How to be ready for pregnancy. Obstetric gynecological examination. baby on order

Before many women planning the birth of a child, the question naturally arises of how to prepare for pregnancy. By and large, such preparation can be considered the whole life of the expectant mother, since if she did not monitor her own health, then she does not have so many chances for an easy pregnancy and childbirth.

How to prepare for pregnancy:going to the doctors

Even if you feel great, be sure to visit a therapist. He will measure arterial pressure order blood and urine tests. This will help to identify any hidden diseases and treat them in advance. Be sure to let your doctor know if you are taking any medications, as not all medications are safe during pregnancy. The therapist can also, if necessary, send you for a consultation with narrow specialists, for example, an endocrinologist. In addition, of course, you need to visit a gynecologist. This doctor will prescribe tests for various infections and diseases that need to be treated before pregnancy. It is also advisable to go to the dentist so that at the time of conception your teeth are in in perfect order. Please note that any infections that develop in carious teeth can be transmitted to the child in the womb.

How to prepare the body for pregnancy

Both for a woman planning a pregnancy and for a woman who is already in a position, it is extremely important to receive the vitamins necessary for both her body and the baby's body. The main one is folic acid, which is involved in the growth of nerve tissues. It is advisable to start taking it either separately or in a vitamin complex three months before the expected date of conception. If you live in areas with iodine deficiency, then, in addition to vitamins, you must also take potassium iodide. In addition, if you have already become a mother in the past two years or have had miscarriages (abortions), then you need to take iron supplements. Also, of course, it is necessary to completely abandon the use of cigarettes, alcohol or drugs.

: nutrition

Not later than two to three months before the intended conception expectant mother you need to completely abandon the use of food products, which include preservatives, dyes and other "chemistry". In addition, alcohol consumption should be kept to a minimum.

Preparing for pregnancy: exercises

It will be a big plus for you if you regularly visit Gym or aerobics. But it must be remembered that these loads are aimed only at strengthening the external muscles of the body. During pregnancy and childbirth important role our internal muscles also play, for the development and strengthening of which yoga and Pilates are perfect.

How to prepare for pregnancy: Lifestyle

When planning a pregnancy, it is very important to protect yourself as much as possible from exposure to various harmful and toxic substances. If your work is connected with any toxic production, then try to agree with the management on a temporary transition to less dangerous areas. In general, pay attention to your own physical and spiritual health. If possible, take a vacation. Try to take a walk every day fresh air; on weekends, if possible, get out for a whole day in nature. Also try to avoid crowded places so you don't catch any virus, which can be quite dangerous at the beginning of your pregnancy.

Even half a century ago, most women practically did not prepare for the onset of pregnancy. And men, even more so.

And is it even necessary?

After all, usually, the less you go in cycles in something, the easier everything turns out. But living conditions are changing and, unfortunately, problems with childbearing are now not so rare.

Therefore, special attention should be paid to health when planning a baby. Let's talk about how to prepare for pregnancy in order to strengthen the body and bring this joyful event closer.

What you need to pay attention to when planning a child

What factors are important to consider in order to properly prepare for pregnancy?

  • The health of the female body. The key is the state of the female reproductive system. Therefore, most often, preparation begins with a visit to the gynecologist;

Also pay attention to the following factors: are there any chronic diseases, is your blood pressure rising, are you suffering from diabetes whether there is an excess or lack of weight.

  • State immune system. It is important to strengthen the immune system so that during pregnancy the body can resist colds and infectious diseases. This is especially important in the first trimester (read more about this period in the article 1 trimester of pregnancy >>>;
  • Sexually transmitted infections. Their presence in the body is not always noticeable on initial stage diseases, but they have a significant impact on the course of pregnancy;
  • Lifestyle. Are there bad habits? How much time do you and your husband devote to work? Is it associated with increased harmfulness? How much time do you spend outdoors? Are you resting? Do you often experience stress? How well and regularly do you eat?
  • Psychological mood of both partners. It is important that you and your husband want a baby and tune in to it. successful conception and birth.

What activities include preparation for pregnancy

  1. First of all, it is important, just the same, the mood and desire to give birth to a child. This should be a balanced decision of both spouses;
  2. Consult with specialists: gynecologist, therapist, dentist and other doctors (if you have or suspect chronic diseases internal organs);
  3. Give up bad habits;
  4. Engage in weight correction if there is such a problem;
  5. Adjust your diet: include more “healthy” foods in your diet (fresh vegetables, fruits, fish, dairy products), reduce the amount of fast food, sweets, fried and smoked foods, drinks containing caffeine;
  6. After consultation with the doctor, you will need to take tests (blood, urine, smears, etc. are done). It is especially important to do this in preparation for the first pregnancy;
  7. Try to reduce (or completely eliminate) the number of harmful factors at home and in the workplace, including avoiding stress;
  8. We'll have to reduce the intensity labor activity, decrease physical activity on the body (on this issue there is a good article on the site: Easy work during pregnancy >>>);
  9. Start allocating more time for rest, walks in the fresh air, leisure time with your husband;
  10. Communicate on the forums, recharge good examples other women (couples) who planned pregnancy and successfully waited for the birth of their baby.

