Will they take to kindergarten without vaccinations. Will they take to kindergarten without mandatory vaccinations: what to do if the child is not taken

Every year, the percentage of young parents who are categorical opponents of vaccination is only growing. This is partly due to the publication of new statistics on the adverse effects of vaccinations, partly due to the growing cult of "naturalness".

Whatever the parental motives, sooner or later, new moms and dads will have to face the rejection of their point of view by others. For example, it is almost impossible to avoid conflict by trying to enroll an unvaccinated child in kindergarten.

What does the legislation say?

Does an unvaccinated child have the right to go to kindergarten? Omitting such points as the risk of contracting dangerous diseases and the threat of an epidemiological situation, let's move on to what is said in this regard in Russian legislation. What are the medical grounds for refusing admission to a preschool educational institution?

According to the Federal Law "On Immunoprophylaxis" (specifically, its article number 5), a parent has every right to refuse to vaccinate his child. This leads to the logical conclusion that there are no “mandatory” vaccinations for admission to kindergarten and cannot exist. However, there are 2 exceptions to this rule:

  1. An unvaccinated child will not be taken to kindergarten if he already has something for which he should have been vaccinated.
  2. It will not be possible to quickly arrange a baby in a kindergarten without a vaccination card even if there is a threat of a mass epidemic in the city. In this case, the received refusal will be considered temporary. It will be canceled as soon as the local epidemiological situation improves.

What to do if the child is not accepted into the kindergarten without vaccinations?

Dear reader!

This article talks about typical ways to solve your questions, but each case is unique! If you want to know how to solve your particular problem - ask your question. It's fast and free!

As we have already found out, the refusal of the head of a preschool institution to accept unvaccinated children within the walls of the institution entrusted to him is not legal. What should parents do when faced with such a violation of the rights of their children? First of all, young mothers and fathers should make sure that when preparing documents for admission to a preschool educational institution, they have provided for all the subtleties specified in the legislation.

Preparation of documents in the clinic and writing a refusal of vaccinations

Many newly-born parents forget to take into account one important point: a baby without a vaccination card will not be accepted into any kindergarten if the guardians responsible for his health refused preventive vaccination only formally. In other words, the reluctance to increase the immunity of the crumbs through injections will have to be documented. This can be done by writing an official refusal of vaccinations. What it is?

A refusal to vaccinate is a statement written in the form established by law, declaring the intention of the parents or official guardians of a preschooler to avoid his preventive vaccination. A form for such an appeal can be obtained at the clinic visited by the baby, or downloaded on the Internet. In the latter case, parents should be especially careful: from year to year, the standards for writing a refusal to vaccinate can change greatly. It is mandatory to indicate only:

  • Name of the applicant;
  • his address of residence;
  • the names of all vaccinations from which there is an intention to refuse.

Traditionally, the appeal is drawn up in the name of the head of the medical institution that vaccinates children in a particular microdistrict.

It is on the basis of the statement signed by the head physician of the polyclinic that the district pediatrician will be able to issue a certificate allowing the child to visit the preschool educational institution.

We take documents to the garden

A certificate-permission to visit a general educational institution is the only medical document required for enrollment in a kindergarten. If it is available, the child is simply obliged to take it to the preschool educational institution, even if the baby does not have a vaccination card.

This is what the law prescribes, but, unfortunately, not everyone strives to follow it. What about parents whose child is not taken to kindergarten without vaccinations? Practice shows that the following tactics are the most effective:

  1. First of all, you need to try to calm down. A scandal in the office of the head of the kindergarten is unlikely to help defend the child's right to preschool education.
  2. Require the responsible employees of the preschool educational institution to justify their refusal to enroll the child in the group in writing. During the conversation, it is worth using a voice recorder in case parents are unlawfully refused to provide documented explanations.
  3. Regardless of the results achieved during the second step, file a complaint about what happened with the Ministry of Education. It is at this stage that the written refusal of the head of the preschool educational institution and the dictaphone recording of the dialogue with him will be useful as material evidence.

The last step is worth dwelling on in detail. How to file a complaint against the head and other responsible employees of the preschool educational institution who refuse to admit unvaccinated children to the kindergarten?

