reduce brittleness. Washing your hair no more than 2 times a week can also lengthen the staining period.

When performing an ombre, for the best effect, you should use the advice of stylists:

  1. To create a natural shade on blonde hair it is better to go to the salon, since this procedure is somewhat more complicated than on dark strands.
  2. When carrying out the procedure at home, it is necessary to perform all actions carefully, following the instructions.
  3. It is better to choose shades for ombre that are close to the natural color, in this case the growing roots will not stand out so noticeably.
  4. Amazing coloring is suitable curly curls, you can use a spray containing sea salt to create the coils.

Before painting, you should consult with a specialist and choose the most acceptable option. Independent experiments can not always provide a satisfactory result.

popular procedure. Curls can be easily dyed in any shade, but in the process of dyeing they often encounter the problem of uneven distribution of color. But this is not a reason to despair: there are many ways to improve the appearance.

It is beautiful when the hair is in the same tone and color

The most common causes of uneven staining are:

  • constant and frequent experiments with;
  • the use of cheap low quality dyes;
  • during the procedure.

If you apply new paint to an old layer that has not yet come off, you can get a mop of different shades on your head. Therefore, the alignment of hair color helps to correct the situation without resorting to radical methods.

Sometimes it happens that some strands lose color more intensely and noticeably. It can be leveled by complete bleaching to white. After that, the new paint will evenly fall on the entire length of the hair. Interestingly, this method allows you to get exactly the color that is indicated on the paint box.

But in this way better than her abuse: if, then they will become dull, brittle, thin. And repairing the damage is not easy. , therefore, care for the health of your own hair needs to be strengthened. Therefore, this option is used only if gross errors were made during the first staining.

Take care of the health of your hair, use methods that will save, not ruin your hair

If the clarification was unsuccessful, and the strands became undesirable, the situation is corrected with the help of paints and tonics of sand and pearl color, which do not contain ammonia. Even yellowness is removed by colors.

To reduce the risk of repeated discoloration to zero, first of all, you need to get rid of the uneven transition of shades. For this, suitable for the darkest areas, and tinting is carried out. The tinting agent should be 1 tone in order to ultimately exclude striped strands. In this case, toning is done in this order: first the ends are painted, then the roots.

Before and after hair tinting - the effect is visible

If, during staining, the tone turned out to be lighter than necessary, this is corrected with the usual tinted shampoos or balms, which can be purchased at any cosmetics store.

Often a situation arises when a woman wants to return the original natural color and grows curls. This creates a sharp contrast between natural dark and colored light strands which gives it an untidy appearance. In this case, use a gentle paint as close as possible to the original hair color shade.

Align hair color after lightening

To take away specific smell, 3-4 drops of lavender essential aromatic oil are added to the water

Grape juice also cleans up. Juice is mixed in a ratio of 1:1 with regular shampoo. The amount varies depending on the thickness and length of the hair. The composition is abundantly applied to the head and roots, then distributed over the entire length. Within 3 days, such procedures give a wonderful effect.

Professional color alignment after staining and washing: blondes and redheads

Aligning hair color at home may not always be crowned good result. Therefore, a trip to the stylist-hairdresser - The best decision. The specialist will easily select necessary funds and alignment technology.

If you doubt your abilities, then go to the master

How else can you even out your hair color?

In addition, the wizard will offer several options with which you can solve the problem:

  • highlighting (distracts attention from unevenly colored curls);
  • bronding (helps to effectively beat overgrown dark roots);
  • with a soft transition from dark roots to light tips);
  • coloring (coloring in several tones that harmonize with each other);
  • haircut (eliminates unevenly colored tips, creates a new image).


There is always a way out of the situation. You just need to judge sensibly what decision is better to make in order to look beautiful and not harm your hair.

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Hair coloring: technology and color matching

Hair coloring is one of the most popular ways to change the image. You can choose a radically different color, lighten a few strands, or make a natural shade more expressive. Depending on the goals that you are pursuing, you need to carefully approach the choice desired shade coloring agent for optimal results.

Types of hair coloring

Depending on the use of a particular coloring technique, you can achieve different hairstyle results. There are such coloring options:

Traditional- Giving hair one shade from roots to tips.

- giving some strands a lighter shade. Each strand is dyed separately and wrapped in foil. Strands can be of different thickness, which allows you to get special effect. Depending on the type and structure of the hair, highlighting can be done on a braid, highlighting through a cap, on tails or with a pile.

- application of different shades of paints to individual strands of hair. It is important that the master pick up the tone, harmoniously suitable friend friend and natural color.

The highlighting options themselves may vary. On the strands, stretching is performed from dark roots to light tips, using shades of paint of different levels. The technique is called bronding or shatush. Effectively looks lightening the tips on short haircuts performed in balayage technique. Such procedures are performed in the salon by an experienced colorist. It is believed that the high-quality implementation of the technique does not require serious financial costs and is performed using minimal funds. If the hair structure does not allow any of the listed coloring options to be performed, the master must warn so as not to harm the curls.

Ombre style hair bronding is also popular, when highlighting strands is performed from the middle of their growth to the tips, which allows you to leave the roots darker.