What tests should be taken when planning a pregnancy?

General analyzes for women and men

  • General blood analysis. Detects the level of hemoglobin (which is very important when planning pregnancy), the state of blood cells and cells, may indicate the presence inflammatory processes in organism;
  • Analysis of urine;
  • Analysis for blood type and Rh factor. It is important to determine how compatible the blood of the parents is and whether there will be an Rhesus conflict;

Important! Incompatibility can affect the success of conceiving and bearing a baby. Analysis helps to prevent these problems and to accept necessary measures so that the pregnancy proceeds without complications, and there are no pathologies in the development of the fetus.

  • Biochemical blood test: reveals possible violations in the work of internal organs;
  • Analysis for genital and TORCH infections (toxoplasmosis, rubella, cytomegalovirus, herpes). If there are any, then before the moment of conception they must be cured, otherwise these pathogens can cause serious damage to the health of a woman and cause pathologies in the fetus;
  • Blood test for hormones. It is optional, but may be informative if a couple has problems conceiving;

These tests are always given, when planning a baby, even in preparation for a second pregnancy and subsequent ones.

Analyzes for women

  1. Ultrasound of the pelvic organs: gives an idea of ​​the state of the female reproductive system, the presence or absence of pathological processes;
  2. A smear from the vagina to determine the microflora;
  3. Cytological examination of scrapings from the cervix;
  4. Blood sugar test: necessary to rule out the possibility of diabetes mellitus, which poses a risk for successful gestation.

Tests for men

  • Spermogram. It is prescribed in case of problems with conception, for a possible diagnosis of infertility. The activity of spermatozoa, their concentration, shape are analyzed;
  • Analysis of the secretion of the prostate gland: gives an idea of ​​the state of the gland and the possible presence of prostatitis;
  • Ultrasound of the internal organs: in some cases, it is also prescribed for men, as it gives a more complete picture of the state of the body.
  1. Do not delay treatment if any abnormalities in the functioning of internal organs are revealed during the tests;
  • Follow the doctor's recommendations, treat your body indulgently, get more rest;
  • If no abnormalities have been identified and specialists have confirmed your readiness to conceive, do not dwell on the fact that you should immediately become pregnant. Just live ordinary life and be close to your husband not only physically, but also emotionally.
  1. Remember that if you, as a contraceptive, took hormonal preparations, then, after the end of the intake, pregnancy usually occurs in a few months (or even a year). So do not panic if you can not conceive a child quickly. It is important to be patient;
  2. Give up bad habits.

During pregnancy, it is too late to do this, otherwise you will create severe stress for the body and the fetus. In addition to the well-known harmful effects of nicotine and alcohol on the health and development of the baby, these substances are also directly related to infertility and the threat of miscarriage.

  1. Try to use as little as possible in everyday life chemicals for cleaning and cleaning;

Give preference to those that are made of natural ingredients, as well as "good old-tested" means: soda, vinegar, laundry soap.

  1. For all women, when planning a pregnancy, the doctor prescribes an appointment folic acid(vitamin B9) and other vitamins (C, E, D, etc.), preparations containing calcium and iron (if necessary).

But, know, as practice shows, taking vitamin-mineral complexes is most often unreasonable, since a woman does not need to make up for the alleged lack of all vitamins in such volumes.

How to prepare for pregnancy after a miscarriage?

The situation, of course, is not easy both physically and psychologically. But such cases are not so few and most women manage to get pregnant again, successfully endure and give birth to a baby.

  • First of all, it is important to establish the cause of the miscarriage and follow the doctor's recommendations;
  • You will probably need to take additional tests and, possibly, even turn to a geneticist or endocrinologist.

But not always.

  • The most important thing here is not to give up, to believe in a successful pregnancy and to maintain mutual understanding and a favorable psychological climate in the family.

The situation is approximately the same in a situation where you want to carefully prepare for pregnancy after a missed pregnancy.

Such cases are experienced by women especially hard. Therefore, it is important to give yourself time to recover psychologically.

  1. During this period, you should protect yourself and undergo the necessary examination to identify the cause of the incident;
  2. Communicate more with loved ones, discuss your condition with your husband and avoid stress, because they are a clear obstacle to conception.

