Elbow exercises for the press. The classic bar and its variations - we strengthen the press and the whole body

Spring is on the street, which means that it is necessary to get rid of excess fat that has accumulated over the winter on the stomach and hone the relief of muscles and the contours of the figure. Under light clothing, a sleeveless T-shirt or a top, you can’t hide, alas, neither the belly nor the looseness of the muscles. A wonderful exercise that strengthens the press, shoulder girdle and back is the plank.

In addition, the bar is just good for keeping the musculoskeletal corset in good shape. It maintains the elasticity of the back muscles and their tension. What could be the best way to prevent degenerative processes and the development of a dangerous posterior protrusion - a protrusion of part of the intervertebral disc into the spinal canal? Only exercises for stretching and strengthening the rectifiers of the back, which include the famous plank exercise.

The rectifier muscle is the most powerful:

  • It keeps the spine in the correct balance position.
  • Forms posture.
  • With it, the ribs move up and down when breathing.

By straightening and stretching the back, the rectifier muscle simultaneously separates the vertebrae, which reduces pressure on the intervertebral disc. This contributes to an increase in the height of the disc and regression of the protrusion. The disk begins to restore its elastic properties not only due to the reduction of loads:

  • Daily training of the rectus muscles accelerates microcirculation in the paravertebral tissues.
  • The nutrition of the disk, which receives the necessary amino acids and trace elements, improves.
  • The production of new chondrocytes begins - the cells that make up the hyaline cartilage of the disc.

This is the truly life-giving power of a simple plank exercise.

The development of the muscular frame with the plank exercise

This static exercise develops almost all the major muscles of the body and fascia:

  • Muscles of the shoulder girdle and upper limbs:
    • large chest;
    • deltoid;
    • supraspinous and infraspinatus;
    • two-headed and three-headed;
    • shoulder.
  • Back muscles:
    • trapezoid;
    • broadest;
    • diamond-shaped;
    • thoracic fascia.
  • Abdominal muscles:
    • oblique (external and internal);
    • transverse;
    • direct.
  • Gluteal muscles.
  • The quadriceps muscle of the thigh.
  • Muscles of the back of the thighs.
  • Triceps calf, etc.

The plank exercise is available to both men and women and is widely practiced in yoga in a static version.

How to perform the classic plank exercise

When performing a classic plank, the following conditions must be observed:

  • The absolute evenness of the back - it should be perfectly flat (neither bend nor bend in an arc). Hence the name - plank.
  • The legs are also always straight and in line with the spine.
  • The spine and pelvis should be horizontal to the floor.
  • The head, neck and shoulders are also on the same line.
  • The position is held for 30 - 60 seconds.
  • Support on the forearms or palms: the elbow joint is strictly in the same vertical plane with the shoulder joint.

This position is given by a great tension of all muscles, therefore, it will not work to take the “plank” position from the end. If you rush, you can injure yourself. The exercise requires little preparation.

To whom the bar is contraindicated

Exercise can not be done with dorsal lumbosacral hernias with compression of the nerve root or spinal cord, coxarthrosis, hip dysplasia, shoulder arthrosis, spondylolisthesis and other serious pathologies of the spine.

The preparatory phase of the classic plank

  • Get down on your knees and lean on your elbows, placing them parallel to each other at shoulder level.
  • We hold the neck horizontally to the floor, stretching it forward.
  • Raising the knee a little, slowly straighten the right leg, resting the toe on the floor.
  • Straighten the left leg in the same way.
  • Hold in the classic plank for a few seconds, then, lowering your knees alternately, return to the starting position.
  • In the same way, you can prepare a classic plank on your hands (with support on your palms).

Features of the classic plank

Observing the above conditions (horizontal of the spine, pelvis, lines of the neck and head), you can gradually increase the time of the exercise to one minute.

  • In the position on outstretched arms, it is easier to perform the bar, due to the larger lever (the role of the supporting lever is played by the hands).
  • The wider the arms are apart, the easier it is, as the area of ​​\u200b\u200bsupport increases.
  • It is also easier to maintain a position by increasing the supporting area for the legs, that is, spreading the feet. The most difficult exercise is to perform with connected feet.

This can be taken into account in the scheme of sequential complication of the bar, starting from easier positions.

The classic bar can be supplemented with other elements:

  • for example, lowering on outstretched arms on the left or right thigh (twisting);
  • making rotational movements of the hips, etc.

