Do-it-yourself figurines from a reflective element. Master class "Be more visible in the dark" (making a flicker)

Daria Ugolkova

Flickers, retroreflective devices, reflective elements

As soon as they are not called! Probably, there is not a single person who would not know what it is. And yet, I repeat - these are elements made of special materials that have the ability to return a beam of light back to the source.

They are made to make a person dark time day, at any time of the year, more noticeable on the road.

According to the website of the State Traffic Inspectorate - and in accordance with the Government Decree Russian Federation dated 14.11.2014 No. 1197 from July 1, 2015, amendments to the Rules came into force traffic Russian Federation.

According to new edition Rules from July 1, 2015, when crossing the road and driving along the shoulders or the edge of the carriageway in at night or in conditions insufficient visibility pedestrians recommended, and outside the settlements pedestrians obliged carry items with reflective elements and ensure that these items are visible to vehicle drivers.

Now you can buy flickers in the form of: toys, bracelets, stickers, key chains, thermal stickers, patches, vests, etc., etc.

I offer you a master class flicker - a talisman with your own hands!

Mascot- brings good luck, protects its owner. A flicker - talisman made with your own hands, for yourself or your children will protect doubly!

This master class will be useful for educators in working with children and parents, in the prevention and promotion of traffic rules, as well as strengthening child-parent relationships.

Teachers, when organizing work on life safety with schoolchildren and their parents.

And also to schoolchildren - creative, active, inquisitive.

We will need:

Thick cardboard (for example, boxed)

Self-adhesive, reflective paper (yes, there is one)

Blank for a brooch (sold in needlework stores)

Hot glue and heat gun



Let's get started!

1. Choose the shape and size of the future flicker. Cut out the base from thick cardboard.

2. Outline the base in a mirror image on the reverse side of the reflective paper.

3. We glue the base and paper. We trim the edges.

4. Using hot glue and a heat gun, we fasten the blank - a brooch.

Flicker - the mascot is ready!

This flicker will bring joy to you and your children!

I wish you safe roads!

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The largest number of accidents occur at night. At this time, it is difficult for drivers to see a person who has entered the roadway in time. Adverse weather and unlit sections of streets further exacerbate the situation. But to protect pedestrians will help on their clothes.

In the evening and at night, on poorly lit sections of roads, the driver will notice a pedestrian much earlier and from a fairly large distance, who has at least one reflective element on his outerwear. This is a proven fact. The results of the research showed that the reaction and actions of drivers are almost 90% dependent on the visual information they receive in a timely manner.

The human eye in the dark, alas, can perceive only 5% of what it easily distinguishes during the day. This is the reason for the vast majority of road accidents that occur on the roads of our (and not only our) country at dusk and at night. The driver notices a person running across the roadway too late. But when at least some reflective elements (stripes or chevrons) are present on the clothes, the pedestrian becomes literally 3 times more noticeable to the driver, which gives him the opportunity to react in a timely manner.

Benefits of using luminous elements

The first and foremost benefit of using reflective elements is an 85% reduction in the risk of pedestrians being hit by a vehicle. The second is visibility. reflective element always, in any weather, in any bad weather. And neither fog nor rain will interfere with this. Reflectors have an excellent property of deflecting photons exactly in the direction from which they come, and therefore the headlights of a car make them perfectly visible.

There are many types of reflectors. Overalls with large reflective stripes can be easily purchased at the store. But for everyday wear, of course, it is not suitable. Therefore, you can sew reflective tape on your outerwear yourself. But such a tape is only sold in bulk, and in principle it is problematic to find it, except to order it in any online store.

Reflective clothing is now legal

On the roadway, the driver, as a rule, notices a pedestrian at a distance of 25-30 meters, and even if he was driving at a speed of 45-50 km / h, he will still exceed this length. Therefore, speed limiting has not become a panacea for accidents, especially since in cities the problem is exacerbated by the intense headlights from oncoming cars, and improper street lighting.

That is why, from July 1, 2015, additions and minor amendments to the already working law on reflective elements on clothing came into force. According to the current regulation, at night, all pedestrians, both crossing the street and moving along the side of roads and highways, must have reflective stickers or stripes on their clothes. A pedestrian spotted without reflectors on clothing will receive a warning or a fine of 500 rubles. And in the event of a road traffic accident, such a pedestrian will have to take on part of the blame.

