Sayings of famous fashion designers and stylists. Fashion Quotes

Not all people who have connected their lives with fashion are aphoristic wits. But when you think a lot about fashion, when your life is connected with fashion and style, words that form into sentences come to mind by themselves, in which nothing can be added or subtracted! .. I picked up 50 fashion quotes belonging to the great designers of XX century, as well as people who mastered the art of creating their own style ...

1. In order to be irreplaceable, you need to be different. Coco Chanel

2. Fashion doesn't just make women beautiful, it gives them confidence. Yves Saint Laurent

3. Pure, strong emotions. It's not about design. It's about feelings. Alber Elbaz

4. When you hear designers complaining about the problems of their profession, say: Don't get carried away, it's just dresses. Karl Lagerfeld

5. Fashion is not about labels. And not about brands. It's about something else that's going on inside of us. Ralph Lauren

6. We should never confuse elegance with snobbery. Yves Saint Laurent

7. Girls don't dress for boys. They dress for themselves and, of course, for each other. If girls dressed for boys, they would be naked all the time. Betsey Johnson

8. Women's dress should be like barbed wire: do their job without spoiling the landscape. Sophia Loren

9. Style is an easy way to talk about complex things. Jean Cocteau

10. Give a girl correct shoes and she can conquer the world. Marilyn Monroe

11. I don't do fashion. I myself am fashion. Coco Chanel

12. Fashion designers present on the catwalk four times a year. Style is what you choose. Launer Hatton

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13. I like being a woman even in this. men's world. After all, men can't wear dresses, but we can wear trousers. Whitney Houston

14. Fashion should be a form of escapism, not a form of incarceration. Alexander McQueen

15. Always walk as if three men are following you. Oscar de la Renta

16. Perfume can tell more about a woman than her handwriting. Christian Dior

17. Dressing as Scheherazade is easy. Pick up a small black dress- harder. Coco Chanel

18. Being different is easy, but being unique is very difficult. Lady Gaga

19. Style is a way of saying who you are without words. Rachel Zoe

20. I don't model clothes. I create dreams. Ralph Lauren

21. I can't concentrate in flat shoes. Victoria Beckham

22. When in doubt, wear red. Bill Blass

23. Nothing makes a woman more beautiful than the belief that she is beautiful. Sophia Loren

24. My job is to combine comfort and luxury, practical and desirable. Donna Karan

25. Luxury should be comfortable. Otherwise it is not a luxury. Coco Chanel

26. Fashion is like architecture: the main thing is proportions. Coco Chanel

27. If you can't be better than your competitor, then at least dress better. Anna Wintour

28. Nothing ages a woman like an overly rich outfit. Coco Chanel

29. Outfit - a preface to a woman, and sometimes the whole book. Sebastien-Roche Nicolas de Chamfort

30. A person is painted by clothes. Naked people have very little influence in society, if not none at all. Mark Twain

31. There is nothing special about a skirt when it sways on a clothesline. Lawrence Dow

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32. If you can’t remember what a woman was wearing, then she was dressed perfectly. Coco Chanel

33. Fashion is a form of ugliness so unbearable that we are forced to change it every six months. Oscar Wilde

34. I dress for image. Not for myself, not for the public, not for fashion, not for men. Marlene Dietrich

Not all people who have connected their lives with fashion are aphoristic wits. But when you think a lot about fashion, when your life is connected with fashion and style, words that form into sentences come to mind by themselves, in which nothing can be added or subtracted! ..

1. In order to be irreplaceable, you need to be different. Coco Chanel

2. Fashion doesn't just make women beautiful, it gives them confidence. Yves Saint Laurent

3. Pure, strong emotions. It's not about design. It's about feelings. Alber Elbaz

4. When you hear designers complaining about the problems of their profession, say: Don't get carried away, it's just dresses. Karl Lagerfeld

5. Fashion is not about labels. And not about brands. It's about something else that's going on inside of us. Ralph Lauren

6. We should never confuse elegance with snobbery. Yves Saint Laurent

7. Girls don't dress for boys. They dress for themselves and, of course, for each other. If girls dressed for boys, they would be naked all the time. Betsey Johnson

8. Women's dress should be like barbed wire: do their job without spoiling the landscape. Sophia Loren

9. Style is an easy way to talk about complex things. Jean Cocteau

10. Give a girl the right shoes and she can conquer the world. Marilyn Monroe

11. I don't do fashion. I myself am fashion. Coco Chanel

12. Fashion designers present on the catwalk four times a year. Style is what you choose. Launer Hatton

13. I like being a woman even in this man's world. After all, men can't wear dresses, but we can wear trousers. Whitney Houston