Performing all variants of the classic plank, it is imperative to monitor the absence of a deflection in the back.

Other types of planks

Plank on one leg

  • Take the position of the classic plank (at first, it is better to spread your arms wider).
  • Move the left leg to the midline of the body.
  • Raise your right leg up and keep it straightened as much as possible.
  • Repeat the plank on the right leg.

Dynamic power option: alternating leg swings.

You can modify a simple leg raise by adding:

  • circular rotation of the leg;
  • taking it to the side (straight or bent);
  • bringing the leg to the chest;
  • flexion and abduction of the leg in the opposite direction.

One arm plank

  • Take the previous classic pose, but increase the support area for the legs, spreading the feet wider than the hip line, and, on the contrary, connect the hands in the middle.
  • Maintaining balance with emphasis on the right hand, stretch the left hand forward, to the side or raise it up.
  • Holding this position for as long as possible, return to the previous position.
  • Repeat with emphasis on the left arm.

The more preparation and better physical condition, the more dynamic the change of hands should be.

You can complicate the exercise by adding a turn of the body towards the supporting arm, keeping the hips motionless.

You can also use a dumbbell in the power version.

Plank on one arm and one leg

  • Both palms and feet are widely spaced.
  • At the same time, stretch the left arm horizontally forward and raise the right leg.

The exercise also has two options:

  • Static - you need to stay in the main position for as long as possible.
  • Dynamic - fast movements with a change of arms and legs.

For those who have all sorts of pathologies with the spine, only static exercises are recommended.

side plank

  • Sit on your left thigh, leaning on your left elbow and straightening your legs.
  • Raise the pelvis so that it is in line with the body.
  • Put your right hand on your side, behind your head or stretch it up, and keep this static position within your strength.
  • Lower the pelvis, returning to the starting position.
  • Repeat the exercise on the right side.

The side bar can be made more difficult by adding:

  • twisting elements, moving the raised hand under the opposite side;
  • bringing the elbow of the raised arm to the knee of the upper leg, etc.

You can perform the exercise with support not on the foot, but on the knee.

Plank in yoga

There is a reverse bar, when the straightness of the spine of the pelvis and legs is also observed, but the emphasis on the palms or on the forearms is made behind the body.

In yoga, this pose is called Purvottanasana.

Consider another interesting bar, often used in yoga - Chaturanga dandasana.

It resembles a classic plank with support on the palms, but here the arms are bent at the elbows and the body is strictly parallel to the floor. Otherwise, the pose is called the four-point plank. It is much more difficult to do it.

And there is no limit to perfection. For physically trained people, it is possible to hold the body:

  • on three points (on one hand and two feet);
  • on two points (opposite arm and leg);
  • on two points on weight (only hands).

Physical exercises are performed to develop joint mobility (flexibility), (dexterity), volume and density of muscle mass (strength), the ability to perform work for a long time () or in a minimum time (speed). Plank exercises are similar to isometric strength exercises.

Who plank exercises will not help to lose weight

As you know, the new is the well-forgotten old. The modern catchy name of this or that forgotten technique is not always good for the body, so a certain caution should be exercised before starting classes.

For some, this technique can be harmful, not only for physical development, but also for the general condition of the body.

Passion for isometric exercises like a plank can cause an increase in blood pressure, because you have to strain, so hypertensive patients, in case of violations of the cardiovascular system, with myopia, should refrain from this method of losing weight.

Like any other exercise, the bar is not a panacea and cannot completely replace dynamic physical activity, although the isometric mode seems to many to be simple and universal.

Research by sports scientists supports the conclusion that overindulgence in trendy self-resistance exercises like the plank can lead to neuromuscular disorders.

In addition, when a certain level of muscle fitness is reached, static exercises cease to have a training effect - progress stops.

The benefits of strengthening the muscles of the bar

When performed correctly, various muscle groups are involved, which can be additionally loaded by changing the position of the legs or arms.

Training does not require special equipment, they can be performed almost anywhere - at home, on a business trip, in a forest or park.

Static exercise quickly warms up the muscles, loads the abdominal and arms, helps to burn fat and lose weight.

The most important thing when doing exercises is to do them correctly, to observe the technique. If it has become very difficult, it is worth reducing the execution time of the bar, but in no case violate the correct position of the torso, arms, legs.

