Prevenar vaccination schedule. What vaccinations are required for children

Children are vaccinated from birth. It is desirable that the pediatrician select and draw up an individual schedule for each baby. But there are also general recommendations, which contains the National calendar of preventive vaccinations. These vaccinations will reduce the risk of various diseases. And even if the child gets sick, the disease will pass in mild form and without complications. But remember that vaccination is voluntary!

How to prepare for vaccination

The vaccination schedule for children is a rational vaccination system that will allow minimum terms develop immunity in newborns and young children. However, it is advisory in nature. If you have not been vaccinated within the specified time, you can do it later.

And to avoid complications after the procedure, be sure to follow a number of rules:

  • You can only get vaccinated if the baby is healthy. Therefore, before vaccination, be sure to consult a doctor, if necessary, you can take urine and blood tests;
  • To reduce the risk of a possible allergy to drugs, 2-3 days before the procedure, you can give the child antihistamines, but only after the recommendations of the pediatrician !;
  • Do not enter new food the day before the procedure. Read more about feeding principles. ;
  • Do not vaccinate if the child feels unwell. This applies not only to colds and high temperature. Refuse the procedure severe colic and abdominal pain, teething and allergy symptoms.
  • After vaccination, it is better to stay in the clinic for 20-30 minutes in case of an acute allergic reaction. Remember that there are no absolutely safe vaccines!;
  • Be prepared that after vaccination, the baby may have a fever, appear headache and malaise, disturbed sleep and appetite. Do not give your child antipyretics and other medications without prior consultation with a specialist.

The children's vaccination calendar was developed by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation in 2014, taking into account the characteristics of age and region of residence. This scheme is suitable for subsequent years, including this year 2016.

Features of grafting

Some vaccinations take place in two to four stages with a certain frequency, while others are performed only once (for example, against tuberculosis). IN this case the child is injected with a killed or weakened agent that provokes the disease. As a result, the body itself begins to produce antibodies to counteract infectious agents. After 1.5 years, revaccination is carried out. It involves the constant maintenance of immunity.

Before grafting, do not forget that the procedure can cause complications! So, in 60-80% of children after vaccination, caries appears. And the measles vaccine rarely, but causes neurological disorders and seizures, diseases of the lungs and tonsils. Remember that vaccination does not give a 100% guarantee that the baby will not get sick. And keep in mind that you can not do more than one vaccination at a time!

Parents are free to choose which vaccines to give their child. Of course, you need to make a choice with the help of a doctor. If you do not want to be vaccinated, you must write a refusal. But keep in mind that vaccination is especially important for children at risk, whose parents are carriers of the virus or have dangerous diseases.

The calendar is divided into two types of vaccinations. The first includes standard preventive procedures, and the second - according to epidemic indications. Such vaccination is carried out in regions with a high prevalence of infectious diseases. The vaccine is given orally or intramuscularly.

The intramuscular method is used to administer liquid drugs and powder solutions with a needle and syringe under the skin. The oral method involves taking medicinal product in solid or powder form by mouth by ingestion. Let's take a closer look at when and how to do preventive vaccinations and vaccinations according to epidemic indications. Basically, grafting is done using intramuscular injections. Orally injected medicine only against polio.

National vaccination calendar

Age Name Indications Vaccination/revaccination number
On the first day after birth Hepatitis B (preventive) I vaccination
In the first 3 - 7 days of life Tuberculosis (preventive) One vaccination
1 month Hepatitis B (preventive) II vaccination,
2 months Hepatitis B (preventive) Only for children at risk III vaccination,
3 months Hepatitis B (preventive) II
4.5 months Poliomyelitis (preventive) II
Pneumococcal infection (according to epidemic indications) People living in the area with the focus of infection II
Whooping cough, II
6 months Hepatitis B (preventive) III
Poliomyelitis (preventive) III
Pneumococcal infection (according to epidemic indications) People living in the area with the focus of infection III
Whooping cough, diphtheria and tetanus (prophylactic) III
Influenza (according to epidemic indications) I vaccination from 6 months - revaccination every year
9 months Yellow fever (according to epidemic indications) People traveling to the territory with the focus of this infection I vaccination from 9 months - revaccination every 10 years
1 year I
Hepatitis B (preventive) Only for children at risk IV
Mumps or mumps (according to epidemic indications) Not ill and previously unvaccinated people in contact foci of infection, only girls One vaccination
15 months Pneumococcal infection (according to epidemic indications) I revaccination
1.5 years Poliomyelitis (preventive) I revaccination
Whooping cough, diphtheria and tetanus (prophylactic) I revaccination
20 months Poliomyelitis (preventive) II revaccination
2 years Cholera (according to epidemic indications) People traveling to countries high risk occurrence of this infection I vaccination from 2 years old - revaccination every 6 months
Plague (according to epidemic indications) People living in a territory carrying a deadly infection I vaccination from 2 years old - revaccination every year
3 years Typhoid fever (according to epidemic indications) For children living in the risk zone I vaccination - revaccination every three years
Hepatitis A (according to epidemic indications) Children living in high-risk areas One vaccination
4 years (according to epidemic indications) Population living in the tick habitat I vaccination from the age of 4 - II vaccination in a year - revaccination every three years
6 – 7 years Rubella and measles (prophylactic) One revaccination
Diphtheria and tetanus (prophylactic) II revaccination
Tuberculosis (preventive) Children with a negative Mantoux reaction Revaccination
14 years Tuberculosis (preventive) Children with a negative Mantoux reaction - Revaccination
Poliomyelitis (preventive) III revaccination
Diphtheria and tetanus (prophylactic) III revaccination
Q fever (according to epidemic indications) People working with raw materials and livestock products in the focus of infection
Anthrax (according to epidemic indications) People working with plants, livestock and livestock products in the area of ​​infection From the age of 14 I vaccination - revaccination every year
16 years Rabies (according to epidemic indications) People who come into contact with stray animals I vaccination from 16 years old – II vaccination in a year – revaccination every three years
18 years and older Diphtheria and tetanus (prophylactic) IV and subsequent revaccination every 10 years

