Thread applications: an example of step-by-step execution. Lesson plan on technology (Grade 4) on the topic: Application from cut threads “Dandelion


The technique of drawing with threads is called nitkography. Drawing with threads is the same as drawing with a felt-tip pen, only the line needs to be glued to the base.

We take a very dense sheet of cardboard or, even better, a sheet of fiberboard and apply a drawing of our future cat on it.
We select threads. We attach particular importance to the color scheme of future work. Any threads can be used: leftover yarn for knitting is quite suitable, acrylic threads of bright colors are very well suited, floss in several additions is also suitable, the main thing is that the threads are approximately the same thickness.
For beginners, do not use threads with a non-smooth structure. Too shaggy or curly threads can give wonderful effects, but they are more difficult to work with.

When the threads are selected, we take glue, scissors and a toothpick - this will be our simple tool.
I use construction glue for sticking foam baseboards.
You can use any polymer waterproof glue, there are many types, and I advise you to choose less odorous ones.
If you are making pussy with small children, you should carefully read the instructions for airing the room on the glue bottle of your choice.

We smear the line on the cardboard with glue, to spread the glue with a thin layer, use a toothpick, or any thin stick. The brush is not suitable for this. In the future, it is convenient to spread glue with a stick in hard-to-reach places between the glued threads.
Glue the thread to the wet glue. We press it gradually with our fingers, laying it out according to the pattern. We cut the end of the thread with scissors after it has been glued to the place where a sharp impossible turn of the thread is required, or when a different color is needed.

First, we glue along the contour of a large pattern, then we fill the space inside. And for small details, on the contrary, first inside, then along the contour.

We glue the threads as tightly as possible to each other so that there are no gaps left, then your work will be of high quality and beautiful.

When we glue the part of the cat, we are sure that it will be exactly the color we decided. But if after the sticker we definitely decided that it should be of a different color, and this color does not suit her at all, then here we thank the creators of the multilayer thick cardboard or fiberboard, which we took as a basis.

Let's see how I made the red tongue orange in the middle. With the help of a paper knife, I cut along the desired contour the surface whose color I want to change, and tear it off from work along with the top layer of paper. And in this place I glue threads of a different desired color. In this job, therefore, I changed not only the color of the tongue, but also the color of the muzzle of the pussy. This operation can be repeated several times until the cardboard layer becomes very thin.

Our glue sticks tightly, holds well, without the top layer of paper it will not come off. But even with the further operation of the work, it will be possible to vacuum it, wash it with a damp sponge and soap, and not be afraid that the threads will fly off.

When we make the edge of the work, do not cut each thread separately. It won't save much material. You can bring the threads outside the work, and then cut immediately with a whole line. These shaggy edges of our work are easily hidden in a frame under a baguette.

And, finally, a little secret: if the finished work is steamed with an iron through a wet rag, gauze, then the threads will press against each other and will look smoother.
Good luck in creativity!

Author: Chernikova Natalya Valentinovna, educator of MBDOU d / s No. 24 of the combined type "Polyanka", Kstovo, Nizhny Novgorod Region
The master class is designed for children 3-5 years old
This master class will be of interest to teachers and parents.

- arouse interest in applications using cut threads;
- develop fine motor skills of hands, artistic and creative abilities in children
There was a white house
A wonderful house.
And something thumped in him.
And he crashed, and from there
A living miracle ran out -
So warm, so
Fluffy and golden!
To work you need:

Application from threads Horse. Master class with step by step photos
Thread application for kindergarten

Author: Pritula Marina Anatolyevna - educator of the MDOBU "Kindergarten of a general developmental type No. 9 "Yolochka", Arsenevsky urban district, Primorsky Territory, Arsenyev
The master class is intended for children of senior preschool age and teachers.

Applications from threads are rare works. Although it’s a pity, thread work is very interesting for both adults and children. After all, such works are not only beautiful and exciting, they are also incredibly simple.
For such work, very simple and affordable material. Crafts of such works look very original. To work, you will need multi-colored threads depending on the pattern.

Thread application. Christmas horse
Master class on making a picture from woolen threads.

