If tests show negative. The main reasons for a negative pregnancy test with a delay in menstruation. False negative result - when it happens

The delay of critical days will not leave indifferent any woman. Whatever the excitement - joyful or anxious, every woman wants to find out as soon as possible if pregnancy is the cause of the delay. This can help special tests available for sale at any pharmacy. Just a few minutes and there is no doubt. However, despite the indicated error of 1-5%, unreliable, especially false negative, results are much more common. There are several reasons why this happens.

Reasons for a negative pregnancy test

Tests can be various kinds, but they are all aimed at defining chorionic gonadotropin(hCG) in a woman's urine. As soon as the embryo is fixed in the uterine cavity, hCG begins to be produced. Every two or three days, its number doubles. In the first week after fertilization, its concentration is approximately 25 mIU / ml, but it is contained in urine less.

A simple test is a paper strip with a reagent on its surface that reacts to hCG. Pregnancy can be detected 10-12 days after fertilization, therefore, the first day after the delay of critical days is the optimal time for determination.

stand out the following reasons false negative test.

- pathology of pregnancy

Most dangerous reasons are rooted in the pathologies of pregnancy itself. They are as follows:

  1. Ectopic pregnancy. A woman may have signs of pregnancy, as well as a delay in critical days, however, the test registers one strip. The reason may be ectopic pregnancy when the embryo attaches in the fallopian tube, ovary, or abdominal cavity. In this case, hCG grows in leaps and bounds, and its concentration is at a low level that does not correspond to the gestational age. It is important to immediately visit a doctor and undergo an ultrasound procedure, on which you can see the place of attachment of the fetus.
  2. Frozen pregnancy. Another reason lies in the presence of a frozen pregnancy. IN normal hCG increases for 8-9 weeks, after which it begins to slowly decline. If the embryo freezes, then hCG begins to fall, and the test shows a false result.
  3. Embryo problems. If there is a pregnancy, and the test registers an incorrect result, then this may indicate a violation of the development of the fetus. These include the threat of miscarriage or the onset spontaneous abortion. The reason why this happens may be a low amount of hormones produced by the body - hCG and progesterone. If you do not promptly seek help from a doctor who will prescribe hormone therapy, you can lose a child.

- urine quality

Since the presence of a hormone in the urine is determined, its quality cannot but affect the result. If the urine is in a highly diluted state, then hCG is present in a smaller amount, and, therefore, the test may not confirm it. One of the reasons why this happens is the use of diuretics. Also, the result may be affected by eating watermelon or increased drinking regimen in hot weather.

These reasons are significant only for early periods, subsequently the concentration of hCG reaches such a level that even in diluted urine, the test shows positive result.

In addition, if the test is not carried out immediately, and the urine has had time to stand, then the reliability may decrease, since the hormonal substances are gradually destroyed.

The nature of the urine may also change due to kidney disease and Bladder e.g. glomerulonephritis, pyelonephritis, cystitis.

- violation of the instructions for using the test

The rules for using the test depend on its type. When using an inkjet test, it is necessary to substitute it under a stream of urine, a strip test - immerse it in a container with urine, and a tablet - put a few drops on a special window. Despite general rules you must follow the instructions that come with the specific test. Otherwise, the result may be false.

- poor test quality

The tests differ in both quality and sensitivity. Moreover, even high price devices and famous brand do not guarantee that it is not defective. It happens that a woman buys several tests from different manufacturers at once, which record different results. A false negative may be caused by a product defect.

The storage conditions of the test also affect the reliability of the data obtained. Elevated temperature And high humidity negatively affect him. However, the likelihood that the pharmacy holds the test in improper conditions is small. In addition, it is important to clarify expiration dates in advance.

- test done too early

Another reason is the early use of a pregnancy test. All of them are designed in such a way that they react to a certain amount of hCG in the urine. The sensitivity of tests can vary from 10 to 30 mIU / ml, which means the presence in the urine of this concentration of the hormone. If it is not enough, then the result will be negative.

