Balayazh on dark how to do. Hair coloring in the style of balayazh: we make spectacular clarified ends. Balayazh coloring at home: instructions

Balayage coloring is a popular technique, which is a type of highlighting. It is characterized by a darkening of the roots, a smooth transition of shades and a gradual stretching of the color. This coloring looks stylish and makes the hair natural and dynamic. Balayage hair coloring is recommended for thin and dull strands that need extra volume.

Photo 1: Balayage staining technique

When using a light color, the ends of the hair and those strands that frame the face stand out. The composition is applied in the shape of the letter V. At the very beginning, the hair is processed on the sides, and then at the bottom. The master uses, as a rule, 2-3 shades, with the help of which a smooth transition is created. You can make a sharp "flow" or smooth.

Advantages and disadvantages

Balayazh hair very quickly became a very popular coloring option, as it makes the hair natural and eliminates the effect of a wig. In 2018, almost all women of fashion took advantage of this coloring option, which allows you to look natural and save on hair coloring.

Benefits of balayage include:

  • can be used for any length of hair;
  • makes hair more shiny and voluminous;
  • even short hair does not need to be tinted every month.

Balayage hair coloring effectively eliminates appearance flaws - it hides large cheekbones and a heavy chin. This technique is indispensable for owners of rounded cheeks.

Among the shortcomings, it should be noted only that the procedure takes a long time. You won't be able to do it on your own.

Differences between balayazh and other staining techniques

According to most girls, trendy coloring trends practically do not differ from each other and make hair natural, creating a smooth transition. The balayage coloring technique is distinguished by a clearer outline of the ends of the hair, due to the smooth transition of shades. This is due to the vertical application of the chemical composition, which helps to obtain smooth transitions. It turns out that balayage is a cross between techniques such as ombre and shatush.

Masters use two main methods of dyeing: only on the tips or on individual strands of hair along their entire length. The color solution can be both natural and contrasting (using bright shades and transitions). Balayage looks best on light brown hair if natural tones are used.

Photo 2: Coloring balayage on medium hair

Modern staining technique is distinguished by the use of gentle chemical dyes. That is why this dyeing technique can be used for hair devoid of volume and shine. Balayazh in one fell swoop will help solve three problems at once: it will make the hair lush and visually improve the appearance of the hair.

Girls with long curls may prefer any of the techniques. The most advantageous “lays down” balayage on medium and short hair. This coloring option is used to increase the expressiveness of the hair. It is best to get a suitable haircut in advance so that the color change looks the most successful. A great option is a ladder haircut.

Photo 3: Coloring balayage for short hair

For short hair, it is recommended to highlight the strands at the back of the head and near the face with a light color. This technique is designed to increase the density and improve the appearance of the hair. To create an extraordinary image, you can choose more daring shades.

What is the meaning of hair color?

Photo 4: Coloring balayage on dark hair

Can you do balayage on dark hair? It is in brown-haired women that the result of staining will be most noticeable. The result of the experiment will depend on the choice of shade. In this case, it is best to trust an expert.

The choice of shade depends on the final result:

  • for fashionistas, a clear contrast is preferable;
  • for sophisticated personalities - natural shades;
  • golden tones are suitable for romantic natures;
  • brunettes are better off using the color of chocolate and coffee;
  • girls with black hair - a silvery tint of gray shades;
  • lovers of outrageous and trendy images - neon colors (from sea to ultramarine and lemon).

Photo 5: Bright balayage

Among the extraordinary shades for dark hair that are popular among young people, we should highlight Burgundy wine, for example, or the color of aged bronze, autumn foliage.

Bright color looks great on locks along their entire length or at the very ends of the hair. In the first and second cases, the coloring will look non-trivial.

Photo 6: Coloring balayage on dark hair

Balayage coloring: how is the procedure?

Balayage is not a cheap pleasure, but despite this, most girls still prefer to follow fashion trends. You should not take risks and do staining at home, because the technique is not easy and it is quite difficult to perform it without professional skills. Even an experienced master cannot get the same result twice, which will depend on the characteristics of the original hair color and the dye used.

Within this staining technique, much attention should be paid not to the color scheme, but to the shades. It should be understood that incompatible tones will look unattractive.

When carrying out the staining procedure, the following sequence of actions must be observed:

  1. Fixation of hair in a bun, separation of the "lower tier" from the back of the head and temples.
  2. Separation into separate strands, the width of which should be from 2 to 4 cm.
  3. A light dye is applied as a border and shaded with small vertical strokes. The ends of the hair are smeared as thickly as possible.
  4. In the middle, the strands are dyed with an intermediate shade.
  5. The strands on which it is applied are covered with a film to separate from the next row.