Complaint against garden workers

Before filing a complaint against the administration of the preschool educational institution with the Ministry of Education, you need to make sure that the application contains all the information required to assess the situation. In particular, it is worth mentioning:

What to do if the Ministry of Education is in no hurry to respond to the application, and the child has not been provided with a place in the garden? Complain to higher authorities! The appeal must be duplicated in the district administration and the prosecutor's office, not forgetting to tell in it about the inaction of the employees of the Ministry.

How to refuse to have a child vaccinated in kindergarten?

Responsible parents know that it is not enough to go to kindergarten unvaccinated.

It is much more difficult to convince preschool staff of their unwillingness to participate in preventive vaccination (which is carried out regularly in preschool institutions) in the future.

Is there a risk that the baby will be vaccinated without warning his relatives? How to exclude the baby from the vaccination lists once and for all?

According to Russian law, it is unlawful to perform any medical procedures on a person without his consent. This rule also applies to vaccinations. In the case of a preschooler, consent to vaccination (in writing) must be given by their legal guardians. In the absence of such a paper, a medical worker in a preschool educational institution will not be able to vaccinate a child, otherwise he will violate the law. The only thing that will remain in his competence is to inform young parents about the negative consequences of ignoring vaccination.

Possible consequences of not vaccinating

The law requires that young parents be warned of all the consequences of refusing to vaccinate in the first days of their child's life by a pediatrician observing the baby. Moms and dads can re-read the provisions on this issue themselves. Article No. 5 of the Federal Law “On immunoprophylaxis” will help them with this, which states the following:

  1. Unvaccinated citizens (including children) do not have the right to enter countries where they are supposed to be vaccinated.
  2. Refusal of immunization can create career restrictions. So, without a vaccination card, a person will not be hired for a job associated with an increased risk of contracting infectious diseases.
  3. If the epidemiological situation in the country worsens, an unvaccinated citizen may be denied some opportunities, including being in specialized (including educational and medical) institutions.

I have repeatedly heard that a child will not be admitted to a kindergarten without vaccinations, but I decided that I would solve problems as they become available. And now, it's time to send my unvaccinated daughter to kindergarten ...

We were rarely seen at the local polyclinic, all the deadlines for vaccinations had passed, and when we came to bypass the doctors for the kindergarten, our doctor did not persuade us once again to “think, and still give at least some vaccinations”. She flipped through our half-empty medical card, and silently issued a medical certificate form for bypassing specialists. We went to all the necessary doctors, and handed over a card for the signature of the head of the clinic that the child is healthy and can go to kindergarten. But the manager refused to give us a signed card until we put a Mantoux test. From that moment it all started...


I was already familiar with the Laws at that time, and I was very determined. She asked in writing to provide a paper, on what basis she refuses to allow visiting the garden, with a request to indicate the number of the regulatory document. Attached to the letter was a statement in which she refused the Mantoux test. I prepared copies for the city health department and the district prosecutor. But, fortunately, it was not necessary to use them, because. after reading the refusal, the card was immediately signed and given to me unconditionally.


The head of the kindergarten, where we got a job, received us very warmly. A very sweet woman who lives with all her heart in her work, knows every child as her own. She invited a nurse to meet us, who, opening our card ... gasped.

We cannot take you.
- Why?
- Your child is not vaccinated, he is sick. All of our children are vaccinated. And yours will infect ours.
- Firstly, my child is healthy, this is written in the medical record. Secondly, if the children in the kindergarten are all vaccinated, as you say, then why will they get sick?
- ... (pause) ... Anyway, I can't take you. Am I tired of living?

This phrase took me by surprise. But I calmly continued the conversation. Then she briefly mentioned the Law “On Immunoprophylaxis”, which gives the right to an unvaccinated child to visit children's institutions (with the exception of periods of epidemics, officially recognized and signed by the chief sanitary doctor of the city). They began to tell me that I needed to go to the sanitary and epidemiological station, get some kind of certificate ... go to the head physician of some hospital, get some kind of permission ... I refused, because they didn’t give me any justification for this.

