Superstitions related to pregnancy. "Medical" signs for pregnant women: what should future mothers not do? What not to do during pregnancy folk omens

Superstitions of pregnant women

As long as humanity exists, so many exist different signs and superstition. Those phenomena that a person could not explain with the help of reason, he attributed to otherworldly forces. It is clear that over time a fairly detailed system of superstitions has developed for any life event. In our time, we listen to some signs. It gives some psychological peace. This is especially true for a pregnant woman. The expectant mother becomes more suspicious, just in case, trying to insure herself and the baby from several sides. Many expectant mothers, including me, hide their pregnancy until the last moment, do not buy baby things in advance, look closely at the shape of the abdomen. To believe or not to believe in superstition is a personal matter for everyone. But be sure to listen to your doctor in the antenatal clinic.

Many are worried about what gender their baby will be:

  1. A boy will be born if hairs have grown on the abdomen. Today, such an edge is explained increased amount male hormones in a woman's body when she is expecting a boy.
  2. If the stomach is a cucumber (sticks out sharply), then it will be a boy.
  3. Mom has a slow heartbeat.
  4. The child behaves calmly in the stomach, spins a little
  5. No early toxicosis. So the first trimester was easy.
  6. If future mom walks on the left foot.
  1. A wide belly indicates that there will be a girl. Although such a belly may indicate that the child is simply lying sideways.
  2. A girl steals beauty from her mother. It is believed that age spots and swelling appear on the face.
  3. Mommy has a fast heartbeat
  4. The baby in the abdomen is restless and pushes.
  5. A pregnant woman has early toxicosis.
  6. If the expectant mother walks on her right foot


  1. The expectant mother is forbidden to sew, cut, patch. According to popular signs, they believe that such actions can lead to the appearance of moles in a child. While sewing, a woman can cut herself or prick herself with a needle. This makes her scared. This is the kind of damage that needlework can cause. Maybe that's why there was a belief that moles will appear.
  2. It is forbidden to sit on the threshold. Including it is impossible to step over such things as a broom or a log. The threshold cannot be crossed, as you go beyond your "home" world into someone else's. On the other hand, there are drafts on the threshold, which are not useful for a pregnant woman. By popular superstitions a brownie lives in a broom and stepping over it can incur his wrath. In addition, stepping over objects, you can stumble.
  3. A lot of red berries eaten by the expectant mother will lead to the baby being born ruddy. This statement can be substantiated by the fact that, being allergenic products, red berries in in large numbers eaten by a pregnant woman can cause diathesis in a newborn. And diathesis is most often manifested in redness on the body and face.
  4. You can't raise your hands. It is still a very popular belief. It is believed that the baby will become entangled in the umbilical cord. Doctors also advise avoiding raising your hands. Since this may lead to premature birth due to untimely outpouring of amniotic fluid.
  5. You can't cut your hair. Cut off the child. This means, according to popular beliefs, that there may be a miscarriage or premature birth. This superstition is connected with the fact that hair personifies the life force of a person. Cutting hair means becoming weaker and more vulnerable according to popular beliefs.
  6. You can not cross your legs and sit cross-legged. By the way, doctors also do not recommend expectant mothers to sit in this position. After all, the mother's body during this period is prone to such an ailment as varicose veins veins. And the “foot for foot” pose worsens the normal blood supply. In the old days, it was believed that from this a child would be born with a clubfoot.
  7. According to signs, you can not sleep on your back. It is believed that the child may suffocate. This sign is not without common sense. Doctors do not recommend pregnant women to sleep on their backs, as the inferior vena cava is compressed. This leads to disruption of normal blood flow.
  8. You can't look at the ugly. A pregnant woman is forbidden to look at terrible things, mutilated people, watch horror films. It is believed that this will affect the appearance of the child. But there is a rationale for this. Mom should not be afraid, because the baby feels everything that the mother does. It is necessary to arrive in a good, calm state, admire harmonious paintings (Dali's canvases are unlikely to fit), listen to beautiful music. The main thing is that what you see and hear causes joy and pleasure. Positive emotions are necessary for a future mother no less than vitamins.
  9. Expectant mother is not allowed to play with cats. It is believed that this will lead to the fact that the child will have many enemies. Today it is known that a cat can become a carrier of toxoplasmosis, which is dangerous for the human nervous system. If you have a pet, you need to take him to the vet and have him tested for toxoplasmosis. After all, if the virus enters the blood of a pregnant woman, then this can lead to unpleasant consequences.
  10. You can not knit, sew, weave. Otherwise, the baby will get tangled in the umbilical cord.
  11. It is necessary to hide the pregnancy as long as possible. This is done so that no one jinxes it. Until now, many pregnant women hide their position for a long time. This is a personal matter for everyone. Moreover, the first half of pregnancy, the abdomen is almost invisible and you can not talk about your position. In the old days, they were afraid that the forces of evil would take the child away. After all, most miscarriages occur in the first trimester.
  12. Orthodox Church prohibits the sex of the child before birth.
  13. The expectant mother should not eat on the sly. It is believed that the baby will then be thieving or will be afraid of everything. Most likely, this sign came from the fact that a pregnant woman often has an addiction to unusual products. The woman is embarrassed by her increased appetite and hides it by hiding with food in the corners. But don't do it, otherwise nutrients not absorbed, and the nervous system will suffer.
  14. You can't comb your hair on Fridays. Thus, one can offend Paraxeva Friday. And she will not help during childbirth.
  15. You can not take pictures and draw the expectant mother. It is believed that the child will stop in its development in the state in which the pregnant woman is depicted.
  16. You can not buy things for a newborn in advance. According to legend, evil spirits will inhabit the body of a child. Although the dowry for the newborn from time immemorial was prepared in advance with their own hands.
  17. Meet a pregnant woman for success.
  18. To see a pregnant woman in a dream is good luck.
  19. If a pregnant woman hits a cow 3 times with her apron, then that (cow) will become better at calving.
  20. You can not eat food "twins". For example, eggs with 2 yolks, fused fruits, etc. Since, according to superstitious signs, twins could be born
  21. You can’t say before the birth what you will name the child, so that the demons do not kidnap him.
  22. If a pregnant woman touches her face, then the baby will have birthmarks.
  23. It is impossible, frightened, to grab the face or body. It was believed that in these places the child will have birthmarks.
  24. You can not say the possible date of birth. It was believed that in this case, childbirth will be easier.
  25. You can not step over the fruits growing in the ground (carrots, potatoes, beets, etc.). Because the dead are buried in the ground. It was believed that the earth could take the soul of a child.
  26. If the expectant mother is poured with water, then it will rain according to folk signs.

