The best hair treatments in beauty salons. Basal hair volume - salon and home methods of increasing

Regardless of the structure of the hair, a hairstyle that has volume at the roots looks more attractive, especially if there is no density. However, not every woman has the natural splendor of hair, so procedures to create volume, especially long-term ones, are in great demand.

What is a hair boost

Previously, in order to make styling more magnificent, women had to conjure it every morning, but with the development of the beauty industry, an attractive service has appeared - a permanent perm for volume at the roots of BoostUp. Masters in salons offering such a procedure guarantee the preservation of the effect for several months. The maximum term is six months. Here are the benefits:

  • The composition of the product was developed by the American professional brand Paul Mitchell, which has proven itself in the hairdressing environment.
  • The tool affects only the root area, so the procedure is safe even for damaged, thin hair.
  • Due to the blocking of the activity of the sebaceous glands, oiliness at the roots appears later, the hair is less likely to get dirty.
  • Boost up can give volume to hair of any length, density and structure, it is allowed after keratin straightening and perm.
  • During pregnancy and lactation, a woman is recommended to consult a specialist, since the inhaled vapors of the working mixture can have a negative effect on the body.

How to make hair volume

Before choosing a way to lift the roots, you need to take into account the following point: the created volume will not hold on heavy dense hair, hard, thin and smooth (at the same time). It does not remain for long at the crown, as at the hottest point of the head, where the roots are quickly contaminated due to the heat released. Professionals clarify: even the method of permanent volume, discussed above, in the situations mentioned will be short-lived.

How to add volume to hair in minutes? Use a special comb with bristles of different levels. The reception is called "blunting" and is a pile of half the thickness of the strand on the inside. Suitable for collected hairstyles, but noticeable on loose hair. An important point: do not apply a large amount of foam, mousse, gel or other fixing agent to the roots, because the more they are loaded, the tighter they fit to the head. Creating a root volume for hair of the same length is more difficult than for a cascading haircut. He won't last long.

What funds will be needed

A spectacular basal volume in the hair appears only from the use of styling products and / or thermal devices. It is impossible to achieve the same with a classic shampoo or mask that says “for volume”. The old proven way is a hair dryer and a round brush that lifts the hair. A more convenient alternative is a special curling iron or a narrow corrugated iron that creates stylish styling. Of the chemicals, only powder or dry shampoo can create volume, but the latter is less effective. How to work with them?

hair dryer

Budget but difficult. It is necessary to have a round brushing brush of small (up to 50 mm) diameter. How to make volume at the hair roots with it? Lay the strand on the comb, direct the hot air from the hair dryer from above and along, scroll the comb several times from the root. To achieve a good long-term result, the hair should be damp, and it is recommended to apply a little foam or mousse to the roots. Often this styling is performed on short haircuts.

Curling iron for basal volume

It can be a hair dryer brush, which simplifies the method described above. You bring the device to the roots of the hair, turn it on and twist the strand. Only one hand is occupied, as a result of which it is much easier to work out all parts of the head. If we are talking about a classic curling iron, then the strand is clamped with tongs at the very root for 10-12 seconds, and then the length is pulled through the ajar tongs.

Corrugated tongs for basal volume

A novelty among hairdressing devices. It is a classic flat iron with very narrow and short corrugated plates. To create a basal volume of hair, the strands are clamped in a checkerboard pattern, layer by layer. If you work using this technology, the relief will not be conspicuous, so the method is suitable for any woman. Having worked the strands before wrapping the styler along the length, you will get lush curls that last longer than usual.

Volumizing spray

Often, it means dry shampoo, which is available in the form of an aerosol, or a special powder. They create basal volume by eliminating fat and creating a film around each hair. The product must be applied along the parting, rubbed into the scalp and removed by combing with a regular comb. If during the day the volume falls off, it can be restored by fluffing the hairstyle with your fingers.

How much does root chemistry cost in salons

The BoostUp procedure is offered by most salons in Moscow, St. Petersburg and large regions, so it is geographically accessible to almost everyone. The price of the service depends on the length and thickness of the hair, the qualifications of the master, the material used. Root chemistry on Paul Mitchell will cost a woman 5000-8000 rubles. If the price is lower in the price list, then most likely an unknown brand is used.