To get the right information on how to prepare for pregnancy, how you can influence this process, see the seminar I want a baby >>>.

This is not a course on the standard physiology of conception that you can read about in any book.

  • During the course we talk about wise attitude to your body, how the decision to conceive is made and what needs to be done in the first weeks in order to maintain the pregnancy;
  • We consider in separate blocks why a miscarriage or missed pregnancy occurs. This allows you to treat your body with care, and not perceive it as an incubator for a child, which modern medicine sins with.

However, one of the most important conditions For successful pregnancy and the birth of a baby is the inner confidence of a woman that she wants and is ready to become a mother.

Allow yourself to become a mother and discard any doubts!

In this matter, feelings should come first. It is they who accompany the favorable course of pregnancy and successful childbirth.

Preparing for pregnancy: how to start preconception preparation?

Preconception preparation is a whole range of diagnostic, preventive and therapeutic measures aimed at assessing the state of health and preparing sexual partners for subsequent pregnancy and birth healthy child.

Preparing for pregnancy- is to ensure the optimal level of physical, wife and husband to the onset of conception.

  • What is preconception preparation and what is it for?
  • Intergenetic gap
  • Collection of anamnesis
  • Examination of a woman's body
  • Obstetric research in the preconception period
  • Tests for TORCH infections
  • Rubella test and need for vaccinations
  • Instrumental examination methods: where to start
  • Essential Vitamins
  • Folic acid (vitamin B₉)
  • Iron
  • Vitamin D
  • What else needs to be done

Why do you need preconception preparation?

Pregnancy is physiological state, but it gives a load on all systems and organs. That's why female body must be fully examined, treated, thereby prepared for pregnancy. It is not enough to conceive a child, you need to endure and give birth healthy baby. Below is a list of tests and necessary examinations for preconception preparation. With it you can start conditionally healthy married couple which has no complaints and pathological symptoms. In the presence of chronic somatic diseases or from the side reproductive system, the list of basic studies can be supplemented and expanded. Special attention is given to taking vitamins at the pregravid stage.

Preparing a woman's body for pregnancy provides a decrease in:

Intergenetic gap

Previously, it was believed that at least 2 years should elapse between two consecutive births. Modern WHO guidelines regulate the optimal intergenetic interval between two consecutive births of approximately 24 + 9 months (time interval between births next conception 24 months +9 months of gestation).

Collection of anamnesis

First, for preparation, you need to contact a local gynecologist or a reproductive clinic. At the initial visit, the gynecologist collects a general history.

It includes:

  • past illnesses, injuries, surgeries, blood transfusions;
  • the presence of chronic diseases;
  • the presence of hereditary diseases;
  • working conditions;
  • living conditions and lifestyle;
  • features of eating behavior;
  • allergic reactions, taking medications;
  • episodes of thrombosis in future parents and next of kin;
  • reproductive history.

Somatic screening

When planning pregnancy, it is necessary to conduct anthropometry. This is a measurement of body parameters and some other indicators of the female body:

  • calculation of body mass index;
  • height measurement;
  • assessment of the ratio of the waist to the hips.

Also important are the parameters of blood pressure, counting the frequency of respiratory movements and heart rate. During the visit, a general physical examination of the respiratory, circulatory, digestive, urinary system, musculoskeletal system, and mammary glands is performed.

Obstetric gynecological examination

During an obstetric examination:

  • vaginal examination using mirrors;
  • smears are taken;
  • determination of the acidity of the vaginal discharge.

Normally, the environment in the vagina is acidic. This suggests that a woman's biocenosis, with a high degree of probability, is normal, and pathogenic and conditionally pathogenic flora do not develop in the genital tract. This is a fairly simple and painless test for a woman's reproductive health.

  • bimanual vaginal examination;
  • microscopy of discharge from the genital tract.

The study of the discharge of the female genital organs is carried out using the PCR method (to determine chlamydia, Trichomonas, gonococci, mycoplasma).

  • a cytological examination of cervical smears is carried out;
  • 30 years and older.

Impact of urogenital infections

Infections of the urogenital area can lead to:

  • antenatal fetal death;
  • malformations of the fetus;
  • premature rupture of amniotic fluid;
  • non-developing pregnancy;
  • spontaneous miscarriages;
  • either ;
  • placental insufficiency;
  • the threat of abortion;
  • premature birth.

This is a whole set obstetric pathology, with which the doctor will have to deal with untimely diagnosis. Identified and treated infection at the stage of preparation for pregnancy allows you to avoid such terrible complications during pregnancy.