Attention! It is important!

All information in the article, as well as norms and tables are presented for general information only. It does not give grounds to self-diagnose or prescribe treatment on their own. Always consult a doctor!

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Nastya34 16.03.2018 19:27
Most important signs for pregnant women: what should not be done to pregnant women, what are the warnings and rules during pregnancy, conspiracies for easy childbirth and other necessary information for expectant mothers here:

soff 01.09.2016 14:36
Why do you write all such nervous comments about this article if you don’t believe in superstition?) Well, you don’t agree - so read it and close it, laugh, I don’t know, cheer yourself up somehow)) It’s necessary from everywhere positive emotions receive .. It is very informative, by the way, to find out what our ancestors thought. After all, all these superstitions are not taken from empty space, this is the rich cultural heritage of our ancestors, who explained what was happening as best they could, being unable to explain it in a different scientific way.
So relax and enjoy :)

Diana 16.05.2016 21:46
An excellent composition for women who want to have children. I, myself, once took all these herbs to give birth to a child. Only at that time there were no such ready-made preparations and therefore I collected, bought in pharmacies and prepared it myself. And here is already a perfectly balanced remedy with all the necessary plants, you don’t have to think about how much and what to put. Just brew and drink. I just recommend.

Nastya 19.12.2015 19:37
I recommend an excellent article about signs and rules for pregnant women

Karinka 15.09.2015 11:05
Prejudice is one thing, but stupidity is quite another. My relatives urged me not to buy a stroller prematurely. But it's good that they are not
listened, went with my husband, took a closer look and now we are traveling with our son through the park in
his wonderful stroller anex and everything is fine with us. In any case, no one has yet canceled common sense.

Kira 19.01.2013 20:50
I’ll argue about cutting hair - a pregnant woman went and cut her hair below her shoulders, her daughter is already 18 and her hair doesn’t grow longer at all - what the hell she did

Most people do not believe in signs and superstitions, considering them to be a deep relic of the past. But this is only at first glance. It is enough to look at the behavior of any future mother and it immediately becomes clear: on the eve of the most important and responsible event in her life, she not only “inadvertently” learns all the signs of the people, but also strictly adheres to them. The explanation for this is very simple: on a subconscious level, a woman wants to do everything so that the birth is easy and the baby is born healthy.