Plank exercise for beginners

Obese, overweight people should start with a simplified version of the popular isometric exercise, namely, learn to stand for at least a minute in a position on the elbows and knees, the hips and gluteal muscles are tense.

With increasing fitness, straighten your legs. To maintain balance, first place them wider to reduce the load. When progress is achieved, the feet can be placed almost close to each other.

By the time the exercise is completed, the bar for beginners needs to be brought up to one minute. Then go to the base version.

Basic plank with straight arms

Position shoulder-width apart, arms slightly bent at the elbows, neck and back in line, head does not drop down, eyes look forward. The legs are straightened, the feet are together or at a short distance from each other, resting on the balls of the toes. The muscles of the abdominal press are maximally tense, the buttocks are picked up.

It is correct to start doing the basic plank from one minute. After 2-3 days, you can increase the time by 30 seconds. Try to achieve continuous exercise for three minutes.

If the arms or abs get tired, beginners can rest by bending the torso and raising the buttocks, as shown in the photo.

  • It is useful to make a couple of movements to the left (rearrange the left arm and leg, then the right arm and leg). Repeat for the other side. Perform the exercise 15-20 times.

With the growth of fitness, to continue strengthening the abdominal muscles, you can complicate the basic plank exercise, do it for each side 10-15 times, as shown in the photo:

  • Perform movements with each leg, trying to touch the corresponding elbow through the side with the knee.
  • Do a plank with the simultaneous movement of the leg under the body to touch the knee of the opposite elbow. The outer surface of the thigh does not touch and is parallel to the floor.
  • With the foot of the straightened leg through the side, touch the floor at shoulder level.

Elbow Plank

This version of the exercise is hardly available to beginners, it is quite difficult. More muscles are tensed - the muscles of the abdominals, chest, back, lower back, hips, arms, which support the body in a straight position. This requires a certain physical fitness from the practitioner.

For additional training of the buttocks, muscles of the back of the thighs and abdominals, perform the following exercises 10-15 times, as shown in the figure (photos):

  • alternately raise the straightened leg up;
  • lift the buttocks and return to the bar on the elbows to make the press stronger;
  • alternately touch the floor with your hips.

To complicate the basic bar, as well as when performing it on the elbows, one arm can be extended forward parallel to the floor. The load is increased by a decrease in the support points.

To make the muscles of the shoulders, arms, and abs strong, another variant of complication is to perform the basic plank with crossed straight arms:

To assume the position with crossed arms, you must first complete the basic plank. Then transfer the weight to one of the hands and place the other in the required position.

Cross-arm plank for a minute or more.

Side plank exercise

Staying in this position develops the muscles of the thighs, buttocks, side of the abdomen. As in the previous versions of the exercise, the lower arm is either straightened or the body rests on its elbow.

The foot of the upper leg is placed in front, the foot of the lower leg is placed behind. To complicate the exercise, this bar can be done by placing the feet together, one above the other.

Torso, legs, neck on the same line. The left palm is either on or the arm is straightened perpendicular to the body, the palm is open. Keep a tense press.

To perform the plank for the other side, it is correct to go into the classic (basic) plank, and not kneel.

Beginners need to learn how to hold muscle tension for a minute. If your arms or abs are tired, you can rest in a position with raised buttocks, as described in the basic plank.

Side plank complication:

1. Move the upper arm in an arc and bend at the elbow so that its palm is under the lower side, as shown in the photo (figure). Repeat 10-15 times for each side.

2. Bend the upper elbow, palm near the ear. Lower the pelvis, touch the floor - inhale. Raise the pelvis - exhale. Repeat for the other side. Do the exercise 10-15 times.

3. Lean the torso only on the palm and foot of the lower arm and leg, the torso is straight. The upper leg and arm are maximally tense. Having made this bar, in addition to the development of muscles, it is possible to improve coordination of movements. Repeat for the other side.

Reverse plank exercise

To train the gluteal and calf muscles, do the reverse bar exercise:

  • The fingers on the hands are directed towards the feet, the socks are pulled forward, the buttocks are tense, the back and legs are on the same line. Hold the position for a minute or more.

For the trained, the exercise can be complicated. When it is performed, the thigh, triceps, abs, gluteal muscles are trained, coordination of movements improves:

  • Starting position as in the previous exercise. Raise your left leg up and hold it for 10-15 seconds. Run for the other side. Gradually build up time.

