The human anatomy is full of surprises. Entertaining anatomy: Internal organs

4 jpg images, 0.3 Mb.

Human Origins

Student's answer. Baby monitor. Fun lessons. Performed by: Nikolai Litvinov, Alexander Levenbuk, Alexander Livshits, Lev Shimelov, Vladimir Vinokur and others. Format: MP3. 00:16. 0.5 MB.

Basic level video tutorials

Basic level video tutorials

biosocial nature of man. Sciences of the human body. InternetUrok, mp4, 07:26, 25 Mb.

General overview of the human body. From this lesson you will learn:
- Organ definition
- Definition of the organ system
- Composition and functions of organ systems
- Musculoskeletal system
- Digestive system
- Respiratory system
- Urinary system
- reproductive system
- Endocrine system
- Nervous system
- The cardiovascular system
- Integumentary system
- The immune system
Foxford Online Learning Center. The lesson is conducted by Nadezhda Viktorovna Levina.

mp4, 11:56, 70 Mb.

human body structure. InternetUrok, mp4, 04:11, 14 Mb.

Cell. Structure, chemical composition and vitality. InternetUrok, mp4, 11:28, 38 Mb.

Video tutorials of the profile level

Short review organ systems. Gambaryan, mp4, 25:13, 59 Mb.

The tissues of the human body. Dubynin. mp4, 14:39, 105 Mb.

Accelerated preparation for the exam, demo materials

01 Levels of organization of the human body.jpg Poster, jpg, 0.16 Mb.

02-1 – 02-4 General overview of the human body.jpg

03 Neurohumoral regulation of body functions.jpg

04-1 – 04-3 Glands of the human body.jpg

05 Animal cell.jpg Poster, jpg, 0.34 Mb.

The total volume is 1.6 MB.

Biology. Human. Atlas for grades 6-9. Tutorial on human anatomy from a series of illustrated atlases for grades 6-9, created to support the school biology course. A large amount of information in visual and high-quality pictures and diagrams that help to visually understand the complex processes occurring inside the body. There is a lot of information, but it is presented very simply and succinctly.

This atlas will be useful both for 8th grade students studying anatomy at a basic level, and for 9th and 11th grade students preparing for exams.

For family viewing

Superman. The BBC documentary series "Superman" reveals to the viewer the secrets of the human body, its ability to renew and regenerate after serious illnesses, injuries and injuries. For the first time in history, a person not only admires the ability of his body to heal itself, but can also control them, thus improving nature itself.

Original Title: Superman Production: BBC. Format: AVI, 2.26 GB.

Popular science literature

Secrets of anatomy. Carol Donner, an American artist specializing in the popularization of medical literature, using the techniques of the adventure genre, expounds modern ideas about the structure and functions of the main organs and tissues of the human body with exceptional clarity.

Computer programs

My body. Anatomy and Physiology

Embark on an exciting journey through the human body - and an entire universe awaits you, living and functioning according to its own laws! The program "My body. Anatomy and Physiology” from the world-famous German publishing house Dorling Kindersley allows you to literally look inside the human body, study in detail the structure of the body, its main systems, their functions, chemical composition, and also get the most complete answers to the most curious questions. You will have the widest choice of interactive features at your disposal: x-rays, 3D models of the most important internal organs, which can be viewed from any angle, detailed excursions on the main functional systems, hundreds of photographs and animations, microphotographs and illustrations, interesting articles And startling facts. After reviewing the materials of this program, any person from 12 years old will clearly understand how his body works, and will be able to answer any question regarding his own anatomy and physiology.

The computer requirements are minimal. Windows 2000/XP. Free place on HDD: 15 MB

Publisher: Dorling Kindersley, New Disc. 2006 Format: nrg. 677 MB.

Tissues and organs

Basic level video tutorials

fabrics. InternetUrok, mp4, 08:10, 27 Mb.

Organ systems in the body. Organization levels. InternetUrok, mp4, 06:11, 20 Mb.

Video tutorials of the profile level

Fabrics. CrashCourse, mp4, 10:43, 104 Mb.