Preconception cancer screening

Oncological screening is not mandatory, but highly desirable, because conception can provoke the development of oncological diseases and dysplastic processes. In order to warn Negative influence pregnancy on the female body you need to do 3 things:

  • Pass a smear for liquid oncocytology.
  • Get tested for human papillomaviruses of high oncogenic risk. These include viruses of 15 types: 16, 18, 31, 33, 35, 39, 45, 51, 52, 56, 58, 59, 68, 73, 82.
  • If necessary, the doctor may recommend an extended video colposcopy.

These tests will exclude abnormalities and diseases of the cervix. Oncological and dysplastic processes can affect a woman's reproductive health and the course of pregnancy in general.

What tests should a woman take

During preconception preparation, somatic screening is carried out.

At the stage of preparation for pregnancy, it is necessary to pass the following tests:

  • Clinical blood test and serum ferritin. Having received on hand good results general analysis blood from normal level hemoglobin, the number of red blood cells, platelets and other blood cells cannot be completely sure that a woman does not have a latent (hidden) iron deficiency. Therefore, for prevention, it is necessary to take a blood test for serum iron. This will avoid a pronounced decrease in hemoglobin during pregnancy and the development iron deficiency anemia. During pregnancy, due to an increase in the total volume of circulating blood, blood thinning occurs, which leads to physiological anemia of pregnant women. Hidden latent iron deficiency can aggravate the situation, and low hemoglobin will negatively affect the development of the baby.
  • Determination of blood group and Rh factor. At negative Rh factor women need to clarify the Rh affiliation of the partner. If the blood of a woman is Rh-negative, and the blood of a man is Rh-positive, then in 60% of cases it develops. And this can lead to hemolytic disease newborn with severe consequences for the newborn. If the woman is Rh negative and the husband is Rh positive, then the introduction of anti-Rh immunoglobulin (vaccination) will be recommended at the time of the pregnant woman.
  • Determination of the level of glucose in venous blood plasma (necessary to determine the function of the pancreas and exclude diabetes mellitus). Pregnancy management in patients with diabetes mellitus has its own characteristics. Therefore, it is very important to correct the condition before the onset of conception.
  • and free T4. These indicators speak about the function. With an iodine deficiency in the body of a pregnant woman, the fetus will also suffer. After conception, the development of both thyrotoxicosis and hypothyroidism is possible.
  • General urine analysis.

Tests for TORCH infections

There is a group of infections, or rather viruses that are able to penetrate the fetoplacental barrier and affect the development of this pregnancy and the formation of malformations in the fetus.

T– Toxoplasma Gondii (toxoplasmosis);

O– (other agents) chlamydia, gonorrhea, trichomoniasis, hepatitis B and C, AIDS/HIV virus, listeriosis, enterovirus infection, measles.

R- Rubella - rubella virus;

H- Herpes Simplex Virus is a herpes virus infection.

Infectious screening in preparation for pregnancy - determination of serum antibodies to pale treponema, human immunodeficiency virus, hepatitis C and B virus, human papillomavirus, immunoglobulins G to measles, rubella, chicken pox, Toxoplasma.

Rubella test and vaccination

If a woman does not have antibodies to the rubella virus, then at the preconception stage she needs to be vaccinated. After vaccination, a woman after 3 months should donate blood for rubella immunoglobulins M. If they are positive, then conception is delayed for another 3 months.

In 30% of women, despite the fact that the rubella vaccine is included in the calendar mandatory vaccinations, antibodies G to rubella are negative (they did not get sick or were not vaccinated). The absence of rubella formed for a period from to leads to grave consequences for the child:

  • development of malformations;
  • blindness;
  • deafness;
  • severe heart defects;
  • mental retardation;
  • intrauterine death of the child.

In the absence of immunity (negative immunoglobulin G), contact of a pregnant woman with a child with rubella is an indication for termination of pregnancy. Therefore, a woman at the planning stage of conception needs to clearly decide whether she needs to be vaccinated or not.

Instrumental examination methods

After the initial communication with the obstetrician-gynecologist at the stage of preconception preparation, it is necessary to do the following:

  • Transvaginal ultrasonography(ultrasound) of the pelvic organs in the middle of the second phase menstrual cycle(19-21 days of MC).
  • If a woman under the age of 35 on days 5-11 of the MC, after 35 -.
  • Electrocardiogram and ultrasound of the heart.

It happens that one ECG is not enough, it is not always possible to determine any problems with the heart from it. Therefore, ultrasound of the heart is not mandatory, but the recommended method for examining a woman at the pregravid stage.


It is not possible to give precise recommendations regarding intake, as in each specific case certain vitamin-containing preparations and microelements come to the fore during preparation for conception. When planning a pregnancy, there are 5 main groups of substances necessary for expectant mothers:

  • folates;
  • iron;
  • vitamin D;
  • polyunsaturated fatty acids.