How to care for hair after the procedure

Permanent root waving, regardless of the assurances of the master, strikes at the health of the hair. Keratin straightening can be offered to those who are damaged and thinned in the salon, but it will only visually solve the problem, so it is not recommended to perform boost up on them. The rest need to take care of proper care to save the result:

  • The scalp and roots are dried after the procedure, so get good products with a moisturizing effect to help them.
  • If you do not want the created basal volume of hair to suddenly disappear after styling, give up the foam and mousse.
  • For lovers of frequent staining, it is advisable to switch to ammonia-free formulations.
  • Length care does not change: you can use nourishing oils and masks with the same intensity and frequency.
  • In the morning, the hair subjected to the procedure should be moistened and styled with a hairdryer.

Photos before and after boost up on short and long hair

Many girls, due to any reason, do not have lush hair. The reason may be a decrease in immunity, a lack of vitamins or an innate predisposition. But to create an attractive image, it is simply necessary to make a beautiful, healthy, lush hairstyle.

The visible image of a beautiful hairstyle consists of several components. The first one is the right hair shape. If you have a good hairdresser, this is done quite simply. The second component is healthy hair. If the hair is dull, split, fall out, this greatly spoils the overall appearance of the hairstyle. To remove local problems, it is enough to make a mask suitable for the type of hair. The right masks will nourish the hair, stimulate its growth, and also, perhaps, create volume at the roots. In some particularly severe cases, you may need to contact a trichologist.

The volume of the hair at the roots is responsible for the splendor. No matter how healthy and shiny your hair is, without volume, the hairstyle will never look good. Therefore, if the treatment does not help, then it is necessary to apply additional methods to give the hair volume at the roots.

Boost Up Procedure

A technique that creates basal volume of hair, in Lately became very popular. This is a root curling technology that does not touch the upper strands. Changes are not visible on long hair, they remain as they were, but volume appears.

The technology is designed for long-term use, the effect of it lasts about six months. Boost Up is claimed to be safe for all types of hair, including brittle and fine hair. The only limitation is the inability to apply on short hair, the corrugation cannot be disguised.

The procedure takes about 2 hours. The master applies a special mixture at the hair roots and performs a biowave. Also, thanks to the composition, they promise to restore the structure of the hair. However, Boost Up technology has its downsides. Still, it's just chemistry, and chemistry has a detrimental effect on the condition of the hair.

The most noticeable of the minuses, at first glance, is the price. The procedure is quite expensive, although the effect is promised for six months. But for carrying out you need to choose a qualified master, who can not be found everywhere. In addition, after a while, the corrugation effect on the strands begins to appear. Corrugated strands grow and fall on the ears.

According to our readers, the most effective hair product is the unique Hair MegaSpray, which was created by world-famous trichologists and scientists. The natural vitamin formula of the spray allows it to be used for all types of hair. The product is certified. Beware of fakes. The opinion of hairdressers .. »

At the moment, there are quite a few reviews of girls who have undergone this procedure on the Internet. You can already notice that the procedure is not as safe as the masters promise.

For many girls, some time after the Boost Up, hair from the corrugation begins to fall out in fairly large quantities.
It is not known what is the matter - in the inferiority of the procedure itself or in the insufficient qualification of the master. But at the moment, you can find very few people who recommend doing Boost Up root volume with a corrugated effect.

This styling lasts about 2-3 months. In addition, for its implementation, natural ingredients are used that do not harm the structure of the hair. Thanks to this, it can be done several times a year, almost immediately, as the effect of the previous procedure subsides. This is the key difference between carving and ordinary perm, chemistry greatly damages the hair and can only be applied once a year.

Long-term styling can be done from the base of the hair to the ends, depending on where the problem exists. The only limitation is the procedure for thin brittle hair, healthy and thick results will not be visible. Carving is ideal for oily hair types, the procedure dries them. At the same time, it is not recommended to do a long-term perm for dry hair, chemistry will make them brittle.