Tissues, epithelium. CrashCourse, mp4, 10:16, 73 Mb.

Connective tissue. CrashCourse, mp4, 10:31, 82 Mb.

Cell specialization. Tissues and organs. Gambaryan. 1st lesson from the topic of fabrics. mp4, 25:35, 54 Mb.

Accelerated preparation for the exam, demonstration materials

01 Cover.jpg

02 Definition.jpg

03-1 – 03-2 Types of fabrics.jpg

04-1 – 04-8 Epithelial tissues.doc

05-1 – 05-9 Connective tissue.jpg

06-1 – 06-5 Muscle tissue.jpg

07-1 – 07-5 Nervous tissue.jpg

08 Bone Tissue.jpg

09 Organs and organ systems.jpg

The total volume is 4.9 MB.

Musculoskeletal system

General information

Basic level video tutorials

Development of the musculoskeletal system. Internet Lesson. mp4, 11:06, 49 Mb.

Human skeleton. Connection of bones. Head skeleton.

Infourok, mp4, 06:17, 49 Mb.

Accelerated preparation for the exam, demonstration materials

01 Cover.jpg

02 Parts and functions of the musculoskeletal system.jpg

03 Bones, muscles.jpg

04 Active and passive parts.jpg

05 Passive part.jpg

06 The main functions of the passive part of the musculoskeletal system.jpg

07 Types of joints.jpg

The total volume is 0.7 Mb.

