Methodological development "Flicker. I'm noticeable!". Methodical development of an event on reflective elements Flickers development of an event for students

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Synopsis of extra-curricular activities for the prevention of children's road traffic injuries "Our friend is a flicker"

Summary of extracurricular activities sent to: Makarenko Yuri Mikhailovich, teacher of history, social studies, OBZh MOU secondary school No. 8, Stavropol Territory, Krasnogvardeisky district, p. Dmitrievskoe email: [email protected]

"Our friend is a flicker."

The event was held for 1st grade students and their parents, as well as for the teaching staff as part of the action to distribute sets of retroreflective devices.


To facilitate the process of communication with the audience, the term "flicker" is used as the name of the retroreflective device.


  • Teacher;
  • Representative of the traffic police;


  • 1st grade students;
  • Parents;
  • Teaching team.

Target: explain to children the need to constantly use a retroreflective device - a flicker.


  • Explain to children what a flicker is;
  • Explain the need to use flickers;
  • Teach children how to use flicker correctly;
  • Strengthen the ability to use flicker;
  • To consolidate the understanding of the need to use flickers;
  • Repeat the rules of the young pedestrian.

Didactic material:

  • A set of retroreflective materials (flicker, packaging, information materials);
  • Information posters (tablets);

Event plan:

  • Appeal to children and parents, teachers
  • Demonstration of flicker and rules of use
  • Checking the acquired knowledge and skills
  • Distribution of flickers

Event progress


Hello! Today we will talk about what excites everyone - both children and adults. We'll talk about security. We all live where there are many streets and many cars. You already know how to behave on the street. Let's remember the simple rules of the pedestrian:

  1. Cross the street only at the pedestrian crossing;
  2. Cross the street only at the green traffic light;
  3. To cross the street, first look left, then right.
  4. Never play on the road

What are the other safety rules? Our guest will tell us about this now (position, surname, name, patronymic)

Traffic police representative:

Hello, dear children and parents, teachers. Be sure to follow the traffic rules that the teacher just reminded you about. There is another rule to be safe outside at night.

There are many people who work outside at night, in the dark. In order to be visible to drivers, they wear special clothes.

(clothing is shown on the poster)

These clothes have special patterns that glow brightly in the beams of car headlights. Now it is light, and these drawings are invisible. But as soon as a little light hits them in the dark, these patterns on clothes will shine brightly brightly. Such drawings are on the clothes of policemen, road workers, all people who work at night on the streets and roads. This is for safety.

Traffic police representative:

All young pedestrians and their parents need to think about safety. Especially for children, they came up with such flickers, they reflect the light of car headlights and protect you in the dark on the street.

Such a flicker can be worn on any clothes, both on a warm jacket and on a summer shirt. Look, one simple movement - and the flicker securely grabbed my hand (demonstrates the flicker, puts it on).

Flicker will keep you safe on the road. This is your friend, helper and protector.


Guys, let's try to put on a flicker, learn how to use it correctly (call several people one by one, put on and take off the flicker, the children try to do it on their own).

Traffic police representative:

You have seen that using flicker is not difficult at all, but very interesting. I want everyone to understand how important flicker is for little pedestrians. This luminous strip will protect the life and health of children

Now each of you will receive a flicker. I want to ask you to use it yourself, tell your parents and friends about flicker. And never break the rules of the road!

(children are given sets of retroreflective devices)

Traffic police representative:

Let each of you try to put on a flicker. Flickers are designed to be easy to put on and take off. Do not forget that it is better to store the flicker in a folded form, then it will be obedient longer (children put on and take off flickers. A teacher, a traffic police officer help them in case of difficulty).


Look closely, there is a memo for a young pedestrian. We have already mentioned the basic rules today. Let's repeat them.

Children's survey:

  1. At what traffic light can you cross the street?
  2. Where can pedestrians cross the street?
  3. Who will protect the pedestrian in the dark?