Vaccination of children up to a year

Some experts on breastfeeding do not recommend vaccinating the first year of a child's life if he receives breast milk. Such nutrition provides a sufficient amount of useful elements for the formation of immunity in infants. It has been proven that even with a single application to the breast, the mother's passive immunity is preserved in the blood of children for another six months. It will protect the baby from possible infections.

Children who are often ill need additional protection. Sometimes it turns out that the child’s body does not produce right amount antibodies. Then grafting will come to the rescue. Next, consider each disease and vaccination schedule.

In the first 24 hours, newborns are vaccinated against hepatitis B. Hepatitis B - dangerous infection liver, which is transmitted through the blood and leads to serious consequences, up to death. Vaccination is especially indicated for children at risk whose parents are ill or are carriers of the virus. Vaccination scheme: the first day after birth - 1 month - six months; for children at risk: the first day - 1 month - 2 months - 1 year.

Tuberculosis - viral infection, which affects the lungs and intestines, bones and joints. Observation of the reaction of the body is carried out with the help of Mantoux. One vaccination is carried out in the first 3-7 days after birth.

Epidemic parotitis (mumps) - acute infection with inflammation and parotid salivary glands, accompanied by fever and poor health. Vaccination is not recommended for boys; girls under one year of age are given one vaccine at 12 months.

Pneumococcal infection is a complex of diseases, including otitis media, meningitis, arthritis and others. Vaccination is carried out according to the scheme: 2 months - 4.5 months - 15 months.

Vaccination schedule: 3 months - 4.5 months - 6 months are used for vaccinations against the following diseases:

  • Whooping cough - inflammation of the upper respiratory tract, which is expressed in attacks of convulsive and prolonged coughing for 1-3 months;
  • Tetanus is accompanied by severe convulsions and spasms of skeletal muscles;
  • Poliomyelitis affects the nerve cells and the brain, causing paralysis mainly of the lower extremities;
  • Diphtheria is an acute inflammation of the upper respiratory tract, which is accompanied by the formation of a white film in the throat and provokes respiratory paralysis.

Measles manifests itself in the form of a rash on the body, inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eyes, respiratory tract and oral cavity, sometimes accompanied by convulsions. Rubella - a rash in the form of red-pink dots on the body, fever and inflammation of the lymph nodes, sometimes other symptoms of a cold appear. Children under the age of one year are vaccinated against rubella and measles once every 12 months.

Rubella and measles vaccinations can be given in adulthood if they have not already been given and provided that the person has not had this disease. The measles vaccine is indicated for people under 35 years of age, for rubella - for young people under 17 years of age and girls under 25 years of age.

Influenza is a severe viral infection that causes inflammation of the airways, elevated temperature and even intoxication of the body, spreads rapidly and is easily transmitted. You can do it from six months, then the vaccine is done every year.

Flu shots are recommended every year for children who visit preschool institutions, schoolchildren and students, adults. It has been proven that a person in crowded places, as well as regularly in contact with other people, is more susceptible to colds.

The flu shot will strengthen the immune system and increase the body's resistance. The first vaccine can be given at six months of age. The procedure is recommended for schoolchildren and students, employees social institutions, people with weak immunity who often suffer from acute respiratory viral infections or acute respiratory infections.

many modern parents concerned about the question: should the baby be vaccinated. Moreover, opinions on this matter can be completely opposite: some argue that vaccination threatens with dangerous adverse reactions, while others agree that it is necessary to do all the vaccinations indicated in the calendar. Especially a lot of controversy is the issue of vaccination of a child who was recently born.

The feasibility of vaccination

Each of us is constantly in contact with a mass of microbes. Microorganisms are found on the skin, oral mucosa and nasal cavity, they enter the stomach along with food and water. Contact with any objects causes a new portion of microbes to enter the skin. Of course, it cannot be argued that all of them pose a threat to our health, because most are simply harmless. When a microbe enters the body, special substances are produced that prevent further reproduction of this type of microorganism.

