Rules for coloring natural hair. Rules for safe hair coloring with henna

Many women from time to time want to change something in their appearance. One of the fastest and easiest ways is hair coloring. One has only to slightly change their color, and your whole image will receive the missing brightness and freshness. At the same time, hair coloring implies some rules that every woman, dyeing hair must know and follow.

Do you need to dye your hair

You again decided to change your image and dye your hair. And yet, think again, do you really need it? If your hair roots have grown or gray hair is noticeable, then you can’t do without painting. Or maybe you just want to slightly change the shade of your hair, because the current one is tired or just faded. Then you should consider the option tinted shampoo, which will "revive" your hair, make it shiny and slightly change the color of your hair. At the same time, it is quite possible to avoid painting, which, whatever one may say, is stressful for the hair. Also postpone hair coloring in such cases:

  • if you were sick and took medications. Some medications may affect the coloration;
  • there are abrasions or wounds on your head. Postpone staining until they are completely healed;
  • if you are menstruating, you should not prescribe a staining procedure for these days. Various hormonal changes, occurring in the body, can affect the result of staining;
  • do not recommend dyeing hair that has recently been permed.

How to choose a hair color

Dyed hair in a different color can drastically change your look. Therefore, you need to choose the tone with all responsibility.

If you did right choice, a new hair color will make your eyes more expressive and improve your complexion. Otherwise, it will highlight all the flaws.

When choosing paint, take into account the type of your appearance.

  • Warm type. These are people from swarthy color skin, brown or green eyes. Their natural hair color is usually dark shades. Therefore, they are best suited for coloring in chestnut shades. But light colors, and especially ashy shades, can visually make you older. The warm type is also divided into spring and autumn. If you have a peach skin color, then it is best to dye your hair in golden or honey tones. But the spring type of people who have White color skin, chestnut or red shades are more suitable.
  • Cold type. These are people who have a fair skin color with a slight pink tint, blue-eyed or grey-eyed. They should choose the color of ashy and fair-haired shades. You can also try black. In this case, you should not experiment with colors of red tones. The cold type also has a division into winter and summer subtypes. In people with the summer subtype pink color skin and bright eyes. Colors with ashy shades are suitable for them. The winter type of face has people whose skin tone is very light, while the eyes may be dark. In this case, you should choose dark colors.

If you have decided on the color you need, do not rush to buy paint in the store. Choosing the tone that suits you according to the tester beam in the palette is a risky business. After all, the color is not always the same after staining. The fact is that in the palette the colors are located in sectors - red, yellow and blue. And only the master will be able to determine, depending on your original hair color, desired tone. For example, to eliminate red shades, a specialist will select paint in the green sector, and paints from the purple palette will help to paint over yellowness. Even if you want to dye your hair yourself, consult with a specialist when choosing a dye.

What are hair dyes

Conditionally hair coloring can be divided into three types:

  • staining with resistant paint, in which the product stays on the hair from one to two months. The advantage of this paint is good durability and complete coverage of gray hair. Minus - the irreversibility of the process. If you have chosen the wrong tone or you do not like the result, the paint itself will not disappear from your hair. They will either have to be repainted or cut off;
  • staining with semi-permanent paint. The color lasts for about one month. Plus - the paint does not spoil the structure of the hair, it is washed off gradually, so the difference between the growing roots and the paint is not so noticeable. Minus - the tool will not be able to completely cope with gray hair, does not give bright and saturated colors;
  • tint agents. They last up to three weeks. Plus - do not contain ammonia and hydrogen peroxide. Not only do not spoil the hair, but also have components that care for the hair structure. Can be used by pregnant and lactating mothers. Minus - high price, not all tint products are suitable for blond hair dark tones(results may be unpredictable), low coverage of gray hair.

What to look for when coloring hair

If you decide to entrust your hair to a professional, do not forget - even a specialist cannot say with a 100% guarantee whether it will be possible to get the desired hair color the first time. Sometimes you need to spend a few more dyes, which does not benefit your hair. That is why experts recommend not to radically change the color of the hair - it is best to dye them a couple of tones lighter or darker than their natural color. This will keep your hair healthy and transform it. Also, if you decide to dye your hair, pay attention to such moments.

  • The result of coloring your natural hair and those that have already been painted before will not be the same. Therefore, it is necessary to take into account the time of exposure to paint on a particular area.
  • The amount of gray hair in your hair. Look at the packaging with the paint, which indicates the amount of gray hair to be painted over.
  • Your hair color and color choice. Dark tones hold on hair better than blond. Colors with red undertones hold well at the roots if re-dyed. At the same time, they are washed off faster on already dyed hair.
  • Hair structure. For thick and long hair more exposure time and amount of product will be required.
  • Previous exposure to hair of various chemicals and thermal treatment: already dyed and repeatedly styled hair is dyed differently than "young" hair.
  • If your natural hair tends to burn out strongly in the sun, when dyeing, it may turn out not at all the shade that you originally planned.

