Let's cure a friend of an annoying cold! Runny nose in a dog: diagnosis and home treatment

The inflammatory process of the mucous membrane of the nasal passages in pets can be caused by a variety of reasons - from hypothermia to the appearance of polyps or malignant neoplasms.

Unlike humans, dogs suffer even a slight runny nose, which is associated with the anatomical and physiological characteristics of the olfactory organ. If a pet veterinarian diagnosed rhinitis of catarrhal origin, then you can treat a sick dog at home.

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Causes of a runny nose in dogs, incl. in small breeds

Inflammation of the nasal cavity in animals can be an independent disease or be a secondary disease against the background of an underlying pathological process, such as infection. In veterinary practice, the causes that provoke rhinitis in fluffy patients include the following:

  • Hypothermia of the body. Long walks in damp and cold weather, exposure of the animal to the rain in bad weather, keeping the dog on a cold floor, in a damp room with drafts - all this provokes a violation of heat transfer and hypothermia. Rhinitis, as a rule, is seasonal and manifests itself in the autumn-winter period.

A sharp temperature drop can lead to a runny nose in a furry pet, for example, when swimming in a cold pond in hot weather.

  • Diseases of the nasopharynx and upper respiratory tract. Rhinitis often accompanies such ailments as pharyngitis, laryngitis, bronchitis. Diseases of the teeth, stomatitis can also lead to nasal discharge.
  • A more dangerous cause of rhinitis in dogs are infectious diseases - carnivores, adenovirus infection, parainfluenza. Viruses and bacteria penetrate the epithelial cells of the nasal mucosa and destroy them, causing inflammation.
  • Allergic reaction. A pet's nose can be caused by allergies to food, household chemicals, medications, insecticides and medications, dust, and pollen. An allergic reaction is accompanied by swelling of the mucous membranes, hyperemia, which leads to a runny nose in the animal. The cause of rhinitis can also be contact irritation of the delicate membrane of the nose with tobacco smoke, caustic vapors.
  • Foreign body in the nasal passage. Being inquisitive creatures by nature, dogs constantly sniff foreign objects. Small particles of earth, sand, pebbles, plant seeds, sawdust, wood chips can injure the nasal mucosa and lead to inflammation.
  • Congenital anomalies of the nasal septum, trauma or consequences of surgery. Deformation of the cartilaginous tissue of the nasopharynx, jaw, skull bones of various etiologies often leads to disruption of normal breathing.
  • Neoplasms. Polyps, benign and malignant tumors are similar in mechanism of action to a foreign object. Neoplasms block the nasal passages, squeeze the blood vessels, causing hyperemia, swelling and inflammation.
  • Avitaminosis. Deficiency in the diet of vitamins and mineral nutrients weakens the body's local cellular defense against pathogenic microbes. Vitamin A and ascorbic acid are especially important for the health of the epithelial tissues of the upper respiratory tract.

Owners of brachycephalic breeds should understand that the features of the anatomical structure of the pet's skull cause difficulty in normal breathing and the release of fluid from the nose. If a pug, bulldog, sharpei, bullmastiff or Pekingese lives in the house, households should distinguish between anatomically determined shortness of breath from the pathological process in rhinitis.

Symptoms not to be ignored

Runny nose in animals is recorded in acute and chronic form. Depending on the nature of the outflow from the nose, rhinitis is divided into catarrhal, fibrous, hemorrhagic and follicular.

Veterinary specialists advise owners to pay attention to the following clinical signs of an inflammatory process in the nasal cavity of a pet:

  • Sluggish, depressed, apathetic state. The animal is reluctant to go for a walk, does not show interest in exploring new objects, territory.
  • Appetite is usually reduced. The dog sniffs food for a long time. Due to the decrease in the sense of smell, she is not even interested in delicacies.
  • Labored breathing. The owner observes whistling sounds at the moment of inhalation and exhalation. The pet breathes through the mouth for a long time, sniffs, snorts. Shortness of breath is noted. The animal often sneezes, licks its lips, rubs its nose with its paws, and scratches it on foreign objects.
  • Expiration from the nose can be transparent and liquid with a catarrhal form of the disease. As the pathology develops, the exudate becomes more viscous, thick, viscous. Complication of the disease by pathogenic microorganisms is accompanied by catarrhal-purulent discharge from the nose.
  • Examination of the mucous membrane of the nasal passages with a flashlight reveals its redness. With the follicular form of the disease, flat or round erosions are found.

