Child born in January of the year horoscope. What you need to know about a child born in the year of the Dog

Children born under the auspices of the Yellow Dog grow up to be truly faithful and caring people. Kids are so intolerant of any injustice that already in kindergarten they act as arbitrators in any dispute that ensued because of a doll, cubes, designer or typewriter.

At school, when you give your child money for a bun, it may well give cash to a grandmother begging at the store, since these children have a strong belief in the need to help the needy, the orphans and the poor. Parents will be pleased to hear that children born in the year of the Dog are exceptionally honest - they will not deceive, will not evade a direct answer and will not attempt to put the blame on other people.

Babies born this year hate injustice and deceit!

Characteristics of children born in the year of the Yellow Dog

Children born under the auspices of the Dog are exceptionally friendly, but not very fond of large and loud gatherings. Children prefer quiet games and activities, and devote their free time to reading, playing with their favorite toys, communicating with parents and searching for new information on the Internet, rather than noisy running around with a gang of other kids. Nevertheless, they do not experience a lack of friends, because a good disposition, an excellent sense of humor, responsiveness and intelligence simply attract new people to the Dogs.

It will not always be easy for parents with a baby born in 2018. These children are prone to sudden mood swings, so they can quickly turn from a cheerful toddler into a beech offended by the whole world, and from a cute teenager into a cynical person who does not care about someone else's opinion. Dogs tend to overestimate the requirements in relation to other people, and this also applies to their parents - if you literally fail to justify the trust of the child or show weakness, he will feel one level higher in the family hierarchy.

You don’t have to worry about the life successes of the offspring - the children who were born in the year of the Dog stubbornly go in the direction of the goal. It is important to trace what type of activity the child gravitates towards. He is able at one moment to quit even the most prestigious university, if for a moment he doubts the correctness of the choice of profession. Do not put pressure on him, even if you do not like the path he has chosen in life. By the way, most often people born in the year of the Yellow Dog specialize in a rather narrow field of activity.

Do not try to convince your child - Dogs should come to everything themselves!

Material well-being is the last issue that worries the Dog when choosing a business. Unlike other kids who often save money for toys, bikes or roller skates, your child is unlikely to do so. Rather, he will spend the amount issued for the week on entertainment and sweets for friends (or, as already mentioned, distribute them to those in need).

One of the main goals in raising a baby is to correct his inherent pessimism. Dogs rarely expect something good from life, and this needs to be discussed with them in time. While studying at school, such children usually miss the stars from the sky, but not because they cannot, but because they do not want to overexert themselves in lessons that are frankly not interesting to them. At the same time, a flexible mind and analytical abilities give Dogs the opportunity to study well in subjects that they are sincerely interested in.

After we have given a general description of children born in 2018, let's move on to the question of what will be the character of Dogs born under the influence of various zodiac signs!

Children born in 2018: what will they be like and what do the stars say about it?

The Eastern calendar says that the Dog is very sociable. Is this feature good? Let's find out! Sociability implies not only the desire to make many friends and always be the center of events, but also the ability to translate this desire into reality. The gift presented by the stars should be used for its intended purpose. Only then will the child be happy.

Mobility and irrepressible energy are another couple of characteristic features of a child who will be born in 2018. Do not look for outstanding features in the appearance of the baby. Fate conceived them as ordinary, but at the same time compensated with incredible magnetism. It is the magical attraction that will become the key to universal sympathy, including the opposite sex. However, the abundance of attention will not turn one's head, because in contrast to it are set:

  • rationality and prudence;
  • calm and balanced temperament;
  • striving for harmonious development.

A sensitive, devoted and sensual Dog has excellent intuition. Insincere and vile people cannot approach her, so there is no need to fear for the future personal life of the baby.

What does fate hold for those born in the year of the dog?

Openness of character, responsibility, loyalty and developed instinct are the main features that will determine the fate of a child born under the care of the Dog. No problems in communicating with peers and mentors are expected, which means that studies and careers also do not promise pitfalls. On the love front, prudence and composure will play their role. These same gifts of heavenly bodies will not allow you to rush into the maelstrom of rash actions in any undertakings.

A sociable, optimistic and energetic child will find it difficult to sit still. If we add leadership ambitions to this bouquet, then it is clear that the kid is clearly destined for a sports podium, stage success, a dizzying political career, or at least leadership positions.