How hair is dyed in beauty salons: dyeing techniques

IN specialized salons a beauty master can offer you several hair coloring techniques. All of them are aimed at making your hair look beautiful - they were evenly dyed and looked natural. In the salon, you can offer today's popular types of hair coloring.

  • Normal coloration. This procedure is known to many, quite often it is carried out at home. For painting, you need to apply the product to the hair, stand the time and rinse.
  • Blonding or lightening. If you speak correctly, then this view is not staining. On the contrary, it removes the natural pigment of the hair. Depending on the time of exposure and the amount of paint, one or another lightening can be achieved. Blonding can be carried out both by itself and as one of the stages of staining. For example, if a woman decides to dye her hair from dark to light. To do this, you first need to lighten them by several shades.
  • Highlighting. Also quite a popular technique. Implies the lightening of individual strands of hair. It is carried out using the "cap" or "foil" methods. Strands can be both large and small, depending on the desired result.
  • Booking. This type of staining appeared quite recently. It consists in dyeing hair from dark tones to lighter ones with smooth transition. This coloring looks best on people whose natural hair color is dark blond, which will also be the original. The armoring technique is difficult to perform, so it is better to entrust it to a professional.
  • Balayazh. The name is unusual, although in fact it is a familiar coloring of the ends of the hair. Lightening paint or any other color is applied to the ends, which are covered with foil and aged for the required amount of time.
  • Coloring. Similar in technique to highlighting, only in this case several colors are selected. It can be shades similar to each other to make a smooth transition. Or the colors are completely different to achieve contrast.

How to dye your hair at home: rules and recommendations

If you still decide to dye your hair yourself, you need to consider a few rules. Only with their observance is guaranteed an excellent result.

  • If you buy paint in a store, give preference to well-known manufacturers. Do not buy paint from obscure and "left" firms.
  • Have you decided to go from brunette to blonde? Then you have to start with bleaching paint. This tool will completely discolor your hair, and only after that you can dye it in the desired shade. However, you should not abuse this procedure: bleaching spoils the hair very much.
  • Be sure to follow the instructions and do not overdo the product on the hair, otherwise they may turn into a washcloth.
  • Buy paint that contains vegetable ingredients.
  • If you really want to radically change the color of your hair, you can start by painting individual strands - highlighting. It won't do much damage to your hair, but it will refresh your look a lot. Just do not “highlight” yourself - ask a person with experience in this matter to do this or contact a hairdresser.
  • When buying resistant paint, give preference to products with the minimum amount ammonia. This will keep your hair from harmful effects, and the painting process itself will be much more pleasant - without a sharp "chemical" smell and burning of the head.
  • Before painting, be sure to test for paint sensitivity. Apply a small amount of the product on the inside of the elbow and hold for a while.
  • Follow the instructions carefully. No need to experiment by adding powders or liquids remaining from previous paints to the mixture. Otherwise, don't be surprised by bad results.
  • In order for the hair to be well dyed, you need a sufficient amount of dye. So if you have long hair, don't skimp and buy two packs.
  • The paint should be applied as quickly as possible, the whole process should not take more than 10 minutes.
  • Start applying paint from the back of your head. This part of the head stains much longer due to the lower temperature.
  • If your task is to paint over only regrown roots, apply paint, and 5-7 minutes before the end of its exposure, spread it over the entire length of the hair.
  • Many people think that after applying the dye, the hair must be covered with a plastic bag. You don't need to do this! The "greenhouse" effect is necessary only when stained with natural ingredients - henna or basma. In other cases, the scalp must "breathe". Otherwise, you can burn both skin and hair.
  • If you find it difficult to determine what hair color will turn out, take a shade a tone lighter than desired.
  • Never overdo the paint. Hair color will not become brighter, lighter or richer. But the structure of the hair can deteriorate.
  • Rinse off the paint with plenty of water.

How to care for hair after dyeing

To ensure that your hair retains its color for as long as possible after dyeing, try following these tips:

  • Be sure to choose shampoos and other products for the care of colored hair in stores. After dyeing, the PH of your hair changes, so it may no longer be suitable for the product that you used before.
  • Do not forget to pamper your hair with masks - nourishing and moisturizing.
  • You can also use and natural remedies to save hair color:
  • for light hair fit chamomile decoction. In a liter saucepan with water, add 4 tbsp. dry mixture of chamomile flowers. A couple of minutes after boiling, cool the broth and strain. Rinse your hair with this solution. This will give them a beautiful sheen and also lighten them up a bit;
  • for dark hair, a decoction prepared in the same way, but from rosemary, is perfect.

How to dye your hair at home. Video

Women tend to strive for novelty. They are searching new image experimenting with their looks. Hair coloring V various shades can significantly change the habitual appearance, so ladies of all ages resort to it. Performing this procedure is quite possible at home, if you follow certain rules and take into account some of the nuances.

Having made a choice desired color hair, it is worth buying high-quality paint from well-known and reliable manufacturers, so that later you will not be disappointed with the result. Of course, you need to study the instructions on the package, which provides information about the original hair color and the resulting one. It also indicates: the required amount of paint for different lengths, the correctness of the preparation of the composition, the time of exposure of the dye.

