Reflective elements for kids creative ideas. Do-it-yourself reflective elements for pedestrians

The attentiveness of the pedestrian himself is not always a guarantee of safety. Often accidents happen because of drivers, but not because only inadequate drunk people are driving, who got their rights for money. Sometimes it is simply impossible to see a pedestrian in the dark on an unlit section of the road. That is why the use of reflective elements for pedestrians is very important condition if they want to protect themselves.

Sad statistic

As the data cited by traffic police inspectors show, every second accident is precisely a collision with a pedestrian. And if in daytime accidents rarely have disastrous consequences, then at night the situation deteriorates sharply. What is the reason? In the limited visibility of the road, inadequate behavior of the pedestrian, in the absence of compliance elementary rules on the road, which all road users must adhere to. Every year, several thousand people die on the roads, and the total number of accidents involving a pedestrian is in the tens of thousands. No one says that the use of retroreflective elements would be a guarantee of protection from an accident, but according to the same statistics, they increase the chance of a pedestrian being noticed six times.

Who is at risk?

Considering that in winter time year, deep twilight sets in at 16-17 o'clock, then the probability of being left out of the driver's field of vision during movement or maneuver occurs not only among idle revelers who did not get home on time. Children returning from school, extracurricular activities, art studios are the most vulnerable part of the population. Their inattention, coupled with darkness, is a big risk.

In addition, according to the reports of police officers, pensioners also fall under the category of pedestrians at risk. With age, both hearing and vision become dull, liveliness and mobility are not the same as in youth, so it is so important to take care and protect yourself. This is very easy to do by attaching reflective elements to clothing or a bag.

What are reflectors and how do they work?

There are many different devices that can reflect light. Initially, these were reflectors - plates that were attached to cars, bicycles and other vehicles. These are the very figures of yellow, red, orange or white color. for pedestrians work on the same principle. They are able to reflect a beam of light in the dark without absorbing it. A variety of materials can be used, most often it is a textile or synthetic base on which polyvinyl chloride is applied. They also make reflectors as separate items - as a piece of clothing, bags, where the tape or appliqué is a non-removable element and sewn directly onto them.

Where can I buy?

So it turns out that you can already buy ready-made clothes or individual items with reflective elements that are attached to themselves or used as decoration. Such accessories can be found not only in specialized stores for athletes or tourists, but also in the departments of children's goods, toys, in stores stationery. But in the departments where sewing accessories are sold, thermal applications and a special tape are sold. With their help, it is easy to make retroreflective elements for pedestrians on your own.

Reflective clothing for adults

Few people pay attention to such elements when buying clothes. But in vain, because mostly people prefer to buy and wear clothes dark tones(black, blue, brown), namely, these colors merge most of all with environment. Gray and overcast winter days, darkness and an unmarked person are the most favorable factors that contribute to different kind emergency situations.

It should be noted that clothing sports style manufacturers, at their discretion, insert piping, stripes, drawings that create the possibility of not using additional retroreflective elements. For pedestrians and cyclists, this is an added advantage, because there is no need to constantly remove them and worry about whether you have a reflector with you.

The safety of children is the most important thing!

Fortunately, it is customary to pay more attention to children. That is why a lot of clothes and special accessories have been created for them, which children will wear with joy and pleasure. Of course, this is not all clothing, so parents should pay attention to this issue, review the child’s wardrobe, and if the use of reflective elements is not provided by the manufacturer, it is important to take care of this yourself. Fortunately, there are models of various brooches, stickers, stripes for every taste, their price is quite low, and attaching them is easy and simple. Persuading a child to wear an accessory is not difficult, because bright design and a wide color palette will definitely appeal to him.

Perhaps it will carry? ..

Hoping for a happy coincidence in the matter of one's own security is extremely unreasonable. Each person is responsible for himself and his actions. By the way, back in 2006, in our country, the use of retroreflective elements (including pedestrians) was legally approved. This rule is only advisory in nature, but its presence in the general set of rules shows how much the authorities are concerned about the increasing number of accidents in which people suffer (and sometimes die).

The inspectors plan to change the nature of this rule so that it becomes mandatory for all categories of citizens.

What about in other countries?