  • The average person has 40 to 50 billion fat cells.
  • The biggest rib cage in the world belonged to Robert Earl Hughes from Illinois in the USA. In girth, it was 3.15 meters. By the day of his death in 1958, thirty-two-year-old Hughes weighed almost half a ton - 484 kilograms. He was buried in a coffin the size of a piano packaging box.
  • The uterus, or uterus, is the organ from the Latin name of which the word "hysteria" is formed.
  • Hippocrates ancient Greek father medicine, believed that a flat-chested woman could enlarge her breasts if she sang a lot and loudly.
  • The liver is the largest gland in the human body.
  • In your lifetime, you eat 30,000 kilograms of food - this is the weight of about 6 elephants.
  • A new layer of mucus lining the stomach is produced every 2 weeks to prevent stomach acid from being digested. inner surface this organ.
  • Gastric juice is so caustic that it can dissolve a nail.
  • The average American goes to the toilet about 6 times a day (for various reasons).
  • 75% of human excreta is water.
  • most big muscle of the human body is the gluteal muscle. Perhaps it is also the strongest - based on the fact that volume is directly proportional to strength.
  • The longest muscle in our body is the thigh muscle.
  • Approximately 1,500 surgical instruments remain in the bodies of US hospital patients each year. Most often, these patients are fat people because they have more space in their bodies.
  • A person burns about 7% more calories by walking on hard ground rather than asphalt.
  • An adult takes about 23,000 breaths a day.
  • Most people can carry about their own weight. But an ant can drag an object weighing about 100 times more than itself.
  • The average person drinks about 2.4 liters of water a day. Of this volume, we get 1.4 liters from drinking, and 1 liter from food.
  • If you put together all the urine that mankind produces during the day, then twenty minutes of Niagara Falls will come out of it.
  • Teenagers are twice as likely to get a cold than people over 50.
  • Left lung smaller right, as if giving way to the heart.
  • Every day, a person emits such an amount of heat that is enough to boil 30 liters of ice water.
  • To burn 1 kilogram of fat, you need to walk 120 kilometers.
  • Your small intestine can be up to 4 times your height.
  • Are you a human or a mouse? Actually it is very difficult question. 90% of your genes are identical to those of a mouse.
  • The appearance of a human being changes considerably from birth to age 5, then again at age 12 and at 30. A person changes from 50 to 80 and from 80 to death. Usually, from 30 to 50 years old, appearance does not change much, except for one aspect - the overall weight increases.
  • 22 tons of atmospheric pressure are trying to escape from your body. If it were not there, you would be instantly crushed into a cake. Outside, the same 22 tons of atmospheric pressure are pressing on you. If it wasn't for him, you would explode.
  • If a person weighs 68 kilograms, approximately 43 of them are water.
  • A single living cell has more moving parts than any machine that man has ever invented.
  • Astronauts in space don't burp unless they're in a pressurized suit. But if they were without a suit in outer space, the inability to burp would be the least of the problems - their blood would boil.
  • The air that a common person breathes in daily, weighs 7 times more than all the food and water he consumed during the day.
  • The older we get, the slower we breathe.
  • 1 in 20 people never get a cold. There are people in the world who are not subject to common cold and generally have an excellent immune system.
  • You can have 2 at the same time different types colds caused by 2 different viruses.
  • If one of the spouses gets the flu, in 38% of cases the other will pick up the same virus.
  • There is gender equality when it comes to the common cold. Boys get colds more often than girls, but women more often than men.
  • You can develop immunity to the virus that causes the common cold, but it is caused by hundreds of viruses. If you get sick by catching one of them, you will develop immunity to it for the rest of your life.
  • You cannot catch the virus at the North and South Poles. Polar temperatures are so low that ordinary viruses simply cannot survive there.
  • Human muscles produce such an amount of heat that would be enough to boil 1 liter of water per hour.
  • Steroids were invented in Germany during the Nazi era, not only to build muscle, but also to increase aggressiveness.
  • There are over 639 muscles in the human body.
  • For decades it was thought that normal temperature the human body is 37 degrees. However, recent medical research has shown that the "normal" temperature is closer to 36.8 degrees, ranging from 36.2 to 37.5 degrees. For example, the normal body temperature of the Japanese is 36 degrees, while that of Australians and Americans is 37 degrees.
  • You burn more calories when you are awake. For example, if you weigh 63.5 kilograms, then in a dream you burn 1 calorie in 1 minute, and if you just sit quietly (for example, read or watch TV), then one and a half.
  • According to the observations of doctors, the engine of your body runs on the energy released by the foods that you ate the day before yesterday.
  • Your liver is 4 times heavier than your heart.
  • The higher you live relative to sea level, the lower your chances of getting cancer.
  • The average body of an ordinary man more body ordinary woman and contains more water and less fat. These are two reasons why men usually better women hold liquids.
  • Scientists do not know why between 20 and 40 years of age, women are much more likely than men to gain weight.
  • In a study of models who starred in the tabs of Playboy magazine from 1979 to 1988, it was found that, on average, they weigh 13-19% less than ordinary women.
  • Thin people have intestines 2 times larger than the norm than their physiology requires.
  • All the wet shells that line human body isolated natural antibiotics.
  • When you crush a clove of garlic, the sulfur-containing compound allicin is produced. This antibiotic attacks two dozen bacteria and countless fungi.
  • People who eat a lot of capsicum are less likely to suffer from heart attacks, heart attacks, blood clots, and circulatory problems. The health-promoting substance in peppers is believed to be capsaicin.
  • A doctor can find replacements for every organ in your body except for the brain and nervous system.
  • 4 out of 5 people with stones in gallbladder they don't know they have them.
  • The reason for the periodic bouts of fever that appear in some men, physiologists believe the lack of testosterone.
  • With age, motion sickness may disappear.
  • Few people know the fact that more than half of the people working with technology virtual reality earning seasickness because of it.
  • Sleep is the best hangover cure.
  • If a man will for a long time abuse alcohol, he runs the risk of increasing his breasts. The development of the mammary glands occurs under the influence of the female sex hormone estrogen. Extremely high levels this hormone is found in some men with cirrhosis of the liver, which is the result of many years of alcohol dependence.
  • A woman inherits the shape of her breasts not only from her mother, but also from her father.
  • Your liver destroys approximately 140,000 red blood cells per minute. Your bone marrow replenishes them.
  • The adrenal glands control the water-salt balance in the body and help the body adapt to various critical situations. These organs are usually not similar to each other: the right one is shaped like a sickle of the moon, and the left one is like a conical hat.
  • The human stomach is forced to renew its surface every day to replace the one affected by gastric juice, that is, hydrochloric acid.
  • Human stomach acid is aggressive enough to completely dissolve a razor blade in a week.
  • greatest known kidney stone weighed 1.36 kilograms.
  • Every year, 4 million people die from infection caused by poor sanitation.
  • If you are no longer thirsty, you should drink even more water, because. when the body is dehydrated, the "thirst mechanism" shuts down.
  • If you remove all the space between the atoms that make up your body, you become so small that you can pass through the eye of a needle.