The following kind of back plank helps to make the shoulders and neck area strong:

  • The starting position is the same, but the knees are bent. The shins and arms are perpendicular to the floor. The torso and hips are in the same line, the knees are a little apart from each other, the neck is slightly tilted forward so that the head does not turn back. Hold the position for 20 seconds, remembering to breathe.
Modified: 08/11/2018

    The plank exercise is considered one of the most effective exercises for pumping the abdominal muscles. This exercise gained popularity due to the ease of training and the opinion that it helps well with weight loss. Is it so? We will talk about this and how to do this exercise correctly in our material today.

    The exercise is unique in that it works out several different muscle groups at the same time without devices and simulators. These are the muscles of the press, shoulder girdle, arms, back, legs, buttocks. Plank exercise also increases the endurance of the whole organism, helps to lose weight due to the acceleration of metabolism, and even improves the psycho-emotional state. Whether you prefer group CrossFit workouts or solo workouts, plank practice is what makes other exercises safe and effective.

    The plank exercise is great for a hitch in CrossFit!

    Let's talk about the following things:

    • All types of planks.
    • Proper plank technique.
    • Benefit and harm to the body.
    • How to make plank progress in 30 days.

    Types of planks

    All types of planks have common rules and a similar technique. However, they differ in the position of the body, arms, legs, inclination of the body. Accordingly, in each type of exercise, different muscle groups can be included.

    • Straight arm plank. This is a classic exercise. It is performed statically and is the best exercise for improving the stabilization abilities of the abdominal muscles.
    • Elbow Plank is a more difficult option. The angle between the body and the floor decreases, as a result of which it becomes harder to stand. In addition to the abdominal muscles, the pectoralis major muscle, the deltoid, the large square muscle of the back, and the muscles of the anterior surface of the thigh are included in the work.
    • Plank with outstretched arm or leg. Enhances the effectiveness of the exercise by reducing the fulcrum. Gives a great load on the muscles of the core, develops balance well.
    • side plank. That is, you stand in a fixed position on 1 arm and 1 leg.

    Having mastered these exercises, you can subsequently diversify your workout by adding jumps, push-ups, twists, lunges to the classic version, as well as using additional devices, such as fitball, bench, pancake or sandbag weights.

    The plank exercise comes in over a hundred different variations. Today we will take a closer look at two classic types: on the hands and on the elbows. The exercise seems simple, however, if the execution technique is violated, the effectiveness of it may come to naught. Therefore, before getting into the bar, carefully read the text below and then the benefits of the exercise will be maximum.

    Execution technique

    Now we will figure out how to do the plank exercise using the example of 2 classic execution techniques - on straight arms and on elbows.

    Very detailed and clear about the bar on the video - look!

    Straight arm plank

    Remember that it is the correct technique that matters. Further, having dealt with the nuances of the exercise, you will gradually be able to improve the time indicators. On the first day of classes, standing in the bar for 20 seconds will be enough for a beginner. Every day you can gradually improve your result. Then you will achieve the best results.

    If you do not have a mentor with you who will check the correctness of the technique, then perform the exercise in front of a mirror. Also use a fitness mat.

  1. Take an emphasis lying down. From this position, rise in such a way that you rely only on your palms and toes. The hands should be exactly under the shoulders.
  2. Don't bend your legs, keep them straight
  3. The back position is absolutely straight. The shoulder blades are down. Do not round your back or stick out your tailbone. The gaze is directed forward
  4. The press must be kept at maximum tension and not relaxed until the end of the plank.
  5. Feet can be placed together, or can be parted to shoulder width. The wider the feet are, the easier it is to perform the exercise, but at the same time you will reduce the efficiency of the muscles.
  6. Breathing is calm and continuous

Complicating the exercise

  • Plank on one leg. It is necessary to stand up, observing all the above rules and raise one leg up, keeping the body position in static. After completing the exercise with one leg, repeat with the other. To maintain balance, hands can be placed slightly wider than shoulders.
  • Plank with outstretched arm. Standing in the bar, stretch one arm forward and keep your balance, keep your back straight. Repeat the same steps, extending the other hand.

Elbow Plank

The principle of execution is the same as in the bar on the hands. The only difference is that you lean on your forearms. To do this, you need to bend your arms, keep your elbows strictly under your shoulders. Make sure that the spine does not bend, the coccyx does not protrude, and the press remains in tension.