There are several reasons for this. One of which is changes in the menstrual cycle caused by stress, overwork, change climatic conditions, infections, diet violations, etc. Woman believing that her menstrual cycle constant, immediately makes a test, and it shows one strip. The cycle for one of the above reasons has changed, and implantation occurred later. Immediately after the expected monthly test is not yet informative.

Another reason is the shift in ovulation that has occurred. Knowing the date of sexual intercourse, a woman can try to calculate the date of conception. However, this cannot always be done accurately. Perhaps fertilization did not occur on the day intimacy, and later, since spermatozoa are viable for up to 7 days. Thus, the test may reflect negative result with an existing pregnancy, since conception occurred later, and the hCG level has not yet risen to a value that can be determined by the test.

What should I do to achieve the most accurate test results?

In order for a pregnancy test to show as much as possible worthy correct result you need to follow some rules:

  1. As mentioned above, by different reasons the menstrual cycle can change, and implantation does not always occur at the calculated time. Being impatient and conducting the test in advance, 3-4 days before menstruation, you can encounter a negative result. Therefore, it is recommended to wait for the delay, and only then do the analysis, so you can avoid the disappointments associated with obtaining a negative result.
  2. It is better to purchase the test in pharmacies, not supermarkets. Before buying, you must check its packaging for leaks, as well as the expiration date.
  3. Open the package immediately before using the test.
  4. Perform the test strictly according to the instructions for it. False negative result it can be when the time spent by the indicator in the liquid is not respected, also if the test strip is immersed above the indicated mark.
  5. Do not use the test more than once.
  6. If you need to collect urine in a container, then it must be clean.
  7. On early dates the timing of the study plays a role. It is better to do it in the morning, collecting the first portion of urine, since it is the most concentrated and contains the maximum amount of the hormone. It is also necessary to use the test before meals.
  8. To avoid marriage, it is better to purchase several test options from different manufacturers.
  9. If the result is negative, you can repeat the test after 1-2 days, by which time the concentration of hCG in the urine will increase.

It is important to note that if the test shows one strip, and the woman feels all the signs of pregnancy, then she needs to visit a gynecologist. Perhaps the reason lies in the presence of the pathology of this pregnancy, or in the diseases of the woman herself.

How to choose a test to avoid a false negative result?

There are three types of tests that differ in quality, sensitivity, method of conducting and determining the result:

  1. Paper strips - 1st generation of tests. Their sensitivity is 20-25 mIU / ml. This means that they will be able to determine the presence of pregnancy 1-2 days after the expected start of menstruation. You should not use such tests before, so as not to get a distorted result.
  2. Tablet - 2 generation tests. Its sensitivity is 15-20 mIU/ml. This type of test is more expensive than paper strips, but the quality is not much different. Basically only more beautiful appearance, so they like to leave it as a keepsake.
  3. Inkjet - 3 generation tests. Sensitivity can be 10-20 mIU/ml. It is the most accurate, and its reliability is not affected by the time of the analysis. Can be used as early as 6-7 days after the intended conception. The electronic version is a jet test. The only difference is the word "pregnant" meaning "pregnancy" instead of two stripes.

Among the most in demand are:

  • test strips - Frautest Express, Evitest No. 1;
  • tablet tests - Frautest Expert, Evitest Proof;
  • inkjet tests - Frautest Exclusive, ClearBlue.

The choice of test depends on when the woman decided to conduct the study. If before the delay of menstruation, then it is necessary to choose the option that has a greater sensitivity of 10-15 mIU / ml. These are inkjet or electronic tests.

If the delay is already present, then spend cash for a test with hypersensitivity, not worth it. Ordinary paper strips determine pregnancy without difficulty, since the concentration of hCG has already reached a fairly high level.


Thus, pregnancy tests help not to go to the doctor every time as soon as a delay occurs, but to independently conduct an analysis. However, they still make mistakes. In most cases, they can be avoided if guided simple rules application indicated on the instructions, and also do not conduct a study too early. In addition, you can purchase several tests from different companies at once in order to avoid errors due to defects.