This is how our specific immunity functions. Usually, antibodies are produced after a person has had one disease. But vaccination helps to develop an immune response even in the absence of this very first disease. Vaccination is an imitation of a pathogenic microbe. It allows you to deceive the immune system, as a result of which real antibodies are produced against weakened pathogenic microorganisms.

Unfortunately, not all childhood diseases can be cured. And no matter how much time and effort scientists spend, cures for some diseases are still under development. An example of a dangerous disease that only vaccination can protect against is poliomyelitis. Therefore, before refusing to be vaccinated, parents must weigh the pros and cons, because from decision depends on the health of the child.

Mandatory vaccinations

Many parents decide before the birth of the baby which vaccines the unborn child needs. And no matter how much mothers read the literature, how much they studied the instructions for the preparations, it is always difficult to make the final decision.

You can get acquainted with the mandatory vaccinations in the 2016 calendar. In this document, you will find information about which drugs should be given for immunization and how many doses are required to ensure a reliable immune response.

Almost immediately after birth, children in the maternity hospital are vaccinated against hepatitis B. Of course, not everyone agrees that the drug should be administered to a baby at such an early age. Experts say that a person is never as close to death as at the time of his birth. The birth is a wonderful, but at the same time very difficult event for both mother and baby. And to terrorize a delicate fragile body with the introduction of a dangerous drug is not worth it.

Therefore, scientists have improved the composition of the hepatitis B vaccine, excluding from it all the elements that can cause dangerous reactions. If earlier the drug was made on the basis of weakened microorganisms, then in 2016 only their proteins are used, which do not carry a special burden on the immune system.

Doctors advise against vaccinating against hepatitis B, as it is one of the most dangerous and common ailments. The disease is very insidious, because initial stages almost asymptomatic, which prevents timely diagnosis of the disease. In addition, hepatitis B very often acquires chronic form, so a person will have to deal with the symptoms of the disease all his life.

As indicated in the vaccination schedule, before the child reaches one year, the vaccine against this disease is done three times. The first dose, as already mentioned, is administered to children in the hospital, the second vaccination is given a month later, and the last one - 5 months after the previous one. Children need to be given the drug several times just because the vaccine is very light, and does not create strong immunity the first time. It is only after the third injection that a truly reliable immune response is formed.

The hepatitis B vaccine is given intramuscularly to children. Babies up to one year old are placed in the thigh, as the muscles are not yet sufficiently developed in babies. Older children are vaccinated already in the shoulder.

The next vaccination, indicated in the calendar as mandatory, is against tuberculosis (BCG). For children under one year old, it is done only once, approximately 5 days after birth. The next vaccination, according to the schedule, is done as early as 7 years. If you are going to deviate from the calendar and write a refusal to be vaccinated against tuberculosis, then you must take into account that every person in our country comes into contact with the bacillus that spreads this disease sooner or later.

Therefore, there is a huge chance that without immunization, the baby will get sick, no matter how much you protect him. The drug is administered to children under one year old in the shoulder using a syringe with a thin intradermal needle.

When the baby is 3 months old from the moment of birth, she will have to be vaccinated against 5 diseases. According to the 2016 schedule, children are first given a comprehensive vaccination against whooping cough, diphtheria and tetanus, then they are given an injection against Haemophilus influenzae.

The child is also vaccinated against polio, but unlike previous drugs, the vaccine is instilled into the mouth. Of course, doctors can use inactivated polio vaccine, which is also given to children by injection. It is much safer than the oral vaccine.

As indicated in the calendar, all three vaccinations should be given to a baby up to a year old two more times with an interval of one and a half months.

Video "List of vaccinations"

Which ones can you refuse?

Doctors zealously argue the need for vaccination, and are always very reluctant to refuse. Parents who do not want to vaccinate their children are threatened with a serious document - a vaccination calendar in the form of a table, which contains a list mandatory vaccinations. You may be told that if you do not make all the required injections before the end of the first year, then the baby will not be taken to kindergarten and school. But it's not. Doctors understand that mass refusal can provoke an epidemic.

You should know that no one will immunize a child under one year old without your agreement. Therefore, you can always write a refusal of any vaccine. Another question: how will all this affect the health of the child?

Moreover, even if the mother decided to follow the calendar, she should know: when the baby is sick, vaccinations should be postponed. And you don't have to worry about being behind schedule. A calendar that lists immunization schedules by month cannot be customized for each child. Yes, and it is not necessary.

If earlier a step forward, a step back from the chart was not allowed, then modern approach for vaccination involves taking into account individual features every child. You can always ask your pediatrician what vaccinations are best for you and how many doses should be given to your baby. The doctor will help you individual calendar which is perfect for you and your baby.

Video "When not to get vaccinated"

If you are in doubt whether to vaccinate your baby or refuse them, then do not miss the recommendations given by Dr. Komarovsky. Each parent will find useful information for themselves.