After carving, it will only be necessary to maintain the health of your hair, however, this is not surprising for owners of brittle and thin hair. Therefore, it is worth at least once a week, but make a mask, as well as wash your hair with shampoo and balm 2-3 times a week. But daily styling now becomes a matter of minutes and there is no need to use tongs.

Each has its downsides. Still, although it is gentle, it is still a perm with a possible corrugation effect. Therefore, chemical exposure can slightly damage the hair structure. If your hair is severely split or has recently been exposed to dye, then this procedure is not needed, the condition will only worsen.

This is a method for those who have not very thick hair from birth. In this case, no treatment will help to achieve the required volume, and chemistry will take away the remnants of health, so you need to fight for it in other ways. In order to carry out hair extensions, you need to carefully monitor their health. If the hair falls out, splits or breaks, then you should not build them up. This will only make the situation worse. To build, you need to carefully select the material, that is, the strands that will be attached.

You can choose strands of your own color or, conversely, highlight by adding strands of a different color.

After building up, you need to remember some precautions. Extended strands do not tolerate sea water, and are also afraid of high temperatures. Only special masks can be applied. It also requires special care for such hair. At night, you must definitely braid your hair in a pigtail; you can comb it only with a comb with sparse teeth. It also needs to be adjusted from time to time. But this procedure successfully creates volume of hair at the roots.

Home methods to increase basal hair volume

For those who are not suitable for salon products, it is possible to increase the volume of hair at home. We will not discuss here the simplest means known to everyone - using a brush and a hair dryer or corrugation tongs.

Purchasable funds

At the moment, there are a large number of different products for increasing hair volume on the market. The first of these, of course, are shampoos. A separate group is shampoos containing silicone. They cover the hair with a protective film and lift it up. Shampoos for professional use with protein and keratin content greatly improve the health of the hair.

They nourish the hair, give it shine, and also form the density and volume of the hairstyle.

There are also additional tools that allow you to create volume for a while at home. This includes mousses, varnishes, gels and other similar products. Oddly enough, the use of various vitamins greatly increases the volume. Vitamins of groups B, A, E and C decide the health of the hair and, accordingly, increase the volume. There are even special hair masks with a set of vitamins and minerals. In particular, vitamin C improves blood circulation in the scalp and stimulates hair growth. Vitamin E nourishes hair follicles and protects against ultraviolet radiation. B vitamins stimulate hair density and fight oiliness at home.

Micronutrients also contribute. In particular, sulfur gives strength and shine, potassium enhances hair elasticity, phosphorus is responsible for color saturation, copper and zinc strengthen hair, silicon enhances the strength and structure of strands, calcium stimulates hair growth, iron prevents brittleness, removes the corrugation effect.
In addition, there is hair powder.

The powder is very easy to use - you just need to sprinkle on your head, and then distribute with your fingers. This is a special powder for giving volume to hair. This powder is washed off very simply: with ordinary shampoo.

Powder is not suitable for owners of long and thick hair, the effect will be insignificant. And very thin hair powder simply blinds.
Powder requires a carefully adjusted dosage. On weakened hair, the powder should be no more than 5 hours. Remove powder from hair with shampoo.

homemade shampoos

Even our ancestors noticed the benefits of various plants. At the moment, more than a hundred different recipes have been developed that allow you to keep your hair strong and healthy at home. There are also homemade shampoos that will increase the volume of hair, they do not use chemicals.

The simplest recipe consists of a decoction of chamomile and gelatin. Chamomile flowers need to be brewed for 15 minutes, until completely cooled.

Next, you need to take an incomplete tablespoon of gelatin and pour it with two or three tablespoons of cold chamomile broth. The resulting substance must be left alone for 40 minutes, until the gelatin is completely dissolved.

Further, about 1-2 tablespoons of any, the simplest shampoo without dyes and other additives, should be added to the container. When using the shampoo, apply to the hair and leave for 5 minutes for the active additives to work.

Also a very good way is a mask of decoction of fenugreek seeds at home. Shampoos can be added to the decoction in a one-to-one ratio. It also needs to be left on the hair to act for 5-10 minutes. This procedure activates the growth and regeneration of hair at home.