Complicating the exercise

  • On one leg. Leaning on your elbows, lift one leg up and linger in this position. Then repeat with the second leg.
  • With outstretched hand. While in the bar on the elbows, stretch your arm forward. After standing still in this position for a few seconds, change your hand.
  • The bar on the arms and elbows can be combined into one exercise. First, take a position on straight arms, then lower yourself onto your elbows, alternately bending first one arm, then the other. Then return to the starting position. Repeat several times.

Video with 5 unusual and effective plank variations, for those who confidently do the classic version of this exercise.

The benefits and harms of the bar

How useful is the plank exercise? Conventionally, the benefits of it can be divided into several components, such as benefits for the back, legs and abs. Let's talk in detail about each case in terms of the benefits and harms of the exercise.

Benefits for the back

Back pain affects most people who lead a sedentary lifestyle. The back is a vulnerable spot for both professional athletes and ordinary visitors to the gym. The main reason for this phenomenon is weak core muscles. The benefit of the back plank exercise is to strengthen the muscle groups that are responsible for stabilizing our body. During the plank, large muscles of the back are worked out: the rectus, latissimus dorsi, muscles of the lower back and neck. Such a symmetrical load on the press and back makes the posture correct, and the stomach tightened. By performing the plank exercise regularly, you can get rid of back pain, notice progress in strength exercises, and minimize the possibility of spinal injuries. The plank for the back will serve as a prevention of osteochondrosis.

However, be careful: the exercise can be harmful in case of any problems with the spine. A violation of technique can even lead to back injuries.

Benefits for the legs

Almost all the muscles of the legs work in the bar. In various types of exercises, the middle and large gluteal muscles are in great tension, the muscles of the thighs and calves work. By doing the bar regularly, you will notice that the muscles of the legs are strengthened, gain tone, the buttocks become more toned, and the legs are slender. The plank for the buttocks has another positive effect - the reduction of cellulite, due to the improvement of blood microcirculation in this area. Starting the exercise, you should take into account the great stress that falls on the legs.

Although the classic plank is performed in a static position and has a gentle effect on the joints, in some cases, for example, with problems with the ankle, the exercise can be harmful.

For weight loss

Great news for those who want to lose weight. Performing the bar, you can quickly get rid of extra pounds. As you know, the effect of losing weight is achieved in case of a calorie deficit. That is, you need to spend more energy than you consume with food. By combining proper nutrition and plank exercise, you will significantly speed up your metabolism, which will lead to weight loss. The benefit for losing weight is also that the systematic exercise tightens the skin and makes it more elastic.


We have already found out what the plank gives and what the benefits of the exercise are. However, please note that doing the plank can also be harmful. It is contraindicated for people with spinal injuries, intervertebral hernia, pregnant women. In the postoperative and postpartum period, exercise should also be done with caution. Such people should consult a doctor, otherwise they can cause serious harm to their health.

Program for 30 days

Plank exercise will become your indispensable assistant on the way to health and an excellent figure. Having learned how to do the plank correctly, start exercising. The positive effect of training will not be long in coming.
Check out our 30 Day Plank Program. You can combine different types in it. How useful each of the exercises you already know. In a month, you will feel the effectiveness of the exercise and see amazing results. Perform the bar for 30 days using this scheme, which will allow you to make progress by gradually increasing the execution time.

Day 120 sec
Day 220 sec
Day 330 sec
Day 430 sec
Day 540 sec
Day 6Rest
Day 745 sec
Day 845 sec
Day 91 min
Day 101 min
Day 111 min
Day 121 min 30 sec
Day 13Rest
Day 141 min 30 sec
Day 151 min 30 sec
Day 162 minutes
Day 172 minutes
Day 182 min 30 sec
Day 19Rest
Day 202 min 30 sec
Day 212 min 30 sec
Day 223 min
Day 233 min
Day 243 min 45 sec
Day 253 min 45 sec
Day 26Rest
Day 274 min
Day 284 min
Day 294 min 30 sec
Day 305 minutes

With this program, you will be able to see great results very soon. Girls and men can say goodbye to chubby arms and sagging belly, because they will disappear. Today we will tell and show how to make a bar for weight loss and give a training program for a month, according to which the elbow stand for the press will help you make beautiful cubes on your stomach or just help you achieve a flat stomach.

