Lifting the mood of a man. Real ways to cheer up your beloved guy in person, via the Internet and SMS

When bad times come, it is important for a person to understand those who are nearby. Choosing a partner for a serious relationship, everyone hopes that he will share both joy and sorrow with him. A guy will always appreciate that girl who knows how to support and cheer up in the most difficult moment. How to do it right? boyfriend?

A few words about what a mood is

Each person reflects the outside world through the prism of his inner "I" in the form of experiences expressing a subjective attitude towards the world around him and towards himself. An instant reaction to events that have taken place, probable or remembered, are emotions: joy, sadness, anger, longing. A more stable attitude to specific objects, including animate ones, is feelings: love for the motherland, hatred for enemies, attachment to things. The mood is the stable one that is not connected with the objective world, but expresses the attitude to the real life situation. How can a guy, if you do not know the reasons for a bad mood?

There can be many of them: professional failure, chronic lack of money, loss or betrayal of a close friend. The man himself is not always able to realize the origins of the decline in mood. Addressing the cause by looking for a new job is one way, but pushing for a change in attitude is another. Sometimes a person just needs support, and sometimes he himself is not ready to switch the mood, preferring to survive the troubles that have fallen on his own. If a person dear to the heart has passed away, for example, with whom many pleasant memories are associated, and you want to be alone, not sharing your grief with anyone. In such a case, the best thing to do is to let him be alone for a while.

How to cheer up a guy at a meeting: common mistakes

If there is no way to influence the cause of the mood decline or it is unknown, the girl needs to show understanding of the young man’s condition, bring positive emotions into communication and, if possible, strengthen his self-confidence in order to overcome the traumatic situation. Therefore, it is absolutely impossible:

  • rush with questions (a rare guy wants to look like a loser in front of a girl);
  • to regret (the young man wants to be sure that he is considered strong);
  • console without understanding the reasons;
  • try to cheer at all costs (this will cause irritation);
  • show obsessive affection (unnatural behavior leads to tension);
  • offer help to fix the problem (the guy needs to be inspired, not pulled in tow).

There are many options for how to cheer up a guy without affecting his self-esteem. For this you should:

Being at a distance, knowing her boyfriend well, a girl can always understand when he is in a bad mood. At the beginning of a relationship, one should pay attention to feigned gaiety, not always appropriate jokes, a certain absent-mindedness during dialogue, a loss of concentration, and long pauses that occur when the young man seems to pick up words. This is due to the peculiarities of male psychology: they, unlike women, do not know how to do two things at once. If they are occupied with some problem, it is difficult for them to keep the thread of the conversation.

The answer to the question of how to cheer up a guy at a distance depends entirely on the girl’s ability and desire to overcome the kilometers separating them. The best option is an offer to meet to take a walk, visit a cinema or a cafe, just drive around the city. Nothing helps in difficult times like communication with a loved one. It is acceptable to ask the question if the guy is all right. If desired, he will honestly answer it, and if there is no such desire, one should not insist. In the future, he will definitely appreciate female delicacy.

How to cheer up a pen pal

The danger of a prolonged bad mood is that it can develop into depression, causing serious somatic disorders. At the same time, there are situations when the distance is so significant that the girl has to resort to other means of communication, for example, to correspondence. Receding into the past has a huge therapeutic value, which in no case should be neglected: a familiar handwriting, a folded sheet with a girl's hand, some kind of subtle smell. A handwritten name and carry special warmth and support.

The letter has another remarkable property - it can be stored. Therefore, writing it must be taken seriously in order to arouse such a desire in a young person. How to cheer up a guy by correspondence, if not positive? A small drawing with a pen in the margins, which depicts funny little men, emoticons, only two familiar characters. An interesting investment in an envelope, reminiscent of the time spent together, any little thing that tells about feelings more than words. If a guy is in the army, places of detention or a special business trip, the girl should share the details of her life, reflections on current events, so that he would have a desire to be involved in her life, which helps to improve her internal state.

What can be done with SMS

The 21st century is the age of mobile communications. SMS is a lifesaver even when people are together. For any misunderstanding, if it is difficult to find words, you can type a small text: "Darling, I'm wrong" or "I'm sad when we are in a quarrel." The ability to use emoticons, photos, selfies taken a minute ago expands the possibilities of broadcasting positive emotions. The answer to the question of how to cheer up a guy via SMS depends on knowing the reasons for his internal discomfort and personality traits. A serious, intellectually developed young man can be thrown off an aphorism that gives impetus to rethinking the problem, a lover - affectionate words that he wants to hear, but humor is shown to everyone without exception.

