Headache during pregnancy what can I drink. Prevention of pain attacks. Asterisk for headaches during pregnancy

Expecting a child is a wonderful and very important period in the life of every woman. But , unfortunately , this wonderful time can be overshadowed by numerous health problems . Headache is one of the unpleasant conditions that disturb the expectant mother.

Causes of headaches in pregnancy

Headache can act as independent disease or may appear as a symptom of some other disease. You can identify the cause based on the nature of the pain, its localization, duration, as well as on those situations in which the pain occurs, intensifies and weakens.

Most common causes :

  • Migraine. Throbbing pain with increasing intensity. Usually manifests itself in one half of the head and increases with movement. There is also pain sensitivity to the light, nausea.
  • Gestosis. With preeclampsia, a headache may manifest itself against the background of an increase in blood pressure.
  • Reduced blood pressure. Characterized by throbbing, dull pain in the temples, rarely in the back of the head, accompanied nausea, vomiting, weakness, loss of strength.
  • Increased blood pressure. There is a constant, dull, pressing pain in the back of the head.
  • Cluster headache. Violent shooting pain in forehead and eye. It also causes redness and swelling of the face, tearing from the side of pain.
  • Exacerbation of chronic diseases. Pain can be of any nature and localization. It is necessary to consult with the attending physician.
  • stress factor. Pressive headache in the parietal region and in the temples; varies from moderate to weak, but occasionally the pain is quite intense.

Headache treatment during pregnancy

Pregnant women should not take medicines without a doctor's prescription. Almost all drugs that relieve headaches can adversely affect the course of pregnancy and fetal development. In addition, treatment depends on the cause of the headache. But , nevertheless , to endure a headache is not worth it , as it can also adversely affect pregnancy .

If the headache is severe enough, you can take a single dose of paracetamol or drugs that contain paracetamol (Panadol, Efferalgan, Nurofen). No-shpa will also help get rid of headaches.
Aspirin is contraindicated for pregnant women, as well as Citramon, Askofen and Citrapar, the adoption of which can lead to complications and the development of malformations in the fetus.

Women who are expecting a baby are best treated with folk remedies. Consider several methods of folk treatment for headaches:

  • Decoctions of soothing herbs will help relieve headaches: mint, rosehip, lemon balm or chamomile. Dosage should be seen in the instructions.
  • If the pressure has increased, you need to anoint the whiskey with orange or grapefruit essential oil.
  • If the pressure, on the contrary, has decreased, strong sweet tea will help.
  • With a moderate headache, you can take a coniferous-salt bath (100 grams of salt, preferably sea salt, mixed with 2 tablespoons of pine needle extract) or simply wash your hair with cool water.
  • Applying cold water or ice compresses to the temporal, frontal, and occipital regions also relieves headaches.
  • You can get rid of a headache by applying bandages to the forehead with slices of raw potatoes, or with cabbage leaves, or with cut aloe leaves.
whenever possible, rest and relax as often as possible.

Expectant mothers sometimes wonder: is it possible to take any headache pills during pregnancy? After all, a joyful event for every woman - the expectation of a baby - is often overshadowed by serious ailments. Hormonal changes in the body stressful condition, changes in blood and atmospheric pressure - these are just a few of the great many causes of periodic or persistent headaches in pregnant women. But what was previously decided simple trick one or two tablets, in the current state turns into a big problem.

Headaches, including during pregnancy, are frequent companions of women

Before opening a home first aid kit, you should familiarize yourself with the list of medicines allowed for pregnant women, since most medicines can harm the expectant mother and the developing fetus.

It must be understood that absolutely safe pills for pregnant women simply do not exist, but if the headache is unbearable, then it is better to drink painkillers than to endure a debilitating attack. After all, your baby suffers along with you.

So, which of the head pain remedies to choose in order to help yourself as much as possible and not harm the unborn child? This list is not long, doctors recommend only a few medicines from the huge arsenal of modern medicine.