The plank is one of the best core strengthening exercises. It interacts with several muscle groups at the same time, both on the front side of the body and on the back. The plank will not only tighten the tummy, but also strengthen the lower back and reduce back pain.

Your posture and sense of balance will also improve as you keep your abs in constant tension.

This exercise is a great option that affects the muscles of the body - but only if the execution technique is correct. Keep reading to find detailed instructions and quick tips on how to properly hold an abs plank and get the most out of this exercise in 30 days!

Core muscle tone and perfect abs

The plank is one of the most effective static exercises because it targets the upper and lower abdomen and lower back, while also allowing you to pump up the abs. And while she's working on all those muscles to strengthen core muscles, your upper and lower body are also trained - your back and shoulders work to keep your upper body stable and balanced, while your quads and glutes keep your core rigid. Do you want the coolest? The plank not only improves your posture and strengthens your core muscles, which helps avoid injury, but it also activates a few stiff muscles throughout your body, which will finally give you that flat and sexy belly that you dreamed of.

Proper plank technique

In order for the 30-day exercise program to work in your favor, it is important that the technique is at its best. Improper execution can hurt your lower back and stop your progress. Follow these guidelines for proper technique.

  1. Place your forearms firmly on the ground shoulder-width apart.
  2. As you rise from the floor, make sure your body forms a straight line from the top of your head to your feet.
  3. Don't let your hips drop close to the floor: this will cause tension in your lower back, which can lead to injury.
  4. Do not raise your hips too high: although this makes the exercise easier, it also loads the lower back with unnecessary weight. In addition, this is self-deception, making the exercise easier, you reduce its effectiveness.
  5. Make sure your abs are engaged and tense at all times. You can do this by imagining your navel touching your spine.
  6. To engage your legs, squeeze your glutes and engage your quads.
  7. Most importantly, don't forget to breathe. Especially with a long exercise, it is important to maintain a steady rhythm of breathing. Try to breathe deeply instead of holding your breath high in your chest. It may be hard at first because of your body position, but the best trick to control your breathing is to focus on it.

The most common mistakes

  • Holding hands too close together will lead to instability of the shoulder joint
  • Holding your breath – blood pressure rises quickly, which can lead to fainting
  • Lowering of the head, pelvis or shoulders - the body must be aligned or there may be injury
  • Trying to hold the position for too long - it is better to do the plank for a shorter time, but with good technique, than vice versa.

Types of exercise "Planck"

How to do plank for beginners?

Is it necessary to do many options at once and do all types of planks for the press in one day? No. If you find that the forearm stand is too difficult, then try it with straight arms.

  1. Place your hands firmly on the ground shoulder-width apart. Avoid blocking the elbows, which puts unnecessary and often dangerous stress on the joint.
  2. Stretch your legs, stabilizing yourself with the balls of your toes.
  3. As you come into position, straighten your spine, tighten your abdominal muscles, squeeze your glutes and quads, and keep your head in a neutral position to form a straight line with your body.
  4. Again, don't let your hips sag or your buttocks rise towards the ceiling. Keep your body in a rigidly straight line throughout the entire workout.

If this is already boring for you, then you can diversify your training routine plank variations. Try them all in time 30 day challenge.

  1. Place your forearms on an unstable surface such as a bosu ball.
  2. Place your feet on an unstable surface.
  3. Raise one leg off the floor while standing.
  4. Raise one hand off the floor.
  5. Bring and spread your legs in a jump.
  6. Alternately bring the right knee to the right armpit and the left knee to the left armpit.
  7. Swap your legs.
  8. Stretch your right hand forward, then your left.
  9. Rotate your body from side to side bringing your left knee to your right armpit and then your right knee to your left armpit.
  10. March your arms up and down.
  11. Raise your left arm and right leg at the same time, then switch to your right arm and left leg.
  12. Place your feet on a smooth surface and squeeze your core muscles to pull your legs in towards you, becoming like a corner, and pull them back.
  13. Rotate your upper body by raising your right arm into the air, return to the starting position and turn to the other side by raising your left arm.
  14. Gently lower your knees alternately to the floor during the plank.
  15. From a plank position with straight arms, begin the “walking on your hands” forward.
  16. Again, from a plank position with straight arms, begin to push your arms forward until your face almost touches the floor. Pause here to inhale, then return to the starting position.

