New in the wardrobe of Renata Litvinova. Bohemian lady or street style star: we analyze the extremes of Renata Litvinova's style. Clothing style of Renata Litvinova

The well-known fashion critic Alexander Vasiliev calls Renata Litvinova the star of "retro-chic". In her images, she often cites the style of the most famous and luxurious divas of past years - Marlene Dietrich, Lyubov Orlova and Greta Garbo. Over the years, the images of the actress have become more daring and stylistically verified. But even at the beginning of her career, Renata's outfits stood out for their originality and femininity.


Bright red lipstick at the beginning of her creative career became an integral part of the unique image of Renata Litvinova.


The actress loves things with an unusual cut, this strict wrap jacket is the best confirmation of this.

2005 year

For the first time, Renata appears in public with her famous “wave” hairstyle in retro style.


Pearls, furs, a floor-length skirt and a modest black turtleneck are the main components of a bright look in the style of the 30s.


Renata Litvinova obviously loves furs. She wears them with the elegance of a silent film star. m


Another stylish retro look from Renata - a wave in her hair, red lipstick, large shiny earrings, a draped top and a feathered skirt.

year 2009

A short haircut, exposing the neck, and a bustier dress with bare shoulders emphasize the fragility and femininity of the actress.

year 2009

A laconic floor-length dress is complemented by unusual accessories - an asymmetrical massive necklace and a large bracelet worn on the wrist.


Rich chocolate and wine shades make this Renata Litvinova casual outfit very cozy and elegant. And the large jewelry, beloved by the actress, adds individuality inherent in each of her images.


A beautiful retro dress with polka dots really suits the actress. It was these dresses that were once worn by famous Soviet actresses like Valentina Serova and Zoya Fedorova.


Renata Litvinova has a soft spot for classic Chanel outfits. This luxurious tweed two-piece, consisting of a skirt and jacket, fits perfectly into the wardrobe of the actress.

year 2012

An oversized ethnic necklace and the delicate sheen of the dress make this monochrome outfit perfect. One can only be surprised at Renata's ability to skillfully combine incongruous things.

year 2013

The actress wears a modest black dress with luxurious jewelry that adds shine and elegance to the image.

year 2013

Such a simple at first glance suit does not look boring at all, thanks to an unusual cut and small brooches on the lapels.

year 2014

The actress not only loves shiny textures, but also knows how to wear and combine them, while not looking too much.


Renata wears a jacquard dress in the style of the 50s with a small reticule bag decorated with beads. No wonder many fashion experts note the amazing sense of style of the actress and director Renata Litvinova!

For a long time, many have called this woman nothing more than a goddess, a diva and an icon of style. One of these people is a critic and fashion historian, Alexander Vasiliev, who always calls our heroine the very first in his list of the most stylish women in Russia. And this, as they often say, is the incomparable Renata Litvinova!

Renata always tries to look elegant, and I think she deserved the title of the most deserved. Feminine, mysterious, bohemian retro style, inspired by the divas of black and white cinema of the 30s, is presented to us so boldly by Renata. The charm of her personality, original approach and fantasy make the image unforgettable and so special. What has become an integral part of Litvinova's style?


Renata almost always takes classic austere things as a basis, which she prefers to make bright in the future, using noticeable non-standard accessories.

Main elements of clothing:

  • little black dress

  • white shirt (often office type) or white blouse

  • classic length black skirt

  • black jacket or jacket

  • black turtleneck

  • trench coat

  • stilettos.

Favorite colors: black, white and grey. Bright colors are sometimes preferred for special occasions or as accessories.

Renata believes that the dress and clothing in general should serve as a frame for the face and emphasize the figure. She finds bright clothes gaudy and easy to get lost behind. A woman really appreciates the high quality of clothes, which she ideally sees as tailor-made. The cut and material is very important to her. She prefers to save her favorite clothes and invest in bags, hats, gloves, etc.

Materials: silk, satin, wool, fur (especially astrakhan), lace, chiffon

In clothes, a play of textures, volumes and an unusual cut is most often observed, and the pattern is preferably classic, such as polka dots and flowers. For her outfits, Renata is looking for inspiration in the images of Marlene Dietrich, Greta Garbo and Lyubov Orlova, as well as in painting. Renata is far from the modern animal protection movement and actively uses natural fur in the form of fur coats, boas and boas.



