How to increase the likelihood of conception. How long do you need to lie down after intercourse for conception

Why sometimes it happens like this: at a time when you are not ready to become a mother in any way, you just have to look at a man - pregnancy occurs. And when you really want a baby to appear, you just don’t do it - and you calculate ovulation, and sex almost by the hour, but there is still no result! Some kind of law is at work. It's a shame!

So my husband and I decided to plan a pregnancy. We approached this matter seriously - both were checked by doctors (everything was fine, as it turned out), they threw aside all bad habits, we eat only environmentally friendly products, we go to the gym twice a week and once to the pool. We try to spend the rest of our free time in bed. It's been four months and I'm done! Maybe something is wrong?

What is needed for conception?

I know from my anatomy course that it takes one egg and one sperm to conceive a child. But besides this, a few more conditions must be met. This is, firstly, the egg must be viable. Secondly, active viable spermatozoa in large quantities. Thirdly, the meeting of the egg and sperm must occur within 36 hours after ovulation of the egg (fertility period).

The life of a spermatozoon is approximately five days(after ejaculation, spermatozoa do not die for so long when they enter the female genital organs). Therefore, to the two days of the life of the egg, we add five days of the life of the sperm - we get seven days of full fertility (the ability to fertilize).

How often should you try to conceive

Trying should never be abandoned - try and try! But you have to do it wisely.

Making love to get pregnant, subject to availability "dangerous" days. That is, in order to conceive a child, four to five days before ovulation, you must activate your sexuality. And continue to actively make love to get pregnant for about a week.

Some couples let things take their course, some think that having sex once a week is enough. But it's not. Sex is like a sport: the more training, the stronger the athlete, and his technique is better honed. If training stops, the skill is lost. But on the other hand, overvoltage will also not lead to anything good. Everything should be in moderation.

In a man, the volume of sperm with each intercourse decreases along with the number of healthy, viable and motile spermatozoa. It takes time for them to recover. That's why you don't have to make love three times a day to get pregnant.

But this does not apply to the day when ovulation occurs. Making love on ovulation day You need at least two times - in the morning and in the evening. days after ovulation is the perfect time to conceive.

In order to have several ways - you can do it, count on the calendar, do an ultrasound.

How many times a week do you have to have sex to conceive a child?

We found out that a woman is ready to conceive a child within a week of her menstrual cycle. A man, of course, is always ready. But he also needs a little time to prepare. In the male genital organs, the right amount of healthy mobile spermatozoa should be produced. The ideal time for this is one or two days. Then the sperm concentration will increase, as will the chance of successful fertilization.

That is, it turns out that the optimal number of sex sessions is four to seven times a week during the female cycle. But during the period of fertility, it is better to increase activity.

It is known that "boy" spermatozoa (those that carry the Y chromosome) are less viable, but faster. That's why they "escape" in the first place. With frequent intercourse, when the supply of sperm comes to an end, there are more less mobile "female" spermatozoa (those that carry the X chromosome). They are more viable.

Don't forget about sports - at the time when fertility ends, continue training to conceive a child.

You should know exactly the day of your ovulation. As a rule, in women, it falls on the 12-14th day after the first day of the cycle. However, and 7 days before ovulation, as well as 7 days after it. Some are completely sure that only on the days of ovulation, but the opinion is not entirely true. Some manage to conceive a child during the days of menstruation.

You can recognize ovulation by some signs: a few days before it, there is heaviness in the lower abdomen, sexual desire intensifies, and daily discharge becomes transparent or disappears. You can also determine the onset of ovulation using a test. Currently, many pharmacies sell such a test.

For conception to occur, the microflora of intimate places must be favorable. It is necessary for some time not to use deodorants for the intimate area, artificial lubricants, scented pads, and also not. Such funds can disrupt the natural PH balance, as a result of which the likelihood of conception will decrease significantly.