A responsible attitude to life will prevent Dogs from sharing the frivolity of others. They will easily cross out scoundrels and hypocrites from their environment and become irreconcilable fighters against carelessness and selfishness.

Horoscope for 2018 according to the signs of the zodiac

    1. Aries- "fighting breed". The child will be born sincere, kind, conscientious, but a sense of duty and rejection of lies will become huge obstacles in his life path.
    2. Taurus- a devoted "dog" who lacks insight. This factor should be taken into account and the preferences of the child should be strictly controlled, at least in childhood.
    3. Twins- good "mongrels". They resemble street vagrants with unusually kind hearts. The love of freedom of these children will have to be kept in check.
    4. Cancer- an honest and hardworking "polkan" who will grow up as a sympathetic but vulnerable child. His goal is service, regardless of himself and loved ones. A kid from an early age will have to be taught caution and prudence.
    5. a lion- noble "leader". His planid is to be the center of the world, noisy and sweet. This is a kind of protection from ill-wishers.
    6. Virgo- smart and perspicacious "dog". This child will not participate in questionable activities even without parental supervision. Only a heightened sense of justice can push him to rash acts.
    7. Scales- complaisant and well-mannered "dogs" with incredible diplomatic tact. The main thing is not to allow the duality inherent in this sign to develop. Then the child will easily reach any heights.
    8. Scorpion- a strict "polkan" with unshakable principles and an uncompromising character. This explosive mixture is sure to bring a lot of torment if not directed in the right direction.
    9. Sagittarius- a swift "hound" that nothing and no one can confuse. It is not recommended to stand in her way, only help with good advice is allowed.
    10. Capricorn- a powerful "Cerberus", who is ready to selflessly protect everyone and everything. Trust him, but don't go for it.
    11. Aquarius- smart and suspicious "watchman". The intellectual abilities of this child will certainly bring worthy results if mutual understanding is reached with him.
    12. Fish- independent and cunning "watchdogs". They will not tolerate coercion. Only sincerity and honesty will help to correct their worldview.

Year of the Yellow Dog in the Chinese calendar


There are a lot of such features, so let's dwell on them in more detail:

  • An integral feature of children born in the year of the Yellow Earth Dog will be responsibility. From such people grow managers and directors of companies who are strict about the chosen business and demand it from others. This feature will make them good friends, because you can always rely on them.
  • Babies born in 2018 will be able to become good specialists in their field in the future and achieve significant success in scientific activities, as they have a craving for everything new, which means they learn a lot.
  • The ability to quickly navigate in an unfamiliar environment and the gift of building relationships with different people can make them good businessmen. They can become owners of large corporations whose revenues are in the billions of dollars.
  • Dogs born in the year are distinguished by a reverent attitude towards their parents. They are also good partners in family relationships, as they are responsible for choosing a partner, building a family and raising children.
  • In addition, they are great optimists and find a way out of any situation. It is difficult to knock them off the chosen path.

Each year in the Chinese calendar is represented by animals - there are 12 of them in total. According to the Chinese calendar, people born in the year of a certain animal will have corresponding traits. 12 animals: rat, bull, tiger, rabbit, dragon, snake, horse, goat, monkey, rooster, dog and pig. Each of the twelve animals has unique characteristics and corresponds to one animal each year. 2018 is the year of the Dog.

Children born in 2018 what they will be horoscope, characteristic: character traits of a person born in the year of the dog

These people are considered brave, loyal and have a strong sense of justice. In their work they are always honest and work with diligence. In love, they completely give themselves to their partner, which can be positive or negative, depending on their worldview. Some of the faults of people born in the Year of the Dog include irritability and stubbornness, as well as sometimes being overly critical of others.

People born this year will be more artistic and will work in a tough competitive environment. This doesn't mean they aren't goal oriented, as Dogs are bold and ambitious with a great sense of justice. One of the best traits of a Dog is the fact that they have never hurt anyone and while they tend to stand up for what they think is right, they respect other people's opinions and views.

Children born in 2018, what will be their horoscope, characteristic: which sign belongs to 2018

In addition to the twelve year cycle corresponding to each of the animals in the Chinese calendar, there are also the Five Elements (wood, fire, earth, metal, water) that are associated with their own "life force" or "chi". In 2018, the corresponding element is Earth. Earth is also associated with yellow. 2018 is the Year of the Earth Dog, hence also known as the Year of the Yellow Dog.