Hair coloring at home requires certain skills that can be easily acquired over time. Accuracy, attentiveness and speed can be considered the main condition.

It should be borne in mind that if the previous staining was natural (for example, henna and basma), then chemical dyes must be applied through certain time. Especially with bleaching, an absolutely unpredictable result is possible.

You can not dye your hair if there are wounds or inflammations on the scalp. Chemicals can not only cause a burn, but also significantly aggravate the condition of the skin.

So that in the process of work you do not have to be distracted or experience any inconvenience, you need to prepare everything you need in advance.

How to choose the right equipment for coloring?

You need to take care of purchasing the following tools:

  • a plastic or glass bowl for mixing ingredients;
  • a brush with a long handle for applying paint;
  • hand protection gloves;
  • clips or crabs for fixing individual strands;
  • comb with wide teeth;
  • cape on the shoulders of waterproof material;
  • towel,
  • clock to control time.

A greasy cream or petroleum jelly is also useful for applying to the skin of the face to protect it from staining. Having prepared inventory and a place to work, you can proceed directly to painting.

Step by step hair coloring procedure

If possible, it is worth attracting an assistant, but also independently perform hair coloring at home quite accessible to every woman. It is important to follow a certain sequence of actions and follow all the rules.

  1. First of all, it is worth considering what needs to be painted dry hair. Wet strands do not absorb dyes well. It is advisable not to wash your hair before the procedure for at least 1-2 days, which will preserve the natural protection.
  2. In the prepared bowl, mix the paint thoroughly. To do this, paint is squeezed out of the tube into the emulsion and quickly mixed to a homogeneous mass. Active reaction time chemical substances limited, so it is desirable to do everything rather quickly.
  3. Skin along the hairline, forehead and temples lubricated with any fat cream. This is necessary so as not to paint over them. During work, you should carefully monitor the cleanliness of these places and, if necessary, immediately wipe with a napkin or special tool to remove dye from the skin.
  4. Pre-combed hair is necessary split into separate strands. On the hands must be gloves. It is worth starting from the back of the head, applying paint with a brush from roots to ends. The work ends on the temporal part, since there are the thinnest hairs, and they are dyed much faster.
  5. After all the dye has been applied, preferably with a wide-toothed comb carefully distribute it evenly along the entire length of the hair.
  6. Modern paints practically do not flow, but some ladies still prefer to wear a hat. For long hair, this is quite true.
  7. The dye is kept for the time specified in the instructions, after which it must be washed off. You can use shampoo and conditioner. Often included in the paint is a balm that gives softness and shine. It is possible to use any other balm intended for colored hair.

As we see, hair color rules very simple, and their implementation will certainly provide an excellent result. Separately, it is worth focusing on the most common errors that affect the outcome of the procedure.

Common mistakes when dyeing hair at home

Often, some advice is not given due attention, which entails various troubles.

  • The use of formulations prepared in advance is impractical, since the active effect of the coloring matter appears for about 40 minutes. Over time, the paint has a worse effect, losing its strength.
  • The use of paints with expired shelf life.
  • Maintaining the applied composition on the hair for more than the recommended time. Some ladies believe that they will get a brighter and more stable color. But in the end, you can only burn strands.
  • Drying with a hot hair dryer immediately after the procedure, which only causes additional damage, increasing brittleness.
  • No preliminary test for sensitivity to dye reagents is performed. Especially relevant in relation to an unknown manufacturer, since an allergic reaction of the body is not excluded.

It must be remembered hair coloring mistakes can not only ruin your hair, but also harm your health. The tips are simple, it is not difficult to follow them, and the result will be excellent, delighting and uplifting the owners of luxurious shiny curls.

The color design of the production premises is carried out on the basis of a general architectural and compositional solution, taking into account physiological impact colors, features of the work performed and the geographical location of the enterprise.

Interior coloring largely depends on the nature of the work. When performing work associated with great physical or nervous stress, as well as in workshops with high temperature regime it is recommended to paint the walls of industrial premises in light colors of blue, gray-blue, green and other cold, calm colors with low saturation. Premises for work with minor stresses or for monotonous work should be painted in brighter, invigorating colors, which are yellow, yellow-green, orange.

With the help of color correction, you can correct some defects in the interior. For example, a long, narrow room can be made "wider" by painting the end wall in warm colors, and make the side walls pale, cold.

The color design of the interior of industrial premises should be carried out taking into account the color of the equipment.

The aesthetic function of color in production is complemented by its information load used in marking communications, organizing production information and labor safety. The following color values ​​are fixed by the state standard: red - prohibition, danger or fire extinguishing agent; yellow - warning, caution; green - safety; blue - instructions, information.

paints and varnishes

Painting the ceiling and walls is a fairly popular and relatively simple way to change the color palette of the interior and visual perception premises. Thanks to a wide selection of materials and tools, even novice painters can cope with this work. The main thing is to correctly choose the paint, the method of staining and adhere to the technological process.