(children answer questions)


Now you all remember the rules well. Let's follow them.

Sample text of additional conversation with parents

Dear parents!

Take the time to learn the correct behavior of children on the street, the health and life of our children depends on it. It is you who can and should explain to them how important it is to follow the rules of the road.

Your children have been given flickers - reflective devices that can protect them at night. Flickers tried to make interesting and attractive for children. But the child quickly gets used to the new toy. Your task is to explain: flicker is not a toy, but protection and safety on the road at night, and teach to use flicker all the time.

Many of you are now thinking, "My child doesn't walk down the street alone at night." Even if it is, train him to wear a flicker.

Firstly, even if a small pedestrian is not alone on the street, it is better to protect him and yourself. Put on flickers, let the drivers see you and your baby from afar.

Secondly, children do not remain small for long and sit at home in the evenings, and let them get used to the rules of safe behavior now.

Finally, the most important thing. There are terrible figures in the statistics of traffic accidents. They show that more than half of the children injured in road accidents are pedestrians. It is in our power to try to change the situation for the better.

Make sure the kids don't forget to wear flickers. Explain the importance of obeying the rules of the road. Try to observe them yourself, because this is the only way to ensure the safety of roads and streets for our children.

Auxiliary equipment

As an auxiliary equipment for conducting an open lesson, posters are used, specially designed in the same style as the set of retroreflective devices. The posters contain the basic rules of the road for young pedestrians, drawings illustrating the rules for using the flicker. An additional element was the images of the heroes of the lesson: a traffic police officer and a road builder.

After the events of the action, these posters can be placed in preschool and school institutions.

"traffic officer"

This option takes into account the participation in the open lesson "Our friend is a flicker" of a real traffic police officer in uniform.

As an addition to the image, which will clearly demonstrate the effectiveness of reflective materials, the kit is complemented by a safety vest. This vest is well known to children and adults. Its color is combined with the color of the flicker, which gives the image an artistic completeness.

"Road builder"

The variant demonstrates the presence of reflective elements on the overalls of people involved in road work.

Children need to be explained that such work is carried out at night so as not to interfere with traffic. Reflective elements reliably protect road workers when work is carried out on busy streets, because they are clearly visible in the headlights.

Event results.

The experience of distributing retroreflective devices shows that the distribution of retroreflective devices directly to children is not effective enough. For some time, children use flickers, then they lose interest in them. The main audience is children aged 5-10, who do not determine on their own what and when to wear, their parents do it for them, so it is desirable to involve parents in the event.

In MOU secondary school No. 8 with. Dmitrievsky:

  • 90% of children confirmed that they immediately learned to use flicker.
  • 90% of children reported that they liked the flicker very much.
  • 80% of children told their parents about flicker.
  • 65% of children would like to give a flicker to their friends to keep their friends safe.

Scenario for an event to promote the wearing of retroreflective elements

Subject: "Reflective flicker badge"

Target: introduction of the practice of using retroreflective elements by students to reduce child road traffic injuries and improve road safety.


1. Explain to children what FLICKER is and the need to use it for the safety of all road users.

2. To form the ability to apply the acquired knowledge in practice, thereby ensuring their own safety.

3. To develop a conscientious attitude to the implementation of the rules of the road,culture of behavior and road ethics in traffic conditions.

Event progress

Leading: Dear children and adults, we have gathered with you today to talk about a very important topic - the rules of the road. If we listen carefully, we will hear the rumble from the movement of cars outside the window. They run at high speed. There is a sidewalk next to the roadway for pedestrians. To calmly cross the street, one must be very attentive and observant. Knowing the rules of the road will help you find the place to cross the street and safely cross the road, not only when it is daylight, but also at night.

Leading: We invite all children to the school of "traffic light sciences". You will learn about the rules of behavior on the road at night, learn how small "fireflies" save the lives of pedestrians and drivers on the road, and what these small flashlights are called

But first of all, let's remember the basic rules of the road with which you are already familiar.