Folic acid

Folate (folic acid) is a vitamin that is recommended for absolutely all women: pregnant women and those planning a pregnancy. (vitamin B₉ intake) starts at least 3 months before the planned conception and continues until.

In preparation for pregnancy, folic acid is taken by a man and a woman at 400 mcg per day. Depending on which risk group the woman belongs to (and this is determined during preconception preparation), the minimum daily dose increases. But 400 micrograms is the minimum below which you cannot fall.

In pharmacies there is a form of release of folic acid at 1000 mcg. You can break one tablet in half in the morning and take it to the husband and wife in half, it turns out that each takes 500 micrograms, but this is a completely acceptable noma.

Folic acid compounds significantly reduce:

In some cases, the absorption of folic acid from gastrointestinal tract difficult. Then it is necessary to take active forms of B₉, for this there are separate vitamin complexes. They are more reliable as they allow more folic acid to be absorbed.


Iodine deficiency is a geographically widespread phenomenon. More than 90% of the population of our country live in areas with soil poor in iodine. Therefore, in preparation for pregnancy 3 months before planning conception, it is necessary to take iodine for a woman and a man. For a conditionally healthy couple, the recommended dosage is 250 micrograms of potassium iodide per day. For women with problems thyroid gland dosage will be different.

It is necessary to take iodine without interruption, after the onset of pregnancy and the entire period of breastfeeding.

A low level of iodine in a woman's body contributes to:

  • the birth of children with thyroid diseases;
  • impaired neuropsychic development, risk of delayed speech development, attention deficit, hyperactivity, decreased attention and IQ - intellectual coefficient;
  • violation of physical and sexual development in children and adolescents.

It has already been clearly proven that at the embryonic stage of development, germ cells with a deficiency of certain microelements are laid in the embryo. This suggests that not only children, but also the grandchildren of such children will have problems associated with this deficiency. Therefore, in the preconception, preparatory period, future parents should, in principle, do something that is quite simple - to take essential vitamins and trace elements, and in particular iodine.


Hidden iron deficiency, according to some reports, is present in 60% of women. Anemia during pregnancy is not easy to deal with. Therefore, in preparation for pregnancy, you must first identify it and treat it. And it is treated quite simply. For this, iron preparations are prescribed or multivitamin preparations containing this trace element.

An adequate level of iron in the blood plasma during pregnancy planning reduces the frequency of:

  • threats of abortion and premature birth;
  • weaknesses labor activity and hypotonic bleeding;
  • infectious complications;
  • hypogalactia - insufficient production breast milk and reducing the duration of lactation;
  • intrauterine malnutrition and fetal hypoxia;
  • antenatal fetal death;
  • reduced level psychomotor development newborn.

Vitamin D

Synthesis of the vitamin occurs in the skin under the influence of ultraviolet rays. sunlight. Only 10% of vitamin D comes from food. In fact, it has been proven that the population of the CIS countries suffers from vitamin D deficiency. Therefore, it must be obtained either with food or in the form medicines And vitamin complexes. Do not take into account dietary supplements, they pass a simplified certification system and are not a drug. The conditions for their certification are less stringent.

If there is any doubt about the need to take vitamin D in preconception preparation, you can take a blood test for the content of vitamin D in blood plasma.

A sufficient level of vitamin D when planning a pregnancy reduces the likelihood of developing:

  • preeclampsia in pregnant women;
  • premature birth;
  • and metabolic disorders leading to overweight in the first year after childbirth;
  • skeletal disorders in newborns due to rickets.

Polyunsaturated fatty acids

PUFAs are polyunsaturated fatty acids found mainly in fish and seafood. The lack of PUFA can be easily compensated by eating 350 grams of fish per week. If a woman does not eat fish, then it is necessary to replenish stocks with the help of drugs.

The intake of polyunsaturated fatty acids in preparation for pregnancy provides:

  • risk reduction obstetric complications(premature birth, preeclampsia, venous thrombosis):
  • optimal growth and maturation of the fetus, its brain and organs of vision, neuroprotection;
  • the formation of the immune system;
  • prevents malnutrition;
  • adequate neuropsychic development born child in a remote period.

What else do you need to prepare for pregnancy

It would not be superfluous to note that in preconception preparation, lifestyle correction and the rejection of bad habits are important. It is necessary for a married couple to give up alcohol and smoking three months before the planned pregnancy. If there are problems with weight (lack or excess) - they also need to be addressed, since this, depending on the severity of the violations, can cause complications during gestation.