Using this technique, all hair is processed. As a rule, 2-3 shades are used, which allows for a more natural shade. To achieve a smooth transition, the first dye should be taken 2 tones lighter, and the second - 4 tones. At the edges, use the lightest possible shade, and in the center - a darker one. If the natural color also needs to be updated, the most similar natural shade should be chosen. Otherwise, when the root part grows, there will be a clearly defined contrast. It will need to be adjusted 1 or 2 times a month, depending on the rate of hair growth.

Video of staining technique


To save the result, you must follow certain rules:

  • use care products with each shampoo;
  • rinse hair after washing with mineral water;
  • use curling irons and irons as little as possible.

Even slight coloring spoils the hair. After balayazh, it is recommended to use professional repair products to prevent them from falling out or becoming excessively brittle.

Hair coloring on the head has ceased to be for modern women a matter that requires lengthy preparation in the form of finding a suitable salon, making an appointment with a hairdresser, and then agonizing days of waiting for the result. The shelves of specialized stores are bursting with products in the style of "do it yourself" - hair dye has long been possible to choose, guided solely by personal desires.

However, no matter how the manufacturers promise, no matter how the company advertises, no matter what new research in chemical and molecular technology is introduced into the production of such products, the result of home dyeing almost always remains far from the desired ideal and the color of the curls of a beautiful girl on a box with products.

Of course, hair dyes designed for home care solve many problems. However, as decades ago, it is possible to achieve a high-quality result when changing their tone only in the salon, entrusting your head to the skillful hands of an experienced master.

One of the trends of the last decade is balayage coloring - a special type of highlighting, in which the color spreads into many shades along the hair growth: from dark at the roots to light at the very tips.

What is the difference between balayazh and other highlighting techniques

Balayazh gained momentum for a long time. For the first time, this highlighting technique, that is, partial hair lightening, was used in France, in the mid-70s of the twentieth century. At that time, stylists were thrown from one extreme to another: the 60s with their commitment to wigs had passed quite recently, and fashionistas of those years did not at all consider it shameful to dye curls in unnatural tones. In addition, uniform coloring of the heads prevailed - just such a result was considered a manifestation of high professionalism and corresponded to fashion trends.

Therefore, balayazh, with its smooth transitions and the effect of burnt hair, did not receive a special response in the hearts of the leading fashion creators. In women, this color was associated with sun-bleached strands. It was believed that balayazh did not decorate the appearance, turning a woman into a simple village woman who allowed such a careless attitude to her own hair.

In the new century, the balayage technique is experiencing a rebirth. Now fashion trends are natural, natural beauty, youth, active lifestyle. All this perfectly matches the mood that the balayage creates in the hairstyle.

It is the effect of burnt curls that is capable of much, providing the following advantages of the technique:

  • Creates volume even on weak, thin hair;
  • Gives the hair a natural look;
  • Visually rejuvenates;
  • Does not require regular staining of the roots. Moreover, balayazh is the only technique in which dark roots do not spoil the appearance of the head, but give an additional emphasis to the hairstyle;
  • Individuality is born due to the uniqueness of the client's hair: their color, structure, length. Therefore, every woman is unique after performing this procedure;
  • Cost-effectiveness and a gentle effect on the hair is provided by a small amount of paint applied.

The concepts of balayazh, ombre and so merge in the minds of many women into the same technique that often even on sites about hairstyles you can find photos of balayage under the text about the shatush or ombre technique, and vice versa.

However, there are differences. characterized by the presence of a clearly distinguishable border of two colors on the hair. It can be blurred along their entire length, as is achieved in the sombre technique, and yet it is there. There is only one firm answer to the question - how does balayazh differ from ombre: the absence of a border between colors that is noticeable to the eye. It should give the impression to others that your hair has burned out naturally. Ombre creates the effect of regrown roots after the previous staining.


In, just like in balayage, the effect of lightening is created at the ends of the hair. But in balayage, this lightening seems to be born in a natural way, because it is distributed evenly over the strands. Thus, the light highlight on them looks natural and natural, like the last sunbeam of hot July, entangled in the hair and remaining in them until the winter.

It is this effect that all women who choose balayage achieve. "Memories of summer" in the hairstyle make a positive impression on others. A woman with such coloring is perceived as younger, rested, full of internal energy.

Turning to the salon, ask the master what is the difference between these three popular staining techniques. If you didn’t hear a clear answer, choose another place to experiment with your hair.