The dog is sincere, independent and intelligent. As man's best friend, she is extremely loyal and devoted and can always be counted on to stick to your side. The earth element by its very nature denotes growth and is associated with practicality, harmony and hard work.

The loyal and hard-working Dog, combined with the stable and intelligent characteristics of the Earth, heralds a safe and profitable year - prosperity and prosperity. The Earth Dog combines integrity and diligence, perfect for multi-year projects that require perseverance.

Real estate is a big deal for the Yellow Dog, no matter what kind of investment or purchase is planned, everything should fit well this year. As man's best friend and always ready to obey his master, the Dog offers a helping hand.

The Year of the Dog follows the energetic and chaotic Year of the Rooster. This year brings a much needed sense of harmony, peace and goodwill, a year of unity and understanding that will reward everyone for their hard work and diligence.

Children born in 2018 what they will be horoscope, characteristic: character of a child born in the year of the dog

According to the Chinese horoscope, which follows a 12-year cycle, a child's year of birth can determine their personality, future success, and how they will get along with others. In 2018, the Chinese New Year began on February 16 and marked the beginning of the Year of the Dog, which ends on February 4, 2019.

If a child is born in the Year of the Dog, he or she will take on the characteristics of a dog: they are trustworthy and loyal to their friends. They love to help others, are very friendly and open, and make friends easily. Their enthusiasm and devotion are their main features.

Generally, children born in the Year of the Dog are seen as cheerful, idealistic, honest, determined, supportive, and have a strong sense of duty. But 2016 is also an earth year, according to the Chinese solar calendar, which means that children born in 2018 will also have characteristics associated with the earth element.

These traits include communicativeness, seriousness, independence, resourcefulness, and a strong work ethic. (On the other hand, they can be stubborn, cynical, prone to worry, and mood swings.)

Children born in 2018, what will be their horoscope, characteristics: future career and compatibility with other signs of a child born in the year of the dog

Children born in the year of the dog will do well in school. Dogs are intelligent, determined, social and dedicated to learning. They will complete their assignments on time and triple check if each answer is correct. A child born in the Year of the Dog also pays great attention to detail and can absorb material well.

People born in the year of the dog are valuable employees who are not afraid to take on challenging tasks. Professions that are most suitable for people born in the year of the dog: police officer, professor, politician, nurse, judge, lawyer, consultant or scientist.

Children born in the Year of the Dog tend to be introverts. But, deep down, dogs have a strong moral core that enables them to become effective and honest leaders. They are most compatible with people born in the Year of the Tiger, Rabbit or Horse.

It will pass under the sign of the Yellow Dog, it is this totem animal that will replace the Red Rooster - the symbol of the outgoing year. She will dwell in more detail on what qualities the Yellow Earth Dog gives to babies who are born under its protection. Our horoscope for 2018 is especially relevant for those who are already expecting a baby or intend to come to grips with its planning in the near future.

What are they, children born in the year of the Dog

All people born in the year of the Dog have some restlessness at the core of their character, they are neat and attentive, loyal and courageous, and have remarkable strength. They never attack first, although sometimes they can be accused of aggressiveness, but it is rather ostentatious.

Babies born in 2018 will be ambitious, stubborn and purposeful. These qualities are not always viewed from a positive point of view, however, in the modern world these are not the worst features. Therefore, parents from childhood should make efforts so that the child understands that within the framework of the family he can relax and not prove his superiority. May his ambitions extend beyond the hearth. The same goes for "decent behaviour". If the opinion of others is important to you, then teach your child politeness and humility even before he gets to school. However, if you are freedom-loving by nature, then your baby, endowed with this quality in full, will not become a “problem” in education.

By the way, your child will be able to stand up for himself at 100%. Moreover, both in the physical and psychological sense. Those born in the year of the Dog are sharp-tongued, endowed with flexibility, strength and confidence in their actions. They often want to become leaders, but this does not always work out. So, your task will be to explain to the kid that not always the best place is a leader, it is often important to be part of a team and work towards common goals.

Babies who will be born next year are noble and honest, they have a heightened sense of justice. And because of this, you will have to protect the child from the imperfections of the world around him. Romantic and vulnerable, they can be upset by petty trifles and troubles. So, the support of a loving family is very important so that the child does not withdraw into himself.

