Lesson on traffic rules in the middle group, the topic "Young pedestrian

Target: familiarization of children with the elementary rules of the road.

1. Introduce children to the traffic light and road signs "Pedestrian crossing" and "Zebra".
2. Develop a desire to know and follow the rules of the road.
3. To cultivate communicative qualities in communication.

Organizational moment: Game "Hello" (with the ball).
(Children sit down).
Three eyes hang on a pillar
We recognized him right away!
Each eye, when it burns,
The team tells us:
Who can go where
Who is walking and who is standing (Traffic light).

Educator: Why do we need a traffic light on the street? (it controls the movement of pedestrians and vehicles so that there are no accidents on the street and everyone moves according to the rules).
At what traffic light can you cross the road? (green).
What should I do if the traffic light is yellow? Red light?

Knock on the door. A child dressed as a bunny enters.
Educator: A bunny comes in, a little alive.
Where did you jump?
Bunny: On the pavement!
I did not listen to my mother
He crushed the bus paw.

Educator: So you probably don’t know the rules of the road?
Bunny: No! And what is it?
Educator: Rules of the road - these are the rules that must be observed on the road!

Educator (addressing the children): You see, guys, what can happen if you don’t know the rules of the road.
Sit down Bunny, and listen, and the guys and I will tell you the main rule of the traffic light. And they will remind us of him (names of children):
The traffic light has three windows:
Check them out as you go!
All the traffic light understands without words,
He speaks in the language of lights:
Red - Stop!
Yellow - Wait!
And the green light - Go!

Game "Traffic Lights"

Educator: Guys, do we have traffic lights in Kizner? (children's answers).

We don't have traffic lights. They are only in cities where a lot of cars drive and a lot of people live. He helps them to follow the rules of the road correctly.

And since we don’t have traffic lights, how can we be then? How to find out where to cross the road correctly and safely? (at a pedestrian crossing).

And how is the pedestrian crossing on the street distinguished? How can we recognize him? (Wide, white stripes are drawn on the road. They are far visible to both pedestrians and drivers).

Who does this striped path look like? (children's answers)
Yes, zebra! It's called a zebra crossing. There is even a poem about her! Here listen:

A bit like an accordion
And a little on the stairs
On a vest and a mattress, -
I have walked on it many times
And the cars slowed down
And they said to each other:
"Quiet move! Quiet move!
See, the zebra is a pedestrian?!”
(V. Ovchintsev).

Educator: And the pedestrian crossing is also indicated by such a sign (the sign of the pedestrian crossing is shown). It's easy to remember.

Educator: Now do you remember how to cross the road correctly? (You need to cross the road only on a green traffic light or only where there is a pedestrian crossing sign).

Educator: But road users on the roads are not only pedestrians, but also cars. And now I suggest you get up, close your eyes, and when I count to three and you open your eyes, we will turn into small cars. Ready? So! One…

Physical minute "Cars". (Children run after the teacher to the table and again at the expense of "three" turn into children).

Educator: Look at the sad traffic lights we have here. ? (children's answers). Why do you think you are so sad? What is wrong with them? (children's answers).
Do you want to help our traffic lights? Let's hang them up?
Then take your seats.

There are a lot of colorful lights here. Glue, etc. Take now the mugs of the right color and arrange them correctly on our traffic lights? (then the picture of the traffic light turns on so that the children compare their work. Did they do it right).

Teacher: Well done guys! Now our traffic lights are just like real ones. And the bunny got it right too.

(Children get up from the table around the teacher and show the work to each other and guests).

Well, Bunny, now you know the rules of the road! Do you remember everything?

You are all great today. And you guys, and you are a bunny. I really enjoyed our meeting today. And so that you never forget the main rule of a traffic light, I want to give you these medals!

Bunny: Thank you guys! Today I learned a lot from you and now I will always follow the rules of the road. Goodbye! (Bunny runs away).

Title: Summary of GCD on traffic rules in the middle group "Road signs"
Nomination: Kindergarten, Lecture notes, GCD, SDA, Middle group (4-5 years old)

Position: educator
Place of work: MBDOU Kiznersky kindergarten of a general developmental type No. 1
Location: UR, Kiznersky district, pos. Kizner

"Talking traffic light"

Purpose: to educate preschoolers in a responsible attitude to personal and public safety and to develop in them the experience of safe life.