After that, they returned all the documents for registration to the kindergarten, and they said that I needed to think and consult. They agreed that I would come up in a few days and bring a refusal of vaccinations, where, at their request, I had to write that “I was warned about the consequences, and I take responsibility for the life of the child.”

These few days were enough for me to find comprehensive information, to consult with knowledgeable people, doctors, lawyers.


I prepared thoroughly. I wrote a refusal, listing all the laws and regulations, in an extremely bureaucratic style. She paid special attention to the fact that this refusal is a deliberate and balanced decision made on the basis of a detailed and comprehensive study of issues related to vaccination, personal experience and does not contradict the norms of the current legislation, including:

1) art. 26 (on the human right to public access to education) of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights,

2) Art. 43 (on the right to education, including preschool) of the Constitution of the Russian Federation,

3) Art. 5, part 1 (on the possibility of obtaining education by citizens of the Russian Federation, regardless of the state of health, gender, beliefs and other factors) of the Law of the Russian Federation "On Education",

4) Art. 32 (on consent to medical intervention) and Art. 33 (on the right to refuse medical intervention) "Fundamentals of the legislation of the Russian Federation on the protection of the health of citizens",

5) art. 5 (on the right to refuse vaccination and to receive complete and objective information from medical workers about the need for vaccinations) and art. 11 (on vaccination with the consent of the parents of minors) of the Law of the Russian Federation "On Immunoprophylaxis of Infectious Diseases".

A separate point - about responsibility for the life of a child ... I have never heard that a doctor who administers a vaccine takes responsibility in writing for the consequences of vaccinations, or at least warns about the consequences. And in general, what does taking responsibility for a refusal imply? That a parent guarantees that no one will be disturbed if an unvaccinated child gets a "vaccinated" disease? Refuse to rely on social benefits? Or will they legally refuse to treat him? In addition, the Federal Law "On Immunoprophylaxis" does not establish any exact form of refusal, it speaks only of a written form. This means that any refusal will be valid if it is written and signed by the parent (mother or father).

A few days later, as agreed, we again returned to our conversation. In order not to waste time, I gave for familiarization (and the signature of all those present) the refusal of vaccinations in triplicate. One - to the medical card, the second - to the head, the third - to me. I prepared a letter where, in case of refusal to accept a child, I should have justified the reasons for the refusal in writing. With this letter, I was firmly convinced to go to court.

I think that largely due to my determination to defend the truth and calmness in my voice, after a short debate, we signed an agreement to attend a kindergarten.

So, information, information, and once again information. Thankfully it exists and is readily available. This is what allows us to defend our rights and our children. Yet, we live in a democratic country, and are protected by Laws. And if they are not fulfilled somewhere, then the more public attention is drawn to this, the fewer such cases will be.

By the way, about Laws.


The federal law "On Immunoprophylaxis" was adopted on September 17, 1998. Actually, the clause on the right to refuse vaccination was added to the law not because the state suddenly decided not to vaccinate children, but completely by force. Russia joined Europe in 1996, and this imposes certain obligations on the country.

As a result, in May 1998, Russia had to ratify the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, the direct result of which was the adoption of a number of Federal Laws (not only in the field of health), "cleaning up" the arbitrariness that took place in the country. Because with such egregious violations of fundamental human rights, Russia would not have been accepted into Europe.


It is often said that there are certain regulations and laws, according to which a child cannot attend kindergarten without vaccinations. However, no one has ever seen these "mysterious" laws?

There was a case when one mother (during the placement of her son in a kindergarten) was presented with the Order of the Ministry of Health of the USSR No. 426 dated March 28, 1986 "On measures to improve the prevention of measles", which states that a child cannot attend kindergarten without measles vaccination . (Here comedians!) The USSR has not existed on the world map for a long time, and the Federal Law "On Immunoprophylaxis" was adopted on September 17, 1998. Accordingly, the Order of the Ministry of Health of the USSR No. 426 of March 28, 1986 automatically loses its force.