Author: Fetyukhina Larisa Viktorovna, teacher of MBOU Dubovskaya school x. Dubovsky Uryupinsk district Volgograd region
Purpose: interior decoration, gift.
Technique: embroider without a needle.
The master class will be of interest to educators, primary school teachers, parents who, together with their children, will make a picture from woolen threads and will be able to please loved ones and relatives with an interesting craft.
Thinking about what New Year's gifts to "put under the Christmas tree", it is necessary to take into account not only the wishes of relatives and friends, their hobbies, hobbies, but also the fact that the New Year 2014 is the year of the blue wooden Horse. Eastern legends say that if a gift contains an image of the symbol of the year, then it will undoubtedly bring good luck and luck to its recipient in the New Year. Therefore, the most common gifts in 2014 will be souvenir figurines in the form of a horse, paintings, figurines, panels, clothes, toys, key rings with the image of this animal. For home or office, you can give a picture of a horse. What I suggest you do with your own hands.

Drawing with children has become not as exciting as creating beautiful paintings using improvised materials, because their use gives a special charm to such crafts. Surely, in kindergarten, your child participated in a master class on the topic “Applique from threads on cardboard”. In addition, home decoration and a gift becomes more valuable when it is made with your own hands!

The method of creating pictures with threads is becoming popular. There are several types of such paintings:

  • applications from cut threads for children and scraps of fabrics;
  • application with nails and threads;
  • applique of finely cut threads on knitting cardboard;
  • thread embroidery;
  • embroidery in the technique of isothreading on cardboard.

There are many ways, as you can see, which makes this type of needlework accessible to both beginners and experienced craftswomen and craftsmen. Also among the pluses can be noted a huge selection of various colors of threads, ease and safety of use.

In addition, the threads are perfectly combined with various materials, which allows children to work with them. After all, a child's imagination is capable of something that an adult would not even dream of!

Craft from woolen threads

It is very easy to make an applique from woolen threads with your own hands. To do this, take woolen threads of different colors. In this master class, we will make an application “Hedgehog” from cut woolen threads, so we need threads in black, yellow, green, gray and brown. Scissors and glue will also come in handy. And, of course, prepare cardboard for the base.


All threads, except black ones, are finely chopped.

We try to cut as small as possible, work made from threads similar to fluff will look more interesting. Don't throw away your threads, you might need them for other jobs.

We draw a sketch of the future hedgehog on paper or print the finished picture and transfer the template to paper.


Now we need to draw the outline of the picture with black threads.


Lubricate the entire drawing with glue at once, because otherwise the glue will dry quickly before you have time to apply the threads to all areas, so we lubricate only the area that you are working on at a particular moment.

You can use a nail file or any other flat stick. This is necessary so that the threads lie more densely against each other and gaps do not form between them. After all areas are “painted over” with threads, the picture needs to dry for about 10 hours.

You can leave it overnight if you are doing the application at home. If you are holding a master class in kindergarten, then it is better to do this in the morning so that by the end of the day the children can take the work home. Or you can also leave it overnight to finish it in the morning.

Finishing touches

After the final drying of the work, you need to carefully check whether everything is well glued, remove excess non-adhered threads. If necessary, glue the missing ones, leave the picture to dry for another couple of hours.

When everything is ready, if desired, you can cut out the contour of the black threads of our hedgehog and glue it to the base cardboard.

"Autumn" in winding technique

Applications on the theme "Autumn" from threads are very beautiful. Especially if you perform them in the winding technique. This will require:

  1. Thick cardboard, foam, cork board or wooden block;
  2. small carnations;
  3. Scissors;
  4. Threads of different colors. It is best to take acrylic threads, you can also use floss, but it is worth noting right away that you will need a lot of threads.

Such an application can be performed in one of two styles: radial or continuous . In the first method, the threads act as fan beams that emanate from one point in different directions and overlap each other in a thin layer. The second method involves the chaotic winding of threads on nails.

Whether to fill the inner space of the picture or make only the contours with threads, leave the middle empty, you decide.


First you need to mark the outline of the future drawing on cardboard or other work surface with a pencil, and then carefully, so as not to damage your fingers and material, nail small carnations. Nails need to be nailed at a distance of about 1-1.5 cm from each other, always at an equal distance.

The figure shows the beam method of winding the thread around the nails.

The winding process is very exciting. You can use multi-colored threads. For an autumn picture, colors such as red, orange, burgundy, green and yellow are suitable.

Cute kitty

One of the most beloved pets is the cat. And many children adore kittens, so we suggest making an appliqué of threads with a cat with your child.

For this craft, we need to take cardboard for the base, glue, threads.