We provide ourselves with reflectors

What to do if you have not yet been able to find special fabric or tapes in stores and sew these reflective elements onto clothes? Don't worry, this problem is solved. You can use all kinds of accessories, the range of which is quite diverse. These include flickers (stickers), luminous covers for backpacks, bracelets, pendants, badges and others that do not attract attention in daytime details, but with their reflective effect, benefit day and night.

Russian legislation contains GOST 32074-2013, which informs citizens about the regulations for the production of reflective parts, in addition, recommendations are also given there for placing these elements on clothing. WITH similar documents you can always find it on the traffic police website. By the way, you also need to take into account that the service life of reflectors is 24 months.

Our children are the most important topic

It's unfortunate, but children are the most vulnerable road users, so the importance of having reflective elements on children's clothing cannot be underestimated. The law requiring the presence of reflective elements on children's outerwear has already entered into force, and therefore parents will be held administratively liable for non-compliance.

Reflective elements for children in our time have often become present on the clothes of children of all ages. And this is not surprising. These important and necessary details have become an integral part of the children's clothing of many popular brands. It is especially important that the reflective element is present on the clothes of schoolchildren. lower grades who have to return home unaccompanied by adult relatives. Thanks to this detail, it will be much easier for drivers to notice a child crossing the road in the dark, which is very relevant in winter, as well as in cloudy and foggy weather.

Such different lights

It is great if luminous elements are present on the new purchased clothes, but if there are none on it, then it is quite possible to purchase and sew them on with your own hands. The color scheme and design, representing a modern reflective element, is very diverse. Sewn on the child's outerwear, they not only do not spoil it appearance, but greatly improved. Glow-in-the-dark badges and stickers with different funny pictures which are very popular with children.

Flickers are easy to stick to clothes and delight the eye with their variety of shapes and colors. You can also sew reflective tape on your child's clothing. All this is necessary for children even in summer, especially in the evening on dimly lit roadways. Needless to say, reflective elements for children can significantly reduce child injury rates on the roads.

Improving statistics and foreign experience

Considering the foregoing, it is legitimate to conclude that the changes made to the SDA should improve the situation on the roads. Reflective elements are designed to make pedestrians more visible on the road and cloudy day and night. In solving this problem involved modern technologies, with the help of which reflective elements are produced. On the road, a person is in motion, and therefore the light from the headlights illuminates him under different angles. The special composition of the reflective element reflects the rays in the opposite direction, which creates the effect of a bright and slightly iridescent glow.

Today, the heads of enterprises in our country, whose employees, due to the work schedule, have to return home on unlit roadways, are required to take measures to provide personnel with reflective bracelets. For example, abroad, they have long been considered familiar and indispensable details for ensuring the safety of both children and adults. And the largest and most famous children's clothing companies in without fail release new models with reflective elements.

Unusual lesson for schoolchildren

Not so long ago, in one of the Belgorod gymnasiums, a unusual occupation. Pupils of the 4th grade were visited by traffic police inspectors. The guests invited the children to make reflective elements for pedestrians together with them. The inspectors told fourth-graders that such details on clothes make pedestrians visible on the road even in the dark. The guests brought reflective film with them and let the children cut out any flickers of their own liking.

The guys were extremely interested in this activity, they especially liked the fact that the film is self-adhesive, and it can be easily attached to outerwear. The inspectors actively helped the students, communicated cheerfully and gave advice. Children with great pleasure combined colors and came up with shapes for flickers. Girls preferred hearts and flowers more, and boys preferred funny emoticons. But both of them really liked to make reflective elements with their own hands.

More such activities

The finished works at the end of the lesson decorated the school backpacks of the kids. And some also went home not empty-handed, having received gift slickers for bicycles and stickers on baby carriages for the younger children in their families. This regional center has been actively promoting reflective elements for several years now. And now students primary school city ​​schools are provided with reflective bandages.

There are never too many flickers: let the child have as many of them as possible. Because in the most dangerous areas, which also include intersections, the property of the reflector will make little pedestrian noticeable to drivers moving both in the same direction and in the opposite direction.