Rhinoscopy reveals the cause of the common cold
  • Nasal discharge leads to hyperemia, cracking, ulceration of the nasal mucosa. Crusts, wounds and cracks appear.
  • Due to inflammation of the sebaceous glands, the owner often observes nodules and swelling on the wings of the nose and upper lip of the dog.
  • With severe nasal congestion, the pet's sleep is disturbed.
  • Regional lymph nodes are painful and swollen on palpation.
  • In some cases, the animal has an increase in body temperature.
  • With rhinitis, inflammation of the eyes is often observed.

In the case of catarrh, a runny nose can pass on its own in 7 to 10 days. Other forms of the disease necessarily require medical treatment. The croupous nature of the disease is characterized by a long, up to a month, course.

How to cure a runny nose at home

If rhinitis is caused by a foreign object entering the nasal passages, in no case should you try to remove it yourself. An unprofessional approach can cause irreparable harm to the pet. Polyps and neoplasms are treated surgically.

If the cause of a runny nose is hypothermia, inflammation in the nasopharynx, the owner should take the following measures:

Immunomodulatory drugs
  • If the inflammatory process is complicated by a bacterial infection, treatment will not do without the use of antimicrobial agents. A veterinarian should prescribe an antibiotic and its dosage. As a rule, broad-spectrum agents are used - penicillins, cephalosporins. In the fibrous form of rhinitis, the use of sulfonamides, such as Sulfadimethoxine, is effective.

In the event that rhinitis is of an allergic nature, antihistamines are used during an exacerbation - Suprastin, Loratadin, Tavegil, etc. If the runny nose is secondary and is caused by an infectious disease, then the veterinarian prescribes the treatment of the underlying ailment.

Drops from stuffy nose

Complex treatment of the common cold in animals is not complete without the use of nasal drops. They alleviate the pet's condition by constricting blood vessels, have anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effects. For the treatment of rhinitis in dogs, veterinary drops should be used - Anandin, Maxidin.

From the arsenal of human remedies for a fluffy patient, only Pinosol is suitable - oil-based drops. Nasal remedy is used 3-4 times a day, 2-3 drops in each nostril.

It is strictly forbidden to treat dogs with nasal drops from a human pharmacy - Naphthyzinum, Sanorin, etc. These drugs greatly dry out the mucous membrane and worsen the situation.

A runny nose in four-legged pets is a cause for concern for the owner, since the cause of the disease can be not only hypothermia, but also a dangerous infection, such as canine distemper. Treatment involves the elimination of the cause and therapeutic measures in relation to the underlying disease. It is important for the owner to follow the instructions of the veterinarian - and then the successful treatment of the pet is possible at home.

Useful video

About the causes, symptoms and treatment of a runny nose in dogs, see this video:

The dog sneezes and coughs - almost every dog ​​​​owner faces this. The pet explores everything around with the help of its nose, and sometimes this organ gets "clogged". Quite often, sneezing is just a harmless process that allows the animal to get rid of foreign bodies in the nose. But at the same time, it can be a sign of a developing disease. What should the owner do if the dog sneezes and snorts? First of all, find out if there are any other symptoms of the disease.

The main causes of sneezing

Why does a dog often sneeze? The reasons may be different. The following are considered the main ones:

  • in the first place, a cold or rhinitis;
  • allergic reaction;
  • the presence of a foreign body in the nasal cavity;
  • animal disease;
  • injury;
  • the presence of heart problems;
  • infection.

If the dog began to sneeze, do not immediately panic and take it to the veterinary clinic. Your pet will tell you what to do. The animal constantly sniffs something, plant pollen, dust, earth, and so on could get into its nose. This is not a reason to take your pet to the doctor. You need to figure out how often this happens, when, under what conditions, what other symptoms are accompanied.

When should you go to the vet?

The animal has snot and sneezes, discharge is noticeable from the nose, it rubs its nose with its paw, waves its muzzle, then, most likely, something is stuck in its nose. If you can’t notice and remove the item on your own, then you need to take the pet to a veterinary clinic.

If the pet drinks a lot, sneezes with blood, it means that he has an injury. The animal must be taken to a veterinarian to determine the level of injury.

What to do if an old dog sneezes and coughs? A visit to the doctor does not hurt, as this can be a symptom of heart problems. The veterinarian should listen to the organ and make a cardiogram.

How does an allergy manifest itself?