A subspecies of this type of highlighting is the sombre technique, when the difference between the shades is barely noticeable.

How to apply paint correctly

1. Before dyeing, masks should not be applied to the hair for several days, as they envelop the hair with a special composition, which can affect the degree of penetration of the dye.

2. Immediately before dyeing the hair, the washing procedure should be avoided: the released fat will protect the scalp from the influence of the oxidizing agent.

3. Before applying the dye, the hair must be dry, otherwise the paint will be diluted and the shade will not reach the required intensity.

4. When applying paint, the skin along the hairline is often colored. To avoid this, you must first apply fat cream, which after the procedure is removed with a cotton swab.

5. Before coloring gray hair, rinse your hair with a balm, dry it and only then apply paint.

6. To make the hair dye spread more easily, divide the hair into strands, and then apply the composition evenly and quickly.

7. After applying the coloring composition, you should comb your hair with a comb with fine teeth.

8. When staining regrown roots, the paint is applied first to the roots and only after 20 minutes is applied to the hair along the entire length.

9. When performing the procedure, hands must be protected with gloves.

10. When washing off the paint, the hair is gradually moistened, the remnants of the paint are foamed and washed off. Then thoroughly wash the head with shampoo and apply a balm.

Hair Color Fastness Levels

Temporary (level 0)- allow you to change the color of your hair for a while or dye individual strands. Available in the form of mousses, powders and mascaras. Advantages include ease of application and big choice shades. The disadvantages are quick rinsing and the inability to transfer color when used on too dark hair.

Unstable dyes (level 1)- do not contain hydrogen peroxide and ammonia, withstand up to 8 shampooing procedures. The advantages include the possibility of using on weakened hair, as well as a gentle effect. The disadvantages include: gray hair is not always painted over; there is a smaller palette of shades; You can't really go from dark to light. Unstable dyes include tint balms, shampoos and hair tonics, you can read about them in more detail on our website.

Semi-resistant (level 2)- contain hydrogen peroxide, allow you to change the color of your hair (lighten or make it darker). The benefits include complete absence ammonia (or a small amount), the ability to radically change the color and paint over gray hair. The disadvantages include the inability to dye hair that was previously subject to persistent, ammonia staining, as well as the presence of undyed gray hair, if its amount exceeds 50% of the total volume.

Persistent (level 3)- guarantee lasting color and complete gray coverage. Their composition necessarily includes oils that provide gentle care. The advantages include the ability to lighten hair up to 4 tones without pre-treatment, a wide range of shades and 100% gray hair coverage. The disadvantages include Negative influence peroxide and ammonia on hair, bad smell during work, as well as the inability to use on the hair of pregnant and lactating women due to penetration harmful components through the skin.

How to choose hair dye for your eye and skin color

Each of us is naturally given a certain hair color and eye color. It is believed that it is the "natural tandem" that can be called the most unmistakable. If for some reason you plan to dye your hair, then you need to focus on the natural color of the eyes and the natural skin tone.

Blue-blue eyes are ideally combined with light brown and dark caramel curls, look good with red hair. Grey-blue eyes beautifully combined with hair of a shade of warm chestnut or ashy curls. You can also advise a dark blond shade of hair.

Green-eyed girls, whose iris is approaching a hazel hue, should pay attention to dark blond, light brown or chestnut shade hair.

Green eyes with an emerald hue look beautiful with red, copper and bronze curls. Chestnut or golden hues work well.

Brown-eyed and fair-skinned girls can be advised chocolate, copper and caramel shades.

Girls with brown eyes And dark skin dark, almost black tones are perfect.

Light brown eyes match perfectly with red hair.

Gray-eyed girls can experiment with different shades hair, excluding black, blue-black and dark chestnut.

When choosing desired shade, be sure to focus on the original (natural or dyed) hair color, on the tone on which the paint will be applied.

How to choose hair dye according to the shade scale (by number)

For the convenience of choosing the desired color, there is a single international scale accepted in the world.

12 - platinum blonde
11 - very light blonde
10 - light blond
9 - blond
8 - light blond
7 - blond
6 - dark blond
5 - light chestnut
4- chestnut
3 - dark chestnut
2 - very dark chestnut
1 - black
0 - natural.

In the palette of most colors from well-known manufacturers these numbers come first and indicate the main color.

The second and third numbers indicate shades and this dye in the paint is much less than the main one. Total shades 9:

9 - cold ash
8 - pearl ash
7 - marsh (or khaki)
6 - red
5 - purple red
4 - copper red
3 - golden
2 - lilac ash
1 - blue ash
0 - natural

In some palettes, manufacturers use letters to designate shades.

N - natural
W - warm yellowish
G - golden
B - brown, beige
A - ashy
R - red
C - copper
V - purple
M - mocha
O - orange.

The first step is to determine the natural shade of the hair, for which an international scale is used. If your color is light chestnut (7) or light brown (5), and you do not plan to radically change the color, it is enough to choose a tool whose first number fully matches your tone, and the subsequent numbers or letters determine the specific shade.