The choice of paint for painting walls and ceilings: characteristics and application features

Modern paint for walls and ceilings expands the possibilities for designers to create unusual design projects that are not available with other finishing materials. Painting in the interior has significant advantages:

  • Practicality in terms of cleanliness and hygiene - many paints tolerate wet cleaning well.
  • The ability to update the interior of the room without capital investments - the previous layer of paintwork materials is a good basis for repainting.
  • A rich color palette of colors contributes to the creation of exclusive interior solutions of any style.
  • A beautiful surface finish can be obtained by using paints and varnishes of proper quality. Therefore, the issue of choosing a paint should be approached with particular scrupulousness and responsibility.

    Painting walls and ceilings: photos of interiors.

    Water based paint

    Water-based paint has gained particular popularity when painting walls and ceilings in a room. This is due to many advantages of a water-dispersion emulsion:

  • the paint fits tightly on the surface to be treated and practically does not peel off;
  • dries very quickly - a couple of hours is enough;
  • alkali resistance;
  • the coating does not peel off;
  • paint is safe for human health and environment- after staining, you do not need to leave the room;
  • absent specific smell, characteristic of other paintwork materials;
  • the coating retains a good appearance for 5-15 years;
  • the coloring composition can be given any color by adding special colors in different proportions - get desired shade do it yourself or by hand.
  • Among the disadvantages of water-based paints include the need for staining at a temperature of at least + 5 ° C.

    Depending on the type of polymer that is part of the emulsion, there are several main types of water-based paints.

    Acrylic paints contain special acrylic resins. Emulsions of this type are suitable for painting most types of surfaces. The main advantages of acrylic paints:

  • water resistance and moisture repellency;
  • strength and resistance to mechanical stress;
  • high elasticity;
  • a dirt-repellent coating is created, which is not demanding in care.
  • latex paints- a kind of acrylic emulsions with the addition of latex. This group is the most expensive, but has some additional benefits:

  • the painted surface is very smooth;
  • the paint actively resists water - the painted coating perfectly tolerates wet cleaning;
  • applying a double layer will mask cracks with a thickness of about 1 mm;
  • wide scope - painting of different surfaces: wood, concrete, brick, glass, plaster, metal, pre-primed;
  • high resistance to mechanical damage, abrasion.
  • Despite these advantages, latex paints also have disadvantages:

    • fear of UV rays and low temperatures;
    • susceptibility to bacteria and fungi;
    • high price.
    • silicone paints contain silicone resins. Such emulsions are often used to finish the ceiling. Silicone coating allows air and steam to pass through, and repels water. Thanks to these qualities, the paint has become widespread in the decoration of kitchens, bathrooms and swimming pools. An additional plus is antibacterial qualities. Enamel protects the surface from fungus, mold and dirt.

      Application of silicone paint is possible on the base surface - without prior priming on the old paint. With the help of silicone staining, cracks up to 2 mm in size can be hidden. Perhaps the only drawback of such paints is the high cost.

      Silicate water-based paints are a mixture of water, colored pigments and sodium silicate (liquid glass). Silicate emulsions are affordable, strong enough and ideal for painting plastered and concrete surfaces. However, such paint cannot be used for processing glass, metal, stone, ceramics.

      Silicate emulsions tolerate temperature fluctuations well, pass air and steam. A significant drawback is poor moisture resistance and fear of precipitation. Scope of application - interior finishing works of "dry" premises.

      Mineral water-based paints contain slaked lime (calcium hydroxide) or cement. The main purpose is painting work with brick and concrete surfaces. Although they can be used for painting other surfaces. Mineral VE paints are short-lived, therefore they are mainly used for facade decoration. As a result of staining, a vapor-permeable coating is formed that is resistant to temperature extremes.

      Oil and enamel coatings

      Oil paint is a mixture of a binder dissolved in a thinner, with the addition of color pigments. Such paintwork dries for a long time and has pungent odor, is available in ready-made pasty form. Oil paints are used in any premises. The coating is not afraid of moisture, leaks and dampness. After staining, it forms glossy surface, which, when touched, gives off cold. Undoubted advantages - low cost and simple technology application.

      Enamel paints are obtained by mixing varnishes and dry pigments. After hardening, such paints create a matte or glossy film on the surface. The enamel coating is dense, hard and durable.

      Enamel paints are divided into two main groups:

    • PF enamel - alkyd pentaphthalic enamel. The material is suitable for painting walls and ceilings in wet areas.
    • NC-enamel - nitro-enamel diluted with cellulose ether varnish. Used for finishing wooden surfaces.
    • Decorative emulsions

      Decorative paints have recently appeared on the construction market. Painting walls and ceilings with such emulsions allows you to simulate different surfaces and create unusual design effects. A coating is formed, in appearance resembling stone, velvet, gold, silver, silk, and so on. There are chameleon paints that change color when different angle lighting.

      As a rule, decorative paints are produced on water based with various mineral and polymer additives. In addition to high aesthetic qualities, there are other advantages of such a coating:

    • abrasion resistance;
    • wear resistance;
    • environmental friendliness and safety for human health - the emulsion is approved for use in any residential premises;
    • dust does not settle on the surface.
    • To achieve the intended effect, painters use different tools and techniques.