The owner must understand why the dog constantly sneezes in order to eliminate possible risks. Allergies are a common cause of sneezing. The sense of smell of our four-legged friends is much more developed than ours. And in the modern world, they are surrounded by hundreds of artificial smells. An animal may develop an allergic reaction to the following odors:

  • Pollen from flowers and plants. An animal, like a person, can be allergic to a plant.
  • Cigarette smoke. If a pet sneezes many times in a row next to a smoking person, this should alert.
  • Dust can also cause such a reaction.
  • Household chemicals, dog collar or flea drops.
  • Food products - allergies can be on them.

The signs are as follows: the dog has snot, she sneezes heavily many times in a row, grunts, her eyes are watery, her skin itches, it is difficult for her to breathe, hair falls out in some parts of her body. Allergies can be seasonal or permanent. You need to see a doctor, noticing the symptoms, so that he prescribes antihistamines to the pet.

How to distinguish a cold?

The dog sneezes, she has snot - what to do? It is necessary to exclude or confirm the presence of a cold. If this does not happen often, then there is no cause for concern. If the dog sneezes many times, it lasts more than a day, then she most likely caught a cold. Additional symptoms: lethargy, cough with snot, swollen eyes.

The animal could catch a cold as a result of walking in cold weather. Therefore, in order to prevent such a development of events and not think about how to treat a dog that is sneezing and suffering from a runny nose, you should purchase warm clothes for walking on the street in advance. Or, as an option, do not walk for a long time so that your pet does not freeze.

A sick animal must follow a diet. It should be fed more often, but in small portions. Food should be mushy.

You should also be aware that our four-legged friends can get the flu. To protect your pet from this, it is better to vaccinate him in advance.

Various diseases

Various infections of the oral or nasal cavity can be the reasons why the dog sneezes and snorts. Infections in the mouth are accompanied by such additional signs: gum swelling, bad breath, caries. How to treat the animal in this case? First of all, eliminate the causes of the infection.

If the dog began to sneeze, this may be a sign of adenovirus. The disease is also accompanied by conjunctivitis, vomiting and diarrhea. Be sure to take the animal to the veterinarian so that he tells how and with what to treat.

A dog with pneumonia or bronchitis can cause it to sneeze and snort; How to treat it in this case - the doctor must determine.

If the dog has snot, she began to sneeze, then perhaps she has rhinitis. It is necessary to pay attention to the discharge from the nose, they may have an unpleasant odor, be green in color.

Features of treatment

The first step is to figure out why the dog is sneezing and snorting. If the cause is serious, you need to contact your veterinarian. It is he who will conduct all the necessary analyzes and studies.

The doctor should take a medical history, find out when the problem started, conduct a physical examination, determine the type of nasal discharge, examine the eyes and mouth. Blood tests won't help find out why a dog is sneezing repeatedly, but they can be done to check for secondary conditions. Your veterinarian may also need to take x-rays.

There is no universal answer to the question of how to treat a dog that grunts and sneezes heavily. Individual treatment is prescribed by the doctor after all diagnostic procedures. What should the owner do? It is important to notice the problem in time, identify the accompanying symptoms and take the pet to the veterinary clinic, where the doctor will determine why the dog is coughing and sneezing and what to do.

Treatment at home

If the owner knows why his dog is sneezing, he can treat it at home - what to do in this case depends on what caused the ailment.

  • After hypothermia, the dog sneezes, what should I do? You can give her vitamin A, instill vasoconstrictor drops.
  • If an allergen has been identified that causes a runny nose and sneezing in a dog, you need to remove it from the animal. Then contact your veterinarian for an appointment.
  • If a dog has crusts on his nose from snot and sneezing, you need to get rid of them with a peroxide solution.

Important! If the animal does not improve within the first days, you need to seek professional help!

First aid for an animal

If the dog has a runny nose and sneezes, grunts heavily, you need to give her first aid before visiting the veterinarian.

The first step is to check the nasal passages. You can shine a flashlight in them and see if there are any changes or objects that prevent the animal from breathing. If a foreign body is found, you should try to remove it with tweezers.

Important! It is impossible to rinse the nose in the presence of a foreign object, since it is possible to accidentally move the object deeper, then it will be more problematic for the veterinarian to get it.

Prevention measures

If the animal is properly maintained and well fed, it will have strong immunity and be healthy. Therefore, it is important to provide your pet with the right diet, frequent walks and physical activity.

It is important to do all the necessary vaccinations, regularly undergo examinations at the veterinarian.