People laugh at different things: one appreciates black humor, while the other does not accept it, someone considers the joke vulgar, while in others it causes a knowing smile. An example of generic strings would be:

  • Confirmation that the girl is nearby and always in touch: “Your subscriber sends the number to say: you can call him at any hour.”
  • Confidence in feelings. Such SMS are good because real emotions can be exaggerated, and this will be regarded correctly: “Today I put three thousand kisses, two thousand tender words and five thousand hugs into your heart's bank account. If you miss me, you can always withdraw them from the account.
  • young man: "Hi, I'm your SMS-ka ... Oh, what strong hands hold the phone and unusually beautiful eyes look at me!".

Opportunities for communication over the Internet

Runet provides more chances to solve the problem, how to cheer up a guy. Visual communication programs that erase the distance and allow you to spend some time in an intimate setting with each other, allow couples separated by circumstances to maintain relationships. This does not replace the personal contact, the chemistry that arises between two young people, but gives its own romance and a sense of closeness through many kilometers.

The answer to the question of how to cheer up a guy on the Internet depends on the level of development of the relationship. At the stage of their inception, it is appropriate to watch their favorite films, programs, videos together, which a girl can pick up in advance, preferring the most fun and positive, taking into account the preferences of a young man. You can arrange joint shopping in online stores, choosing gifts for loved ones or Music helps well, slide shows prepared by a girl for a specific event from personal photos. Men rarely focus on dates, but appreciate if a girl gives them meaning, forming certain traditions. Everyone loves pleasant surprises, and the Internet provides a great opportunity to give them: postcards, inscriptions on the VKontakte wall, voice messages and cute gifts that can tell a lot without words.

Changeable mood is more typical for girls than for guys. If a man is blacker than a cloud, then the matter is serious. In order not to fall under a hot hand, you need to cheer him up and cheer him up. Next, tips will be presented on how to cheer up a guy, both general and situational.

What cheers up guys?

The strong half of humanity is considered less emotional. Indeed, it is much more difficult to upset a guy than a girl. He will not be saddened by a broken nail or the absence of new trousers in the wardrobe. The reason for a bad mood should be more serious. For example, a car breakdown, lack of funds, or a serious conflict with superiors.

To fix the situation for the guy is to solve it. It is unlikely that the girl will be able to help with this. However, there is another option. In order for a man's mood to improve, you need to distract him, make him laugh or share his sadness. Men themselves admit that it is best to be distracted from problems by sex and food. A less preferred way is to watch a funny movie, chat with friends, go in for sports or play a computer game.

For a girl who now cannot pay attention to a guy, having come to him, you can offer an option, write something pleasant to him. As the saying goes, words can hurt and they can heal. Affectionate treatment or a joke will be a sign that the guy is not alone, he is loved and accepted, despite all the troubles.

SMS examples:

  • “Darling, I’m waiting for you at home at 18:00. There will be a delicious dinner and a sweet dessert”
  • “Hello, (name patronymic of the guy). Your doctor is concerned. You urgently need kisses to heal the wounds of the soul.
  • “Whatever the streak in your life now, black or white, know that I will always warm you, feed and caress you!”
  • “My dear boy, don’t be a cactus, don’t frown and look at the situation with humor!”
  • You are my Napoleon! I believe in your inexhaustible strength and I am proud that I have such a man!
  • “Remember that everything passes and changes. No matter what, I will always love you!”
  • “Evening comes, the city falls asleep, know that in this world you are dear to someone ...”

Cool pies:

  • “Are you Cinderella not in the spirit or something, well, I can understand a pumpkin in soup, but what kind of mole and mice are in stew”
  • "Let's go free from the hateful apartments, grab a couple of sandwiches and the world"

How else to cheer up a guy by correspondence? Leave him funny, funny pictures, anecdotes, cool videos. Interest in any event of his interests, offer your help and support.

Please note that sometimes it is better to contact by phone. A gentle, worried voice will help the guy to believe in himself. Be unobtrusive, don't question. Most guys need to close in on themselves in order to generate a solution to a problem. Be prepared for your attention to be irritated. If this happens, it is better to lie low for a while.

If the guy is near and sad

If a guy is attacked by sadness and melancholy and you, by a happy (or not so) chance, are next to him, just smile at him. A sincere smile and warmth are the best medicines for an upset person. Be responsive, hug, caress, offer to take a walk in the fresh air.

