Paper machine diagram. How to make a paper car

Making toys and fakes from paper develops the child's imagination and motor skills. In our article we will tell you how to make a typewriter out of paper. What kid doesn't dream of something like this? With your help, the kid will understand the instructions and then he will enthusiastically make a typewriter.
So let's get started!

The simplest

If you have just begun to be interested in making all kinds of paper things, then this method is just for you - it is extremely simple and understandable. Take an A4 sheet and cut a square out of it. Bend the workpiece in half in different directions to get lines for further folds. Unfold the mold and fold the bottom edge up towards the center. Bend the corners down - these will be the wheels for the car. Once you've done that, fold the piece of paper in half along the center line, and fold the bottom up as well. Bend the corner that is at the top forward. You managed to make a typewriter out of paper.

The resulting toy can be decorated with pencils, felt-tip pens or paints. For the manufacture, you can use colored paper.

Making a racing car

The instructions given in this paragraph will help you make a racing car out of paper. Any piece of paper, landscape sheet, sheet from a school notebook is suitable for a typewriter. You need to fold the sheet in two layers, and then fold the corners on all sides and follow the instructions below.

Such a machine can be painted or decorated.

Colored paper car

In order to make a fake you will need:

  • scissors
  • colored paper
  • pencils
  • markers

First, cut out a square blank. If the sheet is rectangular, cut off unnecessary parts. It is best to take double-sided colored paper, unlike plain paper, it does not need to be painted.

We bend the square in half twice - you will get lines for bending.

Fold the folded strips in half again and bend the corners. The shape of the machine begins to take shape.

We divide the upper part into three and begin to bend them.

Now we need to make the trunk and wheels of our cars. For the wheels, we fold the corners of the sheets inwards, which can be trimmed to be parallel to the body. Now our car is running. To form the hood, we bend the front inward. To make a spoiler, you can bend the corners at the back.

Our machine is ready. We begin to decorate or decorate it if you used non-colored paper. You can draw doors, windows and headlights - this way the car will turn out to be more believable.

origami car

Unlike the previous version, in origami we will not use glue or scissors. All you need is an A4 paper. Fold the sheet lengthwise and carefully run your fingers along the fold line. We begin to bend the corners as we do for paper planes. Again we draw all the fold lines and unbend the entire workpiece. Now you need to make an envelope - for this we bend the form into ourselves. We have a triangular shape. We turn the left triangle outward, up, and begin to bend the inner parts of the workpiece. At the same time, they need to be bent a little at the ends. Such actions must be performed very carefully, monitor the edges and, if necessary, align them. If you followed all the instructions correctly, you will get a workpiece in the form of an arrow that has two ends. At this stage, we choose which side our hood will be on. For the hood, we bend the triangular corners inward, towards the center, and then unfold them. Now we need to fasten the front and back of the car. We will simply bend the part and fix it under the car fender. This action will allow us to do without glue. So we got our car! Now you can start decorating and coloring it. It would be a great idea to paint a race number or the name of the car on the hood. On the instructions below, you can see all the stages of creation.

So, you have learned how to create simple models of paper cars. There are more complex and detailed models - they can be found on the Internet. Despite this, if you are just a beginner in this business, then ours will do. Over time, you can learn how to make modular origami - in it a fake consists of many separate modules. You can even find whole car templates on the net that you just need to cut and glue. Good luck in your work! We hope everything works out for you!

Video lessons

What kid doesn't enjoy a car? The craft is well suited for playing and for breathing exercises. And if the child is actively involved in the process of assembling a car from paper, then this lesson for him will be an unobtrusive exercise in the development of finger motor skills. So let's get started. You need a paper sheet from a pack of A4 format.

From a sheet, the child and I will make a simple machine.

We begin the process by bending the sheet in half. We look at the action in the first photo.

On the one hand, we divide the right angle in half with the help of a paper fold and unbend it to its original state. And we also copy the action - we bend it at an angle of forty-five degrees, and return it back from the opposite side of the product.

As a result, we created such bends on the sheet, without which we cannot do without in the future.

We carry out the same type of actions on the other side of the paper. The same 2 folds appear on the sheet.

After, as shown in the picture above, taking any of the sides (it doesn’t matter which one), we bring both parts to the center, holding the edges of the workpiece in the middle between the folds.

We act by analogy with the other side of the paper sheet. Our efforts were crowned with a creation resembling arrows pointing in different directions.

The next step is to split each side in half. We must bend the edges of the paper to the center, lifting our "arrows" on one side.

We perform the same manipulations symmetrically with the second side and lower the edges of the “arrows”. Check what you get with the photo.

And you also need to bend the second part of the arrow with the same movement.

Final finishing touches. It is necessary to bend the ends of the arrows in order to create visible wheel arch liners for our car. By bending the back, we will make a paper car spoiler. And we got a sports model - a racing car!

Decorate the car, give a special tuning, the kid can do it himself. Multi-colored pencils and felt-tip pens are also suitable. Give him complete freedom of imagination. At the end of the creative process, ask to blow on the typewriter so that it starts up and goes. Short-term breathing exercises should not cause dizziness in a child!

Paper car is one of the most popular origami. In the Soviet past, many boys at school memorized the scheme for assembling cars from a sheet (most often a school notebook). But over time, the schemes themselves were forgotten, and the current generation has other fun and entertainment. Somehow, at our leisure, we tried to remember and do a few things together with our son. paper machines. We needed a pair of hands and a sheet of A4 paper. This craft can be successfully used for breathing exercises, and if the child is actively involved in the process of assembling a car out of paper, then this will also be a good exercise for him to develop his fingers. So let's get started. Take a sheet of A4 paper.