Program content

Educational tasks:

To summarize the knowledge of children on the rules of the road, the rules of behavior on the street, to consolidate the knowledge of children about the traffic light, about its signals; to systematize children's knowledge of road signs, - to bring to the attention of children what a violation of traffic rules can lead to.

Vocabulary enrichment: sidewalk, pedestrian, crossroads, road signs, action words: caught fire, turned on, noun agreement with adjectives: green, yellow, red light.


Create conditions for the development of logical thinking, ingenuity, attention, imagination, observation, visual memory;

To develop the interests of children, dexterity, ingenuity, curiosity and cognitive motivation, creative activity.


Cultivate attention, concentration, sensitivity, responsiveness,

educate a competent pedestrian.

Methods and techniques: explanation, exercises, game method, questions, children's stories.

Equipment: Traffic light (educational toy), 3 circles: red, yellow, green, road signs: zebra, stripes, ball.

Preliminary work: excursion to the traffic light; conversations, viewing illustrations, reading poems and riddles according to the rules of the road, viewing presentations on traffic rules.

Used technologies:

1. Technology of personality-oriented education.

2. Health saving technology.

3. Technology cooperation.

4. Child support technology.

5. Gaming technologies.

6. Modern information and communication technologies.

Teacher: Guys! Today our guest is Ekaterina Mikhailovna, a traffic police inspector.

Inspector: Rules of the road

Study, young friends!

Treat them with no respect

It's just impossible and impossible.

Everyone should know them thoroughly

And learn to be careful.

It's amazing, guys.

With the rules you need to be friends.

We need to know these rules

Business before pleasure.

traffic rules

Games and poems will teach you.

Teacher: Listen to the riddle.

Lives with three eyes

Flashing in turn.

As it blinks, it will put things in order.

What it is?

Children: Traffic light.


How do you know it's a traffic light? (children's answers) And what eyes are mentioned in the riddle? (children's answers)

Red, yellow and green -

Very bright colors!

Each color is defined

Meaning is not without reason!


What do you guys think, what is the meaning of each color?

Red is the color of fire, fire. This is anxiety. Red is danger!

Yellow is the color of the sun, which can be both friend and foe. The sun seems to warn: Be careful and attentive. Do not rush!

Green is the color of grass, forest, leaves. It reminds of rest, tranquility. This is safety.


Guys, I want to give you a traffic light! Play and remember the rules of the road.

Game (in order to fix traffic light signals)

We're standing at a traffic light

The red light will turn on soon.

Upon receiving such news,

The pedestrian is standing still.

There is no other way out:

Red light is forbidden light.

If the yellow light is on:

Be patient, he says.

Into the light of a green pedestrian

The highway will cross.

But before that, young friend,

He will look around.

Everyone will tell me soon

What did you learn about traffic lights?

(The game consists in having all the children, in turn, interpret the information received.)

Mobile game "Traffic signals"

The host invites the guys to turn into traffic lights and play. Each child receives a circle of one of three colors. Children move in a circle. As soon as the whistle sounds, they line up in three circles according to the colors of the traffic light.

"Traffic light"

learn to correlate actions with the color of a traffic light, develop attention,

visual perception, thinking, ingenuity.

Material: circles of red, yellow, green.

Game progress: The teacher shows a circle, and the children perform the following actions:

Red - standing, silent;

Yellow - clap your hands;

Green - stomp their feet.

Inspector: Listen and remember!









GAME "Zebra"

Purpose: to train children in the accuracy of following the rules of the game, to develop speed of reaction, speed, orientation in space.

Material: strips of white paper (cardboard).

Game progress:

All participants in each team, except for the last one, are given a strip of white paper (cardboard). On a signal, the first participant puts down the strip, stands on it and returns to his team. The second one walks strictly along its lane, puts down its “step” of a zebra and comes back. The last participant walks along all the strips, returning, collects them.

Game (we fix the material, learn a fun and useful poem.)


At the playground

The traffic light has been standing for five years.

He has a three-eyed head

Hello to all the guys.

Children, as expected

Each of the guys

Road rules

They really want to know.