Hiking and a lot of oxygen have a positive effect on the emotional background. If the guy likes to fool around, you can think of some kind of prank. To cheer him up, pretend to be a rooster and crow in a crowded place, or buy ice cream and start eating it, deliberately making your face very dirty.

How to make a man always happy

Unfortunately, this is simply not possible. To be sad, as well as to rejoice, is a normal human condition. It is impossible to receive only positive emotions. Negativity happens, and you need to learn how to deal with it correctly. This means not to fall into despondency and depression, but to look for ways to solve the problem.

How can you help this guy? You do not impose your way of thinking, but you can set a personal example. Take trouble with a grain of salt, smile, and find time to relax and joke around. It is also important to discard self-pity, not to be afraid of obstacles, but to perceive them as an opportunity for growth.

Ways to improve men's mood depending on the reasons

There is no such pill that would cure all diseases at once. You must first study the patient's medical history, so to speak, to delve into the essence of the problem. Only based on this, you can act for sure. So, tips on how to improve a guy’s mood depending on the situation:

Important! Do not forget about the individual approach. Characters are different, what is good for one, then another is death. Try to tune in to the same wave, remember his preferences, think about the appropriateness of the chosen method.

Original ways to cheer up

The concept of "original" is different for everyone. For some, it will seem interesting and unusual way to go to the computer store together. Others like, as an option to cheer up, a parachute jump. Still others will appreciate the performance of their own songs, poems. Do not feed the fourth with bread, but serve tomfoolery - a pillow fight, putting on tights on your head or a promenade along the main street in shorts over jeans. The main thing is not to be afraid to seem funny and connect your imagination.

The opinion of psychologists about the mood in men is unequivocal. They, just like women, are in trouble. The only difference is that they keep most of their emotions to themselves. It's so laid down by nature. You can’t show your weakness, otherwise you will be trampled by the pack. Men who get emotional and complain may later blame themselves for being too outspoken.

Psychologists advise a girl, a woman not to provoke her beloved to show feelings. The best help is to become feminine and charming. Be attentive to him, gentle, affectionate. There should be an outlet where it is warm and comfortable. A simple phrase: “I love you and believe that you will overcome any difficulties” can inspire a man and cheer him up.

In addition, as a loving person, you must be on your guard. If a guy shows signs of depression, melancholy has dragged on for too long, or thoughts of suicide appear, you need to insist on the help of a professional psychologist. Alas, nervous disorders are not treated with love.

Sometimes when our loved one is sad, we girls get really lost and don't know what to do. Start with a warm message. If the guy responds, use the heavier artillery. Stick to the golden mean, be indifferent, but unobtrusive, appropriate.

A guy who does not want to correspond, most likely, craves solitude. Do not worry, when the life horizon clears up, he will crawl out of his little cave and behave as if nothing had happened. Men, what to take from them.

Lena, Kostroma

The weather in the house depends on many factors. Often quarrels arise from scratch. The inability to cheer up each other can cause a protracted "war". Let's think about how to cheer up your loved one, how to make the sun come out from behind the clouds again. Of course, we immediately exclude cases when resentment and a bad mood of a loved one are legitimate in relation to your behavior or words. Let's talk about those moments in life when boredom or sadness comes suddenly and out of nowhere.

The situation is tense

You should first try to defuse the situation. Suddenly, from thunder and lightning, your cozy nest will light up? In such a situation, a well-aimed short joke or anecdote will do. Some men prefer vulgar humor. Active sports fans can offer something related to their favorite team. Fishermen - about fishing, etc. It doesn’t matter what you joke about, the main thing is that your loved one feels that you are doing it from the bottom of your heart and with the desire to cheer him up.

If you do not like to tell jokes, do not remember a single funny incident or story, then you can dress up in something funny and stage a comical situation yourself. You can associate fun dressing up with your partner's favorite pastime or hobby and play a few games of their favorite game together. You can offer him to do something out of the ordinary, extreme, which you have never done in a normal situation.

All the girls have heard the phrase: "The way to a man's heart is through his stomach." But a good hostess can not only charm with her dishes, but also cheer. On a full stomach, you don’t want to sit and be bored, you want to do something, to be active. A skilled culinary specialist can cook her favorite dishes for her sad half and at the same time decorate them in a fun and unusual way: draw various smiling faces, muzzles, flowers and everything that comes into her head at this creative moment.

