The girl breeds for money. "Check you" - shameboard of girls from social networks (5 screenshots) The fastest way to divorce a girl

In this article, we will tell you in what ways you can persuade almost any girl to have sex. Each of these methods takes into account the individual characteristics of the girl, so this article can be a universal pickup guide.

How to breed girls for sex

In the matter of seducing a girl, there are no trifles, so you need to take into account absolutely all the details you know. Any information about her preferences (favorite color, special habits, etc.) can be useful when seducing.

Show strength and power

The vast majority of girls love initiative and strong-willed guys, so you need to show these qualities in every possible way. Make your own decisions more often. Offer places and times for a meeting, feel free to agree to help with the choice of a dish on the menu, if she cannot decide, initiate meetings and calls. It is also very important to show that you know what you want from life, live for your own pleasure and are completely confident in yourself. You can even be somewhat self-confident and arrogant, which will definitely attract girls with a similar character. In the end, she will understand that there is a strong man next to her, and she will not mind a closer acquaintance.

Show persistence and patience

As you know, Casanova did not have an outstanding appearance, but this did not stop him from seducing any woman. His secret is that he never backed down after the first no. If you like a girl, then you need to pursue her to the end. This is where repetitive actions (meeting on the way to work, morning coffee, or flowers on Tuesdays) work well. Many girls love it when a guy takes a long time to get her, so they end up accepting courtship. And when the girl is already convinced of your assertiveness, there is a high probability of moving on to an intimate relationship in a short period of time.

Girls love scum

Paradoxically, it often happens that in general, girls prefer arrogant and rude guys to positive guys. Therefore, you need to behave with girls as boldly as possible. This method is far from suitable for all girls, but still there are those who simply lose their heads from rude guys. Do not take into account her opinions when solving some issue, be late for meetings, do not pick up the phone when she calls, and then you will achieve your goal. It is very important to find a middle ground here so as not to go overboard with rudeness. With the right choice of a girl, this behavior will open the doors to her bedroom for you.

Money is everything

If you have a high status and a lot of money, you can actively use these resources to seduce girls. Buying a girl's favor with expensive gifts, flowers and restaurants is very simple. It is worth noting that commercialism is characteristic of so many girls, even those who at first glance seem completely indifferent to luxury and wealth. Having money will allow you to present any, even the most unusual gift, so this method is considered very effective. Present your gifts beautifully and tastefully, and then you will not offend her and at the same time achieve intimate relationships.


Every girl dreams of a prince on a white horse, huge bouquets and poems from her boyfriend. Be as romantic as possible for her. Places for unusual dates, impassioned speeches and desperate romantic deeds can be gleaned from films or magazines. This method leads to the goal for a very long time, but it almost always leads to it, so it should always be kept in mind.

How to breed girls in contact

Recently, communities in contact such as “Checkyou” or “Exposing Girls” have been very popular, in which exposing correspondence of various girls is posted. The creators of these communities from the fake pages of guys offer girls intimate relationships for money or in exchange for something. Often girls are checked to order, and orders are made by their own guys. The activity of these communities can cause active controversy, but in general it is immoral.


A woman retains prudence and a "cold" head before sex with a man. While it is after sex that a man begins to soberly assess what is happening, and in some cases even loses interest in a woman. Thus, the young man needs to help the girl get rid of the opinion that she is interesting to him as an intimate partner.

In most cases, a woman is ready to give herself and her caresses, as well as to have an intimate relationship with a man she is in love with. She wants such a man with all her heart, and therefore it is easier to agree to sex. In turn, a man is not fundamental in the matter of sex with a woman he is not in love with. It's no secret that many men have sex with women, experiencing only slight sympathy or sporting interest in them.

Therefore, in some cases, in order to have sex with an unfamiliar woman, a young man needs to charm and fall in love with her. It is believed that the right hemisphere dominates in the female sex, so she is more emotional, prone to momentary emotions, spontaneous decisions. And this means that beautiful deeds, words and other courtship can help a woman like a man.

Also, the knowledge of a young man about what qualities a woman wants to see in a man will help him more actively demonstrate them, thus winning her favor. In the matter of sex, the appearance of a man in the eyes of a woman also plays a significant role. Therefore, you should try to look attractive, have a normal physique, dress neatly, use hygiene products and perfume.