Perhaps for many, signs are a relic of the past, but some psychologists argue that superstitions help to maximize intuition and “turn on” the hidden resources of our subconscious. Whether this is really so, everyone can check for himself. Perhaps you are an opponent of the so-called grandmother's "zabobons", but it is definitely interesting to find out how our ancestors thought.

According to many years of observations of our ancestors, there was a sign that while carrying a child, a woman should not sew, embroider and knit. Allegedly doing needlework during pregnancy, she risks "confusing" the umbilical cord to the child.

Also, in the old days, the expectant mother did not have to buy clothes for her unborn baby in advance, since it was believed that evil spirits would have time to “occupy” these things and this would serve as an obstacle to the birth of a child.

It is believed that a woman in position should not look at various deformities, otherwise the child will be born the same. Whether this is true or not is unknown, but the fact that the emotions of a pregnant woman are directly projected onto a child is true, therefore it is necessary to contemplate beauty as often as possible and avoid negative emotions.

An unusual and creepy sign is that a pregnant woman should not step over the fruits “born” in the ground (potatoes, carrots, beets, etc.) This was justified by the fact that the dead are buried in the ground, which means that she can take the baby .

Expectant mothers are advised to hide their pregnancy for as long as possible, as possible negative energy, for example, envy, can harm not only mom, but also the unborn baby. WITH scientific point of view, this is due to the fact that a pregnant woman is extremely susceptible to all negative factors.

Question: "Why shouldn't pregnant women cut their hair?" now interested in many. Not really knowing the truth, only a few do not adhere to this superstition. But the fact is that since ancient times it was believed that it is in the hair that life force of a person, and to the very "tips" they are saturated beneficial substances, therefore, cutting off even a little hair, the pregnant woman was deprived of additional "feeding" of the body.

It was also strictly forbidden for future mothers to paint: they were afraid that the child would be born with a spot on the body. Most likely, they simply intimidated young beauties who did not want to stop "marafet" during pregnancy. But in fact, it has been scientifically proven that the chemical elements in the paint penetrate the mother's body and can contribute to the manifestations of allergies after the baby is born.

Another sign that came to us from ancient times, but which has a completely scientific rationale: A pregnant woman should not sleep on her back. In the old days they said - otherwise the child will be born dead. In fact, in this position, compression of the inferior vena cava, which the uterus presses on, can occur. At the same time, the blood supply to the baby slows down, and the consequences of this can be different: placental abruption, fetal hypoxia, etc.

The sign that a pregnant woman should not sit on the threshold was explained by our ancestors as follows: the threshold is a kind of border between the foreign world and the home, and some even considered the threshold to be the border between ours and the other world. That is why in many countries it is considered a bad omen to even step on the threshold, let alone sit on it. It’s hard to say whether this is really so, but you really shouldn’t sit on the threshold, if only because it’s blowing there and such a position is completely unfavorable for a pregnant woman.

A sign about difficult childbirth says: “Pregnant women should not cross a log” (the same applies to various sticks, ropes, and any other obstacles). Perhaps, in this way, our ancestors warned pregnant women against wide, sharp steps, which are contraindicated for them.

The popular belief that a mother who consumes red berries at the time of pregnancy will give birth to a ruddy baby may have previously caused affection, but now we all understand that the child was born with obvious diathesis, and this is quite dangerous for the baby, so everything is good in moderation.

There is another sign for pregnant women: “You can’t pick up a cat - there will be many enemies.” Maybe the child will have some enemies in the future, but modern practice shows that the most main enemy for a pregnant woman, this is toxoplasmosis, and it is the cat that can cause this.

. "You can not sit pregnant with crossed legs or legs crossed - otherwise the child will be born with a clubfoot." The clubfoot of a child is unlikely to depend on the position of the mother's legs during pregnancy, but the condition of her legs from this position can really worsen, as blood circulation is disturbed, which entails quite unpleasant disease- phlebeurysm.

In the old days, the sex of the unborn child was determined by the shape of the abdomen: if it is sharp and protruding, then it is a boy, if it is round and wide, a girl will certainly be born. According to many years of observations, in most cases, this is true. Although in our time, the sex of the unborn child is mainly found out at planned ultrasounds.