It is advisable to sanitize oral cavity and so that the period of pregnancy is not overshadowed by trips to the dentist and the use of anesthesia, both for dental treatment and for their removal. The child feels everything that worries the mother.

Reading time: 7 minutes

The decision to replenish the family is an important and responsible step in the life of every couple. Responsible parents start planning a pregnancy long before it occurs. Preparation for pregnancy is necessary not only in order to give birth to a healthy, strong baby, but also in order for mom and dad themselves to become mentally and physically ready for future changes in their family life.

It is highly undesirable for pregnancy to occur when a woman is not at all ready for it. Pregnancy planning allows you to exclude factors that are unfavorable for the unborn child even before the onset of conception. Conscious preparation for the conception of both parents significantly increases the chances of giving birth to a healthy child, reduces the risk of complications during the entire period of bearing the baby, as well as during the birth process.

What specialists need to go through in preparation for pregnancy

Preparation for conception should begin at least 2-3 months before the expected pregnancy. That is how much time, according to experts, it will take to adapt the lifestyle of the spouses to the upcoming changes, improve their health, undergo examination and treatment if necessary.

Having decided to have a baby, the first thing a couple should do is go to see a therapist. Tell your doctor about your intention. The doctor will study your medical history, based on the results of which he will give recommendations to future parents. It is necessary to measure blood pressure, because hypertension has a negative effect on the course of pregnancy, causing its complications. Be sure to pass certain tests.

What tests will you need to pass in preparation for pregnancy

  1. Complete urinalysis and blood tests to detect chronic diseases such as kidney disease, urinary tract, anemia, hypertension;
  2. TORCH-complex detects antibodies to rubella, toxoplasmosis, herpes, CMV, chlamydia. These infections in most cases lead to miscarriage or to the development of serious defects and pathologies in the fetus. Even in the absence of symptoms of the disease, do not neglect comprehensive examination. If a disease is detected in the analysis, both partners need to undergo treatment, only after that it will be possible to start conceiving a child;
  3. Analysis of the blood group and Rh factor of the spouses. If the expectant mother positive rh factor, problems during the bearing of a child should not arise. With a negative Rh factor, you will need a qualified consultation of a specialist, this will avoid possible complications;
  4. Wasserman reaction (syphilis, RW);
  5. A smear on the microflora of the vagina, sowing on mycoplasma and ureaplasma;
  6. Blood test for hepatitis B.

Based on the results of the tests and examination, the therapist will give the couple further instructions on how to prepare for pregnancy. So, it will be necessary to address still to the gynecologist. If a woman has previously had a history of inflammatory gynecological diseases, genital infections or had an abortion, you will have to check for patency fallopian tubes to prevent ectopic pregnancy.

The body of a woman carrying a child needs a large amount of calcium for full development fetus. This negatively affects the condition of the teeth. Therefore, even before conceiving a child, a woman needs to visit a dentist, and the future dad also needs to do this so that his infections are not transmitted to his wife and unborn baby.

For women with vision problems, it would be appropriate to be examined by an ophthalmologist to assess the condition of the retina and fundus. The opinion of the ophthalmologist will affect how you have to give birth with caesarean section or on your own.

Expectant mothers who have chronic diseases need to visit specialized specialists. If the disease is in the acute stage, tell the doctor about the medications you are taking and your intention to conceive a child.

How should a man prepare for conception?

Despite the fact that a man will not have to experience all the “charms” of pregnancy in his “own skin” (toxicosis, vomiting, varicose veins veins, edema, insomnia, heartburn, childbirth), it is important for him to mentally prepare for the role of a father. For some men, this becomes a real test, because soon the lifestyle and daily routine will change dramatically. Now for his wife the most important person in life it will not be him, but a new small member of the family.

It is important for the future father to participate in all preparatory stages pregnancy together with his wife, because this is their common cause, laying the foundation for a new life. Also, a man should start taking multivitamins with a woman, this will increase the chances of conceiving a healthy baby.

In addition to passing the tests assigned by the therapist, it is desirable (but not necessary) for the partner to make a spermogram at the beginning of planning. This examination is carried out not only to determine the ability to bear children, but also to determine the quality of spermatozoa, as well as to identify hidden inflammatory processes that can adversely affect conception.

Vitamins and the role of folic acid

Having made the decision to become parents, both spouses should start taking vitamins about 3 months before conception. A woman is suitable for special vitamins for pregnant and lactating women, while a man needs to take regular high-quality vitamin complexes.

Gynecologists recommend that you start taking folic acid 12 weeks before pregnancy. This drug helps to avoid the development of neural tube defects in a child. Both parents should take 4 mg of folic acid daily. If one of the parents previously had a child is born with neuro-cerebral pathology, the amount of folic acid should be increased on the recommendation of a doctor.