Tips for creating basal hair volume with your own hands

At home, it is quite possible to increase the volume of your hair without using tongs or corrugations. To do this, you need to follow some rules for hair care. For example, hair should be dried with the head tilted down. After each shampooing, you need to rinse your head with cool water with the addition of lemon juice. When you go outside in bad weather, fix your hair with hairspray.

And if no other means help, you can use bouffant and curlers. Alternatively, you can make volume using corrugation tongs. This is a fairly simple procedure. You need to make a parting on the head, separate the upper strands, apply a thermal spray on them and use tongs.

Curls must be placed in tongs one after another, the impact on one strand should not exceed 15 seconds, otherwise overheating will have a detrimental effect, like chemistry.

Forceps can also be used to create a basal volume. To do this, you need to use forceps only for processing the roots, it is not necessary to process the entire length of the hair. The forceps must be used correctly, for long and coarse hair, a temperature of about 210 degrees is needed, for thin and brittle hair no more than 180. The forceps should not be overheated. After tongs, powder can be additionally used.

Boost Up - what is this procedure and how does it work?

This procedure consists in giving volume to the hair with the help of special products that are applied to the hair roots. The composition of these funds is safe, as it contains cystiamine. Cystiamine, in turn, is a type of keratin that is present in the hair. When applying special means, an effect occurs that resembles a gafre, but not along the entire length, but exclusively at the roots of the hair. Due to this, the hair is lifted, and a long-term volume is created. The effect lasts from four to seven months, after which a correction is required.

The Boost Up procedure consists of several steps:

Initially, the hair at the roots is twisted into hairpins. Next, the hair is treated with a special tool and wrapped in foil. After the occurrence of a certain time, which is set by the master, the product is washed off and a fixative is applied. Again they wait, then the fixative is washed off. Hair is pulled out with a special round comb - brushing and dried with a professional hair dryer. To consolidate the "boost up" effect, it is recommended to avoid washing your hair for three days. This is how the procedure can be briefly described.

Reviews about Boost Up - what do you hear?

Of course, a lot depends on the master who performs this procedure, and your attitude to the recommendations for preserving the effect. If everything went at the highest level, then the reviews will only be positive.

Remember that the procedure should last at least three hours. Special products used by the master when curling should not have an unpleasant or pungent odor. The master who conducts the "boost up" procedure must have a license and a document (certificate) on passing special training courses.

Disadvantages of the procedure:

Of course, like everything on earth, the boost up procedure has some disadvantages. However, these shortcomings are relative. Let's list them:

The process takes a very long time, has a rather high cost, so far not every girl can try out this root volume technique;
after the procedure, it is recommended to wash the hair with special shampoos that are sold in professional stores;
girls who have a very strong sensitivity and individual intolerance may experience an allergic reaction.

Advantages of the procedure:

Reduces oily hair;
neither high humidity nor wearing a headdress will continue to spoil your hairstyle;
now the styling will take from five to ten minutes;
After the "boost up" procedure, there is no ban on hair coloring.

To carry out the procedure or not is the decision of every woman. But this is a real opportunity to always remain beautiful and well-groomed, because voluminous hair is really very beautiful.

Modern salon hair treatments are expensive, but provide truly phenomenal results. Already after the first session, you can notice a significant increase in the volume of hair or evaluate the effect of intensive straightening. The action of some manipulations is aimed at accelerating the growth of strands, their restoration or treatment. There are many offers on the cosmetic market, you just need to choose the best option. Some procedures today can be carried out at home, but only professional care will provide the most pronounced and lasting positive result.

Salon treatments for volumizing hair

For owners of thin and damaged hair shafts, who do not want to constantly suffer with styling and spoil curls, the hair lamination procedure is ideal. As a result of applying a special composition, followed by heat treatment, a porous film is formed around each rod.

Advantages of lamination

Important advice from the editor!