The beautiful half of humanity, before entering into an intimate relationship with a man, must be sure that his intentions towards her are serious. Therefore, in communicating with a woman, it is men's actions that play an important role. You should demonstrate care and tenderness towards a woman, be interested in her affairs, mood, that is, strengthen her confidence that she is interesting to a man not as a one-time sexual partner, but as a woman as a whole.

Often, girls dramatize such situations that for a young man seem empty and not worthy of attention. However, one should learn to listen to a woman, understand her, support her.

Guessing some desires of a girl, a man increases his chances of success in a sexual matter. For example, if a girl is thinking about watching a certain movie at the cinema, a young man can please her with tickets for it.

You should make the girl smile more often, be interesting to her. The openness of a man, conversations on common topics, the search for common interests, as well as a pleasant pastime in a cafe, park, museum, club will help in solving this problem. Thus, adhering to the described recommendations, a man will be able to win the heart of a woman and, as a result, it will be easier for him to solve the problem of how he can have sex with her.


There is a thematic literature that provides schemes for dating and seduction. Such knowledge will be useful to a man, and putting it into practice, he will increase his chances of having sex with strangers.

Helpful advice

Specialized pick-up training will help a man become more confident in himself, as well as teach him the techniques of seducing strangers.


The girl needs to think things through. And, above all, decide whether she really needs it. It is possible that the age is not yet quite suitable for this. Despite all the conversations of girlfriends, it is worth thinking with your own head. If a young man insists on sex, and the girl is not yet mentally ready for such a step, then it is better to refuse it. Firstly, you can decide to have sex only when you really want it yourself. Secondly, the first time always remains in memory. And it depends only on the girl how pleasant these memories will be. It is not difficult to decide on sex, it is difficult to make a really right choice, not to make a mistake.

It is much easier for a young man to decide on sex. First of all, guys don't attach as much importance to the first time. Secondly, memories of the first sex, although stored in memory for a long time, are still lost and fade with each new experience. If doubts are disturbing, you can read special literature in order to mentally prepare.

Deciding to have sex is especially difficult if the previous experience was not successful. Here it is worth paying attention to conversations with loved ones, which will help you realize how pleasant this activity is in the end. It is very important to find a good partner who will think not only about himself and the process itself, but also about you. Only in this case, sex will bring pleasure, and it will be much easier to decide on it.

Reading special literature will help to properly prepare your body and thoughts for the process. There is nothing wrong with sex if you know all the features of this matter. Remember that erotic stories and romance novels are bad advisers. First, life is different. Secondly, such literature does not prepare for sex. Although it helps to get excited. And that's already half the battle.

Having sex under the influence of alcohol is a bad decision. Firstly, this decision is not yours, but the alcohol you drink. Secondly, in the morning not only a hangover will come to you, but also the realization that your decision was hasty and even wrong. If you have abused alcohol, the best solution is to go to your bed in splendid isolation.

Before deciding to have sex, scroll through the further events in your head several times. Think about what this experience will bring you at this stage of your development and formation as a person. Weigh all the positive and negative aspects of your decision. If there are no obstacles, then feel free to proceed with the practice.

The first date with a girl may well end up in her apartment. However, this does not mean at all that the girl is already ready for sex. In order to persuade her, you have to try.

If after the first date you came to the girl's house, or she herself agreed to visit you, you already have every chance of intimacy. A cozy and calm atmosphere reigns around you, conducive to intimacy. Take the initiative and try to move on to active seduction of your beautiful soulmate. If you hear a refusal from her, she will surely explain to you some reason. Sometimes it happens that a girl says that you know too little. In this case, you can simply ignore her words and play silent. Continue to touch her body with tenderness, then the girl herself may think that she spoils the importance of the atmosphere with her remarks.

The second option is your consent. You can silently nod your head, as if acknowledging that you are ready to wait. However, do not remove your hand from her body at all, but move it to a more neutral place, for example, on her shoulder. Start a friendly conversation, as a result of which your attractive interlocutor will be imbued with confidence in you and, perhaps, will take the initiative herself. Here the matter concerns not so much trust as a blow to her pride. She may think that you don't want her enough for giving up so quickly. That is why in the future she herself may try to seduce you.