And, in my humble opinion, in no case should we go where they send us (to the SES, for fluorography, for retake tests, x-rays, etc.), until it has been proven to us that we are required to do so by law. In any case, BEFORE YOU PROVE TO THEM THAT WE ARE NOT OBLIGED TO DO SOMETHING, IT IS USEFUL TO ASK THEM TO PROVE US AGAINST.

If the case goes to court, then for the defendant (the kindergarten administration, for example) it will be losing in advance. Maybe that's why it almost never reaches the court.

And as an attempt at consolation, I will say that after a certain age it becomes easier. Approximately from the age of 4, vaccination fights subside - new "acquaintances" by default decide that the child is fully vaccinated (not least because the child looks, contrary to popular legend, alive and quite healthy).

New vaccinations have not been on the calendar for some time, and old "acquaintances" are already tired of fighting, the deadlines are passing, the reporting has long been submitted, which is now "breaking spears". Some healthcare workers are even (secretly) beginning to approve, sharing the stunning news that they don't vaccinate their children either...

Galina Prugova, mother of 5-year-old Valentina

You have the right, but how do you use it? After all, as an explanation for the refusal, you will most likely be told that the administration of the kindergarten has the responsibility to create conditions that are safe for the life and health of children.

A component of this duty is to ensure that in the kindergarten, theoretically and practically, there is no possibility for the occurrence of mass diseases among children. This is realistic only if all babies are timely and fully vaccinated against various infectious diseases.

In this article, we will not discuss the . To some parents, vaccination seems pointless, others believe that it is a crime not to get vaccinated in our time.

Leaving all the disputes, we will analyze the legal aspects of situations in which unvaccinated children are refused to be accepted into the kindergarten.

1. A child is denied admission to a preschool

Since 1998, namely, since the adoption of the Federal Law "On Immunoprophylaxis of Infectious Diseases", Vaccinations in our country are voluntary. It is not necessary to have certain medical exemptions, parents can refuse vaccinations without indications. This is guaranteed not only by the above law, but also by the Fundamentals of Protecting the Health of Citizens in the Russian Federation.

As often happens

In reality, it happens that the manager does not want to listen to anything, repeating: “We do not accept without vaccinations, we have the right.”

What does the law say?

The consequences of refusal to vaccinate are prescribed in Art. 5 of the Federal Law "On immunoprophylaxis of infectious diseases" and include:

Ban on travel to certain countries;
refusal to hire or dismissal from work, the performance of which is associated with a high risk of contracting infectious diseases;
temporary refusal to admit citizens to educational organizations and health-improving institutions in the event of mass infectious diseases or the threat of epidemics.

This list is limited and not subject to broad interpretation. The administration of the kindergarten likes to motivate its refusal with the last point. But here, too, there are two reservations, two very important conditions.

First, the waiver must be temporary., that is, you can not forbid the baby to visit the garden at all.

Secondly, only in the event of a mass infectious disease or a threat of occurrence. All restrictive measures can be introduced only by decision of state or municipal authorities, as well as chief state sanitary doctors and their deputies. This is expressly stated in Art. 31 and Art. 51 of the Federal Law "On the sanitary and epidemiological welfare of the population".

What should parents do?

Ask the preschool management to justify the refusal, having previously explained that it has the right to refer to the unfavorable epidemiological situation only if there are decisions of authorities or local governments that have entered into force.

✓ Naturally, the waiver must be made in writing.

✓ After receiving a written refusal, you need to come to the department (department) of education in your area with an application addressed to the leadership.

The text of the statement is something like this: “I, as the legal representative of my child, full name, ask you to consider and cancel the decision of the head of MDOU No. 4 to refuse to accept my unvaccinated child in kindergarten as illegal and violating federal laws and sanitary rules. In case of refusal to comply with my request, I reserve the right to apply to the court. Date, signature.

You can also write a letter by e-mail, just put a read receipt and print a page with outgoing documents. If you have not received a response within 30 days, file a similar application with the court. Refusal to admit a child to a preschool institution in the absence of preventive vaccinations violates the child's constitutional right guaranteed by law to access to education.