Interesting Facts from book
“Oddities of our body. Entertaining anatomy
written by Juan Steven, trans. A.Davydova

Since ancient times, people have tried to understand the mystery of man. Scientists, philosophers, representatives of art and culture still cannot explain unique creation which is Homo sapiens. In this article we want to tell the most interesting facts about the structure of man. You will see that even at the biological level, we are incredibly precise and intelligent.

But first I would like to remind you that two sciences are engaged in the study of a person at the biological level: physiology and anatomy.

The structure and work of human organs

Of course, you guess that there is acid in the stomach that breaks down food. So the concentration of hydrochloric acid (and that's what it's called) is such that it can freely dissolve a razor blade.

The stomach has a lot of nerve endings, which is why scientists conditionally call it the “second brain”.

If all blood vessels stretched in one line, then it will be 100 thousand kilometers. It is mentioned that the circumference of our planet is 40 thousand kilometers. That is, with a rope of vessels, you can wrap the earth two and a half times.

Have you ever wondered what internal organs we could exist without? So, if a person's stomach and spleen are removed, leaving only one quarter of the liver, 20% of the intestines, one kidney, the only lung, and remove almost everything from the pelvic region, he will be able to live. Of course, this will not full life but still better than not existing at all!

The heart creates such pressure in the body that blood from the artery can squirt more than 7 meters.

The liver, despite its seemingly inconspicuous activity, performs up to 500 important functions in our body.

When smiling, about 17 facial muscles contract. But when we frown - 43 muscles. It turns out that it is much easier for us to smile than to frown.

Many even children know that in the morning we are one centimeter taller than in the evening. This is because during the day the cartilages of the spine are compressed, as it were, and during the night they return to their standard position.

Scientists have proven that the strongest muscle is the tongue. Interesting!

The tibia is the strongest bone in the skeleton. It can withstand more than four tons, and the next one is the femoral one - its indicator is 3 tons.

The heaviest bone is the jawbone.

Teeth are the only organ that does not regenerate.

If, reading the previous fact, you have a misunderstanding, then let us explain: a tooth is not a bone, but an organ.

At birth, a child has about 300 bones, and when he grows up - only 206. This is due to the fact that many bones grow together with age.

body functions

When we sneeze, air escapes from the mouth at a speed of 160 kilometers per hour, and in the process of coughing - 100 kilometers per hour.

sneeze with open eyes impossible.

It is well known that women blink almost twice as often as men.

Volume Bladder an adult is approximately 400 milliliters. Although, of course, some "talented" people are able to tolerate up to 1 liter!

How much saliva do you think is secreted in the mouth every day? If it were possible to collect the saliva secreted by you throughout your life, then it would be possible to fully fill two pools with it.


Interestingly, after a hearty meal, our hearing becomes a little dull.

It is believed that two-thirds of the world's population does not have one hundred percent vision. And in the age of computerization, this figure is likely to increase.

If there were no saliva in the mouth, we would not be able to taste any taste at all.

Women have a more sensitive sense of smell than men, and every fiftieth inhabitant of the planet practically does not distinguish smells.

In general, the nose is able to distinguish up to 50 thousand smells and their shades.

When a person turns 60, they slowly begin to lose up to 50% of their taste buds.

Ears and nose always grow from birth.

The largest human cell is the egg and the smallest is the sperm.

Teeth in the fetus begin to grow after the third month of pregnancy. Already during this period, unique fingerprints are also determined.

With age, every second inhabitant of the earth begins to snore in his sleep.

Every 25-30 days, human skin is completely renewed.

Every hour, about 600,000 skin particles fall off the body.

Fingerprints are absolutely unique for all people. Language has the same property.