One thing to remember is that the plank is a basic exercise that involves both your core and lower back. So don't worry if you feel some soreness in your lower back a few days after doing the plank. This is actually a good thing, because it means that those muscles have worked and will eventually be strengthened with the plank.

How to make a side plank

There aren't many core exercises that are as effective as the side plank. Most people ignore the flanks and focus on the core muscles. There is nothing wrong with this, but if you neglect the sides, you are ignoring a weak muscle called the quadratus lumborum, or quadratus lumborum. This is an important muscle on the back of the abdominal wall that plays a critical role in alleviating and relieving back pain.

Be sure to include this exercise in your workout.


  • Get into a plank position, then turn to the right side.
  • Keep your legs extended, your hips and legs on the ground, legs stacked on top of each other.
  • Place your right elbow directly under your shoulder to lift your torso and align your head and spine.
  • Place your free hand along the length of your body, or if you want to increase the difficulty, raise your hand.
  • Repeat the same movements for the left side.

Don't Always Follow Your Workout Schedule

First of all, everything is fine! Life goes on. Sometimes we forget, sometimes we're too busy, and let's be honest, sometimes we just feel like we don't need it at the moment. If you miss one day, then everything is fine. It's best to pick up where you left off and not worry about trying to make up for a lost day. Just turn it into 31 days with an extra rest day. It's OK.

However, if you miss several days in a row, the rules change slightly. If you miss a few days, it's best to just start over. And there is nothing wrong with that! You will likely be more determined and prepared the second time you challenge. The purpose of the 30-day challenge is to gradually prepare your body for stable performance, allowing it to adapt to the exercise. And always, if the pain begins to prevail, stop the exercise.

Completing the 30-Day Plank Challenge is a great way to jump-start your fitness lifestyle, push yourself to new heights, reach new goals, and see the results you want. Here are some quick tips to follow for any athletic challenge!

  1. Invite your friends! It's more fun when your best friends train with you. Thus, you will be responsible for each other and push to new heights!
  2. Listen to your favorite music! Even though you don't need too much time, it's always better if you listen to some hot new hit or your favorite indie band.
  3. Be consistent! Do the exercises from the challenge every day at the same time and in the same place (if possible, I know that this is not always possible due to active work, so do it to the best of your ability).
  4. It will be very good if you use a soft mat during the exercise, because. knees and elbows must be protected. If you don't have a mat, you can use a towel.

3 ways to increase your plank time

Practice is the only way to improve plank time. Follow these 3 tips:

  1. Do exercises with your own body weight - pull-ups and push-ups increase your core strength.
  2. Additional weights - Do squats and deadlifts to really strengthen your core muscles.
  3. Practice.

Now that you know everything, it's time to start sculpting a beautiful tummy!

30 day plank challenge

So here's the plan: In 30 days, you'll be able to do a plank for two minutes. Don't worry that you can barely keep it for 15 now, that's all you need to get started. Now, for those of you who can hold a two-minute plank without any problems right now, first off, well done! Secondly, you can still use this training program to increase core strength and plank time. Just add one minute to each day and by the end of the challenge, you'll double your time.

During these 30 days, you will be doing the basic plank every day (its technique was previously explained), and the length of time you must hold the bar increases throughout the time. Rest days are also included in the program, and I recommend that you use them to your advantage, as it is likely that without them your muscles will cry. Rest days are important because they give your muscles time to recover and grow.

Two minutes! Goodies! How has your tummy become? Flat, slender, toned? Great. Now that you feel confident doing planks, you can make yourself even better by adding a minute to your recommended time each day and working your planks up to four minutes.

Welcome everyone!

The topic of our article is the benefits of the plank exercise for women. The famous static exercise may seem quite difficult for beginners, but everyone can hold out for a minute and even more. Let's find out exactly how.

You can do planks anytime, anywhere, as long as you can lie down. The interesting thing is that you will have to do almost nothing, just keep your own weight. In this case, almost all the muscles of the body will be involved. You will feel the effect of the exercise instantly - the body will begin to tremble, the muscles will burn, and there will be less fat and calories.

Women's health especially needs regular sports activities. By strengthening the overall tone of the body, a woman not only becomes stronger and more attractive, but also prepares for childbirth, when the readiness of each part of the body for stress is very important.

The position strengthens the back muscles, improves posture, and strengthens the cervical region. This exercise tightens the stomach, removes excess fat. Strengthens shoulders, arms and leg muscles. Your body will be strong and beautiful.