In order to have sex, it is best to have sex no more than 3 times a week, since it is not always possible to determine the exact day of ovulation, and spermatozoa are viable from 3 to 7 days. But with daily sex, the quality of sperm changes. Prolonged abstinence, which exceeds 7 days, also affects spermatozoa, worsening their quality. It is advisable to have sex before ovulation and start from the 7th day of the cycle.

There are various poses for those who want to. Such positions allow the spermatozoa to penetrate deeper into the vagina and stay in it longer. The best position is the traditional (missionary) position, but this can be improved by placing a pillow under the woman's buttocks. But in the Cowgirl position, when the woman is on top, it is not recommended to have sex for conception, because in this case the sperm flows out and does not have time to reach its destination.

To get pregnant, lie down with your legs up for about 30 minutes after having sex, and take a shower later. If you can get into the Candle Pose, it can help a lot. The point of such acrobatics is to keep the sperm in the vagina for as long as possible.

Many couples think about how to have sex, make every effort to achieve the desired goal - conception. However, they often forget about pleasure and pleasure, and therefore the process of their sexual intercourse is more like mechanical movements than sex of people who love each other. You should not "get hung up" on this, because because of this, the chances of conceiving a child will only decrease. Relax and try to give each other the pleasure of this process.

Scientists were able to prove that a strong and vibrant male orgasm has a great impact on the quality of sperm. The female orgasm also plays a big role in the baby, although for now this is just a guess and not a scientific fact. Love each other, and may the happiest and most beautiful child be born from your love.

The process of conception is a complex scheme that requires the fulfillment of a number of conditions. If at least something goes wrong, then fertilization will not occur, or the embryo will not take root, and pregnancy will not occur.

Many couples wonder how often you need to have sex to get pregnant, and if you need to do it every day. Among patients, there is an opinion that the more often sexual intercourse takes place, the better. Let's see if this is actually the case.


If a couple is interested in how much sex is needed to get pregnant, then the first thing they need to understand is that the most important thing in the process of conception is not the multiplicity of intercourse, but the state of the body of a man and a woman.

It happens that conception occurs after the first sexual intercourse, in others, even with daily sexual intercourse, pregnancy does not occur for years. And all because for the successful fertilization of the egg and its implantation in the uterus, the following conditions must be met:

  • You must ovulate. If a woman's cycle is knocked down, ovulation does not occur, then pregnancy will not happen either.
  • Spermatozoa must be inside the woman's body on the day of ovulation. The egg cell dies within a day. If the sperm does not reach it during this time, then pregnancy in the current cycle will not occur.
  • A woman should have passable fallopian tubes, normal hormonal levels and a healthy uterus. If there are adhesions, tumors, or a hormonal failure has occurred, then most likely conception will not occur.
  • The sperm of a man must be of high quality, and the gametes are mobile, otherwise they will not swim to the egg.

If all conditions are met, then it is quite possible that pregnancy will occur the first time. To increase the chances of conception, it is better to have sex before ovulation and on the day of ovulation, and during the planning period of pregnancy, undergo an examination to rule out pathologies of the reproductive system.


Is it possible to get pregnant if you have sex every day, or rather, whether it is possible to increase the chances of conception, worries many women. It does not make sense to have sexual intercourse daily if the partners themselves do not want it, for the following reasons:

  • sperm survive from 3 to 5 days inside the woman's body, so you can safely take a break for 3 days;
  • the testicles need 3 days to accumulate enough gametes for successful fertilization, otherwise there will be little sperm and the chances will decrease;
  • daily sex bothers many, brings psychological discomfort;
  • too frequent sexual intercourse can provoke erectile dysfunction in a man, since the sexual organ does not have time to rest.

Thus, if a man and a woman want to have sex for several days in a row, then you can safely do it. But if one of the partners does not want to, there is no need to force him, it will not bring any benefit and the chances of pregnancy will not increase.