All men are very fond of sweets. Cookies or cakes, a cake and even just sweets will help cheer you up. And if you bake them yourself and at the same time write warm words, draw smiles or funny faces, then your loved one will undoubtedly like such sweets.

It is not necessary during the meal to remind your loved one that something has broken in the house and requires his efforts. Leave household chores for tomorrow, and today - have fun and take care of each other. Let your partner feel how dear he is to you, how much you love him.

Men are from the planet Mars and women are from Venus. We are different, so we look at the same things differently. Never forget this. What can upset you, your loved one will not even hurt, and vice versa. Therefore, you should take a closer look at each other. It is not always possible to immediately notice that your loved one has lost his mood, and guessing why - this can be just an overwhelming task. It is not necessary in such cases to inquire and seek reasons. This can only aggravate the condition of your loved one. Just accept his bad mood as a fact and try to disperse the clouds. If your efforts have not brought any results, and your loved one is still gloomy and gloomy, then in no case blame the man that he is to blame for the fact that nothing worked out for you, that he does not appreciate you and does not see your efforts. Just remember the whole situation and wait a little. Perhaps it would be more beneficial for your loved one to be alone for a while, to be alone with their thoughts. Your patience will be rewarded later. A man over time himself will tell you about the reason for his bad mood, if he considers it necessary.

Guests in the house

You can invite your friends and girlfriends and have a party or fun outdoor games with barbecue. A noisy company, loyal friends and associates will undoubtedly drive away all sorrows and sorrows, return a good mood to your loved one. For the best effect, you can watch some funny comedy together. The male half can watch the match and cheer for their favorite team, while the female half will prepare delicious snacks and desserts while cheerfully discussing the latest news in the fashion world.

March to bed

The best remedy for bad mood is sex. The production of hormones by the organisms in the process of making love does not allow a man to think about something else. You need to try hard to empty your loved one in bed. After a hurricane of passions, a bad mood will not appear on the horizon for a long time, and you yourself will become even closer to each other.

It is very easy to cheer up a loved one. It is enough to feel your soul mate, treat her with participation. Love is a multifaceted feeling that, like a beacon, will guide you through life's storms and bad weather, reliably protecting your family's fragile boat.

Show him your love and support with messages.

If a person is really close, you will not be able to calmly look at his sad face or realize through messages that something in his life is going wrong. Sometimes there is no opportunity to meet in person. In such a situation, girls ask themselves the question: how to cheer up a pen pal?

Declaration of love

If your relationship has reached the stage when the situation with an awkward confession of feelings is left behind, write in a gentle SMS how you love the guy. Whatever the problem is, he will always be pleased to know that in any situation you will support him.

He is the best

Every man needs to feel the strongest, smartest, handsome and other nice adjectives. If a guy fails at something, whether it's failing an exam, getting fired from a job, or having a bad job interview, he needs you more than ever. Write that this is only a temporary difficulty. That you have been around for a long time and I am sure that he is smart and will definitely fix the situation. But don't confuse flattery with encouragement. Empty but loud words will not bring the desired result, but will only make things worse. Remember: in case of failure, a man must believe in himself again, and for this he needs you to believe in him.


Laughter is the cure for all problems. A dose of humor can dull the pain for a while and drive away bad thoughts. But you don’t need to go to extremes and send the guy all the jokes about Vovochka that you find on the Internet. Funny words should be "in the subject." You can send him a link to the article. Even if a man does not roll on the floor with laughter, a smile will surely slip on his face.

In addition to messages, you can send funny videos to the guy. To do this, it is important to know the preferences of the young man and be sure that he will like the video.

"Your Phrases"

In correspondence, it will not be superfluous to use a funny phrase that only you understand. Recall a comical incident that happened recently. The main thing is that this should not be a situation in which the young man does not appear in the best light - this will only inflame the situation.

Sometimes a man needs to talk about his problems. It is difficult to keep all experiences in an inner box, firmly closed with a padlock. Try to unobtrusively ask if he wants to discuss the situation. If the answer is categorical, do not continue to develop the topic. This is not a girlfriend who says “no”, but implies “yes” and waits for you to start asking for information yourself. If it's clear from the messages that the guy doesn't mind talking about the topic, let him talk. Even if you cannot help with advice or action, he will still feel better.

Remember that the main thing is his problem. Forget about your own experiences and failures for the day. It is important for a man to understand that he is not only heard, but also listened to. So say as little as possible about yourself.