This medicine belongs to non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and is considered one of the most harmless for women who are expecting a baby. It is allowed to take up to 3 g per day for no more than 3 days. The soluble form of the drug is more effective - the active substance is absorbed into the blood faster. There are some restrictions: it is undesirable to take paracetamol in the first months of pregnancy, with high blood pressure, impaired renal function, and some blood diseases. Of the side effects, it is worth noting allergies, renal colic And serious threat miscarriage on early dates.

Paracetamol is an effective and safe drug

If the migraine is caused reduced pressure, drugs that also include caffeine, for example, Panadol Extra, will help well.


This drug, beloved by many, belongs to the group of antispasmodics, it contains drotaverine, which acts on smooth muscles. internal organs And blood vessels. For this reason, it should be used with caution in the last months of pregnancy, as the relaxation of the muscles of the uterus can provoke preterm labor.

No-shpu is best taken at the beginning of pregnancy.

No-shpa is quickly absorbed by the body, gently relieves vasospasm, helps with high pressure. You can take 300-400 mg for 2-3 days. Side effects of No-shpa - indigestion, increased heart rate, decreased pressure, allergic rash. The drug is also contraindicated in those suffering from impaired kidney and liver function, heart disease.

Domestic substitutes for imported no-shpy - drotaverine and papaverine - have an identical composition, but are much cheaper.

Other drugs

Strictly speaking, a list of headache pills for "ladies in interesting position"It is limited to these two drugs. Of the conditionally permitted drugs, that is, those whose negative effect has not been proven, but doctors have concerns, one can name Ibuprofen and its derivatives - Nurofen, Brufen and others.

In terms of effectiveness, this remedy is inferior to paracetamol. It is allowed to take up to 1300 mg per day for 3 days in the first and second trimester, and it is completely undesirable to use it in the last months of gestation due to a possible negative effect on fetal development. Contraindications are also diseases of the kidneys, liver, reduced blood clotting, individual intolerance.

About such common and widely used medicines as Citramon, Analgin, Aspirin (acetylsalicylic acid), Ergotamine, Baralgin, Motrin and many others, you will have to forget for the duration of the child's bearing. Their use is strictly prohibited for expectant mothers due to big risk delays in fetal development and the possibility of very serious anomalies - from pathological changes in the blood picture to heart disease and the circulatory system, bone deformities. Also, some of these drugs can cause uterine bleeding and spontaneous miscarriages.

Of course, one pill "from the head" during pregnancy will not hurt. But if headaches often torment you and periodic medication is required, then you should definitely consult with an obstetrician-gynecologist, undergo an examination to establish possible cause ailments.

Only a doctor can prescribe the most effective and safest treatment for you and your baby.

Alternative Treatments for Headache During Pregnancy

Finally, I would like to recall non-drug methods of dealing with headaches. They are the safest and sometimes quite effective.

TO alternative ways headache treatment includes aromatherapy. Pairs of various essential oils, for example, lavender, mint, lemon, rose, have a mild relaxing effect on the body, eliminate feelings of discomfort.

A headache patch, which contains only herbal ingredients and essential oils, can also be considered an effective and reliable remedy, completely harmless to the baby.

Traditional medicine also has a large arsenal of remedies: teas from currant leaves, mint, propolis, chamomile, compresses with herbal infusions relieve tension well and pain recedes.

Acupuncture - excellent tool to fight headaches

Acupuncture is a good remedy and, provided that it is carried out by a specialist, it is completely safe for expectant mothers.

And, of course, we should not forget that migraines are often provoked by the most common causes: fatigue, lack of sleep, excessive eye strain, being in a smoky or stuffy room. It is worth changing the daily routine, eliminating harmful factors and, perhaps, pills will not be needed.

Pregnancy is a significant period in the life of any woman. But apart from positive emotions and sensations, the expectation of a child is often associated with the occurrence of various ailments. Often, women complain of headaches that occur during this period, especially in the first few months.

What pills for headaches during pregnancy are recommended by experts? If medication usually helps to get rid of the problem, then for expectant mothers their choice is very limited, since many of them can have Negative influence on fetal development.

Experts distinguish pain by nature, intensity, location. It can be primary or secondary. In the latter case, the pain is a consequence of a disease and is accompanied by other symptoms.