The game "Recognize the road sign"

1. Hey driver beware!
It's impossible to go fast.
People know everything in the world -
This place has kids!

(Sign "Children")

2. Never let you down
Us underground passage:
Pedestrian road
It is always free.
(Sign "Underpass")

3. On the road sign
The man is walking.
Striped tracks
They put it under our feet.
So that we do not know worries
And they walked forward.
(Sign "Pedestrian crossing")

4. This zebra on the road
I'm not at all afraid
If everything is ok.
I'll go on the road along the stripes.
(Sign "Pedestrian crossing")

5. That's the sign! I don't believe my eyes.
What is the battery for?
Does steam heating help the movement?
Here's the "steam heating" sign.
What? Isn't that what it's called?

But as?
(Sign "Railway crossing with a barrier")

The game "Tell me a word" about traffic rules on the street

Fast in the city is a very ride. Do you know the rules of the movement? (The guys answer: - Yes!)

A pedestrian is walking across the street, where a sign is indicated to him ... (crossing) I also always walk along the "zebra". Is that how it's supposed to be done? - Yes!

There is a red light at the traffic light. Can you walk across the street? - No!

Well, the green light is on, then you can go across the street? - Yes!

It’s good to play the ball on the road, will they immediately put you 5 for the rules? - No!

So that we are healthy, so that there is no trouble, so that adults are always calmer, will we follow the rules of the road? - Yes!

Game "Car and driver"

Leading: Guys, now we will try ourselves as drivers and cars. You understand that the more attentive the driver is on the road, the more obedient the car behaves. Please come two guys. One of the pair will be the car, the other will be the driver. We will blindfold the “car”, and the “driver” will control it with the help of hands placed on the shoulders. "Drivers" need to drive around obstacles on the road and return. And to make the “cars” feel more confident, we will give them rudders, with which they will show where they are turning. "Drivers" control the "cars" by pressing on the shoulders: to the right - turn right, to the left - to the left. By pressing on both shoulders at the same time, the “driver” stops the “Machine”.

Game "Zebra"

Leading: It's time for us to practice crossing the street. All team members are called. Task: line up in a column one by one, in front of the captain, he has two long and wide strips of paper. It is necessary to lay a pedestrian crossing to the other edge of the “road”: put one lane in front of you, stand on it, put another one some distance from the first, go to the second lane, shift the first one forward, etc. Team members follow the captain. The first team to reach the other side of the road wins.

Leading: You are successfulcrossed the road, came to school

The main cause of accidents on the road is violation of traffic rules by both pedestrians and drivers. Unfortunately, pedestrians are often under the wheels of cars. Most accidents occur at night, at dusk, during fog, rain, snowfall. Some pedestrians believe that the driver will see them in any situation and drive around. However, at night, drivers hardly notice a pedestrian or notice too late. Senya and his ginger cat Vaska from the cartoon that you will now see have learned a unique way to protect themselves from troubles on the road.

(viewing a cartoon"Flickers" about Senya and cat Vaska)

Host:- Guys, how did Senya and his cat Vaska secure themselves on the road? (children's answers)

On a dark street, they used fireflies, reflective elements for clothing. This is a necessary and useful element for a pedestrian. The driver notices a child with reflective clothing from a much greater distance than without it. This means that the chances are higher that the tragedy will not happen. Such fireflies are made of ultra-bright material. In the dark, the firefly reflects the light of the headlights and glows brightly. Such a light makes the pedestrian more noticeable. It reduces the risk of a car colliding with a pedestrian by 8 times.

All retroreflective elements have the same name - Flicker. Let's say this name together in unison.

The UID detachment has prepared for you poems about flickers and their meaning for pedestrians and drivers

In the dark time of the day

Danger on the streets awaits

The driver needs to be more vigilant:

The pedestrian is not so visible.