Also, the sex of the child can be determined by the presence or absence of hairs on the belly of the expectant mother - if there are much more of them, then you are expecting a boy. This sign may well have a scientific justification, since during pregnancy the content of the male hormone testosterone increases in the body of a woman, which causes such a reaction.

Actually, signs relating to interesting position many more can be listed. But we will say the main thing - love your unborn child, and be attentive to your body! I wish you easy delivery and a strong healthy baby!

And don't forget to know

Pregnancy is perhaps the most exciting time in the life of every woman. During this period, the representatives of the beautiful half of humanity become more sensitive and emotional. They begin to believe in all the superstitions, of which there are many regarding pregnancy. Some of them are nothing more than fiction, not supported by anything. Consider which folk signs for pregnant women are really worth observing, and which ones can be ignored.

Is it worth believing in superstition

Before considering popular superstitions for pregnant women, you need to decide whether to believe in them. In general, all superstitions for pregnant women are the result of many years of observation of women in position, so most of them really reflect reality. True, sometimes the justifications for superstitions are far from the truth. There is a small part of the absurd signs that you should not pay attention to. The article considers only those folk signs for pregnant women that have a good reason.

All superstitions can be conditionally divided into 4 groups: signs for pregnancy, signs during pregnancy, signs that help determine the sex of the child, signs that are harbingers of childbirth.

Superstitions about pregnancy

Basically, conception is determined by the absence of menstruation, but for a very long time people began to pay attention to some signs indicating the onset of pregnancy, not related to physiological changes. They will be discussed.

In order not to miss the signals that allow you to determine the conception, without waiting for the onset of menstruation, you need to carefully look around. If a couple of pigeons settled in the garden, it means that a child will soon appear in the house. A similar conclusion can be drawn if the pigeons have made a nest on the roof of the house. However, according to ancient superstitions about pregnancy, any birds nesting near the house indicate the appearance of a baby in the family.

Domestic flowers also deserve attention: if they come to life and flaunt flowers that have blossomed out of time, a child will soon appear in the family.

Sleep and pregnancy

Dreams with fish are also signs of imminent pregnancy. In this case, it does not matter at all what exactly appeared in a dream. Some fish in clean water, after which they are released into the wild, some just watch her, and some cook. All these dreams are taken as a good sign: in the near future you should prepare for replenishment in the family. Women who are pregnant with twins often see several fish in their dreams. More multiple pregnancy characterized by early toxicosis.

Superstitions about pregnancy include dreams in which a woman sees a pregnant friend, swans, storks, butterflies, pearls, cabbage or lotus flowers. It is also believed that cornflowers are harbingers of replenishment in the family. Sometimes a deceased relative appears in a dream, who tells the good news. IN this case do not be afraid to see the dead.

A dream in which a woman sees herself pregnant has nothing to do with replenishment in the family. He promises trouble personal life or health problems.

superstition during pregnancy

If fate does not show favor, you can take matters into your own hands and use folk signs for pregnancy to speed up the process of conceiving a baby. So, for example, it is believed that women who have ficus in their house have a high chance of becoming pregnant. It is undesirable for the woman herself to buy the plant. It is better that the husband gave it to his chosen one.

There are also signs for early pregnancy associated with willow. A sprig of a consecrated plant is placed at the head of the bed and not removed until the desired event occurs. It can be placed in a vase, which is located on the dressing table near the bed. To consecrate the willow, according to the signs of pregnancy, is necessary on Palm Sunday.

Also advised in Maundy Thursday, for Christmas post or cover Holy Mother of God go to church with a corresponding request and put a candle in front of the icon of the Mother of God. If you didn’t manage to go to church these days, you can read a prayer at home.

According to popular superstitions for pregnant women, you can speed up the process:

  • purchasing any element of children's clothing;
  • drinking from a mug of a friend who is waiting for replenishment, or eating from her dishes;
  • after sitting after a woman in a position on a chair;
  • driving an empty carriage;
  • touching the belly of a pregnant girlfriend.

As for the second superstition, it is not necessary to finish drinking or finishing the food on the plate. You can drink and eat from the pre-washed dishes of a friend who is in position. Alternatively, you can eat a piece of cake after it, if this does not contradict beliefs regarding personal hygiene. They also advise taking pictures with pregnant women. It is better that it be a close friend, although stranger women who consented to this will do.

If we are talking O close friend who is expecting a baby, she can give an apple. It is believed that this fruit has some magic, and will help in solving this issue.