Vaccinations are familiar to every adult in the countries former USSR and so does every child. Everyone has ever been vaccinated against a variety of diseases. Children are no exception either, from the first days of life, the baby should be under the control of the pediatrician, and parents should make sure that he receives all the necessary procedures on time.

How to understand when and what vaccination he should receive? Of course, for parents there is a table of vaccinations for children under one year old, which helps to calculate the timing. However, before you strictly follow the schedule, the child must first be examined by a doctor, it is necessary to pass the tests assigned to them for blood and urine, to identify contraindications, because the body of each person is unique.

The Ministry of Health has approved a list of mandatory vaccinations that all children under one year of age must receive, however, there are additional ones that can be prescribed by a doctor or expressed by parents.

List of mandatory vaccinations for a child in 2016

During the first days of life, the baby should be vaccinated against viral hepatitis IN;

During the first 7 days of life (usually 3-4 days) he should receive a tuberculosis vaccination;

In a month, the child should be vaccinated against hepatitis B again;

At 3 months, the baby should receive the first DPT (adsorbed pertussis-diphtheria and tetanus vaccine), it immediately includes vaccines against several serious illnesses: whooping cough, diphtheria, tetanus, and poliomyelitis;

At 4 months, a second DTP is needed;

At six months, the baby must visit the medical center for vaccinations and receive the third, last DPT.

Then you need to re-vaccinate against hepatitis B;

The latest vaccinations are against measles, the causative agent of childhood rubella and mumps.

What vaccines to use?

Of course, you need to vaccinate children under one year old, the table is designed for an exact schedule, but in case of a pass, before next vaccination you should always consult with your doctor and find out the required interval between them.

Sometimes parents themselves purchase medicines at a pharmacy and ask the doctor to administer them to their child. This is often practiced, especially in private centers. The doctor writes out the name of the drug, the pharmacist gives it to the pharmacy. If the drug is not required, it is not included in vaccinations for children under one year old, it will not be in the table either.

However, it is important to simply inspect the issued drug: expiration date, integrity of the ampoules. Brand and company name is not a guarantee of quality. Compliance with storage temperature, especially if the injection is not made immediately, is of great importance.

Correct use

In the vaccination table for children under one year old, there are names of vaccines and the timing of their use, the rest depends on the attentiveness of the parents and the nurse who will administer the injection. She must check the medicines brought to her, the inscription on the box and inside on the ampoules, the integrity, their quantity in the vial, expiration dates.

If the drugs do not need to be purchased by themselves, parents need to watch how the drugs get and how the health workers perform the injection. The contents of the ampoule taken out of the refrigerator, it is better to warm up to room temperature. Enough to hold in your hand. If it was given out already warm, it is better to ask for a replacement. It is not known how long the ampoule was kept warm.

All ampoules and vials are opened by the health worker immediately, in the presence of the patient. A new syringe and cotton wool should also be immediately opened. Practice in some centers and independent purchases necessary items for injection by parents.

It is also worth paying attention that the ampoules are not transferred to another room, but immediately used after opening.

Storage conditions for drugs purchased by yourself

Most vaccines require a cold storage mode, so if the injection is not given immediately, but a day is prescribed and the product needs to be stored at home, it is worth studying the storage conditions indicated on the box or in the instructions separately.

If refrigeration is required, refrigerate or refrigerate faster in the freezer for several hours. For transfer, a simple thermos with ice or plastic bottles with frozen water.

Most drugs require a temperature not higher than 2-6C. The thermos bag is convenient and modern version storage and transport of the vaccine. It is necessary to wrap the bottle or ampoule in foil during storage and transportation without damaging the marking.

Is it possible to refuse vaccination?

Vaccinations for children under one year of age (2016 table above) are considered mandatory. Failure to comply with the schedule and complete refusal of vaccination is regarded as a violation of the rights of the child. In addition, after a few years, arranging a child in a kindergarten or school, one may encounter difficulties. All kindergartens and schools require a medical card, which indicates the dates and names of vaccinations.

Of course, some people are "against", especially when the child is still in infancy. The only fear that speaks against vaccination is: "There can be complications from vaccinations!" The fears are in vain. After all, these are the achievements of medicine, a way to protect children from many unpleasant and terrible diseases that in the past caused the death of most children just under a year old. An example is the simplest version of the flu, which literally destroyed families in the recent past.

It is extremely important to observe vaccinations for children under one year old according to the 2016 table if there are no allergies and other contraindications. High-quality vaccination will protect against many health problems and strengthen the immune system.

Vaccination of children in Russia is carried out according to a certain schedule, which is called the vaccination calendar. Our national vaccination calendar is one of the most comprehensive in the world. It is approved at the legislative level and is used throughout the country. In addition to routine vaccinations, there are vaccinations for epidemic indications, which are given in some regions when there is a threat of an epidemic.

Despite the thoroughness of the vaccination calendar, vaccinations are not mandatory. Parents may well refuse to vaccinate their child by providing a written refusal. Read more about the vaccination calendar, vaccines and vaccination rules, as well as about refusing it, read below.