2. A healthy child is not allowed into kindergarten, as other children are being vaccinated

Unfortunately, recently it often happens that the kindergarten administration does not accept healthy children for a period of 60 days or more. The reason is the vaccination of other children in the preschool educational institution with a live vaccine, for example, against polio.

What does the law say?

The medical staff of the garden will refer to clause 9.5 of the Sanitary and Epidemiological Rules "Prevention of Poliomyelitis", approved by the Decree of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation dated July 28, 2011 No. 107.

It says that children in preschool organizations who are not vaccinated against polio or who receive less than three doses of the vaccine are separated from vaccinated children for a period of 60 days. The key word is "split". This concept is not disclosed in this document.

Nowhere in the Rules is it stated that unvaccinated children should be denied access to preschool, this would directly contradict federal legislation in the field of immunization. In this case, it is most logical for the kindergarten management to temporarily transfer your child to another group.

What should parents do?

Write an application! If a nurse makes a withdrawal to your child, an application is written to the head. If the head - then in the department of education. Above the head of education is the head of administration. In the application, you indicate that you, as the legal representative, have the right to refuse any medical intervention for your child.

✓ Remind that refusal to vaccinate cannot entail consequences not provided for by the Federal Law in the form of a ban on attending a preschool institution if there are recently vaccinated children there.

3. The child is not allowed to visit the garden due to quarantine.

For example, the child did not attend the institution due to parental leave, and at this time someone from the group fell ill with rubella. The whole group is quarantined and your child is not accepted into the garden, asking to sit at home with him for a while. With influenza and scarlet fever - 7 days, with chickenpox and rubella - 21 days, with viral meningitis - 20 days. If someone else in the group fell ill at that time, the quarantine countdown starts from the last case. And this, unfortunately, can continue indefinitely.

What does the law say?

Again, we turn to Law "On Immunoprophylaxis of Infectious Diseases", which provides for a temporary refusal to admit children to kindergarten in the event of mass infectious diseases or the threat of epidemics.

Deciding whether or not to take your baby to a quarantined group can only be done by his legal representative. This means that the nurse and nursery management can only advise you to refrain from visiting if there has been a history of chickenpox or flu in the group.

What should parents do?

If you are sure that it is not crazy to visit a quarantined group, send a letter to the education department. But maybe it's still worth thinking about and not risking the baby's health. After all, quarantine is not a conspiracy of doctors, but.

When it comes time to send your beloved child to kindergarten, there are a lot of worries, problems and questions. How to choose an institution, educators? How to set up a child psychologically? Which doctors to go through? What tests to take? What vaccinations are needed to enter kindergarten? Let's try to deal with the last of them - will they take a child to kindergarten without vaccinations?

Ideally, when entering kindergarten, the child has all the necessary vaccinations

Do parents have to agree to all vaccinations?

The attitude of modern parents to vaccinations is ambiguous. Some strictly comply with the requirements of medical institutions, others are categorically against the vaccination of children. Both are right in their own way. The problem of diseases such as tetanus, poliomyelitis, tuberculosis, hepatitis is still quite acute, and the risk of contracting them is quite high. Nevertheless, the quality of the vaccine is now being questioned by many, and the side effects of them have not yet been fully studied.

The vaccination procedure is a very responsible event. It requires the high professionalism of a pediatrician and a nurse who deals directly with injections. The doctor needs to take into account the general health of the child, be aware of his congenital pathologies and diseases, if any. It is important to notice the existing contraindications in time:

  • elevated body temperature;
  • possible allergic reactions;
  • the psychological state of the child (the presence of stressful situations, fright or hyperexcitability);
  • lack of adaptive life situations, for example, a change of residence or climate change.

It is important to know: if parents refuse vaccination, they are required to sign a statement about this fact and provide it to the pediatrician. The application can refer to the laws of the Russian Federation on the protection of the health of citizens, which clearly spell out the possibility of refusing medical intervention.

Doctors are required to issue a medical card to the child without vaccinations, as well as give a certificate with permission to visit a preschool institution. Provided that the child is healthy and can be in contact with other children.

When a medical worker refuses to do this, be sure to take from him a written document confirming his refusal. It will come in handy in case of contact with higher health authorities. However, as a rule, doctors themselves know that they have no right to force you to vaccinate your child.