Kidney disease, meningitis, sinusitis provoke the occurrence of severe pain. In this case, even taking medications does not help, and urgent intervention of specialists is required.

One of the causes of pain during the period of expectation of a child can be a migraine. This disease can be accompanied by nausea and vomiting, vision problems. According to statistics, women young age prone to migraine 2-3 times more men. Headache is characterized as intense, throbbing.

An attack can be triggered by several factors:

  • exposure to physical stimuli (bright light, loud sound, etc.);
  • a sharp change in weather conditions;
  • stress and lack of sleep;
  • eating foods that contain nitrogenous compounds (tyramine, phenylamine), which negatively affect the state of blood vessels.

Many women note that headaches are most pronounced and prolonged in the first trimester. In addition to migraines, women experience pain due to intense stress. The reasons may be:

  1. stress;
  2. emotional stress;
  3. finding long time in not comfortable position.

In the first months of expecting a child, women experience hypotension, a decrease blood pressure. This condition is especially common in severe toxicosis. With edema and the appearance of protein in the urine on later dates hypertension may occur. In both cases, the condition is accompanied by headaches.

In pregnant women, it can also occur due to the period of hormonal changes.

headache pills during pregnancy

Experts warn that taking pills for headaches during pregnancy should be limited. Many of the drugs adversely affect health future mother and fetal development.

But sometimes without pills it is impossible to remove pain syndrome. Among the safest drugs for women who are expecting a baby, doctors note those based on the active ingredient paracetamol. This includes both a medicine with the same name, and Efferalgan, Panadol, etc. Panadol Extra contains caffeine. It is contained in a relatively small dose to cause the development of pathologies in the fetus, while it brings a tangible effect when headaches occur against the background of low blood pressure.

It is important to observe daily dose the drug indicated in the annotation. Painkillers should not normally exceed 3 tablets per day. In addition, treatment with drugs for more than 3 days should be carried out only as directed and under medical supervision.

The antispasmodic drug No-shpa is widely used during pregnancy. It is recommended by doctors for pain relief. various etiologies, including from the head ones. The drug is safe to use in early pregnancy. IN last trimester it is prescribed with caution, as it can cause early dilatation of the cervix.

Before taking any pills, you should carefully study the instructions.

Particular attention should be paid to the section possible complications And side effects. The risk group includes women who have a high tendency to display allergic reactions.

During pregnancy, aspirin and any derivatives of it are prohibited.

In the early stages, taking these drugs leads to the development of malformations in the fetus, negatively affecting the formation of cardio-vascular system. Prohibited drugs for pregnant women include Citramon, Askofen, Citrapar. On recent months waiting for the baby taking these drugs can lead to the discovery of bleeding during childbirth.

The danger to the health of the expectant mother and baby is Analgin and other drugs similar to it in composition.

Not recommended for pregnant women with headaches Spazmalgon, Baralgin, Spazgan. They are quite toxic, which can adversely affect the development of the baby. Long-term use of these drugs leads to pathological changes circulatory system.

Treatment of migraine folk remedies

Since the use of medications while waiting for a child is limited, many women resort to folk remedies to help get rid of pain. Unpleasant sensations may pass after a short sleep or rest in a well-ventilated cool room. In addition, the following methods are effective:

  • Massage. Fingertips are recommended to make lungs circular motions in the temple area until symptoms are relieved;
  • Compresses. Lotions with cold water are placed on the temporal or occipital region (depending on the location of the pain);
  • Washing head warm water;
  • Relaxing or contrast shower.

From the pain syndrome during the waiting period of the child, reception helps infusions medicinal herbs . A decoction of mint (melissa), chamomile, wild rose, currant, propolis has a calming effect on the body. They are brewed like tea and taken internally.

efficient and relatively in a safe way pain relief is considered aromatherapy. It consists in the use of essential oils that improve blood circulation and tone the body. Among the most popular oils are lavender, mint, rosemary, eucalyptus, etc.

In some situations, the effect is acupuncture.

But to non-standard medical procedures should be approached with caution, after consulting with your doctor.