Fun and cool

We are in kindergarten.

Svetofornaya site

The square is in sight.

There, next to the birches,

There is not the first year

Roads with crossroads

And even "TRANSITION".

The real one is standing here

And from a very long time ago

Our smart, talking

And a good traffic light.

He doesn't get bored for a long time.

For sure and seriously

Replies to the guys

For any question.

We didn't waste time

Played here often.

Here are the educators again

They lead us to the platform.

And we will listen together -

Our traffic light is smart.

About the rules, about the necessary

He will tell again.

Ignat asked his question,

The bravest of the guys:

Traffic light, you are very strict.

But tell me we should know

Is it possible for children on the road

Jump, play with a ball.

The traffic light said with a smile:

It would be a mistake

I will simply answer the question

And no other is given

On the road for children, adults

To be always forbidden.

Why? Say honestly!

Because there are cars.

In those places where TRANSITIONS,

Pedestrians walk boldly.

Exactly! Only here's the trouble -

The traffic light said in alarm. -

Always be careful

We must, the children are on the road.

A very important piece of advice:

Don't play where you have to.

Where there are no traffic lights

"Zebra" transition is called.

stop auto O ,

And the driver will let us through.

You are the road, what matters is

Only then do you move on.

Guys have a lot of questions

There are many of them and adults.

They also need to know

The rules are serious.

They don't want to violate

Important rules adults.

Suddenly the stubborn Kostya said:

I'm always at a red light

I'll just cross the road

And without any difficulty.

The traffic light said anxiously:

Don't forget about one thing

You can cross the road.

But this path is dangerous.

This path must be clear

Unthinking, empty.

If the light, remember, is red,

Do not rush! Stay where you are!

If the yellow light is on

He says get ready.

And all of a sudden it turns green

Then the way is free.

You are smart and witty

Don't forget important rules!

We have a great traffic light.

Smart, kind, nice.

Valya, Pasha, Misha, Zhora,

Petya, Julia, our whole garden,

Often go to the traffic light.

They talk to him for a long time.

Our traffic light is friends with us.

We are happy for him, friends.

No road rules needed

No one can live!

All these rules are known.

After all, they are good

Which are very necessary and useful.

You need to teach them, kids!

Inspector: What good fellows you guys are! How well do you know the rules of the road! Now I'm calm for you! Now I know for sure that nothing will happen to you. And it's time for me to move on, to the other guys, whom I have to teach how to behave on the road. Goodbye!

Children: Goodbye!

Educator: Well, guys, did you like meeting the inspector?

Educator: Shall we invite him to visit us again?

Educator: At the end of our conversation, remember, be careful, think about safety.

Program content:

Educational task:

Teach children to be responsible for road safety.

Educational task:

To expand children's knowledge of the road and the rules for driving on it; familiarity with the concept of "slippery road" and "braking distance".

Development task:

Develop children's attention and interest in the study of road

signs, develop children's speech.

Methodical methods:

art word

The teacher's story

Phys. minute

surprise moment

Questions for children

Show illustration

Summary of the lesson

Dictionary activation:

To activate the terms and concepts in the children's speech: "road", "transport", "pedestrian", "footpath", "pedestrian crossing", "slippery road", "braking path"


Road signs


Didactic games

Preliminary work:


Monitoring the movement of vehicles and pedestrians.

Lesson progress:

Educator: A thread stretches, winding among the fields.

Forest, copses without end and edge.

Neither tear it, nor wind it into a ball.

Children: road.

Educator: right dear.

Educator: what types of roads do you know?

Children: road, rail…

Educator: what types of roads do you consider dangerous?

Children: wet road covered with snow...

Educator: On different roads, people and cars feel differently. It's good when the road is dry and smooth. But after the rain, the road becomes wet and slippery. The road can deteriorate from wet snow, from ice, and a road covered with fallen leaves, doused with foreign liquid is also dangerous.

Drivers and pedestrians must be careful and be prepared for dangers. Do not get close to cars. Especially if they are turning, braking or pulling away.

Educator: Guys, let's play a game with you:

"Say the opposite"

Roads are different.

long -… short

wet -…. dry

rough -…. flat

paved -…. unpaved

narrow- … wide

Educator: Well done children, you were attentive and gave

right answers.