Pregnancy is a complex process, which is preceded by the process of conception. Many couples can boast that the first sex led to the appearance of a baby. However, the reverse situation is also quite common. The couple is trying to have a baby, putting a lot of effort into this, but the long-awaited pregnancy still does not occur. In this case, a logical question arises: how often do you need to have sex for successful conception? However, in addition to the frequency of the act, one should not forget about the dates when the woman's body is ready to accept a new life. In any case, it is interesting to know that some of the facts that are taken for granted turn out to be only myths.

Ovulation. What days can you get pregnant?

Female physiology suggests that a woman's pregnancy can occur at the time of ovulation, which gives the highest chance of having a baby. Therefore, many couples have sex on this day. Approximately it comes after two weeks from the beginning of critical days. However, this figure is approximate.

It is no secret that every woman is unique, each has her own special cycle, so you should not be equal to the standard numbers. Today, there are many programs for smartphones that help calculate the cycle, the duration of menstruation, as well as the time of ovulation.

During the period of ovulation, a girl may notice that her appetite increases. Many people call such days "empty", that is, their stomach requires food all the time, no matter how much it gets. It is also possible to increase body temperature by half a degree. Many girls note slight discomfort in the lower abdomen. However, do not confuse them with pain! There shouldn't be any pain. However, heaviness or the feeling that everything is “bare” below may be present.

Period before and after

However, it is a mistake to pay attention to sexual life only during ovulation. It is highly likely to become pregnant five or six days before it, as well as the day after ovulation. During this period, it is recommended to carefully take care of protection for those who do not want to have children, and also not to abandon intimate life to those couples who want to have a baby.

To correctly and accurately determine the day when ovulation occurs, it is recommended to use special tests, which can be purchased at the pharmacy, as well as pregnancy tests. They are used in the same way. There is also an older method, according to which it is necessary to monitor the temperature in the vaginal area.

How to have sex to get pregnant: top tips and myths

There are a lot of myths around pregnancy planning. Starting with what color the couple's bedding should be to make it a boy or a girl. There are also myths about conception. However, some have a sound basis.

How to have sex to get pregnant? For some, the answer is obvious. And we are talking about the missionary position, when the partner is on top, and the woman is under him. Many people call this pose banal. However, getting pregnant in this position is no easier than in the cowgirl position. The future of only those women who have problems in gynecology depends on the choice of posture. For example, with the curvature of the uterus, some postures simply do not allow the sperm to reach the egg.

Also, the conception is not affected by the temperature in the room. However, both cold and excessive heat can be an additional source of stress. And as you know, only a few can get pregnant in such a situation. Therefore, it is better to stick to the most comfortable temperature for both partners.

However, the myth that it is recommended to stand on your head after intercourse, helping the sperm to reach the goal, is worth listening to. Of course, one should not go to such extremes. However, placing a pillow or a rolled-up blanket under the pelvis, creating an elevation, can increase the chances of successful conception.

What not to do if you are planning a pregnancy

There are a number of tips that you should listen to if a couple wants a baby. First of all, you must stop using lubricants. No matter how high-quality the product is, no matter how much it costs, an aggressive environment can harm spermatozoa. Accordingly, pregnancy will not occur.

Interesting but true: Oral sex can also damage delicate sperm. Therefore, the much-loved oral sex should be stopped. We will have to pay attention to other types of prelude. Saliva, unfortunately, also negatively affects the process of conception, as well as lubrication.

Frequency of having sex and pregnancy: is there a pattern?

Many couples choose to have sex daily, believing that this way they can increase their chances of conceiving. There is another, radically opposite opinion. Adherents of it make love only during the period of ovulation.

Both options are unacceptable. If sex becomes a routine, then nothing good will come of it. The same applies to rare sexual intercourse. However, experts say that the answer to the question "how often do you need to have sex to get pregnant" simply does not exist.

Doctors recommend choosing the golden mean. Do not go to extremes. The sexual life of partners should be regular, but not turn into a duty. However, if the temperament and strength of the couple allow you to have sex every day, there is nothing reprehensible in this.

Two tactics to promote conception

Although there is no perfect schedule for pregnancy, there are two tactics that can help you get closer to pregnancy. They show how often you need to have sex in order to get pregnant.