The pet should be kept in a clean room, where cleaning is carried out regularly with the use of disinfectants. This will allow him to avoid allergies to dust and unnecessary infections.

If the dog grunts and sneezes violently, this is not always a reason for a visit to the doctor, but it is always a cause for concern for the owner. Animals need to be watched. And if the problem persists, contact your veterinarian without delay. After all, even harmless, at first glance, sneezing can be fraught with a serious and dangerous cause.

Probably, there is not a single person on Earth who would not know about such a problem as a runny nose. A constant flow from the nose, a burning sensation and dryness of the mucous membranes, the inability to freely inhale air - these are just some of the symptoms of a runny nose or rhinitis, as the disease is otherwise called. But a runny nose happens not only with us, but also with our four-legged pets - dogs. And of course, animals suffer from the inability to breathe well no less than people.

Causes of dog runny nose

There are plenty of reasons why a dog has a runny nose and an animal sneezes a hundred times a day. Here are the most common ones:
  • Hypothermia. If the dog got wet and froze in the rain; for a long time I walked on the street, where the temperature is below zero; bathed, but not dried; slept in a draft, a runny nose can easily appear due to a violation of thermoregulation. In this case, the discharge from the nose will be transparent, maybe (up to 39-39.5 degrees) and fever, sneezing and coughing;
  • Bacterial and viral infections. If rhinitis provoked the introduction of viruses or bacteria into the body, initially transparent nasal discharge a few days after the onset of the disease will turn into purulent (yellow or greenish, sometimes with red blood streaks), and their consistency will change from liquid to thick. In addition to runny nose, the dog may have watery eyes, and sometimes vomiting and diarrhea. Animal oppressed, and sometimes water. Dry crusts may appear on the nose, which, together with a runny nose, will make breathing difficult, this will make the dog breathe heavily, possibly even through the mouth;
  • Allergy. The dog's immune system can perceive as an enemy, for example, house dust, plant pollen, care products (shampoos, sprays, etc.). In addition to clear discharge from the nasal passages, the animal will most likely experience sneezing, swelling of the mucous membrane, coughing, inflammation of the eyes and tearing. In some situations, with allergies in animals, even stomach and intestinal disorders are observed;
  • Reaction to strong-smelling substances. The scents of the owner's perfume, campfire smoke, gasoline, thinner, chemical cleaners with chlorine, and many other odors can cause the animal to produce increased secretion of clear mucus from the nose. The dog scratches its nose with its paws, sneezes, does it have snot? Perhaps the situation is that the pet has inhaled some strong and unpleasant (for a dog's sense of smell) smell;
  • The introduction of a foreign object into the nasal passages. Pets, in order to recognize what is in front of them, explore unfamiliar objects with the help of their scent. It is not surprising that, quite calmly, a dog can inhale, for example, small parts of a children's designer, blades of grass, pebbles, threads. In this case, the animal is likely to flow from only one nostril (if the mucous membranes are damaged, there may be bloody discharge from the nose). The dog will sneeze, rub his nose with his paw, shake his head;
  • Neoplasms in the nasal cavity (tumors, polyps, cysts). If there are problems of this kind, in addition to nasal discharge, the animal will have pain, difficulty breathing. The dog will try to bring air into the nostrils with frequent rubbing with its paws. Allocations can be either transparent or purulent or bloody;
  • Mechanical damage or congenital disorders of the oral cavity and nasal sinuses(cleft palate, broken nose or jaw). If the dog has ever been in a bind with damage to the olfactory organs, it may have a runny nose, have breathing problems (the animal sniffs and snorts, often breathes through the mouth);
  • Organ diseases genitourinary and endocrine systems, liver, heart, inflammation of the ears and eyes, helminthic or flea infestations. By themselves, these ailments will not cause rhinitis, but they will negatively affect the state of the dog's immunity. In other words, the body of an animal exhausted by a disease (for example, kidney problems) will not be able to resist an infection that can cause a runny nose. In addition, rhinitis can develop in a too young or old animal, whose immunity is not so strong.

Common cold symptoms in dogs

As we found out, nasal discharge can vary in intensity, consistency, color, depending on the cause of the runny nose. However, common symptoms of a runny nose in dogs are:
  • Nasal discharge (clear to yellow or green, sometimes bloody);
  • Labored breathing;
  • Snoring, snoring during sleep;
  • Attempts to improve breathing with paws;
  • The appearance of painful crusts on the nose with a prolonged runny nose;
  • Decreased appetite;
  • Deterioration of scent;
  • sneezing;
  • Lachrymation.