Staining technique

In this technique, the name of which is translated from French as “revenge, sweep”, the master uses two, less often three tones of paint for dyeing, which is similar in color to the natural tone of the hair. The transition between them can be smooth or abrupt. But they are always shades of the same color!

Spectacular accents for creating a fashionable look are created by modern coloring techniques. Balayazh is one of them, when the tips of the curls are tinted in a different color.

Features of balayage on dark hair

For brunettes, the ends of the strands are lightened by 1 - 2 tones. With this approach, the hair at the crown is not affected by staining. The transition of tones gives volume to the hairstyle and enlivens the style. The image becomes tender and soft. Strands of dark color go well with the clarified tips of the curls.

Suitable shades

There are several options for coloring balayage. On dark curls, you can experiment with bright or light shades.

For spring- dark roots with a bronze tint can be combined with amber, copper, caramel ends of the strand.

Summer type with an ashy main tone, pearl shades are suitable.

winter type It will beautifully combine shades of eggplant and Burgundy wine. Shades of chocolate, espresso, chestnut are also suitable.

For autumn- a combination of dark chestnut with bronze, caramel, hazelnut, chestnut and chocolate tips.

Which to choose

Performing staining with light shades revitalizes the image and rejuvenates, allowing you to lose years. A dark color for balayazh, on the contrary, can visually even add years.

For outrageous young girls, even some bright catchy color can be suitable to accentuate the tips. And for a natural effect, the deviation from the main color should be within two tones.

Benefits of balayage coloring

Balayazh is popular among different ages because:

  • visually, such painting adds volume,
  • Suitable for both straight and curly curls
  • does not injure the hair roots and does not contact the scalp for a long time.
  • There is no need to often tint overgrown roots,
  • This is a fashionable type of staining that refreshes the image and rejuvenates.

The best paints

This paint does not contain ammonia and is gentle on the hair. It contains royal jelly, which nourishes the strands and restores their structure. Persistence - up to one and a half months. More than 20 shades will allow you to choose exactly the tone that you need.

Well-proven paint of the budget segment. Persistent saturated shades are able to paint over gray hair. Bright shade up to two months. A very large palette of shades, among them there are those that are suitable for balayage on dark strands.

Resistant high-quality paint, well-established among consumers. Shading gray hair and bright shades of the palette is a good choice for coloring at home. Organic oils in the composition are designed to nourish and protect the strands during dyeing. More than 30 shades, including chestnut, nut, honey. All those that can be used in balayage.

This tool is gentle. Does not contain ammonia, but is enriched with floral oils that give a pleasant aroma. More than 20 rich shades.

Professional tool. Durable, quality product. It is well distributed over the strands, has a gentle composition and is enriched with caring components. The choice of shades - several dozen.

How to make at home

Balayazh at home can be performed with the appropriate devices:

  1. paint of the selected shade;
  2. gloves;
  3. comb;
  4. for long hair - foil;
  5. brightening paint;
  6. hair ties or hairpins;
  7. brush for applying paint;
  8. container for mixing the coloring composition;
  9. Cape on the shoulders to protect from soiling clothes.

Step-by-step instruction

Considered a rather complicated technique, balayage can be done at home. Carefully executed painting will be no worse than a salon. The day before, it is recommended to trim the ends of the strands and, if necessary. Update haircut. And within two days before staining, it is advisable not to wash your hair.

Step by step:

  1. Carefully comb the strands.
  2. Prepare dye in a glass or ceramic container.
  3. Divide hair into zones, securing each with elastic bands or hairpins, in the direction from the back of the head forward and in the transverse direction from one ear to the other.
  4. Comb the ends of the curls.
  5. Coloring with a brightening composition is done with a brush along the ends of the hair and to the required length, not reaching the roots a few centimeters. Processing should begin with the lower occipital strands upwards and towards the temples and crown of the head.
  6. Perform vertical shading.
  7. The paint is aged, according to the instructions and washed off with water,
  8. Balm is applied to the curls or a nourishing mask for colored hair and is also washed off.
  9. After drying the strands to the ends of the strand use the desired shade of paint, repeating the whole process, including dividing the hair into separate zones.

Features of balayage on dark hair depending on the length

Short haircuts. When separating the strands, each of them is combed. And only then go through the tips with a brush.

Average length. This length does not imply any features and can be performed both with and without fleece.

Long haircuts. Longer lengths provide more room for experimentation and creativity.

You can even use several shades, but with experience:

  • The entire mass of hair is divided into ponytails, which are fixed with elastic bands at the right distance.
  • Each selected strand is dyed to the gum, laying foil.
  • Wrap the dyed curl.