If you want to improve the condition of your hair, you should pay special attention to the shampoos you use. A frightening figure - in 97% of shampoos of famous brands there are substances that poison our body. The main components, because of which all the troubles on the labels are indicated as sodium lauryl sulfate, sodium laureth sulfate, coco sulfate. These chemicals destroy the structure of the curls, the hair becomes brittle, loses elasticity and strength, and the color fades. But the worst thing is that this muck gets into the liver, heart, lungs, accumulates in the organs and can cause cancer. We advise you to refrain from using products containing these substances. Recently, the experts of our editorial staff conducted an analysis of sulfate-free shampoos, where the first place was taken by funds from the company Mulsan Сosmetic. The only manufacturer of completely natural cosmetics. All products are manufactured under strict quality control and certification systems. We recommend visiting the official online store If you doubt the naturalness of your cosmetics, check the expiration date, it should not exceed one year of storage.

  1. In the process of manipulation, a special biologically active mixture with a high content of proteins, vitamins and microelements is used. This ensures that the rod is treated from the inside, rather than just masking problems.
  2. The film is formed not continuous, but porous. Hair can breathe without losing precious moisture. An additional plus of the film is the protection of cells from the negative effects of the environment and ultraviolet radiation.
  3. Instantly there is a significant increase in the volume of hair. Light is reflected from the smooth surface of the hair, providing curls with a healthy shine.
  4. There is a soldering of split ends. Thanks to lamination, you do not need to cut your hair often and then stimulate the acceleration of their growth.
  5. Manipulation is often carried out immediately after staining, it allows you to keep a fresh and juicy color for a long time.
  6. Curls after lamination become more obedient, they are easier to style, wash and comb.
  7. You can achieve a noticeable straightening of the strands.

The effect of lamination can last up to 1-3 months. The term depends on the initial condition of the hair and the quality of the cosmetic mixtures used.

If the hair is not damaged, but suffers from a catastrophic lack of volume, a root fixation procedure can be performed. This eliminates the need for daily styling, and the effect persists for a long time (up to 4-6 months). By itself, the manipulation is the usual perm of the root section of the hair. The curl is visible only at very close examination, it can be detected by touch. The coils are noticeable on a wet head, but immediately after drying they straighten out.

In addition to achieving additional basal volume and density, the session allows you to solve problems with increased fat content of the strands. While the effect of the procedure persists, the head will need to be washed at least two times less often.

Despite the use of components for perm, no aggressive effect on the roots is observed. You can dye your hair and carry out a lamination session immediately after building up the volume.

It is worth considering that such a procedure should not be carried out after manipulations aimed at enhancing hair growth. The length of the curls will increase, and the composition will not have time to wash out, so the waves will form in the wrong place.

Popular professional hair straightening treatments

Hair straightening techniques can be divided into three types, based on the method of influencing the curl.

  • Chemical exposure. A procedure based on the principles of perm, but leading to the opposite result. The strands are treated with chemicals, the composition is fixed and an air conditioner is applied. There are components of intensive, medium and mild degree of action. It is worth considering that with the frequent use of this type of straightening, it is necessary from time to time to make restorative masks and carry out ampoule treatment of strands and scalp. The duration of the effect depends on the degree of hair stiffness and ranges from 2 to 6 months.
  • thermal effect. Based on the use of hair dryers, irons, tongs. The hair is washed, treated with fixatives for more efficient straightening and pulled out with the selected tools along the growth of the curl to the very tips. Manipulation lasts only a few minutes, but the result is preserved until the first wash of the head. This is one of the most aggressive straightening options, after which curls often require high-quality home or professional treatment.
  • Method of keratin straightening. An innovative technique based on the use of natural ingredients. Damage to curls with this approach is minimal. An additional plus of such straightening is a noticeable improvement in the quality of hair, accelerating their growth. The effect of manipulation is similar to the results of lamination, but with additional alignment of the rods along the entire length. The only thing to consider is that some product lines may contain bactericidal components (for example, formaldehyde). In this case, inhalation of the mixture or its vapors should not be allowed to enter the mucous membranes and scalp. The result is stored up to 1-2 months.

It is worth remembering that all straightening options, no matter how soft and gentle they may be, lead to a change in the natural structure of the hair shafts, which cannot positively affect their health and appearance. There is no need to completely abandon such manipulations, but you should not abuse them.

A unique salon treatment that stimulates hair growth

For the accelerated growth of curls, many women use proven folk remedies. Today, this is no longer necessary, because there is a complex, but effective procedure that can stop hair loss and cope with a number of problems specific to the scalp. This is mesotherapy.