If possible, use emoticons - they are designed to make the correspondence “alive”. Choose those emoticons that match your emotions at the moment. They will look cute and convey the right feelings.

You can send the guy a "heart" - it will definitely cheer him up.

If the guy doesn't want to talk—or has already done so—try changing the subject. Talking about other things will distract him from his problems for a while. You can start a topic about his hobby and ask questions to which you do not know the answers. Does your boyfriend know about cars? Write that you saw a beautiful car and you want to know its brand. Describe the car and, together with the guy, go through all the possible options. Young man playing computer games? Report that you downloaded / bought the game, but you can’t figure it out. A man will meet halfway, and at the same time be distracted from sad thoughts.

Let this SMS send a million sweetest kisses to my beloved, and every moment of your busy day will turn into candy pleasure!

Let a drop of passion in this message make you smile, dear, and kindle a fire of inspiration before we meet soon!

I thought, my dear, and decided to express my thoughts in SMS - in your sunny warm hands, not only my heart can melt, but also a huge Arctic iceberg!

A girl named Love is writing to you, wanting to fill your day with a feeling of rainbow euphoria! My favor will instantly dissolve all your troubles!

Dear, you will certainly smile after reading this message, because the flower of paradise of my adoration for you has blossomed in it! I can even see your smile in the sunbeam!

My beloved subscriber, break away from vain affairs and read this SMS, which will instantly relieve all work stresses, because the honey of my love flows in it!

Your phone purred softly, delivering a message from me! My heart was also humming the sunny tune of love while composing this message!

I want a positive mood to be a companion of your day, dear! So I'm sending you a delicious caramel kiss with the lines of this message!

Dear, maybe you won’t become, just today, richer by a million, but you will definitely become a billionaire, having received infinity of my kisses and heartfelt confessions!

Kitty, let my tenderness and care sent in a message flash like a bright star in your palms! It will surely illuminate the success of your today's plans!

The SMS I sent you is magical! She will explode with a rainbow firework of your male achievements in every undertaking and business project!

From my message, on your day, dear, a wonderful fabulousness will penetrate! She will turn you into a fearless knight who will overcome all obstacles on the way to a triumphant end to the day!

Dear, I hope my sunny adoration will spill out of the letter you read, and become a warm addition to your cup of hot aromatic coffee!

I forgot to say, kitty, your smile should not be hidden in everyday affairs! You will not part with her irresistible charm, even for a short moment!

I have not yet looked at the weather outside the window, but I know that this tiny message will warm your heart, beloved, turning into an unfading amber star!

While you are reading my SMS, dear, I am like a weightless sunbeam, tremblingly dancing near your heart, enjoying its rapid beat of happiness!

My dear, you, of course, show maximum enthusiasm at work, but I want to ask you to leave the fuse of passion for me, who will flare up with an avalanche of tenderness when we meet!

I have no doubt, dear, you will conquer all the horizons of the tasks assigned to you! At the same time, I want not a single drop of fatigue to darken your mood!

Let the kitten support my SMS, the balance of harmony and positive in your affairs! Bring home the laurel wreath of victory for your achievements in today's labors!

My dear, the lines of this message alternate with my sugar kisses! May the coming day bring sweet moments and chocolate-delicious impressions!

My adored hero, let your exploits be world-class today, and I, as an inspired lady of your heart, will give you an encouraging kiss in the evening!

There is an important reason for my unexpected SMS - I want my kind words to become for you, dear, a source of inexhaustible good mood!

Beloved, I urgently want to tell you that your warmth is hotter than velvet summer, and thanks to it, the multicolor of luxurious orchids constantly dazzles in my heart!

I'll distract you for a while, dear, with sunny words! Let your undertakings be successful, and no chores reduce your cheerful optimism!

Let my love sms melt your efficiency and severity for a while, dear, and turn into a playful spark of happiness in your bottomless gaze!

Darling, I will dilute your dressed up day with a sweet moment of adoration! Let the conceived turn out, the innermost come true and the most desired materialize!

My dear, be sure to smile when reading a telephone letter! Indeed, in your smile lives an angelic serenity and an unearthly attraction that enchanted my heart!

Beloved, let the flow of everyday work affairs be diluted with the anticipation of hot hugs and unrestrained kisses that I have prepared for our meeting!

Darling, if I could turn into a transparent rainbow butterfly, I would fly to you every minute, and uncontrollably whisper love pleasantries in your ear!

May this day, beloved, be filled with fantastic impressions that you will share during our romantic date!