Since the dyeing process affects the condition of the curls, in the future it is recommended to use shampoos and balms marked “for colored hair”, try to use styling products as little as possible and minimize the effect of temperature when blow-drying and styling with curling irons and irons.

Ombre gradient coloring, which was at the top of the hairdressing Olympus in 2013-2014, was replaced by the balayage technique (French Balayage Highlights - revenge, brush away) and in 2015 it firmly entrenched itself in the fashion world.

Balayage hair coloring, which originated in France in the early 70s, is a two-tone color with a blurry horizontal border. Like the ombre color, it is based on a blurry, barely noticeable color transition - from dark hair to lighter hair, as well as from natural color to bright saturated shades, which allow you to create a stylish and fashionable look. However, this is where the similarities between these staining technologies end.

Balayage coloring

The difference between balayage and ombre

There are several main differences between ombre and balayage techniques:

The balayazh technique is based on the study of individual strands, and not in the gradual and soft lightening of the ends of the hair, like an ombre.
- balayage coloring is carried out without the use of foil;
- in the balayage technique, shades are mixed in a vertical direction, and ombre staining involves a horizontal gradation of color;
- due to the color contrast, ombre looks spectacular on dark hair, and balayage hair coloring favorably sets off the natural ashy tint of fair-haired girls.

Advantages of balayage technique

The main advantages of balayage technique:

Creating a stylish summer look with the most natural result of staining;
- allows you to lighten your hair by a tone or two, which is ideal for those girls who have not yet decided on a radical change in image;
- enhances the effect of additional volume;
- Suitable for those with short hair.

Balayazh at home

Is it possible to do balayage coloring at home? For a woman who, by all means, decides to resort to self-coloring and create an unforgettable stylish look, nothing is impossible. Coloring balayazh, although a difficult task, but with confidence in one's abilities, exact observance of proportions and strict adherence to instructions, it is quite doable. However, the first time the result may be different from the desired, so it is better to first try the technique on a small strand of the occipital area.

Balayage hair coloring is carried out using tools and materials such as:

Comb with a metal tail,
- a bowl for the preparation of the coloring composition,
- gloves,
- brush for hair coloring,
- blondorant,
- oxidant,
- hair clips,
- semi-permanent dye.

1. Using a comb with a metal tail, divide the head into the following sections: two upper occipital, lower occipital, frontal, parietal and two temporal-lateral zones.

Strands should be chosen according to the “plate” or “zigzag” haircut.

2. Dye preparation. Depending on your base, mix the blondorant with 1.8-3% oxidant. Take the amount of powder and oxidant so that it is enough for you to paint the lower and frontal occipital areas to the occiput.

3. Start staining the balayazh from the center of the lower occipital zone, separating the parietal zone with clips. Select a strand 4-5 cm wide; pull it out at a 45° angle and hold it between two fingers. Type the prepared composition on the brush, removing excess paint. With a quick and precise hand movement, using the edge of the brush, draw a thin line up to 0.7 cm wide and up to 10 cm long along the edges of the strand, observing a root indent of 1-2 cm. The width of the line is determined by the desired degree of clarification: the wider it is, the lighter the strands you get as a result of staining.

Remember that balayazh hair coloring is carried out on dirty hair. The fatty film will protect the scalp from the aggressive effects of chemicals.

4. Then put this strand on a spatula, and apply a sufficiently thick layer of paint over the entire width of the strand, not reaching the roots by 6-8 cm. Depending on the desired effect, you can increase the indent. Immediately begin diagonally feathering the borders with a small sponge or finger. As a result, you should get an unpainted triangle, the top of which is directed towards the ends of the hair.

5. After all the strands to the occiput have been worked out in the same way, mix the bleaching powder and oxidizer with a higher percentage - from 3 to 6% in the same bowl. In the same way, color the strands of the upper occipital zone.

6. The next zones - temporal-lateral - stain using the same percentage of oxidizer.

7. Next, go to the parietal zone. To work out the strands of this zone, you will need a six or nine percent oxidant - for hair levels 1-3, respectively. We do not recommend using a 12% oxidizer, even if you are the owner of Asian hair. With such an aggressive effect, the “cooked” protein can lead to the fixation of yellowness, which will be problematic to remove with subsequent toning.

8. The exposure time, as a rule, takes 15-40 minutes, after which wash off the coloring composition.

9. Tone your hair to the desired shade using a semi-permanent dye and 1.9-3% oxidant.

Balayage technique by colorist Gai Tang

How to dye your hair yourself

A properly executed balayazh technique always leaves a mystery: whether the hair was dyed or burned out under the dazzling rays of the summer sun.