First of all, you need to draw two circles on the cardboard - one larger (this will be the body of the cat) and one smaller (this will be the head), as well as finish the rest of the details.

Then, starting from the middle of the body, you need to glue the thread in a circle very tightly. Crop when the circle is full. Do the same for the head.

Next, you need to glue the ponytail, paws and ears with scraps of thread. The muzzle can be glued directly to the threads, or it can be glued on a separate circle of paper and only then glued to the head with glue. From the threads make a mustache and eyebrows.

Thread cat is ready!

You can also make an application in the form of a cat in any of the above techniques for working with threads.

Video on the topic of the article

And if you have a genuine interest in this topic, watch specially selected videos on the topic of thread applications.

Yuri's words: "I have come up with a method for making paintings (so far of nature) by cutting multi-colored threads from a wide variety of materials as fine as possible and applying them according to the scheme on a sheet of fiberboard. I have even gone as far as applying shades with this technique. I have been doing this for seven years. The tool that is used for this: scissors, PVA glue, a wooden toothpick and talent. to distinguish from those that are painted in oils. It is interesting for me to know if I have colleagues in this way of creativity?"

Here is what Yuri writes:

Not all of my works are on Odnoklassniki. In making them, everything is very simple, as well as cutting off everything superfluous from a stone block. We get a frame of the right size, basically I use 35 by 45 cm, but there are also 60 by 90, etc. Under the frame grooves, we cut out a canvas with fiberboard, so to speak. We insert it into the frame and mark the edges on the canvas that have entered the grooves so that in the future there will be no places not glued with threads along the edges.

We put on the canvas a sketch (contours) of the future picture, its main elements, although it is important for beginners to apply even small details. A sketch, for convenience and speed, can be applied using a grid.

Having in front of you a reproduction or photo of the picture that you want to make, if you want to write, apply finely chopped threads to the pre-applied PVA-K glue (concentrated), because it’s hard to work with liquid. The grid is the squares that are applied to the original drawing (reproduction) and the same on the canvas. Yes, for all drawings on the canvas, use only a simple pencil, because if you apply the paste of a fountain pen, then it can then show through the pasted threads. And already the drawing from the squares of the grid of the reproduction is transferred, respectively, to the squares of the canvas. So convenient and no need to suffer redrawing. If you create a drawing from your head or from nature, then of course the grid will be useless to you.

Any threads are used, from knitting to machine. Probably, you can also use pieces of fabric, but I have not tried it, there is no need, there are enough threads, especially for those who knit.

Cutting small threads is a very laborious process, especially if you do it just by picking up scissors. For this I use a small metalwork vise, in which I clamp one of the handles of the scissors, and so I cut the threads, which I pre-fold one by one into strips up to 15-20 cm long, depending on the number of them required.

The length of the cut threads, their texture, basically, depending on the author's idea, is a fraction of a millimeter. The finer the threads are cut, the better the pattern will be. Chopped threads of the corresponding color are taken with the fingers of the hand and sprinkled on the desired section of the canvas or create a color background.

Also, for applying small details from a naturally small amount of threads, I use wooden toothpicks, a very convenient and affordable tool, and the threads are brought to me by all my friends who no longer knit, and it’s a pity to throw away the threads. Missing colors can be purchased at the store.

The glued threads are gently "tamped" with your fingers to the canvas. So you can apply the main colors on it and let it dry for several hours. If you make sure that the glued threads are dry, then you can “brush off” the excess threads that have not stuck with a regular clothes brush.

After that, glue the places that were not glued. Waiting for it to dry back. Then, but this is already "aerobatics", the skills of which appear after a lot of practice, you can apply the appropriate shades to the already dried colors. That's probably all. I will say that if you look at the finished painting from a distance of 1-1.5 m, then it is very difficult to distinguish it from those painted in oil.

Yuriy adds to his story: “This idea came to me from greed: I felt sorry for throwing away a large number of threads that remained from my hobby for knitting and embroidery at home. I consider this not a simple appliqué (aplikatio - French, stick), but painting pictures. Of course, in addition to the execution technique, you need to have some inclinations towards drawing.

My works are not found anywhere else, except for a department store in my city, where in a year from 15 pieces, they sold 3. Now only drowning people need art, that is, its producers themselves. You can write to me on my email. mail: [email protected]

Ask Yuri your questions, friends! Admire the paintings of the Master. Yuri doesn't have his own website yet...