This interesting fact for adults. A man experiences an erection every hour and a half. However!

It's no secret that iron is present in the body. But did you know that it is enough to make a nail 10 centimeters long?

If the bedroom is cold during sleep, it is likely that you will be dreaming of something scary.

The average person generates enough heat in one hour to boil two liters of water.

When you are in stressful condition or you are afraid of something, then the sulfur in the ears is released in greater quantities than during calm.

Interesting, but impossible to tickle yourself. Our senses are too smart to react to this.

It is believed that the arm span is equal to height. This fact can be checked independently at home.

Not a single animal in the world can cry from an excess of feelings. Only Homo sapiens is endowed with such a gift.

Left-handers live a few years less than right-handers. But this is not a genetically determined relationship, but simply most things are adapted specifically for right-handed people.

Unique fingerprints, except for humans, have primates and koalas.

At the end I want to say one important thing. It has been proven that 90% of diseases are caused by stress. That's why, Dear friends, keep calm, as Carlson said, live long and do not get sick!

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What you will not find in our body: an amazing zoo and mythical characters, mysterious plants and tools, colorful mosaic and a lot of edible things, geographical names and just funny words and objects. After all, anatomists use more than 6,000 (!) Terms to designate the most diverse nooks and crannies of our body.

Let's start with this phrase: “The entrance to the cave was guarded by an elderly gatekeeper, and there, inside, in the center of the labyrinth, in a crescent crevice, an amazing bird was sitting: a cockscomb, a wedge-shaped beak, fish scales; just fantastic!”

Amusing? But the most interesting thing is not so much in this phrase itself, but in the fact that it contains the names of several anatomical formations of our body.

Cave, scales, cockscomb... Can these ordinary words be anatomical terms? It turns out that they can, and besides, they are officially registered and accepted in all countries of the world. Human anatomy - the science of the structure of his body - is one of the most fascinating sections of biology and medicine. But also one of the most difficult. And anatomy is a beautiful scientific discipline. Her language is sweet-sounding Latin. Look at your palm. The palm is like a palm, and in Latin it is called the mysterious combination “palm manus” (palma manus). Even the place on which we sit is not called anything, but "regio glutealis" (regio glutealis).

Let's go back to our example. So where did the cave come from in the human body? In the meantime, there are even a few of them. One cave is part of the middle ear cavity, a special depression in the temporal bone, and the other is part of the stomach. By the way, the entrance to this cave, or rather, the exit from it, is really “guarded” by the gatekeeper. This is the name of the end part of the stomach, passing into the duodenum 12. Also, after all interesting name. The length of this gut is exactly a dozen cross-laid fingers. And the intestine itself is located in such a way that it forms a "horseshoe". However, this is a trifle compared to the cistern, which is also comfortably located in abdominal cavity. A chylous, or lacteal, cistern is the expansion of a large lymphatic vessel.

At the very beginning of the duodenum there is an extension called the bulb. That's really what there is more than enough in our body, so it's bulbs. They will be typed in a whole garden bed. They are in the duodenum, in the aorta, in the brain; hair follicles seems to be known to everyone, but only experts know about the bulb of the penis. What else is rich in our "anatomical menu"? Two apples: Adam's and eye (the first - on the neck, the second - it is clear where). There are also olives - a paired thickening of the brain stem. Not far from them are the almond-shaped and lenticular nuclei - special accumulations of the medulla.

"There are many things in the world, friend Horace ...". How can you remember this famous quote no matter how surprised. However, any organ of our body, any part of it, every nook and cranny of this body is truly remarkable. beautiful world in which we live without noticing it.

Among the many living beings that live on Earth, man is the most intelligent and most advanced in his development. The mind opens the way for us to self-knowledge, including understanding how our body works. Today, more than 6 billion people live on Earth. Each of them is unique in terms of personality, behavior, appearance, body proportions, manner of movement….

The voice is produced in the vocal cords of the larynx. The exhaled air contributes to their vibration and the appearance of sounds, which are then converted with the help of lips, teeth, tongue and palate into vowels and consonants of human speech. Sounds fly out of the mouth at a speed of 1200 km / h (340 m / s), speech flow at very fast speech is 300 words per minute, and the distribution radius ...

The human body consists of more than 50 trillion. microscopic cells. They perform certain functions that ensure the coordinated work of the body. Liver cells (hepatocytes) form tissue. This tissue, together with other types of tissue, forms the liver organ. The liver and related organs are combined into digestive system. The human body is arranged according to the hierarchical principle, i.e. as a sequence of different difficulty levels,…

If the average duration of one sound (for example, the note “la”) without changing the tone and on one click for most people is 20-25 s, then the record is 55 s. Singing voices are classified according to their sound strength as follows: Ordinary voice - 80 dB Concert voice - 90 dB Opera voice - 100 dB Voice in a comic opera - 110 dB ...

There are 12 major systems in the human body. These are muscle, bone, nervous, endocrine, circulatory, lymphatic, digestive, respiratory, integumentary (skin, hair and nails), reproductive (male and female), excretory and immune system. Each system is responsible for some one process or several processes necessary to sustain life. For example, the circulatory system, which includes the heart, blood vessels and blood, supplies all the cells of the body…

80 billion people have lived on Earth since the appearance of man (currently 5 billion people live, and 75 billion people have died). If you line up the skeletons of all the dead (7 skeletons per meter), then a queue is formed that is 26 times the distance from the Earth to the Moon (10 million kilometers). The total weight of these skeletons is 1275 billion...

There are 4 main types of tissues in our body. epithelial tissue, consisting of densely packed cells, covers the skin with a protective waterproof surface layer and lines gastrointestinal tract. Connective tissue connects individual parts of the body and performs a supporting function. Its varieties are tendons, bone and cartilage tissues. Muscle tissue is made up of cells capable of contracting and thereby causing...

Funny terms that bear the names of places, objects or topics of everyday life, we divided into several groups. Nature, geography, architecture The aqueduct of Sylvius is the cavity of the midbrain. The tree of life is a gyrus on the surface of the cerebellum; Atlas (atlas) - the first cervical vertebra. “Strait”, or “gorge” [transl.] - the opening of the pelvis. “Slope” [trans.] of the foot. Spaces and cavities “Gastric cave” [transl.] – stomach cavity….

Our muscles weigh 28 kilograms! Any movement, from blinking to walking and running, is carried out with the help of muscles. Muscles are made up of cells that have unique ability shrink. Most muscles work in pairs as antagonists: when one contracts, the other relaxes. The biceps muscle of the shoulder, contracting and shortening, bends the arm (the triceps relaxes at the same time), and when the triceps contracts (the biceps is relaxed), ...

Skeletal muscles Skeletal muscle cells (muscle fibers) are long and thin. They are formed by many parallel threads - myofibrils. Myofibrils also consist of filaments, or myofilaments, 2 types of proteins - actin and myosin - that give skeletal muscles a transverse striation. When a signal from the brain enters the muscle along the nerve fiber, the myofilaments slide towards each other, and the muscle fibers ...

4 years ago, 21:38

There are a lot of "surprises" in the human body. Here are just a few figures and facts about the fascinating human anatomy and physiology.