In order not to go far, let us clarify that in Belarus, with which Russia borders, it is approved: retroreflective elements for pedestrians are a mandatory accessory that is not subject to reservations and disputes. In Europe, the situation is even stricter, because in the case when the inspector traffic will notice that there is no reflector on the clothes, this threatens with a very serious fine. Perhaps that is why people in Western countries are more disciplined, because what is easier: to put on yourself and a vest on a child, or to pay a fine of 300 euros? Here in Russia, perhaps, it is necessary to introduce the whip method, maybe then there will be a result.

What are reflective elements

If everyone agrees on the need for their use, then you should understand the types and methods of use. The most affordable options that do not require any additional actions other than the purchase itself are key chains, pendants, brooches and bracelets. Their advantages are low cost, bright design, high variety of models. They can be made from different materials, come in a variety of sizes and shapes. The disadvantage of such removable reflectors is that they are easy to lose, forget about scrap or at school (at work).

Thermal reflectors, tape, buttons, stickers - these are all options that a person needs to independently fix on clothes, bags, bicycles, strollers or sleds. Thermal stickers are probably the best option. Why? Here are three undeniable advantages:

  • ease of use;
  • durability;
  • wide choose.

Thermal stickers containing reflective elements (exactly what you need for pedestrians) can be glued to any fabric. It can be cotton, linen, synthetic surfaces. It's not a problem to attach it to casual jeans, so to outerwear- jacket, raincoat, windbreaker. Numerous motifs (sports emblems, flowers, cartoon characters) will help not only protect yourself, but also make an original decoration.

Is it possible to make such protection with your own hands?

As already mentioned a little higher, you can personally decorate clothes and a bag, as well as a vehicle using thermal applications. But for lovers of needlework and original things, it will not be difficult to make a beautiful little thing, pendant or brooch. To do this, you just need to use objects and parts that have reflective properties. These can be buttons, braid, and even ready-made reflectors: having beaten them a little, anyone can easily create retroreflective elements for pedestrians with their own hands.

Another great opportunity to show your talents is to weave paracord bracelets. This is the kind of cord that climbers and the military usually use for their equipment. There is a paracord that is treated with a special luminescent substance. Throughout the day it accumulates sunlight, and in the dark it gives it away, radiating a soft, even light.

The vest is the most striking tool to attract attention

Separately, I want to highlight these for pedestrians. The photo of the vest clearly demonstrates how bright and catchy it is. Ribbons sewn on the front and back will help the driver to see a person even from a very long distance (with the headlights on, this is at least 100-150 meters).

The lightness and compactness of the vest when folded makes it possible to always have it with you. After all, it will not take up much space either in a handbag or in a children's briefcase. In special stores you can always buy a variety of sizes, ranging from small ones that will fit even a child lower grades, and ending with vests for adult men in the prime of life.


Another novelty that has appeared on the market offering reflective elements for children is special belts. Tape with reflective paint is sewn on the belt band, it snaps into place. This design makes it easy and quick to remove the belt and put it on when the child goes outside.

Set an example!

Unfortunately, the educational system of the country takes into account many different sciences. But to teach children and adults elementary safety rules that relate to behavior on the road, in in public places, in nature, so far no one can. It is very important that parents give their children the right and positive example, clearly demonstrating how to behave in a given situation. Only the systematic consolidation of skills, a daily reminder will develop a habit in a person that will come in handy more than once in life.

Tatyana Belyakova

Master- class with children and parents

« Flicker - do it yourself»

"Smart Pedestrian")


Target hands


Materials needed for work:

Paper figurine templates

Glue stick



Rhinestones for decoration


- Master- class with children and parents

« Flicker - do it yourself»

(within social project "Smart Pedestrian")

Relevance: a large number of pedestrians, especially children, die on the roads as a result of traffic accidents at night.

Target: Making crafts with your own hands. Explanation of the importance of retroreflective elements for the preservation of life.


Form an idea about the types of SVE

Practical training of parents in the manufacture of CB - appliqués for clothes;

To increase the interest of parents in the problem of the use of NE elements by children.

Educate law-abiding road users.

To increase the efficiency of work on the prevention of child road traffic injuries.

Materials needed for work:

Paper figurine templates

Reflective tapes in various widths

Glue stick



Rhinestones for decoration


Flicker is without a doubt,

traffic sign,

What doesn't stand still

And with you everywhere in a hurry.

He is not afraid of the dark

And sparkles from the headlights.

Beacon is such a driver

He will always see a mile away.

Attach to clothes FLICKER -

This is your bodyguard!