A sheet of A4 paper from which we will make our typewriter.

On the one hand, we bend at an angle of forty-five degrees, and unbend back. And we also do it in the other direction, also unbending it back.

As a result, we will get such bends on paper, which we will really need in the future.

We do the same actions on the other side of the sheet of paper. Having made the same two bends.

After, taking one of the sides (it doesn’t matter which one), holding the edges of the sheet in the middle between the folds, we bring these two parts to the center as shown in the picture above.

We do the same action with the other side of the paper sheet. As a result, we got something resembling arrows in different directions.

And lower the edges of the "arrows"! You should get exactly as in the photo.

And now, having selected one of the sides of our workpiece, we will make the front part of our paper machines. To do this, we will bend one part of the arrow inward, following the example of a photograph.

And also bend the second part of the arrow.

We bend the resulting blank approximately in half, as shown in the photo.

And it remains to make the final touches. Bend the ends of the arrows so that we get fenders for our paper car and by bending the back we make a paper car spoiler. And we got a racing car.

At the end, taking felt-tip pens or pencils, the child has complete freedom of imagination how to decorate the typewriter.

Such a machine can be used in breathing exercises. Blow on the machine so that it moves, rides. Perform breathing exercises under the supervision of an adult, so as not to cause dizziness in a child!

Today's master class will be devoted to creating a car out of paper. The technique for creating such crafts is quite simple, even a child can make this machine. To get started, prepare the following tools and materials:

  • thick colored paper of medium or high density in red and white;
  • durable black and white cardboard;
  • ruler;
  • pencil;
  • glue;
  • scissors.

First we must create the base of the machine, that is, the body. From thick colored paper, any shade you like (in this case we will use dark red paper), cut out a rectangle.

Then we draw the outline of a circle on a sheet of white paper, and then cut it out.

You also need to cut out two such details.

Now this blank must be glued to the base (red rectangle). Try to glue the part closer to the edge.

We make a hole in the center of the leaf. You can make it with scissors or a clerical knife.

Then we glue the remaining two parts on the other side of the workpiece.

Then we cut out the blank data. Also create four white circles, but with a smaller diameter.

Glue the white circles to the center of the black ones.

Now you can connect the tips of the machine base. Here's what happens in the end.

Then we glue the wheels to the side parts of the body of the machine.

Then, also from black cardboard, we cut out the seat and glue it, but already to the back of the car.

And the final touch remained - cut out any number from cardboard of a suitable shade and glue it on the hood of the car (in the center of the white circle).

Now the paper machine is ready!

In the future, if desired, the child will be able to paint the typewriter or cut out some other details additional to it.

Today's world is hard to imagine without cars. They surround us everywhere and everywhere. It is not surprising that boys have been fond of cars since childhood. Shelves of toy stores are full of cars for different age categories. However, it is difficult to find such a boy who would not want to learn how to make paper cars with his own hands. After all, this is the only way to make your own unique model. We will tell you how to make your own paper fleet, be patient and paper, gather the kids around you and get to work

How to make a car out of paper - option number 1

This way of creating a machine with your own hands is considered the easiest.

  • Take an A4 sheet and fold it in half lengthwise. Fold the triangles on both sides by screwing the right corners inward.
  • Under the upper triangles to the center, bend the long edges of the sheet.
  • Fold the edges of one triangle to the center, lay the second on the previous one, closing it in half.
  • Fold the remaining rectangular part to the base, then bend it and push it back, forming the tail of your car.
  • Raise your wings up.
  • Decorate the car with the desired color, draw headlights, doors, windows.

How to make a car out of paper - option number 2

  • Cut a square sheet from A4 format, then fold the triangle by screwing right angles.
  • Fold the top corner towards the base.
  • Turn the base inside out, bend the edges of the outer triangles to the side, fold the inner corners in half.
  • Turn the figure over with the other side, fold the full triangle in half from the base, turn the extreme corners outward.
  • You should have folded corners from below. Bend the top triangle inward and back. Fold the back edges back, put the protruding corners into the back grooves.
  • Wrap the rear triangle, which coincided with the front one, 3 cm inward, and insert the front one along the bend into the cavity. Bend the lower left corner and the straight part back in half, wrap the right half inward.
  • The lower left ledge needs to be bent again, but up and back.
  • Fold the back edge in.
  • Fold the front corner flat.

How to make a car out of paper - option number 3

This method is considered the most creative, it is not accuracy that matters, but more creativity and accuracy. Finished car models look interesting and cute.

  • Glue tubes with a diameter of 4 cm from thick paper or cardboard. For one model, you will need only one part.
  • Cut out cardboard circles with a diameter of 5 cm.
  • Color them in the color of the wheels of your future car.
  • Make two holes in the center of the tube, the rectangular excess does not need to be cut off, fold it in half and fold it perpendicular to the base. Get a seat.
  • Glue the steering wheel separately opposite the seat.
  • Put the wheels on metal axles or push pins. If this machine is for a child that he will play with, then it is better to glue the wheels for safety.
  • Customize your car in some way.

There are many options, thanks to which you can create a fleet of your own cars, however, paper ones. Such crafts will bring not only joy to small children, but also to adult admirers of machine technology who collect souvenirs on this topic.