However, there are cases in which a negative result indicates serious problems therefore it is recommended to apply for medical care. Perhaps the pregnancy is at risk, and it can still be saved. If this is an ectopic pregnancy, then early treatment will save not only the health, but also the life of the woman.

Especially for- Elena Kichak

Every month I feel like I'm pregnant - I feel sick, my chest hurts, urination becomes more frequent and all the rest are the first on my face. signs of pregnancy, But test always shows pregnancy negative result. What could it be?

Sometimes a woman tends to wishful thinking. This can cause the apparent changes in your body that are characteristic of pregnancy, especially if you are actively trying to conceive. Naturally, you hope that everything worked out for you this month, and you begin to “try on” the first signs of pregnancy. But usually give enough exact result, which does not depend on your thoughts, but on whether there is a pregnancy or not.

There is an unusual condition called , in which women begin to experience real signs of pregnancy, although in fact they are not pregnant at all! The symptoms can be very dramatic - from breast fullness and abdominal enlargement to the appearance of fetal movements, and even labor pains! No one can say for sure why this is happening. But women with this diagnosis need qualified psychiatric help.

But since false pregnancy- an extremely rare condition, you most likely just have normal premenstrual changes (called PMS - premenstrual syndrome). Unfortunately, some women experience debilitating cramps, bloating, pelvic pain, nausea (even with vomiting) on ​​the eve of their period. Sometimes they are even forced to take a couple of sick days and not go to work, but this does not mean at all that they are pregnant! Many researchers believe that fluctuations in the levels of estrogen and progesterone (the two main hormones produced during the menstrual cycle) in the blood are the cause of such sensations.

If you are not trying to conceive and want some relief from premenstrual symptoms, then you can try taking birth control pills(only after consultation with a gynecologist!). The pills regulate the amount of hormones in your body, resulting in less fluctuations in your cycle. Other simple things that can help are lowering your caffeine intake and regular physical exercise between menstrual cycles.

If, on the contrary, you are trying to get pregnant, you feel signs of pregnancy, but the test is negative, then you need to wait a few days, until the day when your next menstrual cycle should begin. If there is a delay, repeat the test, it may be positive. If your period starts, don't be discouraged - you didn't get pregnant this time, you will definitely succeed next time! By the way, let's make a reservation right away: if you think that, then you are mistaken! If you have started your period, then you simply cannot be pregnant!

Pregnancy with a negative test - is it reality or a fairy tale? Next, we have to figure out this issue. They are puzzled by many girls - both those planning to become mothers, and those who are afraid of an "interesting situation." In reality, everything is not so easy. Therefore, it is necessary to study the issue with different parties. Below is information that will help shed light on what is happening.

About the test

Can a test be negative during pregnancy? To answer this question, first we will understand how the corresponding device works.

Any pregnancy test is a kind of device with a receiver, or a strip strip. It is enough to urinate on him and wait a bit. The reagent applied to the meter will react with the urine. This will lead to a response and to the manifestation of one or another result. Usually one line on the test - there is no pregnancy, and two - there is.

Important: the reagent will react to the level of hCG in the woman's urine. This hormone begins to be produced during pregnancy extremely actively.

If the test is negative, is pregnancy possible or not? Next, consider all the layouts that occur in real life.

Probability of false testimony

Unfortunately, there is no clear answer to the question asked earlier. The fact is that home pregnancy tests can indeed be wrong under certain circumstances. What does it mean?

Pregnancy with a negative test is possible. As well as a positive result on the measuring device, provided there is no "interesting position". So some girls prefer after home diagnostics contact a gynecologist or donate blood for hCG. So it will be possible to most accurately judge the onset of an "interesting situation."

It's a matter of sensitivity

The reasons for a negative pregnancy test are varied. Below we will consider the most popular options for the development of events.

When planning to purchase an appropriate device in a pharmacy, a woman needs to pay attention to the sensitivity of the device. This indicator will determine the success of the early diagnosis"interesting position".

The lower the sensitivity threshold, the faster girl will see the correct test result. The bulk of measuring instruments has a corresponding indicator at the level of 25-150 mME. In the first case, the test is the most sensitive.