If you don’t want to delay the birth of a child after painting, you should invite a woman in position to the wedding. Here you can drink from her glass and hold on to her tummy. Combining different ceremonies you can increase your chances of success.

To attract pregnancy, you can eat foods containing embryos (fish with caviar, for example).

Red thread superstition

A girlfriend in position or a chosen one can tie a woman who wants to get pregnant on left hand red thread. Her disappearance from the hand is a good sign. This superstition does not always work.

The red thread is a powerful amulet. It will protect from unkind looks and thoughts, but it must be worn on the left hand. And, according to some healers, only a woolen thread has this power.

Alternatively, you can decorate your hand with an elegant bracelet made of red wool thread. It can be supplemented with minerals corresponding to the sign of the Zodiac. They have a magical layer that helps in solving many issues, including motherhood.

Superstitions to watch out for

There are also bad superstitions that speak of an approaching disaster. If an animal dies in the house, the unborn child may be harmed. To protect yourself from this, you should not start living creatures before the birth of children. The wife of a hunter who kills animals during the pregnancy of his wife is also worth fearing. He must give up hunting throughout the entire period of pregnancy, and not just in the first months. You can not go hunting until the first day after birth, although, according to some folk healers, some things, including the killing of game, should be postponed until the baby is baptized.

Eating red berries and fish during pregnancy - Bad sign, but you should not do this because this group of products belongs to allergens, and not because the child will have health problems in the future or he will be born sick.

There is a ban on talking about the date of birth and the pregnancy itself. As for the ban on disclosing the news of the conception of a child, it is due to the fact that the loss of the fetus is most likely in the first 3 months. If no one knew about the pregnancy, then there will also be no unnecessary questions, which will help to cope with grief more easily. As for the date of birth, the doctor can only determine the preliminary dates. And do not make loved ones nervous about the fact that the baby is in no hurry to be born at the designated time. In addition, the question of whether the child has not yet been born will be asked by almost everything that will negatively affect the emotional state of the expectant mother.

Superstitions related to prohibitions

There are many superstitions about what not to do when pregnant. Consider a few basic ones that have a logical explanation:

  • Superstitions during pregnancy say that a pregnant woman should not play with cats. This is justified and medical point vision: cats are carriers of toxoplasmosis. The disease is asymptomatic for the expectant mother, but for the child it has serious consequences: the nervous system is affected, which contributes to the development serious illnesses. It is still impossible for pregnant women to clean cat litter. At the same time, if the cat lives in the house already a long period time, there is nothing to be afraid of. Primary infection in this case, and it is dangerous, occurred even before the conception of the child.
  • According to folk signs, during pregnancy you can not sit on the threshold. From the point of view of mythology, this is explained by the fact that the threshold is the place of transition between the worlds. This is where they live evil forces capable of harming yet born child. There is also a more logical explanation. It is in this place that there are always drafts, and any disease, even common cold may adversely affect the health of the baby.
  • Another popular sign for pregnant women is that they should not sit with their legs crossed. This is explained by the fact that the baby will have crooked legs. There is also a simple and logical explanation for such a prohibition: in this position, blood circulation in the legs and pelvic organs of a woman in position is disturbed, and this is dangerous for the fetus.
  • Pregnant women should not deny themselves food. Argument in favor of signs about why pregnant women should not be denied this issue, thorough. Complex processes occur in the body during this period, the need for certain microelements increases. The body signals that it is in given period necessary. To refuse a future mother is the same as deliberately harming her health.
  • Women in position should not go to the cemetery. There is no logical explanation for this. but on a subconscious level, everyone understands that the cemetery is not the best place for the woman in whom is born new life. In this place, people end their life path, and a child who has not even been born yet has nothing to do here. Even women in position should not look at the dead.
  • Superstitions say that a woman in a position should behave calmly. If she conflicts with others, the child will be aggressive.
  • Many are interested in why, according to signs, it is impossible to offend pregnant women. There is an opinion that expectant mothers are protected higher power. If you anger them, and for this it is enough to offend the expectant mother, trouble cannot be avoided.

According to some signs, you can’t cut your hair during pregnancy (this is especially true leap year), sew or knit things, embroider, since static load is harmful for expectant mothers.

They also say that a woman in position should not be slapped on the pope.

These are the most common folk signs and superstitions for pregnant women that should be followed.

Superstitions about the gender of the child

Every family wants to find out the gender of the baby as soon as possible. Consider what superstitions and signs pregnant women have regarding determining the sex of the child.