      Tools and materials for painting the ceiling and walls

      The list of tools depends on the chosen method of painting. Painting walls and ceilings can be done with a spray gun, roller and brush.

      Sprayers are used when painting with water-based paints. This method significantly reduces the staining period, a coating is formed without streaks and streaks. The use of an airbrush is especially important when painting uneven surfaces, for example: baguettes, skirting boards, corner joints, etc.

      Spray guns for painting walls and ceilings are divided into three types: electric, pneumatic and manual.

      Electric spray guns provide spraying in two ways: spraying by low pressure or airless spray. Such equipment is convenient to use when performing high-altitude work. The main disadvantage is the need to dilute the acrylic emulsion with water. This forces multiple layers of paint to be applied to the surface.

      Manual spray guns allow you to paint up to 200-250 sq.m. per hour of work. They are easy to maintain and have a low cost. Design flaws - coarse grain of the painted surface.

      Pneumatic spray guns carry out spraying by supplying compressed air under high pressure. Productivity of the device - 400 sq.m.

      Important! Pneumatic spray guns are best suited for painting ceilings and walls

      In everyday life, rollers are most often used for painting. The quality of the finished finish largely depends on the correct choice of this tool.

      Tips for choosing a paint roller:

    • to create a rough surface, a model with a long pile is suitable, for a smooth coating - with a short pile;
    • it is better not to use foam rollers or velor tools - they leave air bubbles on the surface, and the material is not used rationally;
    • for applying glossy paint, a roller with a pile is suitable - up to 4 mm, for matte paint - 4-8 mm, for a textured surface - more than 8 mm;
    • the optimal length of the working part of the roller is 150-200 mm.
    • In places where it is inconvenient to paint with a roller, you should use a flat brush 3-7 cm wide.

      In addition to the tools listed above, you will need:

    • masking tape - to protect the boundary surfaces from staining;
    • paint tray;
    • putty knife;
    • ladder;
    • sandpaper;
    • polyethylene film.
    • Surface preparation for painting

      the main task preparatory phase– thorough cleaning of the surface and ensuring good adhesion of the paint to the substrate.

    • Remove all old Decoration Materials. If the plaster applied to the ceiling/wall is severely flawed, cleaning must be carried out down to the base.
    • Check the base for defects - bumps, chips, grooves and cracks. Remove the bumps with sandpaper or a spatula, putty the remaining defects (if they are not significant) with a finishing material.
    • Large cracks should be embroidered and treated with putty. Holes in the ceiling can be filled mounting foam or use reinforcing tape.
    • Leave the putty mortar to dry completely (about 24 hours).
    • Clean the places treated with putty with sandpaper and remove dust with a brush.
    • Prime the ceiling and walls before painting. Painters recommend using a deep penetration primer - this composition forms a protective film that provides good adhesion and reduces paint consumption.
    • The technology of painting walls and ceilings with water-based paint

      Having opened the container with paint, it must be thoroughly mixed with smooth circular movements. Dilute the dye with water (add about 10%). If it is necessary to change the shade of the paint, then the selected pigment is introduced into the base gradually. After each addition, the emulsion is thoroughly mixed and tested for small area walls.

      ceiling painting

      The sequence of painting the ceiling with a roller:

    1. Prepare the walls for painting the ceiling - close the corner joints with masking tape, hang vertical surfaces with plastic wrap.
    2. Pour part of the paint into a paint tray with a squeezing mesh.
    3. Dip the roller into the paint, roll it out on the ribbed surface of the tray.
    4. Apply paint in strips 50 cm wide overlapping each other.
    5. Rules for applying paint with a roller:

    6. staining starts from farthest from front door corner;
    7. paint should be applied across the primer layer;
    8. usually applied at least 2 coats of paint;
    9. for painting, you can not use the same roller as for the primer;
    10. in exceptions, when the paint is applied in one layer, it must be rolled out along the room - perpendicular to the wall on which the window is located.
    11. Important! When working with VE paint, it is not necessary to wait for the previous layer to dry. You can immediately apply the next one. This technique is called "wet".

      Features of painting the ceiling with a spray gun:

    12. the optimal distance from the surface to be painted to the nozzle of the spray gun is 70 cm;
    13. during spraying, the spray gun cannot be kept in one place - it is fraught with smudges;
    14. the sprayer must be moved continuously and smoothly.
    15. The technology of painting the ceiling with an airbrush: video

      wall painting

      Wall painting is done after painting the ceiling. If the walls are painted in a different color, it is necessary to fix masking tape along the horizontal line bordering the ceiling dumbbells.

      Important! Cosmetic painting of walls and ceilings should be carried out during daylight hours so that defects and streaks can be immediately seen and eliminated. Shade the paint in the direction sun rays- from the window deep into the room

      Borders, edgings and other decorative elements painted last.

      Painting walls with water-based paint

      13 painting secrets from professional painters

      Professional painters work quickly and efficiently, and have such methods that from the outside their work seems easy. Each painter has his own favorite techniques and preferences, but if we summarize them, we can distinguish 13 important secrets, which FurnishHome may find useful to you.