Cars are speeding by,

And the braking path is not always

Works without delay

And trouble can happen!

You don't want to know about anxiety -
Because it is very young.

Remember, dying on the roads

An entire city every year.

Think about it, people, how many kids

Beautiful girls and nice boys

They didn’t come to schools, gardens and home,

How many parents brought tears

They got under the wheels of a car

They became cripples, it is not easy for them to live.

We offer all children

Prevent disaster -

For the dark time of the day

Change your clothes.

To be visible on the roads

And so that everyone does not have to suffer,

Decided to take up design

Create a Flicker collection!

For fashion to help

We definitely decided

Implement reflectors.

We have an icon

Flicker is called,

But the icon is not simple,


Bright light of distant headlights

He will reflect at the same moment.

I have a badge on my jacket

And a hanging cord

Bright sticker on a baseball cap

And a sticker on the bag.

Elegance will give

Saved from hitting.

For athletes I have in store

And shoulder straps, and lampas,

For a suit, sneakers, T-shirt

Sew the ribbons tight

They shine brightly, no doubt -

Wonderful kit!

Mom sewed a skirt, class!

Look at us.

And the hairpin is just great!

For a fashionista, well, very cool!

Applications, patches,

On the back, on the sleeve,

On the pocket, on the chest

Must always be present.

Yes, and our glamorous look

It tells you a lot.

And the phone case

"Squeak" of the last season,

Watch, bracelet and bow

The best option.

The bag is just "extra class"

Take a look at us!

(YUID members show what flickers can be)

Game "Collect a word"

From scattered letters, children collect a sentence"Flicker is the best friend in the world for children."


What are reflective elements on clothing called?

What are they needed for?

As of July 1, 2015, traffic rules oblige all pedestrians to purchase flickers for road safety clothing.

At the end of the event, handouts are distributed to children and parents.

Methodological development for younger students (grades 1 - 4)

Subject : Flicker. I'm visible!

Target :

to give an idea to children-pedestrians about retroreflective elements.

Tasks :

    Determine the significance of the use of reflective elements by pedestrians in the dark.

    To form in children-pedestrians a psychological attitude to the use of retroreflective elements as a means of ensuring safety in the dark.

    Develop students' creativity.

Equipment :

computer, screen, projector, colored paper and cardboard, glue, scissors, felt-tip pens, flicker pattern (white circle) according to the number of children.

visual material :

crossword puzzle (one for two), photographs of children, table "Distance from which a pedestrian is visible."

preliminary stage

A group of students are taking a "What do we know about flicker" test in an elementary school. ( Annex 1)

Lesson progress

    Introduction to the topic of the lesson

Today we will start our lesson by solving a crossword puzzle. Having guessed the keyword, formulate the topic, purpose and objectives of our lesson. (work in pairs)

1.Three multi-colored friends flash one after another. Glow, blink, help people. (light f op)

2. At what traffic signal can you cross the road? (ze l young)

3. Who controls the traffic if the traffic light is broken? (regulative And rover)

4. A place to wait for public transport. (stop To A)

5. What is the name of the intersection of roads? (trans e cross)

6.Underground mode of transport. (met R O)

Get the keyword Flicker.

Formulate the topic, purpose and objectives of the lesson.


A group of researchers in our class decided to find out from all the students of the elementary school of the pro-gymnasium, and what they know about the flicker. 150 students were interviewed. And here are the results.

They think that flicker is

    toy - 13 people,

    tool - 12 people,

    the rest answered correctly - a reflector.

What is flicker for?

    To stand out from the crowd - 9 people answered,

    to decorate clothes - 13 people,

    the rest chose the correct answer - to be visible at night on the road.

What color can a flicker be?

    Green - 23 people,

    red - 22 people,

    the rest chose lemon or white flicker.

What professions always have flickers on their work clothes?

    Only 12 people answered this question incorrectly.