And one more important point: not all manufacturers choose the international scale for classifying their own paints. Pay attention to this when choosing a tone.

For example, the Russian Estel paints Professional palette is as follows: 0 - natural, 1 - ash, 3 - golden, 4 - copper, 5 - red, 6 - purple, 7 - brown, 8 - pearl. And in this case, shade 6/38, will not stand for dark blond with a light chestnut tint, but a dark blond with a golden brown tint.

A similar situation with IGORA paint from Schwartzkopf, where the following designation is accepted: 0 - natural, 1 - sandre, 2 - pearl, 3 - ash, 4 - beige, 5 - golden, 6 - brown, 7 - copper, 8 - red, 9 - violet. In the case of this paint, shade 7/77 will not be deciphered as blond-blond, but as blond with an intense copper tint.

If you plan to dye your hair yourself, it is not enough to choose a shade of paint, focusing only on the information on the package. There are professional palettes on which samples are placed synthetic materials painted in a specific color. This approach will allow you to choose the most suitable tone.

When choosing a paint, it is also necessary to pay attention to the concentration of the dye, on which the final result of staining depends.

1.5-2.5% - toning or gentle coloring,
3% - staining exactly the same tone or darker by 1 tone,
6% - change in shade lighter by a couple of tones, suitable for painting over gray hair,
9% - hair lightening by 2-3 levels,
12% - clarification by 3-4 levels.

How to choose paint depending on the shade and structure (dyed, unpainted, gray)

Uncolored hair

First determine your natural color. Order further action depends on what color you want to repaint.

Coloring in your own tone with a slight tint. Here it is quite possible to use ammonia-free paints or tint balms, which are washed off quickly.

Coloring in more dark shade. Based on our recommendations for choosing specific shades, you can choose the paint and color yourself. Of course, the shade may differ slightly from that indicated on the package. If you're unsure if a color will work, choose an ammonia-free formula that doesn't allow the paint to penetrate deep.

Coloring in a lighter shade. Preliminarily, clarification is carried out with a special composition with the addition of an oxidizing agent of the desired concentration or paint. Depending on the original hair color, yellowness or a copper tint may appear.

To avoid yellowness, it is necessary to assess how real the chances are to go blonde after the first staining. If you are not a light blond blonde, then the transition process can stretch over several stages. In any case, it is not worth lightening immediately more than 4-5 tones - the hair will be too damaged. Purchase a dye marked "Brightening" and color your hair according to the manufacturer's recommendations. At the first stage, the yellowness or light orange tone is quite high and it is worth being patient, waiting 7-10 days before the next staining.

After re-coloring, slight yellowness can be neutralized by applying shampoo mixed with tint balm lilac color in a ratio of 1:2.

Dyed hair

In this case, it is not enough to determine only the shade along the length; it is important to take into account the color of the regrown roots. You should also take into account when the hair was dyed (long ago or recently). When choosing a paint, consider the desired shade.

Coloring in a darker shade

If the hair is dark in length, and the regrown roots are light, then the paint is mixed with 1.5-3% oxidizing agent, applied first to the roots and then distributed along the length. good effect can be achieved if ammonia-free paint is used.

If the hair is light in length, and the regrown roots are darker, the paint is mixed with a 3% oxidizing agent, applied first to the entire length, and the roots are stained last. In this case, experts advise avoiding ashy shades, because you risk getting a gray or gray color.

If the hair has recently been dyed dark, then the subsequent darkening is performed with ammonia-free paint, which is held minimal amount time.

If the hair has recently been dyed a light shade, you can mix desired tone with 1.5% -3% oxidizing agent and apply to the hair for a minimum amount of time. Here you should choose warm and soft shades so that the hair does not acquire a grayish-purple hue.

Coloring in a lighter shade

If the hair is dark in length and light at the roots, then the paint is mixed with 6, 9 or 12% oxidizing agent. First, the composition is applied along the entire length and only after a while is applied to the roots.

If the hair is light in length and dark at the roots, then the paint is mixed with a 3, 6 or 9% oxidizing agent (in rare cases, a 12% composition is added). First, the composition is applied to the roots, and then the hair is dyed along the length.

If the hair was dyed dark and you want to lighten the curls, you can treat them with a special, blond or acid composition. If the situation is not critical, experts advise to endure, as it is too fast and cardinal change colors can negatively affect the health of the hair.

If the hair was recently dyed light color, then you can slightly change the shade using tinting foams, shampoos. IN last resort, you can paint again by mixing the composition with a 6% oxidizing agent. A stronger composition can be detrimental to the hair.

Coloring gray hair

With 50% gray hair, highlighting is optimal. If the hair is naturally dark, ammonia dyes above level 7 mixed with a 6% oxidizing agent should be used.
If the amount of gray hair ranges from 50% to 80%, highlighting can also be done. If you want to dye your hair in one shade, use paints above level 7-9, which will avoid the effect of regrown roots. The dye is mixed with 6-9% oxidizing agent.
If almost all hair is gray, you should avoid too bright and dark tones. It is recommended to pay attention to the lightest shades, up to level 8.