      1. Sand the surface

      You should start painting only when the surface is smooth, and only in this case, walls or wooden objects can be painted perfectly. Some professionals prefer to use a sander to save time on sanding. Fill in any gaps with filler or caulk and smooth out any bulges near the nail holes. Sanding will also eliminate burrs and roughness in your finish.

      Sand the walls from the baseboard to the ceiling with fine grit sanding paper. To do this, you can use a special device for grinding walls, consisting of a rectangular head on hinges, on which is attached sanding paper, And long handle. Then sand the horizontal surfaces near the baseboard and ceiling. Do not press hard on the handle as the head may turn and damage the wall. If you are going to paint woodwork instead of walls, sand it down with a sanding pad to better get to the irregularities in rounded and hard-to-reach areas of surfaces.

      2. Use a tinted primer

      Before the professionals start painting the walls, they fill all the holes and cracks with sealant. But if you paint directly over the sealant, it will suck moisture out of the paint, giving it a monotonous and dull look. These spots will be noticeably different from the rest of the wall. To avoid this, professionals tint the primer.

      Instead of using a white primer, professionals usually tint it gray or the color of the paint they are using. A tinted primer paints walls better than plain primer, resulting in a brighter finish and fewer coats of paint. This is especially true for red or orange paint which may require three or more coats if primer tinting is not used.

      3. Press the tape with a spatula

      There is nothing more frustrating when you have finished painting than peeling off the tape from a painted item and discovering that the paint has seeped through. To avoid the pain in the neck that might be required to scrape off the paint, stick the tape on carefully before you start painting. Professionals advise walking along the tape with a spatula to press it more tightly. Then the paint will not flow under the tape.

      Use blue masking tape instead of duct tape. Adhesive tape may leave a sticky residue that is difficult to clean off. In addition, the paint can wrinkle the tape and bend a little, and then penetrate such a wave. Masking tape can be left on for several days (up to two weeks) and still comes off easily. And it prevents the penetration of paint.

      4. Use paint conditioner to avoid brush marks and paint overlap on the wall

      The secret to finishing without paint overlap and brush marks is that thinner (also called paint conditioner) is added to the paint. What does it give? First, it slows down the drying time of the paint, so you have time to cover up freshly painted areas without getting the unsightly overlap marks that happen when you paint over dry paint that has more dark color. Secondly, the paint thinner evens out the paint so that strokes are virtually eliminated (or at least less visible). Professionals use thinner when painting drywall, woodwork, cabinets, doors. The manufacturer's instructions will tell you how much conditioner to add to a can of paint.

      5. Scrape the edge off the rough ceiling

      The problem with painting a wall along the edge of a ceiling is that it's almost impossible to get a straight line along the top of the wall without inadvertent brush strokes on the ceiling. However, professionals have a simple solution. They scrape the edge around the perimeter of the ceiling with a screwdriver to get rid of the roughness. This allows you to paint the wall without leaving traces of paint on the ceiling. The screwdriver creates a tiny ridge along the edges of the ceiling so that the tips of the bristles with the paint are held in them, and these depressions are filled with paint so that they are no longer visible.

      6. Use canvas to protect furniture and floors from paint

      Professionals do not, of course, use sheets to protect furniture and are advised not to. Thin sheets will not protect the floor from splashing paint. And drops on plastic do not dry for a long time, and you can spread them on the soles of your shoes throughout the house.

      Use what the pros use - rough canvas. It's non-slippery and absorbs splashes (but still wipe up spilled paint because a lot of paint can seep through the canvas. If you're painting the ceiling, you don't need to cover the entire floor at once, experts say a strip of cloth equal to the length of the room is sufficient. It is the perfect paint protection and easy to move.

      7. Finish painting one wall before moving on to another

      It would seem easier to deal with all the corners in the room, paint everything, and then start rolling the walls, but professionals do not do this. They achieve a seamless wall look by painting one wall first and finishing it with a rolling finish before painting the other wall. This allows better mixing of paint applied by brush and roller.
      When you move on to rolling, cover the paint container, bucket, tray, or container with a damp towel to keep the paint and tools from drying out while not in use.

      8. Scrape the paint off the windows (don't tape them)

      Don't waste time taping the windows when you're painting the frames - it takes a long time and the paint usually ends up on the window anyway. Paint, and let yourself paint get on the glass. When it dries, just scrape it off with a razor blade. The paint will peel off in seconds. “Just be careful not to scrape the paint between the wood and glass. Then moisture can get on the tree, and it will begin to rot.

      9. Mix all the paint so that the walls do not turn out to be different shades.

      Different banks may have different shade paints. If you change a can of paint in the middle of a wall, it can be very noticeable. In order to ensure color consistency from start to finish, the professionals mix the paint from all the cans in a large bucket.

      Some professionals then take the paint directly from the bucket. This eliminates the need to pour paint into a tray, although a heavy bucket is more difficult to move. See whichever is more convenient for you.