Static Position Technique

Like any other exercise, the bar has its own technique. Knowing the specifics of the position will ensure the safety and effectiveness of classes.

Wear comfortable sportswear and shoes. Shorts, sweatpants, sneakers, a T-shirt or T-shirt will do. Nothing should hold back or hamper movement.

1. classic plank

Even this simple position has many variations. Start with the classics, build sustainability, and keep experimenting.

  • Lie on the floor, lean on your toes and connect your feet together.
  • Tighten your back muscles and abs, and then rise with outstretched arms. The palms should be exactly under the shoulders.
  • Stop.

The first time will be difficult. Remember that there are no impossible tasks, the main thing is practice. Be sure to breathe, feel free to do it noisily. Inhale through your nose, exhale through your mouth. Puff if you have to, but above all don't fall. If your body fails, and you still fall, immediately get up again and stand until the end of the intended period of time. For a woman, the plank exercise will benefit if you give it your all. Remember every moment of the lesson: you are working for yourself and for your body.

Do not allow excessive deflection of the lower back, so you overwork and can hurt yourself. The entire body should be one solid line.

To support the body, strongly tighten the buttocks, pull in the stomach, hold the neck. The head cannot be lowered to the floor and lifted up, it is a continuation of the legs and spine, one straight line.

Please note that the inverted abdomen should in no case affect breathing. It is breathing that will allow you to perform the bar well, saturate the body with oxygen and help you hold out as long as possible.

It is also impossible to round the lower back and raise the pelvis up. In this position, the load is weakened, the position becomes ineffective.

If, when performing a classic bar, you feel excessive tension in your legs, it is permissible to put your feet shoulder-width apart.

2. Elbow Plank

The classic bar can be done on the elbows. You will need to keep on toes and on bent arms. Elbows should be strictly under the shoulders, hands extended forward, arms parallel to each other.

Do not be afraid of burning sensations in the muscles - this is how your body works. Imagine yourself as a sphinx in the sands of the desert, which lies almost the same, leaning on its paws. The Sphinx is blown by hot winds, the sun warms it, but it doesn't care. Being distracted by pleasant thoughts and visualizations, it will be much easier for you to meet the bar, you will not be tracking every second.

Remember to keep your back straight, don't fool yourself by arching your lower back toward the floor. It's unsportsmanlike.

3. side plank

This type of static position is one of the most difficult. The benefits of such a plank exercise for women have been proven in many fitness clubs and are very loved by Pilates and callanetics trainers.

When performing this exercise, the lateral press is strengthened.

Lie on your side. Place your feet on the floor so that the toe of one touches the heel of the other foot, as if you were walking along a narrow curb. Raise your body up on one arm, the other on your waist. Stop.

The side position can be performed on the elbow.

4. Leg Raised Plank

You can strengthen your legs well by increasing the load on them. The raised leg plank exercise is beneficial for women who want to showcase toned thighs and strong calves.

It is necessary to take the “bar on the elbows” position, tear off one leg from the floor and keep it in a position of 45 degrees, without lowering it until the end of the exercise.

5. Inverted plank

This is a very interesting exercise and allows you to strengthen the so-called core muscles. This muscle group is responsible for supporting the hips, spine, and pelvis.

Lie on your back. The fulcrum will be the heels and elbows. Rise up on your elbows, lifting your calves, buttocks, back and shoulders off the floor. Stop.

6. How long should you plank?

In order for the benefits of the plank exercise to be as effective as possible for women, you need to do it every day. The bar does not cause excessive stress on the joints of the arms and legs, does not overload the heart. Exercise is safe for daily activities.

There is a technique that will allow you to stand in a pose for 5 minutes. Start with the simplest exercise, with the classics, and then complicate.

On the first day, hold the position for exactly 20 seconds. Then relax, rest and repeat the exercise again. For two days, stand in the bar for the same amount of time, and on the third, add another 10 seconds. Once a week, rest and allow yourself not to do any exercises, it is better if the rest is at regular intervals.

If you try your best and stand "to the bitter end", then the effect of the classes will be visible in a few weeks. You will get a slim, strong, toned and sexy body.

See also " » Everyone knows that perfection has no limit, but every woman wants to reach it. And for this you need to eat right and exercise regularly. Then the result will justify all expectations.

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