If there are flickers on a student's clothes or briefcase, this does not exempt him from observing the rules of the road. Most of the students responded this way.

The conclusion is this: not all students of our school know what a flicker is.

So what is flicker? And what is it for? Who needs it?

Translated from English flicker means short flash, flicker.

It is designed to improve the safety of pedestrians on the roads at night and in conditions of poor visibility.

A pedestrian at night is visible to the driver at a distance of about 20-50 m, and the presence of flickers increases this distance to 100-200 m. Flickers are specially developed and produced for schoolchildren to wear on clothes and school backpacks.

White or lemon flickers are considered the best, as they have the most optimal reflectivity so that the pedestrian is visible at night. There must be at least 4 flickers on the pedestrian.


Review the photos. Which pedestrians are safer on the road? Why?

    Creative tasks.

    Come up with a flicker. The first group makes the correct flickers, the second - with errors.

Musical and dance FLASHMOB dedicated to the all-Russian campaign "Firefly", aimed at popularizing the use of retroreflective devices among preschoolers and students of educational institutions.

Target: introduction of the practice of using retroreflective devices by preschoolers and students of educational institutions to reduce child road traffic injuries and improve road safety.


1. Explain to the children what FLICKER is.

2. Distribution of sets of retroreflective devices among preschool children and students in the territory of the village of Obilny.

3. Clarification of the need to use flickers.

4. Consolidate the understanding of the need to use flicker.

Event progress:

1. A rap melody sounds. Students (members of the YID circle) dance, demonstrating flickers on briefcases (backpacks)

2. Performance.

1 student.

Hello guys, colleagues and friends!

Traffic rules are the main thing for us.

Our UID squad is with you - your assistant!

2 student .

Today we will tell the rules simple,

But our pedestrians are very expensive.

3 student.


4 student.

Who walks together in a row?


This is our UID - detachment!

We are walking around the city, we will not get into trouble,

Because we know for sure

We follow the rules.

5 student.

What kind of rules are these?


Very, in general, simple:

Life will be great with them.

Fun and safe!

6 student.

We join the All-Russian action: "FIREFLY" (participants show the poster "Smiling emoticon")

7 student.

We have an icon

Flicker is called,

But the icon is not simple,


8 student.

Bright light of distant headlights

He will reflect at the same moment.

And thus the reflection

Save our lives.

9 student.

Never will I

Leave flicker at home.

I'll attach it to my clothes

And I'll go for a walk!


"Flicker is the best friend in the world for children."


-What is Flicker?

10 student.

Flickers are microprismatic reflectors for pedestrians.To identify yourself on the road at night or in bad weather, you need quite a bit - place "fireflies" on clothes, bags, backpacks, shoes. Dressing up in the headlights, they will indicate your presence on the road, which means they will allow drivers to slow down and prevent a collision.

11 students.

Attached to the clothes of a pedestrian, the flicker is visible in the headlights of a car from a distance of up to 400 meters, which reduces the risk of hitting a pedestrian in the dark up to 8 times!

12 student.

Dear parents!!!

Take care of the safety of yourself and your children!

Light up on the road!

3. Leaflets for parents.

4. Gifts for preschoolers - FLICKERS - cubs.

5. Speech by the inspector for the promotion of road safety of the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate of the Intermunicipal Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia "Georgievsky" police captain Rogozin S.Yu.

6. Summing up.

7. Feedback from participants on the relevance of the action.

Musical and dance


dedicated to the All-Russian

stock "Firefly"

« Flicker is the best friend in the world for kids!”

Prepared and hosted:

Zabolotina Galina Nikolaevna,

Primary school teacher

MKOU secondary school No. 22 with Obilny,

Head of the circle "YUID"

Karagai secondary school, branch

MAOU Dubrovinskaya secondary school of the Vagay district of the Tyumen region

Teacher-organizer Abusagitova R.R.

Event for younger students

« Flicker - for the driver to see"

Target : Prevention of children's road traffic injuries.