Do not forget that girls are very fond of romantic men. Just in case, before the date, save the number of the flower delivery service in your mobile phone. As soon as the courier brings them to the apartment where you will spend time with your new acquaintance, the girl will be very surprised. At this point, she will be confused, and her mood will clearly improve. At this time, you can start active actions. Just don't be too pushy, otherwise your beautiful soulmate may feel like you're trying to bribe her.

If the girl decides to use another excuse and says that she has critical days, you can still achieve intimacy with her if you want it. Just cover her body with light and gentle kisses, but do not touch the most sensitive part of her body. After some time, feeling a strong excitement, the girl may not resist the temptation, throw aside all her complexes, a sense of shame, and still agree to belong to you.

If a girl refuses you without explanation, think about what this refusal might be due to. Perhaps you drank too much alcohol at dinner or ate some dish with garlic. Such strong odors can be killed with bay leaves, coffee beans or lemon slices.

Almost every guy at least once encounters an intractable or inexperienced girl who is difficult to court and seduce. To persuade the beauty you like for everything, you should know a few secrets that will help you not only spend the night with her, but also start a relationship.

Guys, now it will be a sore subject for many! Divorce for money by women. Faced? And since I don’t particularly like theoretical clowns who know everything and have nothing at the same time, and I myself am not one, therefore I check everything from personal experience. Today we’ll just talk about how girls breed guys and men for money.


So let's go. What is a divorce for money by women? This is a divorce for you for some good, provided that in return you get a bolt. Moreover, when you catch up with the fact that you were divorced, you still remain guilty. A simple female trick that almost always works - *you're a man*. And when I hear this I hear (and I must admit that girls don’t tell me such nonsense, because my behavior immediately shows that the dynamo won’t work with me, which I won’t say about some of my friends).

True, I had a case not so long ago, very funny. About him a little later. Now it is important to understand the motives for which girls dynamize in order to know how to deal with it.

  • The first is a banal consumer attitude. I want everything at once and even on demand. In return, you are given only the illusory hope of tasting it.
  • The second is the satisfaction of your female EGO. Some girls consider themselves princesses from the fact that they lit a man like a sucker. It's just that it gives them a spiritual buzz. If we compare, then it's about like how the guys write down new names in their record book. It is for them, as it were, self-satisfaction.
  • The third is an indication of one's status. In our fucking (because there are a lot of imposed values) society, it is considered cool to write in front of your girlfriends that today they took you to a restaurant, and yesterday they drove you in a car. And in return, just a pretty little smile and a short skirt. This is an indicator of success.

Pseudo success

These are the main 3 reasons. And now I'll tell you a real story where I tested the dynamo on myself. Experience is only given through action.

So, I met a young girl. I’ll make a reservation right away, I’m used to somehow communicating with girls older than me by at least 2 years. In reality, there is much more understanding in communication. Guys, I will note the first, very useful, girls see right through and right away - how much money you have in your pocket, they can easily determine the level of your monthly earnings and calculate the total cost of your clothes at a glance. They naturally have such a calculator built into their heads. And believe me, no matter how you behave and hide it, they quickly crack down on those who pretend to be pseudo businessmen. So do not think that if you bought expensive clothes in a boutique yesterday and with the last money, then she will be led to it. Just take it for granted.

And since I still know something about this too (and, oh my God, I can) - I evaluate it according to these indicators. Everything is sad there, although the facts are put on display in such a way that I have a princess of level 85 in front of me. Yeah of course! Much is very clearly seen in a person, his behavior, manner of communication. And the first thing by which you can identify the female dynamo is that the order is made not from preferences and taste, but at its cost. And here it doesn’t matter at all whether she likes a salad with penguin fat or not. It is at a space price, which means I take it!

Second, one of her first questions is about your job, what do you do, how much do you earn. I will make a reservation that girls with more developed brains ask leading questions as if by chance, and not directly. And dynamic girls are so dumb that calculating a strategy in two moves is considered brain overload for them.

Third - when you are alone, and you have the opportunity to shove her, she moves away from you and makes her face a brick. It's not motivating at all, stupidly cold. And that's all.