It is the accessories that make the image from Litvinova so individual and special. This woman is not afraid of experiments and often follows the principle: "Why do you need to forbid yourself something?" and pinning up a vintage brooch in a way they don't usually wear. Brooches are one of Renata's favorite pieces of jewelry. This and next season, brooches will be one of the most striking trends, so you can look for interesting ideas in the images of Renata, as well as read about different ways to wear this accessory. Rings with bright stones, bracelets in the form of snakes, massive necklaces - all this variety is present in the wardrobe of the star. In addition to the classics, flora and fauna are favorite subjects for jewelry. Pearls are a separate passion of the heroine. She has a lot of it in a completely different performance. Renata completes her look with wristwatches, classic or masculine, in medium and small sizes. Very often, Rado brand watches flaunt on her hand, the face of which is Renata.

Hats, veils and scarves

In our time, hats have somewhat lost their popularity, which our heroine regrets, but that is why she wears them with great pleasure, because this is another reason to be different from everyone else. Silk scarves are most often tied around the head in a classic way.


The glasses are usually either black with raised corners in the style of a diva, or with an unusual decor, or an original color.

Hair and makeup

Renata is always associated with white porcelain skin and red lipstick. For eye makeup, the star most often chooses black eyeliner or gray shadows. Favorite hairstyle - a wave in the style of the 30s, sometimes picked up by a large number of invisibles. Red nail polish completes the look.

In the images of Renata Litvinova, every detail has its place. Everything is very well thought out. She plays with rich accessories with amazing ease, managing not to overload the outfit itself. Probably, such courage and sense of proportion are one of the components of good taste.

Things in the style of Renata

We associate Renata Litvinova with retro style and eternal classics - scarlet lipstick, arrows, hair styled in a wave in the spirit of the 40s ... But the actress was not always like this - Renata often experimented with her appearance, but to this day she remains true her light hair color and, of course, the image of a girl "out of this world."

Do you recognize Renata Litvinova in this 17-year-old beauty? In the mid-80s, she wore long hair and emphasized wide eyebrows, as modern fashionistas do - after all, fashion is cyclical.


Like for many of our compatriots, the 90s were a difficult period for Renata's style - “perhydrol” blond and thin eyebrows-strings have not yet decorated anyone.

The dashing 90s continue! Litvinova was still using oh-oh-very light powder and hadn’t decided on the right shade of hair.

However, in the early 2000s, the image of the actress has not changed much compared to what it was 10 years ago. She still plucked her eyebrows mercilessly. But on the other hand, red lipstick went to the blonde always and at all times.

And in this photo, Renata Litvinova seems to be giving us a lesson on how to add 15 years to yourself with the help of makeup and hairstyles. The recipe is still the same - more white powder, yellow hair and eyebrows, which we are already tired of talking about. No lipstick will help here!

Renata (or is it Alyonushka?) suddenly rejuvenated that same year. Thanks to a minimum of cosmetics and a playful handkerchief, which, by the way, is still sometimes found in the wardrobe of the actress. By the way, in this outfit, the actress came to the opening of the Moscow International Film Festival in 2003 - today it's hard to imagine.

There was Litvinova and such - curly hair gathered in a careless bun, barely noticeable pink lipstick ... It is difficult to recognize a film star in this simple woman, but for such metamorphoses we love the actress.

In 2008, Renata looked great - the actress really suited this hairstyle with a side parting and long bangs, as well as smoky eyes - this makeup technique was just coming into fashion then, and Litvinova was one of the pioneers.

Hairpins, flagella, mother-of-pearl shadows, red lipstick, colored necklace... All this "splendor" can only be forgiven by Renata. But don't you dare repeat it!

The actress created an elegant look in the style of the 50s with the help of her favorite red lipstick, playful hat and perfectly smooth bangs.

In this photo, Renata Litvinova looks like a Golden Hollywood star or a silent film actress. Flawless make-up and retro waves - luxurious ...

The actress demonstrated a daring and memorable image in 2010. The decisive role was played by perfect honey-colored eyebrows and a very well-chosen tone of blush. This exit of the actress can be considered one of the most successful.

Such experiments also happened with Litvinova - a beauty image is not at all in her style, with a high hairdo, almost imperceptible lipstick and a very restrained eye make-up. There is nothing unusual in this makeup for any other woman, but in the context of Renata's style, it even looks somehow strange!

Curling curls with a small demon somewhere behind the ears is not the best idea ... Fortunately, the actress did not repeat this hairstyle again.

We noticed that 2012 was a very busy year for Renata Litvinova, especially in terms of a variety of hairstyles and makeup. The actress managed to look the brightest on the red carpet!

Bob haircut and hair, casually removed behind the ears, create a feminine and unobtrusive look.

Tried Renata Litvinova and standard makeup, which suits almost everyone and is too common. The eyes are highlighted with smoky shadows and shaded towards the temples, and the tone of the lipstick is chosen calm and not too expressive.

And suddenly such a transformation! Tousled hair, almost carrot-colored lipstick, and no makeup on her eyes. Now we get to know Renata again!