During the manipulation, special preparations are injected under the scalp, the action of which is aimed at treating dandruff, seborrhea and increased fat content of tissues, activating hair growth and even preventing the appearance of gray hair. The composition of drugs is selected individually, based on the wishes and initial symptoms of the patient. In just one session, several problems can be solved.

For those who are afraid of injections, this manipulation is not suitable. Despite the fact that the needles used are very short and thin, and the depth of their penetration does not exceed 2-4 mm, the procedure may seem painful and unpleasant. Those who are ready to endure the session, in addition to activating hair growth, are guaranteed to improve the appearance of curls, and the effect will last for a long time.

Wellness sessions for tips

Almost all modern salon hair treatments are based on the use of components that cause minimal damage to curls. Despite this, it is recommended to periodically resort to wellness manipulations - such as treatment of tips. If regular use of serums is not enough, you can try a haircut with hot scissors.

During the procedure, the split end is sealed along the cut, which allows not only to give the rod a neat and healthy look, but also to keep maximum moisture and nutrients in its cavity. The process of laying the processed strands is noticeably simplified, the curls become neat and obedient.

The temperature for each case is adjusted individually and depends on the thickness of the rods and their condition. Despite the obvious effectiveness of the approach, it is not able to get rid of the cause of the appearance of split ends. If you do not make changes to the hair care process, you will have to resort to this technique regularly.

What we just do not do to make the hair voluminous and beautiful. Every girl is ready to undergo the most unpleasant procedures in order to achieve the desired effect.

Despite the fact that today manufacturers offer a lot of care and fixation products, it can be difficult to create voluminous curls without the help of professionals. And if it does, the effect is not always long-lasting. That is why, Recently, the boost-up procedure has become very popular..

boost up benefits

So what is she like? This is a special root waving technique, which is aimed at maximizing the volume of hair. But do not be afraid of the word "perm", no curls are created on the lower strands, only the desired volume. It is carried out without affecting the upper strands.

I'm glad that the effect of it lasts up to six months, and what is remarkable, it does not require additional styling. It really may seem like something fantastic, but thanks to the boost-up, hundreds of modern women are convinced that it is possible to create an unprecedented volume and maintain a well-groomed look of their hair.

In general, the advantages of this bio-procedure are more than enough:

  • The weather is not a hindrance. With a boost-up, you don’t have to worry that the voluminous curls that have just been laid will immediately “turn into a wet chicken”.
  • Due to the volume, the hair at the roots becomes oily much more slowly.
  • The procedure has a healing and healing effect on the scalp.
  • Thin and lifeless hair will again become strong and stable.
  • The procedure is completely safe for health.
  • The components that make up the bio-perm have a beneficial effect on any type of hair.
  • The effect does not disappear even with prolonged wearing of the headgear.

Disadvantages and contraindications

But, as is well known, how many people, so many opinions. Along with the obvious advantages, some girls see serious disadvantages.

For example, one of them I was completely delighted with the effect for the first few weeks, until the hair began to noticeably grow back and make the head "square" shape. She complained about the masters of the salon, who convinced her that this would not happen and the curl would “straighten” over time, which, to her chagrin, did not happen.

However, there are those lucky ones who were quite satisfied and, if possible, will repeat the procedure with pleasure.

It is also worth remembering that the health and condition of the hair is different for everyone, so there is no need to rush too much with the use of all the new products. Boost-up also has some contraindications:

  • Do not apply the composition if the hair is dyed with basma or henna. The result can be disastrous.
  • Dry hair. Although bio-perm is gentle, it is still able to cause even more damage to already unhealthy hair.
  • Pregnancy, breastfeeding and taking antibiotics.

By adhering to these few instructions, you will protect yourself from unwanted consequences.

Hair care after the procedure

An important factor is hair care in the period after the boost-up procedure. To keep the effect as long as possible, carefully listen to the recommendations of your hairdresser.

Many experienced stylists do not advise washing your hair on the first day, also use curling irons and irons. If circumstances permit, then ideally it is worth forgetting about all fixing, modeling and coloring agents for 2 weeks.

Boost-up can and should be combined with lamination, shielding and other useful procedures using keratin.