Reflective tape

This detail is sewn on the sleeves of jackets and other outerwear in the form of armbands. When choosing places for their location, it is necessary to take into account that, in addition to aesthetic visual perception they did not overlap with the movement of the child. Most often, the tape is worn in the form of vertical and horizontal stripes, both right and left. In addition, with a sufficient amount of it, luminous stripes can be sewn along all existing edges of clothing.

Fantasy for every taste

In addition to the above, reflective tape can be attached:

  1. For headwear.
  2. Along the lower outer edges of the trousers.
  3. For gloves and mittens.
  4. On the back of outerwear and other parts of it.

Fixing flickers

The reflective flicker element is a great funny sticker in the form of a smiley face with a funny face or in the form of some other funny character. Children love these stickers, everyone chooses to their liking to decorate a briefcase or school bag. Cycling enthusiasts stick the flicker on the helmet, as well as on the frame and on both sides between the bicycle spokes. In addition, belts, sleeves and vests are decorated with flickers.

Even noticing a reflector in the distance, the driver tries to slow down in advance in order to slow down or even stop if necessary, passing a pedestrian “shining” with a sticker or stripes. And some hobbyists decorate their clothes by sticking reflective tape in the form of a decorative pattern or graphic design. By the way, most reflective elements are glued to clothing with an iron, applying an adhesive base to clothing and lightly ironing it with a device heated to medium temperature.

A little about the technology of production of reflective film

Compared to the production of a conventional self-adhesive film, the production process of a reflective sheet is much more complicated. To make a reflector, you need a fully cast transparent film. The effect of light reflection is achieved due to the fact that the transparent polymer layer contains optical elements, which include microprisms or tiny glass beads.

Further, a vacuum chamber enters the process, inside which reverse side charged with optical elements of the canvas, a layer of the thinnest aluminum foil is applied. After the entire procedure, an adhesive layer is applied to the film and covered with a protective silicone substrate.

Today, the use of reflective elements, originally conceived and created for traffic signs to be visible in the dark, also works for the benefit of pedestrians, thanks to which it will save even more human lives.

Accidents in which pedestrians are injured regularly occur in all regions of our country. To prevent such accidents, all road users should be more attentive and observe traffic rules. Especially for pedestrians there are additional remedy protection - flickers. These are retroreflectors that help the driver to notice a person on the road at night.

Types and varieties of flickers

Retroreflectors are now available in the most variety of options. These are pendants, key rings, badges, stickers, thermal stickers for clothes, bracelets. Some clothing and footwear manufacturers offer their customers finished models with flicker inserts. Which one to choose depends on your taste and individual needs. According to most people, one of the most convenient options- wearing clothing with reflective elements. Decorating everything with reflective thermal stickers is not easy, but surely each of us has our favorite jeans, windbreakers and sneakers for evening runs. The perfect place for placing badges - hats or backpacks. Flicker keyrings are a great accessory for decoration women's handbags, school bag.

How and where to wear flickers if you want to be more visible? In fact, this is the case when "the more - the better." Experts advise wearing reflectors on the left and right, as well as back and front. For example, if you want to protect your child, reflective flickers should be hung on his backpack (back), in the form of a badge on his chest, as well as on a belt (on one side) and an arm bracelet (on the other side). Children and teenagers love bright accessories But what about being an adult? The range of flickers on sale today is incredibly large. You can pick up completely invisible reflectors, or made in an interesting design. Do not forget that it is not only pedestrians who should protect themselves on the road. Cyclists who like to ride at night are required to attach an LED reflector to their vehicle. It’s great if the bike owner’s clothes also have reflectors.

Is it necessary to wear reflectors?

In many European countries Flicker wear is mandatory for pedestrians. In our country, amendments to the traffic rules affecting this question were introduced only in 2014. According to Russian legislation Pedestrians are required to wear reflective elements when driving along the road or its side at night / in poor visibility conditions. For failure to comply with this requirement, it is worth noting that the rules apply only outside settlements. It turns out that residents of cities are not required to wear flickers for pedestrians? From a legal point of view, it is. However, it should be understood that the acquisition and wearing of retroreflective elements is a concern for one's own safety. regularly occur not only on highways, but also in large cities, as well as sparsely populated villages. One flicker today costs from 25 rubles. This means that everyone can purchase a set of reflectors for themselves and their loved ones. Many people notice that it is worth starting to wear flickers and very soon it becomes a habit. So why not take care of

From what distance can a motorist see the correct pedestrian?