Balayazh has long been performed in almost all beauty salons. Often such a procedure has a rather high cost, which not every woman is ready to pay for painting curls. You can try a bright look and update your hairstyle at home. It is enough to find out a little information about this method and choose the right materials. Coloring creates the effect of sun glare on the hair, so it is possible to apply the dye in a chaotic manner. By choosing different shades and compositions, you can achieve almost blond curls without having to tint the roots every few weeks. With the correct procedure, the roots look neat for a long time.

Choosing a composition for coloring

There are many special dyes for such staining from popular brands, but you can opt for any tool. For such a procedure, it is not at all necessary to buy an expensive product, it is better to give preference to a proven composition. If you want to get a light tone on dark hair, you should lighten it first, and then tint it with the desired color. If the color is planned to be close to the main one, an ordinary dye of the desired shade with a clarifier in the composition is also suitable. Special attention should be paid to the color scheme, which should not be too bright. After dyeing, the effect of burnt hair should be obtained, so it is better to use colors close to the natural shade.

When planning staining, it is recommended to decide in advance whether to tint the roots. If the answer is yes, then you need to purchase paint and a dark shade. Balayage paint should be at least 2-3 shades lighter, otherwise the desired result will not work. Most ready-made kits have a clarifier, but you can also buy it separately. The recommended percentage of concentration is no more than 30. A higher concentration is used only by professionals who can accurately calculate the proportions so as not to spoil the hair.

Hair balayage technique

With the correct procedure, balayage on dark short hair has many advantages:

  • hair at the roots does not deteriorate, since the clarifier does not interact with them;
  • re-painting should be carried out once every 3 months, which allows you to restore and grow the length;
  • visually increases the density of the hairstyle.

With the right balayage coloring technique and a good choice of shades, you can achieve amazing results without much effort. Painting on short curls requires special care so as not to accidentally touch an unnecessary part of the hair. There are several secrets. For example, before starting the procedure, it is necessary to make a light pile and create a voluminous hairstyle by lifting and fixing the roots with varnish or mousse. So the clarifier will be easy to apply only to the desired strands. Another method is to divide all the hair into small squares and secure the strands with hairpins, then color each strand.

How to do balayazh on dark short hair at home step by step

  1. Using a wide-toothed comb, backcomb and divide the hair into several sections.
  2. Apply a coloring composition to a small part of the hair with a medium brush (you can use a sponge and even your hand) and rub the product with your fingers, achieving an even layer.
  3. Wrap the dyed ends with foil or cling film so that they do not stain dark hair.
  4. Leave the dye for up to 40 minutes (the exact time is indicated on the package), for the clarifier, the time is reduced to 15 minutes.
  5. Rinse off with warm water using shampoo and conditioner.

A more difficult way is to separate small strands, starting from the crown, as shown in the picture above. A small curl is carefully dyed with paint to the desired length of clarification and removed to the side for 25-40 minutes, with no need to cover the hair. It is recommended to paint over just small strands - this way the result is more natural and neat. After the time has passed, the hair is washed, and if necessary, toning is done. With this procedure, you can achieve a brighter and more saturated tone.

There is a simpler application method, but it is not classic. If you use it, the result may be different each time. To make dyeing in a simpler way, you should also comb your hair well and fix it with varnish in an upright position. The dye is applied to the foil or sponge, and then rubbed in an even layer only on the tips. The clarifier is left for the required time and washed off in the usual way. This method, unlike the previous ones, is suitable for self-painting without the help of strangers.

Balayazh style combination ideas

This technique makes it possible to lighten the strands and gradually come to a light tone. You should not immediately choose a color that is too light, it is better to change the shade every coloring. Balayazh looks spectacular on dark curls, emphasizing the individuality of a woman. It is better to choose natural shades that are close to the main tone.

Caramel color creates the effect of faded hair in the summer sun, suitable for owners of brown eyes and dark skin.

The shade of gold and coffee is most often chosen by girls who are not ready for experiments. Such coloring looks natural and easy, but at the same time spectacular.

Red and copper color allows you to create a bright image that wins the attention of others. Suitable for owners of dark hair with light and swarthy skin.

Brighter shades, such as blue, pink or orange, are chosen by young girls who want to stand out from the crowd.

Balayazh on dark short hair at home is not a big problem. The main thing is the desire to try and change. It is possible to combine several shades: dark roots, the middle part of the hair is lighter by 2-3 tones and very light ends. You just need to fill your hand and follow the step-by-step instructions.