      10. Wash the rollers

      Both cheap and expensive rollers need to be washed after purchase, before using them for the first time, to get rid of fluff, fibers or hairs that will become noticeable as soon as you start painting. Wash the rollers with water liquid soap and run your hand up and down them to remove the stuck villi. After that, you can use the roller immediately without waiting for it to dry.

      11. Wash dirty walls with rags

      The paint will not bond to greasy or dirty surfaces such as the wall above the stove in the kitchen, the hallway where they pull off their dirty boots and rub against the walls, or the places around the switches that are touched dirty hands. Professionals recommend using degreasers to clean dirty or greasy surfaces. It removes almost everything that can prevent the paint from lying flat.

      Be sure to read the instructions on the label of this product and follow it, the product can be very strong. You will need rubber gloves and goggles.

      12. Do not shake off the brush before strokes

      Professionals recommend sticking to the “dip and paint” tactics. They dip the brush into the paint 3.5-4 cm, press each side of the brush against the edge of the container to drain the heavy drops, and begin to paint. And do-it-yourself painters often operate on a “pick and dump” principle, leaving most of the paint on the walls of the container. Professionals believe that there is no point in picking up paint and getting rid of it right there.

      13. Press the paint down to avoid streaks

      When there is a lot of paint on the brush, streaks easily form when painting in the corners. To prevent this from happening, start painting at a distance of 1-1.5 cm from the rib. When there is less paint on the brush, move it and draw along the edge. Let the bristles of the brush press the paint down a little along the line joining the walls. This may need to be repeated a few times to get a complete finish, but this way you avoid excess paint on the woodwork and in the corners.

      These tips will make painting easier and avoid the problems that inexperienced home painters often face.

      Chemist's Handbook 21

      Chemistry and chemical technology

      Production facilities color scheme

      One of the important components of technical aesthetics is the choice of a rational color for walls, ceilings, other elements of industrial premises, as well as technological equipment. Properly selected coloring of industrial premises, proper design and lighting of workplaces significantly increase labor productivity. Thus, according to foreign data, at the enterprises of the GDR, the rational coloring of workplaces increased the working capacity by 25%. Many enterprises use

      So the rational color design industrial premises (including equipment), in combination with appropriate lighting, can achieve certain psycho-physiological effects, for example, to smooth out the unpleasant impression of incorrect proportions of the room, to influence the perception of heat or cold, to improve visual working conditions and thereby increase labor safety.

      Color design of industrial premises

      Some colors have the ability to visually change the shape of individual objects and the spatial size of the room. For example, the so-called cold tones (dark and saturated colors with a predominance of of blue color) have the ability to remove and reduce the surface painted in these colors. Warm tones (with a predominance red-yellow color), on the contrary, as if bringing the surface painted in such tones closer. These properties of different color tones underlie the rational color design of production facilities and equipment. industrial enterprises. For example, production facilities of workshops with high heat emissions are recommended to be painted in blue-green cold tones. For unheated and cold rooms of industrial buildings, it is advisable to paint in warm colors with a predominance of red-yellow.


      All-Russian Research Institute of Technical Aesthetics and construction organizations have developed recommendations for paintwork materials for color, artistic and aesthetic design of industrial products, buildings and structures, they are included in GOST 23852-79. For example, for agricultural machines working in the field, coatings of bright red and orange colors are recommended, for machines operating stationary - coatings of blue, salad and other bleached colors. Machine tools are usually painted in light gray, light green, greenish-yellow (tobacco) colors, trucks - in dark green (protective) and light gray, and metallurgical, forging and pressing equipment - in blue, pistachio, gray. It is recommended to choose signal colors in accordance with GOST 12.4.026-76, and identification colors in accordance with GOST 14202-69. In order to comply with the norms for painting industrial premises, Guidelines for the design of color finishes for the interiors of industrial buildings of industrial enterprises (SN 181-70) have been developed. When painting residential premises, they prefer warm or cold pastel colors the degree of their whiteness depends on the illumination of the premises.

      The basic rules for the color design of rooms are set out in SN 181-70 and are as follows: in any production room there should be light walls and ceilings should be painted in light colors with relatively low saturation and high reflection coefficients, warm tones should be used - yellow, orange, light red, etc. it is necessary to use contrasts between warm and cold tones (if the walls are painted in warm tones, then the equipment should be painted in cold, and vice versa) in workshops cluttered with equipment and small in size, a balance must be maintained between cold and warm tones.

      They paint the premises in accordance with the projects of color finishing of the interiors of industrial buildings of industrial enterprises. Rational consider such a color design, which, in combination with natural, artificial or mixed lighting, reduces the fatigue of workers. These are predominantly light, calm, non-fatiguing colors, such as salad, pistachio.

      An important factor is the color design of workplaces and industrial premises. Scientifically substantiated selection of colors for the working room, equipment, its controls helps to reduce both visual and general fatigue.

      All elements of the design of the workplace as a whole, as well as the interior of the operator's room, must fully implement the requirement of modern aesthetics about harmonic combination beauty with benefit. At the same time, it is important to know that the color design functionally affects the production activity of a person. A scientifically based combination of color and light means improves well-being, increases human performance, and creates a good mood.