And the same thing happened to me recently. I chose a very good exhibit. The girl ordered everything and in large quantities and very expensive. It’s like it doesn’t matter to me at all, I haven’t experienced a shortage of money for a long time and I can afford this circus. After they didn’t give me a portion of sex and without explanation, I got what I wanted. Namely, he thoroughly studied the behavior of how girls breed men for money.

  • Firstly, you stupidly ignore the statement, pretending that you did not attach importance to her words or request. I give an example - * oh, what a cheap hookah here *. You can move the conversation to another topic or a close one. *Oh, and you know that I turned out to be a good hookah man. I worked in a bar.... and then you tell her about the bar where you worked*.
  • Secondly, if she is generally stupid at the end and already repeats this phrase more insistently, you can simply say that you don’t smoke hookah or don’t want to. Understand, your NOT desire is already enough to refuse. If she doesn't like it, let that be her problem. You have balls in your pants - that means YOU decide.
  • The third, by the way, is also free, use my experience. She asks to treat you to a whiskey-cola at the bar. OK no problem. You tell her *and who will I get from this *. If she goes into the negative - go through the forest and do not be sorry. There are such flawed chicks who consider their cap to be manna from heaven. And she is exactly the same as that of a heifer standing two meters from her. And to work out such objections - yes, well, do you need it? I do not recommend you, it will be more expensive.
  • Fourth, she says that she is thirsty and asks to treat you (or subtly hints) to the same whiskey-cola in the bar. You make a chopper face, take out your wallet, and casually ask - * well, in that case you have cola * (juice, or just a drink that is about the same price category. It's better if it's a little bit cheaper. More expensive - definitely not .
And now a small summary. IMPORTANT!!! My friend, understand the thing, if you have a dynamo chick in front of you, then with a 500 percent probability you can say that she does this not from a better life. She cannot afford restaurants, cars. And in my experience, such girls somehow scrape up a penny for a rented room in an apartment in the Mytishchi district. Checked! A real girl, smart, beautiful, always able to pay for herself and moderately independent! She will not engage in this kind of begging. And if you have already fallen into these networks, just know that you have a soap bubble in front of you and its cost is extremely low. Here are some examples of how to deal with divorce for money by women. What to do if you are still dynamized with dates, if you are dating a chick, and she does not give you 2 months - you can get answers to all these and other questions in my pickup training ah, either by reading on my website.

And a few more words about my attitude to the fact that girls cheat guys for money. I stop communicating with a heifer after I spend 100 euros or 4,000 rubles on her. Here is my personal limit. Yours may be different. And if I don’t end up within a radius of 10 centimeters from her, having spent this amount on alleged courtship and other delights, then I simply stop contacting such a girl. And somehow I myself understand indifferently what she thinks. And if she thinks differently, then, most likely, her problems. I spend money only when I consider it necessary to do it and want it myself. The manipulations don't work.

However, I note that there are also girls with whom I am oh so pleased to communicate, and this money limit has long been exceeded. I'm just great with them. What I wish you, just such girls with whom you are cool!

Most likely, this will not affect you, because you are not the target audience of those girls who are professionally bred for money. Well, if, nevertheless, you are the target audience, then we’ll take a closer look a little lower. The girl breeds for money - what to do? Everything is like in a joke:

“Darling, tell me what will make me very happy and very sad at the same time.

– Honey, you have the biggest dick of all your friends.

How do you know if you are the target?

First of all, you need to start thinking like a girl. Suppose she needs to cheat a man for money, for normal money, not to put money on the phone, but on a trip somewhere, on the phone, so that she can buy a car, so that the dress is expensive, so that the linen set is good, and not “Bolshevik ". And this guy obviously earns from about $15,000.

If you earn less, then, most likely, for you the loss of even $ 1,000 for a beautiful girl is so significant that you will then blow her and yourself all the brains. And she needs to easily withdraw this money from those who later react to this like this: well, the girl breeds for money, that's okay.

Therefore, look into your wallet, look at your credit card statement, and if the amount there is several times less than the above, then relax. The maximum that threatens you is wiring at the level of “can I have a Mojito?”. In general, remember that the girl who breeds for a cocktail is an inexperienced, insecure, and divorcing girl with no special prospects. And before we move on to the major leagues, let's look at these points in more detail.