Phys. minute:

Our little feet

Walking briskly along the road

The path is open everywhere for us - go

Pedestrians we are now

And now we'll run

We hurry to the bus.

We were afraid to be late - they run

Very worried

Now we are passengers

well settled

They drove for a long time - they sit down

And they came to Nurlat

A beautiful city and a big one - they are surprised and

He meets guests with a soul, raise their hands up

The children are seated. Knock on the door. Dunno enters, greets the children and begins to talk about his adventures - “It's winter outside and it's very slippery outside. I went to kindergarten and forgot that it was slippery. Suddenly I see a bus coming very close to me. I think - “Well, let him ride - I will have time to cross the road - and he went. Suddenly, how I slip, but how I fall! The driver saw this and began to slow down, but the bus on a slippery road does not obey the brakes, it still goes. Although not fast, it rides like skis. He stopped right next to my nose, a little more and would have crushed. Oh, and the driver scolded me, but for what I did not understand.

Educator: Children, why did the driver scold Dunno?

Children: the driver scolded Dunno for crossing the road into

wrong place.

Educator: What was Dunno supposed to observe?

Children: Obey the rules of the road.

Educator: What is the name of the people walking on the road?

Children: Pedestrians.

Educator: And who was Dunno on the road?

Children: Pedestrian.

Educator: Children, select the signs that the pedestrian needs.

(children choose signs).

Educator: Because of what Dunno almost fell under the wheels of the bus?

Children: The road was slippery, so the bus could not stop abruptly.

Educator: And now we will see how the cars will go on a slippery and rough road. The teacher shows how the cars drive. Why do cars drive like this?

Children: Because one road is slippery and the other is rough.

Educator: Here, the children, you yourself saw that on a rough road the braking distance is shorter, and on a slippery road the braking distance is longer.

Children show this technique again in order to consolidate knowledge. Dunno thanks the children and gives emblems with road signs:


Underground crossing

Overhead passage

Rough road

Educator: What signs are for pedestrians?

Dunno: I don't know

Educator: Children, help Dunno!

Children: Yes!

Educator: This kind of sign

He is guarding the pedestrian.

We move with you

We make our way to this place. (Crosswalk)

Educator: When using a pedestrian crossing, you need to be very careful. After all, you will go to the other side of the road along the carriageway of the street. Approaching the pedestrian crossing: look to the left, and when you reach the middle of the road, look to the right, make sure there is no traffic nearby.

Overground and underground pedestrian crossings are the most convenient, because you do not have to go out onto the carriageway.

caregiver: Dunno, now you understand everything what these mean


Dunno: Yes

Educator: Dunno, what other cars are moving along the road?

The stranger is silent.

Educator: Tell the Dunno!

Children: Trolleybuses, trams, trucks, cars

cars, taxis.

Dunno: Thanks kids, I remember everything. I have to go. Goodbye! .

Children: Red light - no way

On yellow - wait

When the green light is on

Bon Voyage.

Educator: What new did we learn today?

Children: we met a new sign - slippery road.

A game:"Collect the Sign"

Abstract of the lesson. (according to traffic rules)

“Walking along the city street” (middle group) Educator: Sat A.V.

Target: Strengthening children's skills to comply with the rules of the road. The ability to act on a signal.

Fixing road signs.

Decor : Designate a pedestrian crossing, a pharmacy, a shop and a bus stop.

Lesson progress:

Educator: Guys! We have already studied the rules of the road. We know traffic lights and some road signs. And today we will once again recall the rules of behavior on the streets. When we go for a walk with our loved ones.

Imagine. That we are not in kindergarten, but on the streets of our city. In our city, as in the present, there are schools, kindergartens, hospitals and alleys. Transport will move along the streets of our city.

And in our city there is a policeman who keeps order on the roads. Now everyone close your eyes and imagine that you are on the streets of our city. I count to five, I can't reach ten: one, two, three, four, five - open your eyes again! (Children close their eyes, and at this time a policeman enters the hall)

Cop: Hey guys! My name is Kuular Nazyn Viktorovich. Today we will repeat the rules of the road, road signs and walk along the streets of our city. You are ready?