Important: some measuring devices have a sensitivity of 10 mME. Manufacturers claim that such products will be able to determine the position of the girl before the delay of menstruation. In real life, this is not entirely true.

Earlier time

A negative pregnancy test with a delay in menstruation is a fairly common phenomenon. And he should not be afraid.

In view of the foregoing, we can conclude that a woman just needs to buy highly sensitive measuring instruments. But that is not all.

A false negative indicator on the device appears when the diagnosis is carried out too early. As we have already said, the reagent shows one or another result after contact with urine with hCG. Early diagnosis leads to the fact that the test will show one strip. Why? The level of hCG is too low to be determined using home methods for diagnosing a woman's position. Therefore, it is not worth rushing to check.

Important: doctors recommend to refrain from home method pregnancy test before missed period. If on the first or second day only 1 strip is visible, you need to wait a couple more days. A week after the delay of menstruation, the tests, as a rule, already easily show an “interesting position”.


But this is not always the case. Sometimes girls may face a situation in which pregnancy will not be confirmed by home tests.

For example, this is possible if the instructions for the use of devices for diagnosing the position of a woman are violated. This circumstance leads precisely to false negative testimonies.

Important to remember following rules:

  • collect urine only in sterile containers;
  • it is better to test immediately after waking up, in the morning;
  • try not to check in the evening;
  • do not drink a lot of liquid shortly before home diagnosis;
  • do not urinate before checking for 4 hours, but preferably 6-8.

In addition, the girl must strictly follow the instructions on the box with the device and do not put the test strip on a wet surface. Reuse of the device is also prohibited.

Poor product or out of date

A negative pregnancy test may appear when using low-quality or expired devices. A manufacturing defect cannot be ruled out either. After all, any product can face similar circumstances.

Important: most often incorrect readings are shown by strip strips. Therefore, it is better to use inkjet, electronic or tablet devices. They are more expensive, but they are more accurate and reliable.

It's all about drugs

Pregnancy test negative but no period? As we have said, in this case, the woman needs to wait a bit, and then repeat the test. It is possible that the situation arose due to early diagnosis and low hCG levels in blood.

However, a false negative result on a test device can occur if the woman is taking any medication. Usually the situation occurs when a girl, shortly before the diagnosis, drank a medicine or a diuretic. There are cases when, even after drinking a large number water or green tea had to see one strip when real pregnancy.

Accordingly, it is advisable to stop taking medications. And from drinking heavily for some time before the test, too.

Diseases and diagnostics

A negative pregnancy test with a delay cannot be ruled out if the woman is sick. Inflammatory processes and pathologies of the body often distort the result.

Most often, the veracity of the testimony of a pregnancy test is affected by diseases, disturbing work internal organs(say, kidneys). This is due to the fact that the urine pathological processes will contain very little hCG.

Important: sometimes negative test forces the girl to conduct a comprehensive check of the body. It is advisable to check for certain diseases in advance, before planning a child.

position pathologies

Pregnancy with a negative test is quite real. And sometimes a similar situation occurs due to a variety of fetal developmental disorders.

For example, false negative test will be at:

In addition, a woman may face the threat of miscarriage with the situation under study. Therefore, when planning a child, you need to carefully monitor your health. And if a girl suspects pregnancy with a negative test, it is better to go to the gynecologist, for an ultrasound scan and donate blood for hCG.

Ectopic pregnancy

Another scenario is the appearance of an ectopic pregnancy. Usually such a picture leads to an abortion or spontaneous interruption"interesting position".

Pregnancy with a negative test may be ectopic. The readings of the measuring device will be false, as the urine contains low level HCG. Delay? Is the test negative? Can there be a pregnancy in this scenario? Yes, and similar situations are not so rare.

Important: with this form of pregnancy, a girl can see a "ghost" - a weak second strip with fuzzy lines. She will be pale color. If the situation recurs after a second check after a few days, you need to hurry to the doctor. Most likely, this is an ectopic pregnancy. And it must be stopped as soon as possible. Otherwise, you may face serious consequences.