February 16, 2018 marks the start of the Year of the Dog in the Chinese calendar. Beloved person, friend or colleague A dog is a real treasure, because next to such a person it is always cozy and calm. How to help a small Dog show his best qualities? Important information for those who are expecting a baby in 2018!

Doggy and seniors

First of all, devotion is inherent in people born in the year of the Dog - and this applies to small Dogs in full. They will carry their love for the parental family and its traditions through many years: it is the Dogs who often initiate large family “gatherings” and will gladly bring their grandchildren to you.

Raising a child-Dog is not so difficult if you are a wise and fair leader: parental familiarity and tyranny for a baby-Dog are equally harmful. He will react to any manifestations of injustice with stubbornness and refusal to obey, and will defend his innocence to the last. In addition, both small Dogs and adults categorically do not accept lies, and restoring the trust of a deceived Dog is not easy.

Predictability and constancy for a child born in the year of the Dog are also very important, they relieve the anxiety inherent in many. For example, the need to adhere to the daily routine, against which other children protest, does not cause any special objections to the baby Dog. It's great if he has his own well-defined responsibilities around the house, and since you have entrusted the Dog with cleaning kitchen cabinets, do not remind him endlessly, do not rush and do not help unnecessarily.

Doggy and friends

Many songs about strong, real, "musketeer" friendship were written by Dogs. People born in the year of this noble animal know how to truly be friends. To a close friend, the Dog is completely devoted and, if necessary, will rush to the defense without hesitation. They know how to keep other people's secrets. Sometimes Baby Dogs are too idealistic about friends, and parents should keep this in mind.

Dogs do not like to be in the spotlight: the most popular girl in the school, the main ringleader of the yard "gang" - these roles do not attract them. But one-on-one communication with your best friend or a small close-knit company is what you need. A dog-boy is usually interested in technology, electronics, from an early age he loves to repair, design and make something. These skills, as well as calmness, reliability, the ability to behave with dignity, help him gain authority among his peers. But a growing Dog girl among peers may not be so comfortable: usually she does not like talking about boys, shopping, and she can even treat coquetry and flirting with slight contempt.

Mind Doggy

With studies both at school and at the university, the Dog usually has no problems due to his sharp mind, good memory and perseverance. It is believed that Dogs are distinguished by their abilities in the exact sciences, and the humanities are not their path, however, the lack of imagination and dislike for reading in Dogs is nothing more than a stereotype. Among the Dogs, there are plenty of humanitarians and people of creative professions. Most Dogs deservedly enjoy the love of teachers. Even if the child does not like any subject, he attends classes with discipline, and his notebooks, crafts and presentations are the most accurate in the class. Any evasions and tricks are alien to the dog, so it simply does not occur to her to deceive parents or teachers.

The Achilles' heel of the Dog is a painful attitude towards criticism. The Dog Child can easily lose faith in his abilities and even lose interest in his favorite subject at school or hobby. The task of parents is to gently convince the baby that someone else's opinion, even a very authoritative one, does not need to be instantly taken for granted.


The dog is able to succeed in a variety of areas of activity. Often, having chosen a favorite pastime in childhood or early adolescence, a conservative Dog does not change him further.

Dogs make good athletes, especially if the training from the child requires not quick decision making and the ability to take risks, but steady and gradual improvement in results. The dog is an invaluable team player: she knows how to work for the common good and does not try at any cost to stand out from the rest.

Some natural shyness usually prevents the Dog from being seriously interested in activities that involve public performances: theater, singing, dancing. However, if there is talent, parents and an attentive teacher can work together to help the young Dog overcome anxiety.

Dogs usually love to mess around with animals, they can be trusted with a pet. Gardening, which is unpopular with children, is also often liked by Dogs; they will take care of a garden bed in a country house or a home greenhouse - provided that this is their inviolable territory. Dog girls at an early age, on their own initiative, learn to sew or knit and do it with apparent pleasure: hard work and impressive results equally delight them.

Doggy Health

By nature, children born in the year of the Dog have a good supply of strength and immunity. Unfortunately, their health usually deteriorates for two reasons. Firstly, an anxious and pessimistic Dog may get sick or not recover for a long time due to a bad psycho-emotional state. Any problems in the family and conflicts between loved ones are especially negative for them. A typical story is prolonged, debilitating colds, which greatly upset the child and turn a seemingly trifling illness into a vicious circle.