List of vaccinations that are needed for admission to kindergarten

Dear reader!

This article talks about typical ways to solve your questions, but each case is unique! If you want to know how to solve your particular problem - ask your question. It's fast and free!

Before applying to kindergarten, the child undergoes a medical examination, the results of which are recorded in a special card. A completed vaccination certificate is also enclosed there if the parents agree to vaccination.

There is a calendar of preventive vaccinations, which was approved by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, it provides for the following types of vaccination:

  • BCG - a vaccine for the prevention of tuberculosis;
  • DTP - for whooping cough, diphtheria and tetanus (we recommend reading:);
  • Pentaxim or Infanrix - from polio;
  • Vaccination against measles, mumps and rubella (we recommend reading:);
  • Prevenar - from pneumococcal infection (we recommend reading:).

Immunization calendar

Does the head of the kindergarten have the right to refuse parents admission of an unvaccinated child?

Responsibility for the life and health of children lies entirely with the parents, only they can decide whether to vaccinate or not. Refusal to vaccinate is not officially a reason for a child not to be admitted to a preschool. This is stated by federal law No. 157 "On the immunoprophylaxis of infectious diseases." It states that a citizen of the Russian Federation has the right to refuse vaccination if he is a minor, the decision is made for him by one of his parents.

If the parents refused vaccination and have the necessary documents in their hands, you can safely defend your rights in a preschool institution. When the manager does not want to take on a new pupil and requires a child's vaccination certificate with vaccination marks, you can refer to the law and provide papers.

In this regard, employees of preschool institutions cannot fail to arrange an unvaccinated child. The only exceptions are cases of mass diseases or epidemics, but these measures are also temporary.

Where to complain if the child is not accepted into the kindergarten?

However, sometimes the leadership of kindergartens, where parents are so eager to get into, despite the clearly defined points of the law, nevertheless goes against them and refuses to accept an unvaccinated child. In this case, you can apply to the district administration and even to the prosecutor's office.

Explain the situation there. Show all the documents that you received, including a medical card, or attach a certificate of refusal to issue a card from the clinic, if any. It is also a good idea to have an audio recording of the conversation with the head of the kindergarten. It is better to record on an analog recorder, rather than digital, then it will have more weight in court as evidence.

Make the text of the statement short, clear and concise. After your appeal, administration or law enforcement officials will contact you to resolve this issue.

You can be sure - in the event of a trial, the court is always interested in protecting the child and will decide in your favor. After the decision is made, you will be given a written court order with which you need to appear before the head, and you will definitely be accepted.

Stages of preparing documents for registration in the kindergarten of a child without vaccinations

Ideally, the solution to such a sensitive issue should be peaceful. For this, it is necessary, first of all, to establish contact with the leadership of the preschool institution. After making sure that you are taken, you can write an application.

During the period of preparation for kindergarten, it is necessary to visit the future preschool institution, communicate with the head and ask all organizational questions of concern

The next step is to prepare the necessary documents, which are listed in the regulation "On preschool primary institution":

  • birth certificate;
  • direction from the GORONO, if you queued up on the public services website, then a printout from this site;
  • an extract from the medical card on the health of the child, permission to visit the children's team;
  • instead of the required vaccination certificate - a written refusal of vaccinations.

To get a medical extract, go to the local pediatrician, there you will receive a list of tests that need to be passed, and a list of specialists who carry out examinations. All medical examination data are entered into the medical card. At the end, the doctor will write a conclusion that the child is completely healthy and can attend kindergarten. The last step will be the seal of the head of the pediatric department.

What is the result? A child without vaccinations is clearly entitled to attend kindergarten. When employees of the leading positions of a polyclinic or a preschool prevent you, contact the higher authorities. With all this, do not forget about the most important thing - the health of your children and their peace of mind, try to achieve your goal in peaceful ways. Let the kindergarten bring you and your children only pleasant emotions.