The first can be called the tactic of hope. In this case, you should not keep an ovulation calendar. It is not recommended even to specify on the calendar when the days are favorable for conception. In the second option, one cannot do without conducting calculations and conducting tests. The choice of tactics depends on the temperament of the couple, as well as on the desire of the girl to keep track of the days of ovulation.

How should you have sex when planning a pregnancy? With pleasure! This is what affects the mood of partners. The higher the desire, the greater the chance of receiving good news.

Option 1: Hope we get there

The first option suggests that it provides an answer to the question "how often do you have to have sex to get pregnant." In this case, at least three to four times a week. This option is suitable for couples with an average temperament. In fact, in this scenario, the couple will have sex every other day.

What is the essence of the method? How often you need to have sex to get pregnant, no specialist knows. However, with this method, there is a chance to get on the day of ovulation, and on the days preceding it. At the same time, the sex life itself is not boring. Since there is no record of days, the couple does not perceive making love as a duty. In this situation, the body of many women seems to calm down. Therefore, there is a chance of getting a long-awaited delay and pregnancy.

Second option: exact calculation

How often do you need to have sex for successful conception in the second option? Each couple decides for itself. However, the decisive blow is struck precisely on the days of ovulation. You can make love throughout the entire period before and after ovulation.

However, it is a mistake to believe that the rest of the time it is worth abandoning it. How often do you need to have sex to get pregnant between ovulation? As much as you want. improves the quality of sperm, so do not forget about making love.

Expecting a baby is a joyful process. Some couples go to this for a long time, but do not forget that in the absence of any medical diagnoses, each couple can become parents. The quality and quantity of sex sometimes affect the rate of conception only conditionally. Classes of love should please partners. However, we must not forget about physiology, having sex, and in those days when the woman's body is ready to accept a new life.

Many spouses dream of children, but for a long time they fail to conceive, while the partners have no health problems. Often in such a situation, the spouses lose patience, begin to go to extremes, make a bunch of mistakes, losing hope for a long-awaited child. There are many tricks for conception that have been tested by many women, so you should never give up.

In case of prolonged absence of conception, it is necessary to consult a doctor, do all the necessary checks and tests

Doctors have determined that in order to successfully conceive, spouses need to become more responsible and change their usual lifestyle to a more correct and healthy one.

  1. Eliminate stress. These conditions are considered the most common reason for the lack of conception in perfectly healthy girls. Therefore, for an early onset of pregnancy, you need to learn how to relax. Massage treatments, aromatherapy, auto-training, aromatic baths, etc., help a lot with this.
  2. Unhealthy habits - no! Quit smoking and alcohol. Nicotine reduces the chances of an early conception, as does drinking alcohol. It's just that egg cells are laid at birth, and then new ones are no longer formed. If a girl abuses alcohol and smokes throughout her life, then the components of nicotine resins and ethanol will begin to have a toxic effect on egg reserves. As a result, inability to fertilize may develop or the child will have congenital abnormalities and anomalies. Resins and nicotine are deposited in the liver tissues, reduce the efficiency of the liver, to increase which the body is forced to produce more androgenic hormones, which, if excessive, prevent ovulation.
  3. Adjust your diet. For a successful conception, it is necessary to include in the diet a large amount of greens and vegetables, whole grain bread and cereals, fruits. To fully replenish vitamin E, you need to eat vegetable oils, etc. If a woman often has anovulatory cycles, then it is extremely important for her to eat legumes and nuts daily, as well as dairy products and milk.
  4. It interferes with rapid conception and unstable weight. Too full girls, as well as too thin, it will be quite difficult to conceive a child.
  5. It is worth stopping taking medications, especially those belonging to the group of antibiotics, analgesics and antihistamines.

Do not despair, if you can’t get pregnant for a long time, you need to constantly hope for the best, imagine your baby, then everything will work out.