Secondly, Dogs are often afraid and distrustful of doctors. This becomes noticeable from an early age: the baby-Dog cries at the sight of any person in a white coat, be it a doctor, a cook or a chemist. An older child may hide the symptoms of the disease until the last, just to avoid a visit to the clinic. Sometimes the Dog goes to the other extreme, suspiciously listens to every sneeze and goes to the doctors endlessly. It is worth instilling an attentive, but calm attitude towards your health as early as possible.


Fire Dog much more active and active than the rest, children born this year are also often distinguished by anger and intolerance. If the energy is directed in the right direction, the Fire Dog can reach any heights. Often the Fire Dog is looking for a wise mentor, a mature and hardened person who can teach a lot.

Wood Dog- the most reasonable and prudent, any adventures are alien to her. Such a child spends a lot of time alone with himself, but he likes to study and subsequently work in a team. It is teamwork that will bring luck to the Wood Dog. And her weakness can be excessive modesty, a desire to hide and downplay her achievements. Seniors should praise the Wood Dog more often.

In the year of the Water Dog, the most charming and sweet children are born: they instantly win the sympathy of strangers, doing absolutely nothing for this. The Water Dog is often endowed with heightened intuition and empathy, which must be developed. This is the most sociable of the Dogs, with which many want to be friends. An important task for a small Dog is not to lose yourself and not forget about your interests, helping numerous friends.

Metal Dog very stubborn since childhood. She is capable of decisive action and strict adherence to the plan. From such a child a leader and leader can grow up, who will lead the team to dizzying success. However, the Metal Dog can also be a person of "one idea", not noticing anything else around. Parents should encourage the leadership qualities of the baby, while trying to make his interests versatile.

Earth Dog is particularly conservative. Such a child often surprises those around him with unexpected practicality and common sense for his age. The excellent intellectual abilities of the Earth Dog will find application everywhere, but most often they are interested in medicine and the exact sciences from childhood. Excessive exactingness to oneself and to those who are nearby, the habit of “building” friends and younger brothers and sisters can prevent them.

Safira Nizamova

Are you or your friends going to have a small dog?

According to the Eastern sages, every person born in a certain year receives some character traits from the patron of the year according to the Eastern calendar. As you know, there will be a yellow earthen Dog, which will give all children born during this period some features that you can find out about in advance.

What will be the child born in the year of the Dog 2018

First of all, children who be born in 2018, will be distinguished by a special craving for communication. Their hallmark will be not just the desire to have many friends and be in the spotlight, but also the ability to do so. The natural talent to attract people to him will be the guiding star of every child born in 2018. And it is this skill that will determine his fate.

From childhood, kids will be drawn to the movement. They should be given to some kind of sports section that will develop the strongest sides of the child. Among those born in 2018 there will be many runners and athletes. Even if a child or his parents do not want to connect their lives with sports in the future, such experience in competitive activities and love for movement in general will certainly have a positive impact on the life of a child at any age.

Positive character traits of children born in 2018

It should be noted that children born in the year of the yellow earth dog, will definitely grow into responsible adults who can really be relied upon. They often become managers or directors of companies because of their special quality to treat their business with all rigor. Children born in 2018 can also become scientists, because from an early age they are distinguished by a craving for knowledge and the ability to assimilate new information. They easily adapt to a new environment, quickly converge with people and often become the soul of the company.

Children born this year are kind to their parents in childhood, and in adulthood, love and responsible behavior in the family are transferred to their life partner and their children.

Negative character traits

There are few of them, but nowhere without them, because we are all not perfect. Children born into the world in the year of the Dog are often very touchy. They often take things too close to their hearts that others would simply pass over their ears. And the most unpleasant thing in all this is that all those born under the eastern sign of the Dog are able to delete from the life of those whom they consider traitors or unworthy of their society. In their place, such people easily find a replacement, because if the Dog is mortally offended by someone, then this, unfortunately, is forever.

How will the life of a child born in the year of the Dog

Children born in 2018 will be full of optimism and will try to the last to see the best in people and situations. They are not easy to lead astray, especially if they understand well where they are going. They are born optimists who can convey their positive vision of the world to others. Balanced and calm Dogs will grow into wise friends and mentors.