I studied a lot of material on vaccinations, after having made myself an adult I almost died after it. And I came to the conclusion that doing them is unnecessary dangerous and harmful, they all contain viruses and toxic toxic substances that destroy the lungs, liver, heart, brain, etc., or can lead to disability, coma, death. Now any diseases are successfully treated, and vaccinations do not protect against them at all, even mantoux is dangerous, harmful and useless, both false positive and false negative do not give an accurate result. And vaccinations are not required, it is only necessary to write a refusal from them in writing. In kindergarten and school, according to the laws of the Russian Federation, they are taken without vaccinations. And vaccinations are a more profitable business than the drug business, arms trafficking and prostitution combined. That is why there is mass propaganda and agitation going on. And they deprive them of bonuses and expel those doctors who do not fulfill their plans to cover the population. You read the material, articles, programs about the dangers of vaccinations and think a hundred times before signing your child to this scam. We, cunning adults, do not re-vaccinate ourselves, but give our children to ... Below I will give links on how to write a refusal of vaccinations in a kindergarten and a clinic, and a document for the signature of doctors that they take financial and criminal responsibility for the quality and consequences of vaccination. Which they will never sign!!!

The cone with the vaccine must not be shaken after it has been made, otherwise the vaccine will become dangerous. Before vaccination and after it, you can’t go to kindergarten for a week to reduce the likelihood of complications. And think about why you need such experiences every time, how all this will turn out for you and your child, read about each vaccination that you are going to give information: vaccination is such and such a benefit and harm. The benefits are questionable, but the harm ...

An application to kindergarten must be written in three copies: one for the head, one for the nurse, and you have one left.

Head of kindergarten No.

from _______________________


I, F.I.O.___________, declare the refusal of all preventive vaccinations (including, but not limited to: against influenza, hepatitis B, tuberculosis, diphtheria, whooping cough, tetanus, poliomyelitis, meningitis, hemophilic infection, measles, mumps, rubella) and Mantoux test for my child Full name _____________. I draw your attention to the fact that the repeated writing of refusals from the same preventive vaccinations is not provided for by the current legislation. According to the definition, medical intervention is any examination, treatment and other action that has a preventive, diagnostic, therapeutic, rehabilitative or research orientation, performed by a doctor or other medical professional in relation to a particular patient. The current legislation does not provide for any consequences of refusing to perform a Mantoux test. Departmental documents that are contrary to federal law are illegal and not subject to execution. I also draw your attention to the fact that the Mantoux test as a method of indirect measurement is completely untenable due to the lack of an accurate definition of the measured value, the lack of calibration and the lack of an assessment of the measurement error. The drug used for the Mantoux test is harmful to health, as it contains phenol. A large number of false positive results leads to unnecessary visits to TB dispensaries by children, creating the risk of contracting tuberculosis. Bearing in mind the foregoing, I consider the use of the Mantoux test pointless, harmful and dangerous. This refusal is a deliberate and balanced decision made on the basis of a detailed and comprehensive study of issues related to vaccination, personal experience, the experience of other parents and is fully consistent with the current legislation, including: 1) Art. 5 (on the right to refuse vaccination) and Art. 11 (on vaccination with the consent of the parents of minors) of the Law of the Russian Federation "On the immunoprophylaxis of infectious diseases" 2) art. 32 (on consent to medical intervention) and Art. 33 (on the right to refuse medical intervention) "Fundamentals of the legislation of the Russian Federation on the protection of the health of citizens" 3) Art. 26 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and Art. 43 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation (on the right to education, including preschool); 4) Art. 7, part 3 of the Law "On preventing the spread of tuberculosis in the Russian Federation" (on the provision of anti-tuberculosis care to minors only with the consent of their legal representatives), 5) art. 5, part 1 of the Law of the Russian Federation on Education (on the possibility of obtaining education by citizens of the Russian Federation, regardless of the state of health, beliefs and other factors); and also p. 11 of part 1 of the European Social Charter (about the right of every person to use any measures that allow him to ensure the highest attainable standard of health). Familiarized with the content of the Federal Law "On the sanitary and epidemiological welfare of the population", the doctor was informed of the possible consequences of the lack of vaccinations. "____" __________ 20___ Signature of the responsible person: ________________ /_______________ _____________ / ______________