What laws regulate vaccination of children

There are several laws behind the development of the vaccination calendar and the vaccination of children:

  1. Federal Law "On Immunoprophylaxis of Infectious Diseases".
  2. "Fundamentals of the legislation of the Russian Federation on the protection of the health of citizens."
  3. Law of the Russian Federation "On the sanitary and epidemiological welfare of the population".

These documents describe the entire vaccination procedure, including a list of recommended vaccinations and possible complications after them. So, vaccination of children under one year old includes vaccinations against the following diseases:

  • Viral hepatitis;
  • Tuberculosis;
  • Whooping cough;
  • Diphtheria;
  • Tetanus;
  • Hemophilus infection;
  • Polio;
  • Measles;
  • Rubella;
  • Mumps.

In the event of an epidemic of other diseases, vaccinations may be given unscheduled. The situation with outbreaks of infection is constantly monitored and the regions falling into the "risk zone" are under the control of the Ministry of Health.

National calendar of preventive vaccinations for children under one year old

Every year the vaccination calendar changes a little, some additions are made to it. Basically, they relate to the procedure for vaccination, and the vaccination schedule remains the same:

Age Vaccination name Vaccine Notes
1 day(newborn) - The first vaccination against viral hepatitis B Angerix V, Combiotech It is especially necessary for newborns whose mothers are carriers of the virus or have acute or chronic hepatitis.
3-7 days(newborn) - Vaccination against tuberculosis BCG-M Not to be confused with the Mantoux reaction. Mantoux is not a vaccination, but an analysis for the presence of immunity, it is carried out after a year. If there is no immunity, the BCG vaccination is repeated.
Baby at 1 month – Second vaccination against viral hepatitis B Angerix V, Combiotech
Baby at 2 months Angerix V, Combiotech It is put only for children at risk.
Baby at 3 months - First vaccination against whooping cough, diphtheria and tetanus DPT, Infanrix, Pentaxim Each vaccination has its own vaccine, however, all 3 vaccinations can be given "in one shot" if you use the combined Pentaxim vaccine.
- First vaccination against Haemophilus influenzae Act-HIB, Hiberix, Pentaxim
- First polio vaccination OPV, IPV, Pentaxim
Baby at 4.5 months - Second vaccination against whooping cough, diphtheria and tetanus DPT, Infanrix, Pentaxim
- Second vaccination against Haemophilus influenzae Act-HIB, Hiberix, Pentaxim
- Second polio vaccination OPV, IPV, Pentaxim
Baby at 6 months - Third vaccination against whooping cough, diphtheria and tetanus DTP, Infanrix, Pentaxim, Bubo-Kok The whooping cough, diphtheria, and tetanus vaccine can be given "in one shot" with the hepatitis vaccine if the Bubo-Kok combination vaccine is used.
– Third vaccination against Haemophilus influenzae Act-HIB, Hiberix, Pentaxim
- Third polio vaccination OPV, IPV, Pentaxim
– Third vaccination against viral hepatitis B Angerix V, Combiotech, Bubo-Kok
Baby at 12 months - Vaccination against measles, rubella and mumps MMR II, Priorix
- Fourth hepatitis B vaccine Angerix V, Combiotech Only for children at risk.

The next vaccinations are waiting for the baby at 1.5 years and at 1 year.8 months. - This is a revaccination against whooping cough, diphtheria and tetanus, as well as against polio.

About Vaccines

Up to a year, the child will have to receive 14 vaccinations (taking into account the fact that some vaccinations are given in several stages), and mothers will have to find out many names of vaccines and decide which vaccine to give the child. Let's try to figure out what vaccines are.

  1. Hepatitis vaccine. It contains individual proteins of the hepatitis B virus. The genetic material of the virus is absent. In response to the introduction of the vaccine, immunity is formed, it is impossible to get sick in this way.
  2. Tuberculosis vaccine. Contains attenuated bovine tuberculosis bacteria. In humans, they do not cause disease, but lead to the formation of strong immunity. To develop stable immunity, it is necessary that the tubercle bacillus is constantly in the body.
  3. Whooping cough, diphtheria and tetanus vaccine. The most severe in these diseases is the poisoning of the body with toxins. The vaccine contains precisely toxins, but in a very weakened form. They do not cause disease, but the body develops immunity.
  4. Polio vaccine. There are two types: live and inactivated. The live vaccine is directly the polio virus in a very weakened form. This vaccine comes in the form of drops and can cause a mild form of polio in a child. The inactivated vaccine contains only the protein coats of the viruses. It is injected subcutaneously, can not cause disease, but the effect of it is lower. Since the polio vaccine is given in 2 stages, sometimes an inactivated vaccine is given first and a second shot is given live.
  5. Measles, rubella and mumps vaccine. Contains weakened viruses that cause these diseases. The vaccine is safe, that is, it is impossible to get sick from it, while immunity is developed.