The situation with child road traffic injuries in the country remains alarming. The carriageway is the highest source of danger for all pedestrians, and especially for children, who actually have no sense of danger in front of moving vehicles. The child by virtue of his age features unable to adequately assess the road "picture" and understand the danger. A child who runs after a ball that has rolled away thinks only about how to pick up this ball. At the same time, it does not matter at all for him where to run for the ball - on playground or on the roadway. The child, carried away by his task to pick up the ball, is unlikely to notice the moving vehicles. Due to the lack of experience, the child is lost, panic arises, and he begins to act inappropriately. Running out onto the roadway, the child, seeing a moving vehicle, tries to jump away from it and gets under the wheels of the next car.

The task of parents is to ensure that children are safe on the road by holding their hands while moving along a pedestrian crossing. The safety of children on the road is a series of prohibitive measures that need to be explained and memorized to the child.

WITH early childhood The child needs to explain the rules of the road for pedestrians. Teaching children about safe behavior on the road is necessary by example! Children should be taught to navigate the road in different situations, to bring up discipline in observance of traffic rules!

Poorly lit road sections frequent occurrence on our roads. In the evening, discreetly dressed pedestrians merge with the darkness. That is why it is necessary to equip children's clothing flickers.

flicker- this is an element in clothing (sticker, badge, insert, bracelet, which has high retroreflective properties when light hits it. This reflective element is necessary to improve the safety of pedestrians on the roads at night or in poor visibility conditions. flicker on a child's clothes real way protect the child from injury in the dark on the carriageway.

At night, the driver sees a pedestrian at a distance of 20–50 m, and if there is flickers this distance increases to 150–200 m.

Four flicker on the clothes of a pedestrian - the best option. But, of course, the more flickers, all the better.

However, despite the presence flickers on clothes, pedestrians need to know and follow the rules of the road, be careful on the road. In order for the driver to notice a pedestrian at night, he needs to go towards the moving transport.

Today we will make DIY flicker

To do this, cut out various shapes from felt. (circle, square, rhombus, polygon, etc.)

Cut out the silhouette with scissors.

If desired, decorate with rhinestones.

We have an icon

Flicker called,

But the icon is not simple,


Bright light of distant headlights

He will reflect at the same moment.

And thus the reflection

Save our lives.

If you went on the road,

You mean don't forget flicker!

You take him with you

It will come in handy on the road.

Flicker glows, playing,

I am seen from afar.

Here is the truck

The driver slows down a little!

Never will I

leave flicker at home.

I'll attach it to my clothes

And I'll go for a walk!


« Flicker children - best friend in the world".

At the end of our lesson, we give a reminder on the use flicker

Reminder for parents on the need to use reflective elements

flicker(reflector) on clothes - today a real way to protect a child from injury on an unlit road. Its principle of operation is based on the fact that light, falling on a ribbed surface made of special plastic, is concentrated and reflected in the form of a narrow beam. When the car headlights "snatch" even a small retroreflector, the driver sees a bright point of light from afar. Therefore, the chances that a pedestrian or a cyclist will be noticed increase many times over. For example, if the car has low beam, then the driver will see an ordinary pedestrian from a distance of 25-40 meters. And the use of a retroreflector increases this figure to 130-240 meters! A small pendant on a string or a badge on a pin is attached to clothes, stickers are attached to a bicycle, scooter, backpack, bag. At first sight flicker looks like a toy. But its use, according to road safety experts, reduces child injuries on the road by six and a half times! Flicker is not afraid of moisture, no frost - you can wear it in any weather. But rely only on flickers are also not worth it. This is just one of the ways of passive protection of pedestrians. It is necessary to remember about the education of a competent pedestrian from childhood. In order for a child not to violate the Rules of the Road, he must not only know them - he must develop the skill of safe behavior on the road. illustrative example parents - best lesson for a child! Dear parents! Teach your child to follow the rules of the road. Make sure your child "lit up" on road. Make sure that your child has reflective elements on their clothes, making them very visible on the road. Remember - in dark clothes little pedestrian it is simply not visible to the driver, which means that there is a danger of a collision.


Pedestrian safety is the work of the pedestrian himself. And one of the main points here is to be as visible to the driver as possible, especially at night. What will help to see you from afar in the darkness? Special ones called flickers. What it is, how they look, act and why they are so relevant, we will tell further.

Flickers are...

Not to be confused with the term for the human perception of fluctuations in the light rays emitted by artificial lighting devices, which are caused by voltage surges in the electrical network that feeds these devices.