How to choose the right time for PA

Regular intimate life during the ovulatory period is the key to a quick pregnancy

According to statistics, the number of pregnancies in spring and autumn is much higher than in other seasons of the year. But it is better to plan the onset of pregnancy in the autumn, when the mother's body is rich in vitamins, and sperm are very mobile at this time. How high the chance of conception is depends on the time of the cycle at which sexual intercourse takes place.

The most favorable time is the fertile period, the duration of which reaches approximately 6 days - 5 days before the onset of the ovulatory period and 1 after. Ovulation occurs around the middle of each cycle. It is possible to determine its exact onset by the method of basal measurements. Immediately after the release of the cell from the ovary, the temperature in the rectum increases by 0.3-0.4°C. The most favorable time for fertilization is 2 days before and the day of ovulation.

With the correct determination of the ovulatory date and 2-3 days of abstinence before the fertile period, you can increase the chances of conception many times over. In this case, abstinence will help improve the quality of the seed material. Specialists have developed a special recommendation for spouses who want to conceive a child as soon as possible. In order for sexual intercourse to surely fall on the fertile period and lead to conception, you need to have sexual intercourse every other day or daily on the 10-18th day of the cycle.

How often do you have to have sex to conceive

Now let's take a closer look at the topic of abstinence until the ovulatory period. It is necessary to increase the quantity and quality of the seed, because with daily and repeated sex, the sperm simply does not have time to accumulate. However, the fertilizing ability of sperm directly depends on the frequency of PA - the more often sex, the more mobile sperm. But if intimacy occurs several times a day, then the number of spermatozoa in the ejaculate drops. It turns out that with too frequent or rare contacts, the chances of conception are greatly reduced. According to statistics, couples who have sex every day or every other day have a 22-25% chance of successful fertilization, and those who have sex only once a week - only 10%.

At least 4 sexual intimacy during the week is considered optimal for conception. If you allow long abstinence for more than 4 days, then the chances fall. Therefore, the previously given recommendation is considered the best option, that is, have sex every other day on the 10-18th day of the cycle.

Posture matters

Among other recommendations for the rapid onset of pregnancy, it is impossible not to talk about the positions in which the spouses make love. Some positions allow you to increase the likelihood of conception, and many times over. Sperm have a special flagellum that helps them move so quickly. That is why, in any position, the probability of pregnancy is, but not always high. After the ejection of sperm into the vagina, an innumerable number of spermatozoa rush to the uterine body and after a few minutes most of them reach their destination. Some semen leaks out, which is quite natural and should not be a cause for concern.

If a woman has some individual features in the structure of the uterine body, for example, deviations or bends, then the use of a certain position can greatly help in the onset of conception. If you have sex with your legs pressed to your chest, then the contact of the seminal material with the uterus will become the maximum possible. And with a uterine bend, a knee-elbow position is recommended with the partner located behind.

There is also a theory regarding behavior after sex, so when the legs and pelvic region are raised, less ejaculate flows out, which means that most of it will be involved in the fertilization process, increasing its chances.

conception and orgasm

For the future mother, peace of mind plays an important role.

Also quite popular is the myth that the lack of an orgasm in a partner makes conception impossible. Adherents of this theory believe that during orgasm, vaginal graying becomes alkaline, which increases the chances of spermatozoa intact reaching the egg, and much faster than in the absence of orgasmic reactions. In part, this statement has a certain logic, however, it cannot be completely trusted.

In practice, the absence or presence of orgasms in a potential mother has no effect on conception. The main factor is the release of a mature egg, without which no speed abilities of spermatozoa will help accelerate the onset of pregnancy.

How to lie down after PA

It was mentioned a little above that after sex, a woman needs to lie down for some time in a horizontal position for an early pregnancy. There is no official confirmation of the effectiveness of this technique, but it cannot be considered implausible. Staying in a horizontal position only helps sperm enter the cervical canal and further into the uterine cavity.