How to vaccinate correctly - what moms need to know

Parents are the worst fears likely consequences vaccinations, among which there are very serious complications:

  • Anaphylactic shock;
  • Strong allergic reactions(Quincke's edema, Steven-Johnson syndrome);
  • Poliomyelitis (after vaccination against polio);
  • Encephalitis, meningitis, neuritis and other CNS lesions;
  • Generalized infection, osteitis, osteomyelitis after BCG vaccination;
  • Chronic arthritis after rubella vaccine.

The likelihood of such complications, of course, scares young parents. To reduce the risk of complications, you need to vaccinate in compliance with all the rules.

Basic Rules

1. The vaccination schedule is the recommended vaccination schedule for your baby. It can be changed if there are reasons to delay or stop the vaccination altogether. The reason for the temporary medical withdrawal may be:

  • Malaise, cold, fever;
  • Exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • recent blood transfusion;
  • Prematurity.

In each case, the duration of the medical withdrawal is determined individually, usually from a week to 1 month. Indication for complete abolition vaccination is:

  • Allergic reaction to a previous vaccination;
  • Congenital or acquired immunodeficiency.

2. Vaccination can only be given after a thorough examination by a doctor. The doctor's task is not only to thoroughly examine the child, measure the temperature and ask the mother about the characteristics of the baby's body. Another important point is informing the mother about the vaccination itself. The doctor should tell you what vaccination will be given, how it works, what vaccine will be administered, what complications are possible after vaccination. Good to know! — .

3. Mom can choose which vaccine to give the child. In the clinic, all vaccinations are given free of charge, but if parents do not want to put the vaccine that was purchased at the clinic, they can buy their own. This is usually done if they want to supply a higher quality imported vaccine or make a comprehensive vaccination.

Moms take note!

Hello girls) I didn’t think that the problem of stretch marks would affect me, but I’ll write about it))) But I have nowhere to go, so I’m writing here: How did I get rid of stretch marks after childbirth? I will be very glad if my method helps you too ...

4. The vaccine can be stored and transported only in the cold, at a temperature of 2-8C. This rule applies, first of all, to the situation when the mother buys the vaccine herself, since in the pharmacy and clinic all the rules for storage and transportation are observed unconditionally. When buying a vaccine at a pharmacy, you need to buy a cold element (“snowball”) for it and be sure to take a check. This may be needed at the pediatrician's office to confirm that the vaccine is fresh and stored correctly.

5. The child is vaccinated by a nurse in the treatment room. She enters all vaccination data (date, name of the vaccine) into the map. After vaccination, the task of parents is to monitor the condition of the baby and take action if the vaccine gives a reaction. Most frequent occurrence- temperature increase. How to control reaction child's body and what to do if the temperature rises - read here (link).


How to refuse vaccination

Vaccinations are not mandatory, so if parents are against vaccinations for fear of complications, they can write a written refusal. An application can be written by one of the parents addressed to the head physician of the children's clinic (or maternity hospital, if the vaccination is refused there). There is no clear application form, but there is a good example of what it should be:


I, (full name), residing at: (...) declare my refusal from all preventive vaccinations (including vaccinations against hepatitis B, tuberculosis, diphtheria, whooping cough, tetanus, poliomyelitis, hemophilic infection, measles, mumps, rubella) and TB care for my child (name) until they are 15 years old.

This refusal is a deliberate decision, and fully complies with the norms of the current legislation, including:

1) Art. 32 (on consent to medical intervention) and Art. 33 (on the right to refuse medical intervention) "Fundamentals of the legislation of the Russian Federation on the protection of the health of citizens" dated July 22, 1993 No. 5487-1;

2) Art. 5 (on the right to refuse vaccination) and art. 11 (on vaccination with the consent of the parents of minors) of the federal law of the Russian Federation "On the immunoprophylaxis of infectious diseases" dated September 17, 1998 No. 157-FZ;

3) Art. 7, part 3 (on the provision of anti-tuberculosis care to minors only with the consent of their legal representatives) of the federal law "On the Prevention of the Spread of Tuberculosis in Russian Federation» dated June 18, 2001 No. 77-FZ.

I ask you to ensure that the medical documentation for my child is unconditional, without vaccination requirements. In form 063, please note that there are no vaccinations on the basis of Art. 5 and 11 of the Law of the Russian Federation "On Immunoprophylaxis of Infectious Diseases".

If you refuse, a copy of this application and my complaint will be sent to the relevant authorities and organizations to take measures to stop your illegal actions.

________________ (date) ________________ (signature)

Not vaccinating should be a really deliberate decision, made not only on the basis of horror stories from the Internet, but also on the basis of consultation with a specialist whom you personally trust.

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Hello girls! Today I will tell you how I managed to get in shape, lose 20 kilograms, and finally get rid of terrible complexes. fat people. I hope the information is useful to you!

The vaccination calendar that exists in Russia is one of the most extensive in the world. By 2017 he was in Once again revised by the Ministry of Health, some amendments have been introduced. For example, in the new calendar of preventive vaccinations, the number of children at risk has been increased. The schedule is relevant for the entire territory of the country, its modification is possible only in those regions where high epidemiological indicators for any type of infection will be revealed.