The gender of the baby can be determined by the shape of the tummy of the expectant mother during pregnancy. On early dates it makes no sense to look at the shape of the abdomen, which is still practically invisible. A sharp and protruding shape indicates that a boy will be born, while a rounded belly indicates that there is a daughter under the heart of the expectant mother.

There are superstitions associated with appearance future mother. If she has become prettier, a boy grows inside her. If outwardly a woman looks worse, we should expect the birth of a girl.

People also believe in superstitions associated with eating habits. If a woman in a position constantly wants sweets and fruits, we should expect the birth of a girl. If the expectant mother wants meat, cheese and pickles, a boy will be born.

There are women who say that when carrying boys, signs of toxicosis are extremely rare. In general, expectant mothers note that when carrying a girl, pregnancy is difficult, it is easier to carry boys.

If we talk about grandmother's superstitions, then a chill is a sign that a girl will be born. When carrying a boy early stages pregnancy appears fever.

There is no logical justification for these superstitions, but in many cases they work.

Superstitions about approaching childbirth

There are physiological signs that portend the approach of childbirth: lower back pain, abdominal prolapse, frequent urination, decreased appetite, heartburn. However, it is possible to judge the imminent birth of a baby on the basis of other signs. If the wife begins to bother about arranging a room for a baby who has not yet been born, it is worth preparing for childbirth. Also indicate the approaching birth sharp drops mood of the expectant mother.

At all times, pregnancy seemed to be an almost magical surrounding phenomenon - still, it appears new person. Isn't it a miracle? It is not surprising that this process has been overgrown with superstitions and folk signs for thousands of years. Even in modern world far from evil spirits and magic, pregnant women continue to blindly follow the beliefs of our ancestors. Almost all women talk about superstitions, prohibitions, what not to do during pregnancy

At the heart of any superstition is fear. In the case of pregnancy, the fear of losing the child, the fear that future baby may be born sick or deformed. Everything that a person cannot objectively influence can always be explained by something mystical, therefore, the successful outcome of bearing a fetus, even now, is directly dependent on observing the signs of our ancestors.

It is impossible to give an unambiguous answer whether it is worth believing signs and superstitions. Not all of them were born out of fears and fantasies, some have real grounds. Consideration should be given to unstable emotional condition future mother - if it is calmer for a pregnant woman not to have a haircut for 9 months, she should not be blamed for this.

The main thing to remember is that you cannot blindly trust everything that others say. A woman should listen to the advice of a doctor observing pregnancy. If the expectant mother begins to panic at the sight of a black cat, this can harm her mental state and provide Negative influence to the fruit.

superstitions for pregnant women

Possibly related to pregnancy and childbirth. the largest number superstition. Believe them or not, it's up to the woman:

  • In order for a child to be born beautiful, the expectant mother should look at something beautiful as often as possible. In ancient times, pregnant women even went to visit beautiful young girls and looked at their faces so that the baby would be born attractive. The opposite follows from this sign - if you look at something ugly, a child can be born with an appropriate appearance.
  • You can not offend animals, because this can affect the character of the child. At the same time, one should not have close contact with cats, so as not to attract enemies.
  • It is necessary to hide the gender of the unborn child, his name and date of birth. In ancient times, these prohibitions concerned only the name, it was believed that, having learned the name, evil spirits could gain control over the soul of the crumbs.
  • If fish is eaten during pregnancy, the baby may be born dumb.
  • In ancient times, it was believed that future mother herself possesses magical properties, therefore, with its help, they tried to solve everyday problems. For example, pouring water on a pregnant woman meant making it rain.
  • In order for the year to be fruitful, you need to treat a woman with a fruit from your garden.
  • It is believed that the pregnancy of a woman is closely related to the home plant ficus. If long-awaited pregnancy does not come in any way, you should purchase a ficus and put it at home.
  • Many signs are associated with pregnant women. For example, that pregnancy can be “infected”. Girls who have not been able to conceive a child for a long time sit on the chair where the expectant mother was sitting, ask them to sneeze on themselves, drink from the same dishes with the pregnant woman.

Signs for determining gender

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Until now, there has not been a scientifically proven method that would accurately predict the sex of the unborn child. There are ways to count according to the calendar, but the real probability is always 50% - either a girl or a boy. As you know, where official medicine fails, folk remedies and signs of pregnancy come to the rescue.