Beauty is always individual, there are no canons in it, madness, dissimilarity to anyone is permissible in it. Beauty is always Divine, God is there. Beautiful people are never arrogant, they are always friendly and warm, they do not mind smiling, saying a kind word, making the constant effort to speak in a benevolent tone. Renata Litvinova

A woman with a subtle charming style, a special sensitive nature, with a unique exquisite taste, with amazing grace and true femininity in her every gesture and look. A woman-individuality with a capital letter, extremely harmoniously combining the softness and grace of movements with a solid inner core and reinforced concrete character.

"Your beautyis your inner world, and how do youyou work on it, how you keep yourself, what kind of culture you have inside yourself, that’s how you look.”

Her style is often compared to that of the 1930s, reminiscent of actresses such as Greta Garbo and Marlene Dietrich. It seems to me that such comparisons are incorrect in relation to Renata. Her style is purely her own choice. And let this style be comparable to the elegant fashion of the 30s of the last century, but it deserves to be the style of the XXI century. It’s just that the years of the bygone era of the beginning and middle of the 20th century are considered to be the reference in terms of fashion; until today, world podiums have not presented a more feminine and graceful image in the designer world of clothing. Therefore, for Renata Litvinova, most likely, it is preferable to choose the best of the refined.

“Why do you need to be in the stream? I think this is rather wrong. You have to be separate. A beautiful waterfall. Or a river. Or even by sea. Or the sky."

An amazing woman, like no one else and nothing. It is impossible to imitate her: any imitation will look pathetic. Agree, in the case of Renata Litvinova, her image is not at all an “image” or role. She does not play, she lives herself as she is.

"BeautyI love this definition so much. It is part of the purpose and meaning in everything - and in life,and in creativity. Elegance apart from beauty is not interesting for me. Beauty - she is animated, there is a lot of heart in her, and in elegance - only coldlines."

I have not met actresses from the stars of Russian show business who can make up their wardrobe like Renata Litvinova. Her refined elegance is not at all cold, on the contrary, she is impeccably beautiful. She does not follow or serve fashion, she prefers beauty.

Her manner of speaking is not mannerism at all, but the essence of a refined nature.

“I believe that the most valuable thing that people have- it is Time, Talent and Love. Everything else is much cheaper."

You can praise the genius in her as much as you like (one can argue with this, everyone has their own preferences), but as for her ability to dress, even eminent designers can only shrug their shoulders here.

The regal manner of Renata Litvinova, or being at the peak of beauty.

Her style - high gloves, airy veils, light hats, expensive furs, exquisite jewelry, elegant hairstyles and flawlessly painted scarlet lips.

“If you analyze why I love “melting” in jewelry so much and don’t judge myself when I put on several brooches at once, creating a dance between them, or a lot of beads, I immediately remember the women who raised me! Grandmother always had this regal style: red lips with a bow, severe blackened eyebrows, the sweet smell of “Red Moscow” and rings, brooches, bags with precious buttons ... I even multiplied and maximized her style of “being at the peak of beauty”, like her expressed."

Everything is just like that. The image and style of Renata is at the very peak of beauty and elegance.

For the first time I met Renata Litvinova as an actress in the film “Sky. Airplane. Young woman". I remember that many were repulsed by her manner of speaking and moving. I saw in this such a zest, such a dissimilarity to everyone, that from that day I began to admire Renata. After a while, having watched with rapture many of her interviews, I realized: Litvinova on the screen is what she is, she plays herself, more precisely, lives herself. Her role never gets bored, because there is none. It is absolute in its organicity, and its organicity is perfect.

“It annoys me that now peopleless and less divided into men and women. What mendo not pretend to be different from you ... A real man, first of all, spares a woman. And now more and more some kind of ruthlessness. Although it may be Moscow. Because in other cities people are completely different. Even hospitals are different: they treat you like a person there. But in Moscow everything is different.”

When I listen to it, it's like reading a book: how deeply and interestingly everything in it is combined. Feminine images are filled with great inner strength. After all, true femininity - it is not obedience, not service to anyone, and not agreement with everything in the world. True femininity, such as that of Renata Litvinova, - it is beauty in everything. It begins with the soul, continues with the mind and upbringing, and ends with the appearance. When everything is fine: the soul, and the handbag, and the hat (this is about Renata Litvinova).