  • The expression "scared to death" has its justification. Defense mechanisms of our body, in case of danger, adrenaline is added to the blood, which leads to improved blood supply to the muscles, dilated pupils and other “improvements”. However, adrenaline in large quantities is toxic to the body, so in some cases it can cause death.
  • Studies have shown that in Germany, on the days when the national team plays at the World Cup, the number of heart attacks increases sharply. And this is quite logical.
  • Breast cancer is not exclusive female disease, but to a lesser extent, men also suffer from it. On average, there is one “male” case for every 100 “female” cases.
  • The size of the left breast in 90% of women is different from the size of the right. In most cases, this asymmetry is small, but sometimes it can reach such a magnitude that it brings significant moral and physical inconvenience to the owner.
  • Every day, 1,500,000 skin particles fall from us, which accumulate in washcloths, along with staphylococcus aureus, which is the main “skin” bacteria and can cause great trouble when it enters the body.
  • About three million microscopic creatures live on a square centimeter of our skin.
  • Our body produces enough heat in half an hour to boil a liter of water.
  • A stamp-sized piece of skin taken from the foreskin grows in three weeks so that the resulting grown skin is enough for three basketball fields.
  • Women's ovaries produce almost half a million eggs, with only about 400 having a chance of being fertilized.
  • The saliva in our mouth is alkaline. Without it, food residues and microorganisms in the oral cavity would quickly form an acidic environment that is extremely dangerous for teeth.
  • The dirtiest and most diversely inhabited by microorganisms place in our body is the mouth. More than 700 SPECIES of bacteria live in it, while their set, for example, among Americans and Swedes, is quite different.
  • A full stomach stretches to the size of a softball (up to 10 centimeters in diameter).
  • An adult human has more than 5,000,000 hairs on the surface of the skin - the same number as a gorilla.
  • A man's testicles produce 10 million sperm every day.
  • If you sneeze hard enough, you can "earn" a crack in the rib. If you try to hold back a sneeze, then the result will be even sadder - a rupture of a vessel in the head or neck.
  • Pubic lice are most often found on the pubis itself, but in some cases these cute animals can “frolic” on the hips, chest, and even on the eyelashes.
  • The human stomach is forced to renew its surface every day to replace the one affected by gastric juice, that is, hydrochloric acid.
  • Human stomach acid is aggressive enough to completely dissolve a razor blade in a week.
  • Most big organ man is his skin. This organ covers an area of ​​up to two square meters and is constantly updated. In a lifetime, a person produces about 17 kilograms of skin.
  • In the morning we get out of bed with a growth of almost a centimeter more than the "evening". During the day, the human spine is “trampled down” again, the gaps between the vertebral discs decrease again, and growth is restored.
  • The pressure that the heart creates in the circulatory system can raise blood to a height of up to 10 meters.
  • Surprisingly, our brains work no less when we sleep. and often more than during a daytime active lifestyle.
  • Worldwide, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (AD/HD) is diagnosed on average in every tenth child.
  • Every day we lose 85,000 nerve cells, and only 50 new ones are created.
  • Babies don't have kneecaps, instead they have special cartilage on their knees. Only by the age of 3-5 years does it harden (ossify), turning into a kneecap.
  • A person can memorize up to 50,000 different smells.
  • Out of 2,000 babies, one is born with teeth or teeth-like formations. In some cases, they "resolve" themselves, sometimes they are replaced by permanent ones by 6 or 7 years.
  • A person can live without food for several weeks, but without sleep he will not live even 12 days.
  • Our brains stop growing after the age of 18.
  • Among people who use the services of Internet marriage agencies, at least a third are already married.
  • As a result of one survey conducted in the United States in 2004, it turned out that 60% of men agree to have sex for money, that is, to engage in prostitution, while 16% of them are satisfied with the amount of $ 150 or less.
  • Even though the penis is not a bone, it can be broken. This usually happens when the penis is in an erect state and a force is applied to it in an unusual direction. When this happens, a crackling sound can be heard, after which the penis swells and remains in a “broken” shape. This can usually be corrected with surgery.
  • 70% of people pick their nose, thirty of them do not interrupt this fascinating process even while eating.
  • Only one tenth of the cells in our body are actually ours. The remaining 90% are microorganisms that live inside us and on our surface.
  • Any of us at the beginning of our lives consisted of a single cell for about 30 minutes.
  • A cigarette smoked shortens the life of a smoker by 11 minutes.
  • The quarter of a million pores that are on our feet secrete almost a quarter of a cup of sweat every day.
  • We produce enough saliva to fill two swimming pools in a lifetime.
  • Our liver is the largest gland (average mass is 1.2-1.5 kilograms), and performs at least 500 vital functions, and in addition, it has the ability to regenerate. If a fragment is cut off from the liver, it will “grow back” to its original size over time.
  • People living in the city have more earwax in their ears than their rural counterparts.
  • Believe it or not, fresh urine is cleaner than saliva or the surface of our skin. urine healthy person practically free of harmful bacteria.