In our case, a flicker is a special accessory made in the form of a chevron, patch, key ring, pendant, etc. reflective particles designed to be worn by pedestrians during the dark hours of the day. The word comes from English. flicker, What does "blink" mean? This name for reflective badges in our country was invented by the specialists of the company " Modern systems and networks-XXI century".

Why are flickers needed?

Flicker for today is really a real way to protect yourself on the road. It's all about the action of this glowing keychain:

  • The product has an insert made of special ribbed plastic. Light from headlights, lanterns and other night illuminators, falling on it, is concentrated and reflected already in the form of a narrow light beam. As a result, the driver sees a bright reflective element in front of him at a distance of 350-200 m (with high beam). It is noticeable not only in the far, but also in the low beam.
  • When you cross the track in the dark without flickers, the driver with low beam headlights can only see you at a distance of 25-50 m. As shown sad statistics, this run-up is sometimes too short for the person behind the wheel to react quickly and brake in time.

  • The fact that a person with such a bright highlighter is much better visible to the driver of a car is confirmed by experiments and studies. So, scientists from Norway found that a pedestrian with a flicker is 80% more noticeable in the dark and twilight.
  • Half of all road accidents involving pedestrians occur at twilight, darkness (according to information provided by Finnish researchers). The reason is that the driver did not notice the pedestrian crossing the road in time and did not have a flicker with him.
  • It was found that the wearing of flickers by small pedestrians reduces child injuries on the roads by 6.5 times!

What can be a flicker

At first glance, flickers are badges, key rings, accessories. They can be attached both to clothes and to a bag, backpack, bicycle or baby carriage. Their diversity today is great:

  • pendants;
  • key rings-toys for children;
  • badges with various prints;
  • reflective self-locking bracelet;
  • reflective LED bracelet on the clasp;
  • sticker that glows in the dark;
  • reflective cap;
  • reflective backpack;
  • reflective vest-cape;
  • glow-in-the-dark belt.

Some manufacturers of children's clothing are starting to produce models that already have reflective elements in their composition. In the Belarusian city of Vitebsk, two collections of clothes for women were presented, also with the inclusion of flicker inserts in the design.

Wearing flickers - traffic police order

In our country, flickers are certainly an innovation. But, for example, in Scandinavia, where it gets dark just as early and brightens late in the cold seasons, as in our latitudes, wearing reflective stripes and key fobs by pedestrians is a common thing.

However, today in many Russian cities there are actions during which traffic police distribute flickers to everyone absolutely free of charge. This is done not only as a formality, these reflective key rings and stripes are really great helpers pedestrian in twilight and darkness.

Moreover, from July 1, 2015, the wearing of reflective inserts in the Russian Federation became mandatory for pedestrians crossing the highway outside settlements at night or in conditions of poor visibility. This prescribes clause 4.1 of the SDA. For its violation, you will have to pay a certain fine.

"Correct" and "wrong" flicker

A really useful flicker is an element that has certain characteristics. Let's see how to distinguish it from an ordinary souvenir or a children's toy keychain.

You should also not trust clothing manufacturers who replace traditional flicker plastic with glass beads in order to reduce the cost of production. The efficiency of such elements is much lower - they can be seen from a shorter distance than "traditional" flickers. In addition, they are useless when wet, for example in the rain.

How should flickers be worn?

Of course, the more the pedestrian glows in the dark, the better. The recommended traffic police minimum is as follows:

  • One reflective detail on the right and left hand.
  • One flicker on the front - on the belt or badge on the chest.
  • One luminous element at the back - a patch on the back or backpack.

Thus, it is enough to equip yourself with four flickers so that you can be seen on the road from all angles.

Despite all these advantages, flicker will not be a panacea that will completely protect you from danger on the road. Wearing this element is effective, coupled with knowledge of at least the basic rules of the road that will help you save your life and health. Only a competent pedestrian, whether an adult or a child, can be sure of his safety on the road. And the flicker is his faithful assistant in the dark.

Master class "Be more visible in the dark"

(making a flicker)

Goal of the work : explaining the importance of reflective elements for preserving life in the city's road network.

Tasks :

Formation of ideas about the types of NE - reflectors;

Practical training of children in the manufacture of SV-flickers;

Increasing children's interest in the problem of using NE - elements.

Master class progress:

Teacher: Guys! Today we will talk about what worries everyone, both children and adults. We will talk about the rules of the road We all live in a village where there are many streets and many cars. You already know how to behave on the street. Let's remember simple rules pedestrian:

- Cross the street only at the pedestrian crossing;

- Cross the street only at the green traffic light;

- To cross the street, first look left, then right.

- Never play on the road.

Teacher: Well done guys. You know the rules of the road well. Now look at the board. It presents several road signs that we should be aware of. Let's call them together, (repetition of signs).

GAME "It's me, it's me, it's all my friends"

And now I propose to play the game. I will start, and you answer me according to the meaning: “This is me, this is me, these are all my friends!”

1) Which one of you is moving forward

Only where is the "Transition"?

It's me, it's me

These are all my friends!

2) Who knows that the red light -

Does that mean there is no move?

It's me, it's me

These are all my friends!

3) Who flies forward so soon,

What does not see a traffic light?

Children are wet.

5) Which one of you is in the cramped tram

Giving way to adults?

It's me, it's me

These are all my friends!


At school you are students

And in the theater - the audience,

And in the museum, in the zoo -

We are all visitors.

And if you went out into the street,

Know, buddy, in advance:

You have become higher than all the names,

You immediately became...Children: A PEDESTRIAN

Teacher: So guys. When you go outside, you immediately become an active participant in the traffic. You all know the rules of the road, you all follow them. But sometimes it happens on the street bad weather: fog, it is raining, or you are returning home with your parents in dark time days, in THESE conditions you become less visible to drivers of vehicles.

And in order to be noticeable in such conditions on the road, you need to use retroreflective elements. Or as they are called differently - FLICKERS. Toyou need very little to mark yourself on the road at night or in bad weather - place "fireflies" on clothes, bags, backpacks, shoes. Dressing up in the headlights, they will indicate your presence on the road, which means they will allow drivers to slow down and prevent a collision.

Teacher: There are currently many such elements. You can buy them at the store, they are on your briefcases, but you can also make them yourself.

Today, in our "workshop", together we will produce reflectiveelements - FLICKERS to always be visible on the road.

Look at the blackboard. I have prepared some very interesting posters for you. Let's look at them:

1) "Identify yourself"

2) "Become more visible in the dark"

3) "Be more visible when walking in absolute darkness!"

Practical work:

For work you need: cardboard, glue, scissors, reflective tape. But before we get started, let's remember the safety rules when working with scissors.

Children work in groups: they mark figures on a reflective tape according to templates, cut them out, attach them to a ribbon and hang them around their necks. At the end of the workshop, each group demonstrates their work. Quiet music plays during operation.

Game Red. Yellow. Green. (physical minute)

Red - we stand like soldiers. Yellow - squat. Green - we walk in place.

Well done boys.

And now let's put on our flickers that we got. You have identified yourself. You've got some very nice flickers. Now at home you can make them for your family.

Guys, I want everyone to understand how important flicker is for little pedestrians. This luminous strip will protect your life and your health.

We have an icon

Flicker is called,

But the icon is not simple,


Bright light of distant headlights

He will reflect at the same moment.

And thus the reflection

Save our lives.

If you went on the road,
Don't forget Flicker!
You take him with you
It will come in handy on the road.
Flicker glows while playing
I am seen from afar.
Here is the truck
The driver slows down a little!

Never will I

Leave flicker at home.

I'll attach it to my clothes

And I'll go for a walk!


"Flicker is the best friend in the world for children."

Flicker it's without a doubt ,

traffic sign ,

What is out of place ,

And with you everywhere in a hurry .

He is not afraid of the dark

And sparkles from the headlights .

Beacon is such a driver

A mile away will always see .

Attach Flicker to clothes

This is your bodyguard!

Children give gifts to guests (with wishes - always follow traffic rules)

Municipal government educational institution

"Secondary school No. 2" IMRSK

Master Class

"Flicker is the best friend in the world for children"


Bratsykhina I.V.

classroom teacher

1 "B" class

The use of various kinds of light reflectors is the main safety condition for cyclists when driving on the roadway at night. These devices are able to return most of the light beam captured by their surface.

Thanks to a high-quality reflector or several reflective devices at once, car drivers guaranteed to notice the moving front or side of the bike and safely go around it. The velobike, and the cyclist himself, ceases to be an obscure shadow on the road, which allows you to avoid an emergency.

How are they used and where are they bought?

Reflector on hand.

Reflective elements can be attached to clothing or bicycle parts. The simplest is to wear a reflector in the form of a bracelet on your arm or place an appropriate sticker on your clothes and bike parts.

Such simple but extremely effective devices are sold in sports shops that sell bicycles, as well as spare parts and accessories for this type of transport. The most comfortable for bike owners will be the purchase of reflective elements in special online stores that willingly offer fast delivery goods by courier.

These reflectors are relatively inexpensive. But if for some reason the cyclist nevertheless decided to refuse to buy in the store, he can always make reflective elements with his own hands - there are usually no difficulties in assembling the device.

It should be noted that according to the rules of the road, reflective elements on a bicycle must be installed in three primary colors:

  • White color used for front reflectors that tell motorists that the bike is heading towards them.
  • Red color applies only to rear reflectors, allowing car drivers to correctly overtake a cyclist.
  • Orange color- a traditional indicator of dimensions. On velobikes, such reflectors are mounted on the spokes and wheel rims. Moreover, modern reflectors, having a low weight and reliable fastening, do not lead to wheel imbalance.

Homemade reflector

Most simple option for wheels and clothes, handmade is considered a film that reflects light.

Reflective self-adhesive tape.

A special self-adhesive adhesive tape is suitable for work, reflecting light and having an orange color, five centimeters wide. Arc strips are cut out of cardboard, which are attached to back side adhesive tape. Then each strip is cut along the contour and pasted over with adhesive tape on the reverse side.

The finished strips are placed on the rim just below where the brake pads fit. long term operation, such reflectors do not differ, but they have quite budget cost(2.5 meters of tape cost about $2).

From the same material and using a similar technology, key chains and any stickers (flickers) for clothes are made. The basis for them is thick paper.

Reflective elements for clothing

Manufacturers offer ready-made kits for cyclists, designed to illuminate at night and ensure traffic safety on city roads.

Flicker for clothes.

Typically, such a kit includes a bracelet and several flickers - small self-adhesive badges that can be placed on a jacket, trousers, shoes or a bicycle backpack. Badges or stickers are made of soft plastic or film, which makes it easy to attach and wear on clothing.

The shape and size of the flicker can be different - it is often made in the form of funny animals (for children), stripes and plates (for adults). Such a reflector is attached with pins or lace. There are roll-up models suitable for installation directly on a bike. Bracelets are used to wear on the arm, forearm or lower leg. And the keychain included in the kit can be placed in any convenient place, for example, on a jacket.

Such a set is seen from a distance of 400 meters, which prevents accidental collision with a car. The kit is also recommended for pedestrians to wear.

Stickers for the set are easy to make with your own hands. Such creativity will especially please teenagers - after all, any badge can be cut out of a self-adhesive and reflective tape, while embodying your imagination. Perfect option for girls - hearts and flowers different sizes. Boys prefer emoticons. And adults remain conservative and use sticky strips and tapes for clothes.

Usually, vertical and horizontal placement of stripes (or various figures) is used, with the help of which the legs, arms and body of the cyclist are designated.

Light reflectors - issue price

The kit for a velobike includes front, rear and side reflective elements (reflectors). More expensive models of reflectors are made of glass, while budget ones are often made of inexpensive plastic. Such a luminous element is enclosed in a housing made of chrome-plated metal or polystyrene. Price budget set about 1.5-2 dollars.

Stickers in the form of strips measuring 2 by 8.5 cm, made of elastic and soft plastic, are sold at a price of 40-50 cents. They are easily attached to the frame and other parts of the bike, including uneven surfaces. But first of all, they are intended for placement on clothes, hats and shoes. This universal type reflectors.

Reflector Vtravel.

When choosing such a device, it is best to give preference trusted manufacturers. For example, Vtravel, Longus or Kellys, representing the widest range of reflective stickers, tapes and stripes, as well as vests for cyclists on the domestic market.

Rim strips from Vtravel.

Rim strips from Vtravel can be purchased for 80-90 cents. And stickers in the form of emoji for clothes cost an average of $3.5 (Longus brand).

New on the reflective market are LED-based tapes, stickers and reflectors. This perfect solution for bad weather. Such reflectors are versatile devices that work equally well in rain and fog. To power the LEDs, a battery or batteries used in a conventional flashlight or dynamos (DC generators mounted on the front wheel) are suitable. Such a tape will cost about 3.5-4 dollars (width 3, length 42 cm, manufacturer Longus).