When driving with dipped beam, the driver sees a pedestrian from a distance of 25-30 meters. But this is sometimes not enough to respond correctly. If a pedestrian is present in the attire, a motorist can notice him from a distance of 130-140 meters. Agree, this is an impressive difference. When driving with high beams, the driver can see the reflector from a distance of about 400 meters. And this means that flickers are really simple and effective remedy become more visible on the road.

Penalties in Russia for lack of flickers

What threatens pedestrians walking without flickers? For movement on the side of the road in the dark, the runoff is subject to a fine of 17.5 thousand rubles. If the “invisible” pedestrian is in the stage alcohol intoxication, the amount of the fine increases to 35-105 thousand rubles. If the absence of a reflector is recognized as the cause of an emergency on the road, the pedestrian may be fined 350 thousand rubles. Agree, it is much cheaper to buy reflectors. Promotions are regularly held in many cities of our country, reminding us that flickers are very useful accessories. During such events, sometimes you can even get a personal protection kit for free.

Protection or a cute souvenir? The opinion of the traffic police

Traffic police officers remind that not all products sold under the name "flicker" are equally useful. The best quality reflectors are white and lemon color performed in simple design. And here colorful toys with drawings most often turn out to be the most common decorative key rings. When buying, you can ask the seller to show the flicker certificate. Prioritize accessories simple shapes- stripes, geometric shapes. It is believed that their reflective ability is higher than that of key fobs with complex shapes. Now you know what the best flickers look like. You can see a photo example at the beginning of this paragraph.

Master class "Be more visible in the dark"

(making a flicker)

Goal of the work : explaining the importance of reflective elements for preserving life in the city's road network.

Tasks :

Formation of ideas about the types of NE - reflectors;

Practical training of children in the manufacture of SV-flickers;

Increasing children's interest in the problem of using NE - elements.

Master class progress:

Teacher: Guys! Today we will talk about what worries everyone, both children and adults. We will talk about the rules of the road We all live in a village where there are many streets and many cars. You already know how to behave on the street. Let's remember simple rules pedestrian:

- Cross the street only at the pedestrian crossing;

- Cross the street only at the green traffic light;

- To cross the street, first look left, then right.

- Never play on the road.

Teacher: Well done guys. You know the rules of the road well. Now look at the board. It presents several road signs that we should be aware of. Let's call them together, (repetition of signs).

GAME "It's me, it's me, it's all my friends"

And now I propose to play the game. I will start, and you answer me according to the meaning: “This is me, this is me, these are all my friends!”

1) Which one of you is moving forward

Only where is the "Transition"?

It's me, it's me

These are all my friends!

2) Who knows that the red light -

Does that mean there is no move?

It's me, it's me

These are all my friends!

3) Who flies forward so soon,

What does not see a traffic light?

Children are wet.

5) Which one of you is in the cramped tram

Giving way to adults?

It's me, it's me

These are all my friends!


At school you are students

And in the theater - the audience,

And in the museum, in the zoo -

We are all visitors.

And if you went out into the street,

Know, buddy, in advance:

You have become higher than all the names,

You immediately became...Children: A PEDESTRIAN

Teacher: So guys. When you go outside, you immediately become an active participant in the traffic. You all know the rules of the road, you all follow them. But sometimes it happens on the street bad weather: fog, it is raining or you are returning home with your parents at night, in THESE conditions you become less visible to drivers of vehicles.

And in order to be noticeable in such conditions on the road, you need to use reflective elements. Or as they are called differently - FLICKERS. Toyou need very little to mark yourself on the road at night or in bad weather - place "fireflies" on clothes, bags, backpacks, shoes. Dressing up in the headlights, they will indicate your presence on the road, which means they will allow drivers to slow down and prevent a collision.

Teacher: There are currently many such elements. You can buy them at the store, they are on your briefcases, but you can also make them yourself.