Let's now talk about girls who in a cafe or on a date provoke you to spend a little more than it's really worth.

For example, you call and say:

- Let's meet you at Chaihona.

And she replies:

– You know, I don’t go to Chaihona, and in general, I’m used to being picked up. By the way, what car do you have? And then I suggest going to a normal restaurant - Novikov, O2 or something like that.

Then you can directly ask her a question.

- Listen, I would like to dot the "i". Do we have commodity-money relations or what? It’s just that you don’t have a price tag on you, but by the size of your chest you pull on the Teahouse, but not on everything else. There would be a confident standing three or four there, it would be possible to go to O2.

At this point, we immediately land this incredibly confident-looking woman.

Why would it work?

The girl, in a good way, works on your weakness with the help of a veiled subtext: “Are you not a man? Weakling? Can't you pull it?" He just takes it weakly, and many men get involved in it with pleasure, and then complain that the girl is cheating for money.

Most girls who do this do not have normal, interesting, beautiful, confident arguments and phrases that she will say after your counter attack, because her provocation usually succeeds. The guys either take her to a good restaurant or merge. And those who are lucky, she breeds further. And you took and showed her your balls. And she either merges, because she does not intend to communicate with someone who will not pay for her time, or she begins to see in you a normal man who knows how to merge greyhound goats. Why goats? Because they eat greens.

Bar or club

The next situation is when a girl breeds for money. You met a girl in a bar or a club and she says, "Treat me." There are two ways here. You can say:

- I treat the girls to dinner with the prospect of having breakfast together. We can go out to dinner, but I'm not sure I'm that hungry yet.

By this you show that it is still unknown who wants whom more. There is another way when you say to a girl:

- Yes, of course, order whatever you want, and also take me a cocktail at the bar, and I'll come right over.

And you go away for a while to friends and girlfriends, but at the same time you follow what she will do. In a situation where at the time of the order she was alone in the bar, there will be two ways - either she will pay for the order herself and will be waiting for you already with drinks, including for you, or she will not order anything and merge. In the second case, you were even lucky - you did not refuse, you behaved very nicely, and she merged. Do not forget to tell later how the girl breeds for money to her friends. And if she paid, you come, apologize for being late, and offer to either return the money to her or pay for the next couple of drinks. This will be a great opportunity to get to know each other.


Consider the situation when you came to a restaurant, and the girl orders more than expected. What does it mean - more than expected? In general, it is customary for a girl to start from your account. If you ordered a knuckle, a lamb, or that waiter stuffed with hares, then she orders something similar. And if you took boiling water for yourself, and she took everything from the first order and added crystal carp and a wild horse there, then you say:

- There is a feeling that you did not come to me on a date, but to my wallet, and he did not invite you, unfortunately. So let me pay for your drink since I invited you, and you pay for the rest.

You must be clearly aware that if a girl creates a situation in which you have a dilemma - to pay and become a scapegoat or not to pay and become just a goat, then the girl definitely does not intend to get close to you. She intends to eat deliciously and further use you, therefore, it is better to drain it yourself.

Always remember that you filter girls the same way they filter you. And just because she has a vagina and you don't doesn't mean her filter is a priority over yours.

Major League

Now let's consider a situation where you earn tens of thousands of dollars or so. Already starting from 10-12 thousand, you are clearly at risk. And if more, then you are already on the list for development. Most likely, sooner or later, a very beautiful, very elegant and intelligent girl will form next to you, who will tell you fables. I pulled many of my clients out of such relationships, and studied this scheme very well. If you find out something similar in the current situation, then just run.

First. Usually men who are successful in their careers and finances are quite ambitious. And the girl quickly understands exactly what ambitions you have. For example, you like to get acquainted with status people. And she begins to tell that through third parties she knows those who you need - Mikhail Prokhorov, Alina Kabaeva and anyone else. And she starts telling stories like these - yes, Alina and I trained together, and we have known each other since childhood and are still friends, and on March 31, she will definitely come to visit us and I will introduce you. You hang your ears, and in full confidence that Kabaeva does not communicate with just anyone, you begin to trust this girl. You have an additional argument why you need to skip her inconsistencies in the legends, because you really want to get to know such an incredible person as Alina.