1-2 weeks pregnant? Is the test negative? This normal phenomenon. Ideally, diagnostics should be carried out a week after the delay in menstruation. Then there should be no false results. But for a more accurate diagnosis, it is better to go for an ultrasound or to a gynecologist. Don't forget to take a blood test either.

Unfortunately, the absence of menstruation and a negative pregnancy test can occur for other reasons unrelated to " interesting position". When does this happen?

For example, when:

In addition, a delay in menstruation can cause acclimatization. Long trips, change of time zone, fatigue of any type - all this negatively affects the body. The girl will experience a delay in menstruation, but the test will be negative.

Important: the situation under study should not cause panic in adolescence after an abortion or childbirth. During these periods, the menstrual cycle is just beginning to form. And therefore, pregnancy with a negative test and a delay will not take place.

At the first signs of pregnancy, women most often do an analysis using a pharmacy test strip. And sometimes they get into a dead end: the test is negative, but there are other symptoms. How to resolve the contradiction and why the test does not always “tell the truth”? There is a whole list of answers to this question, so we will study it now.

For some, a delay in menstruation is a joyful and encouraging symptom, for others it becomes a source of anxiety. In any case, a woman, even before going to the doctor, is trying to figure out herself what to expect in the near future. The easiest way to confirm your guesses or refute them is with a test strip. Testing is elementary, in addition to the presence of this analyzer, you will also need a small portion of urine, and that's it, you can proceed to the procedure. Such a study can be carried out at home, during a break in the working day, on vacation, even on the road.

But sometimes there are situations when the test result is negative, but there is pregnancy, a number of other indicators testify to its presence. In addition to the delay in menstruation, nausea, swelling and darkening of the nipples and other symptoms are observed. In such cases, they speak of the so-called false negative test results.

There are many, or rather several, reasons for this discrepancy. These are banal errors during the test or the poor quality of the source code, or some deviations in the state of health future mother that interfere with the adequacy of the experience.

Hurry - the first and most common cause of error

The desire to quickly clarify the situation often leads to errors. The experience of gynecology testifies: pregnancy with a negative test is a phenomenon, alas, not uncommon. More often wrong result such a study gives at the earliest possible time, when the "traces" of the presence of the embryo in the blood and urine are still minimal.

The level of hCG - human chorionic gonadotropin - ideally changes already in the first weeks of pregnancy. But the body is still quite individual, and sometimes in the initial phase of the term, the concentration of hCG remains at the same level or does not increase enough to manifest itself at the level of the simplest testing.

If the test is negative, and there are signs of pregnancy, it is best to repeat it in a few days, and most likely, then the picture will clear up. It is more reliable if you use the source codes of another company. Or after a short period of time, consult a doctor, and he will organize a more thorough examination, after which the diagnosis will be already determined.

Normally, an increase in the level of human chorionic gonadotropin in the blood can be traced as early as 7-10 days after conception, and in the urine a few days later. But, firstly, it depends on a number of factors, both internal and external. And then, this level itself changes somewhat, say, at the 5-6th week, the concentration of hCG decreases slightly naturally, since it is at this boundary that active formation placenta, and part of the functions of producing hormones, it takes over.

Why the test is negative, but there is a pregnancy: "technical" reasons

The strip itself may be of poor quality: the test result is negative, but there is pregnancy, because the technology in the production of this analyzer was initially violated, or the test strip was stored incorrectly. Storage conditions may be violated during transportation medicines or already directly in the pharmacy, although this happens infrequently. If a woman purchased such a test and kept it at home without following the rules, then its effectiveness also decreases.

Finally, the shelf life has expired or the test was purchased in some dubious place, this can also cause an imbalance, why the test is negative, but there is pregnancy. Even with optimal conditions storage strips can fail, especially if the manufacturer is unreliable, and unfortunately, there are still a lot of such dubious firms that do not care about observing the technology.

Not always a woman carefully reads the instructions and follows them. And this negligence also generates errors, including a false negative test result.