How long to lie after PA for conception? In order for the long-awaited pregnancy to come sooner, a woman is recommended to lie down quietly for at least half an hour after sex. With the normal structure of the uterus, it is recommended to lie down after the PA, pulling the knees to the stomach. If a woman has a bend of the uterus, then she should also lie on her stomach for about half an hour. After sexual intercourse, you should not immediately jump up and run to the shower - this will reduce the likelihood of conception many times over. Although even in such a situation, part of the spermatozoa will still remain inside and continue its purpose.

Improving the quality of seeds

Equally important for conception is the quality of the male ejaculate. To make it as high as possible, the spouse also needs to give up unhealthy hobbies, observe the optimal work / rest regime and eat according to a special program. It has been proven that foods like nuts, fish, oysters, bananas and apples, garlic, asparagus, tomatoes and oatmeal have a very beneficial effect on male fertility. Men also need to drink hibiscus and green tea, pomegranate or pumpkin juice.

In addition, to increase the fertilizing ability, a man should refuse:

  • Wearing tight underwear;
  • Bath procedures;
  • Hot bath;
  • Strong physical activity, etc.

All these factors lead to a weakening of the seed, which makes the chances of a successful pregnancy negligible.

Popular questions about conception

In order to at least roughly imagine the purpose of recommendations regarding the rapid onset of pregnancy, it is useful to know how long the viability of female and male cells lasts, and how conception occurs.

How long do spermatozoa live

Of the huge number of sperm, only one fertilizes a mature egg

If the sperm is already in the uterus, then this still does not give any guarantee for conception, because male germ cells have a certain life span. Many people think that sperm only live for a few hours, but the reality is a little different. The lifespan of a spermatozoon is 1-5 days, and some especially tenacious specimens can live for more than a week.

The viability of spermatozoa depends on their chromosome set. If the cell has a male set of chromosomes (contains the Y chromosome), then it is small in size, very mobile, but they only live for a day, because they are weakly resistant to external aggressive influences (acidic vaginal environment, temperature changes, etc.). Spermatozoa with the female (X) set of chromosomes are larger, not as nimble as male ones, but are more resistant to adverse effects, therefore they live up to 7-10 days.

How long does an ovum live

The duration of the life of the egg is individual in nature, so it differs for each patient. When, after the final maturation, the cell leaves the ovary, it goes to the fallopian tube, where the “date” with the sperm should normally take place. The minimum life span of an egg is only 12 hours. It is during this time period that the egg retains the ability to fertilize.

The maximum life expectancy is a day, although medicine knows cases when a cell is fertilized after 1.5 days, but this is more a rare exception than a common fact. Most often, already a day after the rupture of the follicle, the unfertilized cell dies, coming out with the next menstruation. Therefore, the most favorable time for conception is the first 24 hours after ovulation.

If the spermatozoon managed to get to the cell, then it touches it with its head, releasing an enzyme that dissolves the cell membrane. Then the sperm gets inside and the passage closes again, it takes a matter of seconds. The nuclei of the male and female cells merge, the exchange of genetic data takes place - this is how the DNA of the future crumbs is laid. Then the already fertilized cell is sent to the uterine body, where it is fixed in the endometrial layer, i.e., it is implanted. If everything went according to plan, then the pregnancy occurred, but if the fixation did not happen, then the cell comes out with menstrual bleeding.

Let's summarize

The problem of pregnancy today, unfortunately, spoils the lives of many couples, depriving them of hope for a happy parenthood. Often because of this, seemingly happy families break up. Indeed, modern women often build a career first, they and their spouses postpone childbearing until a later time, being engaged in arranging life and financial well-being. If a woman decides to have a child at the age of 30, and such difficulties arise with the onset of pregnancy, then there is a real risk that she simply will not have time to become pregnant. Indeed, over the years, ovulation occurs less and less, reducing the chances of conception.

But if you do not give up and use the above tips, then the probability of conception increases many times over. You need to lie down after the PA, eat only healthy food, isolate yourself from all stresses and problems, etc. In such a case, any means are good.