How to help a dog with a cold

What to do if your dog has a runny nose? How to help a pet without harming it? First, first you need to find out what exactly caused the runny nose. Did your dog get caught in a torrential downpour a day or two ago? Perhaps it's the cold. Or, for example, did the nose of an animal recently get hurt in a fight? Then a runny nose could cause the injury.

Secondly, the owner should carefully examine the pet, illuminating the nasal passages with a flashlight. If a foreign body is stuck there, it is necessary to remove it with tweezers, trying not to hurt the dog. If you can't manage on your own, you should contact your veterinarian.

Thirdly, it is important to observe the animal. Thick viscous discharge from the nose, apathy, refusal to eat, gastrointestinal disorders, heavy breathing are serious reasons to see a doctor as soon as possible to save the dog. With a "harmless" runny nose, this does not happen.

If the dog is cheerful, active, has not lost interest in food, and transparent snot flows from its nose for no more than 2-3 days, you should not worry: the animal will most likely overcome the runny nose on its own. However, if the dog's nose has been flowing for more than 3 days, and the discharge has changed color and consistency, it's time to take action. Consider, how to treat a runny nose in a dog:

  1. If it is difficult for the dog to breathe from the secretions present in the nose, you can remove them with cotton swabs (preferably with a limiter) dipped in warm boiled water;
  2. When crusts form on the nose of an animal suffering from a runny nose, they should be carefully removed with a cotton pad soaked in water, chamomile decoction, 3% hydrogen peroxide. To prevent the appearance of dry crusts in the future, it is advisable to smear the nose with petroleum jelly or oxolin ointment after treatment (removal of the crust);
  3. If, with a runny nose, the animal's nose constantly dries, it is treated with crushed tablets or streptocide powder;
  4. You can help the dog by putting a bag of heated salt (or sand) on his nose for a few minutes. The procedure can be repeated several times a day;
  5. Human nasal drops for dogs from a cold should not be instilled. The only exception is natural-based oil drops or sprays (like Pinosol or Eucasept). They can be used for dogs in rare cases, if the nose completely "refuses" to breathe;
  6. Strengthen the immunity of the animal, and at the same time start the fight against infection, you can use the "Maxidin" tool, which should be instilled into the dog's nostrils (1-2 drops) 2-3 times a day;
  7. Sometimes the animal is treated with folk remedies: alternate or chamomile decoctions, carrot or beet juice are instilled into the nostrils. Coltsfoot or violet decoctions can be used to wash the dog's nose;
  8. It is not bad to support the animal's body with vitamins A and E, which are contained in food or special supplements;
  9. It is advisable to give food to a dog with rhinitis in a warm liquid form. If the dog is accustomed to ready-made food, it can be soaked in water to make it easier for the dog to chew (it is sometimes difficult if the nose does not breathe);
  10. Do not give your dog cold water. It is advisable to slightly warm the drink before serving to the dog;
  11. It is important to protect a dog with a runny nose from hypothermia: minimize or cancel walks if it is cool outside; refuse to bathe until recovery; exclude drafts. If the apartment is cool, you can cover the animal for the rest with a warm blanket.
All of the above measures can be used to treat a runny nose in dogs, if there are no serious symptoms of ill health (refusal of food and water, lack of physical activity, vomiting, etc.). If the dog is really ill, there is only one way out: rather contact a veterinarian.

Like any animal with a well-developed sense of smell, a dog perceives the world with smells.

The nose is the most important part of the body, "assistant" in understanding what is happening around. Therefore, problems with this organ cause discomfort to the pet and require prompt and timely intervention by the owner.

There are a number of reasons why a dog sneezes frequently.:

  • allergic reaction;
  • foreign object in the nose;
  • getting injured;
  • cold from hypothermia;
  • disease.

These cases need to be able to, if not recognize, then pay attention and show the four-legged friend to the veterinarian.

Advice!If the dog sneezes frequently during the day, there is a discharge from the nose, and this does not go away the next day, then you should contact your veterinarian. If the discharge is bloody, you need to go as soon as you notice a symptom.

There are also natural situations why a dog constantly sneezes. This can happen if, during a walk, the dog sniffed pollen, dust, cigarette smoke. If some small particles get into the nose, then the pet sneezes in order to get rid of foreign objects. If these are single or short sneezes or the discharge of transparent snot, then you don’t have to worry, but it is worth paying attention to the condition of the animal, whether there are any changes in behavior, breathing.