In addition to these drugs, people living in iodine-deficient areas are recommended additional reception potassium iodide 200 mcg / day. If a woman has iron deficiency anemia, iron preparations are prescribed.

Psychological preparation for pregnancy

The psychological aspect in preparing for conception is extremely important. Not all parents are mentally prepared for replenishment in the family. The decision to have a child should be considered and desired. Both spouses must want it.

Today, many works have been written on this topic. Read specialized psychological literature on preparing for pregnancy. Avoid interacting with negative people and “well-wishers” who talk about their troubled birth and the subsequent trials of motherhood.

Main the right attitude and an optimistic approach. You are now on the threshold of a new life, which promises you many wonderful moments and joy. Pregnancy and childbirth will be easy and without complications, and the born baby will become your most important joy and happiness in life.

Now is the time to go on vacation. During pregnancy, flights and acclimatization are undesirable. In addition, traveling with a small child can be problematic. Therefore, enjoy each other, be alone on vacation, enjoy relaxation and tranquility, which will allow you to prepare for pregnancy with the most rest.

How to change the lifestyle of future parents

Cancellation of contraception. Three months before the conception of a child, it is necessary to stop taking hormonal contraceptives(tablets, rings, injections). If you had intrauterine device, it is desirable to get rid of it for another six months, so that the uterus can take a break from foreign body. Use condoms for the next few months.

Bad habits. Now you will be responsible not only for your health, but also for the health of your child. drinking alcoholic beverages negatively affects the quality of sperm and the viability of the egg, which reduces the chances of conception. Nicotine addiction also has no place in your life anymore. Moreover, not only the mother, but also the father should give up smoking. Passive smoking has a serious impact on the health of others. There can be no talk of drugs.

Diet. The nutrition of future parents should be balanced and rational. For a woman, this is also important in order to monitor weight. In preparation for pregnancy, bring your weight back to normal. Obesity is fraught with serious complications in the course of pregnancy and birth process. Too little mother weight can also become an obstacle to the birth of a healthy baby with a normal weight.

Your menu should consist of plant foods, seafood, lean meats. Eat plenty of fresh vegetables, fruits and berries. Get extra folic acid from foods (legumes, cabbage, nuts, carrots, fresh herbs). Eliminate dishes and foods with preservatives, dyes and flavors from the diet. Cut down on the amount of coffee you drink, limiting yourself to two cups a day.

Medications and procedures. Avoid self-medication, because many drugs have a toxic effect on the body, which is fraught with complications during pregnancy. If you have a disease, be sure to contact your doctor and tell him about your intention to become parents in the near future. The doctor will select gentle medications for treatment that will be safe for further conception.

  1. An active lifestyle will help you cope with childbearing and childbirth with ease. Exercise daily. Long walks in the fresh air at a fast pace will prepare your legs for the upcoming load. Pick up a set of exercises for the press, which will strengthen the abdominal muscles and make you more physically resilient.
  2. Cancel sauna visit. Impact high temperatures on the future dad when planning pregnancy is undesirable. This is fraught with a decrease in the ability of his spermatozoa to fertilize, which will return to normal only after a week.
  3. Avoid conflict and stressful situations. Learn to relax and rest. Get enough sleep, soon your sleep will be periodically disturbed due to the needs of a new family member.

Remember, joint pregnancy planning will allow you to get an incomparable experience that will return to you a hundredfold in the face of your healthy and happy baby.

You can consolidate the received information by watching this video:

During pregnancy, a woman tries to do everything possible so that the baby is born healthy. But often in the process of gestation, problems are identified that would be much easier to eliminate at the planning stage. Knowledge of how to prepare for pregnancy is necessary for all future parents: moms and dads.

For the successful bearing and birth of a child, it is important that both spouses are healthy. All diseases must be cured, and if this is not possible, consult with the appropriate specialist about the planned pregnancy and the expected risks. In addition, it is important psychological readiness future parents: mutual desire to have a child, an idea of ​​the difficulties associated with the process of carrying him, giving birth and further education.

The preliminary stage is needed in order for the process of gestation to go smoothly, intrauterine development the child was normal, the mother's health did not become worse due to the increased workload, and the birth took place without complications. is aimed at ensuring that conception occurs successfully and that the genetic material provided is balanced.

Many believe that if there are no obvious, discomforting diseases, then everything will “go smoothly” by itself. Unfortunately, this is not always the case.

There are several reasons for conducting the preparatory phase.:

  1. Slagging of the body. A large number of dyes, preservatives, stabilizers, pesticides, flavorings and other harmful chemical compounds in food affect the functioning of the body. First of all, the cleansing organs and systems suffer: the liver, kidneys, immunity. The situation is exacerbated by the use of alcoholic beverages, drugs and tobacco.
  2. Infections, including latent ones. The acute course of the disease does not go unnoticed, but some pathogens for a long time may be present in the body, but do not manifest themselves. A decrease in immunity during pregnancy leads to an exacerbation of the infection, which affects not only the woman, but also the fetus (example -).
  3. Stress. Modern life provides many reasons for permanent nervous tension. Stress develops not only as a result of severe overload at work, but also because of the excessive flow of information, living in adverse conditions(lack of clean air, car noise, etc.). This state is manifested by emotional instability and fatigue, disruption of work endocrine system, which directly affects the ability to conceive and bear a child. One of the main reasons for early dates- emotional stress.

How to prepare for pregnancy for a woman and a man

Another important point in preparation for pregnancy - both spouses should be involved in it, despite the fact that only the woman will bear the child. Of course, there are more requirements for the health of the mother. It is enough for the future father to give up bad habits and avoid harmful factors that can affect the activity of spermatozoa and their quality for 2-3 months before conception.

For a woman, this process is much more complicated and lengthy. After conception, she will have to bear the baby for 9 months, ensuring its growth and development with the forces of her own body. Planning includes not only healthy lifestyle life, but also the elimination of all diseases (if possible).

The future mother needs a deeper psychological readiness: appearance and well-being will change, you will have to abandon the usual routine, shift the focus to the child.

Lifestyle change

Ideally, a healthy lifestyle should be followed at all times, and not just before pregnancy. Since the rejection of bad habits and the formation of good ones take from a month to six months, you need to go to this stage of preparation as early as possible. Minimum term- 3 months before conception.


Proper nutrition is the foundation of health. Fried, smoked, spicy dishes, foods with food additives should be excluded from the diet. Replace refined sugar with honey and fruit. At the same time, it is important that the daily menu consists of a variety of dishes. It should include meat (or poultry, fish), cereals, vegetables, dairy products. Several times a week you can eat eggs, seafood.

It is important that the food is habitual, a radical change in diet can lead to undesirable consequences such as allergies and indigestion. Also, do not go on a diet or, conversely, increase the calorie content of food. Weight changes can affect the state of the endocrine system, reduce the ability to conceive.

Alcohol and smoking

Both spouses must refrain from drinking alcohol and smoking tobacco products. This must be done at least 3 months before the planned conception.

ethyl alcohol and tobacco smoke dangerous at each stage: during conception, fixing the embryo and bearing a child. These substances reduce the activity of spermatozoa and can lead to genetic failures. If conception has occurred, then the negative impact on the child can be anything: from and to death and.

Cleansing the body

Cleansing the body involves the rejection of low-quality and containing artificial additives food, drugs, and, of course, alcohol, tobacco, and drugs. Part harmful substances enters our body with air, so you need to be more in nature.

It can be impossible to refuse drugs, but some of them can be replaced with drugs. traditional medicine: herbal decoctions, honey, soda and saline solutions, garlic, raspberries, etc. The most dangerous in the period of preparation for pregnancy. If conception occurred in the same cycle in which the treatment was carried out, then there is a risk of developing malformations in the fetus. In a situation where it is impossible to refuse drugs, it is necessary to postpone the pregnancy for more late deadline or discuss with your doctor possible consequences taking the drug.

Taking contraceptives and planning pregnancy

Contraceptives should be stopped at least 3 months before the planned conception. This is the time needed to recover. hormonal background. You also need to consider that if conception occurs immediately after cancellation, then development is possible.

affect the absorption of vitamins. If you cancel them just before conception, then the risk of deficiency increases, which is necessary for the correct laying of the neural tube of the fetus. At the same time, the absorption of vitamin A, on the contrary, increases. Its excess can lead to defects in fetal development.

Physical and emotional preparation

Good physical training helps women to more easily endure pregnancy and give birth to a healthy baby. Ideally, sports should be present in life from childhood, then by the time of conception and the period of gestation, the muscular corset will already be sufficiently developed.

But if this is not the case, then a few months before the onset of pregnancy, you need to start walking regularly, swimming, dancing, doing available strength and stretching exercises, doing massage and exercising. All this will help prepare the muscles for the upcoming loads.

Psychological preparation primarily implies the mutual desire of the spouses to have a child. It is important that this decision is not made under the pressure of one of them, not out of a sense of fear or duty.

The second is the readiness to change the usual course of life: the bearing and birth of a baby will require a lot of time and effort from the parents, especially from the mother. A woman needs to accept the need for some social isolation, the inevitability of changes in appearance and health.