Headache prevention

As a preventive measure, expectant mothers should follow three basic rules:

  1. Full sleep;
  2. Walks;
  3. Balanced diet.

Women who suffer from migraines should temporarily exclude cheese and chocolate from the diet. These products contain tyramine, which affects the vessels of the brain. Headache provoke products containing dyes and preservatives. If discomfort appears after eating, then you need to reconsider your menu.

It is impossible to completely exclude the possibility of headaches during pregnancy. Indeed, they are often caused by changes in hormonal background women. Therefore, when the appearance discomfort can be referred to as methods traditional medicine and taking certain medications.

You will definitely need a specialist consultation if:

  • The pain does not go away despite taking pain medications;
  • Unpleasant sensations are accompanied by other symptoms: blurred vision, convulsions, numbness of the limbs, etc.;
  • There is nausea, swelling, greatly increased or decreased blood pressure.

If a headache occurs, expectant mothers should definitely tell their doctor about it.

Together with a specialist, it is necessary to find out the cause of the discomfort, which will need to be eliminated in the first place.

But with a strong pain syndrome that is not associated with manifestations of any disease, you can take the pills recommended by your doctor. The safest pain reliever for the health of the expectant mother and baby is paracetamol and all preparations based on it. Aspirin, Analgin and similar drugs during pregnancy are not recommended.

Expectant mothers during the period of bearing a baby are very often worried about migraine attacks. But not all headache pills during pregnancy can now be taken. Most of the drugs presented in the network of pharmacies are dangerous for the child and his development. Therefore, before using this or that remedy, you should carefully read the annotation to it, consult a doctor.

Migraine attacks can develop under the influence of not only internal, but also external factors. Before you decide on the choice of pills, you need to establish the causes of unpleasant discomfort. Among the main ones are:

  1. Emotional stress, depression.
  2. Overwork, lack of sleep.
  3. Sudden change in weather or climate.
  4. Vascular diseases.
  5. Low or high blood pressure.
  6. Migraine attacks.
  7. Sharp, loud bangs or "sugary" aroma, bright and flashing light.
  8. Violation of blood circulation in osteochondrosis of the cervical region or neurosis.
  9. Infectious disease of the meninges, meningitis.
  10. SARS, influenza and pathology of ENT organs.
  11. Hemorrhage in the brain.
  12. Abuse of cheese, citrus products, dark chocolate, strict diet.
  13. Lack of oxygen, prolonged stay in a closed, stuffy room.

There are no completely safe drugs, and only a doctor will tell you which pills from the head you can take during pregnancy, after comprehensive examination and determining the cause of the pain syndrome.

The doctor will definitely advise what is best to do

To prevent severe attacks will allow full, healthy eating, long rest, no stress. But if the pain still appears, you should start treating it and take painkillers.

What drugs are allowed

Almost every drug has contraindications and side effects, but the gynecologist or therapist will select which pills can be used in early and late pregnancy, taking into account the nature of the pain, its intensity, causes, general condition female patients.

The same remedy different trimesters may pose a greater or lesser risk to fetal development.

The drug "Paracetamol"

The drug belongs to the group of drugs that are safer during childbearing. Paracetamol is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug. Although it belongs to the most "light" painkillers, it is not worth using it without a doctor's recommendation, as well as drinking pills for a long time.

The active substance does not have a negative effect on the development of the baby, but on the basis of the studies carried out, experts can argue that the drug can penetrate the placenta.

Therefore, whether it is possible to use the drug or not, you should find out from your doctor. You should also follow some recommendations:

  • you can drink no more than 3 g, that is, 6 tablets of 500 mg of medication / day;
  • do not use the remedy for prophylactic purposes;
  • Paracetamol should not be taken for more than 3 days.

In the first trimester of pregnancy, the treatment of migraine attacks with drugs of this group is not desirable, since the organs and systems of the fetus are formed in the early stages. But, if the gynecologist decides that the benefit for the woman is higher than the risk for the baby, then he will allow a single dose of the medicine, since it can be drunk by pregnant women, especially in liquid form.

You have to be careful with any medication.

The active substance is also part of other drugs created on its basis: Panadol, reduces pressure, Kalpol, Efferalgan. With diseases of the blood, kidneys and liver or hypersensitivity to paracetamol, you can not take it.