“Someday each of us starts to notice the mirror, and the mirror starts to notice you.- like a living being. And so I look at my face in it, noticing, even knowing that it is trying to copy me, lagging behind by a split second, but it- not me. What am I- only I see. I always wanted to add the missing color, correct the eyelid line, make the face look like a white canvas, which is more convenient to paint, and draw my own, author's version of the face. And I never wanted a "clean girl's face", I always hated the mournful advice to wash my face, which they tried to whisper to me at the beginning of the journey. An impeccable baby, a nun or a tired aristocrat at the end of her life can afford an “uncorrected” face, while in mathematics, history and chemistry lessons I always painted the spiritualized, but such “washed” faces of Krupskaya, Kollontai, Marie Curie and Sofia Kovalevskaya. I was more or less satisfied with Sarah Bernhardt in her next make-up from the play. And for some reason it was obvious that she painted herself. Like a classic dyslexic, I pulled information from the visual world.- I was carried to museums, where I vigilantly looked at the “make-up” on the faces of Modigliani, Serov, Renoir. Only Rembrandt stunned me with his gift to sculpt faces from gray shadows, and at the same time they glowed.

The well-known actress and director Renata Litvinova has a wonderful unique style and a special amazing charm. With age, her attractiveness only increases and matures. The style of Renata Litvinova is associated with retro style and timeless classics. Hairstyle "Wave", perfect arrows, red lipstick - the distinctive touches of the bright appearance of the actress. Each of her images is saturated with taste and style, to this she went a long way by trial and error.

Hairstyle Renata Litvinova

In her youth, Renata had blond long hair. She changed haircuts and styling, appearing in public each time in a new guise, but her hair color remained unchanged. Hairstyles were different: a carelessly gathered ponytail; a square with hair tied behind the ears; a short haircut that reveals a delicate neck; flagella, fixed with hairpins - each time something new. But everything suits this woman - both wind-blown strands, and a strict classic hairstyle, and highly matched hair, decorated with a luxurious diadem.

In 2005, the actress first appeared with a hairstyle laid out in a chic retro-style wave. Since then, she has become Litvinova's calling card. Many call the style of Renata Litvinova retro-chic, and the actress herself is an icon of style. And this is true, Renata rightfully bears this title.

Makeup Renata Litvinova

Red lipstick has become an integral part of the image of the actress. Very rarely, Renata changes it to a pale pink, almost imperceptible, which makes her even more tender and somehow defenseless.

Just like scarlet lipstick, arrows and elegant sophisticated makeup are associated with the image of Litvinova. Once upon a time, the actress, under fashion trends, emphasized wide eyebrows, plucked them into filiform arcs and used very light powder.

But Renata found herself not only on stage, but also in makeup. In each of her images, the make-up is impeccable and perfect, the shades of shadows and blush are matched with fantastic accuracy. A beautiful curve of honey-colored eyebrows, skillfully emphasized eyes, blush ideally matched to porcelain skin - this is the whole Renata Litvinova.

Clothing style of Renata Litvinova

Renata Litvinova looks aristocratic and stylish in any clothes and almost never violates the rule of royal etiquette, which requires skirts below the knee length. The actress loves retro images and amazingly, to the smallest detail, thinks through them. The clothing style of Renata Litvinova is exquisite aristocracy.

The actress loves and knows how to wear furs. Fur coats, jackets, stoles of unusual, original models Renata demonstrates at social events with the dignity of a queen.

Not the last place in Litvinova's wardrobe is a little black dress. Only Renata can wear this thing like that. Graceful silhouettes of such dresses frame the appearance of the actress, emphasize the aristocratic skin and expressive eyes. Litvinova wears modest-looking black dresses with luxurious jewelry, which adds even more elegance to the image.

The actress complements her looks preferably with classic and vintage shoes. Expensive shoes with high or medium heels, often pumps fit perfectly into the images of Litvinova, making them whole and complete, without the slightest hint of antiquity.

Accessories for Litvinova's style

One of my favorite accessories is a shawl or scarf tied around my head. In spring or early autumn, Renata likes to cover her blond hair with kerchiefs or scarves. They suit her like no one else, although Litvinova ties them the way our grandmothers did. A pretty face framed by a handkerchief looks gentle and feminine.

And the actress loves hats. A whole collection of hats of different models and styles, suitable for every day and for going out. There are classic options, there are completely original unique models. Litvinova complements the pie hat, which was popular back in the 30s of the last century, with a Hollywood hairstyle.

Renata has a special love for veils. They emphasize the tenderness of the snow-white skin of the actress, the smooth line of the neck and bring mystery and intrigue to the image.

Many people believe that Renata Litvinova, fashion and style are inseparable friends. That is why the actress so meticulously selects accessories.

A handbag is carefully selected for each outfit. A small clutch with a gold chain adorns a strict black dress, a black velvet handbag emphasizes the luxury of furs. Even a laconic black and white outfit harmoniously fits a small black leather handbag. A jacquard dress in a retro style looks very organic with a handbag-reticule embroidered with beads.