Further. They start coaxing you with small gifts. The thought that the girl breeds for money disappears. She says: “You don’t look good enough, let’s go, I’ll change you.” And she drags you to a beauty salon for her money, dresses you in good stores, and spends 200 thousand on it on the go. And then you start to think that you have pulled out a lucky ticket: Kabaeva knows, invests money and generally licks from head to toe.

Imperceptibly the situation is changing. She says:

“Listen, I need cash for a case, can you give me half a million for a couple of days?”

“Damn, half a million is a lot. Maybe 300 thousand? - you say.

– Dear, but I have done so much for you, is it really difficult for you?

And the story begins about weakly. It's not difficult for you and you give her half a million. And she is very grateful and promises that she will give back soon.

At the same time, you have invested in her a significant amount even for you, but when you look at the situation of the balance of investments, despite the fact that she has invested a little less so far, nevertheless, she has invested more than all previous women. At this moment, thoughts appear that the girl breeds for money.

Then stories about mothers, grandmothers, sick sisters, ingrown nails and urgent trips to Italy appear. And all this is accompanied by incredibly passionate, passionate and so powerful sex that you have never seen anything like it in your life. And in addition, they tell you wonderful stories about how everything will be wonderful for you, and how she has been looking for such an amazing and incredible guy like you for a long time. And you start pouring money in. I dropped it here, I dropped it here, I introduced her there, I introduced her there, and the overall balance is already like this - she invested 200 thousand in you, and you invested 2 million.

At some point, you start to demand this money back. Because neither in a couple of days, nor next week, nor in a couple of months, she does not give you this money. For all questions, she simply merges. And there is not a single document for the transfer of money, and she already has some compromising evidence on you.

A similar story happened to one of my clients. When he understood everything and ended all relations with such a person, all his mails were hacked and certain compromising evidence was sent to all partners. Fortunately, he got off with a small amount, in the region of a million rubles.

Therefore, if you earn normally, then remember that you should not shine money left and right, be more modest, at least in words, especially with girls who are very interested in your work and professional activities.

The girl breeds for money. Summarizing

If you began to suspect that your girl is a professional breeder, do not be lazy, find among your friends the employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and give them her data - phone number, first name, last name. And if her data is not available anywhere, then most likely this is not a real name, which means welcome to the club.

Remember that the only way to win this game is to stop playing. This means that you will have to use force, no matter how bad it is for you, to refuse to communicate with her.

And then, sooner or later, you will definitely meet a good, beautiful girl who will love and appreciate you, and not your bank account.

Every man is a hunter and conqueror at heart, so sometimes it’s not just a banal sexual desire to persuade a girl to have sex, but a real matter of honor. But to the great disappointment, all this is much more complicated than it seems at first glance, therefore, in order to achieve this goal, you need to make every effort.

Here the main thing is to know which side to go in and at what point in the conversation you can take decisive action. Some guys make one of the commonplace mistakes when they have a casual conversation with a special female, and suddenly start sexual acts of a decisive nature. Of course, the girl simply does not expect such a reaction from you, so it will be quite natural if she gets scared and moves away from you once and for all.

Unleash your inner potential

Girls are used to relationships in which:

  • About them will be constantly take care;
  • They will be value;
  • Of course respect from a man must also be present.

But there is another factor that ladies immediately pay attention to and which allows you to divorce a girl for sex. This is of course the status of a man. Even if you are not the director of a large holding company, let the girl know that you are far from the last person.

This will awaken in her a healthy interest in you as a potential sexual partner, and possibly the future father of her children. You need to show that you are a unique person, then the girl herself will awaken interest in you.

But do not immediately show that you are interested in her.. Try to turn everything around and present your inexorable desire to have sex with her in such a way that to get her in your favor. In this case, you will earn a few extra points that will help you put the lady to bed, and without too much difficulty.

Pay special attention to your own style. Girls love everything beautiful and beautiful, so if you appear before her in all its glory, or rather in sweatpants and a T-shirt, you can assume that your plans have instantly collapsed. You need to dress stylishly and solidly so that the girl immediately draws attention to you.