Treatment of headaches during pregnancy must be carried out correctly, otherwise unpleasant side effects may occur:

  1. Urticaria, allergic rash.
  2. Anemia.
  3. Colic (kidney).
  4. In the first two weeks of pregnancy, the drug can cause fetal death, miscarriage.

The drug is rapidly absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract. The maximum content of the active substance in the blood plasma is reached 30-50 minutes after application.

Medicine "No-shpa"

The safest head pills during pregnancy, which are prescribed by many doctors to their patients. Among the reasons for such confidence in the drug are:

  • "No-shpa" contains drotaverine, which effectively, quickly relieves spasms of blood vessels and smooth muscles;
  • pregnant women can drink 300-400 mg per day for 3 days;
  • "No-shpa" is an imported medicine, its analogues: papaverine or drotaverine, they cost an order of magnitude cheaper.

Contraindications - the last 2-3 weeks of pregnancy. Relaxation of smooth muscles can cause premature birth of a child. Also on the banned list:

  1. Diseases of the liver, heart and kidneys.
  2. lactose intolerance.
  3. Weakness of the sphincter (uterine).
  4. Individual reaction to the active substance.

Side effects - a decrease in pressure, accompanied by dizziness, nausea, weakness, insomnia, and tachycardia.

The drug "Nurofen"

The drug is most often used for elevated temperature in babies, teething. But many doctors recommend taking Nurofen tablets for headaches during feeding and pregnancy.

Characteristics of the medicinal product:

  • the main component - ibuprofen, perfectly eliminates pain, as well as the inflammatory process;
  • treatment with "Nurofen" can be carried out in the 1st and 2nd trimester, but in boys there is a risk of developing pathologies of the genital organs, in the later stages, the drug should be stopped (increases the tone of the uterus);
  • the medicine can be used for 3 days up to 1300 mg / day;
  • substitutes - Ibuprofen, Advil, Ibuprom.

Contraindications - an increased reaction to the active substance, pathologies of the liver and kidneys, stomach ulcers, poor blood serum clotting.

Among side effects are present:

  1. Hives.
  2. Stomach pains.
  3. Feeling of nausea, vomiting.
  4. Attacks of hypertension.
  5. Headaches, spasms.
  6. Vertigo.
  7. Cardiopalmus.
  8. Renal colic, as well as anemia.

All medicines have contraindications

Exists a large number of medicines that contain ibuprofen, drotaverine, paracetamol, along with other active substances. Therefore, many women doubt which pills, medicines for headaches during lactation and pregnancy are better, if strongly active drugs quickly eliminate the pathological syndrome.

Expectant mothers with migraine attacks are allowed to use painkillers without additives to prevent negative effects on the body and fetal development (caffeine).

Any tablet should be taken after meals, adhering to the recommendations of the attending physician, and also taking into account the likelihood of negative consequences.

Prohibited drugs

Everyone has taken painkillers at least once in their life. medicines, but many pills from the head, migraine attacks for pregnant women are prohibited. Safe drugs very few, so you should know which ones to watch out for.

List of prohibited medicines for pregnant women:

  • to begin with, you will have to abandon Citramon, since it contains aspirin - a dangerous substance for the baby, penetrating into the mother's body, it is absorbed into the bloodstream, thereby provoking mutations;
  • medicine "Ergotamine" or "Triptan". Medicines contribute to intensive contraction of the uterus, which can provoke a miscarriage, premature discharge of water;
  • drug "Fiorinal". It contains hypnotic, depressant breath.

Prohibited drugs for migraines, headaches, spasms during the bearing of a baby can be listed indefinitely. But the drugs allowed for use are presented in limited quantity. It is impossible to prescribe treatment on your own, since some medications can be safe in the first trimester and carry a real threat in the last stages.

Headache during pregnancy of a permanent nature requires immediate, competent therapy. At the first signs of deterioration in health and suspicious symptoms, you should immediately consult a doctor. Walking on fresh air, good sleep, nutrition will help to cope with tension and excitement, thereby reducing the likelihood of pain.