Today, in our "workshop", together we will produce reflectiveelements - FLICKERS to always be visible on the road.

Look at the blackboard. I have prepared some very interesting posters for you. Let's look at them:

1) "Identify yourself"

2) "Become more visible in the dark"

3) "Be more visible when walking in absolute darkness!"

Practical work:

For work you need: cardboard, glue, scissors, reflective tape. But before we get started, let's remember the safety rules when working with scissors.

Children work in groups: they mark figures on a reflective tape according to templates, cut them out, attach them to a ribbon and hang them around their necks. At the end of the workshop, each group demonstrates their work. Quiet music plays during operation.

Game Red. Yellow. Green. (physical minute)

Red - we stand like soldiers. Yellow - squat. Green - we walk in place.

Well done boys.

And now let's put on our flickers that we got. You have identified yourself. You've got some very nice flickers. Now at home you can make them for your family.

Guys, I want everyone to understand how important flicker is for little pedestrians. This luminous strip will protect your life and your health.

We have an icon

Flicker is called,

But the icon is not simple,


Bright light of distant headlights

He will reflect at the same moment.

And thus the reflection

Save our lives.

If you went on the road,
Don't forget Flicker!
You take him with you
It will come in handy on the road.
Flicker glows while playing
I am seen from afar.
Here is the truck
The driver slows down a little!

Never will I

Leave flicker at home.

I'll attach it to my clothes

And I'll go for a walk!


"Flicker for children - best friend in the world".

Flicker it's without a doubt ,

traffic sign ,

What is out of place ,

And with you everywhere in a hurry .

He is not afraid of the dark

And sparkles from the headlights .

Beacon is such a driver

A mile away will always see .

Attach Flicker to clothes

This is your bodyguard!

Children give gifts to guests (with wishes - always follow traffic rules)

Municipal government educational institution

"Secondary school No. 2" IMRSK

Master Class

"Flicker is the best friend in the world for children"


Bratsykhina I.V.

classroom teacher

1 "B" class

Children are the smallest road users and therefore it is very important for us adults to make sure that young walkers were visible on the roads of the city. We live in a region in which in autumn - winter period it dawns late and it gets dark early, children go to kindergarten and from kindergarten In the dark. In addition, the streets of our city are not adequately lit everywhere. Reflective elements (flickers) on clothes will help to make the kids the most visible to drivers in the dark.
In Russia, flickers appeared only a few years ago. And in the Scandinavian countries, reflectors have been saving adults and children's lives for about 30 years. In Estonia, Latvia, Belarus, wearing a reflector for pedestrians is mandatory. The essence of the flicker is that the driver notices the child from 200 - 400 m, and not from 30 m, thanks to the microprismatic surface of the device. Thus, the driver has more time to prevent an emergency, if one occurs.

Currently, you can buy all kinds of flickers in stores: badges, key chains, pendants, stickers, bracelets, armbands. But you can ensure the safety of children on the road and with my own hands, making an unusual flicker. For kids, a hand-made reflector will surely become more significant than the one purchased in the store.

To this end, on December 13, the Droplets group held a master class on making reflectors for children's clothing. Parents and children were shown a presentation “Light up in the dark”, after which moms and dads together with their children made funny reflective bracelets in the shape of various animals.
For their manufacture, reflective tapes and paper, stencils, foamiran, beads, rhinestones, glue, scissors and colored rubber bands were needed. Parents were offered several stencils to choose from. Moms, dads and children diligently circled, and then cut out animal figures from reflective tape, pasted them on a foamiran base.

The participants of the master class came up with a creative approach to decorating their bracelet, and after a short transformation with the help of rhinestones, beads and self-adhesive paper, glowing cats, dogs, bears and bunnies were obtained, which were glued to rubber bands. The bracelet is ready!

The children were satisfied with the result of their parents' work and took part in the "glowing" photo session with pleasure. To the great joy of the guys, reflectors in the dark work perfectly. We checked this fact again the next day, demonstrating it to the children who were absent from the master class.

Dear parents! I hope that you will think about the importance of wearing flickers, and before going outside at night, be sure to put on reflective elements for yourself and your children.
And maybe this will prevent another drama on the road.