1 child: 2 child:

Our friend is a traffic light If a sign with a red stripe

Red, yellow and green, don't go, it's dangerous here

He is staring at everyone. No Pedestrians!

The intersection is busy

Restless traffic light. 3 child:

The old people go and the children Here is the overpass

They don't run and they don't rush. People walk all day

A traffic light for everyone in the world. You, the driver, do not be sad,

A true friend and brother. Pass the pedestrian!

At a traffic light signal;

We walk across the street. 4 child:

And the drivers nod to us: In the middle of the road, children

"Come on, let's wait." We are always responsible for them.

On red light - there is no road, so that their parent does not cry,

On yellow - Wait. Be careful, driver.

When it's lit green light,

Bon Voyage.

And now we will see if you have learned this rule well. Let's play a game of attention "Traffic light". (“Policeman” shows circles of three colors. Green color - stomp your feet, imitating walking. Yellow color - clap your hands. Red color - sit quietly without moving).

What good fellows you all are! Guys, what is the name of the inspector who regulates traffic? (Adjuster)What traffic controller signals do you know and what do they mean? (“The traffic controller shows a signal with a wand, raises his right hand with a wand up - this corresponds to a yellow traffic light signal - clap his hands. The traffic controller stands facing or back to the movement - this corresponds to a red signal - we sit in silence. Turned sideways - you can go like green traffic light - stomp your feet.)

The game "Act on the signal of the traffic controller."

Police officer: Well done! We played, now we can go for a walk around our city. But before we go for a walk, let's remember the rules of behavior on the street. I have a few questions about the rules of the road for you:

What part of the street should pedestrians walk on? (On the sidewalk.)

Where and how are pedestrians required to cross the street? (On the pedestrian crossing, at a calm pace.)

Why can you only cross the road when the traffic light is green? (It is dangerous to walk on red and yellow for life and another.)

Why can't you play on the road? (It's life threatening)

Is it possible to ride on the roadway and why? (No, you can’t. Answers of children.)

Where should you wait for the bus? (At the bus stop)

What good fellows you are, you know how to behave on the street! I'm happy with you! And now get up two by two, we are going for a walk around our city.

We walk around the city and streets

On the way we meet different buildings

Here is the pharmacy on the way,

But how can we get across the street,

To follow the rules?

After all, we don’t even have a traffic light in front of us?

(On the pedestrian crossing.)

And there are a lot of toys,

Let's take a look at the store!

And there are cars on the way

Where would the road go?

And we decided to approach the transition sign!

On the way we met a zoo!

But there is no traffic light and no crossing,

Only sideways to us is the traffic controller

Should we stand or should we go?

(Go - green traffic light)

1 child: 2 child:

I cross the road like this: The car is on the side of the road,

First I'll look to the left Van, big snowdrift

And, if there is no car, They prevent me from seeing very much:

I go to the middle. What is there, on the pavement?

Then I look carefully, maybe it's rushing here now

Right necessarily - At a terrible speed "KAMAZ"!

And if there is no movement, the road is clear to me

Forward! Without delay! Crossing is dangerous!

(Approaching the stop, weighs the sign of the bus stop ) And here is the bus.(The bus is built from chairs in advance ) Let's choose with the help of a rhyme of a driver and a conductor (the driver is given a steering wheel, and a bag with tickets or a cap is given to the conductor). Here we have chosen, and now we all take our places and hit the road. While we go, guess those riddles of mine. Here is the road puzzle:

What is the name of that horse

What lay on the transitions,

Where are pedestrians walking? (Zebra)

The house is walking down the street

Calls everyone to work

Not on chicken legs

And in rubber boots (bus)

Police officer : And now, tell me about the rules of conduct in public transport.

Can you touch the doors while driving? Why? (You have to wait for the driver to open them, he has a special button)

Can you talk to the driver while driving? Why(No, the driver is distracted)

Can you lean out of the window? Why (Can't, it's dangerous)

Can you talk loudly on the bus? Why (No, it disturbs other passengers)

2 child:

And for passengers too.

There are a lot of rules.

Everyone must follow them

And do not drive anyhow!

Gotta go ahead

Don't hold up the people

Do not stand near the door

Do not interfere with those leaving

And hold on to the railings.