Some argue that in order to conceive a boy, you need to eat salty, a girl - sweet. Also, if it is a sign that in order to conceive a boy, a woman in the process needs to wear a male headdress, and girls - a female one. The main thing is not to overdo it and not scare your husband with excessive zeal.

If a boy

There are many folk signs that allow you to "unmistakably" determine what gender a woman expects a child. And even though these methods work only in half of the cases, this does not affect their prevalence in any way:

  • If a woman bears a boy, her level of vegetation increases sharply in those places where hair did not grow before, for example, on her stomach. In part, this statement is true, because the amount of testosterone in the blood of a pregnant woman increases.
  • Sharp belly.
  • Boys behave in the mother's belly more calmly than girls.
  • Women who are pregnant with boys suffer less from toxicosis.
  • The pregnant woman starts with her left foot.

If girl

The main sign indicating that a girl should be born to a woman is that the expectant mother loses her beauty. Often, such pregnant women “lose” their figure, gain a lot of weight, their face may become covered age spots, concerned about swelling. This is due to the fact that in this way the mother passes on part of her beauty to her daughter, but you should not worry - after childbirth, everything will return to normal over time.

What can not be done by pregnant women according to popular beliefs?

Folk signs during pregnancy impose many prohibitions on a woman, here are just the most common of them:

  • You can not cut your hair during pregnancy. This sign has come down to our time from antiquity, from the time when the ancestors believed that the strength of a person accumulates in the hair during life. To get a haircut meant to deprive oneself of health, vital energy, so expectant mothers are strictly forbidden. At present, following this sign is impractical and even harmful, because any woman knows how useful it is for peace of mind to do new haircut and at any time remain attractive.
  • You can’t sew, knit, embroider and engage in other needlework related to threads (more in the article:). It was believed that the mother with my own hands"sews up" the child's path to this world. Of course, you don’t need to believe this, and if your hobby brings you pleasure, you can safely continue to do it. Do not forget to pause in sedentary painstaking work and be more in the fresh air.
  • It is forbidden to buy clothes for a child in advance, before his birth. Our ancestors believed that the appearance of children's things in the house in advance would certainly attract the attention of evil spirits. If you accept another sad explanation: at a time when infant mortality was high, things purchased in advance might simply not be needed. At present, buying a dowry for children is not only safe, but also a pleasant process for the expectant mother, so in no case should it be abandoned in favor of the old sign.

The prohibitions and taboos associated with pregnancy are countless. They wander from one culture to another, weave together and give birth unfounded fears among women. To observe them or not is a personal matter for everyone, but you should trust, first of all, the doctor and listen to personal feelings.

What does the church say?

Many pregnant women wonder if it is possible to attend church while carrying a child. There is an unwritten rule that a future mother should not become a godmother for an already born baby, because this threatens the godson with death.

Going to church in connection with joyful events, such as christenings and weddings, is not forbidden. Also, a pregnant woman can go through the rite of baptism herself if she wants to do it before the birth of the child - thus both of them will receive the protection of a guardian angel. The clergy say that in this way the expectant mother receives God's blessing. It is welcome if the spouses go through the wedding ceremony while waiting for the first child.

Church officials in every possible way welcome the attendance of the church by pregnant women. Prayers give strength to women in this difficult time, inspire a sense of security and confidence. If the pregnancy is significant, it is recommended to attend church with an attendant. After the birth of a child, you can attend church after 40 days.

Pregnant women are by nature very suspicious and susceptible. Maybe that's why the most common signs are signs and superstitions for pregnant women.

Like all signs, they are divided into two groups: sound scientifically and acting on an emotional level. These two groups can be called: physiological (they are explained by confirmation at the physiological level) and psychological (they act purely on a subconscious level: what you believe will be).

What is impossible for pregnant women in terms of physiology

We refer to the scientifically based signs as follows:

  1. You can not have close contact with the cat;
  2. A pregnant woman should not eat red fruits and fish;
  3. The position of the body "Foot on foot" and "hands up" are forbidden for a pregnant woman;
  4. A woman in position should not sit on the threshold;
  5. You can't take a hot bath.

Contact with a cat is undesirable

Signs for pregnant women say that if there is a cat in the house, then the woman carrying the child should minimize the number of contacts with this animal.

This opinion is held not only by ancient superstitions, but also by modern doctors.
They recommend leaving all the worries associated with taking care of the cat to the spouse. After all, it is the representatives of the cat family that carry the causative agent of toxoplasmosis. Toxoplasmosis is very dangerous disease for an unborn organism. It can attack nervous system child, and sometimes even kill him.