    Strengthen the skills of safe, cultural behavior on the roads in children.

    To form in children a sense of responsibility for the safety of their health, life

    Involve parents in the problems of children's road traffic injuries.

    To form in children elementary knowledge about reflective elements

Equipment: road signs, clothing with pasted flickers, presentation

The material of the newspaper "Good Road of Childhood" was used

Event progress

Speech by YuIDovtsev.

Hello Alina, Elina, Sabrina!

Hello, Danirs, Ilnazy, Damirs!
Hello girls! Hello boys!

Hello pedestrians and cyclists!
Hello future drivers, doctors!

Hello future motorists!

And just good people, hello!

You are welcomed by YIDovtsy
Those who know road signs

Those who study the rules of the road

Those who are ready to tell you

How to avoid road accidents

The motto of our meeting today is:

"Light up! Attach a flicker to your clothes!

Let the driver notice you!

Teacher. Guys, tell me why pedestrians become victims of road accidents? (children's answers)

Teacher. Many traffic accidents occur at night, when visibility on some sections of the roadway may be limited. And the victims could have been avoided if every pedestrian, realizing his responsibility, took care that he and his child were visible on the road.

UID members .

1st Jewish. Today we present a sure way to be visible on the roads at night. After all, these are the shortest days. We go to school - it's still dark, we return from school - it's already dark.

2nd Jewish. Therefore, we want to talk a lot about flickers

3rd Jewish. And what is a flicker, who knows? ( Slides )

Flickers are reflective elements. Most relevant in the autumn-winter period, when the risk of being unnoticed on the road at night increases.

Without flickers, a pedestrian on the road becomes visible at a distance of no more than 70 meters. This means that it takes the driver less than two seconds to stop. Not every person behind the wheel will have time to react.

A pedestrian with a flicker is visible to a motorist at night at a distance of 150 - 400 meters.

Flickers on clothes reduce the risk of running into a pedestrian at night by 6-8 times!

In countries where the law on the mandatory wearing of reflectors, such as Finland, Belarus, has been adopted, the number of accidents involving pedestrians at night has indeed decreased.

Flicker is an English word meaning "flicker".

Flickers are different: yellow, white, red,

And they are all very important

Keep citizens safe!

The best flickers are white or lemon yellow. They are the brightest.

- Flickers are funny and bright stickers, bracelets, small badges that reflect headlights. They can be placed on the arm, jacket, jeans or backpack. You can also observe reflective stripes on overalls or uniforms of traffic police officers. The boys know exactly what a reflector is, many have bicycles. So in this case, reflectors are not just decoration, but also your protector! Road signs are also covered with a special reflective layer so that drivers can see them from afar and thus navigate the road at night.

The game "Assemble the walkway" is being held - dynamic pause

Yidovtsy demonstrate clothes (waistcoats, jacket, backpack, pants, jacket, hat) with reflective elements to the performance of the song "By the way of goodness"

1st Jewish: If you have a reflector

You look fashionable wherever you are.

2nd Judid: Badges and stickers, pendants, bracelets

Save your life anywhere in the world.

3rd Judid: With reflectors, most tragedies can be

All: Prevent!

Demonstration of the video "I am visible on the roads "(duration 2:15)

Teacher. Guys!

With reflectors

You will be seen perfectly!

So it will be safe!

You really need security!

Your safety is very important!

Therefore, today we give you a flicker so that the driver notices you. Wear them and be visible and therefore safe!

(Music turns off, YID members hand out flickers.)

1st Judid: Reflect in the dark

To be visible everywhere

And then any driver

Will definitely see you.

2nd Jewish: On the roads, follow the rules of the road!

Safer to live

Let's wear flickers

Dark night, white day

Feel free to go with Flicker!

3rd Jewish: Remember, there is only one life

She is the most important.

Safety is a wish

All: And thanks for your attention!