The manner of communication is also important. No need to talk non-stop all sorts of nonsense. The less you say, the more the girl will awaken interest in you, since a mysterious person always causes delight and bewilderment. Women love riddles, so you need to present everything in such a way that she cannot sleep peacefully until she solves your problem.

Of course, if all your attention is focused on someone else, then it will be almost impossible to persuade a girl to sleep for the first time. You need to make it clear to her that she is interested in you, but not too pushy, so as not to scare you.

Show interest in her and be the first to speak, making it clear that you like her. The best way to start the conversation would be a simple question about the name. At the first meeting, it will not be superfluous to show gallantry and kiss the hand of a lady. This will let her know that you are a fairly well-mannered person, and further communication will be pleasant with you.

After your goal is achieved and the girl is seriously interested in you, you can invite her on a date.

Change of place is the key to successful sex

On the first date, do not choose a banal restaurant or cafe. The girl will expect exactly this from you, but you have to confuse and surprise her. It could be:

  • Zoo;
  • ice cream parlor;
  • Walk to interesting places in the city.

The most important thing is not to sit in one place. You should take her to several places in one date so that the situation is constantly changing. All this is necessary in order to play it safe. If for some reason she becomes bored with you, then a change of scenery will rekindle the spark of interest and passion.

light touch

Throughout the date, you should try as often as possible, but do not stubbornly touch the girl:

  • When you are walking, you can take her by the hand;
  • If you miss her somewhere, then you can affectionately hug your shoulder or waist;
  • If she jokes, then even if it’s not funny to you, you can laugh and kiss her on the cheek.

At this point, she will consider this a kind of encouragement for her humor, but still be pleasantly surprised.

Important! You need to remember the most important rule of the first date. If a girl agreed to go on such a date with you, then she is already interested in you and wants to continue in the form of sex. The most important thing here is not to frighten her with your perseverance and stubbornness, but to act gently and carefully.

Physical contact will allow you to get as close as possible.

It is at such moments that a spark runs through the whole body, which, after the first touch, will flare up and turn into a big fire of passion.

From words to actions

In order to divorce a girl for an intimate relationship, you should find a secluded place for sex. The best option would be your or her apartment.

After a wonderful date, you can offer to continue the evening at your home. If she agrees, then it's in the bag. But if she refuses such an offer, then you will need to continue the date and try to forget about your question.

Sooner or later you will go to see her home. Word for word, the first worthy kiss, she will melt and will definitely invite you to her place, as she will already be in anticipation of the upcoming pleasure.

You can't get lost in such a situation. You need to prepare in advance and stock up on contraceptives. The apartment will have a completely different environment, so you need to get used to it.

  • You have already kissed your future partner;
  • She reciprocated you, then she herself is not against intimacy;
  • Now the main thing is to choose the right moment to move to a horizontal position and continue the evening with pleasure for both of you.

The main thing is not to miss such a moment, because otherwise, the girl may think that you just decided to play with her feelings and the evening will end in defeat.

Now it's all up to you. You need to start with foreplay, and then slowly move on to the main course.

Now get started:

  • Start with passionate kisses on the lips. All girls love to kiss, so you definitely will not be refused;
  • Now you can gradually move to the neck, but at the same time it is desirable to start caressing the chest, at least through clothes;
  • Light movements start undressing the girl getting rid of unnecessary things;
  • As soon as she stays in her underwear, you can take off her bra and put her on her back;
  • Next, the best option would be to caress her breasts, or rather nipples;
  • Gently go down and start caressing not only her labia, but also the clitoris. This will allow you to excite the girl to such a level that she will no longer be able to change her mind or refuse, but will want you to enter her.

It is best not to use only one position during the first sex, because it is he who will be remembered by the girl and according to your efforts it will be clear whether you are worthy of continuing in the future or not.

It is better to change positions and show the girl that you know how to be a passionate and experienced lover. In this case, sex can be obtained simply by the first phone call, at any time convenient for you.


However, it is worth remembering that although we are men by nature and are lustful animals, we should not forget about the feelings of the girl, and sometimes it is worth keeping your mustang in panties.