Pathologies in the list of mismatches of causes and effects

Deviations in the state of a woman's health can also negatively affect the accuracy of the test result. For example, kidney problems bladder in which the protein content in the urine exceeds the norm or there are obvious inflammatory processes.

Urine can be very dilute if a woman consumes a lot of water and other fluids. Then the results will be inadequate. Or urine will stand for a long time before analysis, and even in a warm place, this will also negatively affect its quality and, accordingly, the result of the analysis. It is best to perform the test in the morning when the hCG level is at its highest.

Pregnancy abnormalities, including an ectopic pregnancy or threatened miscarriage, can give a false negative test result.

What to do if the test is negative, but there are signs of pregnancy

When in doubt, the logical step is to visit antenatal clinic. The doctor will analyze all the existing symptoms, prescribe an additional examination. Maybe it makes sense to wait another week, when the situation itself becomes certain. Or conduct a blood test for the same chorionic gonadotropin. In the blood, it is fixed earlier than in the urine, and the concentration can be calculated more accurately. If necessary, the doctor resorts to ultrasound. The combination of these methods will make it possible to unequivocal conclusion about the presence or absence of pregnancy.

When planning a pregnancy, women look forward to the moment when the test will finally confirm their hopes. But sometimes it turns out that all the symptoms of an interesting situation, as they say, are obvious, and the test shows one strip. And then the classic question pops up: who is to blame and what to do? First of all, don't panic! And we will help you to understand the reasons for this.

The reason is in the characteristics of the body

The long-awaited onset of pregnancy and a negative test result can cause panic and disappointment for the expectant mother. And here the reason may not be in you, or rather, not in the fact that you are not pregnant, but in the fact that your body “hides” the fact of the presence of an embryo in your stomach. After all, the test reacts with two strips to the presence of the pregnancy hormone in the urine - human chorionic gonadotropin (). The absence of two strips occurs when the amount of hCG is too small. The level of this hormone in your urine is always lower than its level in the blood by almost half. Therefore, the indicator of the test cannot catch the difference between the usual state of a woman and the presence of pregnancy. There is a simple way out of this situation: buy another test, but more sensitive, and conduct it a little later.

False test results can be obtained if the woman's body has tumors, malfunctions. Often a negative test result is the result of taking hormonal drugs future mother. Possible cause there is also an ectopic pregnancy either.

Cause in the test strip

The second category of reasons why a test fails is the test itself. Firstly, it may be expired or of poor quality due to improper storage. Secondly, you may not correctly conduct the testing procedure itself. After all, morning urine is considered informative, in which you should dip the strip to a certain level and certain time. Third, testing may be done too early. Only ultra-sensitive tests can detect very early pregnancy.

What is a woman to do?

The most correct way out is to consult a doctor and do a blood test for the presence of hCG. It is possible to carry out ultrasonography. IN medical institution with the help of an experienced gynecologist, the reason for the negative reaction of your test in the presence of pregnancy will become clear very quickly. And then the doctor will help to take measures that eliminate false results.

So, if the reason for a negative test is too low a hCG content, then a blood test will definitely help to identify it. Perhaps the reason is the negative emotional background mothers. Then you need to consult with a specialist who will change psychological condition and mood of the expectant mother. If the test was affected by tumors or other diseases in the woman's body, then there can be no unambiguous advice. In each individual case, the treatment, methods of therapy and measures of influence are taken by the doctor.

Ovarian dysfunction can also lead to an erroneous result. Then the gynecologist also prescribes an individual course of treatment. If the doctor detects a threat of miscarriage and the result of this is a decrease in the level of hCG in the blood, then he may offer the woman hospitalization. You should not refuse treatment in a hospital.

So, do not jump to conclusions about your alleged pathological condition with a negative pregnancy test. Medical statistics show that such cases are not uncommon, and the pregnancy is physiological, and then it proceeds quite normally. Therefore, the test is a test, and in the antenatal clinic they will certainly deal with you and your interesting position professionally. And the inscription on the test about an almost one hundred percent guarantee of the result is perceived as the manufacturer's insurance.

Especially for Elena TOLOCHIK