14. Fashion should be a form of escapism, not a form of incarceration. Alexander McQueen

15. Always walk as if three men are following you. Oscar de la Renta

16. Perfume can tell more about a woman than her handwriting. Christian Dior

17. Dressing as Scheherazade is easy. Picking up a little black dress is harder. Coco Chanel

18. Being different is easy, but being unique is very difficult. Lady Gaga

19. Style is a way of saying who you are without words. Rachel Zoe

20. I don't model clothes. I create dreams. Ralph Lauren

21. I can't concentrate in flat shoes. Victoria Beckham

22. When in doubt, wear red. Bill Blass

23. Nothing makes a woman more beautiful than the belief that she is beautiful. Sophia Loren

24. My job is to combine comfort and luxury, practical and desirable. Donna Karan

25. Luxury should be comfortable. Otherwise it is not a luxury. Coco Chanel

26. Fashion is like architecture: the main thing is proportions. Coco Chanel

27. If you can't be better than your competitor, then at least dress better. Anna Wintour

28. Nothing ages a woman like an overly rich outfit. Coco Chanel

29. Attire - a preface to a woman, and sometimes the whole book. Sebastien-Roche Nicolas de Chamfort

30. A person is painted by clothes. Naked people have very little influence in society, if not none at all. Mark Twain

31. There is nothing special about a skirt when it sways on a clothesline. Lawrence Dow

32. If you can’t remember what a woman was wearing, then she was dressed perfectly. Coco Chanel

33. Fashion is a form of ugliness so unbearable that we are forced to change it every six months. Oscar Wilde

34. I dress for image. Not for myself, not for the public, not for fashion, not for men. Marlene Dietrich

35. Each generation laughs at the old fashion, invariably following the new one. Henry David Thoreau

36. I know what women want. They want to be beautiful. Valentino Garavani

37. I always thought white t-shirt alpha and omega of the fashionable alphabet. Giorgio Armani

38. Fashion is what we make ourselves out of every day. Miuccia Prada

39. Fashion is always inspired by youth and nostalgia and often draws inspiration from the past. Lana Del Rey

40. Fashion brings happiness. This is joy. But not therapy. Donatella Versace

41. There is no better designer in the world than nature itself. Alexander McQueen

42. A dress doesn't make any sense if it doesn't make men want to take it off you. Françoise Sagan

43. Buy less, choose better, and do it yourself. Vivienne Westwood

44. Fashion dictators sometimes make mistakes too, but there will always be millions of women willing to pay for it. Barbra Streisand

45. You can get used to ugly appearance, but to negligence - never.Coco Chanel

46. ​​Shoes are made so that even in clothes a woman appears naked. Christian Louboutin

47. A woman wants to dress like others, and suffers if she is really dressed like others. Leszek Kumor

48. Fashion is a controlled epidemic. George Bernard Shaw

49. In all trifling matters, style is important, not sincerity. In all serious matters, too. Oscar Wilde

50. If you doubt your taste, know that you have it. Wystan Hugh Auden

The collection includes phrases and quotes about fashion and taste:

  • Taste is a muscle that can be trained.
  • I don't design clothes, I design dreams. Ralph Lauryn
  • The majority, lacking in vanity, follows the new fashion, forgetting the old. Hubert
  • I love it when fashion goes outside, but I don't allow it to come from there. Coco Chanel
  • In fashion stores, look not for a thing, but for yourself.
  • I love vulgarity. Good taste- death. Vulgarity is life. Mary Quant, inventor of the miniskirt
  • A skirt for fashion designers is like a theater curtain, which is raised and then lowered. Sophia Loren
  • In everything that concerns sins, one should carefully follow the fashion. Lillian Hellman
  • To be irreplaceable, you need to change all the time. Coco Chanel
  • The expression on a woman's face is much more important than her clothes. Dale Carnegie
  • What do men like about women's dress most? Their ideas of what a woman would look like without any dress. Brendan Francis
  • Even if fashion is invented by cretins, you will be a fool if you do not imitate them. Zh. Golonogov
  • What would you say if men changed the length of their pants every year? Nancy Astor
  • Cheap is only what you wear without a sense of self-confidence.
  • The worse things are going for you, the better you should dress. English saying
  • For those who do not know how to dress, fashions have been created ... K. Stanislavsky
  • A well-tied tie is the first serious step in life. Oscade Wilde
  • The only man who can fool all the women all the time is the fashion designer. American saying
  • Cleaning the closet: I dumped it out of the closet, measured it, put on makeup, danced, that's it - I'm tired!
  • If women only dressed for one man, it wouldn't last so long. Marcel Achard
  • Shoes are made so that even in clothes a woman seems naked.
  • If your husband has started following fashion, it's time for you to follow your husband. Konstantin Melikhan
  • Only superficial people do not judge by appearances. Oscade Wilde
  • If a woman looks good in slacks, she will look good in anything.
  • The essence of fashion is that it is always followed by only a part of the group, while the group as a whole is only on the way to it. Georg Simmel
  • If fashion has become common, it means that it has become obsolete. Maria Ebner-Eschenbach
  • Judge a man not by his clothes, but by the clothes of his wife. Thomas Dewar
  • If there is no clothes you would like to wear, design it yourself. hand-made principle
  • The value of the bag must be greater than the value of its contents. GQ Magazine
  • Women's dresses go out of fashion as soon as the husband's salary increases.
  • Style is a person. Buffon, French naturalist
  • Women's dresses don't have to be tight, but if a woman is wearing, I want to see exactly where she is in that dress. Bob Hope
  • Modern dresses are like barbed wire: they protect the territory, but allow it to be explored. Danny Kay
  • Women believe that they dress up for men or for their own pleasure; in truth, they dress up for each other. Francis de Miomander
  • Wearing one dress for too long is bad for the body. Yanina Ipohorskaya
  • Every fashion looks like it will last forever. Georg Simmel
  • Modesty died when clothing was born. Mark Twain
  • Each generation ridicules the old fashions, but reverently follows the new ones. G. Toro
  • The most important thing in women's clothing the woman who wears it. Yves Saint Laurent
  • When something long out of fashion comes back into fashion, we begin to guess how charming our grandmothers were. Sigmund Graff
  • Only the modern is destined to become old-fashioned. Oscar Wilde
  • To despise fashion is as foolish as to follow it too zealously. Jean de La Bruyère
  • The best decoration for a girl is modesty and a transparent dress. Evgeny Schwartz
  • The latest fashion statement tends to echo in an empty pocket. loving man. Eduard Alexandrovich Sevrus Vorokhov
  • A lover of rarities does not value what is good or beautiful, but what is unusual and outlandish, what he alone has. Fashionable and hard-to-reach he appreciates more than perfect. J. La Bruyère
  • Under the clothes, all people are naked. Heine
  • People are not interested in fashion, but in the few who create it. Coco Chanel
  • A dress doesn't make any sense if it doesn't make men want to take it off you.
  • Fashion is a matter of money. Style is a matter of individuality.
  • First Commandment real woman: took off his heels - left the race.
  • Fashion is the only attempt to transform art into a form of social interaction. Oliver Wendeler Holmes
  • Very expensive clothing ages. Coco Chanel
  • Fashion is one of the ways to bring joy to little people for big money. G. Kovalchuk
  • Lack of attire sometimes serves best outfit. Petronius
  • Fashion is traditionalism squared: to be like everyone else and, moreover, to race. A. Kruglov
  • She looked like she was poured into a dress, slightly pouring over the edge. palem woodhouse
  • Fashion is when everyone likes what is known that everyone likes it.
  • Clothes are like canvas different people drapes differently. Donna Karan
  • Fashion is what goes out of fashion. Coco Chanel
  • Wear rich clothes - they will open all doors for you. Fuller
  • Fashion lives not only in dresses, fashion is in the air, it is brought by the wind, we anticipate it, we breathe it, it is in the sky and on the road, it is inseparable from people, customs, events. Coco Chanel
  • Nothing ages a woman like an overly rich suit. Coco Chanel
  • Fashion is never beautiful, but it makes everything that came before it ugly. Francoise Giraud
  • An unloved suit never wears out.
  • Fashion exists for women who lack taste, etiquette for women who lack education. Queen Mary of Romania
  • A real woman can be immediately recognized by her disobedience to the fashionable standard, she wears only what suits her. I. A. Efremov
  • A fashionista is always in love with herself. F. La Rochefoucauld
  • An outfit is a preface to a woman, and sometimes the whole book. Sebastian Roche Nicolas de Chamfort
  • Fashionable vices pass for virtues. Molière
  • An observation that is true of any fashion: its first and last adopters always look funny. Sigmund Graff
  • You can follow fashion or run after fashion. But you can only run if you're young enough. Jeanne Moreau
  • A man who has to take some decisive step thinks: “What will I say?”, And a woman: “How will I dress?”. Madeleine de Puisier
  • Moth loves to change the wardrobe. Anthony Regulsky
  • A man does not like women in cheap clothes, except for his own wife.
  • Youth fashion - pleonasm; There is no old fashion. Coco Chanel
  • We eat for our own pleasure, we dress for the pleasure of others. Benjamin Franklin
  • The mod no longer exists. It is created for several hundred people. Coco Chanel
  • The breaking of fashion by kings becomes fashion for their subjects. Emil German
  • Fashionable what I wear! Coco Chanel
  • A real man walks around in a suit, not jeans, but this suit looks like the man slept in it. Susan Vega
  • Fashion, like architecture, is a matter of proportion. Coco Chanel
  • Happiness is not in money, but in shopping. Marilyn Monroe
  • Fashion passes, style remains. Coco Chanel
  • No ugly women There are only women who do not know that they are beautiful. Vivien Leigh
  • Fashion distorted everything National costumes and did not create anything beautiful. P. Proudhon
  • A new dress is fashionable only until you enter the boutique.
  • Fashion is perhaps the only discipline that a woman still obeys. A. Guinon
  • Clothing on a woman should be moderately modest, so that it does not catch the eye, and at the same time it is noticeable that she is wearing it. Stas Yankovsky
  • Fashion is what we wear ourselves. What others wear is not fashionable. Oscar Wilde
  • One of the charms of fashion is that it serves nothing. F. Giraud
  • Fashion is a hard-hearted deity to whom mothers sacrifice even their children. P. Buast
  • Beware of originality. IN women's fashion originality can lead to a masquerade. Coco Chanel
  • Fashion is a tyrant of women and veils. P. Buast
  • Charm is beauty in motion. Gotthold Lessing
  • Fashion is such an unbearable kind of ugliness that it has to be changed every six months. O. Wilde
  • Perfume is business card. Without fragrance, a woman is anonymous. Hubert de Givenchy
  • Fashion is a despot whom smart people ridiculed, but obeyed. A. Beers
  • The dress should be tight enough to show that you are a woman and loose enough to show that you are a lady. Edith Head
  • Many women's problems, before which the best psychiatrists give in, the hairdresser of the second category often decides. Mary McCarthy
  • Bad taste is an indicator of a decline in morals. In clothes, try to be elegant, but not dandy; the sign of grace is decency, and the sign of panache is excess.
  • After death, I would like to get into Vogue. David Bailey
  • The best wardrobe for clothes is a chair!
  • In the past, girls dressed the way their mothers dressed. Now it's the other way around.
  • Better two folds on the face than one on a stocking. The commandment of a Parisienne
  • Admit it, you sold your soul when you first wore Jimmy Choo shoes! The Devil Wears Prada
  • Brevity is the soul of lingerie. Dorothy Parker
  • A woman should be undressed by the one for whom she dresses.
  • The whims of women are not subject to fashion, but fashion is always in their power. Valery Afonchenko
  • The secret to the success of our costumes is small details understandable at the level of sensations.

To be elegant does not mean to be conspicuous, it means to be remembered. Giorgio Armani

Clothing means nothing until someone begins to live in it. Marc Jacobs

Women's dress is a whole philosophy: the less matter in it, the more breathtaking. Ashot Nadanyan

There are no fat women, there are small clothes. Faina Georgievna Ranevskaya

Clothes are necessary for the happiness of a woman, like flowers in spring. Mikhail Yurjevich Lermontov

They forget about the most elementary truth: it is necessary that men like women, that they exclaim not “What is your Nice dress!” and “How beautiful you are!”. Henri Guidel

Skirts have more wins than jackets and epaulettes. Spanish proverb

A dress doesn't make any sense if it doesn't make men want to take it off you. Françoise Sagan

A good suit and shoes is very correct. It mobilizes you. Leonid Armor

A man who has to take some decisive step thinks: “What will I say?”, And a woman: “How will I dress?” Madeleine de Puisier

What is important is not what is outside, but what is on the lining. The freer the person, the simpler he is dressed.

I try to express myself through clothes. This is another form of art. I'm not afraid of what people think about my changing appearance. I will do what I want. Axl Rose

Clothes are your extension. Maxim Averin

It doesn't matter what you're wearing, it's more important how you feel about it. Tatiana Korsakova

A man's clothes, like his soul, are one and only, and a woman is an innocent angel, and not a fruit for sinful pleasures. Gianni Versace

Clothing is not just a rag that covers the body. This is a reflection of a person. Therefore, she says more about a person than his figure. Amy Lee

Remember that clothes not only meet, but also trust. Vladimir Melanin.

Confidence captivates, not the dress.

In clothes, try to be elegant, but not dandy; the sign of grace is decency, and the sign of panache is excess. Socrates

A woman's dress, like a barbed wire fence, should serve its purpose without blocking the view. Sophia Loren

Beauty becomes alive and interesting when it is hidden by clothes. Monica Bellucci

The dress does not make the man.
As the sun shines through black clouds,
So honor shines under the clothes of the poor.

William Shakespeare

I like being a woman in a man's world. After all, men can't wear dresses, but we can wear trousers. Whitney Houston

Wear clothes, but don't let clothes wear you. Don't be a slave to fashion. Wear what makes you feel comfortable. Sonam Kapoor

Look for a woman in a dress. If there is no woman, then there is no dress. Coco Chanel

There is nothing special about a skirt when it is swaying on a clothesline. Lawrence Dow

A well-dressed person is one whose clothes are ignored. William Somerset Maugham

A well-dressed person is one who considers himself and others. Pierre Cardin

Clothing is not only a convenience or a way to seduce. This is not even elegance or status, but some nuances within the status. Clothing can be a state of the Spirit, character, power. A person dresses according to who he is or who he wants to be. Arturo Perez-Reverte

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1. Coco Chanel

Coco Chanel:
“Stupid women try to impress men by dressing eccentrically. And it scares men, they hate eccentricity. They like it when their women are looked at because they are beautiful.”

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2. Coco Chanel

Coco Chanel:
"Nothing ages a woman like an overpriced suit"

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3. Coco Chanel

Coco Chanel:
“To look great, you don’t have to be young and beautiful”

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4. Christian Dior

Christian Dior:
“If you have crooked legs, wear deep neckline»

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5. Yves Saint Laurent

Yves Saint Laurent:
"In order to be beautiful, it is enough for a woman to have a black sweater, a black skirt and walk arm in arm with the man she loves"

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6. Pierre Cardin

Pierre Cardin:
“A well-dressed person is one who considers himself and others”

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7. Gianni Versace

Gianni Versace:
“Don't get caught up in trends. Don't let fashion take over you, decide for yourself who you are, what you want to express with your clothes and lifestyle."

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8. Giorgio Armani

Giorgio Armani:
“Black and navy are slimmer than other colors. Sticking to this colors, you can afford to experiment with shapes and textures"

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9. Oscar de la Renta

Oscar de la Renta:
"Always walk as if three men were following you"

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10. Miuccia Prada

Miuccia Prada:
“What you wear means how you present yourself to the world. Especially now, when relationships between people are so fast. Fashion is a language understandable without translation"

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11. Donna Karan

Donna Karan:
“Each thing you wear is important. Leaky tights or ugly underwear can kill the whole effect of the dress. haute couture»

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12. Yohji Yamamoto

Yohji Yamamoto:
“Black is both modest and arrogant at the same time. Black is casual and comfortable, yet mysterious. But most of all, black means: "I don't bother you, and you don't bother me."

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13. Vivienne Westwood

Vivienne Westwood:
“I think the dress, hair and makeup is key points in creating an attractive image, where all the advantages of a person would be emphasized"

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14. Vyacheslav Zaitsev

Vyacheslav Zaitsev:
“I don’t accept faceless clothes. It seems to me that wearing it should be offensive to the self-esteem of any intelligent person.

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15. Christian Louboutin

Christian Louboutin:
“Shoes transform the expression and posture of your body. They lift you up both physically and emotionally."

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16. Bill Blass

Bill Blass:
When a woman chooses pantsuit, she must be sure that the jacket covers the ass. Even if her hips and legs are as thin and slender as those of Marlene Dietrich, the jacket should still cover her ass.

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17. Karl Lagerfeld

Karl Lagerfeld:
“In a little black dress, you will always match any situation, and no one will call you dressed too pretentiously”

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18. Alexander McQueen

Alexander McQueen:
“A woman should look like a woman. There is no sexuality in a piece of cardboard.”

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19. Nina Ricci

Nina Ricci:
“Quality is valued over extravagance. It’s better to look decent than luxurious.”

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20. Sonia Rykiel

Sonia Rykiel:“Your clothes are your looks. You will not be understood if business suit you will talk about a neighbor's love affair, and in transparent dress criticize the government. Clothes should be a continuation of thoughts"