      A correctly chosen color lightens the weight of the goods carried, reduces the size of technological equipment, its impact on the human psyche, accelerates the movement of a person in the production room ( yellow sex), soothes ( green color), excites and organizes (red color) professionally important functions of his body. The color scheme is chosen according to the nature production process, human activity, its impact on the psychophysiological state.

      Solutions of technical aesthetics have a significant impact on the working capacity of a person, increasing the productivity and safety of his work. One of its tasks is to create a cultural environment that positively affects the well-being and behavior of a person at work. Technical aesthetics seeks to ensure the creation of comfortable, beautifully designed production tools, machines and apparatus, the artistic and color design of industrial premises and outdoor installations, control panels and workplaces, the allocation artistic means transport passages, walkways, storage areas, recreation areas, landscaping of the territory of the enterprise and workshops, etc.

      Technical aesthetics is an integral part in the creation of comfortable and reliable, outwardly beautifully designed, high-performance production tools, equipment, machines and devices, color design of production and amenity premises, control panels, workplaces and recreation areas.

      Painting of premises should be carried out in accordance with the Guidelines for the design of color finishes for interiors of industrial buildings of industrial enterprises. Rational should be considered such a color design, which, in combination with natural, artificial or mixed lighting, can significantly reduce worker fatigue and increase labor productivity and safety. These are predominantly light, calm, non-fatiguing colors, such as salad, pistachio.

      Aesthetic conditions are determined by the color and lighting design of the workplace, production premises (interior), the appearance of the premises, the production area (exterior), the form of industrial clothing, and functional music.

      Technical aesthetics studies the social nature and patterns of artistic design of equipment and industrial ensembles. The tasks of technical aesthetics are to ensure the creation of comfortable, beautifully designed production tools, machines and apparatus, the artistic and color design of industrial premises and outdoor installations, control panels and workplaces. Production facilities color scheme: Labor protection in the oil refining and petrochemical industries (1983) - [ c.118 ]

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    Hair coloring is a rather complicated procedure, and it is better to entrust it to the experienced hands of a beauty master.

    But if you need to do the coloring yourself at home - for example, touch up the regrown hair roots - try to take into account a few important rules.

    1. Paints with ammonia are not for gray hair. Aggressive hair coloring products are used to achieve a complex shade and visually add volume to the hair. At frequent use they make hair fall faster natural pigment. If you just need to cover gray hair or completely change the color of your hair by dyeing it in 1 tone, find the right paint without ammonia.
    2. Hair should be moderately clean. Do not wash them right before staining. But it is also not necessary to apply paint on dirty hair with the remnants of styling products. Ideal if you washed your hair the day before and did not use conditioner, hairspray, mousse or gel after that.
    1. Dishes for dilution of paint should be ceramic, plastic or glass. The wooden one will be painted. Iron is bad not only because it affects the quality and properties of the dye. The compounds that are formed during the reaction of paint with metal are harmful to the hair itself.
    2. Consider temperature. Remember how we usually put our hand to our forehead to check how hot it is? Along the entire marginal hairline, body temperature is higher than at the back of the head. Where it is warmer, the chemical reaction during dyeing occurs faster. So the hair on the crown will be colored more slowly than the hair on the forehead.
    3. Rules for applying paint: divide the hair into 4 sectors. To do this, draw two perpendicular partings through the crown. Apply paint first along the partings. Then to the back of the head. Color the edge line of hair growth (behind the ears, above the forehead, temples, neck) last.
    1. If you want an effect natural color, keep in mind that the hair at the roots should be darker than at the ends, while the upper ones are slightly lighter than the lower ones and lighter in front than behind.
    2. Manufacturers and experts advise applying a greasy cream to the skin around the head to protect it from paint ingress. But if you haven't, try to just wait until the product is completely dry on the skin and just wipe it off with a dry cotton pad.
    3. If paint gets on your clothes, immediately spray the stained area with hairspray. After the varnish has dried, you can wash the item as usual - by hand or in a washing machine.
    4. To make the color uniform, you need to have time to apply all the paint in 10-12 minutes.
    1. Emulsification is the necessary step. At the end of dyeing, beat the dye on your hair into foam with a little warm water, like a shampoo. Then rinse your hair and rinse.

    Precautionary measures

    Of course, you have heard about this, but it is useful to recall:

    • Checking paint for allergic reaction on a small area of ​​​​the skin - not just reinsurance of manufacturers. It really protects you from a serious problem - painful itching of the whole head for an indefinitely long time.
    • Paint packaging does not help to choose the right color - be sure to use a shade chart or a stand with samples of dyed strands. But you can finally make sure that the color is chosen correctly only after trial staining - for example, a small lower strand at the back of the head.
    • Hair dye - only for hair! Eyelashes and eyebrows from it can simply crumble.
    • It used to be possible to hold the paint longer to get a more saturated shade. Today there are many brands in which the time chemical reaction limited - that is, after a certain time, the color no longer changes, but still underexposing is better than overexposing.