The national vaccination calendar is compiled in accordance with the order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation No. 229 "On the national calendar of preventive vaccinations and the calendar of preventive vaccinations for epidemic indications", as well as the law No. 157-ФЗ "On Immunoprophylaxis". Both documents are available for review on the website of the Ministry of Health.

Many parents are interested in the question: “Is it necessary to vaccinate a child?”. The answer is in article 5. federal law No. 157 and is confirmed by order No. 229. In paragraph one of this article, in addition to other rights during immunoprophylaxis, it is noted that citizens have the right to refuse preventive vaccinations. There are no compulsory vaccinations in our country. Paragraph three obliges to confirm the refusal in writing, that is, by submitting an application.

When deciding to refuse vaccination, it must be remembered that this will entail a number of restrictions:

  • if mass infectious infections break out or a threat of an epidemic is declared, a child without vaccinations may be temporarily denied access to an educational (health) institution;
  • will be prohibited from traveling to countries where, according to international agreements and health regulations, certain vaccinations are required.

Medical and educational institutions currently focused on mass vaccination. Therefore, the school leadership literally "drives" entire classes into the treatment room, not being interested in the wishes of the child and parents regarding vaccination. Therefore, it is important that the student knows that no one and in any organization has the right to give him injections, give him medicines, examine and perform other medical procedures without the consent of parents or guardians.

If a child is under pressure from teachers or health workers, he can simply go home. Parents must first submit a waiver in the name of the head, a copy of this document to keep with them.

If the child is small and cannot defend his rights on his own, you will have to not only formalize the refusal (order No. 229), but also verbally warn the immediate environment (caregivers, nurses, midwives) about it. It is important that the copy left on hand is signed by a responsible person and notarized.

Forced vaccination violates Law No. 157 of the Russian Federation, Order No. 229 and may be a reason to apply to the Prosecutor's Office.

Vaccination calendar for 2019

7 yearsRevaccination against tuberculosis
Second revaccination against diphtheria, tetanus BCG

Age Name of vaccination Vaccine
(in the first 24 hours of life)
Newborns (3-7 days) BCG-M
1 month Second vaccination against viral hepatitis B
2 month Third vaccination against viral hepatitis B (risk groups)
3 month First vaccination against diphtheria, whooping cough, tetanus
4.5 months Second vaccination against diphtheria, whooping cough, tetanus
Second vaccination against Haemophilus influenzae
Second polio vaccination
Second pneumococcal vaccination
6 months Third vaccination against diphtheria, whooping cough, tetanus
Third vaccination against Haemophilus influenzae
Third polio vaccination
Third vaccination against viral hepatitis B
12 months
Fourth vaccination against viral hepatitis B (risk groups)
Vaccination against chicken pox before entering preschool educational organizations, the children of the orphanages
15 months Revaccination against pneumococcal infection
18 months First revaccination against diphtheria, whooping cough, tetanus, poliomyelitis
Revaccination against Haemophilus influenzae (risk groups)
20 months Second revaccination against polio
3-6 years old Vaccination against hepatitis A for children before entering preschool educational organizations
6 years Revaccination against measles, rubella, mumps
6-7 years old Revaccination against tuberculosis
Second revaccination against diphtheria, tetanus
Girls 12-13 years old Vaccination against human papillomavirus
13 years Vaccination against viral hepatitis B (previously unvaccinated)
14 years Third revaccination against diphtheria, tetanus
Third revaccination against polio
adults Revaccination against diphtheria, tetanus - every 10 years from the last revaccination ADS
Additional immunization of the population against hepatitis B, rubella, poliomyelitis with an inactivated vaccine and influenza
Age Name of vaccination Vaccine
Children from 1 to 18 years old,
adults aged 18 to 55 who have not been previously vaccinated
Vaccination against viral hepatitis B
Children from 1 to 18 years old, not ill, not vaccinated, vaccinated once against rubella;
girls from 18 to 25 years old, not ill, not previously vaccinated
Rubella Immunization
Children early age With clinical signs immunodeficiency state (frequent pustular diseases);
HIV-infected or born to HIV-infected mothers;
with an established diagnosis of oncohematological diseases and / or long-term receiving immunosuppressive therapy;
children who are at the 2nd stage of nursing and have reached the age of 3 months;
pupils of orphanages (regardless of the state of health);
children from families where there are patients with immunodeficiency diseases
Vaccination against polio with inactivated vaccine
Children from 6 months of age,
children attending preschool
students in grades 1-11,
students of higher and secondary specialized educational institutions,
medical workers,
employees of educational institutions,
adults over 60
Influenza vaccination

Vaccination Notes

There are additional conditions for the introduction of some vaccines:

  1. Hepatitis B vaccination is given to absolutely all children on the first day of life, including those born healthy women, as well as newborns from risk groups.
  2. Newborns are vaccinated against tuberculosis with BCG-M. In the regions of Russia, where the incidence rate exceeds 80 cases per 100,000 of the population, and in cases where tuberculosis patients are identified in the child's family, BCG is used for vaccination.
  3. Hepatitis B vaccinations are given according to the 0-1-2-12 schedule. The first vaccine is administered on the first day of life, the second - at 1 month, the third - at 2 months, the fourth - a year. The scheme is the same for all children, including newborns from risk groups.
  4. Vaccination against hepatitis B - according to the scheme 0-3-6. The first vaccine is administered at the time determined by the doctor, the second - three months after the first, the third - six months after the first. This scheme is used for all newborns and children not included in risk groups.
  5. For vaccination against polio, an inactivated vaccine is used, which is administered three times to all children under the age of one.
  6. Tuberculosis revaccination is intended for tuberculous-negative (not having tuberculosis bacteria) children aged 7 and 14 years with BCG.
  7. In regions of Russia with an incidence rate of less than 40 cases per 100,000 of the population, tuberculosis revaccination at the age of 14 is carried out with BCG for children who are not vaccinated at the age of 7 and do not have tuberculosis bacteria.
  8. All vaccines presented in the 2017 immunization schedule for children are produced in Russia and in foreign countries. They are registered and approved for use in our country, subject to the prescribed procedure and instructions for use.
  9. Children under one year old from hepatitis B are recommended to be vaccinated with a drug that does not contain the preservative thiomersal.
  10. All vaccines of the national vaccination schedule presented in the table above, with the exception of BCG and BCG-M, are allowed to be administered with a break of a month or simultaneously, but using separate syringes and in different places.
  11. If the timing of the start of vaccination is missed, then it is carried out according to the scheme provided for by the calendar of mandatory vaccinations and in accordance with the instructions for the use of vaccines.
  12. Vaccination of children whose mothers are HIV-infected is carried out according to the preventive vaccination schedule for children, but according to an individually drawn up schedule and taking into account instructions for the use of toxoids and vaccines.
  13. When vaccinating children born from HIV-infected women, it is necessary to take into account: the type of vaccine, the presence or absence of immunodeficiency in a child, age, comorbidities.
  14. All children born to HIV-infected mothers are given inactivated and recombinant drugs, regardless of whether the child himself is infected and at what stage of the disease he is.
  15. After a diagnosis is made in order to exclude immunodeficiency, children with HIV infection are given live preparations for vaccination. If no immunodeficiency is detected, then live vaccines are given in accordance with the vaccination schedule for children in the National Calendar. If immunodeficiency is detected, then the use of live vaccines is prohibited.
  16. Six months after the first vaccination of HIV-infected people with a live vaccine against measles, mumps and rubella, the amount of antibodies is determined. If they are absent, then a second vaccine is administered.

Non-compliance with the schedule of vaccinations

vaccination table National calendar determines vaccination according to age. But these figures only approximately indicate the beginning of the introduction of drugs. It is necessary to remember: optimal age to start vaccination is determined individually. The pediatrician has the right to deviate from the calendar if the child has developmental disorders, an acute course of any disease, or allergic reactions.

Earlier than the scheduled time, the vaccine can be delivered to a child with a developmental lead or if there is a tense epidemiological situation. In other words, when there are infected people in the family or in the school class, it is worth delivering the vaccine without waiting for the scheduled day.

It is necessary to postpone the vaccination if the child has recently had any infectious disease. In order to understand whether he fully recovered, you need to wait a few weeks, in the case of acute respiratory infections and influenza - about a month. Only then can the vaccine be given. But this does not mean that a frequently ill child may not be vaccinated at all. Due to a weakened immune system, the risk of catching an infection is much greater.

Contraindications for vaccination include some of the congenital diseases, chronic inflammatory processes. It should be noted that with a qualified and prudent approach to the procedure, a child with contraindications can also be vaccinated.

In this case, with the consent of the parents, use A complex approach, including preparation for the administration of the drug, the administration itself and measures to neutralize complications (if necessary).

For school age the number of vaccinations is declining. Vaccinations against viral hepatitis and rubella have been added to the 2017 vaccination calendar in Russia, but they are optional.

The total number of routine vaccinations is calculated for a child with weak immunity. In most children today, it is reduced. Statistics show that the number of children who fell ill, despite the vaccinations, has increased. That is, their the immune system failed to develop antibodies even after vaccination. But there is also positive moment All of these children recovered without complications.

You can deviate from the vaccination schedule if the child has strong immunity. In this case, a more rare inoculation with the same vaccine is possible. But in order to determine how strong the immunity is really strong, you need to go through a series diagnostic procedures which are held in large medical centers privately. Children's clinics do not provide such services.

The national vaccination schedule is designed in such a way that the vaccines included in it are expressed negative impact cannot be given to a child. The body's reactions to the vaccine administered are much safer and easier than the disease itself.

Changes and additions to the children's vaccination schedule occur annually. Updates are approved by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation based on data practical work doctors. The document is always focused on the current state of children's health.

When working with the vaccination schedule for 2017, forecasts for an increase in the total number of carriers of infections were taken into account and a resolution part of the procedures was created based on indicators of the epidemiological situation.

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