However, if the pet lives in your home for a long time just take it to the vet for a checkup. For a child, only the primary moment of infection by a pregnant mother with a pathogen is dangerous.

Get rid of red foods

Nutritionists believe that red colors are the most allergenic and therefore can greatly affect the development of the baby: He may be born with a predisposition to allergies.

But the rejection of fish is undesirable. Because it has so many micronutrients.

Take only comfortable postures

According to folklore, during pregnancy, a woman should not cross her legs and raise her arms. This can be explained from a physiological point of view: blood flow worsens, varicose veins may begin. Superstitions explain these signs as follows:

  • Raising her hands, the woman frees up extra space in her stomach, the child will try to roll over and get tangled in the umbilical cord;
  • The “foot to foot” position threatens the unborn child with clubfoot, crooked legs.

A pregnant woman should sit only in warm places.

The prohibition of gatherings on the threshold is explained in two ways: real and mystical. The first reads that since the threshold is the transition between one room and another, there is always a stream of cold air concentrated there. Therefore, sitting on the threshold, it is not difficult to catch a cold in the lower back, which is undesirable for a pregnant woman. The mystical explanation is that the threshold is the line between the world of the dead and the world of the living, so it is dangerous to sit on it. Suddenly, evil spirits will drag away an unborn child to themselves.

A hot bath is a luxury for a pregnant woman

Not only is it dangerous to dive into hot water, but also just stand in it: blood flow is accelerated, which can lead to premature birth, and in the early stages to miscarriage. However warm bath useful for a pregnant woman - it will bring relaxation, calm to the body.

What is impossible for pregnant women from the point of view of psychology

  1. It is advisable to hide the expected birthday of the child until the moment of delivery;
  2. Pregnancy should be hidden as long as possible: until the outlines of the abdomen are clearly visible;
  3. You can not cut, dye your hair;
  4. A pregnant woman should not buy things herself in advance, sew or knit for a child;
  5. A pregnant woman should not watch scary films that depict scary moments and scenes with freaks;
  6. A pregnant woman should not step over earthen fruits and logs.

Stealth is the main friend of a pregnant woman

Many signs during pregnancy often echo mystical secrets: for a woman, they are purely psychological in nature. For example, talking about pregnancy is not recommended, so that, firstly, not to jinx it, and, secondly, to avoid unnecessary questions if you still can’t save the pregnancy. The same applies to the birthday of the child.: it’s better to leave everything a secret so that a month before the birth you don’t get on your nerves with interrogations: “Was the baby born?”

The life force of a man in his hair

Hair has long been considered a source of life and prosperity. Superstitions say that by cutting or dyeing them during pregnancy, women shorten the life of the child. It is strictly forbidden to cut hair near the birth: the child may be born dead.

Not only signs for pregnant women affect hair. For example, According to signs, a child under one year old cannot be cut. However, no one could connect financial trouble and health problems with previously trimmed curls. Therefore, many women do not take this sign seriously.

Umbilical cord knots and evil spirits

Since ancient times, it was believed that a pregnant woman should not prepare herself for childbirth: buy, wash and iron things for the baby. It was also forbidden to leave things in the house where the expectant mother lives. This was explained in the following way: clothes (especially new and clean ones) must be updated, therefore before the baby arrives, she will be occupied by evil spirits that may prevent him from being born in order to continue wearing things.

During pregnancy, according to the signs, you can not embroider, sew and knit on your own. By making knots on the threads, a pregnant woman can tie the baby's umbilical cord.

A sign does not necessarily affect aesthetic (visible) beauty, but also psychological. It should always be remembered that the emotions of a pregnant woman are projected onto the fetus. if they are positive, then this has a good effect on the baby, if the mother looks at scary pictures, then the child is worried.

Watch carefully where you are going

In accordance with folk signs, during pregnancy, one should not step over fruits that are born in the ground (potatoes, beets, carrots), this is fraught with stillbirth. The dead are buried in the earth, and it can take life from the fetus. Also, you can not step over logs or logs. By the way, this will lead to a difficult birth.

It is good to remember and honor traditions, signs originating in antiquity, but it is not necessary to observe them. Every pregnant woman should understand that the main thing that she must do is to eat right and take care of herself with her baby. If this is not done, no superstitions will help.