Stand straight, do not grimace,

To give way to the elders -

Elders must be respected.

Well done! You are good passengers. Know how to behave, and no one will make remarks to you on the bus.

Quietly, calmly get off the bus and become pedestrians.

Well done boys! You can take your seats. Thank you for being so attentive and obeying all the rules of the road. And in memory of the journey, I want to give you tokens confirming that you are excellent pedestrians! (I hand over tokens to everyone - images of a traffic light )

And now it's time to return to the kindergarten, where your teacher is waiting for you. Close your eyes and count to five.

(Children close their eyes and the teacher takes off his cap).

Educator: (summarizes ) Open your eyes! Well, here you are back in our kindergarten. Where have you been? Who did you meet there? Now you remember all the rules well? Now never forget how to behave on the streets of the city and in transport. Well done!

"Meet the Street"

class in the middle group

Target. To expand children's ideas about the carriageway of the street, to give knowledge about one-way and two-way traffic, the dividing strip. To acquaint with some rules for the movement of pedestrians along the street, with the concepts of "crossing", "pedestrian".

Material. Story pictures. Sign "Pedestrian crossing". A card with the image of a traffic light, colored pencils - for each child.

Lesson progress
Children stand in a circle. A warm-up is being carried out (verses by S. Mikhalkov).

I ride on two wheels (They walk around in circles.)
I spin with two pedals,
(They walk with their knees high.)
I hold on to the steering wheel, I look ahead,
(They hold an imaginary steering wheel with their hands.)
I know the turn is coming soon.
(Turn around and walk the other way.)

At the end, they sit on chairs in front of the board, on which a plot picture is hung with the image of moving vehicles and pedestrians.

Educator. Look closely at the picture. What do you see on it?(Children's answers.)
Yes, there are many cars on the streets: they take adults to work, children to kindergarten, deliver groceries to shops. In this picture you see the safe movement of cars and pedestrians. How does this happen?
(Children's answers.)
For the safety of traffic and pedestrians, special rules have been created that must be followed. Everyone should know where and how to cross the street.
(Hangs up a plot picture depicting a city street on the board.)What do you see on this picture?(Street.) Right. A street is a part of a city reserved for traffic and pedestrians. It has a roadway. What is a roadway for? (for transportation.)Who are sidewalks for?(For pedestrians.) How should you walk on the sidewalk?(Keeping to the right so as not to interfere with oncoming pedestrians.) Right (reads a poem)
Everyone be true to the rule -
Keep Right!

(0. Bedarev)

Where can you cross the street?
(Children's answers.) Yes, the street is crossed at the place where the sign "Pedestrian crossing" is installed.(Shows a sign.)How should you cross the street?(You must first look to the left, and when you reach the middle of the roadway, to the right.If there is no nearby traffic, you can cross the street.)Why is it important to pay close attention to the road? What can happen if you are inattentive and careless on the street?(Children's answers.) Reading a poem
Hey cars, full speed ahead!
I am an exemplary pedestrian:
I don't like to rush
I will make way for you.
(Y. Pishumov)

The teacher hangs a plot picture on the board depicting a zebra footpath.

Educator. What is this striped track on asphalt for? What is it called?(Children's answers.) This road marking is a faithful assistant to a pedestrian on the street. The pedestrian has another assistant. Guess which one.
Three eyes blink
Three eyes blink
We cross the street
(Traffic light.)

caregiver (gives children cards with a picture of a traffic light). I suggest you carefully paint over the traffic light windows and tell what each color means.

Children work at tables. Then they tell a poem about a traffic light (according to a quatrain).

To help you

The path is dangerous

Burning day and night

Green, yellow, red.

Our house is a traffic light,

We are three siblings.

We've been shining for a long time

On the road to all the guys.

The most severe is the red light.

If it's on:

The path is closed for everyone.

So that you calmly pass

Heed our advice:

Wait! See you soon yellow

Light in the middle.

And behind it is a green light

Flashes ahead.

He will say: "There are no obstacles,

Feel free to go!"

(A. Severny.)

Educator. Today we talked about how the street works, how to cross the street correctly so as not to endanger yourself. To do this, you need to know and follow the rules of the road.

Always follow traffic rules

So that trouble does not happen on the street!