What can cause constant sneezing and snot in dogs?

If the dog sneezes and snorts several times a day, and this happens on a walk, when new smells appear, then this is normal. If the dog begins to snort, sneeze and breathe heavily due to snot in the nose, then you should immediately pay attention to this factor.

Allergic reaction in a dog - snot and sneezes, what to do?

Symptoms of an allergic pet reaction include:

  • constant sneezing;
  • cough;
  • hoarseness;
  • watery eyes;
  • swollen nose;
  • whitish discharge from the nose;
  • constant scratching (itching);
  • the appearance of irritation on the skin.

Allergies can appear from too strong household odors. chemicals, perfume, cigarette smell, new food, mold (fungus), dust particles.

It will be better to introduce new foods into the pet’s diet if we cook for dogs with our own hands

Important! If the dog began to snort and sneeze often in the apartment, pay attention to where and when this happens. This will help to quickly find the cause of the allergy.

Foreign body in the nose

If the dog suddenly began to snort furiously, rub his nose against objects and shake his head, then it is likely that a foreign body has got into his nose.

Using tweezers, try to pull out the obstructing object. If it doesn't work, go to the doctor right away.

Getting injured

There are times when, during active play, the animal hits something hard, and the owner does not notice this.

Important! If you notice blood or bleeding from your dog's nose, contact your veterinarian immediately.

The dog has a runny nose and sneezes, how to treat?

In animals, even hardy or large breeds that constantly live at home, there is a weakening of immunity.

Therefore, if you walk the dog in frosty weather for a long time, then take care of the ammunition.

Suits are sewn for all breeds. If after a long walk the dog has a runny nose and sneezing for two days, the formation of crusts on the wings of the nose, then he caught a cold.

If after 5 days the animal does not stop sneezing, and the snot becomes yellow-greenish and thick, you need to give medication, as this is already an infection called rhinitis.

If the animal is coughing and breathing heavily, then this may be the beginning of pneumonia.

Advice! The crusts from the nose are removed with a solution of peroxide or warm water, and then the nose is lubricated with petroleum jelly or a greasy baby cream.

infectious diseases

Canine distemper (Carré disease) at first, it manifests itself not only in the form of a runny nose and cough, but also sudden lethargy, refusal of the pet to eat, increased water intake, discharge from the eyes and vomiting.

Signs of such a disease as adenovirus are purulent discharge from the nose, crusts, watery eyes.

Important!If the animal does not eat during the day, lies, vomits, then you need to contact the clinic urgently!


If a situation occurs when the animal is not injured, but is actively trying to get rid of something that interferes in the nose, that is may have tumors or polyps. If something is wrong with the animal, and you cannot understand what it is, take it to the doctor.

Cases where veterinary assistance is required

If an animal has sneezing, coughing, wheezing, nasal discharge (including bloody), vomiting, food refusal occur for more than a day, and you cannot determine the cause, go to the veterinarian as soon as possible.

Treatment methods at home

carry out self-treatment only with an understanding of the causes of the dog's malaise.

  • If the animal is cold and snotty, then you can drip drops of "Pinosol". Dosage - 1-2 drops 2-3 times a day.
  • A natural remedy for a cold is onion. Grind one onion, squeeze out the juice, dilute it in half with water, moisten a cotton pad with the solution and put it in the dog's nostrils.
  • Vitamin A can be instilled with a pipette in liquid form.
  • When crusts form, 1-2 drops of hydrogen peroxide can be instilled into each nostril, when they soften, remove them with a cotton swab.

It is worth noting that there are dog breeds that naturally have a flattened nose (pugs, bulldogs, etc.), and such breeds sneeze more often than their long-nosed counterparts. Therefore, it is worth paying special attention to their sneezing.

If we consider pets in terms of resistance to cold, then decorative dogs are more prone to colds, so they are walked in clothes.

Service dogs have an undercoat, so they are less likely to get cold.

Hunting dogs require careful care. So if the dog sneezes, what to do? No need to self-medicate, it is worth contacting a veterinarian.

Important! Prevention from possible frequent sneezing and snorting can be keeping the house clean, removing dust and dirt, avoiding things with strong odors, limiting allergens in food.

Useful video

In the video, the doctor of the veterinary clinic talks about the main causes of coughing and sneezing in dogs: